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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
A ..- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENINQ, DECEMBER 17. lovo. 10 "7" TODAY'S MARKETS ,With Their Heavy Purchases of Wisconsin and Minnesota Potatoes Los Angeles Buyers Expect to Hold 'Back the Price of Oregons. ADDED STREHGTH IN POTATOES Market Is Firmer and as High as Dollar. Twenty Has Been Paid In Country. - ' Prtodpel market features today: ' ' , ereeter etreeaU t potatoes. Re-alar kima Vie advaaeea. ; . " Cf mM potatoes thla waning. j OaulWevef tn tot ABfelee. ' Kef aaarket cota low - Eaey KM la mtiwrj batter. ! a eaao Uwtt ki letaeea. Tbe potato awket la rettlna aa men daa T'gareae grouse every r- Paring the put , ia boure aa hfea aa 11.80 par 100 Bouads was paid tar toaietblng out ef the ordinal? quality. Only oae ar twa porchaeee at tall flam were rapartad. Ordinary stock aaowa a wide raaae U.aJ as .Iran. -What to ejpj ja rw ere. m of auallt, bat Uila la cue to Uie (realer d ' aaaad far tbe katlar grass of atoca. Tha fact that eoatheru CaHforala dealers ere surcaaelog eery aeavUy of Wteeoaeta aad aflnaeaota aota M aaua. how extmmly critical tee praaaat Borate attuauoa la k Oresoa. DMlara thara . advtae thakr eeaBeerlooe here that thr cannot ttw BMBMBt caaatdar tbe. high prloaa beln aakad far Oreseae wbaa tbey eaa eocure tlia ' eaaoe gTada a potato froae 10a to SOe par 100 paaada lower. So heavy nave baaa tha par . ebaeaa of eaatara potatoes by tha Calif oral ',. trada that tha botmci from this dlractloa ' la Uale ts fall oft eoaalderably wtthla tha praaaot week. Thar la only OM redeeauae feature af tha praaaat sltaattoa from tha view polat af tha prodacara who ars look lag for vary hick values. Thara still exists a great ebortase ' la can all ever tha Culled - State, tha cast haras aa kattar supplied la thla Has la eoanpart- aoa with Ita waata thaa tha padfle eoaet states. aa a raaaK of tha hoary shlpmairta of all - freight tha rallroada ara hkwkad aad tha erereaa dtstaacs wsveiod by freight of lata baa beaa bat a fraatloa ever SO miles a day. At thla rata af apeed It would take soma time far tha . eaatara pouteae ka aater la dlroat eempetltiea with tha eoaat atoca. as Batter If the eappllee ara already paithaaas If the -ftaUht tram tha eaat dors aot travel faster thaa that tke eoutbera CaJtforala aaarket stay be forced to bay la Oreeua whether they eaa bay cheaper elsewhere ar aot. With the greater era aad tw their patataaa the eeatara awrfcata ara be soming to look ap aad prae there ars aa tha upward grade. - Thla My aaoa reatedy the htaber eiiot af the Oregeaa sad area fores this BMrkat hlfkar. it.wever, the general trade rooet.are the potato aark at h la aa aitreaMly dkagereas poalUoa aa retards tha prkca. In Varket wee Lower. Practically all dealers ars seUtns- Orefoa raaeb ease today at Ae a doaaa. aHhoaf k la a avail way aoeaa are charftaf ae kick aa sTHe. eoppltaa af awal ecrs ahow qolta aa lacraaaa fnr the peat few days and a eoarJaoattoa at ; U aUld weather woeld add gieatly as tha arrt- vsls. CreaaMry batter, while eboolua- a ftna tone, la aomewkat aealar thaa a week aso. Becalptt altbtly batter agala. Clekaas reaula rather slow with bobs at - the trada asktas over 13 a psaad today, alaay coops were carried ever freei Betarday ea ao eaaat of the lack af bayera. Tnrkaya la food damaad with email arrivals thaa far. Geasa sell wen at foraMS ejaetatloaa. Srief Vekas af tka baaa. - aoaie Callforala caaUflower arrived ea the Quality . 