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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKTTAL, PORTLAND TUESDAY - EVENING. DECEMBER. 18. 186& IT K3I thence 8. 1 deg. and 10 mln. W. 181.74 feet; thenoe 8. t4 deg. 10 mln. W. 87 fMt: thence W. along K. lln of Slaters Tract fet; thence N. - 40 des. K. 28.08 feet; thence Is'. 47 dec. 10 mln., E. 18.57 feet; thence 8. 11 deg.. E. 288.86 feet to be- -ginning, cuntalntnK 0,12 acre. - Also commencing ((7.(1 feet V , "ev.,u min. K and 4a.8-fo N. 41 dec. 18 mln. B. from the Interaction of the N. lino of the Donner claim with JC. Una of the Robinson claim; thence N. 41 deg. It mln. B. T.10 feeu thence N, (0 dec K. Ill feet; " ; thence N. t( deg. IS mln. B. 127.44 feet; thenoe 8. 10 deg. 41 ' mln. E. 94.60 feet; thence 8. 15 deg. 10 mln. E, 141 feet .-' more or less to the N. line of the Bsvefilh-street .Ttt thence W. 401 feet more or leaa '-r lon N. Una of Seventh-atreet - -Terrace to beginning, subject ' -to right of war If along the N. 11 Ae of the Seventh-street Terra oe, eon- V. ' talnlng 0.79 acre, aectlon 4. ' township 1, south range 1 at 15.17 Kenneth, Jane, and Drover, l F. . Undivided H 8. H of N. H of W. of Thomas and Mi nerva Carter D. JU C.,- except . v . par platted as "West End." section 5,- township 1, south . range 1 east, (1 acres ........ 111.10 McLaughlin, Ann (helra) Be ginning 15.10 ohaina N. and 1.50 chains W. of K post on 8. line, .el , Hon d II chalna; thence N. 6 18 ohaina: thence EL to a colnt H chains W. of E. line of Jones' 0. U C, thence eouth . easterly to beginning, aectlon (. township 1, aouth range 1 east, 1.11 acres Jones. Mrs. .Mary- Beginning at NW.- corner block 1. Zlon,. thence W. 420 feet; thence N. (0 feet: thence E. 1(0 feet; thence N. to 8. line of Barnes . road; thence easterly . along 1.11 14 .joe it , ej-.poiet . o4...8 . beginning; thence 8. to begin ning, aectlon (. townahlp 1. ' south range 1 eaat, 1 acre.... Ill . Jones, Julia C Beginning at In- , tersectlon of W. line of Jones . ave. and N. line of First ave.. thence N. 200 feet to" 8. line of . Second ave.: thence W. 100 feet to B. line of State at.; thence 8. 200 feet to N. line of Firat ave; thence E. 200 feet to begin ning; aectlon , T. 1 8 R. 1 E I acre . 1.21 Klrkman. Wm. Undivided 1-11 of 1(0 acrea, described as fol lows: E. H of B.W. t and W. ' H of W. H of S B V. and B. . H of N. H of S.W. 14. section I, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., It 1-1 acrea. 11.71 . Idleman. Cicero M Beginning 454.7 feet N. and 25 feet B. of ' S.W. corner of Caruthers D. U crwwrsionr fcAari58 T feet; thence 8. 171.1 feet to roed thence K. along road to a point 8. of beginning; thenoe N. to . ' beginning; aectlon 8, T. 1 8., R, . IE., 0.60. acre .j 1.40 Baker, Henry Clay Beginning on ' K. line of E. 7th at , to feet 8. of 8. line of Shaver tract dee. In Book 34, page lit; thence 8. . 120 feet; thence W. (0 feet; thence N. 120 feet; thence E. 40 , feet to beginning; aectlon 11, T. 1 8.. R. 1 E., 0.44 acres 15.17 Halfpenny, Wm. I. Beginning -"88.44 chains S. and 21.11 chalna line of section 11; thence E. 111.5 feet; thence 8. 111.4 feet; .' thence W. 11 1.1 feet; thence N. ltl.t feet to beginning: section II. T. 1 8, R. 1 E., 0.60 acre.. 11.71 TVUllama. Riohard Undivided 6a acrea of 10.(1 acrea de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In center of Powell Valley road 1.020 1 feet east- - ; ertyfrom west ling of aouth- weat of aectlon 12, thence -northerly to north 11ns of aald southwest j. thence essterlr along said north lineo? south west quarter to Its Intersection with east line of Clinton Kelly D. L. C. thence southerly along aaid eaat Una of Clinton Kelly D. L. C to aouth lino of . Francis street If extended, .