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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
A TUB OHECON DAILY ' JOURNAL PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, - DECEMBER 17; lflQg. AHY YOUIIGSTERS rjRITE 10 SMITH --rGLlUS-UIHIIE-JflUlWHL- SHIP for a sxilor, a! smoke for a smoker. That's this Christ- 9? mspiritr-- e-tll'thwr cinirs. A V- ev 'Young America Has Found That Santa Takes Tha Journal and ' That They Can Reach Through iWLet-X Si V. tare Tell of Childhood's tyany WantsV I4tUeXUudTrrhune of Albany haa lota of eompny- tbese daya when it eomea to wanting thing. . . few days a to Santa, CUua was thrown into fever of anxiety wondering what alaa ha should make the "gunboots" for which the little- fellow asked. ; Claudia quickly relieved "Sauda'a" aalnd on that eoore. but hla trouble through Claudia .had only begun. A great secret had been divulged as to the means of access to old "Sandy,'1 and since then "Sandy's" difficulties and correspondence , have greatly increased. - , Many little boys and girls think that Santa Claus has his headquarters near The Journal office and some of the tots have tried to reach the kindly friend os, hopeful youth through letters -sent to this paper. These notes of love and wants will be sent straight to Santa by aneclal messenaer. for it is getting late I ortlanL and the uliiilm i I I 1 1 I tTr-"Tnfrff I "- Santa-Clause way from the snowy regions soon. The - messenger will be instructed, under penalty of death, to deliver the mis sives Into the handa of the dear old chap, for everybody knows what it la -not to have Santa Claus come around because ha thought he wasn't wanted. These ere tha letters received today, the flrat from a well-informed child: - 'City Dec 17, 10I. "Dear Santa: 1 waa reading the Journal the other nlte and I found out that you tike tha Journal to I did not know that before and I and glad t found out rant it a fine paper Santa well Santa I really want a pair of gum boots to eight years old I live at 171 Ruseen." w : mimic BOH NH If AN." Little Francis Hill, trusting Implicit ly to Santa's Intuition, gives him no clue to his whereabouts, but there are ao many Hllla .and so many. Francises that the sleigh msy stop at ine wrong home.' He writes "I want a rhest of tools and a rubber bell and a box of enndy. "Good buy . .' i' : Vi" "From Francis Hill." - - Two other letters rams together and it Is presumed that Cora, without any back name, must , be the sister of Francis Norellus. -. And Cora is cer tainly modeat In her wanta and is will Ing to trust to Santa's taste after, he has given her whst she especially wants, She writes: I will tell you what I want for Christ mas. ' I want a Doll carriage and bring mo nuts and -candy a ad a story book and anything you want.- Good-bye. . . . . -FROM CORA. , And her little brother prints out hla note tu in cepiuiia; . . . "PORTLAND, DEC.' 10., "DEAR SANTA "DONT FORGET TO COME AND SCO ME AND BRI-INO A BOW AND AR ROWS AND 'ANYTHING ELSE TOO WANT TO ' ",,s-- ' :' ' ; ' r FROM -, : ' FRANCIS NORELirS tit K 13 ST N PORTLAND." a, . .4 k h . inliiiti ETER SYSTEM IS PRAISEDBY lllf.1 Dr. F. W. Vincent of Pendleton Declares That It Solves the ' i ;'. Water 'Problem.' ? KILLS OFF PRACTICE ; : ' OF THE WATER HOCS Distributes the' Tariff ' Fairly and Pleases Everyone Because It Is Just Allows - Cheaper Rates for Houses and Sprinkling; Purposes. , Pendleton man- LrwlXSheldT agar of tha Northwest Qaa Electrlo company, declares that Portland people are paying too much for. their water. Ha la a strong advocate Of the meter system. Several years ago, while mayor of -Pendleton. Dr- Vincent Installed meters on every service pipe . In. that city. "It la the only Just way of paying for water." ha said yesterday. "It is cheaper for the average consumer and Is equitable to everybody, as you pay for exactly whatwatar yo:ee: "When "TC was announced that the consumers wouia nave o w."" there were many-protests. at the ex ponas, but people now understand thai it la cheaner for them to have meters and they aro well satisfied. Under the old system of flat rate the minimum charge for a dwelling waa Now it ia