The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 18, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    - V
v- -
III Alberta Oallatla U
ot uaadoa uau."
Itakar...., "A ButeWi Bom imp"
Kiuolra "Oat la lUho"'
Lrrla "i'aiut"
Star ....."Tfce Heritage of tba l"
I'lltilH Vaudeville
Urasa VaedeeUla
Suit for dlvorc from Frank A. Spen
cr has been filed In tha ttiti ciroult
court by Mra. Bpencar. Th ground for
' the eult ' la 'desertion Mr. 8jnoer Is
maoaser of the firm of Allen Lewis,
and both parties to the litigation ar
well known m Portland. - It la aald that
the autt wlH not be contested, and that
"a settlement has been effected by which
Mra. Spencer la tv receive $30,000 In cash,
" the home on Lovejoy street, and a paid
up life Inauranca policy of $10,000. The
- couple were married 1 years ago. They
have no children. , i
" Th Kremlin Baku Imperial Order of
Muscovites held ita annual meeting- last
' rilght In Odd Fellowa' temple. The fol
lowing officer were elected and In-
' stalled: Czar. . Isaaa -A.' Manning; re
rent. B. C, Peterson; high, priest, O. D.
Doaae; commandant. Charles Bat Ian;
recorder, E. .IS. Sharon: treasurer, H.
-Xoyal.i.lasfiiiuuu, ' It. J.
royal messenger, H. P. Toralln-
son; royal Inner guard, D. V. Hart;
. royal outer guard. John Rabyor; trus
tees, C. Iu Palmar. Joseph Mlcelli.
Jamea W. Welch.
" Qlring Up Brsre. A chance to buy
, first-class merchandise at one - half
price of Its value. We are positively
- forcing this ssl to clesn stock out and
rent store and sell fixtures. While It
.lasts you will purchase tl In worth of
goods for 60ot Stock consists of men'
' and' youths' - suits, overcoats, hats,
pants, shlrta, ' underwear, trunks, suit
cases, blankets and comforters, IS-IB
" North Third, corner Davie. Tha branch
store of John Dollar. , (
W. Cooper Morris, cashier of the Ore
gon Trust at Savings bank, who has Just
returned from an extended trip to Den
ver. Salt Lake City, San Diego. Los
Angelas and Ban Franolsco, will give a
. talk .on "Portland aa Compared . With
Other Polnta on the Paciflo Slope" to
night at the regular meeting of the
. Portland Admen's league In -tb board
f trade . rooms. ,
Articles of Incorporation of the ML
Scott Volunteer Fir department war
filed in the office of the oounty elerk
this morning by ID. S. Couch, C F.
Ulapp and W. T. WlUour. Their object
Is the protection from fir of property
In the Mount Scott .district - The value
property now owned by the de
partment Is estimated at I6. -
The remains of Mra. Mary Bush Fry,
who died In her Montarllla. borne last
Saturday, have been shipped to Reyn
olds, Illinois, for Interment. . Mrs. Fry
.was IT ysars old. For seven years she
lived In Portland with her daughter,
' Mrs. Mettle R. Beaver. Another daughter,-
Mra. Oilman Parker, la, a resident
of Montavllla.
Anna S. Wells hat filed a suit for di
vorce from Asa O. Wells In tb state
circuit court, charging cruelty and deser
ttflaJas Wells charges that her hus
band falsely accuaed her of Infidelity,
and "deserted her In November. 106.
They were married in Tillamook county
. la February, 1897. and have three minor
children, who euatody th mother aaka.
County Judg I. R.-Webster will' ad
dress th fifth annual convention of the
Oregon Good Roads association at la
Grand tomorrow night.. Ha will apeak
on ' th subject. The Use of . Convict
Labor -on Public Road." The' conven
tion will be in session Wednesday and
Thursday, Judge Weaat-. will leave
-Torjyand for La Grand tonight,
- Hollies, Shrubs. : Trees. W hare ; a
(in line of fruit, shsde and ornamental
trees, shrubs and roses In our trte yard,
- foot of Yamhill street. Call and see it.
