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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1SC3. II ElEHTS lJ REAL ESTATE WORLD I arid Estate ' Sells to O'Shea Brother Southwest Corner of " fifth and Washington.; OLDS. WORTMAN A KING s OCCUPY BUILDING NOW Consideration It Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollart, Making the Corner the Second Valuable Quarter Block In the City. .The LdJ estate ha sold to John F. nd James B. O'Bliea the quarter-block at the southwest corner of Washington and Fifth streets, no. occupied by Olds, Wormian & Kings department atore, Xor,l&A.Q00 XfiJ"J"tJl of the build 1 i4.60O. whTc"h leaves the sale price of the land at I810.004 or 3J.10O per front foot, the Ma-heat price that hae ever been paid for Portland realty. Thla la the aeoond largest aala , of business property in the hlatory of the city; the purchase of the Dekum block at Third and Washington some two- yeara sgo by a Spokane millionaire twin- the largest , ' ' . -i . . Well informed real estate dealer insist that the price paid for the Olds. Wortman Kin corner wsb low, when compared with the leeae value of other prominent Washington street corners. The Falling corner. 60-foot lot on the aouthaaat comer of Fifth and Washing-ton, waa leased to Ii Xf. S wetland fur 2 yeara for an annual rental equal , to six per oent on IS00.09. The comer lust aold waa bought by the lata W. 8. Lartd about 40 yeara ago. In 181 Mr. Ladd built for the firm of Olda Wortman King the four-story atructure sow on ' the lot' A - 30-year leaae waa signed at 313.000 annual renUl. beginning November 1, J01. which has five yeara yet to run. It la estimated that the property la capable of earn In a not lass than 3 30.000 per annum. ' . It la not known what , the O.'Shea brothers will do with the property at the expiration of the Olds, Wortman King lease, but the value or tna corner would warrant the erection of a much handsomer and larger building than now covera 1t. It la not believed that additional stories could safely be added to the present atrncture. aa the walla were not -built to - bear ' additional ' weight ' ' The O'Shea brothers have for some . yeara been practically at the head of the Union Meat company, and while some montha ago they aold a controll ing interest In the- concern to Swift and company, they atlll direct Ita af fairs, -: - - The deed ' transferring the property .1.- svcthaa timth.ri hit. heen Afn wn and signed by the trusteea of the Ladd atate. who are 'In Portland, and will be aent east for the algnaturea of the other trustees. The Bale, however, la closed, aa the abstract of title baa been accepted and a large payment made by ' the purchasers. - : . But two quarter-blocks In the city are conaldered by Assessor Slgler aa more valuable than the Olds, Wortman A King corner. The Dekum corner Is assessed for the preaaat year at 3J 00: the AHakr corner at Third and Morrieon at 1270.000 and the comer just aold by the Ladd estate; at $100,000. - An Interesting Incident, apropos of the sale of the Olda. Wortman King corner., oaroa to . light . thla" momln when aome papera leaa than 0 years old, wero found among the archtvea of the Oregon" Historical aocieiy. proiw Ing agalnet aowa being allowed r on the vacant .property In toe vicinity Of Washtnafa ni yitth slrataOtttefie proteata war filed witn ma touucu j reaideata or the neignoornowi. PURSUIT EiS IN A ; ; ; FAILURE Cross-Continent Chase After A. , M. . Caldwell Proves - Again " That Truth l Stranger Than ,' Fiction. . - HIlO'-BiEAKDATER in mnnnnrn r IN II llllllf AMI ul - a iu iiiuuauLu For li yeara ilr. Holllngshead haa been the senior member. of tha firm of Holllngabead & Caldwell, of Decatnr, which concern conducted a large and successful department atora at Decatur for a number of yeara. '- Just 11 months aco Mr. Holllngshead took unto hlmaelf a young and beautiful wife, coming from one of the beat faml- "f "'"-TMr. Ohio, snd one or tno S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH bellea of tha sat there Mrs. Holllnrahead amid new surround- tnaa Immediately became a favorite In Decatur's beat