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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. -TUESDAY ' EVENING DECEMBER ' 18, 1906. FOR SAL,E REAL ESTATE. t'OR &ALB An yen desiring a modern up-to-date horn. S-room nous, larg recetitton ball, furnace, V 60 loo, In fmn Albino, cU oo A. O. liruah A Co., 618 TA are. "1 BARGAIN rOH CASH Quarter block. . tut Isqulr 411 East frith st7- , rOB tkhr.iV, crea, rleatedr oo th pentnau . lar.. 43.600... I'eerr 4 WUaon,. 84a YYUliaiu avenue. . ttfXI OLD B room noaae. amall lot. In Booth Portland;, term lJuo ., etet LtDd Co.. FOR SALEFARMS. FOR SALE A nail farm of 4T acres. Id a htm i cleared; good outhouses aui) amall house: on hour' a ride trom Portland. Address 7i Laioa a Ten tie, aorta. . .. , l tSOno I2S ACRES. mile from Paytoa. Yais blU county; rural mall, phone, rood runnl'ig watrr40 vm -fralt,- mostly appasserPheo East 1737, between 7 and a. m. Address ' ee call B. a Robertson, 10 Eaat Sixth at, N. - FOR 8ALB OR RENT M acre of land. II . ama Uamm, In high at ate of ctfhlrattoni will rata from 400 to 600 aacka of oulona to .acre: balanca upland, eluaa to transportation. II 82. rara Journal. - MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COICUR D'ALKNB MININO STOCK I am alwaja In tn market either to bay or sell an ectlvs ulntug a lock; loan .mad a any llatrd sscurittes. T. P. BROWN. - 401 McKay bide. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. TURKIC cowa fat aala cheap, ltd Bortbwfck. I'OB SALS treeb milch cowa. 1480 Macadam at., Pulton. Phono Main 0U8U - WI8S JKBNKT young fraah row tsssy milker) HUH Tin rn u ! f J , Tliniiiau - ' east of Uun a elation; Woodstock car. I'OB SALE A first-da freak cow. loon Hob Una are. Phone Woodlawa 7o8. , TOR SALE Tors freah Durban cowa, Kaat 11th at. 87 TIMBER. .. . WASTED TIMBER LANDS. To tha own re of timber land We rep. reaent very heavy boysrs la tba following vonntles: Crook. Klamath aad take, and owing to tba fact that our buyer bar tba estimates oa tba greater portion of too tim ber la tba above counties it enables U to Biaka eulrk tales,, there fore ssnd oa your full descrtpUoa and tbs oatlmatei alto yoof lowest net caak prlca, and we caa do bus. boss with you oa abort tlmej no padding prices goo with u. - CKKOd BROTHERS, M tilth at, SIT and 818 Pantos bldg. Portland. Oregon. TIMBER OWNERS. ' Do yoa want your timber property kandled In tba uoet aatlafaetory way to yon la all detalle! If yoa want a buyer quick you ' rannot afford to delay placing your timber , . lande Immediately with our timber deparc . meot. Our eoaMCtlon with timber buyera from all parte of America plarea a In a - poaltlon to bring yoa a buc Call or write . our timber department. NORTHWESTERN GUARAKTCB TBC8T - tXIMPANY, Lumber Eichange bWg. faecond floor). , Soathaaat Cor. Second and SUrk ata. CERTIFIED arrlp, any alio, lowest nrtee. W. . U. Howell, 838 Chamber of Commerce. ,10 PWERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS ASiO TIMBER. aa rood Mmtiar tributary to Kehaiem rlrer; will deal with owner onlyi no otbera need aa.wer. Write, SITUS full partfralara, t Box 8, V. P. ela tion, Portland. Oregon. OCR buyer will be her after Jaaaary I, ready for basin; end In your timber lands to oa bo w caa mak a preliminary and make our report to the buyer wbea tbry arrlr. Uobaa Tag fart. Ill AUaky bldg. Tl hare caah boyer for yellow pin timber : lanoa in Oregon ana Vfaanington; also for yellow fir, apror and nemlork timber hinda; will bar from on claim an If erica and lor. ' tkm are right. Will pay caah for good ro llnqutabmnta We hare had 18 years' el. aeriei euro In coast timber bti.lneee, and hare lum petetit ejfreeBt-rttoi;urt4eti : laaoa wnnont oeiay, EMBODY BRADLEY CO, iua manner ox lammerc. . BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS We bar for aal large aad amall tract . ( fin timber, both oa water and rails nticea from 84 na, according a loot ton: T tell . na roar waato-and -will ba .pleated to annmit uat. arugena h. t. naooier, ui uaa tins t-. VaacouTer, B. C .WILL locate yoa oa a good timber claim, easy to reach; act at one. C O. acbiaand, ' ' Stark at, city. -$IS-Pcr-Acre- - 8M0 acre oa Pistol rtrer, la Carry eeuuty. will cat erer d.OOO.OtiO feet to quarter aactloa; fine lotrglng propoaltlon: ana p. 84. 23714 WASHINGTON ST. ' - " $35 Per Acre ' 188 acre, 23 alaabed. balance 8.000,000 feet ef fir timber, fin soil; cloa to Bearer, ton: eprinf and creek; land alone worth Uie money after being lor red. 84, 227 Vk WASHINGTON ST. - $12.50 Per Acre , M0 acre la S north, 4 west, cat' ore 8.000.000 floe fir; good boa aad bora: ex celtent aoll. Tola i a ttonansa. . 34. 227V WASHINGTON ST. .. FOR SAI.RJ Rellnqnlahment oa- 180 acre wHh . 8.000,000 feet of timber oa it. Box 230, June. tloa City, Or. . - BARTER AND EXCHANGE. - SPOKANB ACREAGTi. SHOO per acre to trade for boslneea, room. Ing bona or residence. I bar a Hat of ale trade to offer la farm aad business chance. Llt your property with me. C F. Meieon, tan Bur net de at. . WHO wants thl well equipped eastern Oregon wheat and Block reach t Well watered, four ' mile from tow, two mile from ware hone; ; - will aril or trade tot ralley farm. . Addrosa ' Z 71, car Journal. KEW nnrlrht plana In exchange for good lot. - Addraaa P. O. hog 807, Portlaad. WILL exchange high-grade piano for bit or , acreage-. What bar yoa? Addreaa U 88, ' car Joumal. -. GOOD 7 room boaaa, modern plumbing. In Seat tle, to exchange for Portland property, or acreage! will nay cash difference. M. K. - l, mom 80 Raleigh bids, 823Vh Waablngtoa. at. rnone racuie on. BXCHANQB dentlatry for grading, plastering, carpentering. Call room t. 828V, Waahlngtoa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. S0 REWARD for proof that aay talking n rhlae equate tbe Edison phonograph; com - plete Btochi ear paymenta. Pertland Pbooo. 