Tou will find something to beautify
your. home. Now la th time to plant
them out. Portland Seed Co Front and
TamhlU streets. -
.. Don't worry about what to give for
present Hare one of those picture
you prise so much framed arttatlc or
secure on of th many moderate priced
ready framed picture a. Sanborn, Vail
Co., IT First street, ar showing
new pictures and frame In great va
riety, r ... .-
'-' Hawthorn Lodge N.'1H. Ar F. and
'A. M., elected th following-officers' laat
night: Worshipful master. P. A. Combs;
senior, warden, B. W. Stryker; Junior
warden, C. E. Rogers; treasurer, H. H.
Newhall; secretary, C X. Miller.
Jamea Campbell was arrested yesterday
by a deputy United State maraha! on
a complaint charging hire with having
depoalted an obscene letter In th malls.
He will hare a hearing tomorrow be
fore United Btatea Commissioner Bladen.
. " Willamette Lodge No. t A. F. and A.
M.. has elected and Installed th follow
ing officers: Worshipful master, Henry
L. Bancroft; senior warden, Frank Rob
ertson: Junior warden, Hugh J. Boyd;
treasurer, A. McColman; secretary, W.
S Weeks; senior deacon, H. H. Parker;
aenlor steward, A. Bruce Frame; Junior
Get the Finest Grade
I Pearl, Ivory, Horn, Stag,
Celluloid Handles; :, , 1
I Pocket Knives, Carvers,
iRazors, Table Cutlery,
Knives and Forks, Silver-
ware, Manicure Sets.
; E v e r yt h ing Absolutely
Guaranteed. ' . .
See our beautiful 1J07 Art
Calendar in the Window for
! our Customers. '
Bassett & Preer
; ' Cutlery and Tools
343 Washington St, Bet.
. Seventh and Park Sts.
' .' : ' ' " ' mnd , .
Your money under your
" own control ,
FuU$t'ikw$tlgQtlon Inolttd
; Write or Call Today -
;. ' ' :
' Pacific Coast
Securities Company
513 Commercial Block. .
Phong Pacific 12;. , , :
steward, W. R.' Malcenste; tyler, M. D.
Young. Past Master Douglas R. Taylor
waa Installing" officer and N. R. Co was
Squash) Just In time! ' We unload to
morrow - a strsight carload of - fancy
Hubbard and Boston Marrow 1 squash.
Order through your grocer. McEwen eV
Koskey, wholesale fruit - and produce.
119 Front street. Phone Main I17S.
' t you believe In publlo ownership
of railroads T If so, send your nam
and address on a postal to Rev. Hiram
Vrooman. P. O. box 464, Portland, and
receive Home Interesting literature free
of charg. . '.
Members of th Methodist Ministerial
aaaoclatloa met yesterday and listened
to an Interesting psper on "The Com
posite Belief of Methodism" by Rsv. T.
C Elliot of Vancouver. ,
Do not miss this opportunity George
Jabour eV Co., 841 Washington street,
great holiday oriental rug and lac sal
now on. IS per cent reductlona.
Spend your car far at Carl Jones'
for reading matter. Leading periodicals
and dally papera ai Carl -Jonas, X7I
Washington, corner Fourth.
" - r '.
Steamer Jessls Harkln for Camas.
Washougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at J p. m.' - j'
Wanted Exact address of Mrs.' Llllls
H. Hayburn. preauined a housekeeper.
Reward. O ruber, SIT ; j Commercial
block. . . . -
" A abort atoix and a trua ona. W
give you the best values In pictures
framed and unframad In tha city, look
over tb pictures. ii the4lotur depart (
menr and be oonvlnced. Banborn, Vail
Co., 170 First atreet.
Window glass and glaslng. F. E.
Beach Co., the pioneer paint eompany.
lift First st. TeL Main 1114.
Woman' Exchanga, lit Tenth street.
lunch ll:l to I; business man's lunoh.
Acme Oil Co. sells'the beat safety eoal
Ml ana On gasolln. raon East 711.
Dr. O. M. Wells, residence Til East
LBurnsId street. Phone East 1111..
- For- Qoslity, Quantity- and Qulckaeew,
go to Morrir resuursat. . " .