society. Tha happiness of tha young couple was, however, of short duration, for Mre. Molllngshead became very attractive to the Junior member of tha firm. Mr. Caldwell, and tha admira tion being- mutual, ha at once appropri ated the wife, aa well aa all available cash, and nelther have, been seen since by Mr. HolHngshewI. Immediately after their disappearance be notified tha police and a certain de tective agency, after two- months work, located them at tha beautiful town of TltusvHle, in Florida. Ha at -once took measures to apprehend them there, leav ing hie buslneaa and starting on the chaae -personally, but they Beamed to have received Information of hla coming and went north to New Tork city one day before hla arrival. Ha then took tha next train for New York and upon arriv ing there found the same' disappoint ment awaiting him, they had gone to Montreal. ..' - From Montreal to Houston, Texas, the husband followed -them. Then from Houston to Fresno, California, always arriving just a abort time after their departure. - In Fresno ha lost track of them for soma time, ' but after waiting what seemed to him yeara Instead of weeks, ha received word from . tha detectives In Portland ' that thsy were here, but upon his arrival found that they had taken passage that very morning on a steamer bound for tha orient Hla .business haa .been closed and all hla wares put in storage and rather than face tha disgrace and dishonor of going back to hla home town and again open in us bla business, ha haa bad all hla gooda ahlpped here. Intending to dispose of them and continue me cnaaa across the Pacific ocean. ' . He Intends: to take pasaage In two weckraTwhlch time he expeota te have closed all hla bustnesa transactions. Mr. Holllngshead at the hotel laat night said: "I will spend my laat dollar to bring them to account -1 have lost all heart and lntereat In my bualnesa and my only desire Is to apprehend Caldwell and bring him to justice even though I follow him to tha ends of tha earth." STUDENTS REJOICE AT " THEIR LONG. VACATION : (Ssetial ptopatcfe te The looraalt - "Salenv-Or.. Pee. 18. The college of liberal arts of Willamette university closed its doors yesterday and. the Christmas vacation began, to continue until January 1.' Soores of students left tha elty yesterday, and mora will go today. Thla la tha longest vacation period ever given at tha university, and la due .to tha. doing away with . the Easter vacation. Tha Innovation la hailed with joy by atudenta from a dis tance, aa they can have a longer stay at their home. The collegea of law and medicine will close Saturday and will reopen January 2. Trustees of Chamber of Com merce Vote to Support Ha - L warian Movement, STANDARD INSURANCE ;: POLICY CONSIDERED Many New ; Firm Ar Admitted to Membership Chamber Sending Out Great Quantities of Oregon Literature in Response to Inquiries. At a caJle meeting of tha trusteea of the Portlaud chamber of commerce to day Indorsement waa given to tha re quest of tha commercial bodies of tha Hawaiian Islands for support of tha lo caIorjanlstlonln accnrlng; an appro priation from congress tof'"BU"struet"' lng a breakwater at Hllo. to Insure tha eecurlty of tha deep-aea harbor at tnu point. ' A discussion or tna question oi adop tion of tha New York standard Insur ance policy ended In referring the mat ter back to the committee, wnicn win meet next Friday to consider the ad visability of recottmendlng- repeal' of the $i0,000 deposit law. Ths committee will consider the Insurance situation in varioua ohasea. and be "ready to aubmlt a report and reeommendatlona at t-he next meeting of the trustees. The following applicants for memoer- shlp In tha chamber wera elected: Ore gon Detective Service, Feary Bros. American Chide company. asseii & Preer, Diamond Sand company, William K. Morris. George W. Gates & Co.. Kl liott A Scoggin, I W. Baker. Portland hardware company. Thomaa - lticnie Lumber company. Lleae Bros., Jubllts A Baling, Columbia Hardware company. the Toke Point Oyster company, ureen land A Grek, Waterhouso 4c Price com pany, John C Balrd, Merchants' Express ac Transportation company, Frank K. Chambera Jr, Columbia Manufacturing company, Bllyeu HIrstel. Frlberg Bros., WL. ArcnamDeau, k. o. ween leaf. J. -A.