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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
4 .". 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY fcVENING. DECEMBER 18, 180&. NEW TODAT. 4. IVashingtoiVSti The Quarter , Block situated at the southwest corner o! Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars. se ; ; Brooke ;& Kiernan ' ' 91 THIRD STREET! ( Choice Residence r Property $ CCA Cash I full lot on car line In uvVjniiworto, cleared, ready for building. Thia la below th market $ SM New cottage and lot, But Pine wvvtctnHy of 80th. Only 1260 cash, A aplendld UtUe buy. tl7CA House and lot on South (th at., 4lfrU renting for tit. -Splendid. . ln- on. -Investment. - , T??n Irregular eornerTbf dft'POTtland Heights, containing about 6.000 ' square feet, cement sidewalks, all street Improvements, sewer water, car line 1 blocks, magnificent unobstructed view, 1 1.000 cash. , icM ry desirable corner on South irw 4tn tt goxlOO. Call at office for terms on this splendid buy. 7Cnn Cash. We can deliver a quarter JWU block on Portland Heights, ene block from ear Una, unobstructed view. Quarter block near by held at 15,000. Cfirt Elegant Troora modern house, ytWUV uet completed on a full corner Jot, with barn on East 18th, vicinity B. Stark-at. 'Tfrmi given at our office. Thlsla aaextrir good inveatment W have many others at low prices, in all parts of th city. Personal calls -Invited. ... H. W. Lemcke Co. szzrx ajtb wasraroioaT srs. Big Buys and Cheap $150,000 lit aorea, city suburban property. $96,000 r II acre, city suburban property, $125,000 It aore, on oar line; sic and level. Raeldeoce property aU over tha city. TeU me your wants and neighborhood, vacant or Improved, and I will try and please yon. .: , - , . Thos. P. Thornton SIS Chamber f OomaBeroa. - - ' STRIKE STRIKE While the opportunity la openstrike us now for a lot In the best East Side location only 500, Strike for on of th many up-to-date bungalows or cottages in the best lo cation on tha East Side. Prices and terms are strictly within your reach. Call at our offices for further informa tion. ., ' j ;'. .' ; ,(-. x ,,: .'. McLaughlin, AllenS Fulton OffieM Wit northwestern Guarantee & Trust Co. &uab asehaar ldg, U. SeooBd and Stark Sta. CTer. ABEAUTJFUttHOM " - House and two lots at Thirty' , third and Clinton streets.. Lots 50x100 each. - House is now fur rushed; will sell as it stands for f 4,000 or house and one lot for . $3,500. This is a great bargain. Hartman & Thompson CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Washington Street Business property for sale. Big income on price of. $50,000. Ground will very soon be worth the money. - . ' R.1I. WILBUR 110 SECOND STREET Property ' ... " : WANTED Money td loan on mort ' gtge on ity or country property. . . OBUBEH, I IT Commercial Block.'1 V I . ' NEW TODAY. : TOR SALE PLAIVFIELD lunrari miomoirs Beautifully situated, overlooking -ths city: Hi lots, each 60x100 (Ml. Price Il7,t60 J,000 cash, balance la thro ywrt il a yr sent, lata proMCtit-Aca. quired by truat eelate on foreclosure of rnortg-Hge. Kor sale at coat. J'KED- KRIC'K H. BTROWO.-a'niaUa, at Lead A Ulton a Bank. $26,000 . Fifty feat frontage on Tamhili, naar Seventh at..' and Hotel Portland; will make you be par cent on the Inveatment within on year. Don't fa.ll 1S Invcatl Aate. . AS rumba r Exchange. Tone XU 6315. m FOR SALE f 2.650 A aplendld home of room a. ei noan7 are,, tnorougniy nra and up to data, in good residence dis trict, cloaa in and near two car line. Can glv term. Seeing tneana buying It you want a home. S. 8. JACXAOaT CO. TPhone Wain H6, ; 84 Stark Bt. WEATHER REPORT.x The North Dakota blfh area bsa moved slowly soQtbssstirsrd, and Its center bow overlies lln biHiue, Inwa. Its esertr rcmslns unabated, and clear skies aad abnormally ow leniperatnrcs obtain ever IM ares nnder Its innnem-e. lent peraturea over the son Ik Atlantic states In ad ranee of tbe blxh area hare (alien decidedly tsrliif tie ftrt j'tt"r s fall of over 'JO Oesreas brlus BolfJ btf ATaMliH, 'Watsila I nortluas of VlitrlaU. la the rear of the hlsa arcs temnerstures nave riaen enrreanniHllnsir a rise or SO drarres belns reported from Ills, marcs. North Dakota. Tbla baa reanlted froaa tba aeveluBnient of the Csnsdlan dlatnrbaoce, the Tenter of which la located this morning st kdnontoa. Hlsh winds aloes the' Waablnrtoa meat, accotnpanled by light rains ta western Waalilnstoa and western Oreson. sttended the eaatward movement or tuts low area. Meilmum winds of 48 miles from the south snd oil mUea from the sontbeeat were reported from Tatoosb Hiitia ana nonn eaa. wuMDrtm. reaoect Ively. Clondy weather DrTall(d la .. eaaterl Wanhlnctoa, bet BO rain fell except a trace at opoaane. , . . - The indications are for rain ever wasters Oregna snd western Waabbiftoa tonight aad WMoeeoar, while east or the vsscads mouD- talns the westher will probably be fair. uuHiiiimn issea at e a. ai.. racirio unsss fax. Win. Precin, Baker City,- Oreroa........ 84 Boaloa. Masaachusetts M 20 S3 80 ) 10 AO 43 2A 44 44 23 . 44 34 S3 4 SO Chicago, Illinois 0 . T. . , .0 . .0 Denver, Colorado so Kansas City. Missouri. M Am Angeles, California.... S4 ew trrlesns. LonlalaBa.... SO .OH .24 New York, New York S Portland, Oregon..... 50 Roseburg, Oregoa. b0 St. Lonls, Missouri M Ssa I ranelaco. California. AO . Halt Lake. Utah M .01 .01 .0 . A 1. Hpokane, Wsslilsgtoa 04 Tacoma. Washington.. rV4 .14 IM walla Walls, Waabiagroa.. M Waahlngton, D. C 40 .01 .23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vinlsngwiis-gtutiii. Btatthv Washing-ban, 4T; Uaastts H low era, 43. , rrank Curtis, 28 t'nloa arenas. Si; ' LUa Bsrtmeas, 30. Henrv Becker. 