tl. and hardly a houae in town paya more than that. Aa I remember it. tha meters coat about ft, and every consumer in Pendleton naa to ouy one, which was supplied at oost by the city ' -The eltv owna the water system and the well from which . the water ia pumped. The Northweat Qaa as Electric company oontracta to pump the water Into the mains at the rate of 1 cent per 1,000 gallons. There is a wastage which is hard to And. but to learn lust what It Is we will put a meter at the pump and the difference between the total amount anuwn uy uio consumers meters and the pump mater , will give the wastage. .. Decrease la ITtoe. - "We pump 1.000.004 gallons ' dally, more or less. That' costa the city tt.iOO a year. The two men employed coat the city $lt a' month. Allowing for depreciation, the water can be supplied the consumer at less than t cents per 1.000 gallons. -1 -understand that your heaviest consumers here pay for water 1H cents per. 1.000 gallons, while the email consumer pays 10 to SO cents per l.etto. gaiiona r it 'seems to me mat water . supplied by gravity as. yours Is here - can be furnished .even , cheaper than It is handled by power, aa at Pen dleton. I can see no reason' why your ratee here should be ao high. - "But it la necessary te put metere on every . service pipe: , you can't meter eorae consumer and not all of .them., , I don't take any stork In the proposed scheme of paying water rates by taxa tion,, .mere lent a single good reason for It. "As to sprinkling, it 1a Impoealble te force people to sprinkle only during oar tain hour a Under the flat rate System In Pendleton sprinkling waa permitted only at certain times and aa a result nobody got any pressure and the lawna dried up. There were too many people drawing from one main at . the same time. , , -,- , "Under tha meter system voir" can sprinkle at any time you wish and there Is pressure enough for everybody. And the water hog does not bide his hose under the bushes and let It run all night not If he knows he must pay for every gallon ho usee measured by a meter." . . ' - ,- s LADD ESTATE FILES PROTEST WITH AUDITOR The estate of W. 8. Ladd. by W. At. 1-edd. filed a protest with the city au ditor this morning against the viewers' report on ' the opening of Oak street Lot t of block 14.- Portland, owned by this estate, is credited with 11,000 bene, .fits -by the viewers. 1 This means the estata would have te pay that amount to compensate other property owner for damage to their property. The open ing of - Oak afreet through to upper Washington -is petng warmly advocated by soms property owners and as atrong- iy opposed by others. . , r. Oaka RlQk-.., ' Tonight will again b society night at Oaka Rink. The big rink and tha event la eagerly anticipated by a Mr The eare will run aa usual every 10 minutes. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY ..CRnKGES: OVERS'. M. Rosanbaum and I. ' Loweh , ; gardt Cet Lot . Between. Oak and Pine. ' ', y ..: ..'If. Roaenbaum 't and V Lowengardt eloeed a deal Saturday for a fractional lot on. tha west aide of 8lth street, be tween oak and Pine, for 171.000. 8. T. Look wood was the former owner. The sale was made by Russell At BIythe. this is the same piece that was re ported sold to Prank Baker a few daya ago, but there waa aome misunderstand ing about, the contract and. the eale failed to go through. . The sale Just made waa at an advance of IS.000 over the reported eale to Mr. Baker.. -. C . K. Henry ' aold Saturday , for Dr. George A. Harker a lot and two-atory brick building en the east side of First street. SO feet north of TamhllL i The consideration was . 