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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1900. . STRIKERS MEET POLICE READY THE PATIENCE OF M .. i.. ; W.SM..MM ,. - - -, Could Hardly Endure the Tor mehC of Itching Pils."T : V FIVE MODE SHOPPING DAYS 11MJLiXMAS.V RIOT SPEECHES IF OflE OEGIfIS AflD-tlSIi-IO x TTlchlng piles Is'cohatahtrmenTi 6 Is eosema. No comfort all day, no rest all night Can't keep your mind on work. . No use to go to bed. Suffer no lonxer: use Doan'a Ointment rCMSLHunjlred' Carmen - and Sympathizers Gather in Mer nIPs Hall to Be Urged by Leaders to Remain Firm and Not Givl Up'the Fight. - C IL Oram, president of the Oregon , State Federation of Labor, declared at a meeting in Merrill hall last night. which was attended. by some 400 strl ) Ins carmen and their sympathisers, that the present strike had been throwa eud " denly before the publto because - the unions learned ' by their experience last July that delays five the company time , in which to head pit any movement on . the Dart of the workmen. Continuing. ' he pointed out the fact that the causqfl . nf the failure of Iha strlfctUa.JUtoUg.fA, cue. to notices, announcing; toe move, . which were sent out several weeks be- xorehand. : ""A ey in pathetic strike -would be play to the interests of the corpora. tlona. because it would sap the strut erg of their means of support. So long as a major part of the working men and union men are employed, the strik ing workmea-caa. be cared. or,he said. In concluding his remark he added r "Do not resort to violence. Violence never gained anything and only injures toe cause. - Stand pat, and work earn i. estly to convert every faltering carman to the cause of unionism." The meeting last night was an en ' thuslastlo one from the ' start. : Fully 400 crowded into the hall Inside of. It ' minute, listened quietly to the im promptu speeches- and cheered lustily the sentiments expressed. Over half a doien speakers expressed their views of the strike situation, among whom were j Fred Merrill and J, Saunders of Omaha. The latter favored a sympathetic strike ' and urged the workingmen to uee thPlr . prerogative at the polls for furthering . their own Interests, .x McDonald Kakea Address.' .' P. McDonald was ehosen speaker in charge for the evening and he presided ' at the speaker's table, which was drawn to the. center of the dancing halt - He, too, spoke of the suddenness with which ;the strike movement had been inaugu rated, but waa firm In his belief that this way was the only one which would bring success to the movement. ' : lie went into details concerning the situa tion and declared that the strike was certain to end in success. . "The public is with us," he argued, "and wilt con tinue to be.". .' It G. Parsons spoke bitterly against . the practice of the streetcar companies in photographing their platform em ployes, ' and referred to it - as being parallel to and inferring as much as the same practice which is in vogue at the police stations in making negatives j(v the rogue's gallery. He believed the atreetcar-meif-ahogltt' tmpreas the- paly llo with the earnestness of their' move ment and stand to win. .. ..'v . -" Other speakers of the evening were Conductors Moahler' and Fisher and Fred. Merrill. The keynote, of the tet ter's address waa diplomacy which, be i' sale.-etwuld -rale-every-move-maae DI the carmen in their efforts to bring success to their strike. . - ,- . .Immediately after adjournment was taken at Merrill's hall, the major part of the streetcar men went to Drew hall to attend a socret meeting which was held - there at 10 o'clock. About 27i carmen attended the meeting, where It waa practically decided that the strike should be arbitrated 1f the terms were put Into the bands of a body of competent citizens. . If the strikers were obliged, however, to deal directly with the company they declared they would, refuse to . compromise on any point. The meeting at Drew hall last night was hi reality -a continuation of the secret meeting which began there last Bunday night. All day yesterday there were carmen, union members and strike sympathisers . congregated - about the rooms. . .. . i .. STRUGGLE TO SECURE . . POSSESSION OF HEIRESS ' (Joaraal Bpeelal Serrlea.) V Philadelphia, Deo. 18. Relatives of Miss Ida May Miller, heiress to 1 500,000, the