17S Hsllack atmet. M: Mabel Luclnda Jobnsoa. 19. Aloase BrtdSBStlBe, 3D; Aogusts T. Bales, la. Wedding Carat W. 0. Smttk Co.. Wssk roorth aad Wssklagtea eta. lagtoa blug., cor. Tonbeth co., txoBisTS. roii rxowias or tui aiNus. us sixth ar. - rail areas suits foe rent, all Unique Tailoring Co.. so Stark at. BIRTHS. - EEKTTT.E neeember l67rMtTanacxtr;ri1' Heichle. b2 East Lincoln, a gnl. ADAM8 December 14. to Mr. snd Mra. 0. W. Adams. 4M Esat Thirteenth, a boy. STGN N KB December 14, te Mr. and Mrs. . O. ' fltenner, H4 West Psrk. a glrL . DB VOB December 11. lo Mr. snd Mrs. A. M. D Voe. 178 East Thirteen tb. a boy. A BIN December 14. to Mr. aad Mrs. W. W. Rabin. S63 Eaat Eleventh, north, a boy. ROKTHE December 14, 'to Mr. snd Mrs. Paul Hoethe, 414 Harrison, sssle twins. ' HKLD December 1. to Mr.- snd Mrs. Estll Held. 103 Esst Eighteenth, a boy. CHURCH December 10, to Mr. snd Mrs. Jamee Chorea, 170 urand aveaas, Doy ana giri, twins. DEATHS. FRET December 15,, Mary- B. Tray, eg yaara, 814 Baas Una road,' senility. BEABUBU December IS, Ansa aIBars, gl yeera, Rt, Vincent koapltal, pneumonia. CHARL.M December 14, William M. Charlea, 8 months, t'M Northrop, capillary nronchltta. BOEDER December IS, Minnie Boeder, 77 yesrs. Good Samarltaa koapltal, bronchitis. M0NTA0 December 18, Leoaa V. MooUg. 21 years. Opes Air sanitarium, pulmonary tuber eulosls. MONT AO December 18, Genevieve Moatag, 4 months. Baby Home, pneumonia. HroHES December 18, Jaas Hughes, 4T years, 586 Railroad, paeemoula. FBAKKUN December 14. Jobs g. Ffanklla, 84 yesra. St. Vincent hospital, typhoid fever. WILLIAMS December 13, Lucy Williams, 51 years. Good Samarltaa hospital, pneumonia, 0PPL1GER December 17, A. Oppllgcr, 48 yearn, Ht. Vincent bospiui. shock. MoCALLIO December 18, Jobs McOalMg. 48 years. 443 nilssa. fatty dsgeaeraUoB sf heart. WINDERWOOD December 15, J. R. Winder. wood. 24 yasra, Ht, Vincent aoapttsl, typhoid fever. FUNERAL NOTICES. M'CALLIQ December 18, 1908, Jobs MrCalllg, sged 48 yaara. brother of James McOalllg, of this city. The deceased wss a member of St. rraarla court, O. O. P., and the A. O. H., division No. 1. raoersl will take place from Dunning, MrEatee A Gllbaugh'a chapel. Sev enth snd Pine sts Wednesday, December 18, at 8:M a. m.. thence te St. l'aftlck a chureu, - 19th and Barter ata., at 8 a. m. rrlenda rs snectfully lavltsd. In tannest Mt.' Calvary eeiBStery. BUBRR la this elty, December 17, mod. st aor reaxieacs, 4V7 Bruce st, Elisabeth xinber, sged 85 years, 7 months snd 28 days, widow of the lata Jobs Hulier of Salem. Or. Friends ' are respectfully Invited .te stteod tbs fuaersl services, which wUl be held at Holmsn's chapel, corner Third sad Salmon sta., at 2 B. at.., Thursdsy, December 20. latermcnt Btvervtew cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. - norsi eesigne a so cat nowera caa be pro cured from as st any bonr of sight or day. Phone Mala 1845. Hoffman Bros., 788 Ollsan. Ullbaagh. andertakera and embalmerai aaoaera is svsry detail. Ssfsatb aad Ptae. Mala 480. Lady a aetata at. a It.MrM., andertakar aaA Eaat Tblrtoeatb aad t ma tills are. Pbobs Be IV Ta. ....... . . Brlcksoa Undertaking Co.. and smbalmlng. eog Aiaer st, , mourn i, e.eo. kjmuj assMtsst, J. r. Flnley A Sows, Third aad Madlasa sta. Office of eoanty eoroosr. Phone Mala A Claras Bros., florists rise lorsl daalgoa. 28 MorrBtoa at. Edward Hoi ma a. ssder taker, 230 Third at. aiYHt TBW CTMXTIBT. Single gravsa. $10. Family lota, 1100 te f 1,000. Tbs only cemetery la Portland which per petually atrststslns aad cares for lota Far fall lafonastloa apply te W. B. Macksasle, Wee. easts bwek, dty. w. at. Lass, presides. BOSK CITY CEMETERY. Single grsvae, 85 to Stt; family Iota 3PI to ITS. Eaat and Fremont St., corner ef t olly road: superintendent st cemetery. Phone Tabor 36. Por full Information apply to rrank en legal, eva vommotxuu vis. raeae Mala nz. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Archie F. Slnper and wife 'te T. R. . K career, let. 1 snd A block 8. Hlsh. lasd . 91B00 t-siiie a. Lnsritoa te am ma s. m. Ward1, northwest g feet of lot t, block 18. Lone rir cemetery Pacific Realty A Investment company te Percy' F. Morton, lot S, block 1, Stew., art Psrk -1...,- C. B. Pslmer and wlfs to A. W. Moore. west m sf Iota 8 aru A. block . 21. H. ann a Second addltloa. ... .. t 1,3 lain company to Mra. A. M. HtlH Isia aad , hlsok IS, Tie.. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Penmeelar BmI titat, company to H. liens Bergstrom, kx 64. hi la, Al- , - blna 4t R. p. Effingsr and wife to V. F. Mania , al.r luu I aa4 4, bluck 21, UoluV smith's addition ... d.eoO Michael kV Um nor to Edward r. (Junior. m ni mie i mi., n, bleak It Biepbens' addition 1,006 S. J. and E. l Hubbard te H.nry Vae. l-k 1, Ferubrouk.... V. Yi. Ilesra lo JJagglo E. Hears, lots . oioca ia, aeawarta a aevii- tkm ... Bsmuet V. Wllaon snd wife to t'lyde atc Coy, lot 14. block 10, IUaMias addlthm to Eaat Purtland J. . Haseltlne Co. lo Btsndard Hut 00 Lumber roniuony. rractloual blwk . lying between seat Pine sad ejtat Oak ' Bud West Of Kamt U a I., .inul . UK kUHrUav WsHof-and Vi to N.imian l. itooi. mis a snd iu. block it aitw!-- I'srk ..7.,. ... 