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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1906)
THE OREGQN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY- EVENING. . DECEMBER . 18, 1808. 19 TODAY'S HOP f.lARKET HAS A -GOOD TONE Purchases ; Continue to.. Break V--- Records for Holiday Season '- r Price Remains. V ;;,7; . . - ( THIRTY-FIVE CENTS IS . TOP FOR LOCAL EGGS Trade in General Expects High . Turkey Prices' ior Christmas .' Chickens Are Dull but Are Un- PrlnrtpsI aiarket feateres todayt ' I lop narkrt I Improving. Petal baytug not ao heavy. ' fhlckea nice -holding. . Kxgs mk ; another car eastera. ' Trad expects hlfh turkey price.. , - Car eaatera eranbwrte arrive. v Iloboard sqsaefc b) scarce aad high.. . Pumpkis price ar Bison. -. . ' Ureatec trsngtk tn orange. ' A steady laiprovesirBt at shows la lb toa of tb hop BMXhct. Ilu-chssee during tba pan few days have show a an Increase em the Isrg and liberal transaction of tka previous week, sod tU baying at this ttms break! all prevtou record lor the holiday sesaou. , Ob ; all sloes tba better tone la displayed and prices at this time ara ouesldrbly firmer tba a at aur tlma alaoa tb hops wer In the bale. Dealers ara making im effort t laad all the cheep kop tkry ' possibly ran brfor the growers begin to realise that th ontwerd amant kaa practically Ukra all tb hops la 1e elate. - It axed with eatlefactloa bjr grower that th people who were ao balllah on kia tb ftrat part of the aeaaon aad wen talking- X are bow aaytng nothing bat sewing wood. At that time they balled Uw surket kerssss they wanted to onload sow at their cbesp priced goods at a high flur while ow they bsv a aorploa oa kand aad are trrlng to bur. They are Bot talking at tbl time tit a higher surket, however. ttreatar Straartk la Oranges. " V Tb orange market la considerably f h-Bie today aod om dealer are sklug aa advance rer rforBier laar-prlcea. 8mlle tor the Bull? day are not a treat aa tb trade anticipated ttoey would be beraae th soulhcru California (tow era are not skipping la thla direction Just bow. Th stronstk la eepeelally aaowa la tb larger alee oa account ot tb extremely abort Boiiullt of tbl crude. A car wa among the awrnlng'B arrivals from th soutk. Trad Export High Turkey Prion, a aeery lid tb rroat atreet trad I hutt Jak la regard to turkey price for th Christ aaaa trade. Receipt ap to tbl time of tarkey kar beaa ery amall -wtril dt-Btaad la liberal. Wltkla tb Bext few day th hli BieaU aboold a how a large Inrreaae, Bat th trad aaean wllUa. to take all that cornea aad pay tb price. Lie bird ara dull. Snip per In BVey erery time they aend tbeat to market daring the holiday ocean a . tb etall U'ldrbajr-TtemaM ui aieaa limn. Tba rklrke market, wklU dull, ta aot really weak aad altboaah the ' menawat la alow. arte at being aialBUlned at former figure. Egg continue to bow weakaeaa with prac tically a a lea today orer lo fur local raack. A ear of natera wa among th anieala thla BMrnlnf. I' rice aaked for UI grada rangea .betweea J7e2Se per dooeo. ' Ut Baying Vet Be Eeaey. V " By'e th potato market la aot ao aeary a a day or ao ago, hut the Tolnm of aalc ta atlll beaey. Tb market at thl time at betweca two fire lower price la th eaat and a general pone oaalUy.a. lb cutat. Pur hae daring the peat 2 hoara are reported ar ktyll gl.SO per handred poond. bat thl . wa oa top lot tbat grada cream of quality. General tranaactloaa fur fancy arad range between ll1.10 per buadred poandVi. r. V "j Brief ta of th Trad. ' f J Hubbard auuaah m getlng rather ararc and th prion along the atreet baa adraoaed to lOlHe. Pnmpklna ar likewta flrlbyr with the prlc ranging between nl'e iKiund. , Amopg the receipt a from the ohU today were ' Bum pineapple from ilouohiln. They : wee of good lae and excellent ooaUty. ' Prlc be . twees -t.o5.0 a duaea. - A car ef eaatera eraaherrle cam In thla Bioralng la good chap. IJemand all right at 12l'i.9 per barreL - Itoeetpti ef creamery natter Inereaatng and gaarket ta aomewbat eailer. Value ana. .Oeamery ke liter beglnalug to cam aomtwhat . faeter. fc Tb trade pay the Yellowing price to rroat atreet. Price paid nhlpper are ka regular - commlaaloB. Oraln. Jtoax aad real. - URAt" BA'iS CalO'ta. gH Baying price; -inrilingr s0"c ; , " WHCAT w ctak. : red SJaaslaa. !". hluatrm. nsc; ralley. STe. .ARLiT-5c.w-red, $21.00; reJ.4. a6; : ; rcus' Wbo!! S2T.M era eked. lg.0 - per toa. . . , H re $1.54 per cwt. OATi S-w frodueef- price Kb.. 1 white, 34.UOwa.W: gray. 11 0OJ 00. . . KU)i;B Kaatern ' Oregon patennt. (a Bft; tralfhta. egpart. ealley , i.o: grabam. a, gi.60; wbt. I.!; ry. Lm t.Vdn: hale, tin. MlUJTirK Braa, 1.W per ton) mid dling. ll"Ve; l"t- country. lVja; aikiei- elioo. llC.Ca?itl.O0. H a r Wedut-rra' i.rlc TtBMtby. Wllla meta alley, fancy. orrtlna ry, $ 00 Oregon. llo.ontAia.iiu: iaii: f li).00J10.a; eloeer. 