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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
J, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1906. n (MILDRED 17RITE U0RE LETTERS TO DAY'S EM Oil EAST SIDE ; Contractors Wonder Where They , Will Get Material, for : '-' . Big nils. ED ffi: mmE SAnTfl CLltiiS.THROUGII JOURHAL One Comet Frorrt Grants Pass and Number From Children VVria - ; In the Rose City Santa Gets All ' V " V.v,'V Letters In Time.' li Mil ! Than Santa Claue opened Ma bar of jeiiara ana amid: "I wonder If I - have , missed any of these, children V , y And h road the latter all ovor and found that ha had something for every- 'Then I am ready to go td Oregon," he aald, and climbed into hla alelgh and gathered up the retna and waa just aat- ting ready to whistle to tha reindeers and make them hurry over the now, when he heard a bussing sonnd Inside his know-house. - ' '- "That must be a lata message," ha aid, and Jumped quickly to the ground and ran In. There, sura enough, tha 'wireless was going buis-ss. - f "Just In time." Santa Claus whis pered, and took down the following: "From Tha Journal at Portland, Ore gon, to Santa Claus Wa hope theee letters that Just arrived are not too late, for we know the little boy and girl 'want to see you . very, very much. Georgia didn't send his address, but his little brother wrote to you a few days ago and he lives In tha same house. Here are tha letters: - "City Dee 1 1(06 dear saoty I would Ilka to have a muelo to blow and alloe In wonder land a little wagon and some candy I am a good little boy years old George Bornman." . ' IIILl ROAD MAY DOUBLE TRACK 1 - " High . Officials Think Such Should Be Done From Port-: land to St. PauL ' INCREASED TRAFFIC fr - 8 DEMANDING IT Investment of Industrial Capital and , General Developments in the Pa ' cific Northwest Responsible for Im provement Agitation in Railroad. If the ad rice of tha highest officials of the company Is taken tha Northern Paclne railroad will be Immediately double-tracked from Portland to fit PauL J. M. Hannaford, second vie president la charge of t raffle, an hla re turn to New Tork from a recent visit to this city, aald double-tracking and Immense Increase of terminal facilities was Immediately necessary. enormous Increase of business : Is solely responsible to Investment of In dustrial eapltaJ and general develop menta In the Paclne northwest. . Mr. Hannaford said: "Northern Pacific Is doing the hear lest bualnaee la Its history We tiave mora ..facilities than aver . before, but The other la from Blanche, and aha wanta you to be good to her little broth er, too, 'because ha can't write to you; ha la so young." She says: " "der .fianta CI as plese come here to 8t Alblna Ave an glvme a doll that open and chut her lae an my Utle Brother a araal tolchat I am glad I fond you. . Blanche Brothers.' One came clear f rom ; southern Ore gon, and wo hope you will have time te go there, it says: .. - Dear Santa.' I will tell you what I want for- Christmas. I want a' atove an a dolt An a doll buggy. An a set of dishes. An anythlne you want to send me. Com to my houee Christmas, form Agnes Cheshire, Grant a Pasa Ore gon." , x; ... Edna Burns writes to you f o a wash tun and washboard, we suppose for'tmr dolls and a doll buggy, but aha does not tell where she lives. Mary Cun nlngham of 4T Garfield avenue wrltea for the whole family and wants gum boots for all Six In tha family and everything else you can bring, Includ ing a kodak, burning outfit, perfume, toy automobiles and trains, a bicycle. doll and buggy, doll dishes, stove,' doll lano, trunk, engine, candy, sled, foot all and football suit. That's all. . i r t there ha - been - arrestee -Investment of every kind by the people along the line, with the result' that we cannot handle all the business offered. ' Our road must be double-tracked, practically from one end to the other, and we must have facilities at terminals la proportion. This will mean a big can on capital. . I would not be surprised to see capital hesitate on account of adverse legisla tion. ',, - v, , ' "The railroad commissioners are stir ring up rate questions all the while. They would do better to devote atten tion to the matter of facilities. I be lieve the railroad a are doing all they can to move freight and that