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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
'THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER . 180& WEPRIESMYSIPEOALS ON SALE ALL DAY i i i j; ' ' f ''"''"' J '"-'"5 1 '' ' . " - ''' " - ' " DAY'S EVEHTS OH EAST SIDE Historic . Building In Milvvaukie T Burns to Ground in Mys- - terlous Manner. - LLSt SET Consisting of Bed. Table, Arm Chair and Arm Rocker, made"" j oi solta oait ana nnisnea weamcrcu. . Regular Value $3.50 - $1.68 Regular Value J $3.50 . STORE OPEN EVENINGS i JOT "S" CHILD'S BLACKBOARD - , . , ,' .. '". ...... v B j: -r rgrrr2rsrirn:zigtt3irarrrszsxa B MILVVAUKIE GRANGE TO : : ERECT NEW BUILDING Olympic Club of That Plac WU1 Abo Build Hall and Other Import- ant Structures Are Being Contem platedOther Notes of East Side. " last Side Department. An old building worth perhaps 1S or ISO", but a landmark In Milwaukle. burned to the ground last saturaay -manner. roysTerTSuT mora or a anaca man mr M "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY GREAT PIANO IBIT We have 1 them at last PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS. fc Practically a trainload of beauties. ' Portland people never, saw it this way before. The House of Quality has the greatest array of high-grade pianos ever exhibited in the city. Thjs great display and EXHIBIT IS FREE Bring your friends and ee the very remarkable values. If" you are at all interested in the piano question, or if you want - an Angelus player-piano (the Angel us is the best), it will pay you to investigate at once. You will be pleased and surprised. When you call to inspeci the unusual values you -will see at once that you can do better at "The House Of Quality" than elsewhere. BARGAIN SPECIAL FINE NEW PIANO ONLY $285.00 STORE OPEN EVENINGS f V night In building thing else and haa been used for a long time only aa a aort of storehouse ana blackamltb ahop. It wai a dilapidated affair and, lying ln the cotral Pr town, -waa considered by many aa an eyesore and a general' discredit to the town, so that the opinion that It waa fired by some one la expressed rather freely In Milwaukle. , There had been no fire In the build ing during the day. but whea the alarm wii given at 1 o'clock at night It waa already completely enveloped In flames. The building had Just been bought by Edward Paetsch. the newly elected mar ahal. and the deed bad been transferred to- him by Fbllipp Streib. the former Si owner, Just a few days belore me nre ' . n . - . V.. Ki.411n VII occurred. Mil V rented to John Schults. blacksmith, and also contained a emal) atock of felt hoes. The Olympic club had some appa ratus In the building, wblcb la a total l0The loes of tha building la felt mora in Milwaukle because It baa a historical Interest. It waa first built aa a drybouse and was ona of tha first of such buildings erected In the atate. It waa then on what is known aa the LueUlnf estate, which waa founded by ona of tha pioneer fruitgrowers of the coast. '. i MUwenkie Za Active. Considerable activity Is manifest in Milwaukle in all building lines. The Milwaukle - grange. Patrons of Hus bandry. - pie ted a deal for a piece of land upon which It will erect a ball at once. A location haa been sought for some time and a piece owned by Richard Brott, who not only makea the first payment on ine 101. out oonmii all of the aand and gravel for the base ment and foundation, waa finally accented. The 6iaMn wiiukfe hotel, - another building with an historical significance, i tUnm refitted and remodeled. ' "Kills KnlldlnK la one of the oldest about Port. land, and waa used long ago by tha old Bishop "Scott's- academy. The luinber fhr this buildlnw waa hewn out by hand. tha structure having been 'built before any sawmills were) established la the country. --The building haa been used for some time as the office of the Mil waukle Bee, but Jsaao Gratton la erect ing a new building which win oe occu pied by Charles Ballard, proprietor of the Mllwsume uee. . . , The MHwaukla Evangelical -ahurca suited the foundation for lta new build ing yesterday and a number of men were engaged excavating for the new church. - - - - - ' t-' - 1- ' C. Kerr will erect a new Diacasmun shop off from the main street and will start the work on this building at once. will Brae Building. The members of the Milwaukle Olym pic club have stsrted a