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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
I 1 " . 13 THE 6REG0N DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20. 190e. J CLOSE EVERY Attorney Wolf to Start War Be ... cause of Alleged Dit ' crimination. . CANNOT CLOSE ONE ? WITHOUT CLOSING ALL Lawyer Declares He Will . Retaliate . Against Police by Swearing Out a Warrants Against Every Place of ; 111 Repute in Restricted District.' A war of extermination against the houses of 111 repute In the north end It to torn waged by Attorney A. Welter, Wolf tn behalf of hie client Ada WU son, a colored keeper of a disorderly re sort on Couch near Sixth streets, who ,M Served, with a, no tie by the -poHee todar to close her house at one. The Wilson woman waa arreated last night by patrolman UaJbralth on a Charge of . maintaining; a house of 111 fame. The rasa waa continued this morning until Member If. and In the meantime, through her attorney, she promises not to reopen. Although the usual ralademeanor charge wea filed .', against her. yet the real reason for sink 4ng lha arrfistjs the fact that she In stalled a door contrary to pollca regu . Istiona. . . lu the police court this morning At torney Wolf tried to---have Inspector , Bruin admit that there waa a definite policy relative to the houses in the re stricted district, but the captain would . not commit himself. ITnable to secure this admission. Wolf hotly declared: "We intend to ascertain the policy of .; the administration relative to resorts in (ha restricted district The police have ordered Jnjr client to close . her place, while others are allowed , to be ' conducted in violation of the law. This la rank discrimination and I intend to - ask for warrants for the arreat . of .every keeper of a, house- of til fame In tha city. It Is treasonable for the mayor or police officials to designate -a certain district for bawdy houses and then show favoritism by closing some - - of them. If this women. Is not allow .1 to run no- places of like will remain open if I can prevent it. If peressary I will start mandamus pro-i lings to compel the city, officials to obey the law.",. ,,y Judge. Cameron, In reply, stated that thla waa not a matter to be brought before the court, and advised the attor ney to take the matter up with Deputy City Attorney FitEgerald. V Fltsgerald declared that if application waa made to hire for complaints and the necessary evidence adduced be would lasue the ..warrants! t:,-,. ' . GOVERNOR WILL: REACH SALEM TOMORROW jnt e (Special Dtapeteh to The Jonraal.) Salem. Dec . 10. Word waa e received at the executive man- ' e slon this afternoon that . Gov- ) ernor Chamberlain would arrive here tomorrow morning from San Francisco. He haa been In - attendance at the Rivera and e Harbors congress at Washing- e e ton, D. C. ; : CALIFORNIANS LEAVE FOR PANAMA CANAL (Jaemal Sseelal 8ervle. Washington. Dec. 10. Senator Flint and Congressmen - Newell, Knowland, McKlnley, Needham and Smith leave to morrow to Inspect the Panama canal, and gather material to aid the fight against the employment of Chinese on the Isthmus. 'They will try to prove that southern negroes will do the wok. The president today sent to congress the commission's report. ' He ssys that the experience of the past year with negroes from nearby countries hs con vinced the commission of the Impossi bility of satisfactory work with them. Senator Pulton was invited -to go with tha party, but press or business msy prevent it.- . .',.....' LEBANON BANKER HAS v RIBS BROKEN BYrSTUMP . , , ' fSpeeial MspatCB to Tae Joorwil.) ' Lebanon, Or, Dec JO. P. M. Seros al", a banker of Lebanon, was serious ly hurt yesterday while pulling a boom aoross tha river with a team of horses. ' Too water pressure became too strong aad tha boom carried tha team against a stump with such force as to pull up tha atump. The uprooted tree was thrown aaalnst Mr. Scroggln. breaklnrr several of hla ribs, knocking out six i teeth and crushing his noae. ila is , seriously but not dangerously hurt. HELD TO GRAND JURY ON SERIOUS CHARGE -1: . ... . 'John O'Farrell, a driver for tha City" Laundry, and Ross Wallace, employed In a similar capacity by the Independent .'Laundry, were bound over to the circuit court today by Judge Cameron oar statu tory charges. Bonds were fixed at II.