nothing la the way of legislation could make them do more, but the railroad com missioners could do a lot of good by educating tha ahlpplag public Bhlp pera are not objecting to tha rata .they pay rates lower than In any other country, and steadily declining., They are worried about Inadequate facilities. And they themselves could eliminate a lot of waste , In transportation. One excellent feature of the railroad situ ation Is the elimination or reduction of mpty haul, which la tha smallest aver wen. Our country la very prosperous. and our railroad la In good shape phys ically. I think, however, that we should spend more money nest year than we did thta year, If wa oaa," : Bhowlng how phenomenal tha Immi gration to tha Paclflo northwest has been In tha last year. A. M. Cleland. general passenger agent of tha North ern paclne, ta quoted aa saying that they have scattered 60,000 people along tna ids - muea Between Olendlve and Man dan, supposed to be a seml-arld country lit only for cattle. LENTS IS VISITED BY ... DESTRUCTIVE FLAMES .aat aioo Business aaen g wun De cides to Hold Smoker on ' Fjrtt ; Thursday in January and Begin New Year With Enthusiasm. -T" Beaorattom fo Open Blve. (Special Dispatch te The Buttevllle, Or., Deo. 10. At a regular meeting of Buttevllle grange. No. 74. resolution jwarcunantmouiilr adopted meeting quarters and have favoring an open Willamette river and rree lock at Oregon City. BA STOUT OVTrXTTZsTO) OOMVAaTT I BABTOUr O U 11 i I'TU 8) OOntrAJTT Perhaps gift buying has made cruel inroads on ' : your purse, and there may be other, things yet to buy. You will find our credit service a sat- isfactory way out of such a difficulty. , It en ' ables you to buy what you want now and pay later in small weekly or monthly payments as , suits your convenience best. There is abso- lutely no 5 extra charge or interest for this ; , privilege. ) The following articles are but a few of the Christmas suggestions we offer at 50c A WEEK atoktac Jacket r Shaving Seta Military Brashes , nltoasea - ' , Caalna '- grpoons Xnlvea .. s" , Porte and-Pautod China Oarvlng Seta Kaaloare Seta . imbrellaa Olooka Bogs Ploaures ' Side pepartmeat. . The amount of dirt that la required to raise tha thoroughfares of tha central east aide up to the level of the sur rounding surfaces and many, of tha blocks to the basement level Is appall-tngr-Thoee who have studied tha prob lem .are at a loos to' figure out where the material la going to some from. Property owners are gradually forming a sentiment against tha present prac tice of 'the ; Paclflo Bridge - company which has for a number of yeara taken dirt for filling from plots within tha city limits which will soma day be In the middle of tha resilience dlsmo or the east aide. -Numerous answers have been worked out for tha problem but none have been applied. Many ' have stated that tha necessary material could be had I where Its removal would be an Improvement Instead of ruining tha location. Other have brought up tha ' proposition of utilising tha ashea from the garbage slant. Soma of tha figures are here given In order to give an Idea of the problem be fore the eaat side and almoat everyone tntereated In the' possibilities of tha t side realise, that these fills are necessary. W. U. Bolas has given con siderable attention to the matter of late and tha Eas Bide Improvement associa tion will be ready to announce some thing definite within the next two or three weeks. - A $400,000 contract la awaiting a competent company, that oaa give, a guarantee of completing the work within a reasonable time. Nearly all tha property owners south of Bel mont are waiting. for thla company and many below as far aa Bast Pine. Tha work. before tha Paclflo Bridge company la piling up ana will Keep them occupied for a whole, yea. In ad vance with the ' present equipment. Manager George Simons eatlmatea that his company has contracts In band, and prospective east ald fills at present for 600,000 eublo vards of earth. These fills are those of East Oak on whloh the company Is now at work of about 46,000 eublo yards; East Sixth between Wash ington and Oak. 76.000; East Ninth serosa Stephens slough, T6.000; Bast Morrison between Seventh and Ninth. 