1 WlllUa. B. Dlckinaoa aad wife to N. l. Hoot, lots la and l.V Mock S.L Tm. moot I'laca ,,,.,., Heal Eatais Inveattaent sssoclatlon to .11. L. Ohlson, lots and , block 83, Brllwood , Portland Truat Company of Oreroa to I.. A. lea r-B food, lot . block to, Woodstock t.... - H" ta w' UarrioU. lot T. block tw. Hollwood James L. KJip snd wife to Anna Hrark man. lota 1 and H. block 1, Tlbbett s sdiUtloa ,'. 0. H. Conk and wife to Kecurlty Savings at Truat company, lot 10. Mover's sub dlTlsloa of lot , block , Portland llomeatead ' The Joseph A. It trow bridge Eatsta com. gany to P. g. Lemmou, lot 4, block , irowbrldga addition , J. 1). and Ins Harms to Karl O. RnyaL lot 4. block B, Eaat Portland Heights.. Daniel E. Hawkins snd wife to Clara B. too 300 00 200 1.400 (00 BOO SrM Audck no W. T. Vaughn and wife to klchard Darv. lot 11. block II. V.lrL.. 10 fTT H. Htrong and wife to Ijilher te Cudwortb, lot K block IS, Creatoa Blvert A. Anderson snd wlfs to A. M. Bteama, lots and 10. block 30, A. 1 Miner's sddltlon .....V..V. Kobsrt Luke snd wife to B. g., not. temUler, lot , block 75, Sellwood ... 0. B. Iloghes sad wlfs to . H. Bot temlllsr, lot 7, block 7S, Sellwood.... Holt j. WUaoa and wife to Joseph Hlmon. lots 8 and 4. block 13. Klns's' S2B 290 3M 275 " SeooBd addition -..-.,..,...."., ' " h w s. cisrss and wife, land beginning t a point la souik line of block 2. Eltss J. alur- pby'a addition to Eaat Portland "d "if 'to Bertha A. XJchmiat. lot . block 27, rearer s ad dition to Esat Portland Emma A. Torollnaou to Harvey N. Mer chant, 100x100 feet, commencing st southwest corner of lot I, block 2. Tomllnaoo's addition Title (lusrsntee sV Trust company to Panl T. Harrington, lot 13. block S, Holla day Park addltloa T.. ...... H. Plo snd wlfs to Claytoa L. Pk, J? ' Jlioci i t 2. block , Arleu Park No. 3 B. Weeks, truat as, st al. to A. "li. Htesrns. acres beginning at a point "bere tha west bonudary of that trsct eoBveyed by L. D. Brows et al. to R. Weeks as trustee la Intersected by center Hue of U'ii.m.ti. k.. 1,000 BOO 1,200 Title tinsrsntse at Truat enmnanv to Prod T. Llsco, lots 1 and 3. block 4. O. Harerly' 'and 'wife to" J. ' B." Holil'sl ivr, joi e. DKxra e. woodatock B. le Paget and wlfs to Jesse Prarer ISO M i 1.7 y i. . lv ,a" block 13, f Theodore IK Kckersou' snd wifsto Edith oeru. eia an. si snd is. Mock 30, Penbaaular arirtltlM K Q Edith Bern to W. O. Kcg'ler.'"jota'g i enn en, oiors 2u, reninsaisr sdtll tloB No. 2 William r. rial(er to Boss Jeffrevs! sootb 50 fast of ktt 1 snd south 50 o' lot 14, btock IS, Ooldamlth addition ... i. ... . 8.000 it D. O. Crow ta T. J. Wllaoa st sL. let 1. block IS. Lincoln P.rk Frsnk I. Ball and wlfs to U H. 8tar- rett ana wire, so rest of west 70 fast in, K fr,l.W V 1 3,000 Harry lenhardt and wlfs to L. B. Ir vlue, lot . block 1, North Irvmrton.. Jennie B. Alklna to Henry L. Ptttock. part of block 4, Psckaro s addltloa te Tt- llT-giaiutine anir wife tnTartirr4, .V iiTimi ark, lot 7, block 54, Tihhett's addition Joseph Simon to iocta Bosenblstt, iota BOO n ana 4, piock 12, King's Second sddl- tlOB ". Klchard Bearding and wife to Margaret Wolman, lot 3. block 201, city .000 Por abstracts, title Insuraace or mortgage loans eaU on Pacific Title Treat company, 204-B-s-T. Tailing building. , Oet Trar tasnrsnee sad sbstrsets to real sststs from the Title Guarantee aV Treat soat- paay. K Waablngtoa street. -NOTICE, B. W. WELLS la ta bo way eonnected w this company. Northweatera Guar antes Troat Co. BXCATATTNG and grading. 0. B. Pet tags, ,e -commercial st. rnoBe Bsst aiss. MEETING NOTICES. OMETBrNO doing tonight at George Wsshlngton camp. Bet ter come. Vlaltlng neighbors welcome. Woodmen hall. Tenth and Washington sta. H. S. AARON, C a H. A. TBEDRICH. Clerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Osmp. S.408, meets Wednesday svsalng. AUsky kldg., rklrd aad Morrlsoa sts. M. W. A., Oregoa Ovaps Crop, No. 8,878, Moa- days. - 17th and Marahall: vlaltors welcoaao. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A place te have bsfr rtme vatea ene returned sasis asy. zzs rront at. Msln 474. Portland Ctuled-lialr factory. H. U stager, proprietor. LOST English setter dog. whits with black and brown apota. Rstura ta 1812 Scott avsw, or pboas Bsst 5S77. and rscslvs reward. LOST Policy No. 180477, Issued by the Pens Mutual life Insurance Co. ea the life ef Mary J. Opreorsa, finder rstura te Journal office; reward. LOST Yellow bull pup, with white breast and - white spot oa bsck of neck. Return to ITS North 13th at. Phone Pacific 78. Reward, IS. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED at sees Stare-bolt cutters, wsgee 11.40 per cord; steady work. Apply West ers Cooperage Co., Steams Bldg., Portlaad, at Houltoa, Or. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; grsdostea ears from 118 to 121 " wrehly I asset! laafruntoia; sstalogas fate. Moler Syateta ef Cellcgaa, 86 Nortb Fourth St.. PortUad. WANTED 10 Dora sollrttorat heat sosltloa la Portland; men srs making 85 dally esU sftsr boob. 2blH Stark at. Unica Ectel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our patrons. Weekly rat as: Boom, I1.3B apt rooa heard, 84.50 a p. Asdersoa, proprlstor. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, Callfornls. Idaho, Washington; health and accident Insurance; old reliable company; good contracta; refer nces required. tolled Ktatra Health A Ac- ctaeat luaurance Co., Marquam. ANTED Twe or three first -rlaee. sll eroand ma coins men; permanent paaltlos, good wagas. Oregoa Furnlturs Mfg. Co.. Mscsdsia road. WANTED First -class upholsterer and draper; permanent position; tha best wages. . Apply at 453 Hoyt street. WANTED ftslesmea; many mske $100 to 8180 per stoma; aoms even more; stock clees; grown oa reeervsttntv far from aid erehanla-, caah adrsnced weekly; choice of tertitorv. Address Wsaiilagt, Nsraary sotaseax, Top- pvnieB. vTsaaingtoa. DON'T work for a small sslsryi see er writs rscirtc Aia sseuctatioa tuc a guo aconost. tlon. 324 Lumber Eschsaga. t WB get work for ear members; special ma az. x. ga. o. a, roaru aad IsmhllL SALESMEN EtperKnced special contract ax $100 per moath and commlsaloa. fVmserva- tivo Mutual Lira insurance Co., Elks' bldg, WANTED A neat sppesrtng maji for steady position; good wages. Apply SU Kesri k st. VFFH'N mas and aaslataat bookkeeper; good , ege, i pealed. Address ft T3, saraIournaL faioeaelj HELP WANTED MALE. DO rea wast to naks (2UU per week? Von caa . do ao. CaU and aae aia for particulars. newnaan a aaoo-i-iciure jt&scaios eojiipauji taae ruxtn. cor. Aiau, . . WANTKH Men to learn to opera t ft at otto. Picture machlnee: leaaons" veaaonablet H bunlneas In abort time; gradnates earn lo to .io ir rwi unHHttta st.. iuoib a WANTED A wood-turner. Apply 130 rrsat at. TWO solicitors oa anecUltles. Call aS Third at. WAXTKD IS soUelters for wboleaale-hones, i:.fto to S3 per day. Roots el. Couiiaercisl Motel. 4MS W sahliigtoa St. , WANT buy to Irara the drug business; seat aids ureinrred. Auureas h Ti, cars Journal, gtf pr WEEK aad travellog sxpeases paid ealeetuaa to sell goods to 'grocery dealers; eiiMN-touoe iinnsoeaaary. Purity Co., Chicago, I'tiAlMAkiUI wauled. Iva oldg. A. J. Broult, llamll- 30 VALES.MEN wanted for clothing, shoes, hats ase gent a rurniauing goods. . Apply between 4 aud o'clock, 310 rrout St, sak tor Joe . very. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. ir tou wtiitK, why not ears mora than a living T He Independent; do good. Ths Vlsvl Co. already smploys 12.000 wo me a; the work covers 1U countries of the world; ws will eatsrtslB spptlcstlons frosi cspsble woman! sot canvaaatoc. but helofuL dlzulnad work. Addresa by mall only. The Tlavl Co., rooms sw-s-o-i i utora Ding., lutk snd Morrlsoa. BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 100 e rourth St., cornar Morrlsua, pstslra. 1'Boae Main wa Alocagalde tbs Y. M. C. A. kldg. WUJAaXWOOloraJLp snd overalls. Leaaooa gives to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No, 3. Uraud are. ana Esat Tsylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, S4SA Wsaa- ingioa ar., cor. oevenin, anstsirs. - rnone Mala 3WI3. - IfamaJs bale wssted. WANTED 'lu-1. chocolate aad boa-boa dipper. Apply so nssningtoa su PEW ladles wssted to assist making assy fancy work epsra time st boms: good steady pay; bo experience required. 82g fTstdaar bld(., 407 Waablngtoa at. WANTED titrla. experienced'' paperbbx-makcr'. Amencsn cntcis lo.. ai itortB rront il WANTKD tilrls, experienced paperbox-mikera. American tntcw to.. 01 norm rroac st. PINISIIERS snd eperstnrs on pants. 307 Coca, moawealth bklg., sixth and Anksay sts. WANTED A girl for general housework vand cooking. 304 W heeler aU Phone Esst 1M7. OIRL for cooking, wages 330. 570 Hoyt at. fbooe Hals laua. Secoad girl kept. SOLICITORS Good prooosltloa. dio, 803 Coodnough bldg. . Angelas Bts- 0OOD salary snd share of profits to lsdy with e-on. f or particulars address B sO.eeomaL WANTED A girl for general kouaework: mnat be good cook; wages 335. Talepbooe Esst 245. WANTED Otrl for light housework and help with children; bo washing. Phone Eaat 3570. GIRLS wanted to work oa pants: nast be eg. Kneaosd; steady work, good wages. Untoa Uorlog Co., 305 14 stsxk at. HIUH SCHOOL girl to work for board and wagra. loouirs st as lenta street. GIRLS: Board and room $3 50 week. Phone Esst 2A1. . . 308 Sixth at., N. S5 SALESLAPrKS wanted to asU Isdles cloaks. suits aad furnishing goons. Apply between 4 and S o'clock. 310 Treat st, ask for Joe A. Levy. --. . ,. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Oeotletnaa or lady with good eetervf ence to travel by rail or with a rig for .a firm ef 160.000 capital; salary $1,073 per year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses sdvsnced. Addresa, with stamp. WANTED "Some competent psrty to take eharge of dining-room at 225 Fifth St.; mas and wife praferred. Tl- Psclftc 31 ft. BELP wanted sad aupptled. mala er female. B. O. Drake. 305 14 Washlagtoa at. Pacific 1370. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. GENERAL bouse cleaning and all kinds of janitor work. Pbose Paclfle 711, Mr. Thomo- REGISTEREp pharmacist, 13 yea re- siperleaoe. nnficrstanns pnota gnnpii tat Ww Ja - Ja - dty. B S3, cars Jourasi WANTED Position by s sober mas; expert horseman and drivers . wages sot Btatsrlal. Pbone East 2654. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WOMAN wishes position aa kltchea helper. Address U 74, care Journal. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Ceavassers. mixers, peddlers, sol let ters, man oruer people, etc.. Moo 14 buy Kramer's Book of Trade Secrets; regular pries I5. but balance ef last edition for $1.28 as ong aa they last; guaranteed; order quick. 8anug Pub. Co., Bother land, Iowa. AGENTS WANTED te sell ew complete Una - of klgb-grade aurssry stock; outfit free; cash h weekly. Aaareee iwpitai city denary Co., Baiem, ureaou. , S OB S people to aell a Bos bolldsy soap, 100 per cent; also la city and country for goon medicine proposltloa. B. At. i'lunrmer, 300 Third at EMPLOYMENT' AGENCIES. BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a specialty. 20 North Second st. Phone Mala S2U8. , Be pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. 