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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING.' DCrCMBER 17. 1803. NEW TODAY. ,,, u-r-n -MTm 'I'll J IVashingtdp. Property The Quarter Block situated at the southwest corner of Twelfth ' and Washington is for sale. For 1 particulars see 1 -: '' ; ,V- ."' Brooke & Kiernan ' 81 THIRD STREET WHEN a bank baa exist ed for twenty year a. publlo eentlment ' atn aunts not alone to perfect and' abeolute confidence, but to reverence and admiration. , Btronr and well-equipped, : proBTcaslT rat conaervatlre, OXJDBST TBTBT COaTT AST tl .ouoor . expeeta to continue to trow both In -Ita capacity and ita opportunity to aeree, and to that end Invitee the patronage) to which It believe It baa proved Itself entitled. bbsoubcbs otbs fi,too,oo& it pava I par cant Interest en chock accounta (even hun dreda) on .daily balances of 1600 or over: I per cent on ,a.vlnfs account; 2 to 4 per ""cent ottllme M'rtTHcaTea of- ' deposit, and from 1H tot per 1 . . cent on spool! certificates of . dopoalt payabla on abort no- , Uc.' - can for book of " .' ; v:v nuvarnaTioaTS.1 . Portland.Trast-. -Company:of-Orcgon: ' S. . Osraar Third aad Oakats.; fkoaa Ixcaaafe IS.1". "." BK. I. COrTBW.. H. U P1TT0CK... B. LEB PAGET... i. 0. GOLTBA PlwailtltSBt ......TlsPrMMeBt . AWTVtaaJ.f AT St. Johns 10 Acres $850 per acre, all ready to platr adjoining lots , selling from $400jo $500 'per 50x100 The best business lot in St. Johns. Price ?5,000. Richard Shepard & Co. ST. JOHNS, OR. STRIKE STRIKE While'' the opportunity la open atrllia tia now for a lot In tha beat Eaat Bide . location only : t fBOO, easy term a. ' Strike for on of tha many up-to-date "bonkAlowa-of-conaBeiTn the beat lo cation on tiie Kast Bide. Prices and terms are strictly within your reach. Call at our officea for further Informa tion. , : . Mclaupn;AHen& - Offloaa with ' Northwestern Guarantee 4 Trust Co. isjober Bsabamfa BUf 8. a. Cot. : " . , aVeooBA aad atark Sta. . FOR SALE 66x100 feet, on Kearney street. el " dAA ra. gafba.a ... wunin iw icci oi 2-itn ; will sell half. , F. ABRAHAM Washington St, PACIFIC 1218. Choice Lots Veer Ft Johna' $;8.t)0t new school , boSssv,. BmaU payneeeU dowwnd 4k per Bionth. Two iota in Minor' Addition Rlrar Viw IMS. - T. B. OOT.TTB, 1S Trailadslaisi SW, Bt. Jobba, Or. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE PLAINFIELD ADJOXnTXVQ BUCKM02TB aierloimna the 10 loci, mce H7,tOo-$4,Go6 cash, halnm nee in three) year a at per cant. This property ac quired by trtmt estate en foreclosure of mart rage. . For Bale at coat. FRED- KKICK H. STRONG. Truatee, at Ladd lUton a Bank. Kearney Street We ran give you a little leaa than a quarter block, close in - on Kearney afreet, at a flevr-e that will make you money. The nominal improvements pay over & per cent net and the incretiae In i-alye will be very rapid. Call ana get IrXVKX AOXKCT. 308 H Stark St. For Platting H acrea on St John Una, Juet be yond Piedmont Junction. Price 97,000. jr. h. nnjuomi oo., SIT Lumbar Eichana-a Bids;, 2t & Stark. ED. O. MAYOR, Manager. $30,000.00 FMn quarter block on Irvine; street -Hs la a chance to make good money In the Increased value while getttnr interest on your money. nm AanrOT, BOSH Stark Street. . WANTED Money to loan on mort gaga on Hy or Country property. . GRUBER, (IT Commercial Block. WEATHER REPORT. As 'ettraatre blab irre ef nut intenalty wlta the srrater 'portion f the ' montry. With emtrr aboat Bianarrk. North Dakota. Ita biriueare eitends freia tbe plateau rraloa eaat ward to the lower lakea. caualna cloar skies ad abaormallr low temnwatutra thronabont tbf t eatlre raatna. Freeitna tamneraturra net rvrrra as ar snare.. ta iu. vruie la tbe Itakolaa aad kloouaa and the adjacent Cana dian proTlncee the tenperatarM ranaed far below sero. A soodrrata low ara la noted omr northers Brlttab Colambla. - wblcb baa caaaM rloady sad taraatenlnf waatber orer thla dis trict. Bain area failles at time of report at Tatoosh Island. Kortb Head aad Portland, and snow at Kpokane. Another dlararbance ererllea eaatera Taantsa.a. aad llrht te aioderata rains bare fallen ever tbe. sulf and mind la Atlantis tatee. In the north ra part of thla rale area in prwipiuiiioa was la the Torn or anew. The tadiratlone nolat to rain or-anew ton lent sad Tneadar Ihransboat tbla district exrept la Snnthera Idaho, where It will be fair tontfht,. miowea dj enow joesaay. ULMtiaiioas taaea at a a. tn., rscinc time: TesiB.- Max. , , Mta. Prtclu. Baker City, SO 40- 2l .6 ".0" Boatoai. ktasasriiaaerts: Chicago, Illinois laBTer. Colorado . 4 . 84 , M . 4 . 7 . 42 .. 48 . 50 . sa a fV9 ' ,. a .. nz M U 30 40 . eo 4 40 4 sa , 44 S8 28 44 28 S .0 .n o . .Kt .?a .10 ,o . .04 .50 .18 .0 M Kansas City, Missoorl.... lios An!, California... New ttrleaaa. Lonralana.., New York. New York..... Portland, Oregon Roar barf. Oresoa ,. t. Loaia. Mlassnrl.. ha rraaelaro, 'California. Rait Lake. I tab pokaae, Washlnrtaai Tacsana. Wash Inr ton 48 S4 so Walla Walla. Waabhurtoa Waahtnstoa. D. O MARRIAGE LICENSES. Key P. Croahr. 10U First street. 2: Iratna at. uetty. 1. tealle A. Bailtb. 28; I.tale W. Davta. IT. Caarlea lndsb-ra. 2ba Adams atraeL. M: Mlaaa Baokaja. 