76,000; East Stark, 160,000; Montgomery slough. Lower Alblna, which la now being filled by another company to Which tha contract was sublet. T6.000. And Just where the material will some from Mr. Simons cannot aay. ,; Ctaa atolda SKeetln;. '. Tha Eaat Side - Business Men's club held a ahort meeting last ; night and transacted aoma Important measure a. ,The club will negotiate for permanent i In view the bunps Chocolate Seta Taney China ware SUk Waists Silk Petttooasa Puissa . 5 Handbags ' ' :' , . ... Bilk na.wls - . , X.oangtaf Bobea. -. Purs Children's Preeeea sT&Udrea'e Coats 4 Children's For eta Boys' Clothing ' . EasternOutfittingCo JAhingtomM VatSl IffOSS WI1 lower hail of orient lodge, X. O. O. F Q rand avenue and Beat Pine street. It was .decided to hold a emoker the first Thursday of January and start the new year off with a few "pyrotechnics." Secretary Blgelow was Instructed to send out lnvltatlona and every mem ber will be asked to be present and bring all hla friends. The club laid plana to recruit members from all parts of tha east side. H. Celef presided In tha absence of President W. B. HalL The business section of . Lenta sus tained a sever loaa last night In a 17.600 fire.' Tha general merchandise store of John Brangh on Second avenue and located about two blocks from the Mount Scott car Una was burned to the ground and several other buildings lo cated near tha store were endangered. , Mr. Brangh had quit a stock of dry goods and groceries and with the build ing It ta estimated to be worth from f 0.000 to $10,000 with an Insurance on i ths whole of only $1,000. The Lenta , volunteer fire department waa called out , but waa nnabl to do anything toward l saving the store, but did get In some good work keeping the adjoining houses ! from burning. One house within 60 feet of the blase caught fire several times. The cause of the fir 1 Unknown, but It Is the opinion of some of thos living near the store that It waa caused by a gaaoltns store ta the building. The building caught fire - about o'clock while Mr. Braugh waa absent. Bast Sid Votes Rev. H. BL Hornschueh of Balllng ham, Washington, and Rev. R. T. Jame son of Albany. Oregon, will hold evangelical services at -Lents In the Grace Evangelical church every night beginning with Wednesday evening. January I. Revivals are now being held at Lenta by the mends' enureh. The Mothers' and Teachers' club ef Brooklyn will hold lta regular monthly meeting In the asaembly room of the Brooklyn achool tomorrow afternoon at 1:80 o'clock. Dr. BL A. Pierce of the Open-Alr sanitarium at Mllwaukle will deliver an addreaa on Tuberculosis and Its - Treatment." - The treatment of tuberculosis will be the toplo of the evening, which the mothers and 'teach ers will discuss. Preceding the address the second grade pupils under oharge of Miss Bettlnger will provide a brief entertainment. The kindergarten class under Mr. Mattlson of St. Helen's hall will also give an exhibition. It will bo provided with materials and will show how articles suitable for Christ mas preaente can be quickly and ar tistically made. AU mother are In vited to attend and bring their little one. Frank ragu ha Just moved Into his new home at. Woodmere. W. I. Price of Lents Is getting hla new store Into shape and receiving stock in readiness for his opening. which will occur about the first of the CAR SHORTAGE AS AN T ALL-ROUND FREEZE0UT (Speelal Mepatek e The Jearaal.) . Taooma. Wash-. Dec. 30. I. B. Win- sor, local agent of the Carbon Hill Coal company, says If tha Northern Pacific railroad- wanted to force tha sale of all the coal mine In the state It could have no better opportunity than the present car ahortage off era. Tha mines of Pierce county alone will turn out over $.000 tone of coal a day, yet coal la Taooma la doled out a few sacks at a time, and It requires notice of 10 day to' secure even thla quantity. , . tTh condition Ketf Tiav been stead ily growing worse-for weeks, and many larnuies ntn dstb wwn ' rvaucrc uj burning almost whatever they oould lay nana an. . - . .... , Prices Drop Again " Christmas 'Goods have got their marching orders and out they go. Not a single piece of holiday goods held back or reserved. Every thing goes. Only 3 more days to clear the stock," and prices have been cut to the desperation point. - It's now or never forbargains. Be. with the crowds. ;T:..-.. :V-.:.