160,000. - The pur chaser ocai ii-tr, -r" AT THE THEATRES. aeee name I wm. m j. mm mm. I turn iniiir himuo Alberta Oallatia at HeUIf Tmlht. Tke elevwr artreae. Alhrt ISallaHit m- .m! Reeter! drasiatiaatios of Charlee Major's e- maDin mm iwf, "voraay versea or jHaadoa Mall," win be tbe attractlea at tbe Helllg Ibeatre tosisbt. Taeeday ead WedneedayVltlita arrnim are iiiaiorIse, lljealiK , ,m "Yankee Consul" Seat Sale Tomorrow The advance east sale will japes ' tomorrow moraiag at 10 o'clock st the sox off Ire ef the Helllf tbaetea, ronrteesth end Waakuirtoa atreets, for the awry sincleal miiai ilj . ''The Vtakte Oooeal. which eomtis te the above theatre seat TbaraOar. yvMay and Sararday slsbta Deeemher aa, St see tt. with s apwUl prlee siatlnee Satnrday. Tbe eaaie )olly coete dlaa, Harry SborV. es AbUab Beast, la with tbe company. , .... "Tha Heir tohe Hoorah" Sunday. The Aellrhtrnl eoaiedy. The Hair te the noarah, with Ony Batee Peat asd aa escelltnt enppartlng eomnaay, will be tbe ettraetlea at tbe iielllg theatre for fnsr alcbtm, eeclnelDg seat Sosday. Deaeatber 2S A special aatioee wUI be gives Carietmae sfteraeoa. . - "A Bachelor's Romance This week at tbe Baker Bttle lfarlbal St, moor Is trlpptnf late tbe heerre ef tbe big aueiescee. H.r work asd that ef Kraeat Heat Inn. Oosald Bowles.- William Dllla aad tbe Uieaaone la -"A Bacbekw'a Bonasce" la worthy of special attestton, This sweet play has bees compared favorably with - tbe famous "Wees We Were Twraty-One." It has the aaallttee whleh made that slay the rate ef tbe Bag liio epeakuig etorM. ' . v , .. . "Faust" at tha tyrlc' ,! ; v Tbe Lyrle ia living the nubile the beat show ef Itt career tbls week Is the nasalfk'eat pro dnetka of the hasMrtal .'Ttot." .State aet tints are twiom and tbe, Brorkea scene lm nrewlve. Iveak rannlng appeara ae Mrphltto, wilnc the venioa ef the late Lewie Marrana. wheae noderetady rtnnrnt was for many years. MM WiMi Howard makes a beautiful alar giMrlte. Tbe ether favorites of - the eempaay have been well east. ITanet" wO.1 be the bill all week,, with a matinee dally. , ., ; ". ' , "New Bill'- at'.Pantages. 'J'f Jeanette' taerelle. - with the " terteeaa and nectarnler specialty, "lie Cell." epeas ss the feature eet at the Peatasee (beatre for 'the week hflalnt today. It le 'eae ef the re. markable acta ef .be aeaeoa. An added feature kt tbe Manteas acrobats (eoartetl, sreateat of acmbeta Other acts: La Mar, moaoloylati tns Resals. eoaedlana; W. D. rollard,. eccea. trie Jutfler; Lee WhUe. nmatrsted aaof , sad the blocrapa. "Aato fhlevee." a sew drama from tha of the well-knewa Peetfie eneat draaatlet. lerbert Beahfard. -author of '"Tbe Uonorable New Bill at the SUr. ' .' Toslfht asd in week the A tin stock' eea pan? at tbe star tbeetre will present "Tbe Heritage ef tbe Red, Kr Jobs Sort a." Tbe play waa written especially fat Mle Versa relton. the young Medina wom an of the Alias company. "The Uerlure ef tin Bed" tails tbe atory as eeaters enilete mas who falls hi love with a western girl sup. poeed te have Imliaa Mood la her veins. ," At the Grand., Tbls day epess a sew 'vaedevllkv entartahv meet st the Urand end mm which nphoMa the reputation ef tbe boeae for steeestrng esly tb beat obtainable epeclaltlee. Mr. aad Mr. Per kins rtaher, the noted cnaracter playera bare the beaollne soeltlaa wlta thW rural earned. The Half-way Hneaa." arrtttas by Bars Ken dall. Tbe three HIHoss, tbe sreateat Mcyrle act pmnabty la etletesce today, are the added attract loo. , SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX ' ELECTION AT BAKER IHpecUl DMeatet te The JonraaJ.) Baker City. Or, Deo. . 17. On tha question of a levy of 122.000 to provide foe the current eapaaesa of. an Improved school ' ayatem for the coming year,- a special election will be held here Satur day, pecember 2X when-the texpayOre will tote on tbe propoeitloa, i . . Some of our best brands of cigars are packed 25 in a box especially for the eft-gi vinff teaton. Businest houses Vrliich maVe. Christ--, "Trias stnbubons to em ployes and cuilomers find these packings juft what :: ; they want , "' Any of our stores will', send a man to your office " to show samples and quote --prices. Prompt responses to telephone or poital card' Calls. - . ' We handle thousands of . holiday orders in this way. , 1 Moftly our cigars are of famous brands, so that in .giving the choice is easy, and in getting, satisfaction is assured. ': : We donV talk about '' cigars because they are ' cheap, but sell good cigars ' at prices no one matches. ' Evervthing else besides . cigars that smokers want Humidors, Cigar. Cases, Iobacco Jars, Pipes, etc. IaU Orders ailed a store- prices -ivery chsrees prepaid. United - Cigar Stores Co.. Mail Order Servfce . &nsV U0. 