- Atelton, M. Michael, J. B. C. Lockwood and J. O. Hoyt . The publicity -. department of tha chamber la aendlng out an average of S00 answers a week to Inquirers In the eantern states concerning resources and opportunities In Oregon. Tha larger nupiber of the letters or inquiry are from farmers in vtha middle west who are Interested In reports they have ijieard about Oregon's favored climate ana svu ana wuu wnm iw . wu u . prices of lands, special adaptability of sections of the state and conditions aa to schools, transportation, good roads and other Important features of modern farm life. Each Inquiry la answered NOTABLE HINDOO HERE lng tha subjects under discussion. ' - " ' . BILLS TO MAKE BETTER STATE SCHOOL SYSTEM (Special rrisnates te The Joorntl.) alem. Or, Deo. 18. Many bllla have heen -for submission to the next. legislature by the educational de partment . Among theae are ; the fol lowing: To amend section 3841 of tha coda. by changing tha date of meeting of the state oard of textbook commissioners from the second Monday In July to tha second Monday In May; to amend aeo tlon 3371 by Increasing from three to five the number of montha required to be taught to entitle a district to Ita proportion of tha achool fund; to com pel county courts to levy for achool purposes a tax equal hi -the aggregate to 18 per capita for all children in the county between tha ages of 4 and 20 yeara, amending sections 308S and 3374 of the code, ' which are identical as amended by an act of the legislature of 10S. which makea It ft per capita. St. J. r JameaoB, Wa.o ZaataaUy Oursa All Warvous Dlaaaas . and maewav tia-BiWUaJiamaln in Portland jot a Walla . , , Dr. J. F. Jameson, who halls from India, "Tha Land of Mystery, la a visitor to tha city, and intends to re main hero for a short time. ' Dr. Jameson la tha possessor of real occult gifts, and claima to havo made startling discoveries through occult power. This wonderful man, who haa a personality aa unique as it la ma' netlc, haa been a great benefit to -no small uoi tloH-of aulferlaa: humanity. pur some time past ne naa oeen lo cated at Vancouver. B. C, but upon pressing Invitations on tha ' part of many consented to coma to Portland for a short period and to here teach and dispense bis ailment' relieving power. He la located In rooma 30 and 31. Lewis building. Park and Morrison streets. In the qoirters form erly occupied by Dr. N. J. Fulton. Dr. Jameson la a discoverer. or and Inventor In eleotrlo sciences, and haa aeveral new appliances which bring immediate relief and In nearly all caaes permanently ourea a great many all menta. Tula trunare physician will diagnose one's case free of charge and alwaya refrains from experimenting. . In an interview Dr. Jameson aaia: T have power of hoajlng within myaeU wmca is unexpiainaDie even vt me. ,JPh-power-controls . tha """mil, BYf- tem or tna patient- Ha ia not a cure -all ' nor doe ha treat everything. For medical and sur gical oaaea ha will refer you to s.. sur geon or a regular practitioner which may be a benefit to you. He said: "I can cure any disease of the nervea and rheumatics instantly." : 42: i Ufcf iS7:4 GRAIN ROTS WHILE CARS ARE IDLE ON TRACKS Million Bushels of Wheat Stacked Along Stations irt Washington. ; Is Sperll piipatch te The Journal.) Ppokane, Wash., Dec. 18. In a report made by a committee representing grain dealers of central Washington, It . is charged that 1,000,000 bushala of wheat are.belng permitted to rot on platforms at Northern Pacific station because the railroad officials refuse to permit the grain to be loaded Into ampty care which stand idle on tha sidings. Tha commit tee asserts that the claim of car short age haa been a mere pretext, manufac tured by the rallwaya to meet' the com plaints of those suffering tha rigor a of coal famine, of lumbermen, grain deal era and flour manufaojturera. It claima that 365 empty cars are now atandlng on aiding between Paaco and Sprague, and that tha railroad's excuse for not