-' '. mm mi CANDY IN THE ARCADE 50,000 lbs. too much, and prices hava been cut in half and less to clear ft with a ruin. I2c Mixed Creams. and lSc fancy 7c 25c and 30c - finest Shocolat ; ttm reams, lb..... IOC 35c larf Jtrfcy Naval :35c fancy Seedless Lemons, 'Jn Oregon Almonda, lb... 10 per doten IC Fancy Mixed Nats, lb,;.. ....16 ; Open Tonight and f; Every Niflhtl Till Xmas Not a Olnglo Dollar's WortH of Holiday Goods to be Carried Over Filial Reductions on ?ow for bargains that are bargains bar gains so great so sensational as to dear out what's left In double-quick order.' housatlds of pieces to go all the finest and best, for included in this stock is ths entire sample line of the American' Import Toy Co., makers of the world's finest Toys, and though prices all along hare been about half what others ask, they're cut sgain now many reduced another third, just to clear them out, and at once. Come and see. Every- thine arne 1ilr this; , , . :.... . thing goes like this Toys worth fj - I Toy worth " !S;.;,J5cbx,...33c Magic Lanterns 1-3 Toys worth to $1.50 go t Boilers and Engines and finest Mechanical Toys. Absolutely nothing reserved. This includes tha finest; worth up to $15 OFF The Final Clearing of All Our XMAS SLIPPERS '" ,...:...Pfras'no object they must go.. , , . s-. Men's tan and black alHgator and velvet Hons Slip- CO pers.-patant leather trimmed; all $1 values i.,0 Women's fancy Boudoir House Slippers, m vicl and un dressed kid; tans, rads and black all ,$175 ; C1 9? values, for.......... .....QX.LL Women's finest patent oolt and gunmatal . kid Walking Shoes; mad to sell at S3.90 and $4.00 pair........ ......- $2.39 57clE75clE?,C'$1.19. All Dolls One-Third Off And one third off here brings them down to less than half regular prices.' All beauties; bisque heads, sleeping and waking eyes, richly 'dressed. Dolls worth up to $10 in the lot You take one third oft ' 1 1 th former price and pay the saleslady the balance. Choice. m V1I Big Reductions on All Our' - FANCY CHINA This you will find in China Hall, midway iq the Arcade 1,300 sample pieces of finest Hsviland, French and .German china; all 1, 2 and 3 pieces of a kind beautiful Cups and Saucers, Vases, Cracker Jars,' Chocolate and Tea Pots, Cake T1-a DawI. a... ,. l.t. L..J . n ' , and all very appropriate Xmas gifts. Low as 'j" prices already are, every piece is marked tomor " row at exactly one third off OFF I Ul our Women's SOo fancy Neck- Cy I OOWi is rr --? eeswr I TEiousantis ; of Prgtty Christmas ; TThiiigS; Now 'Reduced to ! WMffia: ran $1 Handkerchief AQn and Stocking Bags?Tly $1 Ink Stands, with metal trays. All 50c Perfumery ... .25c 50c Carrvd Knives at : Paper ..25c 50cl Just Half Price 25a A. D. China Q Cupi and Saucers... $1 Jewel Set ; AO Back Combs. .....40C 25c Japanese Plates.. .12ic $2.50 Leather Glove CI -7C Books'.... vDleaVU All our $10 Toilet 5!?... $4.49 75c and $1 large oval gilt and fancy framed Picture, cut (Jg Child's 25c and SSe Xraaa IQ and Story Books, all la Hot.. Iw 500 children's linen A B C 7 Books; worth to 15c; choke.. I w Fancy Jewel Boxes, vefvet lined; ssmplcs of $150 ones; 1,000 fancy Desk Blotters) samples snd odd lots; worth to Oln $1, for -VOC 1 lot sample Vases: worth IQr up to 50c; choice of the lot...iyW Real French China Cups and Sau cers; values to 73c; 10 n choice ;...OyC Sample China . Chocolate and Tea Pots; all $2.50 and $3 ff l values; choice ePl.Uz $1.50 and $2 sample Rogers' Silver ware Meat Forks, Gravy Qtn Ladles, etc OyC Boys' 50c steel blade Pocket T Knives. Pick 'em out V)t Samples of 75c J.nwJry..:.29C Manufacturer's odd lots of Wom en's fancy Lace Collars; n worth up to 35c ......IaV Qiy Metaf frame and burnished gold Medallion Pictures; 50c Oif' values....;.... avOls 75c Jap. metal Crumb Trays, all fancy styles; choice of tne lot Women's 50c Silk Elastic ; Ofl Belts, with fancy buckle.... LjfL Just 6 Carving Sets; d2 AH Vcrth up to $6; choic... syOaO 25c Bsskets with bottle of lf Perfume. While they last.... lyC 40c Japanese fancy box and Art bottle of Perfume; special.. L Men's 50c and 65e Xmas Suspenders in fancy boxes.. OJC I lot sample Doll Hats; worth up to 50c VVhile they . i o lsst.. .IOC 500 satin covered Pin Cushions; ffi?r.r?.?fr:t..;;..:..: ;i5c 21 Honrs 2 Only FROM 7 TO 9:30 TONIGHT Every item a bargain big; and great enough to crowd the at ore to suffocation. Come with tha crowds. Remember, these specials - m . t , . I 1 m m . f .IA . I t . ... v . , tor two ana one naix nouri oniy, irora xo :ov torugnt. - 21 Hoars 2 0nry 5rBoir For regular 10c box Xmas Tree Candles. 