The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 18, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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By virtue of a warrant to ro directed.
Issued by tl County Clark, command
ing mo o sell the several article of
personal property and paroela of real
rrnWrW hpW-ITHWt lee
led and unpaid, aa shown by tax Hat
accompeitylng ami . warraEPX the
state, county, school and other taxea
"lor th year 1S0. and City of Portland
t.. tnr the year 1908. I will begin
mm at 19 o'clock la the forenoon on
wni1T. the ttth day of December.
' 10. and continuing from day to day
thereafter until th Hat ta exnaueiea,
offer for Bale at publlo auction and
sell to the beat bidder the real property,
. ' situated lr Multnomah County. Oregon.
particularly described In he following
Hat:, . v : ""'.;' " ' ' '
- Ilurlburti-Edward -C..- and ' Tuf ta,
Moses F. Lot 3. block I, A
nil' Addition to Bt Johna....
- Adams, Henrietta Lots 1 and I,
block 4, Adsms" Addition St.
Robblns. E. H. Lot I, block 13.
Montgomery. Jas. B. (Heira)
Lot IS, block 47, Alblna.
Senael. Henry Lots 8, 9 and It.
block 6. Alblna Heights.......'..
Ooodrnough, Mandanna Lota 1
and 1, block i, Albln-A Heme-
Msrx, Daniel Lot It, block 13.
Alblna Homestead
JRobhlna. 77t't, 4' tlock
Arleta Land Co. Block 6.. Arleta
Park No. t. '
Rrown, Geo. W. Lot 1.5, block I,
Arleta Park No. 1
Hoyt Ralph W Mary L and
Cook. Louise Hoyt Lot 14,
block I. Arleta Park No. I . . . .
Arleta Land Co. Lots It and to,
block 4. Arleta Park No. I .... .
!ArleU Land Co. Lot 1, block 14,
.Arleta. Park No. ..
Fpuhn, Carl Lots 17 and 'tl.
block I. Arleta i.ark No. 4....
Epuhn. Carl Lots 2i and XI,
block t. Arleta Park No. .w.
i ReeU. Chas. J. Lot I, block I.
Auburn Park; a sub. of lots 1
to it. Mount Tabor Park...,..'
Riley, Emma R Lot . block 1,
Beacon Heights ..............
Hammer. T. J. West St feet of
lots 1 snd I, block t, Bern
hardt Park
Mohr, Elisabeth Lots 11 and It.
Bernhardt Park No. I
Investment Co. Lots and -It.
block 1, Beverly
Bowman. B. H Lots 11 and 11.
block 14. Boise's Addition to
East Portland
Scott. J. B. Lots 41 and; ',
block ! Bralnard... ..........
Hamilton. J. W. Lot 16, block 4.
.. Bralnard .....................
Maurin. Martin Lots 1. 20, tl
and II. block -13, Bralnard.....
-1.1 ndstrore. A. Lot r ntock-
Bralnard Tract
Nadir Land Co. Lota it and 11.
block 3, Bralnard Tract ,
Bronaugh. Earl C Lot,"C" Bro-
naugh Addition "
Bronaugh, Earl C Lot "B." Bro
naugh Addition ........... .r. lit
Bronaugh, Earl C. Lot "A," Bro
naugh Addition
Bernhardt, M. F. Undivided 1-1
lot 8, block I, Brown's tract . .
Relnhardt. M. F. Undivided 2-3
Lot 4. block t. Brown's tract..
Smith, Anna C East II feet lot
7, block I, Buckman'a . Add. to
Reed. H. Lot , block 1.
Caples Addition to St Johns.. 1.41
Reed. Agnes H. Lot 13, block 6.
Caples Addition to 8t. Johns.. 1.33
Reed. Agnes H. Lot 21, block I,
Caples Addition to St. Johns.. 1.35
Reed. Agnes H. Lot 37, block I.
.Caples Addition to St. Johns.. 2.15
Poller. Peter Lot I, block 11.
Carson Heights .............. i ll
"Tlerney. Michael. Undivided
Lot 4. block 2. Carter's Addi
tion to Portlsnd 1.31
Tlerney. Joseph J. Lot 3. block
1. Carter's Addition to Portland 7.71
Tlerney; Joseph J. Lots 1. 1 end
1. block lVCarUrJdltlpa ta
. Portland 11 X
Allen, Wiley B. Bouth H lot .
block It, Caruthera' Addition to
. 1 Cohen, D. Bolls Strip 10.8 feet "
wide soutn of and adjoining lot
4, block tl, Caruthera' Addi
tion to Caruthera' Addition to
Portland . 1.71
Dllley, Abram Best lot 1,
block 143. except B. P. R. R.
light of way. Caruthera' Addi
tion to Portland by Booth Port-
land Real Estate Asan.-, I. It
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lota I and t. block 151. Car
ti there' Addition to Portland by
South Portland Real Estate
Assn ..' 11.14
Slryker, 8.-W. South - feet at
lot 1. east of railroad and north
II feet of lot 1. east of rail
' road, block Its. Caruthera' Ad
dition ; to Portland by South
Portland Real Estate Assn.... 1.71
Unknown Owner Lot 1, block
1 10, east of O. C. right of
way. Caruthera Addition to
Portland by South Portland
Real Estate Asen 1.76
Schmeer, Anna Lot 1. block I.
Caatle Arm t.70
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivid
ed 1-6 of lots 17. 21. It - 20
and 11, Cedar Hill 41.11
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivid
ed 2-6 of lot It. all except a
strip owned- by H. Blnsheimer
on the north. Cedar fill..... 16.17
Green. Charlotte, et aL Undlvld'
ed 2-6 lots 23. it, 30 and 11
Cedar Hill 62.83
Gren. Chsrlotte, et al. Undivid
ed 2-6 of lota 33 and 84. Cedar
' HIU 46.11
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivid
ed 2-1 of lots 86. It. 17. tl
and 19, Cedar HIU 118.05
Ureeri, rhriotte, et al. Undivid
ed 2-5 of tote 44. 41. 44 and
47. Cedar HIU i 141.01
, Green. Charlotte, et al Undivid
ed t-6 nf lots 64, 65. 68. 67.
' 68 snd 60. Cedar. Hill 118.28
Oreen, Charlotte, et al. Undivid
ed 2-6 of lots tl. 2, 13.- S4. 15.
6, 87 and 68, Cedar Hill...., 11118
ureen, Churlotte, t al. Undivid
ed 2-5 uf lote 71 and 71. Cedar
H'll 13.84
iscotl. J. K. Lot 7. block 6. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland. . 1.25
Iteeves, Artimr---Lot 4. block 6.
Cotiter Addition to Portland.. 1.86
untTis, J. if .Lots 7 and 8.
block 8, Central Alblna 14 37
,1-Pavm. r. iMt 12. block 6.