36 Worth Second st, Phoae Mala IBM. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OrFICR. 3064 Morrlsoa at... Pbone Paclfle tfte 27 North Second st Phone Paclfle 1300 ALPINB Emplovnisat Co. SnSli Morrlsoa et, Male snd female help. Pbone Mais 1817. r WANTED REAL ESTATE. HATS TOO PROPERTY TOO WANT TO BELL AT TBS MARKET PRICE, THAT THIBf IS A GOOD CLEAN PROFIT IN IT FOB YOTJt IF YOU BAVB WB WILL SPEND OUB M0NSY, OUB TIMS AND SO A MILS TO LIST IT; BEAT OF ALL, WB WILL SELL IT rOB YOU. i 'v t B. W. LEMCKB COMPANY, Mats 550. , Sixth and Wash, eta, Afala 830. Payne & Van Tyne , 210 AlUkr bldg. . . Bsal Estate, f arms. Invastmsnta, Mortgages, Loaas. CITY PROPERTY Small suburbaa home, fruit farm, dairy or stork farm, or a large tract of cheap land that bas good- Boll; locatloa of latter moat be In w eaters Oregoa or Washington. Addrsaa W 4. care Jourasi. I WANT a house en east side: will par I WW - caah. balance monthly Installments; If roar pries Is right and location aalu will buy, Addrsaa N 7IH care Journal. WB caa Belt your home In country nr city; If you are willing to give at leaat a 80 day contract; we eaa gat tbs buyer; owners only seed apply. Addrsaa H 45. Journal. WANTED TO BUY Baal denes corner lot, 80 feet front, ea west side north of wsshlng ton. with or without residence. Prefer 1 eg 1 houses. Address B SI, csre Journal. A,7 J10) bones on esat side; stste price and local km. Address V3 oof. Journal. I WANT tone or five hnlldlns lots OB the esst aloe, anything frora 6Mal to Sl.ixai: atats poor 1 lowest terma and give description.. Agents I gsed got answer, V 100, care Jeurasl, , 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. A liOlM wanted close In, aear car, er lot te build, either side ef riser. If you'll sell, "shoos Mala 2420, or see the Beaae Land Co., hoi, urai at. WANTED TO RENTi- - W A O-JIW T Uoaa-m. cotlgfaeflats, stores, offices, rooming -bouaee, ale. IrftatV brde will do well to call on -t -rvHTUAKU-iiu-ax oii"sJT of pngooN. I Pbobs Ex. TS. s. K. Cor. M ali Oak. BY two sisters, connecting room In privets family; rare re nose exctuaugsd. J 77. JoarnaL WANTED To rest a 6 or g-roota house; prompt payi and careful tenant; give full porUculai-sv rent, location, etc.- P. O. Bog fal. city. WANTED Plsassnt home, few weeks, warn, eulet room: partial board oreferred. in ea. -f caaaga log- Bam una assaoaa eg u era tmaj. u wt care journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO AGENTS, reatasranta and hotelksepers Best results ars obtained from genuine aluminum steamer and cooking utensils; will not rust, alwaya bright and practically wear a lifetime: clean, cheap.- appetising sod beslthful; all ware guaranteed to give sat la faction or money refunded; secure territory bow. Address H R. Striata Co. Speclsl price eu large orders. .. P. 0. Box 4, GraaU Pasa, Oftgon. ' . j ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed by Rural Directory Co. We has the only elsssltlsd list of namse ef Oregoa aad Washington. 2Ultt STARK ST.. PORTLAND, OB. ' WE WILL. BUY. SELL OB TBADB ANX OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 38 WABB1NU10N. PAC1FIO TUB. HIGHEST caah pr !ce""t. iaTtir gTf-trtndssee- Band gsoda, Phoae Mala 2111. SB N. Third. EXCAVATING . and grading. C. B. rottage. ssv uommerciai sc. raone esst oiu. MAIN SUflS. . cash am) its or rr FOR rURNITt'RB. PORTLAND AI CTION BOOMS, 211 First St. MAIN BBSS. : , MAIN BBSS. TWO carpaoters want boose to build by day or contract; Job work ot any kind. Mala 0830, .AMk.. an..r,-rK,ii mm ,.,... ,, . WANTED Live rabbits. Answer Boom . . B13. uvaeai oiug. j ANTON B having rood second-hand eewtng-ma cnino bov aaie auurssa six wasstor, east sios. PAY cash fnr household goods. W. W Savage. S45-847 First st. Pbone Paeltlc SM. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM-HEATED large front rooms st tbs Roysl 1Uo14 Fourth at., 86 ta a week; central ones nuuuing. FRONT salts of S rooms, beautifully furnished. central location. 3 beds; just the thing for S or 4. man; $7 te $8 a week. 822 Stark, 188t4 FOURTH ST Fumlaked roams: day. week er moo. to; jo west raise. Pedfle ZH30. TBB RICHELIEU. 8SU North Sixth sf gsauy rarnjsBea; etsaxe heal aad Baths. NICELY furnished suits; else single rooms for rent, reasonable; H Block rrom Hotel Port land: bath, gss, furnace heat. 188 Bsvaath at. Phone Ms1b-t817A-- FURNISHED moms and rnmlabed hassalasplaa iwms w real ni iu Vancouver are. THB GBAND 48Uj North Third St. ; ta geBuemsa si xo par week sea as. S OR 4 furnished rosme on first floor; suitable i or Bouses sopmg. 108 13th St. BED DRAGON" New swell rooms, heart ef city: sew furniture end carpets. Corn.? Sixth and Stark ata. Entrance 827 H stark. yoR BENT 2 er S desirable rooms ta home, close la oa esat side: rent reasonable. ak liraod ave., N. raoaa Seat THB COEY, 108 Seventh, corset Taylor, alee itAKM , ror a gentlemen man and wlfs; good uoa no .me. cooking; with 'a without hoard; one block from Hotel Port- la n a. raciiM ivoa. 888 THIRD ST. One large nicety furnished rront room, suitable ror two, 91 per moath. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.38 WEEK UP. aleea. furnished hoeaakaap v lng-roetsst- parlor, - hath,- lanndry. foresee heat, yard. SOSia Staatoav V eag. II 5ft WEEK an. large, cleea. fnrnlahsd 1 seeping rooma. lauooxy saa sua. 184 - - - in sootb, Portland. TBB MITCHKLL Housekeeping aad transteat I rooms, rsssoBsble.' Seventh and Flaadora. PUBNISHED boosekeenlng-rooms, lew rent; furnished waterproof, comfortable tents $d per moath.