4alLa . Xalx, . Loral caboose aurket la la food shape. Plica ateedy Wat aarbaarod. kegalar kama wars advaaoad H poand today by he Ualoa Moat aoatpaay. Me cbaaswi la other provlalaea. Ballbat la ante eat of tha local aurket. Advices reeetrad this BMrabjf by tha local trade from Paaet saaad aay that as stack m affsrsd far aale la the saarkau there. Bepe are ateedy with away offers made far stock! by dealers. Crowors aot veraaxtoas to do baahaaas at tha bv level of prleee. A car af sweet potatoes waa aaaooc the arrl vaki traei tha aoath thla aaorntas Plica at . im a peaad. A car af araagaa was alae das darhm tha day. SLIGHT CHANCE IN WHEAT Cfcleafa Van, Oesit t Va- . abaaj s a Tiada XitTka, ' SBLATITI "WBIAT TALUVS. Dee. tT. Doe. IB. Oefn. 1MB. ....."' .T8B.0O .... .TRViB .Tk4 r .00th May July rhloaia. Dot. IT. The wheat market has bad boldiaKa of loeel lonaa throws N for throe or foar days ki aaeceaatoa. It had to eoatead with waakoeaa la core, aad alee to stand ap asalaat the cable Bews frnra Mverpoel that sew wheat ta more freely effared by ArsaBtiae. Notblec bat sarprlalDily lares world'a ehlp ments re aa tnereaea la the vkrfble aapely will oneoaras avea the bean to take taa abort aide or whoat at turn time. - Today's market cloaed aBehaaced to H ap ' May July May July 4 - Cooke aomaaart ,. - WHEAT. . 4V r ' Opea. Hlch. eeestbsr 1 74 H May ........... TU , TK July J... IIS, T , , COBB dl d eH ' si - i OATS. M . Ml KIM PORK. .IftbT 1(110 oov ioai LABD. -. Jaaaary TT TT May .. - MO HOST RIBS. 7aaaary Ms M0 May ......s..s a7J xO Jaly Ml on Urn. Jiasary May ... .....I SA ss ISo" 1827 871 32 am rro Cloe. 714 TKVB T7ik 41 H ' a . I ' M 1MM) 1880 ar art Ml - ttso 70 77 SHORTAGE AFFECTING ' LOCAL CHEESE MARKET .With vary scant auppllea oon- alderlDB tha extent of tha da-1 mand now ruling', tha chaaaa ' market la muoh firmer and moat -' doaJara are quoting an advanoa. It la atatad that - thera ara at thla time not more than- 1,000 esses of cheese remaining at Tillamook, thla belti lnaufflclent to aupply tha anormoua demand for any ldncth of tlma.' Prlea along tha atreet today ruling be tween 14 and 1 ocnta a found for t lata. THE UNEXPECTED DULLNESS CAUSES A DROP Lower for Steers Today Hogs and Sheep Quiet. Portlaod TJalea kMkrarda. Dae. IT. Live stock rooalpta: . y Boss. Cartlo. RhrT Today .I'M) 46 100 wore as ................. m . 17 ... Mooch ago .lh 1( tear ago r..l7f 800 1M) With Chrlatmaa bat a work away there la aot maeh of Interest la the livestock market. All tinea are dull, bat tha ealy chance la price la la cattle, wklch aurket la a boot lfie oft for ateera. The aeaaral trade exports a doll tone Batll after the- holidays. Today 7k hones .me In. i CoadwltloBa a year am: Boca firm, cattle firm, aheap firm. All prleee ancbaafed, , utndal livestock pricoa: -Hose Beat eaatern Orrroa. M.TB: stochara Sbd fooaera. td.o0Wd.d0; Chios fata. 18 00. Cattle Beat eaatara Orefoo steen, M.T5a B.8B; boat cows sad heifers, 13.00; stocken