20. Weddlne- Cares. W. O. mirk A Ce.. lectoa bide., ear. r earth sad Wasblastoa ata. TONSXTH ft CO., IXORI8T8. rOB FLOWEKI or au kiNDa. lxs sixth t. rail dries salts for teat, all si ass UaJoae Tailoring Ce.. Sot Stark st. BIRTHS. PTPwrieB December 10, t fr. aad Mrs. 1 . O. rtandac, ronUad- AUfralty boariial, UNDERTAKERS. Flora! deal saa aad eat ewers caa be sea. eared from ua at any bow ef alcht er day. - Pbone Mala IM. Uotfaua Bros.. Tot O Ilea a. Daaalnf, lfeBatee A Ollbantk. sadertakera sad smbsl i law is s: ssodara la every detsIL Beveetb sad Fine. Mala 40. Lee eeslaiaat. A. B. Reawtock, andertsker aad embalmee. East Tblrtaeatk and LasatlUa sre. Pboae SeU wood TL Brtcksoa Vaesetaklag Co., Bad embalming, eta) raeae Mala bus. Lady assistant. J. P. Fin ley tons. Third and Madison sta. Of tee ef eeaaty saroase. Pbeaa Mala a. ' r,rrt. oral eealana. Edward Belamas. aaderUker, 220 Third at. Brvxa thw cxxxtuy. Smgle grares. $10. Family lots, 1100 te $ 1,000. Tbe only cemetery la Portland wblcb p-r-prtaslly malatalna sad cares tor lota. For fall la forma tie apply te W. B. Mackeaate. Wor eeeter block, city. W. M. Ladd. presldeat. BOIS CITY CEMETERY. Single graves, $3 te M; fsmily lots $21 to 17ft. Esst end Fremont at., corner of I 'nil frond; ' ennsrlntendent st cemetery. Pbone Tsbor ztio. ror rau inrormstion tpply- te Frsnk rh legal, 602 Cbmmercuil blk. Pbone Mala 2833. For abstracts, title fnearaeee er mortgage sane call on Pacific Title A Trust eompaay, 204-A-t-T Fslilng building. I Get yoav tnsursnce snd sfastrscts te real estate from tbe Title Guarantee A Trust eosx- pssy, 140 Wsshlngtoa street. NOTICE. NOTICE Annual meet big of River View , Ceme tery association Tbe aaanal meeting of tbe members ef Blver View Cemetery ssenulstloa will be held st the hank of I .sod A Til toe oa Monday, tbe fourteenth day of Jsnnsry, 1 POT, st 8:30 P. m. A genersf sttendnnre Is de sired. All ownere or fsmily lots In tbe ceme tery are awsibere of tbe sssoelatloa snd ea titled to psrtlrlpete. . WILLIAM B. MACKENZIE, Clerk. B. W. WELLS Is Is BO way connected with this compssy. Northwesters Ouarsutee tt Trust Co. EXCAVATING snd grading. C. B. Pottsge, Pbeee Beat tit. 4SB Commerrlsl st WANTED Bids for clearing 8 seres of lead. sll st Denver see. end bleaoennoa St. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNS LODGE NO. 111. A. 1. ss4 A. M . Stated , moalcatlon this tMoadayi e ren ins at T:30. F.lecUea of officers, ' I'Symcat of dues .aad buslaeea , of importance to come before the looge. sieaoera sre earueeuy re eaosted te be present. - C. E. MILLER, Secretsry. GENERAL RELIEF COMMlTTEEv I. O. O. T. Members will Odd Fellows temple st 1:30 a. m. tomorrow Tuesday for the purpose of conducting the funeral of our lste proxoer, 4. e,. 1 uoerwooq, 01 ami aiuge Jo. IKS. Kent, w ssb. Serncve st Dusnlng, M Knlee A Gllbsugh'B. Interment st Lone I'h remefery. All members of tbe order Invited to surnu. e. v n v. . .1 , set iviary. NOTICE. Tbe aneeal atorkkolders meeting ef the Good Hope Oild aad Oh per Mining snd Is veioping compsnr win oe aeia at ins eom psny a effb-e. Vancouver. Waehlagtoa, ns Tueedey. Jsnnsry A IMUT. st 2 p. m.. for tbe electleo of officers for the en.nlng year. WILLIAM J. WALTEH8. Secretsry, M. W, A. EVERGREEN Csmp. t,4na. meets Wedneedev eeealng. AUsky bids.. Tklid aad Mecrbwa sta B. W. A., Oeegesilrape Csmp. No. ATi. Moa- says, nth sad MArssAili tiveve weieesse. lpst And found. FOUND A plan to have hair mcrtrtaseee rene- vstee ana returnee aame ear. rt rrsst at , llsla 474. Portland Curled-Uair Factory. U. ateisger, proprattur. LOHT Hearf" PUi'i"rVllltr"aoi'rH ' chain I wtKmw eis - win,- - . -. .. . LOST English setter dug-, whit with black . nl brown enots. Betui a 1 1X13 Droit art. or poo a (ut oorr, ana receive reward. LOST Paz terrier pup 1 reer eld; black left . ear. Urea blark aput on Wt side, lli-eitas No. ) I. .110. asms en collar "Claude ftrnlib. 103 North 2i'd." Keturn to shots address or phone Mala 341. Reward. LObT A green ehatelalue wstrh attached te , a amall wit purse, between. East l.ltb and 2ith and tlia ltaee Una road and Burnelde at. Keturn te Kaet 11Mb and Davis. Reward. HELP WANTEIWMAI.K. WANTED at eaca Btaee-bolt cattera, wsfee i.u pee corn; ateaar wora. Apply west ern Cooiwrsse Co., btearna Bldf., Fertlaad, or uouitaa, or. , . MEN AND WOMEN te ktara barber trade In elfbt weeks; rradoatea ears from (IS l 12j werbly: espeit lustra ctors; eatslocae fr. ' Uoler Srsiein ef Cellegaa. 3ft North Fourth : au. PwtUud. . , . WANTED 10 mora solicitors: beet position in Portland; mea ar nisklng ft dallr. sail ansr buoo. uin atara si. TJnterflcttr- 1 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free smDlormeDt to oar Mtrose. ." Weeklr ratret . Boom, 11.23 up; roust ss board. tl.W up. Andarwa, proprietor. AGENTS wanted, - On-itoa. California. Idaho, Wasblnaron: beslth and accident tnseranee: ' old rellsble company; good contracts; infer ence rrqtitred. I'nlted btatee Health A Ac cident lusuraore Ce., Marquam. - WANTED Two or three ftrst-elaes. sll sroond . aucaloe men; psrmaneat pisltlon, good wsaaa. Oragos Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED First rlssa apholsterer and drsper; prrmsnent position; tbe beat wages. , Appij at 4KI Hoyt atnet. . WANTED Salesmea; many make 100 te SIM per moats; some eves more;, siocs ciesn; growa on reaerratloa. far from old errbards; cash edraneed weekly; ehelca of territory. Address Wasbtsgtna Norssry company, Top panlab, Washington. . DON'T work for s srosli salary; sea or write rsdfle Aid association fu a soad prepuai tleB. 24 Lumber