- Phoae East AI2S. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping; sV most nothing to lsdy of aome leisure. Ad dresa B 74. care Journal. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, lowest rates, sletxkt lights snd phone Included. 801 Vi Water et. ROOMS 'AND BOARD. MINNEQUA INN. 8T Yamhill. S hlocka west Hotel Portland New management, beat serv ice. nicely conkedS food, bay-window rooms, steam beat, free bath; boardera solid tad, - - FOR comfort and cleanliness the large annnv I rooms, 265 Sixth at- (tba popular Woodland) J"" cannot be excelled ; - table flrst-claae-. four Mocas xrena pnunuiv. NICB large front room, suitable fnr three yesng . men, with flrst-clsas board, $5 week each; all conveniences; aloes la. 281 Seventh at. FOR RENT HOUSES. 7-ROOM boose oa car line. $13. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, room g Mulksy bldg. BENT a plane snd later hay It; all rent ap plied ea purchase. Dbcrtuea. Clay A Co.. aixta Morrlsoa St. FOB BENT New modern groom house. BOB Moaroe St., Upper Alb Ins. Inquire ot No. 80S. FOR RENTt One t-atorv 7 -room carilBO. close In. J. 8. Boss, eutt Hawthorne ave. Phone Baal 4480. FOR BENT d-rdom house, be twees Williams and Union eves. Inquire 087 Beat Sixth at., ' north. $13. Phons Wocdlswa 448. TOR BENTV-7-room house oa Cambridge, block east ot Union ave.; modern with range and shades. Pbone Wood lawn 206. ELEGANT COTTAOB Six rooms. Bear Pled- moat oar bare. Pbone Eaat 3108, FOB RENT 6-room new strictly saoders flat en 12th aad Harriaoa ata.; rent very reason. ghls. M. E. lee, room 20, Raleigh bldg., AaUe-Wsghlngton. gt,PhonoPaclflc B0. BEFINBD young lady just arrived from Maw liotk; message. Boys 6, 201 H Alder et. FOR BENT Furnished bouse for fsmlly nee only; nine rooms, centrally located, only twe minutes' walk from bualneea center; refer ' ence required. Apply, room SOT Stearns bldg., - comer Sixth and Morrison. FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for rent and ssle; easy psymsnts. Sherman, Clay A Co., SI its and Morrlaos sts. HOUSES FOR "RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE, Fob SALB FarnltOre ef S-eoom modern hones, sssrly all sew; rent reasonable; twe blorks from poatofflce; good transient bouse; will . sail at a bargain If takea by tba first of December. 8tai Fifth at. WB seed furniture at eny price. Portlaad Aue tloa Rooms. 211 First st. Mala 6085. -ROOM cottage, 812; furniture aad wood for sals cheap. Apply 794 Minnesota ave. Phoae Wodolswo 180. A MODERN 6-room cottage for rent end part of furniture fn ssls; a bargain if taken, by tb first of the year. Inquire at 63 Mline i sota eve. Phone Villi. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, servers to er tagetheri sew end with ell saw real aaaa. Pbeae Mela gag. FOR SALB 6x7 century camera. Cell er write 7 E. ' I: H r MA Welelg -e. .n, -.,.,,.., riArtu run nnrtT ii tea use or a a me is part ear meat fug room. Addrsaa U 77, sere Journal, ... ,.. . .. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OrriCE-ROwMS. aafarnlabed rooaaa aad asm-pie-rooms tor obi. Boodnoagk bldg. , Apply slevstor. DESIRABLB efgcaa. Including alectrte Hghta, hot and sold water, JaulUad tlev.tor - servtaar, in me new. sirr voaauionweaiin bldg., old postofacs site, BUth sts. Agsgi rooa 411. - aad hurualue a-STOUY brick' bsllllnr Tx-m-tj and Front, bow vacant ana caa pa rented fur term of years -racucuiart jrea. nicaai, tot rara ave. A FEW grst-claaa afSce-rooma left at nortbeaat corner Third and Madleua ata. Apply room no. a. -. , . Ft) B BENT Store . Ftftk-sL aids Goodoough oiag. lagutre st elevator is vuliaiag. FOR RENT Two atorea oa Union ave, aunt at: reaannable terma. and Eaat Bar- 1A1ITMAN- lUOKKISmi' s t-namoer ox tommerce, FOR . RENT FARMS. CHICKEN-BANTU, with mod era equipment for handling 1,000 cblrkaoa. Addrsaa A. wald wlck. R. F. ,D. No.- 8, Box 73, Taooma, waaningion. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Small grocery store. 4 II rl Moms, at lutulcs, H 40. ears Journal. rOB RALEi A bicycle and marhlne-shop. fully equipped. .. inquire w btark for full parties. isra. BEST squlpped collection business In dty, teas usn salt its value u laxaa at ence. 251e Alder st. - STOCK eompanlea tncorporsted. It you have stores or oon as ror sale, let me try to sen r ti... a Kal'oea broker. ...IWt, vuaiw, W,SMF. SAVB MONEY Anything In printing Bee Mad dea. ' Qdd Fallows' Temple, First ead Aids sts.; epstaire. FOR SA LE Prosperous grocery store st Lents, or would csrhsnge for oast side residence property. . TsL Scott 2284. f$450 BUYS g-rooma. well furnlabsd la good In. raiity; west side; low rent, xlsgemsna a Blanc hard. SI fifth at. JileWBal.r.M.Osei.e sad ehnp-k-mt-Sf aplendld location ror one unottraisnatng eusiuoss, 1 Mala 8R8U. 38 Third st. FOB SALB Nswlr furnished arat -class ronm. lug-house, 22 rooms, best Vocation, electric and gsa light, excellent trade, bones roll, leaae. rent $10; $1,430. caah $790. 4X1 Stigma at., rioquiam, naaningtoei. HOTHOl'SB FOR RENT OR , SALE; HOT WATER PIPKH. AUOI'T 8.000 ffFT CLAKS. J. H. NOLTA. 120 KILUMiSWOIITH AVE. ST. JOHNS OB L CAB. TEL. EAST 6788. $vno WILL boy a confectionery and grocery atore: aanap. State Land Co., my First atrsst. S500 Bf.'YS 18 rooms furnished, koueekeeobig! rnt .$21; leaae; rooma full: clearing SoO moutn; no agents. 