It would Interest you to look through
the framed picture department and see
how beautifully and attraotlv th nsw
pictures ae and at such -a price lit
tleness, r Sanborn, Vail eV Co 170 ,Flrst
- The whist social for December II af
Omega Rebekah lodge No. 17, I. O. O.
F, has been postponed indefinitely. Ada
A. Taylor, secretary. .
"Public stenographer. Phone Pactflo It
Dr. Ev C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam,
Verdict Gives Him Thirty-Six
Hundred Dollars From Auto
Dispatch Company.
W. C Barrell was awarded $3,150
damages, for personal Injuries from the
Oregon Auto Despatch company by a
jury In Judg Clnlsnd's department of
tha state circuit court last night, after
several hours' deliberation. Th suit
waa on trial before Judg Cl eland for
three days.
Barrell alleged that he waa Injured
while attempting to cross Fourth street
at Washington street An auto freight
truck belonging to th compsny - was
being towed by another truck by a fop.
Barrell' tripped over th rope and fell
to th pavement , Ills light leg waa
run over and broken by th truck that
waa being towed. .
- Th ' suit wss tried In the circuit
court last month, - but the jury dis
agreed. Th Jury at the present trial
reached an agreement late last night,
and presented their vernict sealed. It
waa read tbla morning when court con
vened. Attorney W. D. Fsnton. who
represented th company, was allowed
II days In which to aak for a new trial.
Attorney C M. 'Idleman appeared for
Barrell. - - ., :
V 7 i Building Fenalts. ,
Th following permits have been Is-
'sued: A. Olson, one-story dwelling.
Knolls avenue, corner Bryant. . coat
tiOO; Bow Tuen, repalra Fourth, corner
Pine, cost 1200; Qeorg Reed, one-story
jdwelllng. Kest Nineteenth, between
Park and Leo, cost $1,000; C. W. Love,
two-story dwelling, Maryland avenue,
'corner Jarrett. roat tl.toO; A. J. Mc
Panlels, repair. East Eleventh, between
Eaet Alder and East Washington, cost
$1,000; Multnomah Mill Construction
'company, shop. East Madfann, between
East Eighth and East-TtfThth, cost
11.000; Mra Smith,' repairs. Morrison,
between Front and First, cost $190;
'Lw Walker, ene-etory dwelling. East
Thirty-second, between Eaat Pin and
East Stark, coat $1,000.
Aaaoaaoed to Oeeaa Beaehe. ;
' To enable patrons to visit ocean
beaoheo during the Christmas holidays,
th O. R. at N. Co. will on December
f 4 and IS. and Janiiarv 1. sell num
(trip tickets to all North Beach points
fat a rat of $M. Fer further Informa
tion ask at otty ticket office. Third and
1 Washington streets, Portland, Cregoo.
Hainet Men Say Their Candi
'date Hat Twelve Votes Nailed
Down Hard and Fast.
Each FacUon Confident That lti
. All. Over Except tha Ceremony
Whealdon Takeg Part In the Game
Speakership Candidates Working.
' Tha contest over th organization of
th legislature Is growing strenuous and
since Sunday the lobby of the Imperial
hotel, Mecca 'of all aspiring politicians,
bss been crowded by a number ot men
Whose whlannrAft
sTdentlal handclasps tell their business
at a glance. E. W. Haines of Washing
ton, Senator Jsy Bowerman of Gilliam,
"Doc" O. 8. Wright of Tamhlll. ,T. B.
Kay of Marlon. Laughary of Polk, and
Whealdon of Wasco, all of th aenate.
and Frank Da vey of 'Marlon and W. Tu
Vawter ot Medford, the two leading
candidates' far the speakership, were
guests of the hotel either during Bun
dsy. yesterday or today. , -
Th follower of Senator Haines ar
making big boasts for their candidate
and - allege confidently that he has
some 13 votes up his sleeve, which
have been pledged to him hard and fast.
They swear that the time for Idle boast
ing has passed and that they Intend to
make their statements straight and true
In th future, and then they telr off on
the flngersof both hands, and two
added, tba namea of those who will
stand by th Waahington county man.