14114S West 17th SU N. Y. CIGAR STORES COMPANY SOI WASHINGTON STREET. 147 THIRD STREET. GOOD TIME Bowls Along From San Fran- lsco-torAstoria"1hn5peer of Passsngsr Steamer. -7- WILL LOAD WHEAT AT PORTLAND FOR CHINA Japanese Steamer Shibatu Mara De layed and Waterfront Thieves Get , Away -With Cash , Belonging to Purser Bessie Dollar Sails. That' the Norwegian tramp steamer Chris ' Mlchslsoa Is not eo Blow waa illustrated this morning by her arrival at Astoria from. San Francisco. She waa expected to reach tha mouth of the river eome time today, but with good luck It will be possible for her to drop anchor In the Portland harbor before midnight ' Ordinarily tt takee one of the tramp steamers between four and five daye to make the nan up the eoaat. The Chile Mlohslsea left San SYen Cisco Friday morning under charter to Balfour. Guthrie and oorapany te load wheat, here for the orient. She will carry away about t.000 tons. . The big British steamer Bessis Dol lar, which sailed from Portland on Bat urday with a cargo of wheat for Bhapg- nau crosses out . yesierasy - afternoon and la now bowling along towards her destination. The Japanese steamer Shi batu Maru did not finish hsr cargo of flour and wheat at the elevator yeeter day as was e peeled, but may get away this afternoon. . . The purser of the Japanese craft will long remember. Port land because early yesterday morning waterfront thlevea entered hie cabin and got away with cash to the amount of about t20. - They also took a gold watch belonging to the veaeel'a physician. " . "- T No word has yet been received ef the Japanese steamer Ooto Uaru. which la due to arrive bare any day from Japan via. Honolulu. She te a larger carrier than tbe Shibatu Maru. ' COMES FOR LUMBER WeU-Xnewm Barkeatlaa Xs Si Front Stenelnln. 1 The barkentlne Echo has been placed en the list of lumbsr droughers en route to thle port. She la now at Honolulu but haa been flxed to eome hare to carry lumber to San Francisco. , , . 9 The Echo la one or the camera taking lumber almost regularly out of this port for California. - 8be haa bean hare a number of times and ia almoat ae well known aa .waa the old bark Coloma which waa loet In the hurricane ef week before laot , . , NEW PROBLEM TO SOLVE of -the lewertrh-'tewwedJhaTiTig" been in company wltn a aismaaien vessel ror three dnya last week off the Washing ton coast. Prom thd description it ia not believed that the derelict waa the 1 for Christmas Shoppers Come Again today crowds that pack this great store from end to end. At every counter, in every sisle, everywhere in the house, are thousands of bargains, snd everytning at reaucea Pp. I I n k w V see- sw . - " m t I iil till I 11 C s. EBBBBriKaEr?: ""T -w a..wvar I k sasl va.argaSMSBBiLU IIS All Christmas Goods Must Go Not a single dollar's worth to becarried over a clean sweep is to be made, and here'a prices that prove this to be the greatest sale of holiday goods ever held in this city. COME, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WALK. These bargains aro worth coming miles for. JTHtt TMK " 1 TO ONYAMHILL Open Evenings llntU Xmas ;The; Auction Handkerchief Sale Drawing the Crowds -Thousands Packing the Counters The finest, tha best,' tha handsomest Christmaa Handkerchiefs, and every one at half and third prices that's why clamoring crowds are snapping up these bargains as never before; for it's here, and here alone, that tha greateet Handkerchief Sale of tha decade is in progress all kinds, all styles, in finest Swiss Embroidered Drawnwork and Fancy Effects; 50,000 Handkerchiefs in all to go bunched in three great lots, at figures that give yon two w three for the usual price of one. , v - ;-r, , , . . ; ;.. , Vandkerchiets Three 'thousand dozen of them Women's Embroidered, Drawnwork j t? t?rr- u it : . .n ana rsnty jciicct iiinuKiuucii n perfect, every one made to mm ; sell at 10c snd 15c. Buy all r you want no limit. Choice N-ew OiL For 25 & 30c 2 Handkerchiefs Not a single one worth less than 25c Finest of Swiss embroidered, in fancy ef fects, dainty, and elegant g f styles; positive 25c and up I m ,'C to 30c vals. All in 1 lot, and ' m tf. every one at hslf price and less . ; 25 C For Reg. 50c Handkerchiefs All the finest Christmas Handkerchiefs; all 39c and up to .50c values; elegant bwus embroidered etfects, newest de signs, xouii ssy your self they're the biggest WS. W V pa, UC" 25 c Slashing the Prices on All Christmas Goods of barjcalrii Cloth- Fancy Medallion Pictures Horsy a few out of the thousand! Mens i-Rsad every word In handsome gold bOrniahed metal frames. 