- , ooa In each case, which, were furnished. The defendants are accused of having taken advantage of Ksther Dixon, II years of age, who ran away from her home In Forest Grove and came to . this city. . COAL SHORTAGE LEAVES CITY IN DARKNESS . ' (Special PUpatr te The Jonrul.) ' Helena. Mont.. Dwv av. The Helena Oas company today announced that owing to- a shortens of coal It would be compelled to shut off Its supply of gas to consumers tonight. The com pany haa been making gas from kero sene for the past few days, but thla will be discontinued until a supply of eoal la received, which Is expected soon. - ' IMaaary Ooaaollaatloa. (Jaeraal Special Scrrlre.i Helllngham. Wash., Deo. to. It Is re ported that the. Alaska Packers' ssaocia -tloa has been absorbed by the Pacine American Fisheries. They are two of the largeat (Unpacking organisations on the ooait. - ' ,' . . STeW reataaaater Sfamea. (Jeeraal Ssedtl aeek.t Washington. IeCi 3S. The president today appointed the following-" poet maavers: V, 11 Crammatta at Aber deen aa4 Charles A, Owlnn at Uarfleld. socialist orator faces .:foiicejodee - Answers to Charge of . Inciting v Riot Last Saturday . . Night. , . ,;, W, L Fisher, a socialist orator '. and former Methodist minister, appeared in the municipal court this morning to an sa r the charts of Inciting a, riot Sat urday The charge waa made by Patrolman Kills, who arrested Fisher at the time of the strike excitement. C. U 8. Wood appeared as counsel for the defendant. Patrolman Ellis testified that Fisher was a participant In a riot ing crowd at Third and Burnslde streets Saturday night, which the police were ordered to dlsperae. Fisher, when -ordered to move on, according to the .offi cer, declared that "ho was an American cltlsea and. had a perfect right to re main on the street." -When threatened with arreat he used abusive language, and was taken Into custody.' . . Patrolmen Oalbralth and Wendorf cor roborated Ellis' story. ,. Fisher denied having refused to more on or ' hsving used toe language attributed to' him. lie . charged the. polloemew-with- hartng knocked hlm4o the ground and that he was arrested because he was a socialist, and that the officers had heard him ad dressing crowds in behalf of socialism. A. Lwls of (Telghton testified to Fish- . Rev. H. Oberg, pastor of the Methodist church st Montarllla," also testified as to hts character.. . . " Owing to the absence of Attorney 1L C. King, who In desired as a witness for the prosecution, tha .case was continued. until next Thursday. FATHER IS TRYING TO SAVE IIS SOU'S LIFE ' :' . - . - - ' Will H. Thomspon Testifies Re garding Peculiar Traits of the . Youthful Murderer. . ; - '"' ' ' ' " " " . l' :' 'Special nianatck te The Joorad.t ' Tacoma, Wash., Dee. 80. Will H. Thompson Is still on the witness stand In the Thompson murder trial testify ing in an effort to show insanity of his son. This is the third day he has been underdlrectxamtnaoit-and-1i-mry be on the stand ths remainder of this week. All of this forenoon he haa been identifying letters and documents writ ten by Chester Thompson, which were submitted in evidence. These treat upon a number of subjects written in a moody and frequently a very melancholy vein. Many of the letters are of Incoherent character and the defenae will attempt to ahow that all of them emanated from a mind thoroughly diseased. Under the questioning of Attorney Morris be Is covering the acts of hla son since baby hood in a most exhaustive manner, showing vagaries, lack of will power. hnii,iw,ttn,i ti,i lirriinoMonaliain nf V.. V-- 1 I Chester, DETECTIVE BURNS EXAMINED IN RUFF TRIAL Little Information Wormed Out of Secieteyic9-Agent L- by Attorneys. , (Joaraal Special Serrlee.t San Francisco, Dec. 20. This morn ing's session of the Ruef trial waa taken up entirely, with the examination of Spe cial Agent W. J. Burns. Strenuous ef forts were -made by the defense to wring from Burns Information tending to re veal the evidence gathered by him, but beyond a few unimportant facts bearing on bis movements nothing was found out. , , . ' Bums admitted that Jean Loupy, one of the French restauranters connected with the case, came to him and told htm that he had not testified truthfully be fore the grand jury and wanted to change hla teatlmony, claiming that he had been misled by Ruef, . , FRISCO SCHOOL BOARD ; COMES BACK AT CRITICS (Joornal Special Service.) . San Franclaco, Dec. 20. In reply to a criticism sgalnst the San - Francisco school board by Flora Harris, American missionary to ajpin, the board has written a letter, which was made pub lic today. Defiance, la the keynote and Japan Is being defied With the same vehemence as Roosevelt. 