7.dug.o6i grain. T M eoea. ti.wvv. attar. Xara and Tealtry. ' i BPTTKB fAT , -. k. Fartlaad-ewaet ' tream. li: oour, SI He. . v Bt;'iTEH City creamery, iat; oatilda fancy, ti et'tA." atnraa. BiiLMe: alore. Inc. . KUtiH Kitra fancy, candled, iMc; local and eten rrar. lir.lilsB New Fnll, flat. loci twine amerlca. IS'etloe. : , foCLTKK Mltcd chlckene. llt,QI2e per lb; fancy i ba. 1M per , lb: ruoatera. old. Bo lb; iryere. J". woiiwra, jtf per ' Hi: old dncka. Wt per lb: er-rlnx dueka, 13 We lb: geeor. W1W r" lb ;'keya, IT per IB tor em, "r " ' -ve uij cuija. 1 lto Ibi - H" a bi 2 00 par doc; plgounav 1.00 per oon. w u( , . HOPS l0a crop, enoiee. u; prima to Ckote, ecjiua Mrion, iVQllci niw dlnni, ltkll. - . " " ' . th OOLr luutl clip Valley, C23c; aetra vregon. . ' ' ' ' ' ':' mm A I It New. nominal. ' ' ' kHt.l'.l'HKINS Abeanng, ISQSne each; abort . OMo.1. 2kte; medlam wool. B0Q 7 A aa: kug wool. ;I.W each. " TAU.0W PrtuH, per lb, tOiei M. t sad grvaae, SUSHe. CUlTTlVl UABK HtJT for car lota; maH ,lota Ml nc. HIbKn Dry. Ke. I. l Bj aad ap. iuy 1TW per tb; dry kip. Ke. 1. t 1ft lb, lie: WHAT DEALERS SAY 1 - ; - OF LOCAL. MARKETS . , . ' " ii a iiawaaaanaaaax. - . ir w. b. Clarke' Co. d Ef recplpta are havler and prlce-a correaponuinajijr weaker. d Reelpt of poultry during tha 4 poet vraek hav been very hkvy. d 'Did raarkrt t'loacrl Tety weak d Saturuay nlftht . at la ami It d ' vwnta per pound. If the. racrlDta d - ef turkeys ara l'ght 'lilkjaeck T15eprlccanfor Iiiiia anil apilniia d d will nrtn up rcinelrtcraDiy, uther- d wiaa. w expect to ao the roar d) d ket remain as It la, ot1 weaker. 4 d Ther. ha V good demand for ' weko.4aMl-4imc.nri'1 thcry .wlll d bo an active demand fur tu'i'liiiyifd) 4 Ir ee4 meal ar . steady at d th market, quolallonei . MARKETS swua. vsr.'-'sj'-ww sst aiatuikc: ataaa aad bwlla. aonad. dejTet aiu 16 to SO lb, av; calf, auaud. uader lk lua, lie; greea, aneaiteo. i wrm. u pw u Cerae hide, aalted. each, f I Hof.!; ry. arn, (l.uuWl.Su; cult bide. k6ouci goat aklne. amaMa,-ch,.UIlaci Augora. lua, ftc ll.uv. . 1 - rralta aad Vawetaklee. POT ATOK Buying prlc. Ma tern Ualrno. mb and Claekamaa. il.iu; ordinary, Boa) ftVtfta-JoWowe- Jrctcea.WW yirTkVak 11.00; buying prlc. ' TotlTSe; garlic, HHe IK. AI'PUES f ancy unoa Hirer bpiurnberg nd fellow Newtown. fiM; (aacy Wlllaetett ralley aad wntaara oragoa, fig; ordinary Mark. IVtlll.Sk f KKKSH rKUITS Oranae. new navel. ttt 14.23; Japaneae. lHic: bananaa.ftc lb: lemuoa, ehotce. gt.otiars.ou dua: grie, California. II. To; but; lime, kleak-aa, tl.2n par lo: ptnejuple. M.lM'til.OO per doa; grape, ("allfornia. 1.T6 Malaga. I7.M per keg: pear. l.&0il.7.V buckle be rrlea, 0c: plneapolea, g.VOtt pw doa; nuiuegranaiea, bi,zoa.du per Box; grapa frolt. Tornln. aew. Vtll aaek: carrots, Tfteecll per aack: beeta. II. Jo per aaet; Oreann redlabea. 90e tier dual eabbaae. Ore gon. fl.2ottl.ft0; bell pepper. (1 per lb; to matoea, ); piranlp, BOratklui; at ring beana. 15c per - lb; , cauliflower, l .V per dnaea; peaaf IV; borerallah. Xrloe per lb: arUnhok.' 11.00 per doaen: aqoach. Tvetl.flO oer box: eraulant. 11.50 per doaen punche: celery, meal, 7pH5e pot doaea: '."Ut'ilvJl'ilViLai erati'T pumpaTua; i2.ou per nni. UKIkU k'RUITS Annie, reanoratod. t441T par lb: apricot. ikV)a30c per lb; pMclum, ITai8S per lb; aacka. H per lb Irao: prnne. SO to 40. eOOr: He drop oa Mch 1-1 wnllet lne: Or. Ollfornl bUck. efiOUe per lb; failfornla white. 0I4Hc per tb; date, aoldea, t.60 per box; tarda. tl.40l.&0 per 15 Ik bog. Qraearte. BTata, Xta. SUGAR California Hawaiian Cube. SS.30; powdered,; berry, 3 ui; C. C (4.W; dry granalated. gn.0Y; Star. I4.K3; conf. A, to. 16; extra B, 4.M; golden C. S4.30; D, yellow. M.H6; beet granalated. rranulaied. to.uo: P. O- I4.M&: coat. A. tV03 extra C. S4.oS; p.lden C, 4.4B; D, yellow. t4S; beat granulated. $4.U: bbm, 10c; H kbla, 25c; box. Owe adraac oa aack kaala. lAbura. urlcoa or V oaia net' caaa qaow noita.i ii(N FT I 0 oer crate. ' COHKB Packa branda. SlS.SSOI8.TB. ALT Coara ilauT ground. 1UW. aa.uv pee : aua. tw.&O: table, dairy. SO. S13.00: 100a. 112.711; kale,; Imported Laeerpoul. (km. tlS.OO; luun, S1T.00; Xt, $10.00; eitra fin. bbla, la. oa, 10, (4.Meil 0i ijreriiool romp pork. Iia.40 pe. toa; 6u-lh ruck. H00; luo. 10.00. (Abor tirloe apply to ale of lea than ear lota. -Car lot at apeelai prlc a object ta luctuatlOB.) BICE Imperial Sasaa. No. 1. eel No. t f V.c: New Or 1MB, hoad, Te; Ajax S; Creole SHb ' BIAN& Small white. Kl.m: large wblto, t.Xx; pink, 12 00; bayou. S.T; IJma. 6i4e; ueiicau reaa, e. NUT8 Peaauta. Jamba. Se pet lb; Virginia. T',,c per lb; ruaated, 10c per lb; Jap- btj.-ivtc; roaalefl. is me per u: eucm- aula, V.ailxj per doa; walnut. 1M pr lb; plncnuu, 14iloe per lb; hickory ant. loe tier lb: eheatuuta. tern laotlOc per lb; Braxll nqta, INe per w; fllberta, 10c per lb;- fancy pecana. 18A20c; alinond. 