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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' PORTLAND. TUESDAY ' EVENINO, DECEMBER 18,. 1806. TEH Pin PLAYERS JTIIUSfASTIG .Popular Indoor Sport Is Making . Many Friends In This ' City.''.-, v ;.'- EJJLR PfRFECT SCORES . MADE THIS"BEASON Portland Bowlers Art Rounding Into . ' Form In Order to Make a Formid able Showing in the Annual Touf ';. nament to Be Held in Denver. Ten-pin . bowling, the popular Ameri can Indoor, -atfort, hae a etronghold in .Portland. This season tbe scores put up by the experienced rollers are far better than evar made before in this city, both individually and ' in team mark. .Q, H. Ball performed tha-lllfflCMlt feat yeaterday in a practice fame of making- a perfect acore (too). Thla i the fourth toe score made thl eeaaon. "With the fine material, as shown by the eporta. this city should make a fine showing at the annual tournament which will be held at Denver in March. The novices have got the spirit and put up games on the Oregon alleys every day .that two years ago waa considered ex- . optionally good. ' Mb B. LetnfordT and w. A. arantan nlf inn h trflm ihm IRUOII and "nw"-Wi:BH.J." M. . I averaged yeaterday for thrrJ"tonWw tlve gamee as follows:, ,. 1 . 'T r AVge. I-anford ........ .26t 24t 214 JITl-t Grantan-. ..128 18 lf XOJ 1-1 KonUvIUa Defauits. The match that was to have come off last night between the Portland and Montavllla teams did hot take place, as the Villas were unable to make their appearance owing to the poor walking from there in here. . The Portlands started up 'at the usual 'time and rolled their three games for an average. Hansen had 1 highest single game, HI; also high average, 10; Mo Monies averaged JOS, ,-. . - The Portlands won by default. The scores: V PORTLANDS. .. : season with the New York Americans. ; Nee - . rred C. Clarke, manager of the Pitts burg club of the National league, hae Issued a denial of the report that - he intended to retire from baseball . ' ; ' e e Again thla year the New England game season was one of many fatalities. Two months of hunting -cost It human lives and mors than a acore of aerloue lnjurlee. , ,, :' ., . " ' e ' e ,' ; -! i. . rTYeTrgesb-ttwa-rwraatlarta :maklng good the predictions of his Wisconsin friends. For a long time past everyone In the Badger state has been saying that Beel was the coming champion, and he bae arrived. , ... a e . ' At Auteuil a few weeks ago Carter, a crora-couatry Jockey, rode the win ners of five out of six races and was third on another. Thla is probably a record in steeplechaalng and hurdling. . ' In England this year Irish bred horses have won mora than U25.000. Throe of the,, best 2-year-olds of the year are Polar Star (unbeaten). Galvanl and Blleve Qallton, all bred In Ireland. e' e y -Amoin Hie gntllwg III tile l lUUi. U.W- rence Realisation and Annual Champion stakes of Itol, which closed last month, la the bay colt Carrolton by FlorlaeVout of Ballantrae, the property of Clarence H. Mackay. Florlsal is the sirs of Vol odyovskl, Derby winner of 1108. and Ballantrae won the Cambridgeshire han dicap of 102. . r ,., e .. e . . The trotting which the New England Horse Breeders' association conducted at the Readvllle track last aummer re sulted In a loss of nearly tt.OOO to the e8c!ByotriteeeTl Case V .., Hanson . McMonles niman . ., 'McMenomy ...Ill 101 I 0 214 21t 2 II 1IT 211 ltf . Av. ltt 210 20t IMC 172 lit ' Totals ..1.018 ttl let Tonight the Commercial No1 will 'play the Beaver team. CAR STRIKE PREVENTS A : ' FOOTBALL PRACTICE Multnoma Reac iaj lithe Man UnabU Club for Their to V 4 f filled jYYprkout,' -v v T ' - V- ' . The streetcar atrlke waa the causa of preventing the Multnomah football men -- from turning" mi1 lMr4hi -for prAC- tlce. ' Frank Lonergan phoned that ha waa stalled ml lea from the city. . Gregg waa compelled to walk in from Wood .lawn, Dave Jordan didn't cars to walk down from Willamette .Heights. Dick Wilder was "lost somewhere, Martin Pratt hasn't been Heard from, " Eddie Dowling refuaed to pedestrlanate, George McMillan waa - busy working at his office, Marlon - Dolph attended a "meeting of the Shakespeare club, -Dr. , Rader addressed the 'Anti-Saloon league, and heaven only knows what happened to the other stars.