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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
-..' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER 17, 1908L it t; THREE DAYS SPENT IN 1)BRIBED"BTHEPRESIDENt : i T ' ' ' ' i Roosevelt Sends 6peclal ' Mes " age to Congress Telling of ; What He Saw on Isthmus. OTHER WITNESSES SAY : THINGS WERE FIXED .Executive Recommend! Concentra ' tion of - Power by Reduction of ; Memberi of Commiuion Twenty Stem Shovejs' Instead of Four. ',. (Journal Bpeelal St ?!.) f Washington, Deo. 17. Sine the prent dent and Secretary of Stat Root re ; turned from their aeparat trip to Pan ; a ma. atorlea of how the wan fooled na"rneen cropping -out. That there IsTvery Worst. Taken aa a whole they were Kraft on the Isthmus haa been asserted . time and again, and the work waa not proceeding as It waa thought It ahould ' have been. This haa been charged many ; times. It waa to settle these questions .-and to see for himself that the preal dent made his three-day trip to Panama. From three sources atorlea regarding -' theae official visits have been received. One comes from the canal sone, another , , from Albert Gould of New Tora. who ;waa formerly foreman of construction, and, the third from Johnstown, Penn i - sylvania, where a man in the, govern "' ment employ on the Isthmus, but at ' present at home on a visit, has been talking. . "Anything to fool the president," was the tip passed out at the Culebra cut - by the contractors when It waa known that Mr. Roosevelt would inspect, the . work. according to the correspondent , at Panama, . (. , , ', Usually, says the correspondent, the y contractors work about four steam shovel. The day the president was to see the cut, 10 steam shovels were placed .. in readiness, and the road cleared ao ic that all men might be at work when Roosevelt arrived. At a signal the SO , shovels were started, and when the .president came In sight a grand view I, was presented. , Qnekt," said the president, as he . viewed the activity which gave the lie I to the -stories he had heard in M ull- i Ington.; "great, dee-llghtful." w -, . ; The day after the president had seen the great work In operation, it Is said, '-there waa a block of dirt trains on. the ' road that was not cleared for a week. ' Mr. Gould, who was present when the ' secretary of state made his visit, tells ' a similar story of how the game was ' worked upon Mr. Root so that he went - sway with the Impression that the work waa being done satisfactorily. . Three Says la Panama, . The following message, from the pres ident on the Panama canal , llvered to oongress: In. the moaUt of November I vlalted the Isthmus of Panama, going over the ." canal sone with considerable care; and , .'also visited the cities of Panama and Colon, which are not In the sons .or un der the Tolled (Sates flag, but a to which . the United Statei government, I through Its agautev eawrolses control ' fof certain sanitary purposes. ..-j. I I was three days aahore long enough .' to enabts nie to get a clear Idea of the ' salient features of - the great work and .' of the progress that haa been made as . regards the sanitation of the sone, Co . ; Ion. and Panama, the caring Apr and r housing of the employes and the actual dlgglng-of the carat " I waa formally -- ' received In-Panama by President Ama dor, who, together with the government and all the people of Panama, treated me with the most considerate courtesy, for i which I hereby extend my moat arr '. nest thanks. - I wish to pay a tribute to the amount of work don by the French Canal com t pany under very dirricuit circum stance. Many of the buildings they , put up were excellent and are still In use. - The country haa never made a ' bitter Investment than the $40,000,000 : which It paid to the French company for work and . betterments. Including es pecially the Panama railroad. - , ' Oongress Shows wisdom. I am "convinced of the wisdom of congress lif refusing to adopt either a seems to be - a unlveraal agreement 'among all people competent to Judge ' that the Panama rout, the on act ually chosen, 1 much superior to both the Nicaragua and Darlen routes. The wisdom of the canal management has been shown In nothing more clearly 'than In the- way in which the founda tions of the work have been laid. To ' have yielded to. the natural Impatience of Ill-informed outsider and begun all klnda of experiment In work prior to . a thorough sanitation of the isthmus, and to a fairly satisfactory working out .