10i21Vkc. ' .' Staata.. ftah aad rmkkoi. . rr , FBRotl MEATaU-rroat Street Hog, faacy. eViC per lb; Teal.teitra, 0c par lb; ordinary, 5 V. ''!"! per lb; poor, Ce lb; muttoa, fancy. IMhUc per lb; Umba. 8b IlAklN, MACON. BTC. Portland pack I local) hanu, 10 to 14 lb. lil,c; 14 to In lb. 16e lb; IK to au Ibe, lSSttlOr: breakfaat bacon, 15'jt 2u lb; picnic, 10U,e lb; cottage, llVkU per lb; regnbtr abort clear, anamoked, 1M per tb; amuked. Ik per lb; e'ear baeka. uuauwked, 12c per lb; a looked. 13c par la; Union bulla, lo to 13 II. unamoked. He per lb; nmed. Be per lh-etee boillua.-unanvtked. 14o - nt m; amoaeo. IOC. nor lu; auoniuera. i poa w; pickled tongoea. t i ouarwr bbl. , LOCAL LaKD Kettle War. 10 tH per th aa, lte Dr lb; nu-lb Una, 12 per lb: aiaata realerea. lvc, ue r' lb; 6. 12fcc per lb; componiid, llav, - uiflntu BALUO.i uinmDia nm, ca'iai 2-lb tail. t2.T!l; fancy, l ib Beta, tl.0"; y-w aecj aeii, x.w, tmmvy -iu Aiaak toll, pint. SoQSiic; rod, SI 6u; aomlaal tall, 12.00. , 4 rlttM Uock cod. Te per Ibj nVand-es. Be nee in, oaiioui, ov per iuj vimvm, fj-emiw per d; trlied baa, 12H per lb; calf leu. 10 per lb; Mlmoa. Culambla rleer illTeralde, ac; ateelbeai 10c pcr Ibf herring, c per lb: olr. Se pef"lb; ahrlmpa. 10c paf Ik; perch. Be per lb; black cod. 7o per lb; tomood, 7 per lb; surer amelt, ae per lb; lobstara, lb per lb; freah mackerel. Be par lb: crawSau, VMr per do; atBraouBe-iOa par lb;, black bean, We per lb. , - - OiHTRRS Shearwater bay.' per gal, S2.W: per US-lb aack. S4.2C: niympla. per galloa tl.Ii; per US-Mi Mck. 25.00 ta tiSO. t LAkts liaraaneii, par Boa. tx-ooi . raaor elama, 1X00 per box. ratal, Coal 00. It. ROPE Cur Mail 11a. 18 ike; ataBdard. ltie; alaal. lie. v - COAL. OIL rean or A.lral i;aeee lBe net fall water white, ima bbl 14 per gat, woodea fe par gal; headlight, 170-oeg. caaa Sim par gal. UAmiu.-fft no-aeg. na w P gat, iroa bbla IHc ter gaL KKoKiKB ea-deg. caas za par aL .traa Bbla 'm-jC per gaL TUKPKNTln E IB caao boo ner caL weodea bbla. lc per gal. it mm i. r. i i on tora, n per tat BOtMB lota, kc per lb; leva lota. 8 He per lb. o , wnitK NAM K lreaent bail at tJOR. LINBRED OIL Pure raw, la o-bkl lota, tOe; I -Mil lot, 6.1c: caaea, Cae rer gil; genuine ket tleniled. ease, an per gal: t-MM lota. S4e; I -bbl Int. toe per gal; ground eak. ear lot. tXkuw per ton; low tkaa Mr lata, S20.M pel tea. WILL BE DULL UNTIL AFTER HOLIDAYS, SAYS GOULD v. Assistant ' Manager Does Not Look for Better Conditions ; , . at This Time. V . t. Port land Caloa- Sfockyjrd. Pee. IS. Lire. awca rtHvipia; a,.- Hog. .Cattle. Hkeep Tody Week ago... Month ago Mi 77 . .Hal 120 . 312 Sou 1 ear age ., 50 8tnra. .-- . Th entire Ueeatock market eoullmie nulet with a holiday ton predomlnarlng. "Thl kind of market la to be eprrted at kollilay time." kT AaaMant Manager UonM. "There ta not likely to be niiirk to the market-anill after tb bolitlaya. All line are alow wltk prwea aa oin.ieo iyf ' j we eonrnai. . Coudltlona a year airo: Mog. firm. Cattle, lirra. eni-ep, iirni. faiiive auCUSngt'U. (ifflelal 11 ret lock nrlcea: ling Best ,jaatern Orpgon. M.75; torker and feeders, t; ( klua fata, tH.Vi. attic Kent . eaateru (ireg'yi ateera. t.'t.TSC S kTi; beat aud belfere, 4U.0U; atmkera and tee.iera. f.t.iai; puna, a.uo. , Hooep Mixed, 6",c; ewes. BtkC LIVESTOCK MARKET STEADY Chicago Za Grood. for Bog-g,1 Cattle and srhawv Becelpts mail, . (Iikaga. Dec. 18. U restock receipts: Mog. t'sttla. Sheen, Chicago -.r. . .el ... .. .M nwl O..Vi lN.0a) Kaaaa-tity ..J.H0 1 j WW 4.ii Oinnba ... i. ........ . , e.ouo lu.raa) Hog re tedr at yeaterrtay a rinse, with 1 U0 kfl it. Keeeipt year ago were lit. 0ii. Prli-ea: Mlved. t.loj.H7'; gl. fl.10 tn.;io; rttgn.'un.oo; i'kot, i. joe.iid. , I atllo Meaur. .-. (tbeep Steady. V . ' 4 . ,, ,.U ,. VIITCD STATIS COVZSKMEMT 80VM. Xew'Tork, Dec. !. Official prices: imte. Hid. "A 1t. T, registered .... do eoniioa . Tnreoa. r. rlatered , . . man heaida ..v.... opt, Mt. . Irm, ''A I'C.l, Out. tfl-(. liKli7 ..-r-rr.rl"'l los'i ... .... 1i2V4 ... tours, reglatered ... do eoupon v.. Fours. r.'Klrlrred ... do coapm Panama 2 do cnnixMi jiaiV lot 11 fl 12V IWl'i Ml , l air liNii. iiiii 1ta7 1MT1 102 J'"'. I'll .... 1i:i 14 T eliff lei wf- PllTUUJllIl 1 "io-i Jffa l-.