- Bud James and Bert Kerrigan were on band, and so waa Ster ling. . Another attempt will be made this evening to get the entire squad out. as but few more practices will be held : before the team starts for Seattle. On account of the contemplated changes in the Multnomah line-up it is difficult at thla time to say what men will make the Seattle trip, and bow that it Is a bard matter to get the men together In the - evenings, - owing to the car atrlke, the problem of selecting a team is all the harder. ' The second M. A. A. C. team also - took a layoff last night The sturdy young fellows will present a strong team against The Dalles Columbians on Christmas day. Manager Stubllng of ' The Dalles has made a great reputation for himself and team this year by the splendid Showing made against strong teams throughout the state, and there le ne doubt but that the Multnoman see ends will have their hands full on Christmas afternoon. fcaadball SCateh. : . - . ' i In the Multnomah club's handball tournament laat evening, Moreland de feated Livingston 22-20. 21-12. On Prl- - day night Moreland will go up against Oeorge Jaraea In the seml-flnala. O.A. C. BASKETBALL MEN A START ON LONG TOUR (IperUl Dtapatea Is The loeraaL) CorvaUla, Or., Dee. II. The Oregon Agricultural college basketball team, left yesterday on a tour of Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah and California. The. players are to be accompanied by Physical Director W. O. Trine and Mark McCalllster will be advance man. Many good games are already scheduled. In cluding one at Seattle, another at Ta-1 , soma, Vancouver and Bnohomlah, Claude Swann, who is one of the forward , is considered the champion basketball nan ef this coast. The tour will last for '. three weeks. . i . . . 6P0RTINQ GOSSIP Jimmy Callahan has flooded bte ball park In Chicago and will eperata an tea skating rink this winter. Jeems ie the busy kid nowadays. f It is whispered In Columbus. Ohio, that several tempting offere for Bert Plus, ths catchsr, ' have been ' turned .down lately. . V ' President Murphy ef Chicago has no tiew advertising scheme for the Cubs thla week. - i It looks as though Manager Mr-draw nr"6anSIng ontne return to form Christy Mathewaoa next eeaaon. - In ease Matty Is wrong It la hard to figure the Qlanta a pennant winner. ' . i Will Jark Pnnn return te ens ef the - wa Jev-temrw went- aeaswni nw hat Hugh Duffy has the Providence club? - ,e e . .. 1 playere la condition and ..Wit either Llebhardt or Barger. to' make good. It looks a safe bet that the coming year will be the one time that the Cleve land club will look down from the top. Perhaps Jack Thonsy ef Toronto will bo back in Rochester next season. - A P I W IIS, DERELICT MIES-CREW- rSDOrt. Conditions of the Suburban, Advance, Commonwealth and many other raaea to be run at the Juns meeting of tha Coney Island Jockey club have been announced. The new t-year-old stake of a guaran teed value of 125.000, with 110,000 ad ditional to be given to the victor If she should also win the Tidal and Law rence Realisation, w!H close on January : -- Because of the defeat of the once high-class filly Lotus at Oakland re cently In comparatively poor company a lot of dissatisfaction