- of the problem of getting and keeping ' a sufficient labor supply, would have been disastrous. The only delay has been the necesary delay until June 20, :. the date when the congress definitely and wl-ely settled that we should have an SB-foot levol canal . Immediately after that the work began In hard ear ; nest and he been continued with In J creasing vigor ever' since; and It will ' continue so to progress' In the future. When the contract are let the condl tlona wll b such a to Insure a con . stantly Increasing amount of perform- anre. . . . The problem of sanitation was from the outset under "the direction of Dr. ' H SB - CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. ' Thi Kind Yob Hate Always Bought Bears the 1 Blgnatur of f "They don't crack uldu"N' M ... Made with "UNOCOKD" m buttonhole that hold. M : , rut strnt, , a " H sites If yoa want them. I GEO. P. IDE CO., Mike. Tri.N.V. I W. C. Gorges, who Is to ho mad a1 full member of the commission.- ' .' .: Only One'to. . But a single mosquito, and, this not of the dangerous species, was seen by any member of our party during my three day on the Isthmus. . One of the most amusing (as well aa dishonest) attacks made on the commis sion' was-In connection with the reser voir at Colon. The writer In question usually confined himself to vague gen eral mendacity; but In this case he spe cifically stated that there was no water In the vicinity fit for a reservoir (I drank it, and It was excellent), and that this partloular - reservoir would never hold water anyway. . With typical Amerlcaa humor, the engineering corps still at work at the reservoir have christened a large boat which la now used on the reservoir by the name of the Individual who thus denied the pos sibility of the reservoir's existence. I rod through the street of Colon, see ing them at the height of the rainy sea son, after two day of almost unexam- undoubtedly very bad; as bad as Penn sylvania avenue In Washington before Grant's administration. Complaint was made to me by an entirely reputable man as to the character of aome of the material , used for repairing certain streets. . On investigation the complaint proved well founded, but ths use of the material In question had been aban doned, the commission after having tried It In one r two street finding It not appropriate." ' . . ;. ' The result of the Investigation of this honest complaint was typical of what occurred when . I laveatlgated moat .of the other honeat complaints made to me. That la, where the complaint were not made wantonly or mallcloualy, they al most always proved due to failure to appreciate the fact that time waa nec essary In the creation and eompletion of this Titanic. work in a troplo wilder nes. i , "' roltolatf th Boa. . In addition to attending to the health of the employee, it la of course neces sary to provide for policing the sone. This Is 'done by a police force which numbers about 20 men, tinder Captain Bhaaton. About on fifth of the men are whit and th others black. Inasmuch aa so many, both of th whit and . colored employes, have brought their families with - them, schools have been established, th school service being under Mr. O'Connor., For the whit pupil whit American teach er are employed; for th eolored pupil mere are . aiso som won American teachers. : . Thar seemed to ma to be too many saloons In th son; but th new high license law which goes Into effect on January 1 will pfobably close four fifths of them. Resolute and successful ef forts are being made to minimis and control th sale of liquor. - Next In Importance to th problem of sanitation, and Indeed now of equal Im portance. 