whereabouts of whom only Dr. Ro lando Kuehn knows, dragged today her mother from the sanitarium where she haa been and forced her to confront the physician who was once physician to Queen Lllloukalanl of Hawaii, and who claims to be the young woman's nance. She waa not successful. .' The relatives assert that the physi cian hypnotised the girl. They believe her to either be a prisoner In the house r buried there. Dr Kuehn asserts that ha Is alive and well and will appear ' whaB own his wife. - He says several attempts have been made on bis life by her relatives. RECEPTION TO RETIRING CASTLE ROCK PASTOR CSpeetal Dispatch t Tke 7oaraal.i - Castls Rock, Wash., Dee. is. Mrs. Buland, wife of Mayor O. Ik Buland. gave a farewell - reception to Rev. and Mrs. A- M. McClain and a reception to the teachers of the publlo school Sat urday afternoon. About SO were pres. ent A short but very Interesting pro gram waa carried out, after which re freshmenta 'were served. Mr. Mc Clain preached his farewell sermon to his congregation here yesterday and wtll leave the last of the week to take charge of the Presbyterian church at Kettle FHa, Washington. . A SfcNSIBLly CHRISTMAS GIFT ' , A POLICY IN ' Txa rouor-xozjBsav coaoAirr. Horn office, Commonwealth Building, ccr. Sixth and Ankeny, Portland, Oregon, A! U Mills, "H Samuel, Clartncft B Samuel, . President. Oeneral Manager. . - Assistant Manager. . There will certainly be a lot of happy women In Portland on Christmas day. Judging by the number of handsome presents' that merchants are laying away at the command' of thoughtful husbands and fathers." IL.Lleoes aV Co.. the furriers.' now on Fifth and Alder, but next year to be in their new quar ters on Fifth and Morrison, have, sold a large number of exquisite fur sets for this purpose. ; Ladles of no city ; in America wear- handsomer furs than those of Portland; and naturally In the stores of no city are finer furs to be found. ' ' Like diamonds, the increased demand and the scarcity compel an d4 vance In price, and' also like diamonds, age can not affect their value, if prop erly cared for. So that a really good Investment Ml well as a source of de light. Among the many beautiful ol- Llars. Jftoiles. neckpieces. - nvrmfcetc.. made up from Russian gable, Chin chilla, mink,' seal and leas rare and ex. pensive furs, one set in the Llebes show cases stands alone. It is a muff and neck piece of ermine, made In an ex. elusive style; ' the large muff is fin. fBhed with a box plait effect, the1 wide plait teiniTstrappctf down- wrlth aroW strips of ermine, held. In place by si I ver buttons. A bunch of violets, long stemmed roses, or other favorite flow er. can be thrust through the strap with striking effect. The severe tal lored style of women's street costumes is responsible,, perhaps, for the grow. tng universality of the trim neckpiece of fur. .. . . I Robinson aV Co.. on Washington street. have made their windows , a constant temptation to women with men on their C'hriatmaa lint.. One window shows the most beautiful display of neck wear ties in every conceivable tint any complexion can be suited; and full dress protectors made of a handsomer grade of silk than ever before.' Another showing is of gloves, another of fancy vests, another of lounging robes of exclusive patterns, another of hats and ' merchandise : coupons are sold' for any Vmount, so that If one's mnnfolka are finicky about what they ww r the choice en be 4et-1 them. There la so much richness .this year in men s wenr that it becomes a pleas nre to aive thess articles. "Our : advertising In J The Journal keeps us so busy we haven't time to think of anythlngTTew to t!l The Jour nal readers." said Mr. Rosenthal of Rosenthal's, on Third street, when ssked for a shoe tip to Christmas shop pers. -. But he did find time to expatiate on the Hanan shoes, for which this firm aa the exclusive agency. On close examination this shoe is found to be a most excellent one in every way, par- made. - These shoes are designed to follow the lines of the natural foot so closely that they remain well shaped as" long aa there la any wear in them.: They are eemfortable .from the very first- no "breaking In" tortures to be lived through. Before shoe building waa so well understood is IT Tstoday-eom- loniDin enoe meant a nomeiy, sioppy shoe; but these, modern shoes are aa remarkable