-(, thence westerly to center of Tabor avenue, thence north 10 . feet, thence west (0 feet, thence north 117 feet, thence west 400 feet, thence south 217 feet, thence easterly to a; point 1.114 feet east of west .' ' line of southwest thence northerly 712.11 feet to center of Powell Valley road, thence westerly to point of beginning. ' aectlon 12. 1 south. 1 eaat. SU. aorea - 17.01 Robertson, Margaret Beginning 200 feet, east and 121 feet north - of southwest corner of the A. C Kelly V. I C, thence south 171 feet, thence west 161 feet, thence north 171 feet, thence eaat to beginning, sec tion 11. 1 south. 1 east. 0.40 acre ...... 1.(1 Thomas, O. H. and Percy E H of 8. E. of 8. W, K of 8. W. , except 1 acre described - In Boole 112. rjarS1 141. Section ' J0..t B, 1 K. 4 acres u.MI Primrose, Geo. It. and Emma J 8. W, '4 of 8. E. k See. 20, 1 8. 1 E. 40 acres 10.(0 Cardwall. J. R. Undivided II acres of V. u of 0. W. U See. tton 11, 1 a 1 E. II acrea .... 11.12 Carter. Jane. Undivided 0.1 of 0 1 acrea. described aa follow: Beginning 14.75 feet E. of 8. W. - corner of Jacob Will's D. I C., 1, thence N. 200.( feet, thence K. 11 degreea E. 131.1 feet, thence 8." 100.9 feet, thence W. 110 feet to beginning. Section 21. t 8, 1 B '. ... ..... 11.11 Howe, James B., Heirs Beginning 10 chslns N. of 8. W. corner Section 4, thence E. I chains. ' thenr ff." 1.S0 chains, " Ibenr W. S chains,- thence 8. 1.8(1 ' - Chains to . beginning, Section (, HIE, 0.7 5 seres 1.81 Pike. W. L. Jr. and Eitella Be ginning bO.ti chains N. of 8. W. corner of Esra Johnson D. l C.. thence north 141.64 feet, thence east 1.6S0.40 feet, thence south . 147.M feet, thencs W. 1.439 40 feet . to beginning. Sec 14, 1 south, t eaat 4.2S acrea 4.(8 -fcCullan, I.. B. Reglnlng 3t feet 8. and 488.T feet W. of 8. K. corn er of Bee. ), thence W. 444.10 feet, thence 8. it feet, thence E. 444 64 ' feet, thence N. (8 -feet to begin- nlng. Bee. 18. 1 8., t B. 1 acre.... 1186 . Cavanaugh. Andrew (helra) K of K. H of N. R. V( of N. W. Si aouth of county road, Beo. tt, 1 8., 8 E. 8.60 acrea..... 10.(0 Kenney, Calla Beginning (18 feet north and 414 8 feet weat of northwest corner of Mount Hood Addition; thence south " 1 887.6 feet; thence east 1(8.1 feet; thence north 281.6 feet to I Section Lin road; thence northwesterly along said road' ' o beginning, section 10, 1 -v. wonth, 8 east, 1.81 acres.. T77 (.51 Jenne, P. B. Undivided T acres , .. of 8 acres, described aa fol lows: beginning 8088.8 feet , eaat of north wear" corner of section 19; thence eaat 847.8 feet: thence aouth 13:0 feet;' ihcnrr west 88- iU -Uieno.. South 380 feet; thence west 167.6 feet; thence north I860 feet to beginning, section 19, 1 south. I ssst . ; Luglluhl, Christian Southeast quarter of northeast quarter, 1.40 section I, 1 south, 4 saat, sv 1.10 vrt , ..........,. a C. R. R. Co", .(BalUk,- B.-H.) -Mrrtft nm-tern south west quarter, aectlon 1 south, 4 east, 40 acres... CllrrnlngKmT"tnaTair-Soteas' . quarter of northeaat quarter of . northeaat quarter, section 19, 1 south, 4 eaat, 10 acrea 1.61 SHERIFF'S ASSESSMENTS. . Unknown Owner Beginning at a point where the north Una of . Caruthers atreet produced. In- . tersects the east line of .. the pa tton county road; thence southerly along the eoat Jln- aald eovnty road to a point 10 '' feet north of the center line of ' ; Caruthers street produced; " thencs easterly-parallel with . the east line of Patton county . road to a point In the center Una of Caruthers street pro duced; thence easterly slong the center line .of Caruthers street produced 40 feeti thence north parallel with the west Una of Sixth street I feet; thence , eaat . 