Kxcbange. WE set work tor ear members: aeeclal mem bers, u. Y. M. C. A, roartk aad YamblU. . SALESMEN Experienced spedsl contract men; siuo per month and commission, noaarrra tire Mutual Life In sura ore Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED A neat appearing man for steady posiiioo; gooa wages. Apply xu eoaria h. DO yea want to make $300 par week Ym eaa oo so. can and see me ror particulars. Kewman'e Motion-Picture Machine company, 143 H blith, cor. Alder. WANTEDMeb M-learB-tar plcrure marblnes; lessons resaoaable; learn bnslaeee la abort time; graduates earn $2b te M per week. 1454 Sixth St., room 2. WANTED A wood-turner. Apply 230 Front st. TWO solicitors ea epeclsltles. Call 263 Third st. BOY WANTED Must be a good penman: bring written application, etata age aad ref erenree. Dayton Hardware Co. WANTED Experienced qaarts miner, also maa need to worklag aroanda smelter. Address Z TS, care Journal. WANTED 15 solicitors for wboleeale-bonse. $3.30 te S3 per dsy. Boom 81, Commercial Hotel. 488 Wtshlngtesv at. WANT boy to learn tha drug business; esst side preferred. Aaorese ' w 73, csre Journal. WANTED Bleekemttk te do Job work aad s practical jt-orsesooer.' w, a. uowiit, Mania villa. Or. .....,.. OFFICB bu aad assistant bookkeeper: good penmas; stste sga. expwieeee. salary sx peL-ted. Address 2 72, cars JournsL ' 0 HELP WANTED FEMALE. IF YOU" WORST, why not earn more tbss s tiring T ' Be Indepeodent; do good. Tbe VUel Co. already employs l.CO wsmsn; tbe work r - coeers 23 countries of tbe world; we wilt P. entertain af plicstloas fro re capsbls women; not canvassing, bet helpful, -olgalnad work. Address by nisll enly. lbe Visel Co.. rooms 204-t-a-T Tllford bldg., 10tb sad Marrkwa. HOMB LADIES AOENCT. MBH Fourth st.. corner Morttaua. apataxnv Pboae Mala oS3. Alongside tbe Y. M. C A. bldg. OIKIA WANTED Operstors to work sa shirts and overalls. Leesoee glvea te Inexperleaoea. Apply at Dtasderd factory No. 2. ttraad are. and East Taylor st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. SeAUj Wash Ingtoa St., cor. Meveaih. apstalra. Pbeee remaie s.ia waatea. WANTED Olrl. cbocoUta and boa-boa dipper. Apply 408 Wsshlngtoa st-- FEW ladles ' wasted te ssslst tasktag easy fsscy work spsre time st Some; good stesdy I pay; no experience roqnlred. gza rMianer bld f , 4117 Wsihlsgtoa st, WANTED Olrls. experienced paperbox -makers. Amerlcaa Chicle Cft.. 31 North front St. WANTED Girls, experienced papeebox-askars. Amerlcaa Chicle Co-. 31 North Front at. FINISHERS and operstors en peats. 20T Ceov- saoaweaiin oiag., bixib ana Anseny sis. - WANTED A girl for general housework and cook lag. ,304 Wheeler et, . mono cast levi. GIRL for eooklng. wages $30. 470 Hoyt St. Pbone Mala lwx aecvaa girl sept. SOLICITORS Good proposltloa. Angeles Bta- dlo, 002 Goodnongb bldg. OOOD salary and share of profits te lady with $2"0. For particulars addreea u so, Jouraau MALE AND FEMALE HELP. G. Drske, 20CVk WasklagtasAat. Pselfie 137a SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. n 1 . 11. 1 1 -i- - i - - WANTED Position by sober, rellsbls, s crura te accountant : experienced m inauranca. ah- e tract aad offlcul office work. .Address B WANTED Poslttoa by reliable pharmacist ef eiperleace; regletered la Missouri m years. Address A TT, care journal. MAN. sanitarium experience, opea assist m aaeeaeat 01 urge ooaraing nouse ana make klineelf geserslly useful. Address S 7$, cars Journal. GENERAL boase cleaning and an klsda of isaltor work, roone raeiiw in, si, jnomp- BOB. 'WANTED A BoeltJoa In a gsneral store In tbe country; em scquainica who rne rais be business also. B 72, care JouruaL WANTED Position by a sober maa; expert horsrmaa and driver; wages not material, Pbone East 3t4 urxUMTKRED ttbarmsrtaf. 12 reere experleoce. amWrstauibi photo supplies, aante poallloa In dir. B ttt, rare journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Posltloa as nana: graduate A inert can Training School, Chicago', eondnereent cases a specialty. L, I. llouck, 131 M L'aloa ave.. room 37. WANTED AGENTS. ' AOENTt Csarsseers. mixers, peddlers; solfcf. tors, msll order people, etc.. should bee Kramer's Book ef Trade Secrete; refill. r price $3, bat balance et last edltloa for $1.28 as long ss tney istr; gnsrsuieeos oruer quick Skus Pub. Co., sutheriasa. lows. AGENTS WANTED to sell sue enmnlete line ef hixb-grsne nursery stocxi oetnt Tree; cssn ekly. Address Capital pity Nursery Co., "Bxrem,"t OB t people to sell a trie kollday aosp, 100 . per centi slee le city and country for good r . 1 , . .1.1 u mH.u inene-in ,royjl loss Tklrd . . mm SB. S ,.. , w I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. REU t'KOSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Loxxlug eauia aad farai belp a eoeejalry, SO Nortb Seeoad St. Pheoe Mala kUM. Ke pay all telegrsab rharges. r. run su, M Meeth Seeeed et. - . Phone Mate 182. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. trH Morrlsoa at .....Phone Pari He W 3T North Heeund st..... Pbone Psdna I3UU AI.PINI Msle I Kmpkment Co.. 2at4 Morrison St. and femtle bels. Phiwie Male 11I, WANTED REAL ESTATE." v Payne & Van Tync ; ; 210 Atlshy- bldg. Beat Estate,, terms, lurestveats. Mortgagee, Loans. CITY I'KOI'KKTY Huiall euburbaa borne, fruit rarm. dairy .or stock tsru. , er a Urge tract of cheap land that bsa good soil; 'location of Istter mast- be- la western Oregon or Wsshlngtoa. Addreea W 4U. care Journal WANT a house ee east side: will pay V0 cash, be la oca monthly Installments; If roar price Is rlftit sod lore lion suits will bey Address N ID,' cars Journal. WANTED TO BUY A modern or T-room bouse; giro full particulate and pbone num ber. Address V tU, rsrs Journal. - WS ran sell your borne In country or city; ir you are wining le give si least s t day contract; e csa get tbe Imyer; owsers ouly net-d spply. Address 11 43, Journal. WANTED TO Bl'Y Residence corner lot, (Ml feet front, en west side north of Wsshlng- mi it n laiiwniwr- Pieren or 2 Address Z 81, csre JouruaL -WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO KENT Houses, cottages, flats. stores, offices, rooming-bouses, eta Land lords will do well to rail, oa POHTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Pboae Bx. T2. a. K. Cor. td aad Oak. .WANTED Furnished. Isrxs cosy room wltk small kitchen sdjotrung; ,mnat oa close la; references glees. B IT. care Journal. BY two sisters, consorting room la priests fsmily; referenres exchanged. J TT. Journal. WANTED To-, rent a or prompt pay snd.csrerul tenant; glee run Ssrtlculars, rent, location, etc P. 0. Box 21. city. , . , .- - WANTED Pleasant home, few weeks, warm. quiet room; psrtlal board preferred. In ex cbsnee for painting lessons or pictures; east era lady.- IJ 80, care Joamal. - WANTED FINANCIAL. 'ANTED Loan of il.": T per cent an qnar ter block, and new 8-rcoes boase: St. Jobaa car Una. Addreea X A3, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO - AGENTS. ' reatanrante. and boteUteepere Best results sre . obtained team genuine sluminum stesmer and cooking ateaslls; will not rust, alwaye bright and practleslly wear a lifetime; clean, cheap, epueUslug and healthful; all ware gutrsntced to glee satls fuctiun or auoney .refunded ; eeenre territory bow. Address H. B. Strieta Co. Special price oa large orders. . P. O. Box 4. tiraata Pass.' Oregon. ADVERTISING MATTER Ms lied by Rural Directory Co. We kseo the Only classified ' list of names ef Oregon and Washington. I " 2bl--t STARK ST.. PORTLAND, OB. WB WILL Btrr. SELL OB TRADB ANY OLD THING. WT.TTEUN SALT AUK CO., Ui ttt WASHING10N. PACiriO Twt. . HIGHEST cask price paid for all kinds see- aaaa goooe. rbotne Main ziix. ea n. inira. BZCAYATTNO aad grading. - - 0. afr- Pottage, 4oB commercial at. rbone asst alias. I - PAT cmb Totso-aseboloT goods. W. W. Sasage, 346-141 First St. Pbone Pseits 0S. MAIN 66S9. CASH AND IvOTS OF ' IT , FOB rCRNITt'RB, PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, , SHI First Bt, - ' MAIN 503B. . MAIN tdfiaV, TWO cerpearere want koase to balld by day or contract; b work et say kind. Main 0920. Ask for Campbell. WANTED Live rabbits. ... Dektun bldg. ; ? Answer , Boom' tlx, "h,1"1' ?rf "J, JSr. 7 w hl.r . S. 'le sddreas -Wl Wheeler, esst side. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TEAM HEATED large front rooms st tbe Hoyal. Iu84 Fourth st,, 33 to $8 a week; central brick building. . - - FRONT suite of 2 rooms, beautifully famished, centra! location. 3 beds; just the thing ror t ee 4 men; $7 to $8 s week. 323 H tUsrk. 183 H Foi'RTII ST Furnished rooms; dsy. Pacific 2630. waeK or menu; fewest rates. THE RICHELIEU. 38 North Slxtk St. Ele gantly furnished; ateaa Beat and, Betas. . NICELY furnished nils; also single rooms for rent, reesoosble; Vt block mat Hotel port land; bath, gas, furnace beat.' 189 Seventh St. Psoas Msln 4173. FURNISHED rooms snd rarnlsbsd boesekesplag rooma lor rent st 7U3 van coarse are. rHB-GBAND, H Nurth Tblfd St. Rooms for gentlemen si.zs par wsex sua up. OR 4 tarnished rooms oa first Boor) suitable for bousekeeplng. 10s 13t at. 'BED DRAGON" New swell rooms.- heart of city: aew furniture and carpets. Corner Sixth aad Stark ata. Entrance 327H Stark. 1011 RENT Furnished room In private reel deace on Columbia sr.; a minutes- - wsix from poetofnea. U Tl, care Journal. FOR BENT 2 er t desirable rooms in neat borne, close in oa east sine; rent reesonsDis. Grand ave., N. , Pboae East 932. TUB COZY, lev Seventh, corner Taylor, ales wsrta rooma; suitable ror 3 gentlemen sr ansa and wife: good home cooking: with or without board; one block from Hotel Port land, purine 1U04. WANTED GentletaaB or lady with Bond refer ence to trsrel by rati or wnn a rig ror a firm of $ZK,0fe capital. Salary $1,072 per year aad expenses, salary paid weekly and expenses sarsncea. suaro., wi 1. - ... uiy, Jos. A. Alexander, Portland, Or. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. S OR cletn anfarnlshed b on sekseplnf -rooms. centrally wcateo. caeap rani, so ista si., Oortb, corner levla Mrs. Coffin. $1.23 WEEK t'P, dees, furnished hoo'ohoep. ing roomm parlor, batb, lsundry, ' beat, yard. 2031 Rtantoa, U ear. at M iei s larae. clean, furnished keeping rooms, lsundry ssd bsU. 1.4 bhse- maa sooth, Portlsnd. - THB MITCHELL Hoasekeeplsg snd trsnsteat rooma. reaeonabla. Ssventb aad Flanders. FURNISHED honsekeeplng-rooma. svenus. 838 WlllUms FlTRNlSHRD honsekeepUig-rootns, It - furnished wsternroof, comfortable . per month. Phone Esat 4128. w rent; tents $ FURNISHED room for light boasekeeptngi al most nothing to lady of some leisure. Ad' " drees B 74, care Journal. - - - HOTSE KEEPING rooms, lowest rates, slctrie lights snd phone Included. - 1H Water at. ROOMS AND BOARD. FURNISHED ROOMS Pleassnt, with or with out board, free be lb snd phone, borne cooking. Call Main A. . ... A FIRST-CLASS salts of rooms for gentlemen, esll st 293 14tk st. Phose Main 183b. MINNEQI'A INN, 874 Yltntilll. 