Central Alblna
Latitliers. Wm. B Lote f and Y
blo k 7, Central Aihlna. ..
1'lneprke, Emma Ixt 14, block
. 27. Central Alblna..,...:
Thas'er. Mrs. I A. North 38
feet lot 7. block 31, Central Al
blna a.-
. IVek. Orland and May Belle Lot
, - 1, block t. Chase's Addition to
' IMeasnnt Home
IdrtOuIre, Jowph Lots t ana 10,
Mock 4, Chicago ..............
Ijind Company of Oregon Lot
Tl. MdrK 14, City VICW"PaTirTT T
Kjuiert. jisry A Lot. 11, block
7. loverdale Eitenslon ...... 1 7t
teT' fT, m Of l.'Tn t"LW "T " bloc-t-
City View Psrk Addition to
Fast Portland ............... 1.01
, V an. A. K Lot I, block 12,
Cole'n Addition to Eaat Port- : .
land 1.61
Weu A. JC. Lota A. B and C
block II. Cole's Addition te
East Portland , '. . . 31
Greene, W. L Lota 16 and tt,
block 6. Columbia Heights.... 1.11
Taylor. Thoa. J. Lots 16 and 18. .'
block IS. Columbia Helghta. .. . 1.84
fi,itt J K Lots it and 17.
block 1. Corona. Park 1 I II
KslBJt.-TVrm iwiM'Lut 1. llw"tV.
Conch's. Addition to Portland. '74.01
Otrmaa - Savings -and L 0 2.
ciety, San '- Frsnclsco Lot 6.
i hlnrlr 14. Couch'a Addition to
Portland .; t . 84.66
German Savings and Loan So
. clety. San Francisco Lot 8.
'. hlnrk- 149. Couch'a Addition to
-Portland 130.01
Bailey. Auguata, and Balleray,
; . J. J. T Lota 1, I, 1 and 4.
.Work 158, Couch's Addition to J '
Portland .;. .. ; .114.1?
Couch. Mary H. Lots i , and 2.
, block 290. Coueh t Addition to
Portland ... v 18-68
Hall. Delilah White Lot 7. block
800. Couch'a Addition to Port
land ................... . 68.17
Hunter. M.' M. Lot F, block 1.-
Crystal Sprlnga Addition to '
Eaat Portland ................ 1-64
Jonee, Silas l-ot 4, block 7,
Dunn's Addition to East Port--
land i, U.H
Dryden. Mary E. Lot 4, block 4,
East Irvlngton 8.37
Noble. H. E. Lot 4, block 1.
Esst Portland 64.88
Weir, C. W. Lot 18. block I.
East Portland Heights t.ll
Cslvsry Presbyterian Church
Lot I. block 1. Eaat View.... 151
Bins) ii, atu. ir.'
Sm alley, 8. D. Lots and 7,
block 1. Evelyn Park
Hanson Frank. Mrs. Lots 6 and
. block 1. Farrell'a Addition.,
Walt. Aaron-r-All west of Macad
am Road, block 8. Fulton ....
tobin. A. W. South 66 feet, of
lots 18 and 14. block 15, Ful
ton Park ..
3 51
Taylor. Robt A. Lot 31. block
1. Evelvn
Holmes. Horatio R, Lots 11 and
13. block 48. Fulton Park ....
Best. Joseph Lot 18. block 68.
Fulton Psrk
Balrd. A. W.-r-Lot 11, block 18,
Fulton Park
Portland Consolidated Railway
Co. North 110 feet block 108,
Fulton Park
Neppacb, Anthony Lot I. block
I Fulton Park ,........
Pollock, Robt. L. Lota I and t.
block 6. Germanla
Goldsmith. Louis Lot 14. block
16. Goldsmith's Addition to
. 17.11
Scott, J. E. Lota 1 and1 1. block
11, Good Morning Addition to
Eaat Portland
Olsen, Arthur Lots 1. I and-1.
block 16. Good Morning Addi
tion to East Portland..
Gray. J. W. and Klttla B.--Frae-
tlon of lot 1 and all or lots 8
nd . I. and- tractio
alao all of lot 13. Gray's Tract.
Stuart. C. A. Lots 1. I and 1,
block 11. Grlswoid Tract
Markle. Clara Beginning at the
N. W corner 'f block 10;
thence E. 10.63 feet; thence
8.. 4 degrees, 11 minutes W.
64.1 feet; thence N. 81 degrees.
31 minutes W. 60.23 feet;
thence S. tl degre a, II min
utes W. 44 feet; thence N. 40
degrees, 15 minutes W. 60 feet;
thence northeasterly .11 feet to
place of beginning; block )0,
Grover's Addition to Portland.
ruiknn Mnrvv H. Lot 8. block
I u rover a ron-
land "...
Roberts, J. C. and Ida X. Lot 7,
' black 14, Hanson's Second Ad
dition to East Portland.......
Roberts, J. C Lots 2. 3. 4, I,
t. 7 and 8, b.ock 17; lots 1, I.
3. 4. I. t. 7 and 8, block 10;
Hansen's Second , Addition to. ,
Eaat Portland ..v.. 118.00
Roberta. Ida E. East H lots 1
and 4. block 11, .Hanson s Sec-.
end Addition to East Portland. 18.08
Kerr, John B. Lot 2. block 1
Hart's Addition to East port
land ......... t , ,,,
Hawthorne EstatyThe Lot.. L
block IT: lot 10 block 22; lot 6,
block 21; Hawthomf's First
Addition to East Portland.'.... 44.15
Boise, Louise H., and Beck. Cath
erine H. Lot '7, block 187,
Hawthorne Park 16.87
Oradon. Nettle O. North H lots :
6 and I, block 188, Hawthorns
Park ....t ...7 11.87
Bolee. L. H.. and Beck' C, H.
West H lots 6 and t, block 288,
Hawthorne Park 15.87
Hawthorne Estate, The West H
lots 7 snd 8.-block 183, lUw-
. thorns Park 11.87
Moreland, Harvey L. West W
lota 1 and 3. block 284, Haw
thorns Park 61.00
Hetple, Saml. (Heirs) Lot 4,
blocks lJlelBld'
; East Portland iT.r...., 1.81
Lindsay. Merrltt Lot 12. block
17.- Highland 1.42
Miller, Elmer E. Lota 6. 7. I.
11 and 12. block 3, Highland
Park t.ll
Alexander, A. F. Lota 15 and 17,
block '.. HlKhland Park 16.70
Nadir Land Co. Lot 25, block 6.
Highland Park 1.24
Miller. Elmer E. Lots 15, 17. "II
and 21, blork-Tf lots 8. 10. 12
and 14, block 8: lot 21. block
; Highland Park. 7.91
Miller. Charles W. Snd Elmer E.