for their beauty and grace as trier are. for solid comfort. And well-fitting shoe -is a -necessary feat nre for nobblly dressed men or women. - The ' Skldmore drug store, ' on Third street, present more the appearance of a basaar -than a place for the dispens ing of remedies for human ills. The window , are particularly - attractive Just now,. one of them being filled with handsome triple mirrors, the other with cut glass.. ' Inside the store one neces sarily passes through the crowded aisles slowly, and observes the great variety of things out of the ordinary. There are gentlemen's. wall hangers, in ebony and cak;.a panel mirror, with bat and coat brushes , on either side; 'military hair brushes. In ebony; drinking flasks In wicker and leather cases; a full line of rarely beautiful enameled, silver and gold toilet sets; specially Imported Japanese china:, e having sets In a most convenient style something - entirely new; grapnophonea, records and photo graphic supplies. In fact, there are so many pretty and useful thlnsrs. nartlou. lnrly for men. that If you haven't been able to find that-exclusive gift for-"thei nnl, man f r BlrlHmiiM', PACIFIC'S DEBATERS V UP TO THE TRY-OUT (Snetsl DUaatrk to The JoorsaLt Forest Grove, Or., Deo. lg. The de bating council has decided to take the negative of the question, "Resolved, That municipalities should own and op erate their street railways," which will be the subject for the debate between Whitman and Paclfto universities, to be held st Walla Walla In February. Fifteen young men will contest for places on Pacific s team Thursday evening, when the local try-out will be held. , Under a new rule f the council, the men getting first, third and fifth places will compose the team, meeting Whit man, while those getting second, fourth and sixth places will make the team that la to meet Washington at Seattle on a date yet to be chosen. i ne oo-ecia win noid ineir try-out mis evening, when they. will select a team to debate the same question with the girls of McMlnnvllle in March. This la the first time in the history of the uni versity' that a dehatlna- team comnoand exclusively of girls has been put out to meet a team from another school also composed or girls. UK Are Armed With' Riot Clubs and Have OrdersFrorrr Chief .v Gritzmacher to Use. Them If Necessary to Preserve aid Order. Chief GriUmacber when .'Informed that It waa the Intention of Manager Fuller of the Portland Railway com pany to run ears on several If not all of the lines tonight made the following statement relative to the method to be used In SUDDresslnr disorder and nro- teet tag property: - "The hoodlum -' element, responsible for the disgraceful riots last Saturday night, will find that we are entirely pre-4 r.j s..i -i.i. .T.-, t they attempt any violence. Riot clubs have been distributed te all of my men and they have specific orders to1 use them In dispersing crowds. "We -may just as well fight this mat ter Dut tonight- as any other time. From the list of men published it , appears that : the ' majority of carmen are not participating In the strike and it has only been the fear of attack by the rowdies that has prevented the cars from running aa usual . There will be no further teraporlxlng with the vicious element and I wish to warn all those who 'Contemplate any disorder that we will teach them a severe lesson that they will not soon forget It will be advisable for all persons not to congre gate on the publlo streets, whether they are law-abiding citlxens or not. as by their presence they lend moral support to those inclined toward lawlessness. You can say for We that no further disorder will be tolerated and we are entirely able to cope with the situation. r 7oroe at rolloe Station. -' In anticipation of the possibility of the outbreak of further disorder as the result of the carmen's strike. Chief of Police Orlttmacher la still maintaining a force of police reserves at headquar ters at all hours, of sufficient sis to handle sny emergency that may arise. Riot clubs of hickory, t inches . in (-length, have been distributed to all pa- trolrnen.wtth Instructions- to use -tha sticks In preventing the repetition of the lawlessness, which prevailed In the business section of the city last Satur day night ... " Under the preaent orders all of the members of the day relief report at a. m. and remain continuously on duty until p. m. iAt noon the first night relief puts In an appearance and is held at, headquarters until midnight. The second night relief reports at 11:15 p. m. and la held in reserve until noon of the following day. With the excep tion of a few policemen detailed to prominent corners in the downtown' dls- Ttrtctrmlrw-thi siaiiou, tuaor mm axrmnxemeni -.