sal faedera. ka 0O bulla, tl.00. ooeep huso. Sc; lamba. pa. I EASTERN CATTLE LOWER CUeaaTw Btarkod Xms. 19 Com' aad Khawp Ara trbaady. Chleaso, Dae. 17. (.iTeatock receipts: Hon. fmtl . Khmit- Chlcaaw M.000 ' S2.000 M.OOt Kauoaa Ottv a.ono :' 1 '1 nm ins Omaha' ; 400 1.600 ' U.OuO Boca eaettad ataady, with s.100 la ft aver from Satarday. Roeelpta a rear are wore 50.000. riroa: anxed. sn.po0.ZO: (ood. W-lBaoJo; fha3 .T&0O.W1; lliht. ikJ.84l5S; Oattle Tea ceata lower, heap ateedy. ' ( . Boon irucs tob ihd, (pecUl Dlapatoh to The loaraaLt Coadoa. Or- Dee. IT. A deal baa baaa cloaed whereby B. B. Barker beeomoa the cwaer ef all aheap ta OllUam coonty that were formerly owaed by tha firm af Barker A filter. Mr. Filter eoid hie interest In .400 head of cheep, toorther with bar aod rlsht to ranee eed re ceived pa-lft for cwea aad kS for lambs. NEVADA MINING STOCKS. olaoo Btchaiira. : Saa fraarlaco. Da. IT. Official Md pricoa: Btunont ...... .$5 .BTVh Cash Boy ...... .14 Gddea Aachor.. ,M Home ......... .Id Jim Butler .... 1.47U M acH a mora . . T Midway 10 Moataaa artt Star Ohio M Tooopab Is.... b.7S Fievada ........iar0 WM EkC ..... BIS ' Adama ........ ) Ophlr aieiicsB .as Caledonia ...... .40 Ricbonuor a..... ' .50 Norcxoae 1.00 OoM Oowa .... .11 -ilraat Bead ..... l.Ott Rcecac .M Black Bntte as.. .rs- Montgomery Mt. .ad ' onaet ......... JS Center ........ .ok U.nhattte -i.... , .10 bylor-Baaipray. .11 Bloeeell Booth ColamMa Mt.. Cob. Qoarry;.. IHamoadfleJd . Male Gold field ..... lambs . do ax tea.... Kendall lagaaa ., May Qoeea ... Mohawk Red Top ..... tandatorm .... silver Pick .. 8C ivee Narlaoal Baak Denver Eclipse Gold Bar O. Ball Free. . Btrlnway . . . Ooa. CaL Ts .90 ; 111 . M ,. .. .11 l.SO ,. 40 ,. 1.4S .. a .. 1MH ,. .SAA ..If 00 .. 17S .. .as .. l f7H .. Jt .. 140 .. 1.10 .. 1.M .. ,23 .. M ... 1.10 Delta Jraaar . .... Sold Wedr IiOoe Btar ....'.. Ureet Bond . do annex.... A Oroaceat Cowboy DeBver aaaes... Black Bock .... N. T. Conaol.;. ManhattaB Ooa.. Little Joe ..... Mayflower lomplns lack . , Red Top ex Moatana trail rrog Mia... rrlsncle Loo DUloa ..... Pine Nat ...... vernal vraader riser 4 -SO BS .to .to M .Mi .1 .id .36 .10 .27 .Mt .OS .74 .60 .to .IS .44 .irr .T M .IS JV .! . VBTJCAKT 0BATJT M0TTMIBT. - ChVaps,. Dee. IT Irlmary receipts:' 4 Today Tear are Boh. nosh. Wheat ..'1.24 000 1.M2.000 Cora 74,000 1.2U,000 ahlpmeats: Wheat tm.OCA Cora Ilft.OoO 609.000 Total elasraacea: Wheat, i42.eno baahele; mra, 15. K) bnahels; oats, SO, 700 beakela; fmar. M,kOO barrela. . XJTBBJOOl OBArxt MABXXT. tdrarpool. Dea. 17 Official ericas: . WHBAT. .. . Own. Close. Dae. IB. Leas. Msrci ...... as AH4 ds V4d da BHd May ,;rm da as 4Hd ds 44 fed 4s IHd S d Jaanary .... 4a lWd 4a Had March a .! as Vad t Ohlaaas Oaah Waaat, reilcaeo, Dec. 17-Caah wheat: No. t red. .T7v: Ko. red 174ci No. t hard, T4 7dc; Ko. I hsrd, TKJTr; No. 1 annbera. 2i3 . 4e; Ka. S aorthora, 78S3c; Me. wise, 73 a 2c. - Wew Terk Wheat Varkat. Near York, ' Dae. 17-ciow: Wheat, May. yW- leased oity Waast. Raaass City, Dec. U Ctoae Wheat. May. ' Tai a. Vew Terk Bond Market. Bow Terk. Dec IT. Official prWe Bid. Aak. BarHnsma J"at 4s.... mi w U W, anlflrd 4s..... ..." VT aafi eaat bJ ml BotTow oorm MAjrxrr. . X 8Vrtlf. ItdTH: Allodea. IAI.B0: AreaAlaa. M 00; Atlantic, BU.OO; Calumet. Mr; centea. mai, fii.iTHi op aanr. smq.tb: Paly west, 18 BO: Kim River. 