Lota F, G and IL block 10,
Hlghlnnd Park 1.10
Nadir Lsnd Co. Lot 10. block
14; lots 2 and 4. block "D" ; lot
L block "E"; Highland Park.. t.ll
Height. Edna B. Eaat H lots t
and 7, fraction of lot 8. block
t. Highland Place 1.81
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon
: Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, I. T, 8. , 10,
11. 12. 11. 14. 16, If, 17, 18. II. .
JO. tl. 23, 23 and 24. block I.
Hlllton 4.76
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon '
North 5 " feet 'of lotay it. 24.
25. Sft. 27. 28. "9, 30. 81,v32, 83.
34 and 16. block 2, Hilton lit
Lehigh. , Wm. J. and M. A.
(Heirs) Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, t,
7. I, I, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16.
17, 18. 18. 30, 21. 22. 33. 24, 26. -t.
27. 18. 21. 30. 31. 31 and
13, block 1. Hilton 7.40
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon
North 30 feet lota 88, 37. 38.
39. 40 and 42. block 2. Hilton.. 1.24
Lehlah. Wm. J. and M. A.
(Heirs) Lots 36. 30. 37, 38.
89, 40. 41 and '42, block 3,. Hil
ton ' 1.84
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon .
North 30 feet of lots 22. ,28, 4.
25. 2. 27. 18, 29. 30, 31. 35. 36,
37. 38 and 40, block 6. Hilton.. 1.01
Lehlsh. Wm. J. and M. A...:..
V (41elrs) Lots 1. 1. 8. 4, 1. 12, IT.
ITrr46, 17. 18, 19. 29, 21, 22. 23,
24. 76, 24, 27, 28,.28..10 snd 81.
24. 16. 34, 37 and 38, block 4,
Hilton 1.71
Derby. Richard Lot 7. block 251,
Holladays Addition to East
Portland 144
Titls Gusrantee & Trust Co.
Lot 1. block IS, Hdlladav Park. 16.11
Rice. R. B. and Mary M. Lot
rbTocin 57 noTTsaray -parirrrr; irrt
Wolf, August Lot 4, block 1.
Horns Addition to East Port-
-wTi"i;.. . ,,K. 117
Calkins. Louis V. Lot ."tiVwrir1-----..
1. Hunter's Addition to East
Portland 1.83
Hall. A. Lote 16 ana II, block 1.
Elisabeth Irvlng's Addition.... 16.15
Clayson, Wm. Lot 1, block 1,
Elisabeth Irvine's Second Ad
dition .......... 6170
A rata. O. Lots 1. 8. B and 7
block 14. Irvlngton Park Ill
A rata. 8. A. Lots 1 ana 8. block
17. Irvlngton Park 1 1.11
Donaldson, 8. C Lots 40. 41, 44
and 48, block 15, Irvlngton
Park ..
Fuxtiiger, Thomas Lots 86, 41
48 and 46. block 60. Irvlncton
Park i n I n. . . - -.-i n-, i 6.4t
Union Trust Inv. Co. Lots '
and 12, block 8, Ivan hoe. . . . . .
Union Trust Inv. Ca Lot I,
block 10, Ivanhoe ............
Hawthorne.-Estate and Rehorst,
Fred. Estate (Helfs) Undlvld
' ed H lots It. 17, 18. II. 30. 31.
II. 23. 34, 21. 26. 17. 18. 29.
SO, II, 12, IS, 84. 38. 31. 11, It.-,
3. 40. 41. 41. 43. 44. 46, 46. 47.
48 and 46. block 1.: Jefferaon
' Btfeet Addition to Portland,,. . . ;
Hawthorne Estate and Rehoret,
Fred, Estate Undivided H
lots 17, 18, II, 20, 21, 13. 23, 34.
25. 16, 17. 28. II. 80. 81. 83. 33,
84. 36 and 36. block, I. Jeffer
- son Street Addition to Portland
Hughes, C. D. Beginning on the
S. or W. Una of Crawford
. street 100 feet southeaster- .
ly from the E. Una of Salem
atrect; . thence southwesterly
and parallel with Salem -atreet "
61.76 feet; thence aoutheaaterly
and parallel with Crawford
' atreet to the intersection with
W. line of Burlington street;
-thence northeaaterly on W. Una
' of Burlington street to the S. Craarfnrrt .street .. Ihswa ,,
W. to beginning; fraction of
block 6. John James Addition.
Calkin. W. S. Southwesterly 1-1
of lots S and t. block 21, John
James Eecond Addition to. St.
Compton. Ssrah Lota 1 and 1,
block; 13. Kenll worth....
Selling. Ben (Trustea) Lots I
end 4. lots 13 and 14, block 1:
lots IS, 14. 16 and It. block
2:Jots a9 and 10. 11. and 14,
block t: lots S, 4. ( and 1. 11.
16, 17. 18, block' 4; lots II and
33, block t; lots 35 and 84.
block 7; lota 11 and 36, block 8.
lota 7 and I. 13. 84. block 9;
lota 6. 25 and It. block 10,
Kern Park
Warner, John L. Lota I and 10.
block I, Kern Park
McGrew, J. C Lots 1, I. 4, I.
I, 10, 11. 16, 16, block 11; lota
t, 7. 8. I and 10, block II; lots
I and t, block 13; lota 1, 1. 4.,
I and t. block 14: lota 4 and I.
7, 6. block 15; lots 4, 6 and t.
block 14. Kern Park
Reed, Margaret G., and Burr, ,
Catherine G. East 60. feet lot
I. block 18. King's Second Ad
dition to Portland
Wallace. W. R. North It feet of
the east 10 feet lot I. block II.
snd east 10 feet of lot 10,
block 11, King's Second Addl- -
ilon to Portland
F.' Rltslnger Lot 16," block I,
Klnxel Park
Hughes, Melvlna Lots 10 and ,
11. block 1, Klnsel Park -.
Sterne. Genie Lota 11 and 11,
block 1. Laurel Park
Brown, Geo. W. Lot 18, block
I; lot 11 block 5. lota 7 and 8,
block 6; Laurelwood
Oregon Horns Missionary Society
Lota 14 and 16, block 7,
McArthur, Geo. W. Lota 1. 1 I
and 4. block 1; Laurelwood
Selling. Ben (Trustee) Lot I,
ck i;Tot 26, block I; lots t.
7 and 1, block 6; lot I, block
1; Laurelwood Park Ill
Berggren, Herman Lot 11, block
19. Lincoln Park 1.14
Shadlnger. Galea O. Lot 4. block
15. Lincoln Park Annex 11.41
Chancy, Joseph Lot 1, block 11,
Lincoln Park Annex 111
Hall. Charles Lot t.lilbck - l,rr
Lin wood ,.' 1.71
Cahalln, J. J East of lot 1,
block 2. Madeline 101
jeater. Amelia Lot 11, block t, .