1 parallel with the center line ' of Caruthers street produced , 00 feet to" a point 100 feet west . - of the west line of Sixth street; thence north parallel with the west Una of Sixth atreet to a . ruthera atreet produced, 10 me place of beginning, all In Ca ruthers1 Addition to Caruthers' Addition . 7.01 The amount of taxea. Interest to data of sale and penalties duo upon each par eel Is set opposite ths same and. also the name of the person to whom such psreel Is taxed, which Is also the nam of the owner when known, Ths ssle will be held at the front-door of ths courthouse in aald county. In manner and form as upon sals of real property under execution axct as bylawother H"lxo especially provided. ' Each parcel will be sold to ths per son who offers to pay the taxea, coats and accruing penalties thereon,' and take a certificate at .the lowest rat of Interest; provldsd, however, ths maxi mum rat shall not exceed 10 per cent. The sal will b mad subject to re demption as provided by law and Is for ths purpose of satisfying the said war rant with lawful charges. R. U STEVENS, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. Portland. Oregon, November 21, 1901. CUBAN PROVINCES TtlUCH DISTURBED Public Excitement in Santa - Clara Over Resignation of Governor Ale man. PLANNING DESTRUCTION OF BRITISH PROPERTY Scheme of Revolutionist It to Force Interference of Foreign Nations Large Forces of Rural Guards Along th Railroads. UhiuI Sn.rt.l- Imlai Hsw fork, Dec. 18. A cabl to th Herald from Havana says: Whll everything la officially t-e. ported quiet In all parts of . Cube, trav elers arriving from Santa Clara say that th province Is much disturbed. A woman who left there last night reports that her friends made strong efforts to have her postpone her Journey on ac oount of the publle sxcltsment over the resignation of Governor Aleman, who asserts he was forced from office by the policy of th United States pro visional government to turn out the Moderatea and glv all th places to Liberals. She says she was told that Aleman had taken to th bush with 8,000 men to make war on th United Bute. The first move, she had heard, would he to destroy the property of th United railway ana other- gritiaii lines in order to fore England to take a hand In the situation and to embarrass ths United Rtatea. This waa so generally believed that om paaaengers left th train. This woman rsports that large forces oi rural guards are being posted along the line of railway. From another la learned that ti.e train of Sir William Van Horn, go ing east, carried a heavy guard of troops. - . Governor Msgoon said last night he had heard nothing about any trouble In Santa Clara province. SAVEPFOR FOUR YEARS ' AND SECURES FORTUNE Colorado Springs, Col., Dec 18 After waiting four years and scrimping snd saving to meet th expenses of liti gation, th W. M. Btockwell family of Colorado Springs Is sbout to com Into Its own "through ths settlement of a Mexican estate valued at 81.485.000. - The death of Fred Bhlmbler of Brook lyn. New York, four years ago revealed a atrange story. The man was of a nomadic temperament and had wandered to all parts of the world, accumulating iinkaown-lQ ,.nia . bmu large interests In Mexico. NEW PASTOR FOR THE FIRST. UNIVERSALIST Th