--... A r lliillpplti ta , .... lJ'i , Haw Terk ta4a Hear. - !oo nin nnicncf it in UIU lilUitUCIII III HOOD RIVER Apple Industry There Reached : Big Proportions During the . . , Present Season: : ABOUT-TWO HUNDRED CARS WILL BE SHIPPED Fruitgrowers' Union Ships Over 100 Cars Up to This Time Davidson and Others Send Out Supplies Bs. InsgsaseaV i (Special Dispatch ta Tb Journal.) flood Hirer. Or.. Dm. ifl It 1 bow evident that estimate maile early ta the eeasoa of the else of tlond Hirer's apple crop were aome wbat wild, ror while It la shown that tb crop la more than twice aa large a It-waa laet year It la not mora thaa 130.000 boxee. Thl, Bowerer. la so much greater than It erer wa before that at leaat 2K car appla will be ablpped from llodo Hirer. Tbla 1 a greater number of ear tkaa M hloued from anr other nart of western Oee- a i. aaeaaUa Hi II. "tt I . r Tl IS Ti 1 7lf 7br ahlpment of fancy frnir. but tbla year aha will Bar to g Ire way to llnoa Hirer, a ner crop la said to b In the neighborhood of lOO.utiO hoaea. Th larva ahlument Of.' apple from her ha been th mean, of making 11 nod Hirer tbe tree teat (hipping point on in tin ef the O. B. 4k N.' except the terminal point of Bi.kao and Portland. Hood Hirer took the lead during the paat monia ana pssaea City, which had been first before that. The rnkm baa ilrMilr ahlnoed orer 100 can of frnlt, bat has several Abousand more bole II) gel out, anu lie anipmeut uj " ' rara. With Ibe ahipmenra ox in imnuwoo company and Heara A Porter th total will reach fully 200 car. Thla doe aot Include Boole whleb have been aent away by express nd which bare been quit aa Important factor tni year. , Mo rap aa fa ner fruit 1 concerned ther la ao more left In tb valley aad effort to ob tain It from ltbr th Union or the Darldfo company a re unavailing aa several hav dis covered wh hsve tried to get It.' There may ho a r erowera who have amall anmber of hlgh.gra.le apples In their apple bouses, bat ther k none for ie in lown. The enllrw anole ahlnment will be Braetlcallv covered thla aeaaon by Christmas, which Is soowwhst earlier I baa aaual. except a .few thousand boxes, tbat are being aia in coiu srarsge. The baslnee h grown to propor tion this yee mat nave awaaenrn iro to th fact that ther ar everal feature which moat be looked after closely next sea son. . - ---.-- Will laereaaa junage. tnilieatlona are that manv who srreadr have sacceasfnl besrlng orcherde will seek to add to their-possessions this winter end a number bare purchased additional orchard land, either cleared or uncleared, aod will apend th winter n'onth getting it Into shape ror planting in toe spring. They hare commenced . to. realise wnax the apple business mean ana are unm i" Invest mors hesvlly In a propoaltalmtl. turning out so handsomely." " - Th Mount Hood district will probably ae more ctlvlty tn tba matter ef development la the orchard bualneo during tb coming year thaa It baa In Its previous aisiory. r-evrrsi large traeta f Un.1 hav lieen bought In tbat neighborhood dnring tbe paat few month by mea who can bar trie means to bring It te tha highest state of cultivation In tb growing of apnea. TO orcnara are is growing u and It I aald tbat aprlng will aee more ctl- f , Hood Hlr toia u hai known eaev a no west e wen e. ,u, at any time In Its history. -SHARP CAIN IN WHEAT yrlewg AdTAnoed ta ChloAfe Tlaibl apply Xactmni. BELAT1VE WHEAT VALUES. Deo. 1. Dec. V- Osln. - - 1008. necember .... .74 HA .7:1' t MM May .7SU.B .7UB .004 M Joly , .77 -7T54 AT0 .4 flilcsco. Dec. IS. Th wheat market bow a ahsrp advance over yesterday' closing. Tbe marxet-araa nauteu aespus in nesvy increase In tli visible. Last week'a Mock ad oa tli Hoe ta said lo he responsible for tbe Increase, the greater receipt In nowise reflecting th real situation. Kxcept for thl blockade a aiocta larger mtantltr of wheat could have been eent past Muf flo ou Its wsy to Europ. In nv event, there wss no chance of the big fleet from Dtiluih and Fort William being unloaded. There are auw M.n.Vi.00 beiahekf of wheat afloat on th lake. Thla whet la practically all sold for export or for distribution to mills, ami moat of It will go oat of sight ae rapidly aa the congested distributive capacity of the eastern rosas win permit. Official a notations by Overbeck. 'Starr A Cooks company: . r . Wat HAT. Open. 734 TVi Till none. 74aA T7 41 41 M, 4.1 Vt 44 Peeember ..... May ...a. July comx. Iiecemher ..... January amy July OATS. December ..... lay Mil sua July S3 S3 B Ja EMI PtiHK. January .11 lfS 1IMS TS h;s . kM ; sr.j 70 .K77 way lecetnhr January ...... LARD. May SHORT RIBS. ............f... January ...... ifiy S7S July , lRADSTKIirS OlAJjf REP0ST. Chicago. TVc. liBradatreet'a . report ' e( grsln visible: tv best Ksst ef Rockies, Increased 8,04.nn0 hnabela; Europe Bad afksit, decresaed POO.miO imabeis: 4 snsda. decreased 24.00v bull is Is. Total Increesed. X- 4IHKJ bushels. . Corn Increased S2ft.fX)0 bushels, (lata Decreased 1,014.000 bushel. ptixAJtr ORAnr MOTtMiirr. -Chicago, De. IS.Prlmary receipt: '' many xear ago Hush. Rnab. Wheat Corn Hhlpments: Wheat ., ... 7iai,iaio 7M.000 Snt.OOO SST.OOO P27.000 bod.000 SfW.nfWl Com . . fjtW.Ouw LITERPOOL ORAIlf MARKET. Liverpool," Dec. 1. Official price: WHEAT. Open. Close. Dee. 17. Los. !reo ns Nd a OHd ' A Hd d May U 4tkd tie 4kd OS 4 3 t.Vil. January Marek . l a a 4d 4a 4a 1U4 a Hd d NEVADA MINING STOCKS "an Vranclsce. Dee. 1. Official bid price Belnwiit ,...,.