Maegly-Hlghtan4 ISO
Manning. S. A. and Lillian Lot
6, block 1, Manning's Addition
to Portland Ill
Sloop, H.-Lot 23, block I. Mana-
lield Addition 10
Sahlstrom. H. O. and Wife Lot
15, block 4. Maple wood..... .. Ill
Hahn, John, and Cloasett, Joseph .
Undivided H lots 11, 11. 13.
14. 15. It, 17. 18. block 8.
Marchmont Addition to Eaat
Portland Ml
Morgan. Meltnda E., and Stowell,
Alfred W. Undivided H lots
I and 4. block B, Martin P. J.
Tract 1T4
ZUly, C. K. Lota 1. 8. 1 and 4.
block 6; lots 7, I. I, 10, 11, It.
13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. 28 and
20, block 6, Meadow Park Ad
dition 1.17
Illy, C. K. L6ts 25. 26. 27. 28.
29, 30, 81 and 32, block 3,
Meadow Park Addition No. I
Roberts. Jamea, and Mason, W.
8. (Heirs) Undivided H lots
1. 2, I, 4, 6, 6, 7. 8, I, 10, 11,
12, 13. 14. 15, 16. 17 and 18.
block 3. Mendon Park. ........
Parker, W. W., snd Lewis, How
ell Lot 12. block 1, Midway..
Ramsby, C. E. I-ots 1 and 1,
block 1, Midway Annex.......
Hill. Wm. J. and Emory Lot S.
block 1. Midway Annex
Wilson. Geo. M.-Lot 16. block
4, Midway Annex
Smith, Harry Lot 17. block 8,
Miller's Addition to Bellwood..
Oulcr, J. E., and Hest, D. H.. and
Iveraon, Ive Lots 8 and 4, .
block 38. Miner's A. L. Addition
to fit. Johns t
Herman, Jno.- L.. and Thompson,
Edw. L., snd Powers. Hsrry L.
Blocks D. E. F. G, II. I and
J. Miner's A- L. Addition to St.
Flgg, W. R. Lots I and t, block
1. Miriam
Hagedoan, Bernard Lots 7 .and
8. block 1, Miriam .........
Richie, Robert -J. Lota I and 10,
block 1, Miriam) , t
Wellman.. Wm. Lota 11 and II, v
block 1. Miriam
O'Neill, James H. and Pauline L.
Lot 1, block t, Miriam......
"Hall. Geo. J. Lots I snd 10,
block t, Miriam
Johnson. 3. F. Lots I and I,
block 1, Mistletoe
McCoy. Geo. W. Lots 4. 5, 6 and
7. bloe Mistletoe
Freeboraugh. H.. and Phillip. E.
J. I.ot 12. block 6. Montavllla.
Dennlck, Lottie A. Lot 2. block
4. Mount Scott Park
Wella, M. JLot 6. block t.
Mount Scott fcark ....... . .
Rathbtin. E. Judge Lots 47 and
48. block 1. Mount Tabor Place
Addition to East Portland.....
Kyle, B. F. Lot 1. block 6,
Mount Tabor Villa
Lewis. Leander It 1, Jilock 6,
Mount Tabor-Villa
Paul, J. 8. Lot 6, block 10,
Mount Tabor Villa
Scott... J. E Lot 20. block 16,
Mount Tabor Villa Annex,...,
McNlcholaa. M Lot , 1, block I,
Multnomah Tract
: it
iamidh." o B.-t,ot i, woe i.
Mount Scott PsrK
Jacobsen. J. P. Lot 1, block 4,
Multnomah Tract t-
Aratjrta,0.. and n. A. Lot I.
block 4. MuUndmSKrraWrt'.-ri''
Riygs. Pierce lol 12, , block 7,
Mill t noma It Tract
Il'ilman. A. L. Lot It, block t;
Multnomah ,
Stearns, ; Theodora " F. Lot 4,
block 10, Multnomah
Conrad. Anna B. Lot II. block
11, Multnomah ',
Duntway. Ralph R. Eaat 14.21
feet lot 1 bloc-k 1. Murphy. Ellsa
J., Addition to East Portland, t
'4 11
Keenan. C. - A. Lots I - and 4,
dltion to Eaat Portland.
Murpoy-ElUaXj(HeiraJ., And
M. South half lot 6, block t.
Murphy. Ellsa-J., Addition to
-East Portland
Nash. J. H. Lot I. block 1,
Nash's First Addition ........
Commercial . Trust Co. Lot 1
Newton ..'
Title Guarantee at Trust ' Co.
Lots I and 10, block I. North
Irvlngton .......... .........
Simon, Oliver Lots I Snd 3,
block 10. North Irvlngton.....
Title Guarantee dt Trust Co. Lot .
13, block 13; lot 4, block 14;
North Irvlngton ..,.
Beard. J no. A. Lot I, block I.
North irvlngton
Harrington, Joseph M. Lot 4.
block 8, North Ivanhoe
Title Guarantee eV Trust ' Co.
Hub. of lots 1, 1, 7, I, I and
10; lot 17. block I; lot 11.
block 14; Thurlow'a Subdivision
of lot 14; North St. Johns, .a , .
Mason. Mathleu Weet It feet
lots II and 14. block 1. North
Nichols, Pearl Lot 7, block 4,
North' Vina
Pratt, Esther A. Lots 4 and T,
Title Guarantee at Trust Co.
Lots 16. 17, 18 and tl, block .
1 1. Northern Hill Addition to
Portland l.TI
Enrlght, A. Eaaterly H of
northerly lot I, block I, Oak
Park Addition to St Johns... Ill
Oak Park .-Land Co. Northerly
H and southeasterly H lot fi -
block 5, Oak Park Addition to
St. Johns .'......J A4U
Oak Park Iand Co. Lot I, block
7, oak Park Addition to St.
Johns 1.55
Oak Park Land Co. Lots I and '
I. 14 and II. block 1 Oak Park
Addition No. 1 to St Johna... 4.11
Oak Park Land Co. Lot It, block
1 1. Oak Park Addition No. 8 to
St Johns 117
Scott. J. E Lots 17 and II.
block 6, Park Addition to Al
blna . lit
Leltxel. C K. Lot I, block 4,
Park View 4.14
Gravel. Matilda Lots I and 10.
block l. Fecks Addition to
Eaat Portland ' . 4.11
Scott) 3. E. Lota II, 14 and 16.
block 11. Peninsula Addition to
Eaat Portland 1.41
Scott Susan J. Lots IS. 14 and
15. block 14. Peninsula Addi
tion No. I to Eaat Portland... 1.11
Hobbs. Arthur Lots s. 7, I and
S hlncb IS Vatnlnanla litlllnn
-Nor-t-4a-Eas Portland ........