Senator Hodson of Portland, who was
also a visitor st the Imperial. Is conn
dent, though yesterday and Sunday waa
not his day at th hotel. Senator Hod
son and his faithful onea say that he,
too, has at least It votes and when the
time oomea will have more. Th Port
land candidate therefore la feeling Sne
and Is confident thai he ha th better
of th argument. . .
Xeld Oosfereno. '
Sunday night Senator Bowerman of
Gilliam, Senator Kay of Marion, "Doc"
Wright of TamhUl. -and Senator Haines
held a long conference in th Imperial.
When it was finished each and every
man,, said that there was but ona way
out of the organization of th aenate
tha election of Senator Haines. . It waa
a walk over, they. aald.
. Yesterday morning Senators Haines
and Wright returned to their homea,
leaving Kay and Bowerman behind.
Early in tha morning Senator Whealdon
of The Dalles appeared and went Into
executive session t with th two Haines
men; representative of the east and
wesrparta of tha state. Senator
Whealdon in the past ha trained with
the men In th Haines camp, but now
he la hanging back on the halter.
After tb oonfereno - bad bumped
Into th noon hour the three lawmakers
took a recess, hut loth to part. Bower
man and Whealdon at at th asm
table and went into executive session
again, . .. . -
Shrouded U Mystery.
Senator Whealdon a plan of battl Is
shrouded In mystery. He should, by all
political laws and lines, be fast and
firm lq th Haines camp, bub Strang
to say, he needs coaxing, and ha baa
been coaxed, and. still he walks -around
sedately and eyea tb door of tb corral
with uncertain eyea. HCevldently does
not see the exact bunch of political ,
fodder inatd which he desires. -'
Th eastern Oregon men,' who ar be
hind Haines, ar pained to see their old
friend Whealdon standing so closs to
Hodson. ' They say th two cannot
work together, and predict that th and
will see th man from Th Dallas back
In his old place and la sympathy with
xiaines. .
After yesterday's conference tb
Haines followers said tha battle was
over. It la asserted by them that tb
Marion-Llnn-Tamhlll-Polk county com
bination la back of th Washington
county man to a unit, all report to tb
contrary - notwithstanding. Then east
ern Oregon has eoraa In. led by Bower
man, McDonald . and Lay cock. It la all
over except th ceremony, they say.
W. I. Vawter is also In th city patch
ing -up his fences where Frank Davey
kicked them down this week and tha
week befor. Mr. Vawter la not dis
turbed by th rumor that th straight
"statement No. 1'' men of Multnomah
oounty had gon behind Davey in a
1 am a statement No. 1 man." ha
aald, "so why ahould they adopt Davey
on that plea alone T" -
Mr. Vawter says he has quit a few
votes but could use mora. He adds
that in his opinion Mr. Davey Is still in
th same boat. He la of th opinion
that neither be nor. Davey have more
than IS vote pledged to them and so
has hops to still scramble after the
speskershtp. He will remain in Port.
land for several days looking after his
Interests, -
On Saturday next there will be an
other gathering at the Hotel Imperial,
at which time even more of th solons
wll be present then gathered at the
last meeting. Senator Bowerman baa
gon to Condon and will see his eastern
Oregon colleagues befor he -returns
Senators Kay and Wright. Laughary and
Haines haw rturnd to their districts
to talk ths quesUon over. Th next
meeting, therefore, when each bring
back either th person or th word of
another, aenator. will be- productive of
results. Th Isst particle of doubt will
be wiped away, th Haines men say.
whsn next they meet . .
Fref erred Stock Oe&ned Ooods.
Allen at Lewis' Best Brsnd.
We're Is s real aoandary aa to wkat we eaatt do ,
" la relatto to the preaeat dreadful swlket
Had ere audit to rua the cars eeraerree with
or slrla ta bloel ' "
Or provide each Bias -sad woaaea with a hi let
BooMttmes we thlek we'll stak ear digits dewa
tele ear Jeaai,
A ad earaelree "dig t" the aeeeaaary "stna
Tbea suddenly we find we're sear a Bullion
ebnrt ee Btsaaa.