was created among racegoers. CLASS C BILLIARDISTS PLAY AT C0RBYfS ROOM In the class C billiard tournament at Corby's billiard-room laat night the game was between Mack Btaalllloa and F. Lavoy. Blaallllon won easily as he played an exceptionally good game for players of class C Hla high runs were 24, 12, 28 and 12. The acore 1(0 polnte to hla opponent's 80 In 41 Innings. - The game tonight between H. Soloman and Charles Hanaen will be of unusual In terest as the handlcapii jathetstrong and should be a closely contested game all the way through. Coatee ef BUllara Stars. (Journal giieeUl WtW.1 New Tork, Dec. II. Followers of the green table eport are on edge In antic! pat Ion of seeing tonight another of tha great championship matches which have made the present winter notable In the history of billiards in the metropolis. the stars who are to compete tonight are Willie Hoppe and Oeorge Sutton. The match;whlc!i takesplace.. 4nthe Grand Central palace, is to determine the 11:2 championship, the title to which la now held by Sutton. The winner. of the match will be challenged by Jacob U 1 s LANS DON OBTAINS : CHANGE 0E VENUE - (loamal Rpeclal Sn(e.) Boise, Idaho, Dec. II. Robert Lans don, recently elected secretary of state, under indictment for embesxlement in Waahlngton county, has obtained a change of venue to Canyon county. ROANOKE BACK. AGAIN Arrives eVageles and Prosa Port Loe Way Points. ' After having been laid up for repairs for three weeks at San Francisco, the North Pacific Steamship company's steamer Roanoke, Captain Dunham, reached the harbor thla morning short ly after daylight She docked as usual at Martin's wharf In North Portland. The Roanoke brought S paaaengere from Port Los Angeles, San Francisco and Eureka. Captain Dunham aays the voyage was pleasant all the way. Two echoonere and a bark were' sighted off the coast. The Roanoke, besides having ner machinery . overhauled, waa also given a new ooat of paint during her atay at nan rraneiaeo. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The echooner Alpena cleared yester day for San Diego with 1,110,000 feet of lumber. ' Bhe left down this morning. The French bark Empereur Menellk will leave down this afternoon bound for Limerick with 103,260 bushels of wheat, valued at 172,000. The British bark Formosa Is still In the stream waiting for a chance to be gin receiving cargo. The bark Iverna alao dropped in the stream yesterday afternoon to wait for her cargo. The Japanese steamer Shlbata Maru has not sailed for Yokohama yet, but It .Is expected that she will get away this afternoon. , . . . The British bark Muskoko arrived at Astoria yesterday afternoon from Ham burg with a cargo of cement , The Mue koka la well known here. ' The fleam schooner Nome City, which arrived from San Francisco last night, went to Rainier to load lumber for a re turn cargo. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Dee. II. -Arrived down et 4 a. m., steamer Columbia. Outside at 11 a. a. a a team schooner. San Frannlnco, Dee, .. it. Arrived, steamer Redondo from Astoria. Ar rived yesterday, steamer Costa Rica rrom Portland. Astoria, Dee. 17. Arrived at noon and-tert up at 7 n. m.; ateamer Nome City rrom Ban rranclsoo. sailed at 13:11 p. m., schooner Maroon! for San Franolsco. Arrived at I p. m.. British bark Muakoka from Ham burs. Ar. .iuanun iivn namDuri. Ar. r . . . . . . . i i . j . . . . . - I or me riniuu an inik ..t-tuuua man an t"!..91:,. lerae sttendanca Is eii.c(.. nvea ana ten up at t pv m., - ateamer noanoke from San Padre and way ports. . San Pedro, Deo, IT. Sailed, echooner Balboa for Col-tmbla river. , , San FranclCeo, .Def. 17. Arrived greenw -l'.t4aeor f tcnuAstorla. tmw'i in. -'tt. ii..viiumnn Ol InS bar at S a. m., rough; wind