$i.7i !Jiimbo H 1W lash rley ..... .l IJiiun extea tlolilea Anchor.. .IX IKi-mlsll tl 48 . .53 . I. So . .'JU 14 00 Jumbo exie- . ,.fl.40 I suns Jim Butler i.ei v.r Uueea .71 iMobawk ... MaeXamar Midway ... 21 tried Top 8.40 1-kli.ata tar North Star ... .4.1 Ohio 20 Tonopab eXtca , S.7t -vsds lOM West Ktii Adams JiT Atlanta . .r Mt Sllv.r Pick , Kt. Ive Vernal ..... txj Cal Va Ophlr Mevlran .... Calcdnnl ... tftctieijuef " . , Noreroa .... Gold Crown . Ireat Bead . , .4 IIS . 3.10 .00 .40 .05 B-wfk ColumMa kit l.'iA fv.n Qusrrjr 20 Dlsmundtleld .. .47 lHle .11 WoWfkld . ..... 1.30 .im .24 HIS. IV OB Unite ., "4 " 7 " Heavy Buying Continues In Hop Market and Trade Is Breaking All Records for Holiday falima Showing "JlBr) Pirmnasa A HEAVY SLUMP IN ST. PAUL TODAY Stock Received Some Serious Blows From Bear Crowd and Drops Very Fast. ( AT ONE TIME PRICE IS OVER TWELVE POINTS OFF Closes With Decline of 11 Points From Previous Day's Bid Pries Canadian Pacific and Great North MKT t nsKr.a Amslgsmstad ...JSILoulavlll Itt UKoinotlve l'teou avmciier pre . y ttugar SIMkumirl Pc. :i2 Smelter IN. V. Central Brooklya .......... Sk'Ont. eatorn ....1 Canadian .........4V Pennaytvanla Cert. Leather People Oa S St. Paul ....UM. Reading la Cheaapeaka ....... ViBock island . Erl I f 8. Steel H Hon t hern Pae. do pre. NKT CAINS. BalMmore Okie .1 WaU Street. New Tor. Pec. IS. St. Paul wa boosted aad then torn te pkrese ta tB trsdluo ob the stock market todar. The mar ket opened with tit. Paul selling at tl.0Sl l4. a lo from th causing kid ef hloeday amount ing te 4 point. It w weak and th price waa carried down to fl.SSVi. bat active baying t tbla mark, aent tbe ralne several poiuia higher again. Then renewed pressure aet la and the low point was reached agala. Bear and balls 'continued their aggxrsslva method p to tbe rlose. which showed Bet use or ji points for the dsy. At one time St. Paul wa over 12 point lower. Great Norther lost about 0 point today on aa attack bv beat and Northern Pacific about S point. Union Pacific waa Ukewia nnder p manure and dropped bark nearly St points. ur in aeauing reaiurvs oamuiuiv v. vu,v waa th onlT one to show a gain, the closing being an advanc of 1H points. This wsa du to tbe report that the stock would pay SVs per cent Instead of S per cent aa heretofore. Cnppere were weak today altnougn u raw market wa advanced He. . Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr Oosa Co. 1 0-3 DESCR1PTI05. AbulU Copper Co........ Am. Got toa OII.-aai.... Am. Locomotive, com... Am. -Sugar, com..,...,. Am. Smelter, .com 113. 7J l.-ws, 1M1 114 Sl4 7JH 133 334 112 si TlVk " i:i2'Z'i:i.i NO 1130 32141 3 J woolen, com.. 83 Atcblana, com.... lt4 108 101 Ml 1014 dQ prof eere.1 , , Bsltlmvr At Ohio, com.. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Csnsdlan Pacific, com.. ioaL..JJL 102 no 121 , unv 7o 102H 85ik 1HH 6X 9 43 lll4f 71) IBS H M UMt Milk 107 Central Leather, com... sat no Hi ul, mil Ht. Paul... nesapeaka at Ohio loo 104 ' 1W.H M 64 44 tA MT4 M 140 B4" ens Mt 43 Colo, t'ael tt I run, com.. P.rle, com Louisville A Nashville.. Federal Smelter'... Missouri Pacific New Xork Central...... N. T.. Ont. West.... Norfolk West., com.. 140 144 V, OS "4 B.T4j 134)14 0114 137Vs Viu 3i 121120 4k si i 0041 Bl 1 H ennsylvanla Railway... i.i 1.16al;l !'. U. LAV C- Co Reading, com Wt) 94 .1 B43. 14 OS SSH SO "4 o:iij: 1H31, BUh i 4.t i 3d preferred S3 Rep. Iroa A HteeL com. . Hock Island, com 80, 0t4 0 2 Sontkern Pacific com... I aloe- Pacific,- com . .... V. 8. Rubber, com...... U. 8. Steel Co., com.... 184 . 'is' ' ..... Ml 47JJ 47 1081W do D referred .....,. 104 1044 Wahssh.. preferred 41 Total sale for da dav. 1.B.1A.700 aharea Call money epei ned at 13, high at 28, low kt S, closed at 13 per cent . TW TORX BOR-D SLARXTT. , New Tork. Dee. IS. Official price : -' Hid. Aak. RaTllngtna 1olnt 4a .....Bo.WVt ln.K U N. unified 4s 1.01 H 1.0S N. W. eons. 4 .Wl ' l.m Atlantic Ccaat call 4s .80 ,W4 0. K. K. 4a 0V - As) PORTLAND STOCK, MARKET Salsa Are Quit) Oood. but Jauxrket Is reatureless. AUkonob aalea were enlte fair, ther was no trading ef Importance ea the Portland Stock bxenange tnoaj. Bales were: BOO Alaska Petrnteam at B4e: SO aame at 1014c; S.tas) Uraat Northern at lc: H0 Copper-King at 27Hci 1.000 Associatad Oil at Sic. and 2 " Park Copper at 0)4. OfflcUl arlcs: x RANK STOCKS. Bid. Aak. Rank of California. SOS Bankers' Lumbermen. ........ ... Eirnltabl Saving a Losa ... Merchant' National IMt4 103 BT Oregon Trust A Having 1IO United Hlste national.......... wi BONDS. City a Hnhorbsa 4a as . or. 100 mm, . too si Columbia noutnern irrigaiioa s O. R. a N. Ky. 4 O. W. P. a Ry. 0 411 00 . 100 Portland Ky. be..... . . O. Lee Co. 0 ... MISCELLANEOUS STOCK. Associated OU ; 00 Home Telephone 20 J. C. Le 4to Oregon City Mill a Lamner..,., e Portland Height Imp. C Pacific State Tek-pbon. ...... . 