1 the problem of securing and caring for the mechanic, laborers and other employes who actually do the work on th canal and th railroad. Thi great task has been under th con trol of Jackson Smith, and on th whole ha been well done. There are aome 1,000 whit employe and some 10,000 colored employes on th Isthmus." " -Nearly 1,000 of the whit employes had come from th United State. No man can see these young, vigorous men energetically doing their duty without a thrill of pride In them a Americans. - Wo Basin of th Amecloaa. The Amerlcaa workingmau In th United. State, has no concern whatever In th question a to whether thorough work on th Isthmus which 1 performed by alien In any event Is done by aliens from one country with a black skin or by aliens from another country with a yellow akin. I have arranged to try several thousand Chine laborer. Thi la desirable both because w must try to find out what laborers are most ffi clent. and. furthermore, because w should not leave ourselves at the mercy of any one type of foreign labor. At present th great bulk of the unakllled labor On th Isthmus 1 don by West India negro, chiefly from Jamaioa, Barbadoa and th other English posses sions. One of th governor of th land In question ha shown an un friendly disposition to our work, and haa thrown obstacle In th way of our getting th labor needed and It I htgrrtvTTndstrabl to rive any outilfl- ers th Impression, however ill lounaea. that they are Indispensable and oaa dictate terms to us. - I had aa Interview with Mr. Mallet, th British consul, to find out ir tufr waa any Juat cause for complaint aa to th treatment of th Wt India ne groes. He Informed m moat emphat Ically that there waa not, and author ised me to give hi statement publicity. He said that not only waa th condition of th laborer far better than had been th case under th old French company, but that year by year the condition waa Improving under our own regime. Sow Work I doing On. . Construction 'Is going on under the direction of Engineer Stevens. The work 1 going on with, vigor and effi ciency pleasant to witness. The three big problems of th canal are th La Bora dams, the jQatun dam, and the Culebra cut. Th Culebra cut must be msd. anyhow; but off course changes as to the dams, or at1 least a to the locks ad lucent to th dams, may still occur. Th La Boca dam offer no par tlcular problem. Th exsct locality of the locks as at th other dams is now being determined. In April Secretary Taft, with thr abl engineers Messrs. Noble. Stearns and Ripley will visit th Isthmus, when the engineers will make th final and conclusive ex- ramlnatlona as to th exact alt for each lock. Meanwhile the work I going ahead without a break. Th main work Ir being don In th Culebra cut. The Implements of French excavating machinery look Ilk . the veriest toy when compared with, our steam ahovela, just as ths French dumping cars seem Ilk toy ear when compared with th long trains of htia-e cars, dumped by steam plows, which are now In us. Our cars hold from 26 to 10 yards' apiece, and Instead of th old clumsy methods of unloading taem a steam plow Is drawn from end to end of th whole veatlbuled train, thus Im mensely economising labor. Sainted la Dynamite Bxploslona. During th laat three month. In th rainy season, steady progress In shown by the figures: In August, 242.000 cubic yards; In . September, 201,000 oublo yards, and In October, 225,000 eublo yards. Passing through . the ' eut the amount or new work can be seen at a a hill had been taken out recently by 27 tona of dynamite, which war ex ploded at on blast. At another place I waa given a presidential aalut of 21 charge of dynamite. On th ton notch of thg -Culebra cut -the prism-Is now as wide aa It will be; ail told, the rsnsl