11.76: fraaklln. (21.00: Oreaa Consolidated, $.H.g7t4: Or.siby, Bid. 76; MaaaachBaetts, 17.60; Mohawk. 7S.bO; Nevada ConeoUdated. BIS. 00; North Rotte. (110; Old Domlnka, BM.OO: Ooceola, B1W: Parmt B2S.00; Qulncy. BU 00: Boyal. 2S V; (inu re, B4.H0; Hb.nnos Bld.S7: Tamarack. B110; Trinity, . 1 .A . .d. . T. 1 , . . Mil . vt i ' i.u, . . -. , , h-iui i.i .ro vers , " iuv na, B10.TS; Wolverine. 1171.60; I'nlted States Mining, soi.tb; fainmer a Arisons, l(n; as. nedor A Plttahnra. 624714: bit Rntto. Il2 00; Bstte Coal.. 136.78; Black MoonUln, BO.TB; Hlpptaainc, ai.r: tanner, fxtjo; Art sons Com.. (SB.OO; Ktlrltla. 63.60. TBTTXTl aTATZS OOTXBBKXIT BOBBC is Terk. Das. IT, Official IMtS. Twos, retietered.... Opt. do aoapoa Opt. Threes, registered Opt. do coo pen . . . ....... ....... .... fm.ll boada .... Tours, registered MOT 'do coapoa... 1007 Peon, registered. IWiH do ooopoo. 1828 Panama-He. fr..... ....... m .... orf ooopoo - .... m.trtct of Columbia 1B34 Philippine ds irlcaa: Bid. Ask. 1044 VH 1044 ion2 12 10SH 1"2 luBS, ' loatj ..... 100 101 u ,101 102U isoiZ m : 1S1 103 104 in 104 J'O sees lltt GEfJERAL LOSSES IfJ HEIV YORK ' Stock' Market Suffers From Ma nipulation of Special Fea- '" tures During Day. Car A Tumiir Locomotiva . ... Blue Iter , ..'. .., Anaconda Atchlaoa Krooklya .. C. N. W Coco. peak. Colorado raal Erie .... Uoutsrllls IfBs L08SB8. t. :N. Y. Central ,.. ) Northers raclflc... .. 1 Fanaaylvaala ..... iHaeaing . Tk Beoublie Hteel .... ...... 1 Bovk laland . . IblHMilkM. l.llle k Pager Illinois Central H. Ualoa Pacific ..... St4 HU. B. Rubber u. a. ateai -a do preferred. .... NET GAINS. .. Baltimore T .. 1 Sl. Paal H 1WI , or , .1.1 Q..-I I Wall Street. New York. Dec IT. St. Paul attracted moat of the St tent Ion of the trsdera koday. There . was a very large aumber of order, to buy at the atart. St. Paul ooened at 17. a gala of H point over oatardsy'a cloa- mg. It went cioae ta auu neiore ine reactam aet la. Thla latter awvement coat the price aeveral polnu aad It closed yaat a fractloa over the previous dsr, thus losing prsetleslly sll Its early gala. Reading was heavily sold and llqnldatloa eoat the prlea polata today. Official eaotatloaa Qooke coBipeay: by Ovarbeck. Starr A DBSCBIPTIOH. Amal. Copper Co 1114 Am. Oar A Pooad.. sem.l 4Sa ds preferred 1 Am. Coeomotlve, eom...' TS 5 Am. Suxar. Am. Smelter, com... do ml erred A aa con da M tains Oo. Am. Woolen, ceni..., Atchlaoa, com ., oo arefarrod Baltimore Ohio, aoa. oo orererroa Brook Ira Bapld Transit Conadtaa Pacific cm. Central Leather, com. ..J aa prererrea. . m.i i ii w Linu. am. m ac. faui... ChL N. W.. eora Ohaaapeaks Ohio Colo, rael ft Ixoa. com.. I Oolo. Boutbera, com..... oo aa - pes f erred. ..... do let -snlarreH. n-.i- Delaware ft Hadaoa. .. . . Denver ft B. O., com... do DTeferred Brie, com do d- preferred.. .... do let nrefafTod Illinois Central Loauvllle ft Naah villa. . Maahattaa Hallway Mexlcaa Central By M.. K. ft T.. com....... do ore f erred.... DUtUlen federal Smelter ....... Mlaaonrl Pacific National Lead New York Central N. T., Ont. ft Weat Norfolk ft Weat.. com.. 4Waaeerroa- North American