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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
I THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1908. DIG PARK SYSTEM EEilVOIlEll Board Adopts Resolution Favor , ing Expenditure, of Million " Dollars If Necessary. --. SKYLINE BOULEVARD . ; INCLUDED IN PLAN Purchase of Mt Tabor, Hawthorn Tract, Council Crest and City Play. . grounds Recommended by Mem : bera at Special Meeting. and not . "Not loss than S&Ub.OOO. more than $1,000,000." . That la the autn to be. expended en - parka and boulevards, according to tha resolution adoptad by tha park board at a apodal meting thla morning. At Ita meeting- tha ftrat of tha month tha board took the ftrat atepa toward iflsnaariag ! In fuur-of bun(inil"01 city for a large sum. that tha present , parka might be improved and new prop erty bought. The resolution today la a clincher. The board haa now definitely placed ltaelf before tha publlo aa advo cating the bond Issue. Ion Xewis In troduced the resolution and Dr. J. R. Wilson seconded the motion adopting It It la also auggested that the council, the park board and the parks and boule vards committee of "the Initiative One Hundred hold a Joint conference.-' Tha plana of the members of the park board - will then be dlaouaaed and probably new suggeattona will be forthcoming. - The aame resolution provides for sur veys of tha 'proposed properties to be made under the direction of the board. What is expected to be included in the new nark system la Mount Tabor proper, Hawthorne park, of which tha city now haa tha use aa a park; Councu Crest, whose purchase the board haa already recommended; a 'number of play, grounds In the residence section of the city for children, and a great skyline parkwajr extending along the top of the range, pi runs west or the city. ' . Mayor Lane read to tha board thla morning a tatter from Auditor Devlin, calling attention to a plumbing bill which was not -Included in the last monthly estimate. - .The auditor keepa . a keen eye on ail bills in the hands of ; the mayor's boards and committees, es pecially alnce the disagreement aa to -the, system-In his office - opened. This .bill was Included in the July estimate. Another lot of bills were not accom panied by requisitions, and the council must pass ordinances making appro priations to cover these. IliSliCElAUD IS ALLEGED r- - -in -i r- y-"-"-i mrnrarc ia n I Tj 11 I ' "rl' W. L Buckner Files Suit Against Mutual Reserve - Life . ; ? Company. CHARGE COMES AS AN , ANSWER TO A SUIT Sued on Note Given to Company, Buckner Retaliate! by Alleging That Company Haa Been Guilty of Gross Fraud. Fraud In tha methods of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company la - charged by W. L. Buckner In a suit that Is on trial- before a Jury In Judge Cleland's department of the state cir cuit court today. The suit waa brought agalnat Buckner by the Morgan Mer cantile agency to collect a note for 111.25 that Buckn.'r had given to the life insurance company as the first premium on a $5,000 policy. In defense, Buckner alleges that M. -T. Ifody, the agent tor the Mutual .ReH serve company, represented to him that he. would give him a 15.000 policy, to be paid for In IS payments, and would Include In It a "apeclar renewal eon tract" by which Bnckncr was to be ap pointed an "executive agent'' of the company. By means of this contract there would be a-vstm -of rebates that a the course of seven or eight years would be enough to psy the annual premium of Sltl.SS, 'and give Buckner something In addition. There were to be only SOS of these contracts sold In nine western states, and Buckner waa to be one of the favored 500. It wan learned later, says Buckner, that the dml wis fraudulent He states that the Mutual Reserve was barred from doing business In tlx of the nine ' ststes In which the special 1 contracts .were to be sold. The x state that have barred tha Mutual Re- . serve are said to be Colorado. Montana, Wyoming. Utah, Nevada and Ariiona. Buckner did not want his insurance, nor his appointment as executive agent, he says, when he learned that the deal waa fraudulent