movement to raise funds with which to purchase a lot and build ball. Ita object la to provide a place where the young men and boys of that place can develop their physical powere and' provide a place where they may go that will be Inter esting enough to keep them off the street. They have now about J200, and will start a movement for a hundred or so more. They will have a physical di rector, and expect to build a hall iOx0. large enough for any use they might wish to put It to. A team belonging to H., J. MoOee of tire sham became frightened yesterday morning on Grand avenue and started to-rn. W -ran only , a abort distance when tha horses collided with, a tele phone pole at Hawthorne avenue and one horse was thrown so heavily against the post and in such a way that one leg waa broken Just above the knee Joint. The horse suffered great pain until a stranger with a revolver put It out of Ita misery. The feature that considerably agl tated tha business men of the locality tha most waa tha fact that tne norse was sermltted to lie on tha street In front of tbe Sargent hotel from t o'clock in the morning until evening before anr action was taken to remove it. Two'pollcemen came along, took a look at the horse, but runner tnan mat nothing happened. Mr. Sargent called up the police and the health board, both of which promised to have It removed at once, but stUl It lay all day In the street. Mr. Rargent expressed himself rather strongly upon the point, and sald:x "It Is a shame and a disgrace to the cltv to allow such a thing. No other elty that I have ever been In would allow such laxity In" regard to such a matter. ; Tet it happens in Portland every month or two, even o tha most frequented taoroughfaras." Base SUse Bote. E. A. Baldwin la negotiating a.1 of -the . corner property adjoining the Sargent Aotel on Grand avenue, aad Saal Main street It la reported tnat a e partment store will go in a 140,00 building here. Uoon the'request of the Midway Im provement association, tha police ring the curfew at Midway on tbe fjellwood line every evening at I o'clock, and all mall boys must be home after that time. v Councilman-A. N. Wills promises to have all streets la Sell wood improved before his term expires. If no remon strance hinders the improvement. - Progres in the plans for elubrooms of tha Young Men a association of St. Mary's parish Alblna,-is being , made, and everything .will soon be in readi ness for tho erection of tha building. '. The Montavtlla Improvement league met last Bight and listened to encour aging reports from the movement to open a' wide country road from Monta vtlla to Falrvlew. The farmers are very much In favor of the project. The opera house delegation was not present on account of the oars not being oper ated last night, so no action was taken regarding the new theatre for tha east id. Alblna lodge. A. F. dt A. V.. has elect ed the following officers for the enau- ng year: worshipful master, P. Ven- Junior warden. A. I Ennla; treasiireT? J. C. Jameson; secretary, A. J. Hand land. These offloers . will be- installed next Saturday night. The' Sell wood board of trade are con templating tha purchase of some prop erty along the river at the foot of Spo kane avenue, and which they will con vert to park purposes. Property owners or Kenllworth will hold a meeting this week to consider the widening of Gladstone avenue through that addition. Soma wish a 60-foot street and others aa .10-foot thorough fare. ; WEEK'S NEW BILLS AT STOCK THEATRES "Faust' 'at tht Lrtre. , With Frank Fanning as Mephlsto. wearing the shoes and feather that tha famous Lasla Morrison- wore while playing tha part, the Lyric stock com pany baa brought out a production of Goethe's immortal "Faust" The open ing performance of the new bill was given yesterday matinee. It created , a sensation. Tha stage settings, the cok tumesJtha electrical effects and the manner' in which the company bandied the production stamped it as by far tbe beat and most gorgeous thing tha Lyrie people have yet done. Much credit Is due to Managers Keating and Flood for attempting such a production, and great credit is due Herbert Aahton for suc ceeding in giving such a realistic pre sentation of tbe bill. Fanning is at his best as Mephlsto. using a multitude of the little tricks that made Morrison famous. His fa miliarity with the role la apparent. Ha works- witb-much-ftdaltty- to tha rules laid dowif by tha lamented Morrison, wtth whose company Fanning waa for many ' years. , The Marguerite of Miss Warda Howard was -another surprise and by far tha best thing she has ever done at the Lyric She dressed the part, looked tbe part and acted the part. Faust is played by W.