south; wsaiaer uouoy. Captain Evans Saya Unknown Bark Was Swept Clean With in Few. Moments. ' WAS IN BIG HURRICANE , FEJHEjOREGON COAST Tried to Make Out Identity of Ves sel but Feared Going; Close Be- :' cauee of Terrible Weather Search May Be Made for VetteL Captain Evans, maater of the Brlttah bark Glenerlcht believes that the dis masted Vessel he sighted on Sunday, December t, off the Oregon coast, was manned and that possibly the men are sun dinging to the hulk as their only hope of an eventual rescue. The ease Is a iiiislBTleus uue-niid may never "tig solved No response ha'a yet been celved from the government to the telegraphic request forward d yester day by the local branch of the hydro- grapnio orrics for a government vessel to go In search of the derelict, but It is believed that one of the revenue cut ters will be dispatched to find the hulk, which Is a dangerous menace to ship ping.. ,. The , bark Glenerlcht arrived in the harbor this morning and dropped an chor in the stream off Banfleld's dock. for kurope, and . the -Intention is to give her -quick dispatch, owing to the fact that, aha waa delayed in reachina port Coming from San Diego, the vea ael Is manned by aome union sailors because of desertions among the regu lar crew, but they will be paid off this afternoon. ine uianencbt went through some aaful czperlencea oft the ooaat, terrific hurricanes and tremendous seas having ner at their mercy for nearly two weeks. For times ths bark stood close te the mouth of the river, but was unable to pick up the pilot, I and Saturday after noon Captain Kvans decided to sail in unaided. He says he does not blame the pilots for not seeing the bark that day because a heavy , fog hung over the ocean so that It vwas impossible to see anydlatance. It was not too foggy for the British skipper to sail in over the bar. however, and he performed the trick well towards evening, too. "That bark we alghted is a mrsterv to me," said Captain Evans this morn-. lng, in speaking of the derelict be re ports having alghted. "We first san her about 1 o'clock Sunday, December t. A hurricane waa blowing, and she seemed to behave strangely. We watched her for quits a while, then she disappeared. Again aha bobbed up on the horlson and that time we saw what we thought to be a cloud of smoke from t tier donkey eni-tne. I and a number ef my men took to the rigging, and with ths aid of the glasses we discovered that what appeared to be amoks was In reality her sails blowing away. The next time we saw her, only a oouple of hours later, her decka had been swept clean, not a algn of the rigging being above the rail. She -was laying end to the seas, apparently resting eaay. and should aay drifting to the northweat at the rate of IT miles an hour. "At that time the wind had lnereased In violence, and we feared every mo ment that our. sticks would come down over the side. Several aatls were bdown away, and it waa lucky that they were, or the rigging would have come down, eo terriflo wae the wind. Sunday night we passed ever the ground where we bad aeen the dismasted bark during the aft ernoon, but found no sign, of her or the boats. ''She appeared to be an Iron vessel In cargo, but It was impossible for us to make out her Identity. I should think she wss manned, although aha seemed to behave strangely first when we saw her before the masts were ewept over board." . .7 ,4 Captain. Evans says he ia certain tha bark was not the Melanope, which waa towed into Astoria by the steam schoon er Northlanl NO NEED OF PILOTS ITorweglaa Captain Takes Sif Steamer - : Over the Bar. . The Norwegian ateamer Christian Mlchelsen arrived In the harbor this morning to load lumber and wheat for China. She le one of the ftneat tramp ateamers