2 blocks west . Hotel Portlsnd New msnsgement, beet sere ' Ice, alcelv cooksd food, bsy-wlnrlow ronnjt, "IIMi best.-free bstbr-hoarderg iolTclled. ROOM suitable for two. r.mile. Irrlraiten: borne conveniences; ressnnshle rstes; refereBces, Pboae Bast ' l.vte. FOR comfort snd cleanliness tha large sonny .rooms. 2 Sixth st. the popular Woodlandi rsnnot he ''excelled: table . first clsss; four " blocks ftom jKsiiof f Ice. . NICELY fnt4tished sonny sIcots room, with board, suitable maa and wife, two, tbree gentlemen; furnace heat, bath, gsa, phone; U-lctly modsra. Phone rscllig Ms. 1 TOR RENTHOUSES. VOH RENT a-room. strictly modern appsr and lower flats; but water colls la the furnace; rent only $73; this Is within walking dls- lauer, i-ia sou iiarriaon ata. bills.. liJ'i Wsshlngtoa st. raLtrie 08, f-HOOM koase ea earllne, SI. -C. R. Plggott, owner, lawyer., room 4 stuissy afOg. RENT a plena and later boy It; sll rent ap uura on imrruase. aaeraMO, Clay a vtfc. bisio a Morrison at T-ROOM bouse' wltb wath. 100 Nebrasks at, eu the Fultoa line, tie per moots. Apply jn nan. win si. . . FOB RENT New modern Q-room boase. Sfld stuqroi. st., Cpper Albwa. Inuulre ef Ne. 3uS. .... FOR RENT One 2atory. T-room bouse, on rsxuuK, cms la. - 4. B. Boss, . eoe uawiberae are. raoue Kast S400. r UK BKnTo-roam bouse, betweea Wllllaaas and Cuion ares. Inoulre tVU Best Sixth si.. north. 113. Pbone Weodlawa 448. - r - FOR RE NT T-room bouse en Cambridge, black east of I'nloa are.; modern with range and sii sues, roone vt uoaiawa zoo. ELKOANT t-OTTAOK Six moms, sear mont car bars, Pbone Esst J I Bo. fled- FOR RENT FLATS.' P.IANOS for real and sale; essy payswBta. . (thermae, t'lsy A Co., Sixth end Morrtsoa ata. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . T11RE FDR SAl st. FOR BaLe furniture ef Ssom modem beosa, nearly all sew;, reat reeaeaable; twe bloehs from poatofnee; good transient house I will : seU st s bsrgsln It tshea by tbe Orst of Decern bee. - Hud k'lfth St. WB need furniture at any price. Portlssd ADO tloa Booms. 211 First St. Msla COM. - S-nooM cottsss. 112: rnlture sad wood for ssle cheap. Apply TM Minnesota are. -Phone Wodolawa 199. ' -, WILL sacrifice elegant furniture of T roams foe tMi; rent 1 13; tns toratlou. ITS Bast 14tb strset. .,.....:.- NEW a-room upper flat, swell furniture, s'l complete end a wonderful bargain; fully mod ' em, good aelghborhood. n-sr steel brldgei rent $18; price itV. 302 Lumber Btchsnge. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB-BOOMS, nnfurnlsbM rooms aad ssav . ple-rooais tor lent.- Ooodaougk bldg. . Apply elevator. . - DESIRABLE efdcee, " Including electric lights, but and cold water, janitor nnd elevator service, la tha new, ' airy Commoawealth bldg., old postoraee alts,- sixth aad bur aside sta. Agsat room 411. e-STORY brick building, Coach and Front, sow .- vacant snd can be rented for term ef rears. Psrtlculara Fred Bickel, 731 Park ave. A FEW Brst-claes offl re-rooms left a swetbeeet career Third and Madteoa sta., Apply room No. 8." - . ... - - . - FOR BENT Store Fifth -St. aide Ooodaaagh bldg. Inquire at elevator la building. . FOB BENT, . Two stores ea t'nlon see. aad Bast BsV Bent at; reasonable terms, , . BARTMAN A THOMPSON, $ Chamber ef Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. CH1CKEX-BANCH. wltb asodera equ Irenes t for hsndUng 1.0U0 chlcksns. Address A. Wsld wick, ft. F. D. he. . S. Box 73, Tsroma, Waahtngton. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separate er sogetbert new aad reavsabiansa . n FOR SALR 61T century esnwra. -Call er write B. B. H., 043 Bslelgh St. .. BUSINESS CHANCES. BOOMIXa-BOCSB HBADQUABTKBS. 0. 0. B.. Fills, - W. B. Kshler. F. V. Lsskes. ELLIS. KAHLER LANKEN. Booms 20 snd 21 Cambridge Bldg., SS4 Morrlsoa at., 8. W. eor. Third rU . J,.,' ' '-.- ..t. IF YOtJ WANT '"-' A ROOMINO HOI HE or HOTEL, call here. Tbe best propositions for saw are. oa our list. ' also tbe btgiret bergslne. Every house Is ' FULL TO OVERFLOWING, and NO BUYER should bestltete to get la. W bsve them from $880 to $12,000. the best ss well sa the cheapest. Terms arranged ea any. , - BA9 NO EQt'AL. -- 2T roams, swelleet resldeace locatloa, saw buUdlng, furniture best that money will bur. steam beat, running hot and cold water Is . every room, filled with good class lueojers. wag Mess, profits $130; owser Is sick sad most sell; price for quick ssle, $2,760. .1 f EXCELLENT TRANSIENT. ' SO rooms, oa best central eornor. sxeellent furniture and carpets: eaa show yon tbs fig ures for profits of $180 s month shove rup alng expenses, price. $3,000, .12 ROOMS BARGAIN: Nesr city ball, corner residence, reat only . $27.M with lease; receipts, $70j price, $300, x belt cash. . - JI'ST LOOK AT THia -8 room flat In best reside ore eectloa. last sou lb ef Most Una; modsm;. larelture first, I ' class; reat ealy $33- Price Is only $323. Take It tukk. ' ,. - EXCEIXKNT VALUE. . 11 rocrms. nice dwelling near Scott hotel: ' modern; furniture extra good; rent only $W; ; income $9M Yoa can buy thla bow for $730. And many other ones. Also Ef ROPE AN HOTBLH. 