That Cbrletnas has ear beak aeeeasi Bsdesa.
Asd.if we'd march a taessaad ef'eav gvllas
. te the froat
A eoa. and SMtor girt for every ear
"The striker eiee wool git 'em ea aukH
little hunt,
Asd elope with 'em to ether Isais afar.''
feeTtae"preefsTii?ltiBg teller we'll jest
lie low. - . .
and attend to washing rrerrhedjr' clothes
a-etoenilnt people's garaienta just as white as
drives enow ' v
Oa est shealder beartag everybody's wees.
Tel. Mate . rod and rVthteiVa.lJ
Ciov and Msrchandlse Orders Soli forAny Amount -It's Qakk and Easy Way
" of Solving the) Christmas Citt Problem-On SU at Clew Dspartment v
Tfoe Meier (S FranEL Store
Wdmesi'sveiiiirag Apparel
afc Greasy JledEiced Prices
Women's High-Class Costumes and Wrsps for theatre, reception and dress affairs on sale
this week at exceptionally low prices Imported and domestic modelsBeautiful creations for
all occasions Both Costumes
Ivanho lodge. No. U Knights
of Pythias, will tender a recep
tion to on of It distinguished
members, ;.-..'
st their hall. Eleventh and Alder,
thts Tueeday evening, December
IS. All membera of tha order are
- earnestly requested to be present.
A good Urn assured to all. By
order of the committee.
ED B. CURTIS, Chairman. -
District Attorney Manning yesterday
received a telegram from Deputy Sher
iff Archl Leonard, who went to Bed
Deer, Alberta. Canada, to bring W. H.
Taft back to Oregon. Leonard wired
that Taft Is dangerously 111 with pneu
monia, and that it haa so far been Im
possible for him to see th prisoner.
Taft ta wanted here for passing forged
notes and for other fraudulent transae
tlona. He Is accused of having obtained
money on notes to which were signed
th asmes of persona who never existed,
and with selling ths same piece of prop
erty to thre different purchasers. Taft
served a term In the Oregon peniten
tiary several years ago for swindling
an old woman.
S. 8. Jackson has closed a deal for
th residence .of Mrs. H. M. Zan, on th
south side of Kearney street, between
Twenty-fourth and - Twenty fifth
streets. 'Consideration, II 5,000. The
Kan. residence Is 'on of th -sightly
homes In th western part of th city.
H. W. Lemcke 4 Co. are-preparing to
plat th Waverly-Kern tract on the
east side. Thet ract will mad between
ISO and 1.000 lots and will be on sal
January 1.. To start with -these lot priced at from 1260 to l50. .
Kr. Aadrew CseVsrlaskl files.
Mrs. Andrew Cserwlnakl of 741 Eaat
Seventeenth atreet died thla ' morning
after an Illness of only a few days
(ma waa a popular member of Branch
' .-.
.... .... ..,.,, .jr.