yet . seen here and shipping men consider her remarkably well con structed for freighting. She la an Illus tration of up-to-date shipbuilding be cause it Is only six months since she was launched from one of ths English shipyards. Captain Bentaon reports having bad an uneventful voyage from San Fran- elaco. From Sourabaya, Java, to the Bay City, the ateamer took a cargo of augar, and that voyage, too, waa devoid of startling incidents. Ths Mlchelsen arrived off. the bar yesterday morning at 4 o'clock and after laying around until 10 o'clock without finding a pilot Captain Bent aon decided to cross the bar without assistance from the ezperta. How well ha aucceeded ia evident from the fact that the big tramp reached Portland with 'less dslay than the average tramp coming here. . The ateamer berthed at the mills of the Eastern at Western ' Lumber com pany, where ehe will be lined beforo commencing to load wheat. Balfour, Guthrie and' company will furnish tha cargo. . - CONCERT FOR SEAMEN A. Baals Arranges Piae gram foe Tomorrow. The weekly concert at the Seamen's Institute, 100 North Front street, will be given tomorrow evening at t o'olock under tha direction of Mra.-K. A. Beats, who hae arranged tha following - pro gram: - Song. Mtaa Thereea Smith; ' piano solo, Mlae Maud Bell; aong, Mlaa Ethel Clark; song. K. Schaart song Miss Lottie Banneld: song, M. "Petit; read ing, Mra. Byron A. Downey; songs. Mlaa Nancy Beats; violin solo. Miss Xlpbora Harris, accompanied by Mlaa Margaret Palmer; aong, J. Cook; song. Misa Elisa beth Harwaa: recitation., Mlaa Lottie Banneld; song, N. Wing;, song, Martin Norman; vocal duet, Mlaa Nancy Beale end Mlae Elisabeth Harwaa. Thla Is ono of the best programs ever arranged for the eonnerta for the benefit RAN CLOSE TO DERELICT Captain ef Steamer A suae lea Theng-ht - , Meleeope Wee ' Slaking. . prTTfrtWRrtda4feeariW Asuncion reports that on Monday two weekt age be ran close te tae CHRISTMAS GOODS MUST OO SLASHING PRICES-ALL ALONG THE LlNENOW Not a single dollar's, worth to be carried over. The whore stock goes. Sell, sell, are the orders now and DOWN goes every price on every article of Christmas merchandise throughout the house. . ' ' . r ' COME EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WALK YOU SIMP LY CANT AFFORD TO STAY, AWAY If you have gifts to buy, come and come quickly," for the ' biggest bargains will go first. No need for long, wordy descriptions when such bargains are offered, for they'll sell at sight. Be one of the early shoppers tomorrow, as the afternoon crush for these bargains will be tome thing terrific. , . ' ' . ; OVVi EVENINGS UNTIL ' XMAS rjTiiifr- - ee ' .aad- Tin.ra J Oel YAMHILL. : opem evenings UNTIL XMAS Wo men's 75c X m as Hosiery 39S Finest of French lisle thread. handsomely embroidered and beautiful designs; a thousand pair Tot, and all 75c values. As long as they last, 39e pair. 5000 Regular 10c Boxes Christmas Tree Candles All Colors While; thsy -.. last BOX Sample Leather Goods Worth $1.00 and up to $2.50 Choice co at each $1.25 and . . . . . . VC The maker's entire sample line 8S0 pieces in all, and just when you want them, too, for Xmas gifts. The samples of New York's finest maker, the handsomest and best Shopping Bags in aH sorts of leathers, including mat teal and walrus, leather and' silk lined, many completely fitted; blacks and browns; 2 great lots, and all samples: $1.00 to $2.50 values at, choice, each 5a and 1.25 Christmas Slippers ""At bargain prices. Men'a fine Kid House Slippers, in black, wine and tan. kid lined; worth up to flQ-$2-Pair ,...,,...... !OC Worth to $2.50 at, pair. . . 1.59 500 pair Misses' fur trimmed Juliets in red and black; worth up 7Q to S1.2S. 