'Agency, izn SHERMAN, CLAY CO. are tha largeat piano" dttlm .he I'm ft A mmiL B lUn I , yoa aeed a plane. I HAVB a piano to Bell for atorag eharr 908 Oak at. IMtarr make); price 1B0. P ttcnVara F. Rlckel, 7A1 Park ere. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS TOU CAN SAVE MONEY In aew wagon and boggle at . , Port land Warelmo Transfer C. ' - 840442 Beat Waablngtoa la the place. ' FOR HALIt Two seated light wagon with brake; almost hew. Portlaad Biding Acad , amy, Zid and Job neon, . ' nonara en heieetea toe eentt fer dev. week aad Baontn: vneciai rmKee 1 ovj ' Blxtb. aad Hawthorn. Kaat 7S. ' WB bny. sell, rent, exchange bore, wage, ' eeddlaa. baroeee. Hubert 2 Hall. 268 -4th at. BARN mom for 18 bweea for rent; 8.1T Jeffar eon yard. Mala 716 or ) Market at. GOOD HOR8B for aal. 271 Roeaell at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAt K Loganberry acta. Hot. 128 Monta. rllla, Oregon. - Peon -Baal-alia.. . . .j IF yoa want furniture and hardware why not a IJndley ft NelaooT Tbey will treat -yt -rth-" LtiMeafron 2.M tip; other . gooda I aroportion; we deI la aad , eseond hand., b WiUlams te. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IP T0U WANT A oew ttuv, go to In 8. . A new range, go to to 8. To trade stoves, go to tba $. A w.ter-bsct put In, go to too f. sural ture. re to In 8- J3 kirat at. Mala 8874. FOB IAL8 CHEAP. Ho Edison Mutton-Picture machine. 1.000 feet of aim. tow: slides fur late llluatralea. 8X80 per aeC 113V. Nutb. room 2. e FOR S A I.K XueTrr pupa. S4 Ely aC7 ' afodtarUU. Paoao Kaat 10. ask for Kraaa. 8EWINO ilACBlNJH. -baagbfc oottt-an' -T-- ebanred. 8S'an4 up. Weatara halTago Co.. Ul Waahlngtoa at. BOOKS booiht, anld and eicbaaged at the Old Booh Store. CM Xafublll at. WB prlot your aaaa an M calling carda, proper , alaa and atyle. Uocj tno boaliiea ear da. 11. A. W. SchBialo Co, CM riret. rortlaad, ur. SHOWCASES, eoanterm, flxtnrea, bongbV f"'4 otr -ueeaBced. Weatera Balrag Co, rf Waablngtoa at. fad fie TWt, 80 SLIGHTLY 4 a ma ted a trig aMchlsea at eery kw prfree; Slugrr, Wbwlar Wllaon, - Doueaetlc. Wbllta, Hoaeehoid. Ia1a ana .otbera; to make room for new stock Wheeler WUaoa and Singer. S. S. Slgel, 8J6 Mof liaoa at, hlaniuam bldg. BILLIARD AND POOL table for teat fuf aal on eaay payment. 1HK BRLN8W1CK-BALKB COtXKXDCB OO. 4 Third at, PvtUad. SHOWCASES and fixture, Bew and aaeond hand. Carlana KaUatroaa, & Coach at. SECOND HAND bar fixture, pool table, aafea. tablea, cbalra. Waatara atalrag Co, 82? rtaahlngton at. CHERRY TREES of tba only original parent tree, tba new cherry, tbe Olant; flrat-claia tree. Jullu Kalllch, Wood lawn, Oregon). - POR SALB CHEAP 200.000 feat of tnmber. 00,000 feet 81,18, 88 per 1.000. B. B. Stoat. T48 Balelgb. Phone jfjln 'I"" UOLDEN-S RHEUMATIO CURB Sara mm tM rnaBmatlam. Sold by all drngglat. SHAFTS for thrao bora for aala. Mala T1SS. FREK manure, 837 JefYeraon. 8ELF-CUAN0EMAK1NQ caak register for aala cheap. Till Flrat at. FOR R ALB 1,000 I-oyaJ Ann, Lambarta. Blnr, 5.000 Ixiganbarry, Pbeoomcnal, Illmalay Gl.nt. Ocklry Oreea Kuntty, Portland. BLEOANT piano, nearly newt bargtm for caak. CaU at 811 Weat Park atraoW BLACK MINORCA aorkarola, 81.80 ear. Phone L'olon 07. Karrlgaa a tattoo, O. W. P. 1460 NEW aprtght piano 8161, Webber 878, . organ 818. pUnoU. tW plecea. 8140. 241V, First at, corner Main, upatalra. T i' 7 ' I I I , I -I, I PERSONAL. WE car eosnramptloa. nathma and naonchltfa. , -Writ for fro book. Kew York Medlral and Surrlcal Inatitute, corner Hlith and (a23Va) Washing ton atreeta, Portland, Oregon. IF yoa bar rheumatism we want t core yoa. New York Medical and Surgical Inatitute, corner of Sixth and (823 H) Washington at, Portland, Oregon. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OrrgonUn bldg.j taatlee day, gentlemen alghta. Main 1888. SWEDISH trained aurar, Relelngfora gnduste, pus I arte ly cure rhaumatlam, atom sob troublae and aenroua disorders by band-ruboloc. steaai, , aweat and tub batba: both aexea. No. 7 Beat 11th at, Tab Beat Aakeny car, i'hoaa East 240. , ' MANLY rigor teetered by Or. Roberta" Nre Olobtlaa. One anoatb's treatmoat, 81 I aeoatba, 88; eeat eeearety aeaied by bmIL Ag.ats. Weodard. Clarke A Ce, Portland. Or. SUITS pressed while yoa wait, bOo. Ladle skirt pressed, 80s. Gilbert. 108 V, Sixth at ' next to Quail. Pbou Mala SuS. . .- BEST aaagaaln club rear offered l eead fur etc; agent wanted. Jon' Book Ktora, I A Met at, Portlaad. Or. . MOLES, wrinkle, anperdooaa ban? remoeed. No chares to talk It orefc Mrs. M. D. BHU Boom 830 FUadaer Bldg. Pboae PaelBe 188. DI8BA8ES OF WOMEN PrlraM maternity ho. pttsi, quiet locsttio; special ear. ,ir. At- room a, gaua j7 BOLD ON There B owe thtng tbat wtU eae 1 rbeamatlam. Aak yoar dragglat for bark , tool or addreae or call J. W. Clemaneea, drngglat, Portland. Or. WEBFOOT OH Blacklaat Bares tbs leatberi ab solutely waterproof. . BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIO CURB Bare car for rnrumansm. eoia ay au arocvi'ta. mil BALM OF F1Q1 for an female 41 . fcest Belmoot Fbcn Eaat 40841 28 I GERMAN book, magaalne, Borsia, etc.) Oec , man, English. French, Spanish, Swedish aad Italian dictionaries; foreign r-rr8a nf aal . A. BEINKCL PRACTICAL FURRIER. Esr-'rt fitun fare remodeled, reoelred and redyed; 80 years' experience Insures entire aaiiiraciioa. men racllle 84H7. Lewla bldg. XX INK PILLS rare all forms ef aerroua at mnacalar wesknes. Fer Been or women. Price fl a box. boxes 88, with faU gnar. Bate. Addreaa or call J. O. ClsmeaooB, drng SiW Seoood sad XsmhtU its., Pertland. Or. DR. BINO CH0ON0, Importer Chinese root medicine; aril Chinee tea, certala curs for all daseaeee. 