6c Lb. For regular : 12-cent Choica Fancy Dates. 2c Each For Christmas Cards worth 5c and 10c. 9c Set For Child's 25c Set of Knife, Fork and Spoon 7c Each For 20c and 25c Jewel Set and Fancy Hatpins lie Dos. For reg. 25c kind good sisa Juicy Lemons. ' 1 000 yards Veiling, black and colored, plain, dotted I io Bxs AUvaI (rnndt9 -f 1 1000 W. Rogers Cold Meat Forks, quadruple plate,' and fancy bordered, 40 styles, worth up to, Qa Fine lldVtl UrallgO I fancy patterns, all $1.50 value, CQ 25c yard "H Re. 35c yaluej tonight,dofen 1 I tonight.. ....OyC " ' All Magic Lantern and Boilers and Engines Tonight at Half Regular Price a II KRUSE BUYS LEASE ON THE HOTEL BELVEDERE Well Known Restaurant Man As sumes Charge of Hotel and -' Louvre Cafe. Theodore Kruae ha bousht Strobel It Barentecher 'the lease of the S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER It will net tarnish gold work perfect , dentifrice the one . ) A .. ....... Ask-your dentist for you'. Hotel Belvedere and Louvre cafe, at Fourth and Alder atreets.. The leas waa orlalnally made for a period of elfrht years and has five and one half year yet to run. Mr. Krnae aseumed control of tha hotel and cafe today. The bulldlnc is the property of the Wllsoa estate, js five stories la halsM and has a. f rontaae of 100 feet on Alder and 71 feet on Fourth street. Frits Btrobel haa been tn th restau rant and cafe business la Portland for tba past to years and Is ode of the best known men tn that line on the Paclflo coast For several years he waa the proprietor of a cafe and rrataurant on Fourth street. Just north of the Belve dere hotel. Mr. JCruse Is the proprietor of a res taurant at Fourth and Stark street, in a portion of the half block belonging to Riifus Mallory that waa recently leased for a tsrm of 10 years to 1L O. Stlckney and others. Mr. Ettckney and associates are preparing to erect an elaht-story bulldlnc on the entire half block. Barbara B. Dalton ha bought from Louis Oerllnaer a. 26-foot lot on the west side of Becond street, between Oak and Pine. The lot la between the po lice station and an engine-house of the Are department. Mr. Qerllnger received 1 17.000 for tne lot, for whloh ha paid 111,500 about stk fnonths ago. El 3, Daly was offered and refused tlK.ono for a BO-foot lot on Plrth etrt. . ' eaaeewearUrat. For twenty years W. I Raw Is, of Bells, Tenn., fousht naaal catarrh. He wr1ee ' "f h wll 1 e o a"f.neM tn side my nosn was fearful, till I begun applying Bucklea's arnica Halvs to the core; this caused the sorenesa and swelling to disappear, never to re turn.'' Beet ealve In existence, lie at le4 Cross Pharmacy. .' t t " ' 5 B The Finest Leather Goods , In tha city is shown by TUB 1. K. OTVtt CO. UEATBTH BAGS. MUSIC ROLLS, TRAVEUNO CON VKNIBNCKSL FVTKBKM, WALUTS, CARD CASBS, ETC, KTO. AT MODBRAT8 PBiCBS. . . , .. , The J. Gill Company Lergeet and Oldest Book SeUara and Station re la Oregon. niiaiuinnnxssxrsssssar: between Irvtna and Johneon street. This offer 1 at the rata ef aboullSO per front, foot more than has ever been paid for property In that locality. . , L J. Goldsmith report th eat ef two lota on North rup, between Twenty fifth and Twenty-slath streets, to J. Hanebut, for, 14.800; alao a single lot niX.Overton, between Twenty-fourth aad Twenty-nrtn streets, to rraaK Hett-kempets- consideration t,i0t. i It 1a un derstood that Mr-Heltkemper will bultd a home oh the lot ri the early spring. Realty tranafer fllea fer record ye tenlay amonnted to tltt.Olt. roor than $100,000 of which represented minor tranaactloas. rbere the. aura invel-red wa under, the .SS.SO0 olaa. ' Bfaaonle Offloer at .rslaMaw (fiwrtai tii.pairh e Ta Jxanal.) Pendlnton, Or pen. 10. At the ream Isr election of Pendleton lndga, No. tl, A. F. A. M., ths following officers were e1-!'! for th anattlnv y-: Loula 1,'umtker, worshipful mat . , . MLYDEWTALCO.S T'. teiara nr saS -toMb andtmkM art eld mm tthil paia IimiIu. m aa Vkm. Ww im R.i. tt). Lmu. S-.IW O..I.1 O-wr;, ; n ' . w MM K ihi m1 r ! -5. 1 aad an: Bt P'-. i - ' ttm f.4 -.Mitt, m. I art. lX raiakMa ' ' Sataa ea Ceeafe t H. JdoCorm b. r V, f , ... f