1 The , board Justifies all Its acts and attacks the versclty of the official report of Met calf. In all probability the reply will be Drinted In the newsminers of Jaoan. where the efect of its tone cannot be forecasted. I ' Actnal Orala Production. . Washington. Dec- 20. The actual pro duction or winter Wheat la 43. 816,004 bushels, of spring wheat, 143,372, : of corn, 2.9S7,41,ol; of oats, 04.I0I.- 622, . ' ' ' 1INISTER-TO SERVIA' e-' Leslie Cotnba, United States- Minister to Guatemala, Who Will Succeed Mr. Riddle as United States Min- ..later to Roumania and Servia. ' U '" -v ' ' " .' i 1 coal FAr;i;;E due largely -1 - TO CAR- SH0STA6E - This and Other Causes Aid in the Lack of Fuel Supply ; in Washingtop. ' (Special Dupateb te Ta. Joarnel.) .Tacoma, Deo. 1. Before leaving for SesttKrhatrman Falrchlld of the fuel famlnrcommisslon mad. the following statement relative to the meeting here yesterday afternoon: , "We have only the testimony of Mr. Windsor of ths Carbon Hill Coal com pany to indicate that the output of the coal mlnea la being curtailed by the lack of sufficient shipping facilities. How ever, from the statement made before the committee this afternoon I would say -that the shortage of cars. Increased consumption of coal by the railroads and tha- general increased demand for coal throughout the Puget sound- terri tory, because of the tremendous in crease 4n . population. shipping,, eta, have been responsible for the existing coal famine. t - So far as domestlo lines are concerned the wood scarcity is more serious than the cost ahortage. ' This seems to bo due solely to labor conditions, choppers hav ing left the woods to secure more lucra tive employment. The result of this committee's Investigations -will largely center in the publlo sentiment aroused by the testimony printed In dally pa pers, which will tend to better car awr vlca and to educate the people into properly equipping ' themaelves with supplies of coal and wood during the summer months. The committee can-' not; Increase JlHO a upplypfpaljatf hlnhcd by the railroad. ; - ? HEAVY FLOODS SUBMERGING WALLA WALLA VALLEY "'. ' 0 , 1 iii . , . . For the Third Time This Year Streams Are Out of : - Their Banks. (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaLI ' Walla Walla. Wash., Dec. 20. For the third time this yes r, the Walla Walla valley is experiencing floods, caused by the heavy rainfall and deep snows in 4he mountalna, -melted . by the warm Chinook winds. Mill creek and tribu tary streams are flowing bankful, and In places the water la breaking over, flooding the lowlands. The Walla Walla river is a raging torrent and crews of men are experiencing great difficulty in keeping the plant of the Northwest ern Gas A Electric company working. Considerable damage haa already been done to the Intake, and the headworks of the new gravity water system on Mill creek. At noon the rain was still falling, with little, prospect. Of. cessa tion. , YOUNatilLLSBORa-GIRLf DRINKS CARBOLIC ACID ' (Rprelal Dlvpatck te Tlte Joaraal.) ' ' Hlllsboro, ., Or., Deo. 10. Meager re ports received this morning point to a possible suicide at Green Mountain, near Buxton, this county. Blanche, tha 11-year-old daughter of Harry Wohlford, took carbolic acid yeaterday morning. There is no chance for recovery. The motive for the act Is not known. The girl's mother committed suicide four years-ago. The" father haa been unfor tunate, having lost his home twice , by fire In the paat four years. . POPE GIVES FORTUNE : TO USE OF CHURCH Rome, Dec, 20. When the executors of the will of tha lata Mgr. Adamt. tit ular bishop of Caesarea, Informed the pope that, the great estate had been left for htm. Plus said that the money waa not Intended for his personal use, but for the church, as he Inherited It simply because ha represented the church. The