announcement was mads Sun day that Rev. James W. Corby of Buf falo, New Tork, will come to Portland to tak the pulpit of the First Unlver sallst church, eaat side. Rev. R. C. Downey of Spokane, who was sent here by the' general convention of th de nomination to learn whether there waa a field her for mora extenslvs work, told the peple of the church yesterday of his decision and of the probable ap pnlntment of Rev. Mr. Corby. tt you Paa any Mood aBk SltosJSlBlBlafc MSnaTp' feTPsg I Jtaaiarfc ar Kml keuMa SKm I I I eiAtrVS HLkM wm awa iw, mm I miin. ) m TtwiMna 11. taain I ti Ata txait aa IX iHa. Airme- Xfja. (M IM tmmt. m mm S rB 1 . , Tiel m fm nm II .1 M If V X iaaae't NattM Umim Cs " S -ifet'S: is-s,Cw T Stey X wtU treat' aay slagl aaoomplioated aliment for 10 . for the, fee. - Different doctors bars different Ideas In regard to cures. Boms call a supprssslon of symptoms a cure. They dose for drug effects and claim that- nothing mora can be done. But the real ailment .remains, and will . bring the real symptoms back again,' perhaps the sam as before, but very likely leave the patient In a much worse condition. I claim that nothing leae than com plete eradication of disease, can be a real cure. I treat to remove the dlaeaee. and not merely the symptoms. I sesrch out erery-rcot and fiber of aa aliment, and I cur to stay cured. 14 Weakness- I not only cur '.'weakness" promptly, but I employ the only treatment that can possibly cure this disorder permanently. It Is a system of local treatment en tirely original with me, and Is employed by no physician ' other than myself. This may seem a broad assertion, but It Is just ss substantial as It is broad. So-called "weakness" Is but a symptom of local Inflammation or congestion, and a radical our Is merely a matter of re storing normal conditions throughout the organic sys tem, and this I accomplish thoroughly and with abso Jut certainty, - - . 1 . Syphilis' cur this leprous disease completely. The system Is thoroughly cleansed snd every poisonous tslnt re moved. The last symptom vsnlshes to sppear no more, and all la accomplished by ths us of hsrmless blood cleansing remedies. Do not submit to the dangerous mineral dosing commonly Indulged In. Suck; treatment merely obst-Wes th symptoms. , . Cor. Second and Mor rison Sts. Portland.Or. We Cure Weak, Nervous, Our Fee Only S10.00 In Any Uncomplicated Case ULCERS HYDROCELE -BLOOD DISEASES VARICOCELE SKIN DISEASES PROSTATIC TROUBLES We'afelSpecialists tor ii OUR TREATMENT thoroughly searches out these troublesome diseases, puri fies and renews the blood, strengthens and invigorates the nervous system and restores, the patient to eound and perfect health. And, furthermore, we have such firm confidence" in OUR NEW METHODS and TREATMENT that we are willing to cure our VARICOCELE W cur this disease without operation or ligature, and under our treatment the congested condition soon disappears, the parts are reetored to their natural pnn Ullluii, tiger and atiewgth, and clrculatTonIS reeilab Uahed. STRICTURE We cure stricture without the knife by an sppllrs tlon which acts directly on the psrts affected, dis solving the stricture completely. Our treatment Is painless and In nowise Interfere with .your business duties. .... . v Acute aad Chxonlo Siaokarfsa, method known; iniurloua to the ayatem In no wuy, shape or form; but, on and the dlaeaaed part returna Xo WBITI if you cannot call All No name, rape, letters or photograph of patients published or exposed. .W8 CXAB.OX1 FOB CUXII OWtT W d mot expect pay for our set and well, ao that' be will be entirely laTTSBTiaATsl AlfT MAX THAT OVM WOIB IB A GOOD AM OU1 BOJTD. OI7K rUTAITOIAI, ITaKDDia is aoi.rD atd oxrm XjOjro itnanRcs ir tubatiho spvciai. oibbabss ot icbjc iiidaei too or MOSBXW, CIXsTTITZO TKHATtUsTT THAT WIXE AOOOXVUBX A CDBB. HOURS 8 a. m. to t p- n; Evenings, 7 to 8; fiundaye, 8 a. m. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS ENFORCE FRUIT LAWS TO THE VERY LETTER T" : ' ' Linn County Orchardists United for Perfect Product New Officers. , (flpaelal Diapatrh to Tb Jearsal.t Albany, Or., Dec. 18. At tfe laet meetina- ot the I-Inn County Horticul tural society offlosrs were elected for the ensuing year aa follows: Presi dent, H. Bryant; secretary and treas urer, F. M. Mitchell; vice-presidents, T. drlmes of Hsirlsburs;, Ed Holloway of Brownsville; & Z. Taylor of llalsey, John W. Purli of Bhedd. T. M. Munkers of Solo, M. C. Jenks of Tangent and Sol I.lnrtl-r nf ItT"' The - executive committee la to consist of the preal dent, vice-presidents, E. C. Roberts of this city aa chairman, witn John Mc Neil, E. 11. Rhodes, r. J. Peebler arid A. Brownell. Delefates tn the a tat a con vention to ba Held- at Portland January 8. 8 and 10. are FT. C. Roberta, B. a. Talis, J. B. Ieatherman. A. Rrownell, r. M. Mitchell. D. W. Rum be ugh, Bd Holloway, John McNeil, M. C. Jenks and M. !. Forster. H. II. Hewitt of this city delivered an sddress on "Fruit," I F. Reynolds of Salem sdoK on "Th Willamette Val ley Apple." and Professor Lewis of ths O. A. C. spoke on "Orgsnlsatlon." These sddresses were received with enthus iasm. Evidently from th Interest shown th valley Is entering a new era Along the lines of th proper car of fruit 'and tn succeasrui comoaung oi the pests that Infest th orchards and trees of th valley. It waa th sen a of the meeting that Fruit Inspector K. C. Roberts In force the fruit laws to th letter. No one la to be spared and every cttlsen obliged to conform to th requirements of th law-4nvry detail. Th membership of th society hae ln creaaed to 80 and la to be Increased at th nest meeting., th first Baturdsy.. In January. . ' ACTRESS SUES COUNTESS . TO RECOVER, HEU JEWELS V fjovraal Bpwlal artc. . Parla, Deo. ll.i-When Judge Iltt on neat Wednesday decide tkas at the You Pay for Cures Only Varicocele The DR. TAYLOR iseases and Weaknesses patients under an ABSOLUTE stopJgltgprogre'SB rrom in eyaiera, ana mis wunout in us or mer cury or potash. WRAKNB88 Whether acquired or inherited. Is cured by our meth ods so that the parta affected are restored to their normal conditions. The established cur la perma- nent, not temporary- Vis. : Ooaorrhi noea. rrostatlo Diseases, cured" Jiy m Bound and healthy condition. - correaponlence strictly confidential and aaasaea, aaa win sever inu have MEDICAL, AtND fiUKQICAU oommnB Bucoirp ahp tamhii.Ii bthiiitb, tohtxahp, ohbooh. miinmmmnanniinmimiuninuinia The Doctors Who Cure Men We want every man who la suffering from any special dlaeaae or condition to came and have a aoolal chat with vi snd w wilt explain to you a system of treatment which we have' developed after 26 years' experience In the special diseases of men. It la a treatment based upon . scientific knowledge, snd one which mrs -proven superior to all others. Inasmuch aa It ha a been tried by thouaands and proved successful. If you will call and aee us. wa will slve J9UFREEjQFLHARaEn.iionet. scieniinc opinion oi your case, ir, aner examining you. we find your case In curable, we will tell you ao; If. on the other hand, we find your caae Is cura ble, wa will guarantee a cure, allowing yoti TO PAT WHEN ENTIREf,Y SAT ISFIED THAT A CURE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you may pajr In monthly paymente, should you desire. Instructive book for men mailed 8 cannot cau at omre. write ror question blank. Thousands cured by home treatment. Ooasultatioa aad Advloe Tree. The Leading Bpeelallrta of th JTorthweet. established la Portland lBBt. OtBoea hoar a. m. to 8 p. m. aad T to 8 p. sa. Bun days aad XoUdays. 