Carlson. H. M Lots 1. I. I, 4. I,
I and 7, block tl. Peninsula
Addition No. I to East Portland 111
Griffon Eatate and Maggie Mitch- '
ell Lots I and f, block II. and
Iota I and 7. block 19, Piedmont-
Allison. Thorns A. Lot 11, block
1. Plttlngsr's Addition to Al
blna 1.71
Swanaon, Otto Lot 1. block 11,
Pleassnt Homa Addition to
Eaat Portland 1111
Point View R. E. Co. Lota 1 and
I. block 8. Point View HI
block 14. Point View
Point View R. K. Co. Lots It.
14. 16. II and fractional lot 17.
block 10. Point View
Morton. Olef Lots II. II and 10.
block 29, Point View
Day, Sadie B. Lots 1 and I.
' t.17
block-110. Portland 111.41
Smith, C M. Lots 1 and 1, block
188; lots 7 and I, block 186;
Portland .' 111.11
Marlarkay. Ellen Lota I and I. -
block 121, Portland , . . till
African Mt. Zton M. E. East IS
Teerof west" 75."ldt irblbeirj.
Portlsnd ........... 18.71
Scott J. E. Lots I and I. block -18,
Portland City homestead.. 1.41
Rleger, Rosa Lot 1 and I, block
66, Portland City Homeatead.. 1.76
Jones. Alta R. W. Lot I. block
6, Portland City Homestead.. 1.41
Tocum, Emma J. West 21 Vi feet
of the E. 46 feet of tb N. 46
feet' of tha north H of lot 8,
block I. Portlsnd Homestead. . . 117
Inman. Poulsen 4t Co. North
S. of R. R. lot 1 block 11, Port
land Homestead Ill
Marlay, J. K. South H S. of R.
- R. lot 1 block II, Portland
Homestead f-ll
Alnaworth Natl. Bank Lot 1,
block II, Portland Homeatead.. 14.11
Anderson. O. Lot I, block II,
Portland Homeatead U 10.11
Cavaneugh, Andrew Lots 1 U-1 1
and It. block 7, Portsmouth... 111
Tost, W. H. Eaat H lot I and
lot I. block 10, Portsmouth.... T.0I
Moors, Mollis Lyman Lots 4
and I. block 11. Portsmouth... 110
Muhn, Peter Lots II, II and
10, block 14. Portsmouth,.. .. I ll
Harold, Aloys Lots II snd 14.'
block 17, Portsmouth Villa An
nex No. 6. ...... . 1.41
Peterson. Martin Lot 16, block -.
H, Portsmouth Villa Extended. 104
Chalmers. Jamea Lot 4. block
N, Portsmouth VUla Extended. 144
Cooper. A. F. Lot 11. block O,
- Portsmouth Villa Extended. 1.71
Bralnard, Sherman H. Lot 1,
block 1. Prettyman'a W. D. Sub
Anderson. Jaa. Lot 1 fractional
lot 4, block I. Rafferty'a Addl-
- tlon to East Portland ........ i 11.11
Reed, O. F. Lot I, block T. Raf
ferty'a Addition to East Port
land Ml
Scott. J. E. Lot 18, block 1,
Redllchten M4
Munly, Elisabeth Lot I and 4.
block 6. Richmond iAddltloir to
East Portland 1144
Nadir-Land Co. Lot II, II and
10. block t. Riverside Addition. 4.14
Johnson, Annie Lot tl, block I,
Riverside Addition 1.41
Methodist Episcopal Church Lot ,
11. block 11. Rlvsrvlsw Sub- !
division 11.10
Blscn, Philippe (Heirs) Lot 10,
block 8. Roaedale Annex...... 1.40
Marlay. P. J I. Lot 6, block 11.
" Rosedale Annex 1.84
Sahlstrom, H. O Lots 61 and It,
block 2. Ro1awn Annex...... 141
Sahlstrom, H. O. Lota 71. 71jrS,
block 1, Rosetawn Annex.',.... Ill
Portland Steelshtp Bldg. and .
General Repair Co. Southwest
H lota 7 and I, block I, St
- Johns I ll
Hartman, Thompson and Powers
Lot 7. block 1, St. Johns '
Heights Bub. of...... 1.41
Hartman, Thompaon and Powers
Lot 6, block 4, St John
Heights Bub. of....,-. ,. Ill
Hartman, Thompson and Powers
Lot 7, block I. St Johns
Heights Bub of Ill
Hartman, Thompson and rowers
Lot I, block I, St . Johns
Heights Sub. of, 1.17
Hartman. Thompson and Power
-KrTrTiiMir it imoHa
Heights Sub. of. '. HI
Btryker, S. W. Lot 4. 7, I. .
10. 11. 11 11, 14. 16. 14, 17.
II 19. tO. II. 11. It. 24. 21. 24.
64'!7rit'rii'ri(rrir")ind;i, block"
8, Santa Rosa Park Addition to
Esst Portland J... Ill
Btryker, S. W.-Lots 1. f, I, t, 6,
I. 7. I, A, B. C block 4, Santa
Rosa Park Addition to East
Portland .
Newell. Leo Lota I, 10. 11, 11,
13, 14. II, 16. 17. 18. II, 10, 11.
II. tl. 14. block 11, Santa Rosa
' Park Addition ta Eaat Port-
land .v. .
Duhna, Nellie T Lots I and 4(
1 11
Wilson. R. W. 1 14, block 41,
JoVneonT Hannah A. Lot 4. block
si, seuwood ...
Hutchtns. Minnie Lot 4. block
17. Sell wood ;
Marlay. P. H. Lot ft., block 17,
Sellwood .....................
American Trust and Invest Co.
Lot I. block "N," Sellwood. ..
American ' TTUStnd"Tnvest7"Cor!
Lof 11. block "N." Selwood..
Caples. C. C Beginning at a
point on th north Una of Wll-
son street 81 feet eaat .of east
line of Twentieth atreet; thence
north 4t feet to th aoutheest
erly Una of Sherlock Addition;
thence 16.81 -degrees. 12 min
ute west 13.31 feet to east line
of Twentieth street; thence
south 41 feet .to north Una of
' Wilson ktreet; thence esst 19
feet along north Una of Wilson
- street to- beglnnlna: block 1.
- Sherlock Addition to Portland - 17.61
Hoyt R. W. and Louise Hoyt
CookCommencing at th N. E.
corner of block 1 thenc south
88.71 feet, 'thence Bouth St de
- grees and 08 minutes, west 11.8
feet, thence north 49 degrees
snn T mmnff i ti rL
Thence east 62 feet to beginning.
Lot Sherlock's Addition to
Portland 181
Knight Mrs. M. I. Lot 1 and I
Block t Smith P. D. Addition
to St. John'a ,- 11.11
Knight Zachwell M. Lots 1 and
4, block t. Smith P. D. Addi
tion to St. Johna till
Vanden Busen. Louis J. Lot It
Block 1 - Smith s. fiubdlvlelen
snd Addition to East Port
land .. 11.11
Meyer. Carrie. Lot t Block I
Smith's Subdivision and Addi
tion to Eaat Portland. Oat
man'e Subdivision .' 4.14
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lot I Block I South St.