001 oast mi su A SNAP For a persso of email means, it takes at once, suitable ror gsoiicmaa or lady. ' X 83. care journal. I HATS a few shares of Alameda mining atock. alao Alaska. Pet, and Coal, American Da . Forrest, Cseradta, Hurst Switch. aad rsa furnish too any atock In tba market. Mem. bar Portland Stork Ksrbange. F. J. Catterlla Co-, 133 antngtoa bldg, , 1 WANT Xmaa money:, will aril my Alameda mining a roc a ; j.utw er i.vtsj aoarea. Aooxeaa it ,1, care journal. ... WILL fniy Alameda con. mining atock; will be na city anut vrsanseasy eve. Aaareee a i, care Journal. ; r FOR SALB droop ef mining claims la a good mineral oeii is uokirsoo. ror particulars appiy so joaa rssraon, nyrvaB, ur. c Special WHO WAXTS TO MAKE A FORTUNE BY BUYING HALF INTEREST IN PATENTED RAILROAD DEVICE, THOROUGHLY TEST- Kl AND APFKIIVED BI K1ILHIIAU lr trmktM - HnKUH.(Aliy KITKn IN THIS PATENT WILL MAKE lOU wO,0n IN fIVB YEARS. ADDRESS B 4ft. CARB JOURNAL. WANTED A man of reliability who caa Invest 8H00 la aa old eetanilebea strtctlg, legitimate eatsrpnae; will clear yoa 8120 Bxmth; party must furs lab suitable referncee and willing to do hla part; experience sot aeceaaaryi a rare opportunity; mosey fully aecsred. Cgil I0i Fourth ec FOR -SALB at a bsrgsln if takes tbla week, a suxiuu tot la nortu irvington; street grsaod, sidewalk and water msln all la; so agents. CaU room 38. Buasel bldg- TVEI.L-LOI-ATBP gruaral aiarabaadlaa huslni doing 176 bestDess per day, 30 miles down tne river, real tree ror s yea re, win aeu at Invoice price, which Is about $4,000; located oa railroad and river and haa a fine country to grew from. Rag la lev A Co., 1074j Third at. 16-BOOM hones, Psrk et.. price $850: rent $00 month. Hotel Oaks, 647 Oak at. - S-BOOM house. Seventh at., price $700; rent $06 Doaini snap, note, vase, oai was ex. 11-ROOM heuee, brick, price $1,750: rent $150. Hotel Oaka. 847 Oak at. . A ROOM heeas only $800; don't wait; rent only saw. ttoiea uaas, oai uss si. S0-R0OM house, $7,000; rent $290, receipts $700 month; snap. Hotel Oaks, 847 Oak at, GOOD location for phyaiclaav lesae IM yaara; office mrniture ror aaie. ton at room s, Vsn Noya botsl. Third end Pine. FOR SALE Tbs Bichettes restaurant. 88 North Sixth St. D. F. Crlnley, proprietor. $500 HANDLES 50-room house Bear eourtaoues. nee two oargsin. ' maataoa. GROCBRY, 6 llvlng-rooiis, good loeatloa, rent giu; no reaaoaaDie offer reruoeo, see tula. 348 Madlaon. . , FOR SALE first -class lodging boo as located la the beat part ef elty; terms reasonable, in quire No. 107 H rourth et. TO LBASB For a term ot yesrs, building and lot et southeast corner Esst Wster snd Wsshlngtva sts., aaltable for atore, factory or repair a bop, BUt'HTKL A KERNS, Phone Bast 6423. . 883 East Morrison st. 50-ROOM house, very central, all furnished. Eirt hnaaekseplng-rootns, cheap rent, 63,100. atfleld A Smith, 166ft Fourth st. $150 BUYS half Interest In ea eid-estahllstied nusinees; can mage as a eay; goon reasons 1 sTi'ii, i Vieaaulnasl', awaMawaiaa 1!?"' mi '1 aw aaaaa FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TWO lots, small house, cheap, Highland addl tlon. near arhoeL Inquire Owner, 80S Bast 12th at., north. . 6-ROOM house, corner lot, cast front, good plumbing, good bars, 3 blocks from -Ai.Suui $800 eaih, balance to suit. 8-room honse, 3 Iota, $2,000; SI plumbing, good bars, 3 blocks from car oar us; e500ath,1 taeUece to an It. We have a fins lot ef lots and black! around the Piedmont car haras. J. H. NOLTA, 120 Kllllngsworth are. 1 . Take L or St, Johns ear. " ' S STORY 8 room modern house ea Msrguerlte ave. for aaie e eery easy terma; price $2,S0. M. B. 1-sa, room. 30, Raleigh bldg., Itlli Waablngtoa et. Phone Paclfle 6. B1.78 WIIJ, buy 8 heentlfnt aew B-ronm net. denes this side Laurelwood, oa Mount Scott earllne. Phone Mala 2145. 1 . .. MUST SELU $500 Ire thsa eost, arw modern 8-room honae, nice home, Satuiyalde; It will rent ssd pay 10 per - cant net. See owner, Me Uregor a Barbsr-Sbon, 380 Yamhill" st. $1,800 BUYS S fine lots, 60x100, en Rodney eve., near Going St.; streets Improved snd sewere In. Register A Co., 107 ft Third St. 8-ROOM new modern bones near Eaat Ash; $3,400. J. J. Osder, 1 Grand ave., north. $050 WILL buy a Terr choice BOxlOO-foot lot en Hawthorns ave. If yoa are looking for a Kylng spectilatloa this Is a good one. M. E; e, room 30 Raleigh bldg., 823ft Wsshlng. ton at. Pbone Paclfle SO. DO YOU want a real chicken ranch t Hare It Is: ' 8 acres, right oa O. W. P. sieftrlo line, - B miles from the center ef the city: good - eoeee. - good ha m, all fenced, nearly half clear, fine soil, good spring, so rock- a , gravel: price $1,100; eaa give time en part, Thle le Just whst yoa bsve been looking tor. Address W 88, care JoarnaL . 1 1 . i. pi A FIRST-CLASS 8-reora honae, 45170 lot, west sldei S7.W tlpwo, balance monuu- a: Main 84(il . Room 18 Cambridge bldg. 6.V CASK 50x100 fast mTggt S4U. et geaf LlBcola. I'pous Cast 614, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $4.300 MODERN 7 room boose ea Seaend St.. - west elde. Bear In. - , j ,. i .. " 15,000 Comer, 100x100; T-roass honae and fine fruit of all kinds; ssst side, assr In: on . Eaat Madlaon at. Owner, room 80, Waahlnx. . ton building. - --7 r -. - $4,BO0--Nsw 7-room bouse: Eaat Mala wL, ' ; $1.400 70xS feet; 8 -room ' eettsgei seat la; west side. . .. $6,00025x70 feet: one-half block from stir hsIL tbU Is a bsrgaln. 1 - " . .r w '.:.