181 td. bet Ymblll aad Taylos, DR. O. T. KRTCHUM enre promptly pel rate . dlsessea, kidney, nerrous, skla and special femais troeble. Call or write. Office 17.'V Third at, or. Yamhill. Phoa Paclae LADIES; las Antiseptic Cupid for monthly lrregularittee; safest, an rest, mnat conTealeet; ned locally:' no daogeroo drug to swallow . larg box 8150. Mrs. Curls Young, Adrian. MlnnosoU) Boa 88, MIK8 GIB.ION glee scalp treatment! massage. 268 V. Morrison at, room t2. DOLLS' HOSPITAL Repairing aad drasslnf. Boom 8. 848Vs Waahlngtoa at. BRFINED young lady jat arrived from Naw York) maaaaga. Boom 8, SUlVh AMer st. LADIES: Dr. Iji Franc' Componnd; oaf, poetly regulator; 28 cent, druggist or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. TOT NO scientific maaaenae gives electrical, al coholle aad medicated treatment; chiropodist and manicuring. 41 Raleigh bldg. MISS RAYMOND gli 28H Morrlsoa St, es massaga room 14. treatments. PROFESSOR O. B. DOVE of San Francisco, t'al, teacher of phrenology and phyalufnomy. 834 Fifth t, corner of Market. . A WORKINGMAN, W, with anm mean, wishes to meet s lady; ooject matrimony, box 110, Seattle, Washington. - OENTLEMBN'S Plln and fancy sewing, loss U and 22, SttSVa Stark stnet. Par- LADIES: . Ask yoar drngglat for Chichester' English Diamond Brand Pill; regsrrted st best, safest; he-aye reliable; buy of your druggist: take no other. Chichester' Diamond Brand Pill are sold by druggists everywhere. ' Cblcheeter Cham. Co., Pblla, P. ivii-IBINil rhlmnorlT acaln and faital treatment, and maaeage. ateent and tab bath. 201V Third St., comer Taylor. MARRIAGB PAPRR, Decern her. sent sea le; many worth 8100 to tlOO.ono; Ittb yssr; send 10c. U L. Lot, bog 1600, Denver, Colo. CHIROPODY, eealp treatments, medicated fs- ciat massage, ui naaningcon . SWEDISH trained anrse, Helslngfnrs graduate, enres rhenmstlsm, tamacn troublea and net Vfflil d I order by Aand-rubblng, steam, sweat and tub hatha; both aexea. No. T Kaat 11th at. Take Put Ankeny car. - Phone Kaat 2r0. ASSAYERS. ARTN CTANTDB rTXTR ACTIO CO, aad Moeivann naaay tit nee, in Horrisoa at. ART. PORTLAND WHOLE" A IB A RETAIL ART CO. n.presenimt ns of in Isrgaat esstern mann facinrera, am able to tbow yon tbe finest display of pictures la tbe city. We cordially Invite yoa to call before surehaalng else where, boa Waahlngtoa St. FREB LEMONS tn embroidery every 'dsn new stamped hlrtwslt, rorset-eovera, ba ler jacket, beta, amhrellaa, etc. The Need leers ft Shep, 81 Waablngtoa at.. b twee Weat Park aad Tatk t8. ., MR. M.' NICHOLS, teacher la s and chins ' painting, chins (red; band-painted , china 1 for '. 870 William, are. '-. MAr-MBTRBT-aMB-AMers' PorUalt sad Ueuxap artist aad tsachsr. ATTORNEYS.- 0. H. riOCOTT AND J. A. FINCH , Altorneys-at-Law. Practice In all court. 4 Mnlkey bldg, corner bound and Morrlenn. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. uou'H mm vti um ios.111 ., ee Blank book manufarturej; agent for Jona 1 1 pro Tea sjee ir fetajcar; ee uie areka leal, tbe beat oa toe market. BarT1 BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. inTHtk tCH'Uts-a, Bh-keawald Co. ana a..rett at. ; largeat butcher eauply writ lor eauiogu. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekant, 181-18 Klret at, earrlea a full Una and com plete BMortment at lowest market price. COAL AND WOOD. : . WB bare sioTcd to tba corner of 18th and 8a Tier. The Portland Wood Coal Co. Phoa alaln to J a. Fur and alahwood and eoaL - ALBINA FUKL CO. Dealer la corn wood, coal . and green and dry alahwood. B. R. and Alblaa are, 2 blocke east of ferry Beat 874. STEEL BRlfKJB FUEt CO. Dealers ta soal. aordweud and dry labwood. Phone East 424. OREGON FUEL CO. All kind ef coal aad wood. 884 Aider at. Phone Mala 88. WESTERN FEED ' FUEL CO Hooss aad blacksmith coal. Phone Mala 101a. CHIROPODISTS. CHntOPOIiY and Pedicuring. Mr. U. D. Hill, Room 830 FUedner Bldg. Phoa Pas. 188. CAFES. THB OFFICE StA WiahtngtoB at.. EB,JfliB. 7X.-JWI Vlgaias"--- ,"" CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTH E8 cleaned end pri d 81 pas asoath. Unique Tailoring Co., SOU stark at. B. W. TURNER, profeaaloaal dyer and (leaner. 808 Jefferson el f'boa Mala 18. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dying Works, til Fourth at. Phone Padfle 807. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter, 804 Foartk at. Store aad office work. Mala 1187. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! Read! Read! THIS IS FOR TOUt READ CAREfUUX THE FOLLOWING WOBDSi Madam Bartii 1 permanently located rn ber owa borne, 43S - STARK ST. Thla wonderful woman, ao knowlrdged by tbe world to be the greateet - cUlrroyaut allea, without yoa writing a ques tion or altering one word, she telle yoa last , what yoa earn for. how many In your fam- h .y and all about them. Telia name, date 'and facta. Telia yoa t lot, marriages. death, ttaunee speculations, investments, etc.; locates oil, fas and mineral of sll klada, remoee eeU lodueace and teaches yoa now to control tbe one yoa lor, nolle the separated and causes apeedy aad con. genial marrlsgee. No matter what your coa dlil.e mar be. MADAM. BABTel WlLii f-HELPr0UT" 425 STARK, COB. " 12TH. ALL won It gununiKEU, ri wnnin BEACH OK ALL. HOUUH 10 A. M. TILL KNOLltiH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL V READING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. ' Ores teat II ring astral doad-trsare clan. Toyant of the age; ADVI8EK ON BL'SINEKS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE! whom yoa ' will marry, bow to control the on yoa lor, een though mile away) reunite the eep , orated: gleee eecret powers ta control. I will do all other adrertls to do, and a great deal more. THB ENTIHE WOHLD HAS BKKN STARTLED WITH THE POW EHS OF TUB UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, and I prove It to ye with- ate hs.tnk Tour NAME TOLD (IN FULL!. JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOB, and gla yoa advice absolutely FKKK before yoa decide to hare reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO C0NYINCB THE SKEPTIC! t0 NOT M1S8 THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OIFEBED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO. ' Permanetly Located In Ilia Own nneBB. HOI US, 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SLNUAY. ' No. 888 Fifth at, corner Madutoa si, MK9. oV i n 1 A at., renauiv pvycoitrr rrwa. Wedneaday, Thursday, Friday, 8 p. as.; testa to ail, 26e. 803 Allaky bl.lg. HeTCeaTntm. Plner. the srknowledged gifted splrltnal llfereader. 147 11th, near Alder. PROFESSOR WALLACE, palm tat, clairvoyant and medium; reading BOc. Parlors d and 8, Tn Cosmos, 208Vk Salmon at. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Ce targoat plant on tbe coast. Lorlng and Harding at, tele, pboae Eaat BM. Carpeta cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: both a team and latest com pressed sir p cores : renovating mat and feathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, soetloa and com pressed sir combined; csrnets cleaned on Soot wtthoot removal. Main US. Mala 8200. DRESSMAKING. TRY A ore lea Dree. m. ring Parlors, 841 Fifth and Main. Pacific 882. DANCING. DANCING lesson, 2Sc; c lease or private) walta , Ing, two-atep, threeetep, etc.) etag dancing, buck and wing, cleg, reel, aklrt, Spanish, Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wsl Wlllsoa. eld est recognised teacher,. Allaky bids. Third and Morrison at. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Cites Man- Tbureday and Saturday tv.: social, fancy- ami atep oancing taiigut; xeucing taugat; privet lesaon dally. Wester Academy bslL - Becond and Morrison. Pacific 103U. PROF. BINGLER. MM Bnckenmeyer leading , scnooi; oa uowim eiiuviie; coTTOCt Oanclng; claaa Tnea.-Hat. eve,; children Sat. p. m.; private leaaona dally. 843 Aider. Main 1USL. PROF. EATON Pancfng school: eless for Udle sad tents Monday and Thursday evening;, A rloa balk Pbou East 2004. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Barkhard ball. 8714 Kaat Bursal de. Phoa Mala 8718. Dane Toesdays. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Knar I near, contrac tore, repairer, electric wiring, applies. 84 First, car. Stsrh. - Msla 868. K. B. Tats, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS." i Sllth Cmitraotoee, tleetitt; rnrtnllesp siotors and dynamo; w Install light and power plant. MORRISON P.LECTRIC CO, Ml Eaat Morrlsoa at. Fixture, wiring, repairing, stc. FURNACES. BOYNTON fatm-alr farnaees ssvs fm-L J. O. Bayer Furnace O... 288 -rWond. Mala 481. FENCE AND, WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 268 Flssders st, cor. Third. Pboas Msla S00O, HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. enllelts epoortnnlty ta, quoT prtces. is nixm st, ractnc too. HOTELS. THB BELLEVUB. Fourth aad Blawa ,ta . Noomt Bos ap; rate by week or , month; eut-ef-towa trad solicited. Fad 8 8100. HOTEL Portland, Americas plaa;83. per day. BELVEDERE; European plant 4th aad Alder ata. INSURANCE. A ISAAC U WniTB, Br Invar tsc. lock bldS. - JAS. McirWOOD, mployn, UabUlty and tn- atnirtiti iccident eecnrity nooos si au kiaaa, fboaa 41. SUB Mckaj bUsV, GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOMNB engines, all oas and stykBs. at lowest price. .M unison at. Balrsua Mscblnery Co, 12-4-4 LAND SCRIP. WANTED sad for aal. All kind. Including approved forest reaerve acrlp for .ore red, us- aurvevMl. Ilekhee end aralrle eoeerament land. H. w. ty in 11 inai -Th rnUsd" riiininirl FOR BALK Land scrip, eertifled end gti.raa- teed; always oa hand. 227 Faluns Bios., Portlsnd, Oregon. Magtnnl A Son. MONEY-TO LOAN. SIONBT TO IniN- On Improved city prop art y ar for balldlng-J purposes, far from 8 to 10 years' time, with rrlvUege to repay all or part ef.loea after wo I sera. Loan spproved from plao end money advanced as building pnugrasare; Biortgagea tak.o Bp and replaced. ' -FUKD U. STRONG. Flueaclal AgraL t SUrk at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aaUrle. Insurance policies, piano, furniture, warehooss r celpt. etc.; soy dmervlng person assy seear a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Loetallmeut. NEW BRA UIAN A TRrST COMPANY, . tua Ahlngtoa bid. MONEY LOANED TO SALABJKD PEOPLE Just on your own Bam 00 other security: don't borrow until you eee me; my system Is -tbs best for railroad men. clerk a, book keeper. tcar-aaea aad all ouer employee; ouai trurtlr couadaallaL , V. A, BtwWa, J4 Abiogtoa bldg. - - MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aaiothra upoa their ewa namea without security; cheapest re tee, easiest paymenta: efflcea in OO prlaelpal cities; ear fanrssli money by -get tins our terms Brat. ' TOLMAN, 229 Ablngton bldg, 108V TbtrA Bt. WANTED Note. aortgge or eontracta en anv kind of real eatate In Qrthma and V. ..small smiiiid Tomrkgeipurcbaaed If wU se cured. H. 8T. hiobl. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY to loan la sums to salt, S snd years, as low ss 8 per cent, oa Improved city prop. , erty. Moultoa A Scobay, but Columbia bids, 886 Waablngtoa at. DON'T borrow money oa salary astll row as Huttcn Credit Co. - - Alt Pskom kldg. W. S. WARD, lswyer, Allaky bldg. Probst sod mortgage buslnea aollcitod; moderate fees; loans money on mortgsge from 2u0 np; y terms. . MONEY loaned oa farnltnr. piano snd other securities; W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waablngtoa Bids. Phone PaclOa 1831. MONEY to loa. larg loan apectalty; alee building loans; lowest rate firs sBsaraaos. WllUsm Q. Bock. 818 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO, 428 . Mobswh bldg. Money to lend on eeay-peymenl plan t ' wage-earner; atrlctly aonftdentlal. MONEY to loan ea all kinds st security. William BolL room 8, Washington bldg. TO LOAN Bams to salt a cbsttel R. a. Frame. Bid the Marqaam. arlty. MONEY TO LOAN Fire Insnrsnc) real estate. Hotter A ateisenme, zuv-aiu moswcisi out. A LOAN for the asking Salary ar chattel. Tba f-aatlISBlLoaBBSBaaaBaaMaawaBaB 1 MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGR LBY, 20. rirst St. Portlaad's leading marble and granite works. MUSICAL.- THB WEBBER STUDIO Maadolla, banjo, gal- tar Inatroctlooj uiosoa maaaoiina. eovvk Washington. MRS. M cCU TCHEON Piano, theory and harmony, toacn ana tecanie a apeciaiiy. n 12tb. Pboae 1818. LESSONS 80c, nlsBO, guitar, banjo, mandolin. violin: musical tnstroment sola, sum lust st, corner Main. Mrs. Msrtln. COPIES popuUr muale. rnir t e lectio a. Sue, poatpald. : Levya MUaic nouao. PIANO, violin. Piano, trombone, clarinet Pi n A.-nmvtn, XO lu. saaio-viwo. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, sawmill, log. glng machinery hydranlte pipe, easting; all mo repaireo. iv tvos-in iwris. - THB H. . C. ALBEB CO. SMond-bssd ehlnery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand avs. A. J. PAUL, lot First at, ng1as, boiler, ssw. mill machinery ; wicks' Bros.-, riooring gang. OPTICIANS. DR. B. J. MILLS , - Optometries and Byeslght Speciallet. Booset 88-87. 828 Washington Street, OSTEOPATHIC FHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBEIXB PATTERSON, graduate of tbe Northern Inatltut oi uataopauiy, class of 'W; apeclallst on nervou. acute and chronic dlsesses : consultation and examine tion free OtSo 217 leaton bkig. Phens Psclne 1180. DK ADIX A NORTHROP. 418-18-1T Deksi bldg. Third snd Waahlngtoa at. . Phoa Main S48. Examination free. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window guu aaa giaaing. as rirst mu Phone 13S4. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTERT Arttstle prlottng. 28 Runsel bldg.. rouna ana Morrison, rooos Psclne 182a. - ' EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to catalogues sad newepsrier. Metropolltsn Printing Co, 147 Front at. OGILBEE BROS, printers Cards, billheads, stc. Phone Mala IhoS. 146 Vk Flrat . PAINTING AND PAPERIN0. rohV reliable work, rsssoaahl prlcea, Sheehy Bros, 2M2Vt Yamhill, near 4th. Msla 807K PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. esnltary ptajDbert. 281 Second, bet. Msln snd Salmon. Oregoa Phone Ml tool. DONNERRKRO A BADEMACUER, No. 80S Burosld at. ROOFING. TIN BOOFIN0. Frittering, repairing and geeer.1 t Jobbing. J. Lotll. 212 Jefferson st, Pss 1484. RUBBER STAMPS. p. C. STAMP WORKS. t48 Alder st, phone Msln 710; rubber stamp, set Is. stencils; beg gar, trad check; bra tlgss nd plates. REAL ESTATE. Payne, & Van Tyne Real eatate. In real meat., mortrrv aoaaa. 110 Allaky bldg. Phono Msln 22U. PARR1SH. W ATKINS A CO., Re ut. iBsorssce. rental and bet a rests. AMI Aider at. J. W. 0011. BEE, real eetat aad loan; tubed lbe. 14BH First at., room IL l. B. BICHARPSON REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, phon Msln B.1M. 622 Chsmber sf Commerce. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLRISER SIGNS, or kaee ball! it th Isrgsst ilea In tbs city by flral-clsss work nd keeping oar prom tees. Our prices are right. Fifth aad Everett ata. Phone Cm. 88. V. P. BKRGBB A SON. tM YtmhIU at. Sign ef all kinds. Phone Pacta 22.12, "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Boal Co, tHT Strh at. Phone Pr18c IBB. SHOWCASES AND ' FIXTURES. SHOWCASES f very sVeerlpttos; bank, ber od tnre) atturee made to order. The Lathe Maaufertning Cs., Portlssd. B. B. BIRD8ALL, dealgssr) a real M. Winter Lamb Co, I Bsalltsa Md(. hUla SMO, FINANCIAL FIRST RATIO JTAL BANK 8F PORTLAND, 0RE00H. m, Dsslgastsd Depository so Flnasetal Agst sf ta Tart enstea, A.J1I4,1 "IIX" I Cmhter..: t. W. NWMI "" Casaisr ......W. 0, ALVoHU. Seoood Asststaat Caah lev B. . BTBFBbt 8C 1-sVl o k" " Tkrpkl Trassfer -.h, "" kills drawn as ssass to lt ea . lohehama. CooeahtgiB. rkil.lltar LaDB TLLTON. BANKBBS tKsUhlfctted tn lis.) - . . .Kt. V- 0"T1 Banhl Boalasea, ColIectVeie made st afl "i".!? Letter of credit tosuod vllablo ta Boron aad sU aplata ta tl-J Ualtsd S'1- . Elcbng snd Telegraphl Traseters Sold en New York, Waehlnitesj. Chlt.S's ZT Dr"!r' "'s. Ssb Frsaetae as Moetas ssd British Oelambl. RxobSBB ss8 . "thjl'r'. Berlin. Frankfort. Boagkosg. Yokohama. Manlls HoBlsln. , MMIRCHANTS' If ATT0NAI. BANK. POBTLAJfD, OREOOV. -. t- FRANK WATSON Prealdes I R I. nnnnkw R- W. B0YT Caahla I Traasaota a tWasral Baaktag Bualaeea. Drafts AU Parte el the World. u KITES STATES NATIONAL BANC OF Wortliweet Corner Third f IBSB me . ImimI ...b. v. w a . "" - " 1 n raited Stats a a Europe, Hons too sad vTlT2l5!.