40 rooms sml over: FAMILY HO TBLS snd APARTMENT-HOI'SRS, PRIVATE LtllKJING-HOCKKS snd CHEAP LODUINtl HOI MEH. Call snd see whst ws "have. Some of the best not advertised. DO IT NOW. RICHELIEU restsursnt, 33 North tth. D. F. J Crowley, proprietor. . FOR BALK Small grocery store, 4 living- st Invoice. . H ew, care eoarnai. FOB SALE A bicycle and machine-shop, fully equipped. Inquire 285 Stark for full parttce- PARTNER WANTED An boaest bright rastllng maa wltb $300 osu secure good psylng posi tion snd Interest, legitimate business, estsb- ll.Kul . ,1. 1 n t t .ttll. Adrdeea X 34, csre Journal. BEST equipped eollectlos bnslnese . In city, less thsn half Its vshie It taken st osca. -lm Alder at. STOCK companies lacorporated. -1 If yoa - have . etorks or bonds for sals, let me try te sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, B40 Eillcott Square, .Buffalo. SAVB MONET berthing la printing see Mid . des. Odd Fellows' Templs. First sad Alder ets. 1 apstslrs. FOB SALR Proeperoos grocery store st I eats, . or would exchsnge for east side reeloeaee property. Tel. Scott 2284. v $430 BUYS 8-ronms. well, fnmlthed In geod le rellty; west side; low rent. Hsgtasna tt BlaBrbard. tl Fifth St. FOR SALB Oyster sad chop bones; splendid locatloa for one understanding buslaeea. Phone . Main 3889.- 24 Third St. . , - FOB SALB Newly furnished first-class room ing boose, 22 . rooms, best locetlon, electric snd gas light, sseeflent trade, house full, Irsse. rent $M; 11.460. cash $7A0. . 421 h Eighth St., Hoeulsm, Washington. BOTHOI SB FOR RENT OB SALE; HOT WATER PIPES, ABOI T $.000 FEET GLASS. J. Id. NOLTA. 130 KILUNOSWOHTH AVS. BT. JOHNS, OR L CAR. TEL. EAST 3784. $230 BUYS In hah reenter snd chop beate. at 34 Third, eoraer of Ankeay. Celt $900 WILL bay a confectionery snd groceiy store; a snsp. Ststs Lsod Co.. 1131, rilst etreet. GOOD DAIRY Cresmery products business for sale; rig snd routes; price ressnntblt; will bear Investigation. Address X 30, Journsl. $300 BDYS 13 roetas famished, aeasekeeplnf ; rent $21; tease; rooms full: clearing $30 month; ao stents. 3r57 East Oak st. A S4AP For s persoa of small mesna. If taken si once, sul'sble for gentleman or lady. X B'J, cere Journal. , I I1AVR a few shares of Alsmeds mining stock, e-er--Ahtskk. Tef, and Coal. Americas Do . Forrest, Cascadla, Hurst Switch, ssd csn 1 furnish Ton any stock la the market. Mem ber Portlsnd Stork Btchsnge. F. J. Cttterua te, in Abifigtoa bias, - - BUSINESS CHANCES. I WANT Xmss sioney; will sell my Alameda mining stock: l.ooO or T.OOO shares. Address U Tl. care Jouraal. WnJirtHiy"Alstnerli cotrT mlntnf etoewr -wt in city unlil Wedaeadty eve. Addreea S 73, .care euutruai. . .. ; 1 ri LL VALl'B. Tf yoa have furniture for sale aad boose for reat, we caa aell It aad put In good teaaat If price and reat are right.- wlthin a . week; or If yoa have a roouliut-beusa, large or stastj, tost-sou want to uiipuee er sr right dgure, something good snd worth the prh-e. rail as as wa will do tbe seal. Phone Mala 4775. - Bold two ' within 24 boars' sfter listing. Ell4S. KAHLKR A LANKKN. Rooms 20 and 31, 204 MurrlsoB at. AN oDDortnsltr tor Investmant of small large amounts is offered for s snort time by ' lot-el buelarss men; strictly legitimate, con. eervstlve snd wlU psy Urge returns. . lor particulars sddress sue 0, csre JouruaL $3M WILL buy yea a strictly legitimate money, making business; will pay you $1M a mouth; party must be honest and furnish suitable referencee; money fully secured: eipertencb not ry. tall 1934 Fourth St. 1 FOR SALE Gratis of mining claims la a good mineral belt in Colorado. For particulars spply to Joha Peareoa. Mylvan, Or. J MARR1AGB PAPER, December, sent eralea; msny worth $100 to $100,000; 11th yeer: send 10c. L. L. Lore, box 1000. Denver. Colu. Special wno WANTS TO MAKR A FORTtNB BY BI TING HALF INTEREST IN PATENTED RAILROAD I E I C E T n J iTl r " ' f U lALs'lN ??RT1AND1 $4.t"l0 INVESTED IN THIS PATENT WILL MAKE I0U $60,000 IN KIVB YEARS. ADDBKKS H 4d. CARS JOCRNAU ' wees''ssiii iisiih"u-j siieaissaal FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.. Sellwood Hemes y :" tnde44tma cottage." ' $7(10 4-reotn bouse, 4 lots, r ' ' : 31.000 8 room bones, 2 lots. . ' ' $1,030 3-rnom house, mewl. wood-fiber fleeter, electric lights, two blocks treat ear Inet foil lot. . ... j l.SOO -mom modera eottags. IXsv-e-rooai house, reaeot base meet sad sidewalks. .. $2.000 T-rooan -modern house; corner lot. . xmo-rin, sightly lot. nesr golf links. $.vio itVorino, two blocks from car Has. ' $.100100x100, btsslneee property. - . . $lot Lot near bow woolen mills. ' v 1 Fire Insurance Losos. SeUwoOel Tcwnslte Co., : " -, H. P. PALMER, Mgr. - " 222 Fslilng bldg. - Mala Rdrll. . Or 'tske Sellwnod car. get off at Teniae st East 13th. Pbone Sellwood ll $280 $8 DOWN, $3 per month, bays foil lot. nice location, - ea car una; only a lots re maining; see as st eace. - J. H. HE1LBR0NNER 00., IT Lumber Exchange bids. Second aad Stark. V . Ed. O. Mayor, Manager. TWO mta. small bat m, cheap, Hlgblsnd sddt Inquire Owner, 9V East tloa, near school. 1 12th St., north. -BOOM house, corner lot, eaat front, good plumbing, goea barn, a nieoaa rrom carbams; tl.MO; Haoo cash, balance to suit. -room honee. 