executors argued that the legacy waa personal, but tha pope In sisted to the contrary, adding that while the' clergy of France were left without means, he could. not accept the money, except in their behalf. . ASK HARRIMAN TO . . REPAIR RIVER BANKS (Joaraal Special Service.) -. Washington, Dec 20. The president has decided to ask Harrlman as presi dent 1 of the California Development company to repair the damage to the Colorado river bank aoross the Mexican border from California. He aaya that he will ask the next session to reim burse the company. . EIGHTY CARS OF COAL RUSHED TO GRAND FORKS (Jeerna! Special StTlet. Superior, Wis.. Dec 20. The Great Northern Is making a train of 10 cars of coaU to rush ta Grand Forks, North Dakota, on passenger schedule. It Is a -double-header and carries a boarding car and will not stop even for the i r - : -: PERKINS EXAMINED . BY JEROME HIMSELF (Jnarsil Ipeettl Service.) NxwTork. Dec. 20. George W. Per kins was taken before the grand jury today to testify In the investigation, into the affairs of the New York Life. Dar win P. Kingaley, vice-president of the New York Life, was a witness this morning. Jerome is personally conduct ing the examination. ' PILOT LENN0N THOUGHT -, TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED fjoernar speeiai service. Juneau, Alaska, Dec. 20. It Is feared that Captain J. E. Iennan, pilot and lighthouse tender at Heather, haa been drowned. Tuesday night he started to board a ship lying at the wharf.. The bay Is being dragged. Lennan waa well known in marine circles. - tinsrB Sektk Ze o Woanda. (Special Dltpatch te The Josroal.) Astoria. Or., Dec. 20. The coroner's jury examining Into the cause of the death of John D. Miller, who died at the hospital recently, returned a verdict yesterday" 'tTltaeil came"lo''hls death as the result of exposure and wounds inflicted by persons unknown while tied to S. bed post in his scow. Sheriff. Pomrroy Is .making every effort to toecttre ths arrest of ths murderers, . SJIRRI.iG SPEECHES G1YEI! rATJOAOS COiiHI Av Prominent Speakers Call Atteri tion to Urgent Need of v. "Better Higsways. : v (Special Dispatch to The Joura!) La Grande. Dec. . JO. The first day f the roada convention closed late last , "?' " KJ.Zt'l.Z'Zi W . llllUUf,ll MIW . v . .. starting nearly the full program' waa rendered. Mayor Stoddard In behalf of the city of La Grande welcomed the X- V. ) i y : H. BThielson. ,; convention. He waa followed by Turner Oliver In behalf of the Commercial club, who aald tha civilisation of a na tion reflected on Its highways.. Bar barians, ba declared, resorted to trails snd paths. Counry Judge Henry of Union county also welcomed the con vention In behalf of Union county, say ing while much time, labor and money had been expended on roads In the paat. the amount would be doubled In the future. Next fall, he said, would see great Improvements. About 100 business men and faimers were present at the opening session In the afternoon. In the number waa augmented by SO. A short musical program greeted the conven tion. Ex-Governor Geer read an excel lent paper, which aside from the In structive matter which It contained was exceedingly humorous. But the most Instructive and lntereatlng of all was WebBter"s address. ' The convention wss called to order at :! o'clock this morning during a downpour of rain, which is still keeping many away from tha meetings. SELLW000 CASES ARE DISMISSED S By motion of Dlstrlot At- torney Manning, all the Indict- e ments against men charged with a Bellwood election frauds were' e dismissed, this afternoon at :1S 4 e o'clock by. Judge Scare. At that . time District ..Attorney Manning a anneared before Judge Sears and e" moved that the remaining In- e a dlctments be dismissed. Tha - 4) S order requested was - made by the court This action puts an end to tha poaalblltty of any e further action in regard to these - e d CBSes. . ;- RiCH MAN'S PANIC OVER ST. PAUL'S NEW STOCK (Joaraal Special Servlee.) New York. . Deo. 20. Wall street breathed easy today as soon as it learned that the rich man's panic was over. The St Paul Issued a statement giving the terms under which Its big dividend will be' declared. . The fact that directors may Issue stock Instead of investment certificates bad a bene ficial