and Wraps in grand assortment
appropriate Christmas gift for the
heart at a saving every economical
advantage. -
One beautiful Princess Evening- Gown, in light lavender, moire silk,
effectively trimmed in Irish crochet lace 1158.00 value J8 00
One Canary Liberty Satin Evening Gown, made with deep lace yoke,
skirt with deep flounce, magnificent creation Regular CflfJ tfr
$16a00 value for ,)70.UU
One beautiful White Etamine Gown, lined "throughout with white taf
feta, elaborately trimmed waist A regular $265X0 tj? f Q. f
costume for i . . ;. . . . . . V wO VIM
One White Satin Gown in Court Design, skirt elaborately trimmed in
floral design of silver, waist has deep yoke of real lace (QO OO
$175.00 value for ...:............ VifO.UW
SyOne Dainty Gown of Light Pink Chiffon, both waist and skirt trimmed"
. i. t i . . : 1 eti n fn el 4Sk
wun -gananas oi roses, tuniriiug twun nm.w av a y nil
value lor V I aVO.UU
One Magnificent Evening Gown, for. an elderly lady, black lace with
chenille dots of green, Princess style,' drop of white tf 1.0 f(
taffeta-4235.00 value for t ....... ... . . .. .;. I H'OsUVI
Tan Evening Gownof Silk Grenadine, trimmed in chiffon broadcloth,
, Princess style, bolero of Arabian lace, beautiful creation fQsT f(
-$160.00 value for ... VsTeJeUU
Magnificent Three-Piece Gown of Champagne Etamine, trimmed with
broad barids pr cnitton oroaciciotn. Dcautnuuy maae 1 v -fsri
-Keguiar nu.uu waiue tor,. .... . ........ at awarw w
Parisian Model Coat of Black Silk Velour, three-quarter
length, loose back, trimmed in heavv silk ('JO
lace, fvhite satin-lined $98.00 value tor,... V9CleV
One Evening Coat of Tan Broadcloth, genuine nfink
trimmed, the greatest' value ever offered t10 tf
in a handsome evening coat Sale price... ywllavU
One Light Blue Evening Coat of Broadcloth, made Em
pire style and elaborately trimmed with ? CO f""i
Arabian lace Regular $85.00 value for,,.. )lO.UU
One White Broadcloth Coat, tight-fitting and three-quar-ter
length, trimmed in new fringe trim CaCCT f
ming, beautiful model $85.00 value for,..;.ywJaVV
One Old-Rose Silk Gown, with dainty yoke of allover em
broidered batiste, full circular skirV lined tCX
with white taffeta Great value..... yJiJV;
Lavender Princess Evening Gown
Etsmine $58.00 value for............
- Other great special values in Evening Gowns and Coats
on the Second Floor. Take advantage of this sale, -
$6.00 to $1 0.00 Umbrellas
On Sale at $4.95 Each
: Special Holiday Sale of Women's High-Grade Umbrellas 100 of them
2i-inch, all-silk or mercerized linen covering, tape edge; large assort-!
ment of gold, ailver and pearl handles. Regular $6.00 to t A QkT
$10.00 values on sale at this special low price, each.... ..... pl,e"
Special lot of 200 Women's 26-inch Umbrellas, colored silk covering, with
fancy borders, choice boxwood' handles,
ateel frame; great variety to select from. Best $4.00 val
ues on sale tomorrow at this low price, each). .i.. .......
Autop-iobil es
' Agent ' . v '" -
; v. .. KNOX ,; - ,
' Temporsry Location Club Garage, Fifteenth and Alder Sts.
Investigate Before TaKin Treatment Elsewhere
To wke are arrilcted wltk MERVOCR DESILtTT. ar railing gtreesth
eoniawnlr eallee- "LOST MANHOOD." ExbaaMIna- DralnZ l'lspl"a
Laara Baik, laSamaiatlua ef tha Bladder aud fcldarya. lllgM Col
or4 t'rlne. liuputeacr. Dapee4aay. Iilllof ttfmvty. la nt Aaibl
tloa. Maatal Worry, rteulu t eaceaa aad vrtrvork; Pll-. Fiatnle and
Hrdretvla or ethM wakaM, which abeehitalr aaAt thaa tat StaOr BvmI
seaa, rktaenre er Macrlage . qultkly aai iierataucslly eoreo.
Ve eere. as ear. ftleag
Rh.aButl.m. Ian, twalltBsa, Dlaaaerrae, Oaaaiifcaaa. Olaat,
Urs rreatste aa4 Xydresale. Heaeat Vesliaga. . Suceaaaha
sclrattaes Swrvlce, Beaaoaable Chai-gee.
CaU er write BB. T.
, TAsnc vmrmonm .- , r
Tou can' take and develop your
plettirea In full dayUght e
Oregoa rbW Stock Oo.
Ill Sixth, near Washington.
No. lit of th Polish National alllanc.
Th funeral will take plac Thursday
morning from St. Francis' church.. .
Bail way bdlete for SUbatiag.
i - floereal Special SwW.I .