bed at this point ha been aunk 200 feet below what it ortgfhally was. It will have to b aunk about 120 feet farther. . . ; PANAMA The most advanced method,' not only la construction, but In railroad manage ment, have been applied' In th aone, with corresponding economies In time and cost This ha been shown In th handling of th tonnage from shins Into cars, and from ear into ship on the Panama railroad, where, thanks largely to th efficiency of General Manager Blerd, the saving In time and cost has been noteworthy. . , ip s)iaaaerera asm ooaaaxatav n i not omy natural, out ineviuDie, that a work aa glgantlo aa this which has been undertaken on the Isthmus should arouse every species of hostility and criticism. At present 25,000 men are engaged on the task. After a while the number will be doubled. In such a multitude It I Inevitable that there should be her and there a scoundrel. Very many of, the poorer class of la borers lack the5 mental development to protect themselves against either th rascality of other or thalr own folly. Now and than an experiment wlU be a failure; and among those who hear of It a certain proportion of doubting Thom- aees'wlH'at wnua balfevB that Mi whole1 work la a failure. Doubtless here and there some minor rascality will be un covered; but as to this, I have to Bay that aftar th most painstaking In quiry I have been unable to. find a single reputable person who had ao much as heard of any aerlous accusa tions affecting th honesty of th com mission or of any responsible officer under It . Contempt fo Cxltlo. An Immense amount of reckless slan der haa been published about the canaL Where th slanderer are of foreign origin I har no concern with them. Wher they are Americans, I feel for them the heartiest contempt and Indig nation; because, in a spirit of wanton dishonesty and malic, they are trying to Interfere with, and hamper the exe cution of, the greateet work of the kind ever attempted, and are seeking t bring to naught the efforts of their country men to put to th credit of America on of th giant feats of the ages. The out rageous accusation of these slanderers constitute a gross libel upon a body of public servants who, for trained In telligence, expert ability, high character and devotion to duty, have never been excelled anywhere. There I not a man among those directing the work on the Isthmus who has obtained his position on any other basis than merit alone, and not on who ha used hi position In any way for his own personal or pe cuniary advantage. W have decided to let out most of th work by contract If w can oorae to aatiafactory terma with tn contract ore. After much consideration, the plan already promulgated by th aeoretary of war waa adopted Thla plan In tta es sential feature was drafted by th chief engineer, Mr. Steven. My con clusion is that tt combine th maxi mum of advantage with -, the mini mum ,of disadvantage. Under it a pre mium will be put upon th speedy and economical construction of th canal, and a penalty Imposed on delay and waat." A seven-headed Instrument I of course a clumsy axeoutlv instrument We ahould har but on commissioner. with such heads of department and other officer under him aa we may find necessary. We ahould b expreaaly permitted to employ the beat engineers In the oountry aa oonsulttng engineer. Of the auocesa of the enterprise, I am aa well convinced aa one can be of any enterprise that la human. It Is a atupendous work upon which our fel low countrymen are engaged down there on th Isthmus, and whil w should hold tbem-to a, strict accountability for th way In whloh they perform It w should yet recognise, with frank gener osity, th' eplo nature of th task, on which they are engaged and It world wide Importance. They are doing some thing which will redound lmmaur ably to the credit of America, which will benefit all th world, and which will last for age to com. A badge la to be given to every American pitl sen who for a specified time has taken part