-Wlnterhoff. who gives an excellent performance. Others that score are Lillian Griffith' as Dame Msrtha and S. M. Griffith as Valentine, The remainder o( tha cast shows vp well. Too much cannot be aald of tha man-J tier- in. which thai ugh. . arrecis are worked in thia production. : Tbay com pare favorably with those of any pro duction of "Faust" ever given by a stock company. "Faust" will be the bill at the Lyrie all week, with a matlnea each day. It is distinctly worth seeing. v STEIN WAYKN ABE 7 C EVERETT ' A. B. CHASE PACKARD ; KN ABE-ANGELUS . ! -THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" SHERMAN , CLAY & GO. CORNER SIXTH A MORRISON,-OPP. POSTOFFICE i Otters For 53 years the Birters has been proving that it cures Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Costiveness, Bilious ness or other Stomach trou bles as -well as 'prevents 'Chills and ColdsOiirlWT Almanac tells more about it. It is free it' any drug store., Be. sure to get copy, also try a.bottle the Bittera -"The Heritage of the Red. i 'The Heritage of the Red," a -play written specially for Miss Verna Fel ton, the charming girl actress that heada the Allen stock company at the Star, la tha bill of that company for tha current week. It opened last night to a crowded house and aeemed . to please immensely. It also serves to Introducs Taylor Bennett, the new lead ing man at the Star. "The Heritage of tha Red" Tells story of a girl supposed to have a strain of .Indian blood In her veins, and be cause of this the ensuing. complications give a chance for -Miss Felton to do some effective emotional work. Forrest Seabury does well as tho Hon. Seka Downey and Irving Kennedy scores as Algy Poppleton, Luring Kelley la ex ceptionally good this week. Bat Miss Felton captures the blue ribbon. ' : Tha scenes or the play are In the state of Washington, on tha adores of Puget sound snd In Olympls. Stage ef fects are good and tbe production la a satisfactory one. Same bill all. week, with matinee Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. . . A F0u.",5 07 FOOD ALREADY EXISTED a ,. - Duffy's Pure Mailt Whiskey Th Kav tradevmark- "The Old Chemist.? which is blown in every bottle containing Duffi Pure Malt Whiskey is your guarantee against fraudulent imitations and substitute. .-. " v HEADS PARADE AT 84 Mr. G. I. Partridge, of Franklin, Maw., who is in his 84th year, led his famous band through the streets of Cambridge at the head of the Knights Templar Parade. In an interview a few days ago, Mr. Partridge, the veteran band-master, aald: " 1 "Last April I took a sudden coldan,d I waa laid up-with neuralgia in my shoulder, which broueht on fever and took away my appetite, but by using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey I came out all riehtrandxnMemorial Day I was leading my band and playing as wen. i tmnK your wan vvnis- key is just tne meaicine w tone up anu Keep vy mc biicu&iu m viv. --"'s will prove beneficial to others, I can truly recommend it as a valuable help.' Despite his advanced age, Mr. Partridge-can stilt do' a, good work aa men two score years younger.. thousands of cases, where Duffy's Malt Whiskey drives out the germs of decay. and renders the system as healthy as that of a boy of twenty, inis great tonic sumuianx ana eiixu of life has been the means of prolonging the lives of thousands of men and women who cannot aay too jjjJJj,1 you Mk or Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. iVa the one absolutely pure medicinal whiskey and it sold only in sealed bottles; never In bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on. the label, and make sure tne aeai over tne cora .is unDrogrn. For sale by druggists, grocers and dealers. Price $1.00. Illustrated medical booklet and doctort ad vice free.' Duny Malt wmsicey wo, Kocnesier, n. a.