filling them with grain la that it bag not the motive power to haul them. Members of tha committee begged that thev be nerlmtteri to tranafer their wlth-apeciaHetters or llteratiire-coretrlaraia ack from-XhaplatformaJtg those care for mere storage purposes, aa- 20 per cent would thus be saved. They charge that tha railroads are in reality discriminating In favor t of flour ship ments, which pay better, and think It a significant fact that tha flour manufac turers, who were Invited to join them la the conference, failed to appear Local officials asserted that the heavy demand for cans to move tha crop in the Dakotaa was responsible for the, local tie-up, but tha grain dealers replied'' that the ahlpmenta into Minneapolis from tha Dakota ara lighter thla year than laat' " LINN-FARMERS WANT - ' . A GOOD ROADS LAW (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Albany, Or.,. Dec 13. -At a meeting In Orleans grange' hall road matters wera discussed by about M of the lead ing farmera and taxpayer of that sec tion. Special addresses were made by Supervisors Oh) In a; and Btellmacher, Joseph Yates. ' Wililam Bogus. Ellas Truax. George Hofllch, James Dyer and Smoking Jack SPECIAL etS and House Goats To close outtialance oFslock bif handr ; ' wc have marke.d down every Smoktog " ' Jacket in the house X ; : $12.50 Smoking Jackets $8.65 . 7 $10 Smoking Jackets . $7.35 " $7 Smoking Jackets . . . $4.95 : $5 Smoking Jackets . . $3,85 MISSES; COAT SPECIAL $20.0O-$17 50 MISSES' COATS, Reduced to. $12.85 Y $12.85 $11.85 MISSES COATS, Reduced to $ a65 AU THIS Season's Coats ALL HAND TAILORED ' . Y. .-V ' Ben Selling v.:.'.- ' . ; ' !; . -;; ' : , LEADING CLOTHIER others. County - Commissioner T.v J. Butler cava a statement of tha county's financial eondltion and ' tha " amount available for road construction. He favors a law giving each precinct the right to manage its own road affaire, levying ita own taxes, selecting Its own supervisor, and having complete charge of all road, mattera. It waa the sense of the meeting that a road district law giving complete autonomy should be enacted, and that tha weight of the-load in tha winter montha abould ba limited-and all ve hicles should have six-Inch tires, and tha rear axla ahould ba 10 lnchea longer than tha forward axla The legislature la to ba asked to en act lawa that ahall ba instrumental n bringing about tha dealred- results. Lookingfora Home? SEE US TOR RESIDENCES AT ALL PRICES IN ALL' PARTS OF THE CITY, " : H. W. LEMCKE CO. : V,,;;.r- SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. : , V Entire Second Floor THE LMGEST MATHER m There Is Only One Genuine GILLE.TTZ, Safety Razor And it's SS.OO and rancy. rses everywhere In atari lng allver they ara 116. SO and S9.00. Every on sold on 30 days' trial; money back If not satisfied. Look out for cheap Imitations. Xnglish Bridge Sets - Ou Qwa Importatloa. ; $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $425 ' Kngllsh Playing Cards; a. beautiful Una. B0. . With National deslgna . Wa Kerer Sold Timut Verfnma Tkaa ' MY0LEHA It is the fragrance of a thousand flowers- lasting, delicious and grateful. Ounce, f 1.00; larger bottles, f 1.25. s, fN FRENCH PERFUMES Moger and Oallet, Pinaiid, Maroelle, Valiant. Houblgant, Ouerlaln. Lasctl. Lundborf, Crown Co.. U Grand. Hud nut, I.ubln, Colgate, Palmer, Relger, Rlcksecker and Wright. , , AT lAITIBK rmiCSS-Fancy Christmaa pseknges or in bulk. Belcrt your bottle froiti Our special display and have it filled with a favorite extract. wimi rigor wiPt, coii- OOsTXs) -The greatest variety of both foreign . and domestic makea. Delightful and fragrant. ' aefcei owera AU Odora. ' - ItiGERSOLL WATCHES Nickel, g-unmetal and silver; accurate timekeep ers, every one ...,...., fl.50. f2 AXWATI UST SISOTaUO TOCKVt , Vest, coat and overcoat, feafe, convenient and a . protection at home and abroad,. .85, 3)1. 