- int regular beats are not patrolled, as the department is not of sufficient slse to permit of holding a portion of the men In reserve and at the same time policing the city as usual. ' ; - In addition to the reserves mentioned the 'nine plain-clothes men of the de partment, under command of Inspector Bruin, also report In uniform at ( p. m. and remain at headquarters' until mid night By this system there Is always a sufficient number, or patrolmen on duty to quell -all disturbances. For the convenience of those patrol men whose homes are too far to permit them to dine with their families. Chief Grltsmacher has perfected arrangements with the contractor supplying ths city prisoners with food to give the police men meals at his Restaurant. GOVERNMENT PREPARING TO RAISE ITS 01 CAMPHOR Uncle Sam to Crow Trees In Florida and Be Independent - of Japan In Case ot W i ' . Uearaal Speelal Sarrlea.) Washington, D. C Dec. !. The government Is preparing to raise Its own camphor, so that In ease of trou ble with. Japan It will not be cut off from one of the ingredients necessary In the manufacture of smokeless pow der. Beverly T: Oalloway, chief of the bureau of plant Industry, appeared be fore the house committee on agricul ture and stated that Janan controlled the camphor output. But he said It had been - demonstrated that camphor could be produced In this country and that a plantation of 1.000 acres was to be set out In Florida. The tree 1 is grown . In California successfully, but only for ornament. Oalloway said that In Japan the trees are cut down to extract the gum, but the bureau had learned that It can be extracted from the twigs and the usefulness of the tree .would be little Impaired thereby. w referred etoek Cannes floods, - ., Allen Lewis' Best Brand. , JUDGE'S SISTER (Continued from Page One. boy stands at the north door, where the controller is located. - t The door, to the east entrance of the elevator was broken last ; night and could not be fastened this morning, ac cording to the elevator boy. It was be ing repaired by Janitor Ertckson . at the time of the accident. Walter Jack-, son. the elevator boy, stood at his poet t the north gate. .V. V.. Band, whose offices are In room 40, waa ths only other occupant of ths cage. -.,',.,. Miss Oantenbeln leaned forward aa she started 'to step into the oar," said V. V. Rand. "So when - aha fell aha fell across the floor. She hung there I moment while I shouted to the boy I to stop. I was arrald to try. to drag her the rest of the way In for fear that she might be cut In two when the car shot past the second floor. , She fell and must have struck something, I for she was dashed down- the shaft j Into the basement" . Miss Oantenbeln had occupied the po- Ition In the adjuunt-genertrt omcei for ths past six years. Walter Jack son, the elevator boy, has been employed I present position sines last March. He had no experience trr-mrming- ete vators previous to that time. His state-' ment of the accident Is practical)" the t same as that of Mr. Rand. 'There has been no official effort to Peace fix responsibility for th acoideaL It gives relief in five or ten minutes. It cures in a short time cures you to stay cureo. Portlihf liedpte imlorse'lET Martin Sullivan, employed In street department, and riving at Third street, . Portland, Oregon, says: "Doan's Ointment is without any ex ception the best DreDaratlon on earth fof the purposes for which Its use is recommended. For two years I waa trou bled with the worst kind of itching and bleeding hemorrhoids. I tried one rem edy after another and was treated by physicians, but I got no relief until 1 procured a box of Donn's Ointment at a .local drug store. The first applica tion gave me relief and in two or three weeks 1 was completely cured. Since then I have been free from the torment ing affliction." (From statement made on Februaryvlt, 1801.) CONFIRMED AFTER THREE' TEARS. On January 16, 106. a member of Mr. Sullivan's