In thla work; for participation In it will hereafter be held to reflect honor upon the man participating juat as It refleot honor upon a soldier to have belonged to a mighty army In a great war for righteousness. It behooves us to do all we can to hold up their hands and to aid them in every way to bring their great work to a triumphant con clusion. HELIX PYTHIANS AND . . MACCABEES ELECT (Special Diapetrb te Tb JneraaLl Helix, Or.. Dec. IT. Pleiades lodge No. 74, Knights of Pythias, have elected th following officers: Ira Julian, chancellor commander; B. E. Starr, vtoa-chaneaUor; u. w. Howard, prelate; m. m. Rounds, master of the work; M. A. Ferguson, keeper of records and seals; A. ' B. Montgomery, master of exchequer; D. B. Richardson, master of finance; C. Aj Logan, master at arms; C. E. Bott In ner guard; J, E. Montgomery, outer guard; Charles Barger, 11. B. Richmond, and Harry Grime,, trustees. ' Violet hive, Ladles of th Maccabees. have elected th following officers: Mrs. Carrie Dale, paat lady commander; Mrs. Wllda. Smith, lady commander; Mr. J. E. Montgomery, lieutenant commander; Mrs. Belle Richardson, record keeper; Mr. 8. E. Starr, flnanc-Jrener; Mrs. Clara Dunnungton, sergeant; Mrs. Hat. tie Ferguson, chaplain; Mrs. Lulu Smith, sentinel; Mr. C. E. Bott, picket; Mrs. Theodore Cramer, musician. ELECTIONS BY LODGES OF CANYON CITY .pedal Dteiietrb te The Joeraal.t - Canyon City, Or., Deo. 17. Excelsior Encampment No. 2, I. O. O. F., haa elected the following - officers: Chief patriarch, William II. SchroedOr; high priest A. J. Stephens; senior warden, I. B. Haieltlne: scribe, A. J. Wendler; treasurer, G. I. Haseltlne; junior war den, L. O. Peon. Installation will occur January 11. Blue Mountain circle No. 222, women of Woodcraft ha elected th follow ing officers: Guardian neighbor, Annl Guernsey; , advisor, Nellie Cameron; magician, Hannah Patterson: clerk, Lil lian A. Huffman; banker, Elisabeth Rob inson; attendant Minnie Guernsey; cap tain of th guard. Km Brierly; inner sentinel, Elmer' Solltnger; outer senti nel. ' Hoult Brown; musician. Vivian Coaard; manager, F. T. Cook; physician. iDr. Leo W, Chilton. '- soccEssfutrroufro UNIVERSITY SONGSTERS (Ipertal Dispatch te The (earnelt Xuzane. Or.. Deo. 17. Th Qlee club of th university la In th middle of the meet successful tour In It history, both financially and from th amusement standpoint Friday evening they sang to a vary large audlenc and Saturday Men's-Biseaser Cured T Stey My ' S will treat any single anoompllcated ailment tot 910 for th f . ' Different doctor have different Idea la regard to cure. . Som call a suppression "of symptom . a cur. .They dose for drug effect and claim that nothing mora can be done. But th real ailment remains, and will bring th real eymptoms back again, perhapa th same aa before, but very likely leave the patient In a much worse condition. I .claim that nothing lea than com- -plete eradication of disease can be a real our. I treat to remov th disease, and not merely the eymptoms. I aearoh out every root and fiber of aa'allment, and I care to atav aured. .. "Weakness- I not only cur "weakness" promptly, but X employ th only treatment "that can possibly cure thi disorder permanently. It la system of looal treatment en tirely original with me, and la employed by no'pbyslolan other than myself Thi may seem a broad assertion, but It Is just aa substantial aa It I broad. So-called "weakness" is but a symptom of local Inflammation or congestion, and a radical cur la merely a matter of re storing normal condition throughout th organlo sys tem, and this I accomplish thoroughly and with abso lute eertalnty. Syphilis 1 cars this leprous disease completely. Th system la thoroughly cleansed and every poisonous taint re moved. Th last symptom vanishes to appear no more, and all la accomplished by th us of harmless blood cleansing remedies. Do not submit to th dangeroua mineral dosing commonly indulged in. Such treatment merely obacures th