'tnioice 84a and.. I 71 75c Crepe de Chine For One Day Q (T)C Only 10 pieces of it. Fine soft finish Crepe de Chine in black, white and colors, 24 inches wide; the best of 75c grades. For 1 day, choice, 39a yd. Fancy Xmas Neckwear In Boxes-1200 Pieces worth up to $1 - jo Choice . ; . . . ... ... , .'. ,tOv The surplus lots of one of the best manufacturers. All the highest class novelties in fancy boxes for Xmas wear at 48c each. Silk, lace and faacr embroidered stocks in all colors; plenty of blues, pinks and white; each one richly trimmed. The very same you see elsewhere at 7Sc to $1. for this was all made for the finest trade. Choice in one lot and every piece in a fancy Xmas box, each .....-.............,.......,at Women's 75c and $1 Corset Covers Of fine Swiss and nainsook, beautifully trimmed with y BJ lace and ribbon; all sample dozens; every one the finest OajC CEL. m f a yt - jc ana i Times noice.j. ...... rWomei's Silk Elastic 50c Belts 29c The latest style, with beautiful sterling silver buckles; blacks only; all the best 50c values. Choice ,U7t Wemtn's 50c Hose--- Supporters 39c Only 200, of them Fine silk elas tic, tatin fronts, all colors; never sold under 50c anywhere. . 5fl While they last ..oiC $2.75 for $5.00 Watches Just IS of them. Women's Watches, open face, gunmetal case, standard movements; every watch guaranteed and all $5 values. Only 18, so come quick. ' & Choice . ; pZiu 500 . pieces Jewelry samples brooches, chains, etc; worth 7f up to $1. Choice... LyC BARGAINS THAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS If You Have a Single Gift to Buy Just 12 sample Toilet Sets; wprth $8-50 to $10. $l iO Choice a?.y 50c and ?5c' fancy carved and bronzed Paper Cutters, OZn go at. ..aVUC 75c and $1 fancy. Handker chief or Stocking Bags, go Qq $1 Ink Wells, with metal CQ trays, all fancy styles. DJrW 25c Baskets with bottle of f fk Perfume. While they last lyC 40c Japanese fancy box and bottle of Perfume. J i Special ...... v ...... . . . , . . .fcTtC Jewel Set and fancy Back Combs, samples; worth up to $1.00. iQ. Choice 40C Child's ' 25c and 35c Xmas and Story Books. All in 1 JQ 500 children's- linen A B - X -Jn Booksr-worth to I5e.r Choice I C Just 6 Carving Sets; 5 iO worth up to $6. Choice.... $QltO 1,000 fancy Desk Blotters; samples and odd lots; w.orth to , for. 7-. . . . ;v. r. . ..I... .aVOL Rtad Every Line Doht Miss a SlnzICWbri 75c and $1 large oval gilt and fan- 1 lot sample Vases: worth t(j cy framed -FictMreay-ttit TQP l"1 5Uc.r'fto-0 tne omi? io.. i.07. Reai French China Cups and Sau- ,.39c errs; Values to 75c. i.noice. Sample Chine Chocolate and Tea Pots; all $2.50 and. tq values. r Choice.. .... , .1.0y $1.50 and $2 sample Rogers' Silver ware Meaf'Toraj, Gravy OA. Ladles, etc V.; . . . . .-. -1 Oy C Boys' 50c steel blade Pocket Knives. " Pick em out. e!.25c 1000 Regular 35 and 40c Fancy JAPANESE CHINA PLATE Keal hand painted decorations, fine thin china; all regular 35c and 40c values. Choice . . . . - 15c each Art Goods & Linens 1,000 , fancy embroidered and scalloped Doilies, lace inserted and trimmed; size 8x8 incnes; A n U2V 10c ones. rrrriOet 20e size " lie aize .. .. . Fancy embroidered Bureau Scarfs, Pillow Shams and Squares; lace inserted and trimmed; regular IQn 69c sorts 35c fancy Bureau Scarfs and Squares............ 10 Table Damasks and Napkins 60-inch' Bleached Table Damask; 50c value, yard.. 3Se 85c value....... 65f $1.75 value... .....$1.35 All our 89c Napkins, per dozen 69a And all finer grades at like reductions. Big Sale of CANDIES 25c Jelly Beans, lb. ...... .IS 25c Peanut Brittle, lb 15 1 .000 fbeibbwindTTwonh 30c, lbw ...........15 Best 15c Cream Candy," 3 lbs. for 4....... 