effect MISSIONARY STUDENT : ANNOYED THE WOMEN (Joaraal 'SDectal gectice.l Chicago, Deo. 20. Henry D. Perkins, who says be Is from Ouray, Colorado, and who is studying at Moody Institute to be a missionary, was arrested today accused of annoying Misses Ida Mahon and. MabeJ Jones at a theatre., J4e. was charged with disorderly cpnduct '- ' Death of a. w. wnrat, ; '' (Jeerotl Special Servtce.1 . Cleveland. Dec 20. HP. Wright, aged TO, father of E. 8, Wright, general msnager of the Scrlpps-McRae Press as sociation,' died yesterday. . Tha funeral will be held this afternoon. PERSIA'S N EXT r SHAH - Mohammed All Mina, heir apparent to tha throne of Persia, who on ac count of the apparently fatal illness f"thehhar,madeilhBTTariie ments to assume the' reihs of gor- ernment ' Immediately upon the death of the present ruler.-; . - A FLAN BETTER SERVICE FOR . . THE tMUD anasaaaaaaaaamaasaanan.sBW Porta in Southeastern . Alaska ' Will Be -Served by Fast; " r Freight Steamship. . -xrr-''r - (Special THaratek te The Joaraal. Seattle Deo. 20. To purcbaee a fast steamship on the Atlantic coast to op erate with the Buckman and Watson between Seattle and San - Francisco, with arrangements .to handle freight on through bills of lading to any point In Alaska, Is the plan of Captain - HU r J2. Calne. president of the Alaska Pacific. Steamship company, who is in New York. Within the past few weeks the company haa made a traffic arrange ment with the Alaska- Steamship com pany for the tranefer of freight la Seattle to ports along the southeastern coast of Alaska, In a very short time it is understood Captain Calne Will have perfected plans at Snn ' Francisco and several points in southern California for three vessels on the California route. Captain Calne will be In direct com petition with the Paclfle Coast Steam ship company, and the traffic arrange ments with the Alaska Steamship com pany will enable Captain Calne to reach out after the Alaska trade from Cali fornia and he will be in a position to make anr arrangement for the handling of freight from San Diego to Skagway on the same rates offered by the Pacific Coast Steamship company, Captain Cafna also hss trafflo ar. rangements with ihe Alaska Coast com. pany and the Northwestern Steamship company. . HOUGHTON IS CAUGHT- AGAIN aaaaasaBnasaBBBanaancaBaBaaaaaBa , Breaks Away From Policeman and Flees, but , Shot Stops Him. 'Chick'' Houghton, the ex-convtct. who has been in trouble several times since his parole from tha penitentiary. laat spring. Is again In the tolls. Houghton and his companion. "Kid" Murray, whoaa picture adorns tha po lice gallery, have been repeatedly warned by- Patrolman Bales to keep off the streets after midnight Early thla mArnlnv Ral.a ' tnnnA ITmi .hFn. 7-n,n." n,"tand Murray at Fourth and Morrison streets and placed them under arrest He bad proceeded but a short distance with his prisoners when they broke from bis grasp and raced away. Bales fired several shots after tha fugttlvea. At the first shot Houghton came to a halt and surrendered, but Murray made hla escape. No trace of him haa been found, but tha police expect ta affect hla capture. In the police court this morning counsel for Houghton asked for a con tlnuaace, which was granted. - The dis trict attorney's office la la communica tion with Governor Chamberlain with a view to having Houghton taken back to Salem to serve out tha unexpired por tion or hla sentenuce for burglary. Ml FERRYBOAT III RIDE IHE GOLUMBIA Better and Faster Craft to Be Built to Accommodate Van couver Passengers. Vancouver, Waah Dee. SO. Unless the unexpected happens, or rather If the unexpected does happen, Vancouver Is to have -a new ferry boat, a need that haa. been paramount locally for a long time. The management of the Portland Railway- company has decided that a larger boat than the one now In use between Vancouver and the ' Oregon shore of the Columbia river la really needed and has called for plans and specifications. This Is certainly good news for Vancouver people- who have been compelled to frequently ,take pas sage upon the present ferry, which Is wholly unsulted snd Incapable of taking care or the heavy trafflo that It has carried for the past two or three years. Construction of the new boat is to begin shortly after the first