-"'. ' C. AINSWORTB I vtce-ProsMwnl , B. LEA BARNES I ' AasUtont Caahle AJfZERr A LOaf BEBMBN'S BANK Pertland. Oraeen. tone aaaa 4 aaA ataeh ateaeta. ' 0mmTcll aad es Tings departasent. M - neui ibbsbb avauaeie re an nans 01 im . won. ri,i, tmLJ-- -----... .Pratd.Bt I B. 0. MRASS.. :....rstits s-iubbt -z-.... ... a,, , . r a s, v icw-riwaitiTBt B JOHN A. E EATING Second tie President I V "is-.-sTrst vic-rTloBt I TKB BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Head Off, Baa fmaotss. Oaltfevala. Cspltsl paid ap 84.000.00 ) Snrpla end andivMed prodt. tl8.nSB.4CB.8S. . General Banking and Fvehanr Poelne Transacted. Interest 6m Tim Depestts. , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aeroasts may bs epeoed of 810 aad apward. ' . rt Portlsod Braneh Chamber f Cemmeees BntldUag. -If.f-afACBAB....... Maaarer I J. T. BUBTCHABLL. Aesietsit Manatee TRUST COMPANIES. f-)0BTt.ANT TRUST COMPANY OF 0EE00N Ths Oldsst Trust Company ta 8 . i""-ovICBS OVBB 81 TSO.nno. Oaoee: ivfiiiondred. mi dally, ti.lisma .1 sasaver ovT tatfer of credit and exebssre s sll nana at tbs Bjisia.- Ravine ccosmra. Tim eertlflcstes. 8 tn 4 per eentt short es 11 saostal eertlflotes. V or over, tU to t per cent. Cell for Book of "ILLUSTRATION"." . . BoBineest Cornee Third and Osk ntrt. Phone Prlvnts Ear bang TX NJ. I. COHEN Peeetd I R. I. PIT-rnTBT Tlee.PTestdsnt I?" B. LKB PAGET. . . .Secretary QECTJRITT SAVrwOS A TRUST CO MP A NT r arajeaita a veaorst Banklne Business. oa Ttsj d Bevlnr Accoaaf. Acta as Credit Available la a ' iJ?.M."'" .President A- X MILLS Second Vice Pr-.ld.nt - CEO. P. RUSSEIA TB M0RTPA0B OTARANTXE A TRUST C0MPANT BANS. ' ir"""''f Seaersl Baakls Beatse. Interest Psld sa Tts Dsnsstta. SavUAt . DepartSBeatl 4 per cent latoreat alhrwsd. eompoanded anertsrly. . CAPITAL .8loA.0O8.88 ' v " . W. WATERBURT Pre1dat C. W. sflLI-RR vTs-Pvrlo.Bt --. '.. lOffl AN BAYS states! Secretary n Temple. Seventh and Stsrk Street. Pkane Main 184. Open Sa tarda y Nv-stss? I hi t N 3BTKWBSTXBN TJARANTEX A TBOST asawi atening n a. Cornee Second and Stark street a I FIBVAL AGENT flat. Ootmty, Msnlrlpal snd Corpora tins Bnn Bonykt and Sold. New palpi ptlssg sstshsnel snd Satnced. Stoche and bond man teed. " TITtE OTJABANTTCB A TRTTST COMPANY 840 WA8RTH0T0N STRUT, MUBT0AGB LOANS ea Portland Real Ratete st Lowest Rate. Title laenred. A he tract a Farstahad. I THORBTTRN ROSS.. prealdent I JNO. K AITCRISON ..Saevetart uMiaui ti. mil,. Tice-rreeiaent I BONDS AND M ORRIS BR0TB1KS. Chamber of Coram Municipal, raflreed and DO WNTNO-KOPXrNS C0NP ANY rUtahllsk d STOCKS. BONDS. 0RAIN-Botht Priest Wlree. BOOM d CHAMBB B "KB J, a LXX COMPANY Oemmos wealth Brekerage Drpaytaseat Be Ps Before Baring orSelllng Stock Oma J. WILDI H0M1 TILEPHONB BONDS BANK STOCKS. . . .. . " Member Portland Stock Kxehang. Cornee girth snd Waabtbgtoa Streets. Portland, Oregon. Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. CRAnf, PROVTrrtoNS COT TON, STOCKS AN B0NDB. ' WI DO A STRICTLY OOMaTISSION BUSINESS. Ceatlnossn Msrksta by Private Wire.' Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd TJItoa, Baak rs, aad Called Steles N Usual Bask of Parti ad. -SAFEST- PORTLAND SAFE CO, sols agent for Herring-Hall-Marvin eafe and Manga Steel Safe r hant ufaa. Th Isrcest assortment et hlxh-grade Br snd burglar-proof aala la tbe Bortbweet. 82 Seventh at. DIEBOLD mangaseee and Sre-proof tsst leek- eau apsnoa: metsi nxturee: vuii jbh work 1 Jscks. J. B. Datla. 68 Sd. Msla laSA. EIGHT second hind are-proof sate and two secosd-hasd oanx sates (of saie cava, oa iv Sixth st, Portlssd. or. STREET PAVINa ; WARREN Const rnettos Co . street ptvlng. old, walk sad erosslngs. 814 Lumber Kicbang. THB Barber Asphalt Paring Co. of Portia nA Office 660 Woresster bib. SEWING MACHINES. PH0NB ' Pacific 1788 and t person a Uy win all and repair yoar ewtVI-niaobln-: work guaranteed. 8. Same, adjuster, 881 Third sc TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOOAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. nut sua usb sw. 1 nggg eaectea from hotel or residence direct 10 destluatloa; psssngrs tberelore evold rnab and aaney. aace at depots. Private exchange 88. SAFES pianos and' fnrnttor moved, packed ready roe snippiua ana Boippea, au wors guaranteed; Urge. 8-iory brlch. Bre-proul warehoua for atoms. Office OB usk su Olsss A Bee. Phone Main 847. 0. O. PICK, office 8S rirst st, between Stark snd Oak ata., poous nwo; piaaos sna rurnitur moved and packed for ehlpplng; eommodloos brick werrboa with separat Iroa rooms, treat and Clay ata. CUT rates ea boner hold good to sll points east ; ws msis up csrioausi vpecisi room tor trunks whll waiting. Oregon Auto-Dsspstck, 18 Flret at. Phoa Msln 71s. . bomb CITY VAN CO, ofSc 141 First St. phone Mala nzzo. surniiur sua piaao-movins n specialty we s . . NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 270 Usk SI. leiepooBS sseio eswu. Aranaicr ring and atorlng. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 - North Sixth. Phoa Main on. Heavy aaniitur ana sterag. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. fetorage. 424 stark su Mam eui. FOR hack, fnraltnrs wagon, trunk ar plan moving, phone uessian, nut bob. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY K. 200 Vi Wb- Ingtoa at, fhons alals ana. TYPEWRITERS. BEADQUARTERS for new aad rebolir t writers sf all mskss: see our window: It are going to bay a asw typswritsr see as as far haying; wa csn ssv yoa money; wt here rsru for repslrlng ell mschlnee; state agents for tbs Vlslhls Fox; ws bay sll hinds or typswriisrs. ine -xypewriier ntenaage, lae, B. J. Klllaoa, maBager. 84 Third St. WB sell Rsmlngtoas, Smlth-Pmmlsra, Dsns. moras, sta., mwer titan any otnor somptnyi tavsetigatu. Underwood Typewriter Co, 88 8th. TYPEWRITER repair snd apply Co, Washington St. I'bon Htia HS. BLICKENSDERFER typewriters. 840 snd 830; supplies, repairing. Boss at noes, suivt ntrt. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO, Jobbers sf saddlery, hardware, aorae goooa. leather, Bnd Ingt snd shoo stor supplies. Fifth tnd Oak. M. A, OCNST A CO. - DlSXHi rit. tohb uf rin l lUABa. PORTLAND, OREGON. SHKRK, OAZB A GRAHAM (la.) commie loa aterchsnta. jobnere or xruir. proaoce, etc.) csnslgnmente sellcited. 128 Front st. BVKRDINa A FABRELL, produce and com mlesloa morrhsBts. leo groat St., rutttaas. Or. Pban Mala ITS. . OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufeetnrere or loraitur lor ta . trsos. Pertland, Oregoa. WADHAMS A CO., ale gieeeia, man sMrcaaata, Foartk facturers aaa sod Oak st. rURNITURB manafnetartng end sperlsl rdees. L, Bavensky tsrsltsrs notary. su rraat sk ALLEN A LEWIS, commies Ins tad pmdnc mr ekanta. rroat aaa tisvis sis, t-aruana, nr. WHOLESALR Vockery snd gtsmwar. Prsel. Uetel 1UV utv stelk BANKS. s sold ee New York. Boston. Caioago. St. London Parts Berlin. FTnkrWt-estjr-Mata, atockhola. ML Petersburg. Mosasw. S J....vVs Ptestdv .r.Aaataat Caabla dKORIia Or lintT t lafat Cssbb and Letter ef Credit lamed AvslUbl Collections s SWtsltr - PORTLAND. 0BX0OB, snd Oak Street. riD.em laan.K i. . . . HHB Bt vn,r A m . mi 1,11 OTSliaOBt TO IV ' -' 1 ' Manila. Collection Msds eo psvarshl Teeva. Caah lev.... R. w. BCBMFSR' Alunt Cashier ...W. A. BObt .....A. M. WRIOBt - -- latereat paid en aavlaga keeoaat. prafta aad n. p. BTUHKT... Aesl steal Cs.tile 81 . Dl una I . , i PLATT A PLATT see at Cashlee nee I fjaauapi hsnklnr. f per rant Jntr . hoak s 1 1 n a ta O. flor.TRA. , . Assletaat Secrets re - tM MorHsea Street, r-ortlaa. Oregon. SAVINGS DEPARTMBNT. Interest Trwrte for Rotates. Draft aad tot Sac sf An Parts ef the WerhL I L. A. tFWIS ......First Vlcs-PreelAeot B. O. JUBITB ...Smatsry Aaltaat Seererary CO MP A NT Portlaad, Ora. FOR CORPORATIONS, T. T. iraHHalT INVESTMENTS. ree Bid-. .. pshHe eel lie s cor oof a tloa bends. 1888 BB0KXXB. aad Bold far Caak aad Martin. ef COMMBBCB. 1 ' Pbsoe Mais ST. Bldg, Sixth and Ankeay sta.; PsrUand, Orsgan, H. W, Donah, Manager. s or Boo da. Can Always 8s ve Tag Messy. (Mesa ber Cblcagsi Beard sf Trad.) I0S Third Bt, McKay Bldg, Portland. Oregwa, "TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, broth. Boat it per month. Portlssd Laundry ssd Towt nppty Co, Ninth sad Conch. Pbon 410. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California .wins depot 1 all kinds sc win, oe a giaas. uss- aad uses- Bls ere uceou", is eeortn St. r BOSS elf to tlKI, P. Loratt ENTHUSIASTIC IN CAUSE OF GOOD HIGHWAYS x .. , .' ' ; La Grande's Welcome Ready for Large Attendance That v Is Expected. rSpedel Dtspstch t Th JWejsLI ' ' IA Orando, Or, Dec II. Turner Oli ver, secretary of the La Grand Com mercial club and chairman of tha hlh-waj-S commit te, and County, Judge Henry, are both readjr for the open In f of the fifth annual cood roads conven tion tomorrow morning, Each road supervisor has reeponded to an Individual letter,' Baying he will be present with aa large a delegation as he can possibly bring along. Dlatant districts are not, likely, to - bs- largely represented, . been us of the frightful condition of the country roads. Many will arrive tonight from out side th county- Th local press Is doing much to ex cite enthusiasm in th meetings. , Loral business men will devote much time to personal attendance. PACIFIC'S DEBATING . CHAMPIONS SELECTED (Special Dlapttch to Tbs Soars!.) Forest Grove, Or, Dec 18. -Th atreetcar and gas companies . cer tainly got all that was coming to them and some to boot last night when five bright co-ods pounded It minutes for and three against publla ownership. The Chanel was filled with townspeopl and. students, snd the debate was un usually interesting. Tha Oamma Sigma -Snd Alpha Zeta frats vied with each other tn rooting for the girls, and honors were about even on the ecore of noise. Professors Bates and Bogtress and Dr. Hasard were the Judge. They selected Miss Silverman aa the leader and Misses Ferrtn and Abernethy as her colleagues to constitute tbe Pacific team against McMlnnvllle. , VANDERBILT SAILS TO EfFECTtiECONCILlATION (Journal Special Service.) New York. Dec. 18. The sailing ef Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt Jr. for Kurope Is taken as an Indication that the Vanderbllt family will make a de termined effort to bring about the re conciliation of the Duke- and Duchess of Marlborough, the latter : Mr. Vender- bllt'a stater Conaualo. While the Vanderbllts are going abroad for a erula in the orient on the yacht Valiant, the real purpoee ef the trip abroad is said to be thslr A Mir to induce th duchess to consent to such an agreement as wilt make It appear to the outalde world at leaat that the duke arid herself have become recorenlled. It ta said to be the esmost desire of William K. Vanderbllt Br. to see tits daughter and the duke reunited. . Milwaukre Country C?ub. r.atem and California rare. f Sellwood and Orc-on City c ill; And Alder. E PHOiliO c: t ' Annual