19 a. m. to II B. ' ' g DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. omoes ia Taa oy aovei, tut unnuuBiuiiniiinuii - : - - - V - creditors of Count Bont d Caatellane. th myatery surrounding ths jewels or th beautiful opera singer, Ws demoiselle Nlmldoff may be cleared up. Nlmldoff used to know the count In th tislcyon dsys befors ths countess obtained a di vorce -and before hat eye ware opened to th queer doing of her little hus band. Th count admired th beautiful Jewel worn by th fair singer and Inti mated that fa would Uka to buy them for the countess. Nlmldoff was un wtrrrnr'td aclt-t-' the"--rrrrr eloquence snd his offer or a fancy price anally carried the day. Msdemolsell llmldoff ssys thai th count took her Jewel on day and promised to pay her Tfc leading Specialist, Cured Without Cutting sksa svssyu s misted with virh cocele had no cholc other than to allow th disease to go onundermlnlng his power and health or submit to a eurvlcal operation. Now he can choose a thorough our by painless treatment. I cure varicocele In one w(, 'anu it la aoldom necessary that the patient Is de tained from his business even a single dsy. My method Is original with myself and Is the only safe and suc cessful treatment for varicocele ever devised: Advice and Consultation Free ". rv- (t heve a private talk with' me concerning ' your -ailment. Even If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this time, 1 can always give helpful sug geatlon -to men who are diseased or weak. If you can not come to Portland, writs for particulars of my sys tem of home treatment. Interesting literature and colored charts free If you will call. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to p. ra., and on Sundays from 10 a. ra. to 1 p. m. Co. Private Entrance 234 Morrison Street Diseased Men Licensed to Practice Medl cIneTInOregon Free Consultation and Examination NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY KIDNEY DISEASES BLADDER DISEASES NERVOUSNESS STOMACH TROUBLE RHEUMATISM ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN t oTMEN and MEN ONLY." -GUARANTEE. CONTAQIOUS BLOOD fOiaON It may be In Its primary stage, .or It may have been hereditary or contracted in early days, thereby being constitutional. We cure all Its complications. Ws maUiiato every vwttg-TifpoTr)rt f the use of ths only solentlMo th contrary. It builds up th system all replies sent In plain envelopes. pay for our services anleeW w emi a patient sound iver aarala have So be treated for the iuu amnfci. t DISPENSARY and. free In plain wrapper, sealed. If you Btreet. Portland, Oregon. mnanuinninnni i 880,000. Since that time aha declarea Shs has neither seen the Jowela nor the money. Conaequenlly ah brought, ault against th countes. SAN JOSE CITIZENS CHASE ROBBERS AWAY (Joarnal Special Service. I San Jos, Cat Dec. 18. A gang of MXeWpwersjesterday . made tlfree attempts to brow"'tn",Wralt, w-tl bank at Campbell, near her. Th clt Isens war aroused and drove th rob- bora away In a running pistol battle. KEMP PRINTING COMPANY BOOKBINDERS & COM MERCIAL PRINTERS Are Prepared to Handle Rush Orders Our Type Is All New and of the Latest Faces Cut 1 Those Who Try Us Come Again Because Pleased PHONE MAIN 5500 213 SECOND STREET Great Auction Sale . . t ( Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronxe, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat sumir f ine-decrrrateel -Te Setsr Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we are compelled to dispose ot our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains lire certain to b had. SALE AT 2:30 AND 730 P. J. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON ST.., C GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chines Medicinal. Root and Herb Doctor Hk) faaraea ia4toa, tte Insndleeta et whlek we Imsort Sine! tram tae Orieat la large eaaaUtiM aaS prepare as4 pat ap foe sea la Sis up-te-4te labatorr. Be SMresry. poiaona er Srege anr Sl4 mA. - Vmnit vegetable. . Tb Itoetor treats eeeewfralrr aed gsaraatMe a eu all etamaeh tmabUe. eatarrb. eattiaa, laas. throat, atrfoeaaew, liver. kidney aad bat BiaakoeA, yXMAU XBOtTBLIS ABO ALL HIT ATI ' DIBEABIB. , hk, m biI.u.Ib atataaMafa aa tea srSleted. A eafe aaa laatlns rare la U eUk tt poaalbk tin and at tbe lewaet east paa. unit roc ifflim imieiiL If yoe eaaaot rail, write for eyamteei kles aS etreslar. tnrlnae 4 mta la ataap. comoiTAriov rirz. Tke 0. Oee We Chiaeae Madlalas Ce., ItlW rust St., Oer. Marrlaos, rentes. Oa, Evory Woman lamooiaaiau ana onooua IK. awot tna woaoarrai MARVEL biriia Spray e new .ocmi arraan. sm. Aee eed ihirtvm. Uoat af. lMnot ronTanleot, tnasjfl fcv Ha It b fdnnot rJT xhm MARVCt. fto-tt no other. Iwil Mnd aMAinp tot tl.ustn.tfrd book onU Tk inl nnitjulftr. ftnd tinrrtiona in 44 9Bd ST.. Ill loan. WOODAAU, CLAitKl. CO. AWD LAUlb-DATIS BAUO 004 BTOELA. Scott's Santal-Pepsm capsules A POSITIVE CURE nrlnflamniatloB orOatarrtof the BlaitileraniU'14 lid. ore goiu ooni. cores ulrkly and (.rmaaentiy the nnt eaMO of 4Je Sie4i and Ail, bo siatter of boor L A K a n I I m vu. ...... II , . -.vvva-i.-.r .rnit-nj. aoia ay amfgiera. rioe li. n. or ey nait, poaa ltd, tl.OO, 8 Dozaa, 82.71. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO, Belloieatelaa, OBI. All Dratllsta. CU lteumtf. Je RRtSB KSOWS TO) Ball. Tarraat's Bxlreet et Uebaos 4 Oep-a la I OAP6ULI8. 1 XhmtMm, wtrk aad ' m k oaro lha oeorrsoea. t,whuae, eea, Aeer te Uko. eoe.eaieal Barry, itfty yoara aaaaoeotal sea. Price 0W a tt.. A Mania a. SSI Wiahlnrnoi St, rrtlasd. Oreaoa; at by BiaB froaa Ths rairaaS Ce.. 44 Uaaaoa at- Maw York. TRANSPORT AlION. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Par Ceae Bar. Berrka aad Baa rrartoe. -Neat uiiing from Portland. Prldoy, Be. IA CerBatMeg trees S Ptasa-aen. IUa hvt, A4. CHAA STCKI.SM1TB. OaK Street CocX rr.::.2 t' n ly.) mm A iC'.'rs',iirawiB uii av . 1 1 i 1 I Sold v ilia m tfJT W TRANSPORTATICn. UNioFfPACinc Ana 3-rTraio to the East Daily 4 imaacb rstlaaa staada aa ttmtw alear c.r. dally to iiaatw. Chicago. Spokaaei lose vEJ?""''1?' aaaaaa O UuTk h U"1" tirclr (saeie tree! ; it Leave. uiii-aio-PoriUnd Sawtal fae rL: laflatiH. y. 8 SO aa T:80 ea i.-i., ,ami. waiia Walla. . iw.ton. (War l ib.. .-A I fm S SO est PartUni. t.Mr S IS im- S: Sts J- .2CVm ,l,TE" DITItrtoIt. " UTWr4Vtt H ess m,m.A ltm.; V ,, ("una, nunuii w. jbw far llwaea and ort'j Beae. BtaaMt boot p. m,t gpA nvAmf. Ti um. . k . . .MRU Rnun - -. - -7 "'ii vreaoii iBWHita .,.:,- -f ""'W, aicaev anoaay (water par- MlfAKB BTTBB HOTTB. t C!