John' - 1.60
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lot 7, block I, South St
John's 1.10
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lot I Block 4 South St
John's .' 1.60
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lot ' I Block t South St
John's 1.S0
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Lot 4 Block 4 South St .
John's 1.10
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
I-ot 7 Block I South St.
John' L41
Johnstons, Jaa. 8. Lots II and
Block-It. Southern Port
Russell. C. M. Undivided lot
t. block 17 B. subdivision lot I,
Southern Portlsnd 1.40
Adams Street M. E. Church-
North 10 feet of tha eaat H
lot t, block 107. Stephens' Ad
dition to Esst Portland
Bitch. T. O. Lots 1 and 1. block
1, Straford Sidney Addition... 11.44
Goldberg, Annls Lot 1, block 1,,
Strawberry Dale 114
Trustee of Willamette university
Lot I, Strawberry Dai....... 1.61
Lsltsel. Maud Lot 1. block ,4,
Btrube'a Addition Ill
JrpesnlelJ-otsl, 1, l,4,
rir7"and"S7rdick 1 BulllvanTa
Addition to Eaat Portland..... 10.11
Alliance Truat Company Ltd..
The Lot 6, block , Sullivan'a
Addition to East Portland.... 164
Darling. William Lote 1 and 1
- block 1. Summit Addition to
Eaat Portland 1.61
Sunnyaider Land Ac Improvement :
Comrjanv Lot 14. block 10.
Sunny aid 7.06.
Eversaul, Mint H Lot 10, block
88, -Sunnyslde, east H 7.05
Hlghet, Robert Lots 11 ahd 11.
East Portland 1.79
Arata, 8. A. Lots 14 and 16,
block t, Tabaaco Addition .to
East Portland 10.21
Clinton, Rlohard Lot I and 10,
block . 6, Tabaaco Addition to
East Portland , . - l.TI
Wolff, H. B. Lot II and 10.
block 6. Tabasco Addition to
. East Portland . Ill
Horn, Robert Lots tt and 13.
- block 6, Tabaaco Addition to
Eaat Portland . 1.70
Weeks. Sylvanu (heirs) North
10 feet lot 1, block Q, Tabor
Heights . I ll
Tomllnson, Newton P. All north
of R. R., lot 4, block Q. Tabor"
- Height . 1.26
Title Guarantee eV Trust Co. and
Lamberaon Buell (heirs) Lot
2Br-bljOckTloi; -V- block
eaat H aouth of Broughton
ave., block Z, weat ' H block Z,
Tabor Heights ,7.17
Bowman,. B. H. Lot I. 4, 7,, I
and I, block 6. Taboralde...... Ill
Harold Aloys Lot 11 and west
10 Teat lot II. block 11, Tabor
alde Ill
Coyl. Llnle Lot 1 and 1, block
1, Terminus Addition ' 4.71
Terwtlllger Land C.O. Lot 1, block
1. lot I, block 17, Terwllllger
Homestead 11.11
Hunt. Robt. L. East 128.6 feet lot
1, block 3.' and east 128.6 feet of .
and weet 18.5 feet of south- 60 feet "
lot 3. block I. Third Klectrlo Ad- '
ditlon 1(5
Scott, Henry W. Lot 7, block t, ;
Id Electric Addition' 177
Brsgglns, Wilbur F Ixjta west
7TH feet, lots 8, I and 10, block s, -Third
Electrlo Addition 177
Preston. P. A. Lot ' 4. .block 18,
Tlbbett addition to East Port
land 1.87
Kennedy, Harriett Tract adjoin- '
Ing block 80 on south. Tlbbett'
addition to Esst Portland .... 11.46
Rlr-hsy, James Lot 4. block 1, Tom-
llnson's addition to Portland... 11.11
Holland, Charles C. (heirs). Lots
I. 1 9, 10, 11, 11 and 13. block 39, "
Tremont 11.82
Thompson, VP. B. Lots 7 and 8,
block 39, Tramont 1.61
Bhermsn, Charles C. Lots 21 and
30, block 7, Tremont Park... 1.25
Stra.uo, J. c Lots to and 21,
block 1 8, Tremont Park ...... 1.81
Mathew. Carolina 8. Lots 14 and
16. block 15. Tremont Place .. 104
Johnson. Nels A. Lota 1 and 1,
block 17, Tremont Place.,,.. .. 1.74
Hopkins, Wllllsm H. Lots It,
17 and It, block 21, Tremont
Place , ; I CS
Dills. J. H Lots 20 and 21.
block 18. Tremont Place 1.71
Scott, J. E. Lota 4 and I, block , .
27, Tremont Place -. 1.76
Flltser. Bamuel Lot 4 and 6,
,- block tl. Tremont Place .... 1.76
Portland Trust Company of Ore-
r won Lot II and 21, block 81; ,
Tremont Place .".Vrr. ... . flf.117
Foard, Peter Lots I and , 10,
block tt, Tremont Place Ill
University Land Company Lota
11 and 13, block 89; lot 14.
-btocir-4rioT-tr nd- 8trwc
114; lots 38 snd 89. block 111,
University Psrk 140
Humphrey, Bettle E. Lots 1,1 4
and 1 block 61. . University..
Park' ......... . . . . V.T. . i 188
Lane, Delia B. Lots 17 and 18,
bluck 133. University Park.... 17.28
Portland University . Portlsnd', .
Ouaranty Co. Lota II,, 11, 21.
,i .', ... . v f ;
. ,,'--, v - :
14, 35, 14, IT. II. 11 and 10,
block 177. University Park
Tompkins, W. A. and Lena Lot
I, block I, Vanscholk'a Add. to
Mt. Tabor
Simon, Joseph. Samuel, Selling,
lien Lot 11. 13 and 14, block
10, Vernon
Parlfl" t-""
Hi. Vernoa
Bchnabel. E. A. Lot 1 14. t
it TC'-bToer 4.-vmeer Aa!
to Portland ,
Dunbar, Emma Lot 4, N. 10 feet
lot I. block 5, Versteeg e Add.
to Portland
Merchants. Warren and W. IL H.
Morgan North of Blacklatons"
'claim, block 10, Watson' Addi
tion to Portland -
TTa wfh&ffieTTtachelr Orover, Lay.
fayette: Klneth, J. M. Lots 1.
I, I, I.- -7 and I, block II; .
lots 1, 1. 8, 4, 6, I, 7 and I,;
block II wast end ............
Title Guarantee Trust Co.
Lot 11 and 11. block 10; lot
7. block 13, West Piedmont... ,
Fllalnger, Thomae Txte 1, 1, I 4,
6, 6, 7, I, I. 10, 11. 11, 13. 14,
15. 14. 17. 18, 16, 30, tl. 23, 13 .
and 34, block I. Wa Portland
Center . . ' , -
Robblna. E. h. Lot 14, block I.