of tha year and It is hoped to have the craft In ser vice before summsr. The boat will be much larger than tha present one In general dimensions and will In every way be .a modern ferry boat There will be 'suitable passenger cabins ao thai Upon a rainy day half the people on Doara wiu not nave to siana out on the open deck. The boat will also be much speedier than the old one, permit ting of better connections with the car service. ; . . F0RAKER RENEWS ATTACK UPON TEDDY IN SENATE Washington, Dee. '20. Senator Fora ker at the first chance this afternoon re sumed his flehtfo consideration of the resolution directing the Investigation of the Brownsville affair. He crltiolaed the president and declared that the execu tive had misconstrued his powers and misconceived the testimony. " He took up each of. the articles of war and dis cussed tha situation as ha considers It at length. Foraker's resolution went over until after the holidsya Eorakcr got excited and said that ha wanted the witnesses to testify undnr oath before the senate committee. Lodge saia ne aia not minx mat the president, the secretary of war and army officers would reach a momentous decision hur riedly, and said that from ths docu ments held in hand, the Twentv-firth regiment had "shot up" four other towns r - . - - " " - . wiuuillfV IV January 2. ' . :-:, MONTANA HORSETHIEF , ' GIVEN HEAVY SENTENCE , (Special mptrh te The JoeraaL) ' Helena. Monti Dee. 20. la Imposing sentence of 10 years on Floyd Dove, re cently convicted In the district courts for horse stealing, Judge Bmlth gave as surance to the stockralaers today -that he would be able to protect their rlshta and that the organisation of a vigilantes committee would be unneceaaary. It hav ing peeir reported mat ir the Jury re leased Dove be would - be dealt with summarily. A large number of horses have ben stolen, but few convlotlons re sulted. '' Bound Ova an Theft Cnarge. Long Creek, Or., Dee. 20. Bert Pier- sol, la Justice court has been placed under' 1200 bond to appear before the circuit court, charred with havlnc stolen 0 front Jack Kelson at Hitter, . SLOAIiE lUlER TRIJ.L IS V h'EABPi, THE Elitt Prosecution Is Making Final ' "Arguments Against Boy Who Killed His Father., (Special DUpatrb- te The Joaraal.) -Spokane, Wash., Dec, 20. The trial of Sidney Sloans, the boy parricide. Is nearing the end, the taking of testimony having been finished this morning. . The last evidence to be put In was that of seven experts, -each of 'whom' declared that the defendant was aane at the time of the murder and Is sane at the pres ent time. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Pugh opened the argument for the state this afternoon and is expected to occupy the .rest of today and part of tomorrow. He will be followed by Attorney P. C Robertson ''for the defense, after which Prosecuting Attorney . Bamhart will make the closing argument AT THE THEATRES. "Yankae Consul' at 'HeWg. Tonight. The siulral comedy itteeeat. "The Tank Coiwol," will begin aa en foment of three ima it ime tieiiig tnentre tonlirht with a pedal-price sutinee Salordiy. Harry Raort. be fierce comedian, who acored a hit la the leadlag role of Ahljah Boose last aeasoe. will tills bead the cast, which lacUdea'aiaay weu- miwwm nnnin, among. the ama arts Intro- oaree earing the tritna of the opera are "Ain't ir runny What a Difference J tut a Few Mourn Make," '! the Dara, of Old." "My Domlnfo eiaio. :; -J a L.1I a n i Boioier," . 'cuplo Hoe roand Mx. Heart" "When the Rammer no imp, Kap,. Kap," "la Old New Yorh.' "Hole," "We Were Taught te Walk Demarelj, sad ethers. .-., ' .. ,.. . .. -" Seat Sale Tomorrow. . As Bad Toon ttn Is Peal AroMtraaa'a aw enmarly, "The Heir to the Hourah." 