0c to $1X0 values. . , Choice ' 69e and ...... 23c Christmas Suspend.ers In fancy boxes, all fancy styles, worth up to 65c wtuie they ' last .. t e a 35c Bound Boohs For Christmaa thousands of them worth 50c and up to 75c -AH at, choice 19c -Fancy Paper Cutters Nicely carved, bronsed and silvered, worth as high as 75 cents. Your choice s man as 25c 75c and St Ink Stands In gilt and aluminum, beau tiful styles, all guaranteed 75c ana slot values. Choice aYwS aasiveVet .48c Tomorrow the PrlceCuttlng logins In Harnestw ThouaanjclsLlot- bample Pieces of Fancy Christmas Novelties At reductions that should make this section a regular beehive of activity. All samples, and you know samples are always best Now they go st just about half what these same piecea are selling for elsewhere. - . ' . . . , Xmas Mirrors 10fn FOR CHOICE liCf'sU V Worth to $1 -Allaamples-CIove ahdrHand1terchief Boxes, Match Sunda, Ink Wells, Desk Sets, Fancy Trays, etc a whole table full to go. Hundreds of samples to select from, worth to 1 1. 00, and there g plenty ot the S1.00 kinds, rick 'em out now at, choice a w sviVbK 48c fancy DesK Blotters Worth to $1.25 Just the thing4 for. Christmas gifts just what every man wants for his desk. Best of leather covering, silvered and lancy mountings, wortn up to $1.25. Choice 49e and rerea ana 23c THIRD Samples one, two at OFF . All Samples one, two and three of a kind. The best of Stand Minora of every kind oval, square and round shspes, metal frames. All samples, marked originally at wholesale cost. All now one third off the marked price. ALL SAMPLE TOILET SETS Every one marked down all the finest, all the best. 1 O f f i Select anv one wou want now at VAE A G REAT SILVE RWA RE SALE Thousands of pieces to go, and every one far under value. AH kinds, including Rogers' 1847, and on every piece a big saving. Special 500. Sample Doll Hats One, two and three of s kind, worth np to 50c. Choice . 18c T'ef IVI I n M TP A Qreat 2 Hour Sal 1 . vil lUni From 7 to 9 o'clock 5,000 Pounds" Worth 15c a pound from 7 to 9 tonight.. ....... i 10 . . 1000 Large 10xl2-Inch -Pictures- In gilt frames,-worth 15c While they A last, choice re. wwiu MO, l5c Crowds Buying These eESfp ":':-EVery '.Price Sam pi About Half It's the greatest Toy Sale ever held in this city, else why should Portland's shrewdest shoppers crowd this section to suffocstion? Samples, you know, are best, and the way we are selling them the prices are just about half. Come with the crowds tomorrow. Be one of the first to choose. Select the beet and finest of Toys at less thsn you ever paid before. The bargains that we offer for tomorrow will be the talk of the whole town before night eToys TOYS WORTH . TO 50c' TOYS WORTH TO 75c 19c 39c TOYS WORTH TO $1.50 59c TOYS WORTH . TO $2.00 98 c TOYS WORTH TO $3.00 TOYS WORTH TO $3.00 $1.39 $1.98 SsreUot Off ike Coast raralakee Sfa- - Serial foe Ceajsetarse, The British bark Olenetlcbt.. whleh ar rived at Astoria Ssturdajr flight, comes under charter to Balfour, Guthrie at Co. te load wheat for Europe. SH will be brought to Portland In a few daya to besln loading. Upon reaching Astoria captain Evana Lan4o4-herlntirter von Front street all bark sielanope which waa tosred into Astoria by the stssm schooner North land Wednesday night, because the derelict sighted by Captain Evans ap peared to be carrying cargo. There are two large cargo carriers wall due to arrive here, the British four maated bark Muskoka. from Hamburg, and tha French three-tnaated bark Gen eral de Sonla from Antwerp. Both bring eemenl. ' Tbe Muakoka Is now out ISO dnya and could have reached port sev ers! dsys ago had aha made an ordinarily quick voyage. Tha General