Toledo, Ohio, Pec II. TK federal
grand Jury thla afternoon Indicted the
Ana Arbor .railroad for rebating, -
w g
An opportunity to buy an
wife, sister, mother or sweet-
person will appreciate Take
-with silk cord and tassel, full
reiaae, motrtctrd or hereditary; Skla Slaaaeas,
Btrtetue, Ea.
as , Com-
1. TTtXCT. Ill Tint St.. rarUaad.
wi'aV. Heilig Theatre EST,
' i Tiwifb sad Touierrew Nlcht,.
Tb Talrntrd and ('harnlna Srtraas.
la tae Banlfnl Hoaianib- rtrama,
doiotmt mios.or kaodok iuil"
I'rlcea Low floor, ftmt l rowa 11.10,
laat S rowa fl: ealcray. flrat 4 rnwa if, m
S rewa T6,- laat S rowa fioe; galUry. SV
and SSe. . . -
Beaia ealllng for eegaseeaest at thoatre. -
141k and
The Heniit Theatre
Waaaloe-taa mhiij tlltaut Male a.
Tburs., m. asd Sat. Klht, Dee. M. SI, 23
" Spwlal STtre Matinee Haterday.
Tli Tnaoral Mmtral (Mr,
With Harry abort aad aa etrelleat company
Krmlr.f frlcee Lawer flonr, tt.m. (; halcoar.
1!. Sdc; sallery. S3r, SSc. Matinee -rloee-to
Seete Noa Selling ,t Halllg Theatre.
The Grand
Mr. aad Mra.
Verkias riaaes.
"THi KALnrar
The Three Sellaaa.
Tagre aad Beatala.
- Jee Baiaieat.
, Baaeakeais. '
Maatsr HareU Saff.
1,'cl j!1T AHD ilEIGUT
PHT8UIANK" RCAI.KS. Topulir for
home and offl.-e. t'HRlSTMAS t : m ' 1
rir - r - r- ' -, i
V Any suit, overcoat, dress
suit or Tuxedo ordered be
fore Wednesday, December
19, will be furnished by
. Christmas.
Wc .axe- making -a apecial
Holiday reduction on all
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Thib
ets. Worsteds and Scotch
Mixtures. , o i ,
To Your Measure
' . .To Measure -
, To Measure .
Dress Suits
'To" Measure
$40 to $65
TJannish Coats
For Women '
Bring the children to se
the Columbia Theatre which
opens December 21. An all
star cast of nine clever little
people in the Columbia win
dow December 21.
Elks' Building, Seventh and
Stark Sts.
Rskr ThMtrl rvv tta isor.
"wien isoatre Ce
QKOnOm u. BAKKll, sfsaasef1.
The Sake IkMtae Steak Oaaiaaay.
ToatfUt. All Wk. Matinee HatarOar Sol SaatSk
, Hneeall'e Oraat tVHnly SiKvaaL
SeeatlfSI aad Caatly Produatloi. t ads Dtrrn.
turn mt Mr. Jofaa Malnpolle.
ItTantng frtree, S5. SSc. ode Mala.. ISe. SSe.
Yenlgkl, Plaae ,1l(h Barye Haa Cksaaa
te lN-aar f. Valnahle riaa. .
Has WeosWTruey."
Main lit. , Mil to W. geamee, Mawaar.
Flaying the Kaatara nuir HaTUa
It4d Attrarttoaa.
. AU Tkle Week n. Ww ckamher Ula'a
, Ureat Waatra Mltraau.
Carrrlag trained saktns bme.'tMie. hnawee
bualcra a4 many etlier WIhI Wat faivra.
Hiranf eeeipanr. . tfaihieM Wednesday aad
balartUr. Krsnlar Kluplra prWa.
Muchlng bronco. ia at S ami T clerk p. aw
Free Exhibition rretit et Thoatre.
. Jlaxt Attreottea "The BsUe ef
Weak ef BeeesiW IT. ' ftaas Mala ,
The Allea aierk Caaisaay rresests
"THE crcmcE cf izi err
WatHMea TaooiUra. narwb'ra. Str.lra aa4
Staadaye at S:0 s. rhe aa .
Brery ereetes at S. 15; prUm lOe, aa4 ..
uyrict: :
win r
awth t i
t e ' - -
. . . , . . -o) t
. . . , ' n I"
120 to m
m to w
120 to Si
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