family ald; "Three years have passed since Mr. Sullivan made the above eatatement and I confirm ev- ei It. Hal sals that, hut h has time and again advised others to use Doane Ointment lie haa great faith In it" - For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. - Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. HIGH CARNIVAL CHRISTMAS EVE Most Novel Christmas Celebra tion ,Evsr Held Planned In Hawaiiart IslandsWill Brew Punch in Steaming Crack of " Crater. . ' ." ' (Jon rail Special Serrlea.) Honolulu, Dec. II. The most novel Christmas; celebration ever held will occur In ths Hawaiian Islands .. on Christinas eve. George Lycurgus, manager of the volcano, will take a large party of tour.'sta to the Kllauea crater and there hold high carnival dur ing the Christmas holidays. Last Christmas there was sjme semblance of a celebration but it was nothing compared with what is planned for this year. It la now proposed to brew hot punch of the crater, where the health of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and pat ronnes of the volcano, wtll be drunk. While the punch Is being brewed, a fat pig win be cooked over another steam crack. Turkeys, geese and, other articles will be prepared in the same manner. . Aa a finale to the celebration, every body will stand on the brink of the Inner pit, ' where flames and flowing lava are constantly busy, and throw libations to Pele, who is ' said by Hawaiian -legends to. . dwell ln-tha Xlre. I As if in anticipation of her approach- VOLCANO Holiday Sale Mission Hockers Fifty rockers in the solid oak, weathered finish, in the popular Mission design, seats are upholstered in ; genuine leather. -This- characteristic and. comfortable piece will make a splendid Christmas gift. Regular value $10.00.- Special commencing tomorrow $5.25 I ' " ' !k . Store Open Lvcnmgs Until 9 P. M. Commencing Tomorrow flroutauwrjl B jteooo Jj EXQUISITE of selecting from a. vast variety, impossible for any other store in Portland to offer. Do not wait until the i eleventh hour-early buying will be to your advantage N House Coats, Lounging R.6bes, Fancy Vests, Dress Protectors, Mufflers, Gloves, Neckwear, Fancy Sus penders, Initial HandkcrchicfsrUnibrcllQS,Travcling Sets,SuitCases,SakPajamas,Nighobes,Undervoar and a score of other numerous articlesuits, Ovcl2- I coats, Raincoats Our prices in every instance are most reasonable. Select your article and we l t will deliver it at any specified time. Merchandise orders issued for any amount All Holiday Mail Orders I, FiU Filled With Care ing guests,'" Pele has ordered the fires In ths volcano to burn. Reports from the volcano are to the effect ' that tongues of flames have been shooting from the floor of the inner crater.l whlnh-ia about 100 fx t. below -the flour of the big crater. P ' ' ' "" fTaaasaasaasaasaasaasaasa BT COMPtETE-I1005E-FURIiI51 Wm : CHRISTMAS FINERY Is the goal for all who demand exclusive "finery and satisfaction for men andchildren M' NEGRO MOB TO LYNCH" ONE OF THEIR OWN RACE (Joaraal Special ServMe I' Wlnnegbord7Xa.. Deo. II A negro mob, with bloodhounds. Is In pursuit AN IDEAL PLEASING 2. Kitchen Cabinet MR. HUSBAND, do you realize that the little wife spends the greater part of her time in the kitchen? Do you know you can save her hundreds of steps every day and at the same time make her exceedingly happy? , s .-i -,-'. , ........ The McDougall Cabinet actually reduces ' the work one half and saves innumerable steps. It has a place for every article needed in the '-: preparation of a meal where it can be reached instantly without takingjxnglestep.TJhe rrrumefousfother features of this modern and most practical piece of kitchen furniture com bines for a useful and. appreciable gift. We -t are now showing the many styles and sizes in these famous cabinets-zinc and wood tops. , Our easy payment terms of , $1 Down-$l a Week -..'. C . " ' '' ' . v' ' '.''.'''- . ' . - will enable you to choose any style or size from this complete line, u in endless array ' All Orders Should Be- Addressed to Mail . Order Dept. of Noah McLndon a. young negro, who killed Amanda Wright, ths mother-in-law of Mam McLendon, his wife, and Ous Wright, his brother-in-law,, and erloualywaundad Wash Smiths He will be" lynched by members of his awn race If caught. . .vi- , . V SURELY XMAS GIFT Store Open Urt;I McDougall T