de Sonla Is out 17S dsys from Antwerp and could also easily have rsportediefore this un less delayed by unfavorable weather conditions. MOSTLY TALXTODAY rosg-skoremea Sajoy "Base Steaday aad Discuss Strike. ' Thlngi are vary . quiet along the watsrrront ntinr rnornlnr owing to the fact that a number of the vessels wait ing -for dispatch were not, for, some reason or otker, ready for work. The result of thla waa that several hundred Idle longshoremen lounged about the morning, discussing the merlta of the streetcar atrlke. It la generally' conceded t : that j work along the waterfront has been more plentiful 'thle - season , than foe many years, eo that most of the men have had all the work they cared for. Tb car ahortag and tbe consequent 1qw arrival of -grain haa Interfered considerate- with the -loading of grain ahlpa In the harbor or there would have been more work than the present num ber of longshoremen eould comfortably have handled, ae union men declare. ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Harrlman liner Columbia, Captain Ooran, sails for Saa Franrlaco thla evening. . The eteamer Alliance Is scheduled to aall for Eureka via Cooe bay neat Sat urday night She le , due , to arrive Thursday night The steamer Telegraph has ' been taken off tbe Portland-Aatorla run for the winter. She waa tied up yesterday morning near tha yard a of tha Portland BhlpbuUdlng-eompany, -where she wUI be given a general overhauling befpre starting out next aprlng again, Tke steamer Escelslor arrived from Seattle yeaterday afternoon and tied up at the rallla ef tha Portland Lumber Company. he. will go on the way a "of the Portland fmlpbUIKTlng veinrasy soon for a general overhauling before going ia the lumber carrying trade between this port and 8sn Francisco, t Tha steamer Altona has been put on the Portland -lifeleo run. Tbe Oregona haa been placed on the Altona'a former run between Portland and Salem: The Harrtman liner Astee croaaad out over tha bar thla morning bound for San Francisco with a full cargo of gen eral freight The Aateo will go in the coffee carrying trade between Bert Francisco and points in Central Amer ica after having delivered the Portland cargo. She may return to the Portland San Franclaco run In the aprlng. The British ship He le wood, which ar rived at Astoria laat night, cornea la ballast under charter to load wheat for Europe. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Dee.. IT. Arrived down at 1 11 a. m. and aatlad at noon, steamer Astee. Left up at l:0 a. m., Brlttah ablp Olsnericht Arrived at :! a. m Norwegian steamer Christian sflcbel son, Irons SaA-Franoiaxev- Arrived at lt:10 a. m., steamer Aeuncton, from Sen Franclaco. Sailed at !:4t a. m., steamer Argyll, for Han Frsnclsno. Ar rived at 11:10 p. m.. steam schooner Nome City, from San Franrlsca. Crossed out st noon, a four-masted schooner. , Bun Franclaco, Iiec. 17. Arrived, steamer" Norllilah From Tort land. Ar-rl'-'ii, steamer Hnn Mateo, from Port' land. Arrived yeatarflay. Ilrh-V ;i. A-'-fla. I-iec. U Xa!li it t 1 Fre..,4 trk Uuruf-e, - V dom for order. Sailed at 10:10 a. m steamer Thomas I Wand, for San Fran cisco. Sailed at 10:ii a. au. staamer F. A. Ktlburn, for San Franclaco and way porta Sailed at 1:11 p. m Brit ten ateaarvr Bessie Dollar, for Shanghai. Arrived down at i p. in., steamer Argyll. Arrived down at p. m., schooner W. F. Jewett. Arrived at I p. m.. Brltlsk ahlp Halewood. from Valparaiso. ' - 8an Francisco. Dee. 10. Arrived, etesmer Casco, from Portland. - Man Pedro, Dec. 10 Hailed yeslerdsy, schooner I D. Foster, for Portland. Astoria, Dec. 17. Condition of tbe bar at I a. m., moderate; wind eaatj weather, light fog. FARMERS' INSTITUTE TO BE HELD AT SHEDDS ' pcl1 DKealck te T Inml l Shedd, Or., 1xm IT A farmere' .Inslj". tute under the nuaplcee of Difin Agri cultural college and the cm-ne .f flhediia will he heM hire 1 'ml'r IT. With seealons st 1 30 ami Ml p. i 1. Topics tor the sfi'TiKion e. i , "The lireft l''." K. T A " I: "l-.-rv-let,"- Wlll'nm . h'ltmerl. h: "rrnu ina". J'n.f"4iT.i;.. .'-:-'-( Agrlr iiMnrr.' IT n,)ie tli'-r. A ( th n1 a i hr..,!i, a'l t'"-" of I'v 1 4 C - r--; '!'- i