Northern Pacific, com. racine Mali a. a. oo. Pennsylvania Railway, P. U. L. ft O. Co.... Preesed Steel Car, com.. oo prererrea.... Beading, com do 2d preferred do lar preferred Bep. Iron ft Steal, earn.. oo prererrea Bock laland. do Dref erred St. L. ft S. W.t Id pfd.. 184 161 114V, IBI0 108 ioa U7 sa IbdVi 223 BO 1H TSVt 1T4 17 28j dl 00 W4 78 13M 48 0144- Bl4 onthera vPaclfla, com... oo prererrea. ... Sonthera By., com do preferred Tenneeaee Coal ft boa., Texas Pacific , ToU St. U ft W, eom. Dsw)t!ttl'l4e a a aa, a. , Cnloa Pacific, essa.... do preferred. . S. Bobber Co, sow., do Brsfarvad.... r. B. Steel Oo. com do orefai rad.. ........ Wabaab. com.......... 4V preferred V cetera Union Telegraph scoaeia tentrai. oo nrererrea .... Tlrgmla Chemical Total aalea t day, and 17 1T and 67 ( 211 1SS 7 64 as 147 PS BOT4 on 4 4U lo Mis 16 an 62 107 t 48 104' I 42 as 114 43 'T8 1S4 11414 50 104 1UX 'ia' 9 ua 43 ' 1101 72 1S3 160 11a 287 108 101 Ve 117 'oik' IBS 17 190 aod 67 U 1T iPflle t2 a, ad ! OS 76 174 17 ' 09' 6 04 76 1. 1B2 48 6TS 222 42 ft on 76 Vi 17S 14S 7 0 ai a M 1SS as 66 a 148 BB 08 BO'J 48 ih" 8t4t 120 SST, 4H is 4 62 107 v 104 'oTi Bfl 4 TS 180UI 07 W al. 208 o" 187 vo 64 as 14 113'A 48 101 72 184 160 114 287 83 108 101 1117 80 ltwu Ms W .17 197 208 8s 6T 8T14 224 ex 86 44 6 75 178 140 141 27 40 T2 09 4 llo SB 07 Ut.; 01 08 Vk 11 83 4 lione Tektphoaa 28 ' J. 0. Lee Co ... Oresoa City MU1 ft Lambar...... - Oriental Americaa Oo , Portland Heights Imp. Co Pacific States Telspuoae 109 -' Paget Sound Telephone..... X equina Bay TaleDbona MININO STOCKS. - Alaska Petroleum Brttiah Columbia Amal ... . British tokos 84 ' CaaradJa - 20 Copperopolla 02 Dixie kleaoowa ................. 02Vk Preeland Cos. 01 Qallaber ... Goleonda ... :1. Ooldflald Trotter 10 Great Northern ..... 01 - Holdeu -rr. . ; ; ".77 77....... 14 e'. Creek Gold.... 01 Mamaioth IB Morning ' 08 North Palrvlew Oregon Socarltlos ....... ........ OB Rambler-Cariboo 26 Standard Con 10U Taooma Steal 13 COBUB CALBNB DI8TBJCT. Alameda 21 , tfujiioa ..,.....,,. m 1MI 08 61 107 47 " 104,104U I loUllBVj as So 30B 88 187 00 M 144 -00,4 88 80 97 80 86 41 09 OS 98 H 114 83 4 16T 87 84 68 1M14 a eiH 107 71 Burke Copper Kmc Oer tie . . ......... Happr Day , ....... Mlaaonla Park Copper Reindeer ........... Rata Coo. f Fnow.hoe Saowatorm . . , Mineral Perm Monmouth ... dl 86 SS BO6.B00 aharea. . Call money opened at 12. high at SO. cloaed at 14 per cent, , YERKES niLL-UPHELO FEDERAL COURTS 41 8A 26 61 7Jj at BY roKTLAjm- BAJTK oTATnmrT.- Clearlnre today.... Clearing, year age. Oala today ..... Balances today - S1.B02.TIT.P1 1.117.B24.8T ,aJ BS6.B08.64 .... llB.dod.70 Atlaatle Ooeet ds. O. B. . da... Maoit.ry Batea. ew Tark, Dec. 17. Sterling : Blitr-diy hill.. 483: Bamberg, M I-ld; rarla. B21; , Astwerp, ti. loss 1 IC " Vow Tork Leadoa Hear. Bp Terk. pea. 11 Bag alivar, Sa; Lea dee, Sd. MILWAUKEE BUYS APPLES Orefoa Frodaoa Company ak Ze Brand ana Tom Oanoada. . (Special Dlipatrk to Tb Journal ) La Grsade. Or., Dec. IT S. S. Mill., rep resenting FJtsarr ft Thomas of Milwaukee, has just pun-haaew iO carlosds of apples from ths Oregon Produce rompsny, five carlosds to he loaded at La Orande thla week, the other five cars to tie loaded at Hrvna, .. Waablngtoa. for the reason that be waata five cere ef B pi tees' bergs, and the Oregon Produce company can. aot furalah tha Spllaeuberaa from La Grind.. KW YOKX 00TT0V MAJJUT, KeW Terk. Dee. IT. Cotton closing : Offletsl auotstlens by Ovarbeck, Starr ft com o. ay : opea. rugs. xw. xerc. it, aeac. is , B20 BST 2B 00 OtS ' 947 040 , S6S Bdl . 