symptoms. Cor. Second and Mor rison Sts. Portland.Or. The We Cure Weak, Nervous, "Our Pee Only sio i.OO In Any Uncomplicated Case ULCERS . .. . HYDROCELE BLOOD DISEASES VARICOCELE -SKIN DISEASES PROSTATie-TROUBLES We are Specialists for Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN and MEN ONLY. OUR TREATMENT thoroughly searches out these troublesome diseases puri fies and renews the blood, strengthens' and invigorates the nervous system and restores the patient to sound and perfect health. And, furthermore, we have such firm confidence in OUR NEW METHODS and TREATMENT that we are willing to cure our- patients under an ABSOLUTE VARICOCELE! We cor this disease without operation or llrature. and under our treatment th congested condition soon hereditary or contracted In early days, thereby being disappears, the part are restored to their natural eon- constitutional. W cur all Ita complications. . We . onion, vigor ana airmfftn, ana circulation is reestab- stop Its- proaress, eraaloat every vestige or poison ' llshed. - from the system, and thla without tn us of sier- 8TRICTURB ourT or potash. j W cur stricture without th knifed jr an applies- WEAKNESS tton which act directly on the part affected, dls- Whether acquired or inherited, I cured by our meth solvlns; th stricture completely. Our treatment is ode so that the parts affected are restored to their painless and la nowla Interfere with your business normal conditions. The established our 1 perma dutlss. nent, not temporary. Acute and Cbronlo Blaokarf, via: Ooaorrboaa. Vroatatl Ptseasis, cured by th as of th only Bolentiflo method known, injurious to th system In no way, snap or form; but, on th contrary. It build op the system and the diseased part returns to a aound and healthy condition. WKITal if you cannot call All correspondence strictly confidential, and all replies nt la plain envelopes. No names, csaes. letters or photographs of patients published or exposed. Wl CXAXOa rO OVWam OirXY. We do not expect pay for ou services vale w rare a patient aonnd and well, so that be will be entirely eatlaned, and will never afala have to be treated for the mum trouble, ZaTTKITIOATa A WD THAT OTTB WOBO IS AS OOOO AS OVM BOBTD. OXJM TOf A1TOIAI. TABTDUIO is sox.n avx oxrm roxo bxpekikbtcs nr tb.batzbto bbbciak dirbiui or mu uratrBzs xou or KODE1V, aCZZsTTmO TBBATKBBTT TUT WIU AOOOBCTUBX A 0(7 Ml. HOURS a. ra.rto i p. m. ; Evenings, 7 to ; Hundaya, a. m. to 11 noon. ST. LOUIS CURE Met Haadaeh sad relieve all the trouble met dont to a bilious atate of the syatem, saeh s Olnin, liau, Pmwiln . Ilatra arte satin, Pala in the Bill, As. While thalr moat Willi islil iinnaa Im hon shrnrn In miring Beadaea. yet Carter's Littla Liver mils at squally valnabl la Oonstlpatlon, cnHns aad pra ventlnc tblannoylneomplalnl,whllthoyalse eorraot all dwordamof tbaaiomanhtlmuUie th ,ller aad regnlatethe bowels. Xran UtLay oniy HEAP ' Aene they wnnld be aim oat prtoaleea iolhnoowhO suitor fmln thla dlatmalng complaint; bntfnrtia Bataly their food iwaedoM notend hora.and tboaa whooacatrythma will find tbaea little pllla valu able tarn many waya that they will not be wlU Hag todo without them. Bat after all aicBaead ACtHlE Is the Kane of so many lives that bare Is when! we make our gnat boaat. Our plUsearelt whil tber de not. Carter Llttl liver Pill are very email and very eaay to tak. One or two pill maka a doe, i Taay are strtatly vayeUhl aad do not grip e purye, bat by Unit aauUeaouo pUaeeaU who fluin luriran eo, nw xou. h&R UIk3, '-ablftia at Albany they received another cordial reception. Tonight they wilt slog In Eugene, and wlll.rec.elva splendid patron ace. After the concert her they will appearat, Medford, Oranta rass, AsbTand and Rose'burg. In th order given, der given. . j Oraat Oonaty's Taa Talaatloa. IBeeeul OlapaWB t Tee Joamal.). - Canyon Ctty Or Deo. . IS Tb as- sesament lists of Grant county. Just completed, show-. "rnperty valuation of l,t4,TI. an Increase f -l7,4ia over th assessment of .M0S.. - CARTERS IflVER You Pay for Cures Only ricwelc - . 