- $s.BO0 52x108; B-room bouse; Hob BUli walking dlauace. ., w 1 H 1 . WUJJAaa A FARMER. " Room fcu7 Waalifiglon Siaif. " ' Sellwood Homes . - SSjio 4-roorn cottage. $700 4-room house, 4 lots. , I K000 a room house, S lota. ' $1,050 S-roera houae, (new),. . wood-fiber ' plaater. electric lights, twe blocks from ear- une; urn ior. 81,500 5-room modern cottage. at.o ftot grooen house, cement bsnarseo mm 1 , Aldewslks - 1 2.')0 7-room mndcra houes; corner lot,. t x.mioFrne sightly lot, eser golf ltpks, V0 looxion, two blocks from car line ' 8R50 100x100. business property. . $150 Let Bear bow woolen mills. " : 4 Fire Insurance Losns. v ScUwcod TownsitcXOa, H. P. PALMES, Mgr. ' ' 223 Falling bldg. Mam SMI. , Or take Sellwood car. get off at Tealne at . Beat ltb. phone Sellwood 181. ONE-FOURTH block and 6-room bones at Mt. lanori em atups wnn Tine view, 83.350. 5-roorn bouse la Sunnyald, s good hurt only $1,700. 10 room bouss, Hollsday addltoa, 12th and Weldler sts.; a bargain. S,2:k). A fine home la lrvtngton, $7,000. - One fourth block snd good house es Port laad Heights, fins view. $5,000. . . , Rutherford & Co. BIT Commercial block. ' - , MaM 6120. $1,975 " New T-room modern house, 100 feet te car tine, only IS minutes' rids; beautiful trees. -Otr ner, phone, raclflc 2748, even tugs; terms. FOR SAl.B OR LEASE Nest home: room house, hard flnlak. be lb, hot and cold water, pateat toilet, basement, lot 60x100. nice , yard, ftnlt, wnoiltrouae, en csrllse; good b- etioe; price 81.8AO, 00 assy terms, or will se for 81 8.60 per month, Owner, addresa W 60, care Journal. Sellwocd Harehosae A French. MHO B. llth. 7 ' Pbone Sellwood 74. City Ttew Park lota. 6375 aad sp; Roaa Addltloa lota, 8100 and Bp; $5 down and $5 a month. Bosses from $600 to 66,000, Lota 130 end up, in nil parts of SclIv,lod List fosr , property with us; we will asU It," I 8X500150x150 feet. S lsrre home el tee. coa- venlenind Xrt. TglaaJ liool sb- -enallms I I 8750 caah. balance easy Installment. 12,50017 scree, 1 mils from river,' 1 miles depot, naar city; $1,000 cash, balance lung lime. ' : 84.300 Income property on Bhat Ankeayi paya 10 per cent oa $4,800. iy a aerea aear Montavllla. $800 Fine corner lot, Portsmouth, ea csre' Hues; a bargaisr $1,1003 lots," corner, Esat Irving toe. I. U. DA 1UMU.1I. . ,. 406 Chamber of Commerce. ' Three Good Chances 1 ,. Flouting mill ta growing Idaho town, coaler I farming earilori: rood reasons tor aeu- Ing. Inqukra 687 Bberlock bldg. , Hardware buamesa. Invoice $8,000, for sals laqulre 687 Sherlock bldg. Hotel la county seat town In' Willamette valley; a good buy. ror particulars esll 66T Sherlock bldg.-- . UAOE nEMPHIIX CO, .687 Bberlock bldg. - $2, 1A .een. lamenell. hones, ham. ' Orchard: county road and car I Ins, close to school sn.1 town; splesdld chicken aad fruit ferae. Tbla la a aplendld buy. S4. 227ft WASHINGTON ST. CONSIDER "TtLTON'S ADDITION" BEFOBS BUYING A LOT 1U UVllM. Belmont street will hsvs cement stdewslka and hard-surfsee pavement: lots 8 feet a bore sidewalk; 1 block from car and 10 minutes to elty; $500 below price eaked for nearby lots., THOMPHON A OGDEN (BrsBchl SOO Belmont at. - Phone East 4300. $1,600 NICB s-scrs home ea the Foster road. aear canine ; a acres ciesrea. s house, chlckea-boese, bars, weodliouse sad young orcliard- Hsglster A Co.. 107 ft Third. JUST THINK! 6 lota for $50 at $8 per moatbt near saiem motor iino nua am as iar ,. Johns, with quite a few somas already satah- Ub wn-TJAW HEIDT. ' "- Wsiktngioa bldg.. 370ft Washlagtoa at. - CHOICE corner lot on Hawthorne ave. for only SW0; one fourth rash, tiie balance to euit; monthly, esml-yesrly or yearly pay menu. M. B. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg, 823 ft Wssh lngton at. Pbone Pacific 80. OB t fine lota on Slat at., sear Cllatoa, fine view of the city, $350; ea easy term. H 28, care Journal. - $4,600 WILL bur 6 atore building en Mouat soott csrllns; xnese pay 9 is per auoeia rsatsi. Phoae Msln 2145. ... 100 FARMS, email tracts and lots; bsrgaln aa u. w. ir, electric line. v. n. nuuitioo, mow, Oregoa. .Take Mount Scott ear, 6. LOT for aals heap, easy term, on Bsst Davie at., near zvtn sc., cssn, oaisace iu month; beautiful loeatloa fnr borne; caa bui lt at a bsrgsln: all lmprevemeata In, Call 183ft Fourth at. $2. rwo-OOOfr 8-roees -houanv-fumlshed, all goa I for above price, en SBd at., B. Bsglster . uo. lVTft Third et. NEW 8-rooTs modem honae, corner tot, three blocks from earllne. Phoae owner, wooo Iswa 158. $4,000 SNAP ym west side; 10-room honae la line condition; mm see, ga saa rooa maw msnt; lot 25x100, on earllne; 16 mlBatea walk from poatofflce. HATFIELD A SMITH, 166ft Fourth et. - I BAVFa aome very choice building lots en end near Hawthorne are. from saw te m ror ssle on very essy terms; 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments. M. B. Le. room 30 Raleigh bld., 823ft Washington at, Pbena Psotfte 68. A F1NB aew honse on 38th end Esst Cllnteet bonus is new ana cost gi.msi; tot is worth 8mOO; owner le leaving the city aad will asU for 12.350 oa essy terma, B 09, JoarnaL $360, IP Invested this week, will buy 3 lots in nearr os unviog suuure cvaisr. rooae Mala 2l46e TVRNEB A WALKER, Seel Estate. Farms snd Stock Baaehes. 1 nicnanges. . 808ft Waablngtoa at. FOB SALB T-room house; none better ta Bunny si de; assy terma ; ir yne aaeas bee la eaa aee owner at ence. MVm Belmont at. $.350 WILL buy very good paying revenue I property on lata at., eignt blocks Berth ef Washington. M. B. Lea, room 20 Rslslge Diog., sxsft vraanington at. rnone raeine 6v. II.8.TO RAR0AIV New modern 4-room cot tage, neat piumoiag, ga axturaa, ell aewer and street improvements In: Morris St., near Alhlna shops. , Gordon, 808 Fourth at, Pbeas Pacuu aiau reside Boa, Mai Iwq, i