'There's nothing te It bat neeeM." It reran with It excellent metropolitan east te the Helllg, which theatre It opened laat season, for aeaaoa of five performances, opening salt Saa cay alxht aad inclulag a epectal . statlnee Chrlatmaa day. Beat uie epena tomorrow mora- ug si ue box ernce of the theatre. Next Week at tha Lyric. ; ; Resuming Moadar matinee and enatlanna all week, the I.rrte atock enmnaay will erodaee arraa na regoe," wita aperlal atteatma to scenic detail. The bill haa been well eaat and la sock a . meaner as te We the famitea la the company good part. Herbert Aahtoa. Frank Fanning, Thomas Clark. Chart Connore. S. VI. Orlfflth, LI It Rrneemb. Warda Howard and .nuaa urtiritae wiu aU bs m aext week's Mil. "Faust" at the Lyric One ef tbe erettleat eceal sndeerJee ever eea ee a Portland atas I that of "Faaat" a predaced at the Lyrie theatre thla week. Director Herbert Ashtoa haa Soo hi work well nd tta remit si a serfonnaace folly ae realis tic aa any tt glvoa her by the famoa Lewi MeniMio hlmMlf. Frank Fannrnff. woe waa once Worrlaoo' naderatadr. ta Dlarlnc afphlte. aaa wears ui aoe and reather Morrlaoa wore for susy yem. The ether tel ar well eaat At the Star. -' " ; The Heritage ef the Red" ts a stay ef the Partfle eaaat with tta atory told a Paget ad. It a at the Star thla week. The slay will be repeated satU Saadar Bight, with the aaoai mama, nm weaa ai e eauy mail- bom Harold Hoft will be etarred la "Uttl Lerd Faaatleroy," and at the alcht serform- aace xa autaaa uaogBua" wui be fiayea. At the Grand. Aa eiceptlooally atrong ad expeeatve nade vllle scot-ram Is presented thla week at the (I rand. The headline act la offend by Mr, aad Mr, rerun rielirr. a a I little playlet wrlttea by Kara KradaH. called "The Half-way How." and It la one ef the moat telllac and artlstle vaadselll ktrhM that have too red tbe wMt. Vlait the Uraad aad m this blU while doing year Chrwtma ahopptag. Trilby" Coming to Baker. Bagloalng neat Sonde y marjne aad ess tinning all week the Baker thMtr eompany will bring eat e correct prodactloa ef Da hlaortar'a famoa TUhr." atiM Ulllaa Law. reace will pUy the title rale. It ta ee la which ah ba won conalderabl atteatlea la the east SeeasaU will be played by Jobs Salnpoll. and the ether roUe will be rare- fa 11 r dlatribaud. Special attBtma will be gles to seaale detail. 'l "A Bachelor's Romance." , The bin st the Baker this weak Is I Smith Kuaaell's dellghtfal play, "A Bache lor's Ronunre." aad It glTM Brnaat HaaUaa and Dot Seynwer chaare te wta admlrera. There tan't a peraoa la the company that taa't werklng hla ee ker hardest thl week. The atas pletune are beeutlfnl. e Toa daat want bum A. Barn or a emaaee." All tie rcot ef the week, with a pdal matlnea Saturday. Bests ar new a sale at the box- office. ... ' Tha Belle of Japan." Oae ef the big hits ef tbe smob. "The Belle ef Japan." will be seat week's bill at the Empire, trtlng Sunday matinee. The lay ta a heavy drama with kwh sad plot laid la Japan, aad the entire ei euet y and eet- ting ar exact eoplee ef akotcbM mad by a fanwua JapaneM artlet. "The Bell ef Japan" ha met .with flattering taecMS ererywher snd will s doabt be s wall received by unplr patron. "Out in Idaho." There haa always been a faadnatlon about weatera plara aad book, asd "Oat la Idaho," t the Empire thl week, 1 aa adaptation from Bret ilarje'e famous wMtera arorle. with all the iDterMting aoeoe and character. There ar cowboy, miner and broncho-rlder galore. Leal Van Wlgea, who la a famoua trick lariat expert, I alao with th tioap. AU week with Saturday matlae. ,, NEW RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR 'fJsWfl John W. Riddle," United States mih later to Roumania and Servia, who will be Appointed United States am b..sad0rwROTilw bassador Meyer who haa become a member of President Roosevelt's cabinet... '. .. '. .' ' Mi FIREOOAT IS I Subject Is Considered at Lunch on at the Commer cial Club." QUESTION WILL BE 7 POT UP TO VOTERS r Cldaena Will Have Chance to Speak Their Mind by. aHot at Coming June Election Committee at Work ' on Scheme."; ;, ; - That Portland will have another fire- boat, even more powerf si and modem than the present boat Is almost a cer tainty. Tha question wss discussed aud plans for pushing tha movement made at a luncheon elver at -the Commercial club today by E. M. Brannlck, chairman or tne joint committees on Bra protec tion. . . ' ' At ths luncheon were David Camp, bell, chief of tha Portland fire, depart ment; B. K. Staler, city asseesor; John Annand, chairman of tha city eouncll A. McNary, city attorney: T. C. Dev. lln. city auditor; J. C. Flsndtrs. chair man of the chamber of commerce fire eommlttee, and Tom Richardson. A full discussion of the neds of another fire ADOU ASSURED boat-waa had. and tha prevailing aentU--" ment eras that It should be a ateel boat, of effectiveness sufficient to not only protect the water front, but ba avail able for emergencies In fires further back In tha business district to which a Una of hose might ba laid. At the recent fire In which total destruction of tha Chamber of Commerce building wss threatened, it waa tha hose) from the flreboat George H.