2 lots, $2,000; $300 essh, balance to suit. . We bsve a ins lot of lota tad blocks around tbe Piedmont carbarne. J. H. NOLTA, 130 hlllllngswortb are. Take L or Bt. -Job as car. $l.TtO WlU. boy 41 beautiful aew A room resi dence thla aide Laurelwood. oa Moaat Scott earltae. Phone Mela 2143. . MlT SELL. . " $300 leaa. thaa cost, sew Bsndera 8 mem house, nice bonis. Sunnyslde: It will rent . aad sey 10 per cent net. See owner. Mc Gregor's Barber-Shop, -Yamhill et. -ROOM aew modera $3,400. J. J. Oeder, house near Hast Ash; 1 Grssd sre.. north. CONSIDER "TILTON'S ADDITION" BEFORE BUYINU A LOT TO BL1LD. ' Belmont street will have cement "sidewalks ' and kerd-eurfsce pavement; tots t feet shove sidewalk: 1 block from car aad 14 mlnatee te cttf ; $r00 below price asked for nearby lota. 1 . THOMPSON A OGDEN (Brasrsr 08 Belraoat St. Pboaa Eaat 4300. DO X0U want a real cblrkea ranch I Here tt . Is: acres, right ea O. W. P. oleerrle Use. . I miles from the center of tbs cltyi good boase. gwd bars, all fenced, nearly half deer, fine- ami. pood spring. Tee rock of . graval; price $1,300; eaa give, time ea part. This as just what yoa. have been looking for. .Addreea W 45, care Journal. A FtBST-TLASS g room koase. 43x174 lot. west side; $730 down, balsnre $33 month. Krener, - Main aV40t. Boom 14 Cambridge bldg. jrSTTMINKI t late for $A0 et 43 see aseathl near Salem motor line and not aa far aa St. Jobaa, with quite a tew homes already estab lished. WILLIAM REIDT. t Wsshlngtoa bldg., 270 Wash lag-tea 'st, - 1 OB 2 fine-lots 00 31st st.. Bear Clinton, fine view of the city, $330; ea essy t erase. H 28, care JournsL $4,300 WILL bur store balldtaga ea Moaat Scott earllne; these pay 72 per auoath natal. ' Phone Mala 2143. A FINB new bouse en 28th and East Clinton-. . bouse la new aad cost 31.800; lot M worth ?-)00: owner Is fearing the elty sad will ssll or 33.2G0 ea easy terms. B S3, JoaraaL $830, IF Inveeted thla week. Will bay 9 Iota In heart of thriving suburb, sealer. Phone Main 2145. ' - TUBNEB A WALKBR. Baal Estate, Farms ssd Htack Baaehea. ' Eichsngse. . -" 103 A Washington tt. " , 34,000 t-ROOM modern boms: replace, fur nace, gas, electric tight, cease st Soar la base meat, frslt ,oellsr; handy la every detail; carpets and furniture caa Ae-oought reason able; also quarter block adjoining. If desired; 1 block Esst Ankenr'cer; nice locetlon; a good buy. . I. J.. Oed sr. 1 Grand svs.. Berth. FOB ' 8 ALE T-room boose ; . none better la Sutmyalde; easy terms; tf yon mesa easiness . see owner at once. 983 Belmont et. T-ROOM boose, bstb, cement besemeut, new, modern; cash $1.MV0. Inetsltments $3,000; at . Highland; 3 csrllaee. Address V 44. care Journal. , f - ,-i t'P-TO-DATB HOMB. $3,230 bnya a new sad thoroughly saodtra home on Fifth St. soalh., eaay walking dls- tsnce; terms. - . HAOEMANN BT.AIfCBABD, 9V Fifth St. FOB SALB 2 acrex, cleared, ee th pealnsu lar. $2,(00. Peery Wilson, 333 WUltems avenue. $aoo OLD t-room boase, etaall lot, la" South , Portland; terms $ cash, tabs Land Co., 133 First at, .- . FOB SALB Anyone desiring S modsra apte date home, 3 room house, : large tacentloa hall, furaace, lot toxloo, In I rpw Alblns. call ea A. a Brush A Ok. lit Williams svs. BARGAIN FOR CASH Onsrter block, esst front,' improved street; Selsct restdeaoe alts. Inqnlre 411 Kast 84th St. - ' , ' $330 CASH 30x100 feet on Bast 34th tt.. near . Mucoin. Pbone Esst t!4.'- ' EXTRA BAROAIN . - T lots eoxioo. cleared. - an. together la ess tract, tor 40ttl close te 10-rooa school et Lents; tns location! water free; 8c rare te , sny a art of portlasd; terms. O. B. Add! toe. fusBis. ureaan. i -BOOM bme, full basement, en East 10th St., north; tMO dowa and $13 per toontn, T per real later est; let But 100, Bice location I prtce . $1,800. Alexsnder Land Co, a3Vt Sixth et. Phone Pacific 33. , 0 ACRES gram lsod. DonglsS' county, 4H ail lee from railroad; price $4 per acre. Alex ander Lssd Ce., 43H 3IXU st. Phena Pa- etfar 3. , - . - - $4,800 MODERN 7-roem' bouse ea Second at. wset aide. Bear la. . .. , ,. ; $3.000 Corner, 100x140; T-room bonet aad flaw frnM ef all kinds; east aids, near la; ea Beat Midisoa St. Owner, room to. Washing- . ton bonding. ,.' . j - ' $4,300 Ntw 7-coem boast ; sBtt Bsla it, aesr Is. -J-SV , 1.4rswrAxSS feeti 3-roem eottsge; Bear la; west Ids., '. y ',:;.,. j. $4.000---f.iT0 feet- ene-bllf block frets city hall, this Is a tergals. ,"v" . $. Kno A2xnt; -rooai sense ; Rob H111 walking dlstsncf. . . (,, f .t L-'. :J.. WILUAMS FABMF.R, .., ' Room 40, R'atblsgton bLlg. THB greet ssls of those too lots Is still going on; $3 down, $3 set month. J. J, Oeder, 1 Grand ave., aortk. , . , ' , -'..,.. s... . . ( s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1.350 BARGAIN New modern 4 -room cot lege, beet plumbing, gaa txturea. all sewet '.and street Improvements In; Morris St., nesr Altilna shops. Gordon, 208 Fourth at. Pboae I'sclfle 2123; residence, Msln 8MM.1. '$1,975 ' New T room modern honee. 100 feet te ear line, ealy IB minutes rble; beautiful trees. Owner, phone Psriflc 3749, evenings; terms. FOR SAIJt OR LEASE Neat home; -8-mom. nonev aarn nnian. bsttt. not aad cold water,' ysrd. frolt. woorthousc. oa rarliue: cation;-prtce tl,3o. oa easy terms, or will tease for $13.3 per month. Ttlwuer, address t imi, care aournai. " Loo3ila?for a Home? Bee Tlltou Addltloa before buying. Strictly luslds residence kits st very low prices. Splendid car service. Not far from new esst side high school. : '' . . Branch of Bee on ground, corner ef Bel mont and Esst 23th st. Phone Esst 4300. Also some Ado hits for homes ea ssd near " tbe L esrltns. sear the Piedmont rsrtfaras; cask or terms.- , .,- Thompson oVOsden - 818 Mississippi svs. " Phone Woodliwa 202. Sellwccd . Moreheoae French. 