1 1 111 V W WMWM w . . . . - . coeele had pa choice other than to allow the disease to go on undermining his power and health or aubmlt to a surgical operation. Now h can ohoos a thorough cure by painless treatment I cure varicocele In one week, and It la seldom necessary that th patient Is de tained from hla bualnea even a single day. Mr method is original with myself and I th only saf and auc cessful treatment for varlcooele vr devised. Advice and Consultation Free Come and have a private talk with m concerning your ailment Even If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at thla tlm. I can always glv helpful aug gestlon to men who are diseased or weak. If you can not com to Portland, writ for particulars of my sys tem of horn treatment Interesting literature and oolored oharta free If you will caiL My offices are open all day from 0 a. m. t I p. m, and on Sunday from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ' DR. TAYLOR ALL MEN It may be in Its MBDICAL AND 8URQICAL, -OOsMtBB, BOOTO AJTP-TABtJIII.Ir-BTBIBTl, rOBTCABP, O Big QWT I TheDoctors Vho Gure W want verr man who is suffering from any special dlseas or condition to com and have a social chat with us and w will explain to you a' system of treatment whloh Dr. w. Norton Davis ha developed after over 10 years' ex- rerlenc In th special diseases of men. t Is a treatment based upon eclentifla knowledge, and one which haa proven superior to all others, inasmuch aa it has been tried by thousands and proved successful. If you will rail and see us, we will glv you FREE OP CHARGE an honest and aclentlne- opinion of your ', case. If. after examining you, we And' your cae incurable, we will tell vou ao; If, on the other hand, we And your case, la curable, w will guarantee a cure, allowing you to PAT WHEN ENTIRE!., Y "ATISFIEn THAT A CURB HAS- BEEN ACOOMPI-IHlfEn, or you max T"v In. monthly payments should you deslr. a Over50Per Ccnt of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Instructive book for msn mailed free In plain wrapper, e aled. If yon cannot call at nfflre, write for question blank. Thousands cured by horn treatment. COBTSVX.TATZOBT ABTD AST1CB rXES. Tb trading- VpecUUsb In the Worthwws, OSo Soars a. m. to p. aa. aad T to I p, a. 10 a. an. to IB m. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Van Noy Hotel, 6IH Third Bt. Biimuninniiinmnu scoTnina syro? Vas f.aej Band bv MJlUon of Kotben for Bhetr f UlkitrMI while TrrUUna: to Oo ritty Tear, t uoiaes to ebilii, eurtxiis th guma, alien ell pais. nn wind oUe. aad Is th beat eanvxl rnr diarrtxna. - x TWBNTV-riTB CBTfT A B.I TLk. - Deatb of Btra. BeU Dartng. Albsny, Of. Dea IT. Ura Bessie Rurkhart Daring, a lifelong reetdent of Albany and Linn county, died frtday at her homestead of i peritonitis, , Oh SB. TAYlVOBv Th loading Specialist. Ciired - Wlthoat - Ctittl w n k tf 1 rA with varl- Co. Private Entrance 234 Morrison Street Diseased Men Licensed to Practice Medi cine In Oregon Free Consultation and Examination NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY KIDNEY DISEASES BLADDER DISEASES , NERVOUSNESS -STOMACH TROUBLE RHEUMATISM DISEASES PECULIAR J Q-i GUARANTEE. , CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON primary atacs. or It may have been DISPENSARY iLXfu-jg.jLaj i- TyTIHHaTaasTaTirHlMTJ'' U . THE COMFOrTTABIX WAX 2J i Ell XsmbUsaed IBS. , undaya aad sTolldaya, B B H Cornr 11 a. Portland. Or. B auuiiuininmmnB TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F. A. Kilburn aer Caa Bar. Banks aad Baa' PiaaKia. Katt Mtllng front Pertlasd. Friday, Nov. It. Bex Balllag from Baa Frsaetoaa, Thar Nov, M. CRAB. B. BTBBLBkUTBi Aaeat. OaX Street Dock. Ptsr. f.:-!a and her husband were perfecting title to a homestead In th fillets rearvattn. Th body will be brought to A ! fry fjr burlai. transpoktat: kW"jii iogn?:v:n Jralai to the East Daily- Tluoaga Pollmaa etaMtar an tnartet etoe to 