- . ; - . . - r-9 At THE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES. ' . " At th Pantagea. . There are no "fillers" on tho bill at Pantages this week, for the manage. ment has raked tho country for good people snd seems to have found them. Jeanette Laurelle,- tha daneer, justly heads the program. She la seen In spectacular act termed vLe Clel," and her work Justifies the extravagant things that hava been said about her In other cities.' The Four Mangeans. acro bats, are also worthy of special men tion, and yesterday proved favorites with the audiences. Le Mar is a mono logutst of unusual . originality and charm.' He springs soma jokes that are really new. Pollard, eccentric juggler. la good. The Regala are comedians worthy of notice. Leo White slnga an other song and the motion . pictures complete a strong bill, , , At the Grand. , There Is another - good bill at- the Grand this week, headed by Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher In Kara Kendall's sketch, "The Halfway Houee," It Is about tha best sketch aver sprung In a local vaudeville house. There Is v a fountain of laughter In It. Cheveriel Is a trick violinist who haa been seen In Portland before. He was given kind greeting by yesterday's audi ences. Beauchamp, - eorentrto acrobat, haa a turn that is worth seeing and Is in part original. Tag Three Hiltonaare fancy bicyclists who ereat laughter and excite' wonder aIeSTsggrwn-'tatrhri do a sketch that Is good. Joe Belmont Is the "human bird" whan it comes to whistling. Harold Hoff haa a new song aad aie- iiolw plrtoree-complete the bill. Mrs. rhtrmasj Dead at The Dallas. (- (Snerlal Dtaoafrk to The Joereet.l The Dallee, Or.. Do. II. Mrs. Mar tha Phlrmaa. . who had lived in Tha J Dalles since 1IM, died Saturday night, (gjlana was burled yesterday afternoon. i meats m(m o irnrprv o .ft. mum 349-351 OAK ST. ." . ' PHONE MAIN 2598 348-350 ANKENY ST. 1 Follow the Crowd to Z Where you can buy your.Xmas candies and nuti at prices that are right. , The Xmas rush is on and the big new store on Oak street, near sevenUvJJ Averypusy piace. The List Below Will Save You Money ! 1 lb. Shredded Cocoahut, . , . 3 pkg. Mince Meat..,, t'Kg. seeaea n-aisins... 2 lbs. Cleaned Currants Can Bakers Cocoa..: 3 lbs. White or Black Figs. . 4 lbs. Best Italian Prunes... I..... Best Soft Shell English Walnuts, 2 lbs.,35 Best Mixed Nuts, 1 lb. 20 Roasted Peanuts, qt........ '.5 New Filberts, 1 lb.... .. .20 Plain Mixed Candy, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . .... .25 Famous Mixed Candy, 1 lb. ......... ...10e Fancy Chocolate Creams, 2 lbs. ...... . ..35 Fancy French Mixed, 1 lb....... 20 Wmterffwn and Mint Lozencres. 1 lb. . ...15e Fancy Jelly Beans, 1 lb.. ;15 1 lb. Fancy Mocha and Java 'inn T tC TITTRT TiRV GRANULATED SUGAR." .. RACK ROSE CITY FLOUR, best fancy patent BEST FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, per roU 4 SPECIAL' PRICES TO LARGE CONSUMERS 1 gallon Maple Syrup 5 cans Mar cream itif i a s i a 4 hi . ...15 '.'.'.25 ............25 -ST s)SOe . ...........25. -.25 ai.oo ...25 Coffee'. .V... 25. ...... .;.4.T0 .81.15 ............70 V--!...." f ; . . , . She waa born In Germany In and Immigrated to Peoria. 111., in 161. . In 1865 she wss married to Konrad Pblr man, who died In this city In 108. To them were born nine" children, two of whom died In Infancy. Tbe surviv ing eons and daughters are J. H. Phir man, a cattle buyer for tha Union Meat company of Portland. Mre. E. Belat' of this city, Mrs. oeorae Holtlng -of Portland, Mrs. Robret O'Brien of Port tend, O. A. and B. C Phtrman of this city, and Mlsa Selma Phlrman, a teacher In .tha public schools hers. Mrs. Phlr man bad been afflicted with heart trouble for several -years. Social Dane - ' Thursday evening at Arlon ball good tlms and good musla Admission, gents, II cents; ladies, free. Professor Eaton manager. ' gbepkerd BfoOoWem Weddlag. '' (Sperlal IMatdi to Tbe JearaiL) Sllverton, Or., Deo. IS. J. W. Mo 'Cowenor -Portland and . Mlas Nettle Shepherd of Sllverton were married Saturday evening at tha home of tha bride's sUIer.. Mrs, Charlea Morley. Rev., Alhyn Eseon officiating. The young people departed tha earns evening for Portland, where they will make their home." .','.' Te Onrs a Ool U Oaa Bay ' Tilre IXaTTTS BOsIO Qnlalne Tihlets. rmiilUl rrnn4 anney If It IH te'eara, a, W. OaOvs I stgaanue Is as each bog. Sfte. : - A. - -'.V Butter Nut Srea(3 Delicious in quality , and flavor. , I vary crnnk noaruhing . and appetizing So par loaf at all JrOcerg , v loafer Sdc141 Home-Made MInca Pies tor Christmas w .k. si . Vi aT "sl 9 oraer now over mtw ....... v 4