He asks to be relieved from paving tha ante. Attorney W. O. Hayes and John Ft Logan appear' for Buckner, MAURICE LITTRE WAITS . - , TRIAL WITHOUT BAIL ("serial Dtapatca te The Journal.) Astoria, Or, Deo. IS. Maurice Lit tre, the. sailor who broke Into the room of Captain Forest of the schooner An nie Larson and who was caught In the act had a preliminary trial before Jus tice of the Peace Goodman and was committed to "the county Jail - in de fault of $500 bonds' to appear- at the next term of circuit court The 1170 whlehlt was alleged he stole wa not found on the prisoner and it Is sup posed that if he atole the money he threw It overboard after being caught and before his arrest MELANOPE CASE SEEMS SETTLED Out of court (Special TDIapatr te Tat Journal.) Astoria, Or., Dee. IS. A settlement seems te be possible regarding tha dare, lict and abandoned ahlp Melanope, brought Into port by the steam schooner Northland, and probably out of oourt, by the owners of both vessels, the de tails of which will be- unknown to the public Xaptaln, Willis of the Melanope, who abandoned' her at sea, arrived here Sun- Valk If You Must But let nothing keep you away fwrmtlie swrehgsruTyar'Ciirifl. mas shopping goes on strike, or no strike. We've increased "our delivery force, and well get your packages out all right - ' ,' FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ie re upen ti ; All this week, andjrou'd better come then if you can't come during the day. 6ut' you'll do" us -.a favorbjT coming during the day, as wa must send many of our clerks borne early. And Above All Come to the Big Christmas Store. . We're Best Prepared to Serve You Well. Make Xmas Shopping Easier Than Ever Before by Doing It ALL Here Slippers for Young Folks , We've CjlicinT mentioned" our ' - Men's and Women's At new, eve you almost forgot to advertise-the Children's Slip pers? And that's one of the strongest lines in the houle, too. Everyone in the city knows that we have the best line of Men's and Women's Holiday Slippers in the whole west, but a lady telephoned in yesterday morning and asked us if we had Children's Slippers. Why, bless you, we've got 'em by'the thousand. We've just neg lected telling about them in our ads, that's alL But we didn't overlook the -young folks in buy ing, even if we did in advertising. Listen: Girls' Julieta, trimmed with black fur and a pretty buckle, made osjred felt and in a popular pattern; the sizes from 5 to 11 -are selling for QQ "85?, and from 12 to 2 for....:... .UW Boys' leather ett or Opera all sizes up tt ' the sizes from Boys' Slippers, Romeo style, in tan or red, just like papa wears, with elastic sides; sizes 11 to 2 81.50, J.:.-.:.: 51.65 Another Slipper for little girls who jameas the B8eV .nen-siaea-A-3L4- n fr i 1 o ' ,1,. V r ' O Hnnnft with I fancy braid and -worth to C $1.00 for only ............ . I C Slippers, in black or brown, Ever style, thin soles and nicely made; No. 2 sell at 98e, and sTf OC 2Yi up to S'i for only. Girls' Slippers, in black dr red felt, bound with braid, a-splendid slip per for Christmas; pair, E(l all sizes up to No. 2 ...JUL Boys' Leather Slippers, made of good matenal. a grade that most stores-rharger-borrt 25c a "pair more for; sizes 11 to 2, T5. .:o.?.............$ieOO After Six China Specials iv t. w y.- Th lSci Teapot Stands for. . . . . . ;10 'Large Cups and Saucers, worth 15c ' each, for ...... f.... lOj Sugar- and Creamer Sets, worth . 4Sc.Tegular JorrW-rrrri30 10c Toothpick Holders for.... ese specials are on sale 'after 6 clock, in addition to the specials of etSels-that THn-all da; Beautiful Decorated Chinaware Sell ing tomorrow night after 6 o'clock as follows: I" . - ,i 15c Spoonholders for ........ 10 Dessert Plates, regularly $1.95 the dozen, for ..fl.OO Bread - and -Butter-Plates,- worth $2.50 the dozen, for ....81.25 S 1 0MJlnera JGIases kite r S ii pp er S pe dials X)naleUVedriesday-Alier 6 P. M. Men's 52.00 Slippers for $1.39 7" We can show you 13 different styles of the slipper that we make this evening special on variety enough to please anyone on earth, isn't it? Come in black, brown, tan, "and made in the Opera, Everett or Romeo style; heavy, medium and light soles, and they are regularly sf-f TQ sold at $2.00 tha pair. After 6, only........ PJ' " , $1.50 Clove and Necktie Boxes 98c Mad(S of hard wood .andao-lioedrs-s-trimmed. They Sre r Q the finest you ever saw at $1.60. Special, after 6 i...... '...'' Collar and Cuff Boxes 65c An after-supper special that is a wonder. These are made of cellu loid and they are regular TC-e 95c values. After 6 UJt Handkerchief Boxes 98c Hand-Painted Glov and Handker chief Boxes, satin-covered and silk lined, large size, worth ft from $2.19 to $4. After (...? OC r ' Sterling Silver Sets Three-Piece Sets Comb, Brush and Mirror suitable, for sTT f)fi misses' use, regular $5.25. After 6, only.... ...fJ'W 35c Smokers' Sets for 19c $5 and $5 Musk Rolls $3 Made of genuine alligator leather, and handsome articles that make superb gifts. Special sTT ffi fter6r6nly. . .. . ...;J.UU $2 Silk Hose, Pair, $1.29 Women's Silk Hose, ' medium weight, full finished and made with black cotton sole. VThese are reg- Another special from the fancy goods section on the main floor; some on stands. Reg. "f Q 3Scr ifteT-6T7rrrrrrmrrI iC Hose Supporters for $1.29 Shirred Ribbon Hose Supporters, side 'elastic, satin with silk lace edge; come in pink, blue and white. Special after 6....... , $1.29 BuyH ma In the Men'a Shops, in the Sixth street end of the store-rmain floor. Come loot them oven . Smoking Jacketa are going fast now, so we advise you to come in early and select one, even if you don't want to take it till the very last day. We hsjs them now in all sizes and patterns Men's Bath Robes In blanket or cloth, new patterns. Boys Wool Sweatere With V . neck ' and plain or button-holed fronts. A regular $1.50 value for 93c HousecoatW av-kr...VI I AtLr-v t III Men's NeckwearThe best assort ment in the city. CO ' Priced from 25 ta....JUU Men s Fancy Vesta are very appropriate gifts for your men friends. Select one from this large stock of ours and you're sure to be pleaaed yourself and to please the one who receives it. Regular prices 1 are $1.50 to $6.50, and now every one ia reduced., ..., Men's Mufflers, Reefers and Dreaa Protectora all make good Christ mas presents, we nave a large assortment, including lots of white, black and pearl, T5e to.... Men's Irish LinenTIandkercriiefa, plain orTiahd-embrold1 C 1 "tt ered initials. Prices 20 to .........aPJall Suit Caaea for Men or Women Also Hand Bags and small Traveling .Bags. A good Christmas assortment. $5.00 Beautiful Imported Opera Glasses, complete with handle; bodies- and handles of whiteoriental or smoked pearl; best nickel trim- sJT QtZ mings and splendid value. L $10.00. Special ,...Ple77 Hand-Made Art Goods 1-2 Sofa Pillows. Opera Bags Centerpieces, Library Table Covers, Doilies and Dresser Scarfs in the as-v- Hrtrw aortmenjFvery rnsdeip? pUe-wth hruict gffT for balf "wnat we should get for it. The designs are English Eyelet, French Embroidery, Shadow and Biedermaier Embroidery. The materials are linen, lawn and Jap linen. . - All this week wa offer any of these made-up pieces ior just oiu ne regular prices . . . . Worth- Worth Worth Worth Worthl $3.50 for $4.00 for $5.00 for $10 for $12 for1 $L25$2,00$2045.00 $6.00 Here : Are G 1 - t -.: , . . b- Wh He Moth na better Than : .Women's $7.50 and $8.50 Lace Waists, Gh QQ After Six o'clock Only, Wednesday. . . 4T.O , Without question, there's no equal to this Waist Special 'that has ap peared to Portland's shoppers this season. And the best of it all is that it comes right at a time when you are racking your brains for something to give and. planning to make Christmas money go the far thest, so that youll get the. most for it. These waists come in white' or cream, made of allover lace In figured net or heavy allover designs, with tucked yoke and appjique-fmbroidered fronts; fasten irt back and have short or long sleeves;' worth from $7.50 to $8.50. After sf Oft -Or-onlj .7rrrr7.T.Tr..7."