4aaha. Cbmce. Ssekeel . . OTviins-cer, aaur te tutu vr tiV5'- redlining feltaiia (teats tri I roa Depot ' Leave. Ar iZl f,'p"""4 "rental One epnaan rlrr r,-. - -i,oer a Aleae aaa t.i.f1 ne Beet o all . OOMJMDU SlTl. DITI101. or aatnrta and war polsta, eraneetlsf 'Mala. . A ah. a A a, t A- il , ."d'n . tora... in . V An-iws '. w . iept Bnrfl.r. V . wn . , a . Peiata, aUaeier Hut ana Moee, tah-et. ak, , STm.Ii "V Vr. .wet (water . "Iparta. itmrnara Ipokaae and Lewte- k! a?., " ! rvl Tral No r . ml "araroay. aarrrt a. sb feaet Offlra. JTMrt and Waihtattaa sts. , 41C Tpwmf Mil Til. O-w- JTtJtOWl. (Sty Tteket A see. McVURRiV. Ueaeral Pamacet Asest. EAST vu SOUTH Oslos Depots ' fertlaad and ft. a Fi rnn asproas taps raly sat important eUtlone omiwm rortland ea aa FraaelMo; coniMetlua at 8aa rraaclace foe aU foist Cut sod Bouth 11:S1 "wim aipivM Trains (or all local points South. aaeramonto. Baa rranrlece " ' and point aa ftouLk. TisV lHff) Mural ic tnla twaneeta at Wood barn aally axeept BuDdir with Moent Ansel and Sllrarton loxl. tOam fjtpst- Cottase Grove paaaansar ennnccts at Wood bur a and ' a many oally. icpl Bna- imj. with train (or points on Wendbarn-BprlncseM and Albanr.Labanoa branch.. 4:1 ps ettrAt sal T:!l toi 6 60 pia 4:10 nai 10:20 t'ornlll paaaaiHrrr. ....... ennuan paaDffer. rorast Orov paaMnsae. ,, ,111 0 aal l0nl Formt 6rov paMnr. .. . Ii8:0 pel llB.M pot Dally. I'Dnllr ert Sunday. JRrTERaoN-TUEB-r TlATION. For Dalla and intern late solnta dally, T: a. n. and :la u. m. Anlve rortlaad tOil a. n. and !i6 p. eu For tine and rard ef 0w iiiiii teals apply at City Tn-krt Offl. er atatlo. Ticket la Baaters polnta and Batoeet saw Japnn. rblaa. Honolnls and anatiala. City Tk-kat Offlt tnnrt Third and WiaV BT1N(1BR Wsi. MeMTJBBAT, ' Owm. Paaa, Aseea Glty Ticket Aaeat. ' TIMECARDI OF TRAINS Portlondi: tear. ' Arrlf a. Fellowatoa Part Ranea City- I Ail- n t .Jtah-1 la . Oentralla, Olmpla, Onr'a Harbor, Snath Band, Tacoma, B-attt. ' Bpokan. Lewlatoa, , . ' . Butte. nillfn, l)eTar, Oma ha. Kanaaa City. St. LoaU and Booth-art, dan..'. : BS - 4aM BV: North Coaat Limited, eleeme ilrkted. (or Tacoaia. Baattl. , St. Paol aad the Baat. dally. I pea TWa Paart Sound -t.lmlt-d, for t Clan-nest. Cheballa, Can tralla. Taesma aad Beattle enly. daily 4Mb. MBss Imtm city aipraaa ror Taee- ma, seatti. epoaan. nwna, Bntte. 8t. Phnl. Mlaneapolla. I.tncoln. Bt. Jae-nb. Kan City, Omaha, St. Loo la, with- ant rbana of . eara. IMract . . ;. eoaneAlona for all polnta Baat and BoathMat. dalfr 11 :4B set leVBB SJ 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 T A..i.l flad Ika fAmai Maifl" VIA SBATTLB AKP BPOKAWBL Fertlaad ttst scaedole . Dally. Bally. Utn. Arrtea, To and from 8 no an, Bt. Pant. Mlnnaapolla, Puluth and all point Baat via Beattl ! ft sat llteSsai B.Mssa To and from St. Fast, IftnnMtiolla Do lath and all Dotal Baat via Bpokan f 00 f 1:0 am mat VorUiora Bmaawhts O. Balllna from Beatn tar Japaa ead China porta and Manila. earryUg B(.r and rraHtht. B. S. XlBBMota. Jaaaarv B B. B. Dakota, February IT. KIPPOB TU8EM KAIBKA, ijap.a U.ll Btaaswhla Oo Km Bar will Mil frost srt about nAmr tt foe Fapaa "and rfittwa octe earryteg' inngw and rralant. ror tirkata, ratea, norm. iwara Hon. .. eall a r addrae V. niOKBOW. O. P. T. A. 1M TMnl tt.. raruaaa, wragam raona sua aa Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. - Untoa Dapev Uiaea. . AtTWm For Majirara, Rainier, Cists kaale, WMtport, (Jilt urn, Ae , lofia, Warrantno. Flaval, . Hammond. Kofi star, wat- kart Hark, SeaaMe I Mta II M t A.torla and Baaaaere, eipreas dallv T.00 am All train daily. t. C MA TO. il. F. and P. A.. AJtwia. . C A. STEWART. (Ommeralal Aaaet. sal Aldae atroot. Phono Main North PacilicS.S.Co;s steals:::? ' . i j A-.1 W W . - 1.800 tons, sails f"f Fur'-. T n X.i Clcn. and Vo Anl ' ' '-j rmbr 10. a' P- m tr(,Jn x " " IorB, foot 171 reet - lith trt oar It t of. . 1 ' afreet. r.f Aider. Thon 1 I 1 licit ihm ililu n. it. . . Uve Arlv s ' '' i i ill. I la. .. TO ,1 L V