1470 K. 13th. raoss oeiiwoou is. City View Perk lots. $37$ ssd "vm; Boss AddltloB lots. $100 and so; $3 dowa snd $3 s aweth. Homes from $0110 re tS.ouo. Li-U 4300, and up.. In all parts of Sellwood List yser propertyVrltb us; we will ssll It, FOR SALE FARMS. VALLEY fsrm of over 330 aeree of the beat lend in. I us country; a Beautiful and ap te date place; 40 acrea of hope, thoroughbred slock, latest snpllsncrs; barn full ef feed aad tt Is oa the rteor. Stock ranch la eaatera Oregon, 2.040 acres ef deeded lead, controls about Blue eeetlona " of graxlng land aad abuadaaca.. of wslet; boueea, barna aad orchard; tbla to in eirep tloaal opportunity aa It la only one Say's dries from tbe mountain range aad will carry 4,000 boad ef abeep. " " ' J - 40 acres uelmprevted Just west ef tbe city, only $2,000; easy terms; thla will make yoa good money. SPHINX AGENCY, tOBH Stark ett. . FOR SALB A amall fana ef 47 acrea. 14 aeree cleared; good oat boa-see eat email hense; one nonce rtae iron ror 1 la no. Union aveufie, north. Addr 760 $8,1X10 IDS ACRES. 4 miles from Peyton. Ystn- Blil eeunry: rrurai mail, poone, gooa roaat-tg water; 4ti acrea fruit. Sicily appb-e. Phone Bast 2737. between T and 9 a. m. Address er call B. C. Kobertera. 70 Esst Sixth st, N. A SNAP For Sals Farm of 40 acrea-near Castle Bock. Pkoae East 2312. mornings. FOB 8ALBtlR aENT-Sd a acrea beeverdam. m high stste of cnltlvstlos; will raise from 400 to -V" esrka of onions to sere: balance upland, close to trtBsportatloa. H 43. csre Journal. '-.. t .- TIMBER. v.- WANTED TIMBER LANDS. ' " Te tbe -avrnaea of timber lends We -represent very heevy buyers In tbe 'following counties:' Crook, K Isles th sad Lake, and owing to the fart that oar bayeba have' the .. est 1ms tee oa tbe greater portion of tbe tim ber In tbe above counties II enables aa to ' " make quick sales, therefore send ss your full description and the estimate; alee your , lowest net cash price, aad we can do busi ness wltb ya on short time; no padding ; prices goes with as, , ...... . GREGG BBOTHERS, i . . - $4 Sixth at, 817 aad tin sea lea bldg.- -Portland, Oregon. , - TIMBER OWNERS Do foa wsnt your timber property fcaadled la the moot satisfactory way to yoa In. all detallaf It yoa waat a buyer quick n cannot afford to delay pis dug your timber lands Immediately wltk our timber depart ment. Our - connection with tlmber-bayara , from all parte ef Amerire places as le a . posltloa to bring yoa a buyer. Cell or write vur timber department. NOBTHWESTkBN OUAR ANTES A TRUST COMPANY, Lamber Kxcbaags, bldg. (second tear). -toutbeeat cur. Second aad 6 lark ata. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND . TIMBER.- ' . ' . We will bar for caea any good timber tributary te Nebalem river; will deal wltb owners only; ten otliera need answer. Write. gtvtng--futtl tlou, Portland, Oregon. OUR buyers will be here sfter January 1, ready fie buelness; eeud la your timber lasds te aa ao wa eau make a preliminary and make our - report te tbe buyers when they arrive, Uoben -A Tart-art, 211 Allsky bldg. WB have csh buyers far yellow pins timber . lende In Oregon snd Washington; also for 1 yellow fir, spruce and hemlock limber lenile; will buy from one claim np It price and loca tion are right.. Will pay cash for good re lttKiulabtuenta. Ws bsva bed It yeers' ei ' per ie nee In coast timber business, ssd bsve ' competent cruisers who wlU pass OS tbs lands without delay. ' ' EMBODY A BRADLEY CO ; , 708 Chsmber of Commerce. HAVE yen taken a timber claim 1 Ws - kave a frw choice yellow pine timber claims for entry! good iocs tlou. Call ssd see us.. .1431 Third St., room B. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER ' LANDS Ws here for sale large aod small tracts - . of floe timber, both oa water and rail; prices from $4 a p. sreordtog to location; tell ns your wsnts ssd will be pleseed to submit list. Eugene It. Chendler, 407 Has tings St., Vancouver, B. 0. . y BARTER AND EXCHANGE. P0KANB ACRE AGE.' , -$304 per acre ts trade for baslseea, mem-Ing-bouae or residence. I bsve a list of alee trades to offer la farms and boslsaas cbaares. List your property with ass. . U P.. Kelson, $29 Burnslda st. TO EXCHANGE An Interest In a teed paring business tor a farm. For parttealais address H A3, eara Journsl, stating acreage, location, etc.; value $3,000. - ' SXCHANOB dentistry for grsdlng.Blssteruuj, carpentering. Call room t, $23 Vs Wsshlngtoa. WHO- wants thla well equipped eastera Oregon vshsat sad stock ranch f Wall watered) font mllea from town, two miles from warehouses will sell or trade for valley farm. Add sees S Tl, care Journal. - . . NEW upright piano In sxchsnge for Address P. 0. bos 87. Pertland. WILL exchange timber land for lots or elty property. 802 Lamber Exchange. - , BRING year trading propositions to Patten Impose.. . t-ROOM boase, lot 100x100, alee loestlon, title clear, to exchsnge for improved aoresge. Alexander Lead Co., 43 Sixth at. Pboaa Pacific 28. . ' . MINES, AND INVESTMENTS. CTsXBirtN-BININTOCBV- I am always la tbs market slihee to bay -er seU ssy sctirs xolnlnsj stock I keaaa made , ea sny listed seearltlea. ' T. P. BROWN, 481 McKay bldg. F0R8ALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALE Four fresh cowa . 628, Cast 14th street, near Clinton. . THBEB cows tor sale cheep, lift Borthwlrk, FOR (AI.B 4 fresh milch rows. 1480 MAoadsJt sL Fulton. I'beae aula tvsi. ' i