961 ar pix WIT pap PAS PTT . BOS 970 97 S P79 9hT"B'!) P70 ' PflS p70 p?2 9.10 '920 925 B;w lannery ., rebruary . Marrfc ... April J"" -r 1 July ..... 940 A unlet ... 900 December . 984 llvarpael Cotton Market, Liverpool, iec. IT. Cotton futarra pi s S aetata lower. kaed d 1 I ' ' Dalatft Wheat Market. Dsrstb, Dee. jf Close: Wheat. December, Ta bid;, May. S0. 1 , .. (Josmal Special Serrlee.l - Chlcas;o, Deo. it. Federal : Judge Sanborn thla morning upheld " tho Charles T. Terkss oatata In tho suit of tha North and West Chicago Street Railway company,, thus aaaurlnr Now York tho hospital and art ra.ll cry for wriicn tha Tarkas will provides. Tha plaintiffs demanded tho Tar-keg boldlns In tho Oonaolldated Traction company msrger. tha daeaaaad formed from tha seven constructed Unas, al ls sing that while president of tha North aad Weat company ho perpetrated aroaa frauds. Too court sustained the Terkea ownership. The Consolidated were the principal holdings of Terkes la Chlcasra RECALCITRANT SOLDIERS TO BE MUSTERED OUT Journal' Special Service.) Sacramento, Cat- Dec. IT. It la re ported that eta rompanles of the First Infantry at San Francisco will be mus tered O'lt In a few days for Inefficiency and. Insubordination. The- companion equipment haa been replaced etnee the fire drill room a have been furnlahed, but the companies have failed te-nold drills. It Is said the adjutant-general believes the attitude 'of the labor unions la re sponsible. HAIRRIMAN LINES FILE, THEIR ANNUAL REPORTS '1 hi ' . . Special. Dltpatek to The Journal.) Salem. Or.,-leo. IT. The annual, re port for 1B0 waa filed today with the eacretary-or-etate by the Oregon Hall road Navigation company, and- also by the Southern Paclfie company for the years from 1888 to lo. FIFTEEN BELOW ZERO IN NORTH .DAKOTA Journal Special Service.) Fargo. N. IX, l)oc IT. The tempera' tare.U, degrees below , sero this morning. The 1 weather la-Alear. There Is Jio wind. . All trains are running. Is jOng Oeoair Zs TAprorlBs. Stockholm, Deo. IT. King Oscar reported ta bo muoh bettor today. STRIKE REFLECTED - OH 'CHAOGE Portland Railway Five. Offered Local Stock Market at Poss of One Point on The strike of ths streetcar si as wss reflected ea the Portland stock exchange today, la the iraning ruriiana nanway waa Marian. There were no blda, but tb bonds ware offered at a kwa of 1 point. Mammoth Mining waa offered today by the very people who had been buying so heavily of late. Laat Prlday Mammoth waa aold aa high aa SB. On Saturday It wss offered at 30 aod today asked price dropped to 10 with IS bid. Alameda wea a catnar ef SU ooluta on the report of a rk-h atrlka. Burka loat u while Copper King gained S point.. Oar tie advanced B point, with a aale at the high figure. Aaeo. elated Oil waa aold a point higher thaa Satur day. Soowaboe weat back to 70 bid with no S?' 1 - jouaj sale. lea. Today', aalea: Plva O. B. A N. da at 100. 