, Willamette Addition to Portland
Woodlock, James Lots It - and
II, block 11, Willamette Add...
Oak Lumber Co. Exoept right of
way lota 11, It, 14 and II, block
13, Willamette Addition
Harold, Aloys Lot. 21, tt, tl.
14. 16 and 18. block 17, Wll-
land 1.T4
Colton, K O.-Lot II, block 4.
Willamette Helghta Addition to
Portland 1.11
Security Savlnga and Truat Co.
Lot 11. block A. Willamette
Helghta Addition ta Portland., 1111
Maler, Henry North 15 feet of
east 10 feet of lot 15. block 15.
Williams Avenue addition 1.21
Mtllefv Elmer- E.r Trustee Mlt,-,
lot I and except south 40 rest
of lots 4 and I, block 10, Wood
lawn Ill
Hoffman. Irving. - and Annie
Belle Lot 10. block 1, Wyn-
koop Villa 14.10
Hawthorns Estate, The Lots I,
U I, JO, II, 12, IS. 14. IS and 14.
block t; lot t, block 4; lot l.
block t. York 11.17
Oregon Company Undivided H '
of sections I and t. township
south, rang 1 east, lot 4, 4
seres. Belmont Park. ........ . 1111
Merchants Investment and Truat '
Company. Lot, 1, I acres. Lar
margent Heights ...........'. 110
Buchman. Jane G. Lot 14.-4.46
mmMm Jrmmfwt tmlr Ma S
Victor Land Company and Willis. .
Guy O. undivided H section 1.
township 1 south, range I eaat
lot 17, I acre. Little Homes U
No. 1, D Lsshmutt and Oat-,
roan's subdivision .. 1.46
atman. Nannie T. r at.7Tiar-
vlded of section 10, town
ship 1 south, range 1 eaat, lot
8, I scree. Little Homes No. 4,
De Laahmutt and Oatman's
subdivision 117
Fllxlnser, Thomas. Section I,
township 1, south rang I eaat
lot 12. Mt Tabor Park .... 1.41
Merrick. W. H Allan. B. 1-. and
Kennedy, Cbarle (helre):Un- -divided
29.75 acres of 171 acre
deacrlbed as follows: Lots II- '
to 41, lot 10 except 46 acre In
northwest corner, also all of
lot 61 lying east of following
described line: Beginning on
wast Una of lot to 111 feet
aouth of northwest corner of said
lot, thence south 16 degreea
west 1341 feet to center of
Cornell road, lota A and C,
Mountain View Park addition
No. 1
StrykerS, W Section town-
ship 1 aouth. range 1 eaat, blfcck
17, 4.48 acres, Newhurst Park, .'
Patton, Robert (heirs) Strip 11
feet west of and adjoining sec
tion 22, township 1 north, rang
1 east, lot J. 0.2 avr-e; e'r'p
J 21 feet east of and adjoining ,
section !2, township 1 north,
- range 1 east, lot J, 0.21 acres;
strip tt 12-100 feet west of and
adjoining section !2, township
1 north, rants 1 east lot O.
0.41-100 acres; strip SS feet i
east of and adjoining section
12, township 1 north, range 1
- eaat lot O, 0.61 acraa, Patton'
M tract ,16.81
Force, J. W. Undivided 19.80
acres of 146.46 acrea described
aa follows: All of tha O. W.
Force D.' L. C lying north of
Columbia Slough and Rankin's
Lake, sections 8, 4, 6, 1 north,
,1 eat II 0. acres T.ll
Johnson. Emma C Beginning
1,164.12 feet north Tl degree -
west and 661.1 feet north II v
degrees esst of southeast cornsr .'
of -Bouthmayd Dr I- C:, thence
north II degreea east 167.5 feet
thenc north 71 degrees west
360 feet, .thenc south 18 de
grees west 147.5 feet, thence
south Tl degreea esst ItO feet
to beginning, section 4, 1 north,
1 east. 1 sera...... 6.11
Mock, John Port of lot Inlying
south of Portland Consolidated
Railway Co., aectlon 1, 1 ndrth,
- 1 east. 1.44 seres ............ 40.61
Reed, Clarence Beginning 10
chains north 'and; ,8.25 chains
' west of aoutheaat corner sec- . ..
.. tlon 16, thence weet 6 chains,
Athene south I Chains, thenc ,
east 6 chains, thence north 1
chains to begtnnlng, section 16,
1 north, 1 east, 1 acre......... 7.06
Safety Nitre Powder Co. Begin
ning 132.6 feet north and 718
feet west of center of section
,11, thence north 70 degrees esst
0 feet thence north to de
grees west' 28.44 feet, thence
south 70 degrees west 64.64
et to northeeat corner of- ,
Vulcan Powder Co.' lot, thenc
outh tl degrees east 19 feet " -
to--beginning, nTrrti!n1ngt.49T ;
square feet and right of way
. extending In on direction to
r county road and In th other to
: west end of Joseph Deisy s
wharf, section .11, 1 north, 1
sst. 1 acre ........ C..." ILH
Vlgorlte Powder Co. All that pier -of
land altuatel between tha
rounty road running from Alblna
and the private road of Joseph
Delay leading from county road
to wharf. Section 31. 1 north. 1
east 1 acr 1461
Wilcox. John D. and Lombard. B.
M Begtnlnng 32.08 chalna north.
46 mlnutee eaat from southesst
corner M. Neff donstlon lsnd
claim; thenc north 46 minutes .,
esst 3.23 chains; thence west 168
'Chains; thence south 1.24 chains;
thence south 1 degree west 1.84
chalna; thenc esst 8.71 chalna to
beginning;. Section 19, 1 north, 1
eeat 1 18 acres 10 68
Robinson, W. M. Beginning 6 44
chains eainnf southwest corner.
Margaret J. Neff, 17.8 acr tract;
thenc northerly 177 1-3 chains; , .
thence east 614. chains; thenc
south 1.77 1-1 chains; thenc west .
1 east 1 sere 151
Seymour. Harriet A. West half
Of northeast quarter or outn- i j
west Quarter of outbest auarA.4;
. ter, section l norm, easi,-
6 acrea 1,10
Myer, Emanuel, Heirs Esst hslf v
of southeast quarter, section -
14, 1 north, 2 east, 10 acres.... 17.47
Cone. Georg P. Beginning at
southwest corner of a 60-foot
right of way deeded ito Graham
B. Goodell. thenc south II de
gree 41 minutes eaat 60 feet
thenc north 60 degreea 4 mln- .
utes eaat 714 feet to th Sandy
river, thence north 61 degrees
lu . minutes ..u, weet alorf low--
water mark In Sandy river to
point of intersection of waat
-baWWItir north Una of Colum
bia atreet extended eaaterly la ,
Troutdale, thence north II de
greea 10 minute "weet along
easterly extension 161.6 eet to
eaat aide of aforeaald right of
way aa followe: South 80 min
ute west 121.1 feet thenc
outh ' 17 degreea 67 minute
east 251.5 feet, thence south II '
degreea-43, mlfiutes eaat 693.7
"feet to southeast corner Of said
light of way. thenc. aouth 54
degreea 4 minutes west along '
-south line of right of way to"
, beginning, section 25. '"north,
I east, 8.80 acres...-.