-'WUllama that proved effective in throwing water on top of the building and reaching tha fire, , The enormous power that can ba de veloped In . the steam pumpa of tha flreboat pumping direct from the river under It has astonished many oitlsena who theretofore knew practically noth ing of the great advantage to -be gained; by tha publlo In the operation of these ' boats. The fact that tha Willamette river tuna through the center of the city and affords perfect facilities for navi gation and water aupply Is tha atrong. eat kind of argument la favor of flre boets. Tha question of a ateel flreboat ta cost about tl 00,00 will bo put to a vote of the people at tha next June election. Preliminary work to that and will ba 1n tha hands of a special eommlttee com posed of John Annand, J. C Flanders, and T. a Devlin, assisted br la A. Mo Nary. , .. ? .. " SAYS HIS f.lOTHER-IH-LAW ' IS NOT FIT. ASSOCIATE Frank G. .Barton Therefore De mands the Custody ' of ' 1 Hie Children. . v ; The suit of Frank 0). Barton against his wife and mother-in-law for tha cus tody of his two children la on trial be-. fore Judge Fraser In tha state circuit court today. Barton testified that hla wife, BnSa C. Barton, deserted him In September, if 08, and that they entered Into an agreement by 'Whloh tha wife waa ta , have tha custody of tha children, some property, and Barton's personal note for 1100. The father now seeks to recover tha custody of the children, .Florence, aged II years, and Lloyd, aged I years. Ha says his wife and mother-in-law are ualng every effort to estrange tha chil dren from him, and have refused him admittance to the bouaa- where they live. Barton alleges also that tha char acter of his .mother-in-law la such that her Influence Is not beneficial to .tha children. ' . That Barton talked about finding a good looking widow to marry after ha . had deserted his wife la ona of tha ' charges mad by Mrs. Barton In her an swer. She aay also that hsr mother Is a -genial, estimable old lady, and that whatever fear th children hav ef their father, - was caused - by - hla aetlona. Barton la accused of assaulting and beating his mother-in-law on on occa sion. Neither of tha parties want a divorce, STRUCK ay CAR AND f SERIOUSLY INJURED As th result of Injuries sustained at o'clock last night by being knocked down by a car of th Mount Tabor Una at Front and Morrison streets, I V. King, a railway postal clerk of. 1114 least Morrison street, lies at the Good Samaritan hospital In a serious condi tion. , -. ' , " King, while crossing the tracks ta catch the east-bound car, dropped hU glaeee. and In picking them up stepped directly in tha path of an ln-bound car. The motorman applied his emergenor brakes snd reversed th current, but King wss dragged- a considerable dis tance before the ear could be brought to a stop. THREATENS SUIT . V - AGAINST, POLICEMAN F. i. Donnelly, arrested last Saturday night by Patrolman Brothers on a charge of Inciting a ,rlot, threatens to bring a ault for damages against tha policeman for falae arreat. .. .- Donnelly was before Judge Cameron ' this morning to answer to the charge against him. The evidence of th prose cutlon was weak and the case was dis missed'. - Owing to. th excitement and ' darkness at th tlm Nf making tn errant Brother was unaTble to get a good look -at his prisoner before turning him aver to another officer, so h oould not Identify Donnelly in th police court today as tha man he had taken Into , custody. . CHRISTIAN FEDERATION : WILL TRY EXPERIMENT The Cooperative Christian federation,. In whose Interest Rev. H. S. Wallace spent several months ' of tha year In New York. 4e prepailng- to enter tha field for the sale of Its bonds, and will begin huslnsss within th next IS days. i i,i e. i.H.i .... w . ,.. . . j . jwniivteu ana the plans for -colonisation and cooper ative living will be carried out as de tailed tn Isauea of The Journal a year egp. Full detail of ita plana will be announoed.ltt a few days. A' X