10T M 110 DO 10 Pnget Bound Telephone Vaolua Ray Telepbooe . H ; B 03)4 MIMNO STOCK S, Alaska Petroleum ............. Colutubla Amal British Yukua J$ OS 13 ,. 10 . 02 OoH 02 20 . 17 03 10 OS 02 i 8 13 . IS lot 1IU o.i S in. 10 , ORKi os 011)4 , on 12 ' . or. 11 ta NS . t.UO Cascaills CopperiiDOlls ..... 01 02S & 10 01 II 01 ti ' It os '0214 23 '4 10, is Dixie ileailows .. Frselsnd Cos. .... Osllsber , Ool.omla ........ (loldflrl.1 Trotter , (treat kortbern llol.len Iee Creek Uold. Mammoth ....... Morning North rsirvtew . , Oregon Hecnrltlca Kambler-vsrinuo . Standard Con. ... Tacoma Steel COEt'S PAI.ENI PISTBIIT. Alameda .......... P.IllOe ..y........ Burke .......... Corner King .... Oerth-. Happy Day Missoula Park Copper Mineral Farm ... Monmouth - Nonpsrlel Copper Reindeer Ruth COB. Bnowalio .......i Snowstorm ...... IS ... 10 ... 02 ... 34 ... Id ... Oxi ... 00 ... 00 ... n 14 ... 04 0314 ... 00 ... 10 ... 70 ...1.00 yORTLASD BARK STATIlfENI. Clearings today .... 4'lar1iigs yens go Tll'lllllfltiH .$1.17tl.2flO.M .tio.os Osln tods; toda y .' .' .' ." .."."!.'.""!? 87D1V2.78 14U.T24.1S Bala Sr. MaMa tha Orator. (Joamal Special Service ) 4ve4gor-'l Hir-UeHJrt BVshwaSTtT flrat convocation of the Unlveralty of Chicago was held today. The Convoca tion address was delivered by Dr. Ham ilton Wright stable, -associate editor of tha Outlook. . v PICKETS FAIL iiira DESERT CARS Attempts of Strikers at Mil- waukle'Cif Barn to Oet Em ployes to Stop Work Do Not Meet With Success and They : Leave. Attempts on tha part of tha union men to make tha men at tha Mllwaukle ear barn a gn on atrlka this niornlng met "with failure. Tha union men were forced to quit their- efforts, aod tha cara warn running regularly all day. Tha union mea made their fight at tha Mtlwaukl barn early this morning. And aa result loat out completely. They gathered about II or 10 pickets and waited for tha motormen and eon 7rogToTS''SWTTi6y ' eULm "RPniVTItrfiS. All their 'attempta to make tha man leave their poattlona proved unavalllnt" and they war forced to give up tha fight for recruit to tha atrlklnf forces after an hours work. Tha O. W. P. platform man rafuaed to have anythlnc to do with tha atrikera and said that they would not leave tha company' employ until forced to. There waa no effort on tha part of the pickets to uaa force, and when the regular time came tha men left on their cars.. The seTawttrnnf 1ntwprnHil ltiaigluiU tha day. rteketa Orawred x ZeBavw. Although the pickets persisted ; In hanxrtnr around the barn for several hours they accomplished nothing, and were finally ordered to leave. Thev did so, and returned to strike headquarters, where they reported that they, had been unable to accomplish reaults. So quiet had been the affair that many of the employes at tha -barn did not know that tha strikers had been there, while Inhab itants of Mllwaukle were equally igno rant of tha work of tha strikers. Aa on man put It: "Everything was quiet on the Potomac" It is believed that tha strikers will give up their attempt to tie up tha O. W. P. line for the present, because of tha failura this morning. Company of ficials were Jubilant because of tha eaay victory ' they won over the strik ers, and say that tt is only an Indica tion of what will happen on all tha lines in tha city. ..... UPPER RIVER REMAINS -A? GOOD BOATING STAGE jHeayyRaInsiriJSIearwater Hefp . Notes of Railway Construction. ' (Special PhmatcB te The JoaraaL) Umatilla. Or., Doc. it The upper Columbia ateamera ara full of byslness. using supplies to ine various camps In contemplation of the freese-up. Tha Norma haa lust returned from Celilo, where aha went to take on a Cjload . o t ' com en t.- after- dl strtbn tJng - load of supplies. The .Yakima Is proving aa Immense success as a low-water freighter. Bha has lust rsome from Faseo with 190 tons of freight-over Homily rapid, although other boats refused to mako the trip two weeks ago. Tha graders are making rapid prog ress and it is estimated that two - thlrds of tha grade is completed between Kennewick and Umatilla. It is under stood that track-laying will begin at Ksnnewlck January tf Tha 700-foot tunnel at Expansion, opposite. Umatilla Junction, Is .a slow proposition. Work hss been In progress there since Febru ary and It will be three months yet before It Is completed. Tha river still remains at a good boating stage, falling very slowly. Snake river rose a foot yeatsrday and Is very muddy, indicating heavy rains on tha Clearwater. There has been but very little cold weather so far, but old-timers are look ing for a cold winter. Immenaa flocks of. geese frequent the river, in numbers far beyond , anything ever seen within tha memory of tha oldest residents. MELBA'S SON WEDS 7 - MISS RUBY OTWAY ( Jourosl Special Service.) London, Dec IS. The wedding of George Armstrong, son of Mm. Melba, and Miss Ruby Otway proved to be one of the prettiest weddings of th