....T7TJT0 250 Swagger Tailored Suits, Half The smartest garments'possible for clever tailors, to turn out. A mighty sale that will set a new mark for tremendous suit values. Nearly every tyle and color among this lot. All sizes, and the prices were originally $18.50 to $45.00 each. Now we give you the suit opportunity of the whole year and offer yon these at half price. The finest ones stO OC in the whole tot now.S22.50, the $18.50 ones J Gloves Long Kid Gloves, In black or white, 83. SO and 84.0Q Long Sued Kid Gloves, in black Of white, the pair ....... 83.60 Monarch Kid Gloves, 2 clasps: black, white and colors. .82.2S Derby Two-Clasp Kid Gloves, in black and colors ...... ..81.75 Eskay Three-Clasp Kid Gloves, in Jack and colors; pair . . . . f l.To Dent's English Gloves, com t In colors only; pair f 2.00 Women's Handkerchiefa, fine Swiss with embroidered or scalloped edge or in the neat hemstitch patterns. Special at, each...25e New Elastic or Silk Belts white. black and colors, 80e to 8 20 Umbrellas for Women Covered with piece-dyed taffeta, with tape edge and fancy handles of gun metal, horn, pearl, gold and silver-plated; also Men's Umbrel las with natural wood handles. Priced at 83.00 and 82.BO Women'a Blue Silk Umbrellas . Regular $5.00 value for.. 83.28 Men's and Women's Umbrellas Piece-dyed taffeta, with natural wood-handles .v.fS.SO, 84, 85 Women's Fine Swiss or Linen 'Kerchiefs With hemstitched or embroidered edge, 35 to T5e Women's Handkerchiefs In fine embroidered linen, come six as sorted patterns in a box. Sell ins: at. the box f 1.75, f2.00. S3.SO and 87.00 i Apron Patterns Fins White Apron Patterns That is, enough goods for an , apron, wUh fancy openwork border. Special Wednesday .t 35 White Embroidered ' Shirtwaiat Patterns sell at f 4.50, 8 3.SO and 'as low as.... ..:. 2.50 Fins Damask Tablecloths, with napkins to match; cloths are from 2 to 3yi yards long f7.75, fS.50, f 9.25, 8 11 Washable Dress Fabrics for gift purposes, are sensible and show thoughtfulness; come in . dress"patterns.. Each, f 1.25 and ....i.... T8f Hair Brushes Kelr Brashea, large else, with beet English hair. nl! raire white bristles: regular ly IS. SO each special as tereoeoeple Oat Hts, , containing exeoBc.apto and J5 views; regular value 1, for. SSo Olove Boxes, fancy hand-painted, cel luloid glove and kerchief boxes; reg. S6o for..80o Vacktle 'Boxes and clove boxes, in hardwood, braaa trimmed; regular 13.00 special at ......... 1JS Silksand Dress Goods An - ; : : : TEMPTING CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FROM PORTLAND'S BEST . ' SILK STORE. Novelty Silk Suits A grand collection of new and attractive patterns, newest colorings and designs; neat, small figured effects, regu- QQ laf$1.25 quality. Special this week, yard OC Imported Wool Suitingsiin swag ger designs checks, mannish mixtures,' stripes and overplaid s priced like this: Regular $1.75 grade... 81.10 Regular $1.25 grade 89 Regular $1.00 grade... .60 Silk and Wool Poplin for after noon and evening dresses every wanted shade to choose from. Priced thus: -I Regular $2.00 grade. ...... .81.49 Regular $1.50 grade.. .... ..8 1.19 Regular $1.25 grade 89 Wa have Just received a large shipment of the well-known Moravian Chiffon Broadcloth. This cloth is absolutely guaranteed to be sponged and shrunken, spot-proof and read? for the needle. Nothing better for swell tailored gowns. No Better Hose Made THAN THESE WE HAVE FOR YOU Women'a Hose Fine gauge, black - gauze lisle, with . black embroid ered boot; an immense assort ment, to choose from, and the regular price is 75c the pair. Special price for this week, the box of one half dosen- fairs, only 84.00 Women's Hose Black gauze and mecnum-weignt cotton and lisle, black lace lisle, black embroid ered lisle and cotton, or white lace lisle. " Any of these are reg ular 50c hose. Special, box of ix pairs .: 82.75 Women's Hose Black lace' lisle and black gauze lisle, with garter top, aisc mac cmurimicreu coiion a lew lines ol each of these regular 35c hose. Special, the box of six pairs for....fl.90 day and was permitted to take posses sion and Immediately enter her In the custom-house under British registry. A representative of the bbard of under writers arrived later and an agreement waa reached that the ahlp be taken to Tongue Point, from where she now lies la the lowor