10 Pacific States Telephone at 108. 1.000 Itrlt. lab Yukon at 34, a. 000 Associated Oil st 51, 1.000 Osrtls at 18 and 8,000 Mineral Farm at H- A aale of 7,000 ahsrse British Columbia Amalgamated was reported ea the urb. umciat priceaj ... BAXK STOCKS. Bank of Oaliforala Bankers' A Lumbsrmsa'a Equitable Ssvlngs Loaa...... Merchants' National Oregon Traet As Savings...,..,,, felted States National BONDS. City tt Subarbsa 4a Columbia Southern lrrlgatloa Sa. 0. B. N. By. 4a 0. W. P. A By. Os ,. Portland Br. Be J. a 14S Co. Os MISCKLLAJfEOUS STOCKS. Associated OH BO Bid. 866 , 1M 110 2U0 100 A.k. 10s -BT 10- 08 00 100 103 tb 100 100 23 IT ' 0414 07 ... TO .. .8.00 ... Oft ... 04V. 1H 'a 'tb 61 110l 60 IT'i OS ' as SUfc 04 "oa .04 'oi is . OS OB iii4 lBSs so iH 04 - so 20 0 10 10 V 85 I.OB ia IRnaMpeUa Whoa ktaxket. bnaeaaoolla. Dee. VT. Close: Wheat- De cember, TS'ke; stay. 80c bid. , lar-awiBaauaMoaaaaaSBW . , st . 1 ' St. Leala Waea jurket, --i-l-St. teak), Dec. 18. COeoai , Wheat, May. TTe. , , , ; . -i , . MOCHRISTILIAS-GIFTSFOR PENNSYLVANIA EMPLOYES (Journal Special Service.) Pittsburg. Dec 17. Minor .. offlolaJs and permanent employes of tho Psnn sylvanla railroad were given a moat un pleasant - surprise last . plght, whan a notl-ie wan posted that . no ofnelal or employe would be permitted .to accept a Chrlatmaa present this yosr from any person doing business with", the rail road. Heretofore Chrlatmaa '' presents have been looked forward to -with great pleasure. These presents - came from large manufacturers sod other shippers SAILOR CAUGHT OH THE ANNIE LARSEN fgneetal Dtanateft ta TbSK Journal.) - Jlstnrla. Or 1'vt IT About 1 Cclork last night tho second . mate of the schooner Annie .Lar eon caught Maurlus Lottra. a aallor, in tho act of robbing the captaln'acabln. ' On a search of his effects being made. It was found Lettra had stolen S170 belonging to First Hate Martin Peterson. Hs was Immediately arreated and will have his preliminary examination- this afternoon .- before luetics of ths peace. Lettra was tha principal wltneas against Captain For rest, of ths schooner Annie Liarssn, who Is now In jail awaiting trial for murder ing a sailor of his vessel, George Fisher. gli FriendCanllafeto Friend Is the capacity of the new Hollow Wire Gasoline Lighting System, at an .'expense of gallon of gasoline each 30 hours.' . ,y ."',.' , And is capable of lighting any building at a saving of at least 75 per cent -raTT7jrrTT3fn IT IS -THE BE3THLIGHT-H ON EARTH AT, A MINIMUM OF COST. For those desiring a small er light at less cost, we have the , ;v, Portable Gasoline Lamp 100 CANDLE POWER That may be removed from, one room to an other at will, at the price of an ordinary Roch ester burner hanging kerosene lamp of 30 can die power, which consumes a quart of gaso line in 16 hours. ." v 'vi"""vi ; h Notice (o the Public V Having purchased the entire retail business of the Western Mantle company, including its gas lamps and appliances,-we are now pre pared to fill all orders intrusted Jo us with' promptness and at lowest rates.' .Wholesale orderjs shipped on day of receipt if desired. , . STORE OPEN EVENINGS. .'" , '- ! ' ' ." i - J V . 