sesson so far. Ht. George's church, Hanover square, where the ceremony took place, was filled with a brilliant assemblage that included, many persons of note In th world of society, art and music. The bride, who Is not yet out of her teens, looked extremely pretty in an elaborate wedding gown set off by mag nificent Jeweled ornaments. ' Th bridegroom hss Just turned 1. His father Is Charles Armstrong, young er son of Sir Andrew Armstrong, to whom ths famous prima donna was mar ried In 1883. Young Mr. Armstrong spent some time ranching in Texas. Bine his return to England he has de veloped political ambitions and .will shortly1 be a candidate for parliamentary honors. . . INSANITY ON INCREASE THROUGHOUT COUNTRY (Journal Special Service ) Waalilngton. D. C. Dec 18. Accord ing to a report Issued by the census bureau. Insanity Is on the Increase in ths United States. The report shows that not only is Insanity on th ta crease, but it la Increasing more than In proportion to the -population. The figures show that there are, aa a rule, more Insane males than females, though In th southwest th number of insane females slightly predominates. There Is a much larger per cent of Inaana for eigners than of natives, and of tb for. elgners'the Oermans and Scandinavians furnish about .per cent One pecu liarity 4a that Insanity among th native-born population of mixed blood is very rapidly on th Increase. SAYS FUEL FAMINE IS 7 " FAULT OF DEALIRS Chicago, Dc !. William P. Rand, probably th . largest coal , mine opera tor of .iaipls.jsjs.thcrs.lg no excuse for th shortage of fuel In the north west He thinks the devlers of that section did not use proper discretion and buy for tha winter ahead of date tf delivery. . ' -V. . :::v .-. IP. THE CARS SOCIETY IMIOHT Positively ! Most Delightful J Skating Night o! the, Week. ; Special Music. New Skates , CHAKCELLOR DAY DEFEfiDS SIVOLLEH FORTUNES Standard Oil Protege Finds Only Greatness Among MuttU ; r Millionaires. - . i i1 Journal Special Servlee.l -44a Testa I.. i. sa Iks fortaonrs Ing laaue of Leslie's Weekly, Chanoellor Day of Byraouae unlveralty. ef which tha Standard Oil xifflcals are chiefly aupportera, again denounoea tha move" ment for leglalatlve control of great corporation. . a movement ha terms "mllUonaJre-phobta." . Ha says in part: "Courta of Juatloe ara dragooned Into aubservlency to executive authority, men being condemned without convic tion and told to clear themselves after they ara condemned If they want mercy. I rornmerrjtrafflrtra and manufacturer are placed under egplon ago and hauled, before tha courta and threatened with regulation by Social istic law until men no longer know what property Is or the rights of business, as once Interpreted by those principles Which were supposed to have been es tablished by tba wisdom of .the centur ies. ....-.,..-. . , "I predict that we are paaaing through an epoch tbat will stand in future times to our everlasting disgrace and shame. Wa aaa-phenomenally blessed by provi dence. Wa are steadied by tha calm confidence and signal ability of tha greatest men ever known In the com mercial world. But If thla mania con tinues It la not far on to a crash that will carry down all confidence, confuse all DronertT rights, block tha wheela of. an progreaa and wreck not only the millionaire's fortunes, but 'tha laborer's cottage. Tha . demand of tha hour la tha control of the controller. - Swollen fortunes ara a thousandfold loss dan gerous to our . land and people than swollen demagogy." . .. ASK GREAT NAVAL STATION ON; PACIFIC COAST Senator Perkins Urges - Upon Metcalf Necessity for Yard . Either South or North." , (Journal Special Serrtce.) Washington, D. C, Dec IS. Senator Perkins will urge upon Secretary of th Navy Metcalf th necessity for estab lishing at least one great naval station on. .th Pacific corast. It should be lo cated. Senator Perkins thinks, either at Bremerton or Mara Island. Senator Perkins la la favor of building govern ment vessels In the yards which he hopes will be established, and he would like always to ae at least on ahlp on tha Stocks. Ha Is also In favor of hav ing all th transports In tha Paclflo - f palrad at tha yard. Senator Perkins saya h will direct Secretary - Meteajfs attention - to th importance of having one half of th warships of our. navy on th Paclflo coast, which h would hav patroled from Puget aound to Saa Diego. Tha senstor does not think the United States is to have'trouble with th Jape, but 'he believes the country navaU strength In th. Paclflo ahould be in creased and fnalntaJnod on - general principles. HOUSE OF HARRY LYONS DESTROYED BY FIRE (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Salem, Or, Dec lt.