2S xr,ms sunoiiERY Holly designs, rich and exclusive; S0 styles o clioope from. I Have you seen the expert in our window who stamps your leatherpurchase in gold while you wait ?; for this service. Here are some leather reminders: . . ' . No charge Don't Forget Your Physician Marvelous Display Leather Replace that old medicine caaa or Instrument bag with a new one, up to date. We hava 80 stylos, from 3)2.75 up to 3)12. OO, and any are exchangeable after Chrlatmss for other styles if the recipient wishes. . . A very handaome Una Smokers' Sets, 'Wallets, Card Cases, Passbook. Purses, Dressing Bets, Military Brush Bets In ebony, silver, foxwood. , rXVZB TXZmMOltZTBmS In fancy oases. Pearl. Gold or Sterling Stiver. 8)1.75, 3)3.25, SS.OO, 3)7.50. wmxaTSACM, DBzasnra caibb, rtnTOAns, WALIlTt, ' CIOAB OAOI, . rrxszB, OABSOABZS, TXATZUVO BAOB, OTBBA BAOB. If It's in leather, we hava It. Suit Cases Wa hava placed thla Una In our glftroora. Plenty of room now to ahow tha 200 or more sites and atyles, from tha fine Japanese bamboo lady's case, weighing; only three pounds, to tha legant ' Peal Morocco lined English case. Jrlos...3)3.75, S4.90, fj 65.00 Initial Letters Art Ware It would oovar a whole para to tall you of them all. Coma la and gat It first . hand. Just take lota of tlms. Admire them all. - Bay tf yon wish. - Boyal Bona Art Class, Bohemian Olaaa, Utopian Ware, Imperial Bonaparte, IMreaaa Kand-Valnted, Pamons Artists' Band-Fainted Plates, Benarea Banuaered Brasses, AUolan Platea, Bavarian Iria Platea. Crowa Bismarck, Bockwood Pottery, Bosenthal'a Boyal China, Onpa and Saucers, Old Bgyptiaa Pottery. Amphora Wars, Boyal ICeta Olaaa. VZBXT OUB POUBTB nOOB. ' Theae handsome Bterlbig liver, Oold-Plated Initial Letters, sixteenth cenSury design, frea wltR every . 35.00 leather purchase. , BtABIOTTBB BBTB, In silver pearl, tortoise and ebmy...... S3, f7, 8, flO BTBBUnra . BTITBB , Toilet and Srasslnr Sets .............f 6, 3)0, f 12, 3)18 , Prices $1.50 to $35 -.-L-"' 1901 Calendars In Tuck's latest designs, framed hardwood panels, , nueer Chinese figures, worked' up In color. Quaint Dutch acenc. Rtchlngs and water colore. Our calendar are of auoh a range thatevery want can be supplied. And prices? 16f 37, 50. 8Ke, fl.lO, fl. 60, and eoma,bcautiea for. f 2.25 and f 3.50. See Our Gift Room Ormolu Clocks In. Louis XIV design. , Every one a perfect .time keeper, fl.eo, f2.C0, $3.25, fl.50, S5.00 Sheahan's Passepartouts AT 15c EACH W00DMD, 'tbbb bbxztxbt to alt. pabts or OITT. ' PBOBB PBITATB XZCBABOB 11. , TBUBKB 90 XrTZBKIOBS CLMim& FRAMED PICTURES V bn Our Fourth Floor, . Water Colors, Etchings. Photogravures, Pastels," Landscape, MarAaes, Ltfa Ftgurea, Our selec tions' were most carefully made and ronou need by all of superior excellenoe. Our, picture de partment Is proving a great success. Low prices and original subjects ara bringing us unexpected returns. Framed and , matted pictures, 35. 65, 91.25, fl.5, fl.OO, S2.25, $1.30.- COMPAm OABABIAB VOBBT TAJTEW AT TV IT. VAI.UB. BO TOUB BTTXTBO BT PBOBB. BATB TTstB. MOBBT and PATIBBCB. TOWIM: - ' .. ... .. - - r, BRASS and COPPER ANTIQUES . We ara exhibiting an ex : ; ceedingly fine selection, of Brass and - Bronsa -Candelabra, Vaaea, Can- . dlestlcka. - Jardlnlerea... Tray and also a 'very - attractive - una or Rut . ian' hand - wrought Chimney Place. Loving Cups, Tankards, Steins, "ticks, ' Table Fittings. Wood Boxea; moderately priced, ranging - from... 75 to flS.OO VISIT THE GIFT ROOM : The Two Greatest Pen In tha World PARKER-WATERMM , . - - 9le TO $10.00 .. Alwaya sold on approval. So our fonntaln af Pens a wonderful display. . fl Camera or Kodak . y .!i-V. pob rn osxlb, ' i : 1 Alwaya a delight. Wa. ahow how 1 gladTr. Buster Browne, Sl.OO and up to.S50.00. All - . good.- . '.,'. ; : Simplex Typewriters i A good writing machine for every boy and girl Wa have sold thonaanda of them, alwaya with satisfaction to the buyer. Let n ahow fort how ; easy they ara to nse..f l.OO, f2.SO $5.00 ;; ' if. TRIPLICATE MIRRORS , Oval and Roooco frames, heavy bevel plate; tha ' . . richest line wa hava ever ahown: - . $3.25, $5.50, $6.75, $8.60, $10.25 ' . .DRESSING MIRRORS ; ' In heavy rold framea..$5.25, $6.80, $7.75 Hoarers Crystal Cut:Glass America's famoua produot. . Nothing more ap-,'fn)'pTltiira!eWyAa--eUeolu ' lin to select Xrom and at popular price. i v ' - 1 i. . r v,