-W"i,- pos Tad Lewla- 7 a?., " " so arrival Trals Ticket Of fire, fhrnt and Wt.hlasta els. Taleptn M.ra T1S. J'-JZi,0- f7 Ticket Ageat. . a McllUBRat. Oeaarat Faaaaacee AsaM. EAST" SOUTH Calaa Oepat. ForUaad and Baa tres lae Kipraae Slope only ' ex! Inportant etatioae vwtwmu rertland aad Baa rraoclam; eennaetloM at Baa Francises for all solata But and Soata 77.. U:8p ttlSBfai Overlaad. Bzpreaa Trains toe all local points Boats, BaaaawBte, Baa rraartoo and polota East and Boats. t:dt pa S:8Bbb Moralng train eoaaeeu at Wsodbora dally exeept Bund.V with Moant iiul and SUvartoa local S:taa IM pat Oottasa Srave paeaaogar conn.tts at Woodbura and . . Albany dally Sun- . ... On WOOfUU.B.anrlna.M ani AlDanj.LADanon brancaaa.. Da -1 1 TWT I Cor t Ilia paaaenser T:S0aa) B0 pis bortdaa paaaanser 4:10 paa 10:M am rnraat Orove paaaaset...ll:Oe aa IllrOO ia roraat OroTa e.i.r. . . . I IB SO pta aM poi Dally. llPally aicfpt Bnnday. JBrTEKSON-S-ItHKET STATtOS). re DalUa and Intermediate potato dally, T: a. a. aad :1S p. aa. Arrive Vertlssd 88:18 m. ana s zb p. si. for time asl card of Oaaress eansiOja tiahM apply at City Ticket Office, or ststto. TtckaU to Boater sotets asd Borapsi alss Japan. China. Honoluln aad Anatralla. nry iicaoi urnoa earnw TBira aa wasa nctoa ort. Paoae sfoln T1X a W. STINGER. Wm. UcHTtntBAT. City Ticket Asset. Com. Piom. A so A TIMECARO OF TRAINS Portlandx fellea'oteue f art Kanaaa City."' St. Loala Special for Cktballa. r Centraila, Olympla. Oof's .J Harbor, Boath Bond, Taeoaae. Soattle. Bpokaae. tewloton. . Buur, Wnitnxv. DaBTor, Omo- aa. Konaaa City. St. Loo la and Suatbeaat, dally 8:88 pal dlSSpa snrtb coaat Liniita, ewetne -llrbtod. for Tacoma. Seattle. fipgaane, Bntte, MlBaoapnlla, Bt. Past aad toe Baat. dally. 8:00 pa aa facet Sound Limited. fo ClarrOMet, Cbeealla. Cw . tralla. Taeoana aad Beanie enlr. dally 4M pat 80 pal ia miy vpraaa I or xaea aia. Baattle, Binkaae. Helena. ' Bntte. St. Paul. Mlnaeapalla, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Kaaeaa City, Omaha, St. Lenls. wltb eat ebonre of cat. Direct eoeaertlona to all paints Bast Baetheeat.. dally (IMS ess 10: IB Bel 2 Overland Trains Dally y The Orleatal Lbnltsd. the lae Kail" VIA BBATOJI AMD SPOJANB. Portia ad time sakidale Dally. J&atty. Leave. Antve. T and from Bpotaae. Bt. Pool. Mlsneapnlle, - namtk and all polats ' Baat via Seattle t SOeai aaa U: sea aaa To and frost St Past. MlBnaeoollsi, Do lota 1 aad ell polats Boat via Spokane T OO Bt net Varthera Steaaashl Oe. Pallia- from BV.nie tea Japea aad China pert, and MaaUa. carry tag Bas eeasT and frelfht Bv B. Xlanoeota, 8aatairy 8. ' " S. A Dakota, Febraary IT. - mtrou tvscn xaibha. (Japaa Malt Bteaaoehls Co.1 S. S. Xas Mara will eall Bis SeoMle alxait DecaBitee tl foe Japan and Cblneee potts, carrying and rrrltht. ror tickets, rate, intra. rroSi."Ti.;ill ea or lflitraas" nail i a- II K. DICKSOM. a V. T. A,. ItS Thtrd I Tstrd its asa. m et.. raniaa. vrasoa. a-aoow aaeiai eeuv Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Caloa Depet Leave. Antra, Pot kojj.ra, Balalar, C la ta ll ale, Weotport. OlllKia, Aa- . torla. Warranto. Plaval. ' llanmoa l. Port Btevsaa, Uaer kart Pack. saaoMe 8:00 sa ItlWlol' etArla aad Beaabof. easreas oaur T .w mm w mw pat iU iraina aany. c MA in, u. r. ss4 P. a.. Astnne. or. a. BTBWABT. Coaiaieralal Aieat. 38 aidet atreeb Pboa Mala to. NorlhracilicSeSeCOe's STEAMSHIP 2,oT)0 tons, sslls for Eureka. Ban Tran. Cisco, and Los Angeles Thursday, ,. rmher 20, at S p. m-, from Mrtln tKvrk foot Ifjh ere. Toke B , Jdtl, etreet - Tua-l ef'-.-' ? T " atreet, near AI!t f'hone Maa U 1 1. Dock phne Main 20 laftl aoirri. Ifll (AS. Asttea. 7 VcjtV 1 THS COMfOfTTASIX WaVC 1