-A-The farmboua of Harry Lyons, situated on th Linn county aide of th Bant lam river, oppo site Mehama, was completely destroyed by fir last night. Mr. Lyons' daughter accidentally dropped a lighted - match on her dress. Although she was aot burned, the fir spread until th entire buildtng with Its contents ' waa con sumed. , Thev fir atartad at about f o'oiock. Ther was no insurance on either th bouse or Its content, . . Th loas la estimated at 1S0Q. - ' . TESTING VALIDITY OF LOCAL OPTION IN OHIO (Joamal Special Servlee.l ' Cincinnati, O., Dec. II. The case In stituted by the liquor Interests to test tha constitutionality of the Alkln law, which Increased th llcenae to such in extent ss to drive a large number of as loona all over Ohio out of business, was nailed tn court her today. The brew eries, who are backing the teat case, al lege that from March IS until after April 10 .Governor Paulson waa utterly Incapacitated from performing or ex ercising any of his powers aa governor, and that the Alkln bill wss never pre sented to Jilra- u.j. i OFFICERS OF PENDLETON V ROYAL ARCH MASONS (Special Dlipatcb te The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Deo. II. Th following officers hav been alerted by Pendleton chapter, No. ti. R. A. M., for th ensuing year: C. E. Roosevelt, high priest; W. K. Brock, king; J. R. Dickson, scribe; Robert Forrester, treasurer; Jo K. Parkes, secretary; W. L. Thompson, cap tain df host; W. S. Ferguson, principal sojourner; Lot , Llvermor. royal arch captain; A. W. Nye, master of third veil: W. G. Ingram, master of second Veil; L. L, Mann, matter of first veil; J. L. Blair, grand. , ROAD ALONG SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOUNDARY (Journal Special Bertie. ' San Diego, Deo. II. A transfer waa made of tba rights of the San Diego Kaatern railway to John D Snrerklea and the Ban Diego A Arlsona Railway CompanJrV Jugt incorporated. Bpreckles will build" to' th Colorado TlvSr try'th southern route, which parallels the in ternational boundary from San Diego to Turns, passing through Imperial vat ARB RUNINIINQ JUVEMILE Tha children have been exeep "llonaily :well pfooldir"Yo7tthT yaar. Tha Rawest and best as wall as all , old favorites, ex ' quiiitely bound and Illustrated. can be purchased at trifling eoat Our table of old-fashioned Unea books Is moat Interesting ' . nix aad Aide OMwst aad Xrfuoreet Book Sellers i ., and Stauotterg, We Portland PORTLAND, ORBOOK. " EUROPEAN VLAM ONLY ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS D tUMMKKyiAll TRAVELERS, ' Everything to eat and drink, aad It coats no mora la tb PcrUana! Hoti RathskaSar thaa alaewhere in the wtty. Sheary weekday night from 1:10 to It, St O. SOWnS, laavausges. HOTEL EATON COS. MOaVBJSOir AMfO WTST VASS STS. NX w v'. " Ravowjuiely rural bad. -vAesestly-eewtwoed. Are proof, Sv ailnate' walk from kesrt of hopping cod kuslnma district, all largs, airy, outside Moss a, atesai kaa ted. sWetrlc light, telephone la sack apartSMat, etc. Large efScs. loanglng, amoklng, writing, ladlsa' reception parlors. Booasa reserved ky msll or telephone. y. rrivate ewnlBaa si set traias aaA tt asm, Room $L00 to $5.00 a Day ; Speaial Kates Oomnarslal JCsa. .. A. AB.MSTX0V0, rreprlstor. ITETTH r , lTrrOTFU7c fft01CTf i it vncniTAi cam nmx. laU ULll inLVU. BEnTUTS l reaxrv your bad teeth and broke i off Id one hofatly wltboat- pain. Tismlss- tloa and BAtlmat Frs. Work th Best. PrlcM tb Lowest. Solid Uold Crows. t: Btidre wars, 13.50 per tooth; Uold and Knsmsi filling, $1 aad up: Beat Rubber Plate. 7.M per Bti goad aet, to. PalnlMW El traction, viOc. Third aad Con ok Itraata, rtlaad, Orsga.a for Women Only ar. Sanderson's Compound savin and uotton Hoot mis. The best and only reliable remedy for DELATKD Pk;- DIlillH flitVA the vnnat nh. sflnale cases In I to 10 day a Prlc tl per box,' mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, IX O., ill rirst street, Portland, Oregon. SCHOOLS MAKE GIFTS FOR CHARITY'S SAKE i (Special DUrpsfr te Tb Jonrnal.) Milton, or., Dec. II. T Milton and Freewater publlo schools,, which took up a collection for the Roys' and dlrls' Attn, society - of Portland, hav shtppe.t out th following: Six boxes of canned and dried, fruit, 150 pounds of flour, four sacks of farina, two sacks of ap ples, ons sack of spples and vegetables, nine aacks of potatoes, four sacks Of squssh, one sack of cabbage and nearly II In money, , CONVICTED FOR MURDER v OF HIS YOUNG WIFE Minneapolis, Dec 11. Henry Bus man, aged 1. waa today, found guilty of second degree murder In killing his girl wife. ' He pleaded that sha was unfaithful. ' 'r', Onr for BpUapsy. ; JTTb". Waterman j of " Waterto wtinj-j Rural free delivery, writes: "jay dnugh- ter, afflicted for year with epilepsy, I was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bha haa not had an attack for over two , y.irs." Heat body cleansers and life giving tonio pills nn earth.. 2lo at Red tias . fharrrmov 'drus . etoee, .. .... .......- w, c t L.'a"w six a t""r' jla a it. I In I II W7