Reports Filed With Gov ernor Show Prosperous Con- drtion of Railroads. , NEARLY THREE HUNDRED KILLED ON BOTH LINE3 Net Income of Southern Pacific Over Twenty-Seven i Millions Gross Earnings Are Sixty-Nine MilOong Other Interesting Data. (Spsctal D hi natch ta The Jaaraal.l ' ' Balsm, Or Dec, it The Karrima railway syatem haa filed reports of its railway lines operated In Oregon with Secretary of Stat Dunbar. Tha re port are presented on blanks especially prepared and reaeroble those of the . t.t0rnmnrre eoatmlneleei. The re-- porta contain many Items of interest to the public. ' O. B. ft jr. OoxnpAny. The Oregon Railroad A Navigation company has 42S.01 miles of claaa A road. 107.81 miles of class B; Wall. Walla da Columbia River I.t4 mil: Northern Pacific, Terminal company l id mllee, or a total of Ut.71 miles. The Oregon Short Line Railroad company owns the majority of the capital stock and thereby controls it. The capital stock of the company la: Common 114.000.008. laaued In 240.008 shares of the par value of $100 each; preferred $11,000,000, In 110,000 shares of the par value of tlOO each, making a total of 115.000,000. There have been laaued for reorganisation 240.000 common and 108,888 preferred stock. The outstand ing bonded tndebtedneaa of the company is given at xjx.uao,OQ. 1 CASH AND CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 418.808.41 Bills receivable 8.818.80 Due from agents 172. 111. 88 Due from companies 18,448,841.24 Other cash assets 1 10.760.11 V. 8. government ' 70.lss.TT Total ...... . .UMtt.plT.IS CURRENT LIABILITIES. Vouchers and accdunts.... S70.S14.0S wages and salaries ...... Due other companies . .... ' Dividends SSS.llt.88 16S.8S7.IS 210.040.00 47,810 18 J21.71J.7I Interest coupons Miscellaneous Total 1,S4S.S(.4 Balano caah assets. .$I0,09S.1S1.SS Material and supplies on band t.. $ 1.S40.ISI.II Over Three MOUloa Wartt. a lie v-Msiysam y u(rorat- maw.9 ffineaw tn than. rMSAMm D.llsMsnesl AV kI..U. M - . Sketat s is. . V V.BAVTIA AVSB1AAA VtBlVa A1 Mb 8 Bt . 1 VII Wn- pany's line, 144.10 on the Columbia 4h Palouse Railroad company, 15.81 on the Walla Walla- st Cehnnbla River-itall-road company, tS.SS on the Snake tUrer Valley Railroad company, making a to tal nf Mil It entloai A cneft neieteeteMt .. Besides the above named railways, the company owna $1,000 stock in the Baker City Opera House company and Set.lOO in the Portland Asiatic Steam- ahlel eAmnuiv - The amonn paid oat yearly for sal aries to employes is $3481,17$. OS. ' Tbe number of passengers carried one miia DBrur tut yumr.wasj xss.ijs.sus. The total frelcht tonnage for the year was S.SSS.lSl tons. The company has 141 locomotives In service, t passen gr ears and S4.IU freight and flat cars. . . Twenty-elgM STilled. . During tha year the number killed and Injured was; nine employes killed and St Injujred; 14 passengers killed and 15 Injured, or a total of St people killed and lot injured. . The company paid for taxed during the year: Oregon SIIS.844.47. Wash ington and In Idaho $34, 43.8. or A total of 1117.418 11 . SonthoTB raolflo Bystom. . Th proprietary companies and mile age whose capital atock ta principally owned by thla company, are. aa follow: South Pacific Coast railway Southern Paclflo railroad S.087.10, Ore gon AV California railroad K4.S4. Central Paclflo railway 1.447.07, New Mexico A Arisona railroad $8 10, Union Paclflo railway (branch) S. Southern Paclflo (branch) 1.44. . O. R. V N. company (branch) .St.' Northern Paclflo' Terminal company .41. Total 5,401.11 miles. The eanltal stock or tha corn nana le $ divided Into 3.000,000 here, rt ashloh 1 1 00(1 Onft tn rirofereewt and 1.000,000 ahares of "common aharea at par value of Slot each. CASH AND CURRENT ASSETS. Caah ..$14, 610.551.18 Bills receivable .......... l.SlS.tSS.41 Due from agents ........ S. 482.011. 13 Due from other companies 1.800,827.71 U. 8. aovernment ........ 1.804.034.01 Total .......,....$11,618,171.47 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Vouchers snd accounts...! S.847.780.61 Wages and salaries .. Due other oompanles 1.475,058 13 1.S0S.688.4T 1.340,534.65 Dividends Interest coupons Bonds, ........... S.lt3.t4t 47 Total Balance cash aasets Material aad supplies hand ' Oroas earnings ...... Operating expense ...$17.,0.81t 86 ...t 4,63,t56.4J on ...I f.t4T.T0OtT . ..$46.04,14.70 ... 41,tt7, Net Income ', .$J7,101.166.ll tHStet Btock Owned. Associated Oil company S14.Slt.4tS, Buena Vista Petroleum company $.48, 000, Kern Trading 4k Oil company $1 008.000. Reward Oil company $44,444.40. Rio Bravo Oil company $84l,SOO, Hunt ington Land 4k Townalte company $3. $11 11. Ban Tranclsco Mission Land company $100,000. Bunaet Development company $510. Direct Navigation com pany $$00, rnolflo Electric Railway company $18,000,000. Paclflo Mall Stttm.hl eemkane lilt A1A AAA gnulk. era Paclflo Terminal company $1.6. 700, Southern Paclflo eutnpany 1144. 861 14. sundry water companies 11,800, Wslla, Fargo As Company eit press $, 110.000. Total $40,800,021 07. Sntitli era Paclflo holdings $117,416 711 50. Grand total f Stt.4tM41.l7. ' Other atatls-slo. Number of employes 44.IK. number nf passengers carried one mile 1.153. 111.128. tons carried ens mil 1.741. 187.17a. average ml lent operated dur ing year 6.407 67 Equipment -Locomotlvo 1.178, pas sonrer cars l.loo, freight csre 16.408. road service cars 141 Employee kll!! d "r'-- y" 74. " sonreraf kl!)e1 1-4; ' Em' love' Jjr- 1 114: 1 e Ore n Is s I l-i t c tu HUG ninnirnin 1 r irv 1 iiniiiiii in II -f iiimiiii.iiiu 1 V