25 GROCERIES 25c Juicy Lemons, doz..". .16 Popcorn, 4 lbs. for. ..25 Honey, per comb 13 10c Msgnetic Starch...... . .6 25c jar Jam for 13 Manufacturer's odd. lots of Worn -en s-fancy- Lace Col-.. gt lars; worth up to 35c...... YLjL Metal frame and burnished gold Medallion Pictures; 50c' values. .. 1 , , ..XoC 75c Jap, metal Crumb Tnays, all fancy styles. Choice of the Fancy Jewel Boxes, velvt lined; samples of $3.50 ones. " " (f fl f Q Choice... ...........Jbl.yO 500 satin covered Pin Cushions; bargains at 25c. r , IC. Choice.. V...... .I3C Men's $0c n(j g5c Xmaa Sus penders in fancy , jr. boxes,... ...... ........ .OoC 1 lot sample Doll Hats; worth uo to 50c. While they I8C Silk Petticoats 100 Samples Just In A new line, of samples and just in time for Xmaa. All beautiful styles; made of best taffeta silk in all colors and also fancy plaids. Out they go, and the Quicker you come the bigger bargain you'll get $S Silk Petticoats, with 3 ruffle ..........S3.9S All $7.50 Silk PetticoatsJ..,.. .S5.SS Finest of $13 and $20 Silk Petticoats, with deep flounce, and accordion plaiting, all colors; all I of a kind; samples .worth $18 and $20. 2Sf ffcQ Choice Sl-ab0 Never Such a Handkerchief Sale Before Crowds so big we can hardly wait upon all 50,000 HandkeYchiefs to go All the finest of Xmas gift-giving'sorts the very" kinds that are selling all over the town at 2 and 3 times these prices. . All sacrificed like thisi - . T RJC fr Regular 50c Handkerchiefs 5c For Reg. 10c and 15c Handkerchiefs Three thousand dozen of them Women's Em broidered, Drawnwork and Fancy Effect" Handkerchiefs; all perfect; every one pair made to sell at 10c and 15c. Buy all you want no limit. Choice 12 ir For Reg. 25c & 30c 2Va lfnnrlkprrhfAf single one worth less than 25c Finest of embroidered, in fancy effects, dainty and Not a Swiss elegant styles; positive 25c and up to 30c values. All in 1 lot. and every one at half price and lest..... , I2ic All the finest Christmas Handkerchiefs; all JVc and up to 5Uc values; elegant Swiss em hroidered ettecu; newest -degne. You II say yourself '.they re . the biggest bargainer ever. Choice..., 25S THE PRICE CUTTING IN TOYS GROWS GREATER Each day the crowds grow greater at more folks learn of the unparalleled bargains we are offering. And why shouldn't we give bargains, for this is the entire temple line of American Import Toy Co., which we bought at half price and are telling likewise. Don't buy a dollar's worth of Toyt till you lee ours, or you'll regret it. BUY TOYS' HERE AND SAVE HALF TOYS WORTH TO 50c 1 9c TOYS WORTH ' TO 75c 39c TOYS WORTH TO $1.50 59c TOYS WORTH TO $2.00 98c TOYS WORTH TO $3.00 $1.39 TOYS WORTH , TO $5.00 $1.98 flon.d British bark M.lanopa, but ra trained from trying to tftr bar Into port bcaua of tha ssvere waathar. The partly bark wae than six mll.s north ef Taqnlna llaad and about 21 mllea off ahor. Thla waa thr.e rtava bnfora stut wae' plckad up by- thTrtifir Btfhhonf Northland In the vicinity ef the Columbia river llfht ahla. , .- . V . " "Wt ware bound south." said Captain Brldaett, who arrived bars ysetarday with tha Aaunoion, "and alfhtad the partly dt.mastnl bark at I o'clock in the morning. ' I ran my tam.r closa te h and hl.w (ha whlatl. s.r.ral thnos-rn tiopee or finding out "If tnare waa anyona on board. We . tbrtmght poaatbly tha craw wae In tha hold trim balng the ballast Bapsafad whlsUaa aatlefled ua that the v.eaat had baan abaodonad, bat the saa, waa eo rough that we Barer thought ef trying to board bar. In faet from the appear anoe ef .tha d.ralict we thouaht aha would soon fill and go down. Sb had a graat.r Hat than at pr.a.nt am ths mala yard waa atlll oa bar at t t time.' NEARLY ALL Cl"2 . ' v.t;.li;)Tjc:::...3TY , omul ;wii ."' ) Chlcaeo. 1.-TT. l.l of rMr n -Hiipni. '! " l'r.r I aUj' ' rf a ' n ' , C.4':e. ahariu- i r .i a . - ' ' -. , . mi:" J