harbor, to be pumped out and her ballast moved so she can rest ti in even keel. " HARRY THAW'S TRIAL rt-AST DAT OF JANUARY '(Journal gpeelal tmif.l New fork, ec. IS. The trial of Harry Thaw will begin January St. Justice Newberger set-that date after an agreement between attorneys? repre seating the state, and Thaw's attorneys. AT THE THEATRES. Alberta Gallatin at Heilig Tonight The clever actress, AlbeA Oallatls, will present the rouaatle drama "Derethy Vernoa ( Haddos Hall" at the Ilelllg theatre tnnlght and tomorrow alfht. Thai rnarntnf womaa baa appeared In (hi etty oa several jircTloua jrfialona, but -aeaee wMt taat fitted ber a the eSarsetee Poenthf Vereaa" dnee, Koa't biIm sexin tbla dellghtfut playa a ad plaf. ... - - . "The Heir to the HoorahT Sunday. aa anannactsieat ef the retars eacasemaat at tba H.llle io UK .Orat bau". et CUilatm.a arses. W Psnl Arsntroafs sew comedy, "Tka Betr te tka Hoots.,' ass special lata rest (04 auay people wb will remember Mr. Irmatrone aa the sprightly sporting writer wbe tratwblle entertained bla reader wltk , pletaresque ae coaats of snclllsUe enooanter orer the signa ture of "Rlgbt Croea." The sal ef seats sad boxes for the engagement of 'The Heir to the Hoorah" opens PrIUsy morning at the Helllf Ih.atra bo otflee. "Tht Yankee Consul" Next Thursday. "The Tankee Consul" which la h). be the st traetloa at tlx llellla theatre seat Thutsdsy. rrtdsr and Saturday sigh I a, Deeember SO. 21 and SX with a apeclal price matinee Saturday, rrnar a" mnstesl standpoint contain mora real song bit than any ef the so-esl)d muslesl enmedle r ramie oners n tonr at the pres ent time.- Manager Jobs T. Sloeam. who M directing th tnar has preelded th original Broadway tbeatr prod tK-t Ion and la addition enianiWrl en. ef jrlaclnsls will trreeeat a real ,MAserleB Beauty Caorua' 'sumberttig -SO' pretty, dainty girl. Helllg theatre. Seats are bow ea sale at Good Show at the Baker. . "A Barbemr' Keaanr," whleb la th bill thla week a th Baker,' m one ef the weetet lore storlee rer toM n th Amerlcaa stage. The Baker company - la making a great kit in Ike bill. Erneat Haatlnc and Marlhel Seymour are capturing the awtlewe by their careful work. The ether farorlle are well east. Stage settings are gorgeous. It's worth walking 'to see "A Bachelor' Bomaace"-thl week- -et-th Baker. , "Out In Idaho" at tha Empirs. H. Wabh Ckambm-laln' "Out la Idaho" la the attrsctloa st th Bmplr all thl week and I sraruif a (trong for patron ef inla theatre. It m roll of thrilling westers lt tlon with typical "bad men'1 vigilant, and .Ska, f Sordor, lf , they are depleted ta atory and drama. Bncklnf broncho eihibltlo will be glrea every any ta front of th tbeatr at S and T o'clock,. Wall ace tomorrow. At the Star. fa "Th Tlerltar . of th Red" th A Men atork 'company at Ik Staj- theatre ha a play which very Oregon Ian ahonld aee. for Its etury ) laid I the neiguboBkng atate of Waahlngton. "Tka Heritage of the Red" wa written for Miss Venn f.lUio, th young leading worn a J of th AUea etot-k eonipenyr by Herbert Bxata tore, the well known dramaltat. I dent The ei la Eacellent Scenic Production, "rauat" at the trle thl week It Is art that th manager ef thl popular play. I gllng th poopl their money' worth. seaol featnra bar bees wespared at large and are gorgou . n Brorhew acone JMg; te, be reawmbered... The- member f the. company ar doing eicllaat work and th dramatic cae of the kamurtsl play are brought out with much effort, "r'auat ' I by rr the beat thug the Lira company aa te done. At the Grand. Reekere after light 'amdtement will find th vaudeville eutertatnmeul at the ftraad tM week one of the theatre a seat. Ksre Kendall a rural comedy rketrk. "The Half way Hs." I being pUyed ky Mr. and Mr. Perklne f a th beeclllne act. asd ft a lnw werl the price at artmlesloe.- rroteat Agataurt Oat Sho-ha-. Valley-Clti' S. P., leo. IS Hhlppere and grain aneo of North lakota gath ered In eonfrne here today te die euss tb ear hort eltnatlo) and te devise plana for legislative relief. It la purposed to lay the matter . befera the legislature at It coming s assist, 3 ' ' V . " ' r -.- - r. S 1 ' ' V I h' I r. 1..