Koch and Schulmerlck, J'. North
H Of aoutheaat U of southwest '
. H of section It, 1 north,
4 aaat, SO acres
Patton. F. P. North M of aouth- T,
' weat of aouthwest of sec
tion 31, 1 north, 4 east 10 acres
Felt, Paul South H of aouth H
of aouthwest hi of section It,
1 north, 4 eaat, 40 acres.......
Flegel, Austin F. Lt I, section
30, 1 north, 6 eaat, 11.16 acre.
Columbia Land Company Lot 1,
sertlnn.4, 1 north I, ait, an .is
Alnsworth National Bank North
west H of ssctlon 14. 1 north,
- t eaat 160 acrea
Robertson, Jamea H. South
west ,14 of section 14. 1 north,
eaat, 160 acres -.
Alnsworth National Bank. N. E.
and N. E. Mi of N. W. VI
and 8. B. M. of N. W. 14 Section
16, 1 N. I E. 180 acraa
aseiu,jaeo. W. Rec N. E. 44 of
N. E. 14 Bectloti"!,-
40 acrea
Watson. Charlea H. N. W. 14 of
N. E. 14 Section It. 1 N, 6. E.
40 acre
Townaend, Carolina 8, heirs. W
Mi of N. W. 14 and N. W. 14
of B. W. 14 Section 14, 1 N.
4 E. 110 acres
Hsggerty, C. J. N. E. M, Section
11. 1 N. 4 E. 140 acres.
Hssen. Geo. W.. Rec N. E. 14
of 8. E. 14 and 8. E. 14 of N.
E. 14 Section 1.4, 1 N, I E, 80
acre . , ,
Townsend, Carotin S. heirs. N
H of N. E. H Section 11, 1 N.
4 E. 80 acres
Townaend. Caroline 8.. heirs N.
H of a W. 14 Section 18. 1 N.- '
6 E. 80 acrea 1.00
Smith, Mary J. and Macmm, J.
A., heir. Swamp land - de-
scribed 'in Book 166 psge 45.
Section 31. I N. I E. 140 acres 10.11
Moffett, Laura A. Lota 2. I. 4, .
except W, 111 acres of Lot 4.
N. of R. R. and except tract
described In Book 111 peg 113. .
Section 39. I N. 7 E. 99 87
acres -
Moffett. Laura A. Lota 1 and t,
8. of R. R. right of way. 'Sec
tion 30. S N. 7 E. till acres..
LSheppflrd. Geo. 8. N. E. H Sec
tion 32. section zi.
160 sere
Loiter. EUsa (heirs) Lots 4 snd
6. section I, T. 1 N, R. 1 W.,
48.11 acre
Loller. Alexander (heirs) East
: 4 of northeasv V. tecttoi
T. 1 N, R. 1 W 79.14 acres... 176
Turner. John . J. Beginning st
northwest comer of triangular
piece bf ground lying east of
block 40. Miner's Addition. ,
thence southerly parallel with
eaat line of block 40, 144 feet ,
for a point of beginning; thenc
northerly parallel with east Una
of block 40, 144 feet; thenc
easterly along prolongation of ....
north Una of block 40, 60 feet;
i thenc southerly parallel with
.at line ef block 4, 160 feet!
thenc to beginning: section
11, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.. 0.15 acre..
Oardner, Catherine, Chas. Bd
mond Eaat H of aoutheaat 14
and aouthweat 14 of southesst
14, and lot 4, lection 4, TVS N
K. V W.. 158.11 acres .........
Gardner. Catherine, E. B.' Charles
.Northeast 14. section I. T. 1
H. , R. 1 W. 140 sores
Lambert A. W., Trusts Undi
vided 177 seres of 101 acres,
described follow: Begin
ning 11.41 chalna north of
aoutheast corner of section IS.
thenoe north II degre west
4.10 chalna; thane north It de
gree west 11.60 chains;,
thenc south -8t degrees weat
12 chalna! thenc south 7t de
grees west 17.6 .chains: -
thenc south 61 degrees weat
14.60 chains; thenc south 87
degrees 30 minutes west 130
chains; thence south 36 degrees
30 minutes west 13 chains; "
thenc south 11 degrees west
17.60 chains; thenc south II
degrees, weat 13.76 chains;
thenoe south 11 degrees wsst
I. 24 chains; thenc south I de
grees eaat 11.10 chalna: thenc -
aouth 26 degreea, eaat 10 chalna,
aouth 15 degrees cast 11.10 .
1 chains to northeast corner lot
1, section 26; thence esst to
'northwest corner lot 7, section
26; thenc north 60 degrees eaat
22 chains; 'thenc north 77 de
grees east 13 chains; thence
north CI degreea 10 minute
ast ll chains; thenc north II
degree west 10.20 chalna;
thenc north 40 degreea east
1.20 chains; thenc north , It
degrees 10 minutes eas, 4 '
chains; thane north 17 degrees
esst 2.20 chains; thence north '
' I degrees west I chains;
theoce north tt degrees west
grees, went 4.60 chains; thenc
nortk 11 degrees Met 4.t0 chalna;
thenc north 40 degrees east -4.80
chstns; thence north 10 de-
grees esst 8 chains; thene .
north 16 degrees . east 6.80
chalna; thence north 6.70 chalna; ,
' thence north 10 dogrees west I
chains; thenc north 20 - de
greea west 6 chslns; thenc
north 48 degrees west 1.76
chains to beginning, sections
It. It, II and 26, 3 north,. 1
west, 177 acres:
Munley, Bridget North half of
northwest quarter of northweat
quarter," section 11, 2 north,.)
west, 19.15 acres
Wood, Charles E. 8. Undivided
half lot I.. section 14, 3 north,
1 west. It. 01 seres.-
Elllott,Thos. H. W. H of W. Mi of
northweet 14 nf northeast 14,.
See. tt, I N., I W 10 seres........
Leonard, Andrew Lot 6, Sea - St
I N., 1 W. 186 acres
Harold, Aloys Beginning 30 feet -
" W. ot th W. corner block
4. Dolan's Addition, thenc W.
II Test thane 8. 76 feet,-1
thence E. 66 feet, thence N. 76 '
feet to beginning, aectlon 1,
township 1, south rang 1 eaat, '
0 09 acre .
marked "7 at BE. corner- Cat
lln Tract; thenc N. 61 deg.
Jl mln. E. 170.14 feet; thenc
8.11 deg. 10 mln. E. 1144 feet'
.. . i
: 1