1. W. Manning LigMtag & Supply Co. Dealers in All Kindt of GAS AND GASOLINE LIGHTS AND SUPPLIES PHONE MAIN 2311. ' ' r 43 THIRD STn BET., PINE AND ASH. FEDERATION TO GIVE SUPPORT TO THE GARr.lEH JIFTY MISERS STRIVING TO ' aaa. as a, avaiaiaeBaa eaaBhaaaSB S SI KtAtlH InlULlBtU MAN Solid Wall of Granrta" Separates - Rescuers from Man Caught Executive Board Is In Session This Afternoon Considering Ways and Means of Backing the Strike- May Re Jquest to the General Publlo. Ths executive board ef the federate Trades and. Labor counoll Is in seeslon this afternoon, eonaldertns; ways and means to back the carmen' anion. According- to one of Its members, the board will draft a request to ths general pnb 110 asking- that It refrain from patronis ing the company's cars dating the strike. . At meetings ef the Barbers' and Bar tenders' unions It ""waa decided to lm pose a fine of tit upon aay member caught riding on a ear during ths strike. The carman ssy that other unions will follow the example of ths barbers and bartenders. "The carmen will have erery support ths council can give them." said J. I Ledwldge, preeldent of the Federated Trade and Labor council, this morning. and consisted of almost everything from a box of cigars tochecks amounting to i-ws will make their f I ght eurflght-and aa-lilgiras I1.B00. according to the Im portance of the person to whom the present was mads. . The activity of the Interstate com meres commission sent a cold chill down the backs of the officials of the rail, road and an order was Issued ,that pres- ents must not be accepted In future. A special committee -appointed by the railroad company to ascertain tbs amount of grafting participated In by the employes ef the company is ex pooled to rerort by tbs first or ths year. A number of employes who have been preaented with stock by manufacturing companies aay tnsy wui reaign xneir positions with the railroad rather than give up ths stock. will give thsm every aaalatance n our power." - - Secretary McKenney of the carmen's union received a telegram this morning from International Proa If en t Mahon. whose headquarters' are at . Detroit Michigan.. - ' - "Bland - firm. The ' International or ganisation will be behind youwss ths MANY EMPTY FREIGHT CARS STAHDIM SIDIN6S BAKER CITY WILL NOT HAVE PAID FIREMEN Baker City, Or., Deo. 17. Baker City will not ave a paid, . Are department This was decided by the members of tha council In caucua this morning and ths project will be knocked at the meet log tonight. This will reduce the tax Isvy from I mills to I. - At ths msetlng this svsnlng ths mayor , will appoint a city attorney and a street commissioner, but he refuses to announceb,ls.apptlnteea in-advance-. SKIP AGROUND WITH THOUSAND-TOURISTS Kin ga ton, Jamaica, Dee.a IT. The Prlnseaalng Victoria Lou lee, with tour ists aboard. Is ashore off Port KoraX Tbs ship Is resting easily; (Journal Speelal Servlee ' Kansas City, Mo., Dec. IT. With Mis souri cost selling In Tonopab at MO a ton and the northwest unable to get fuel at any price becauss ths railroads say there Is a shortage of cars, there ars more than 4,000 empty cars standing on sldstracka In Kansas City alone. Re ports, from various railroad division points- An- Missouri -and--Kansas-Indicate cars are plentiful tnrougnout both states. Bystematlo Investigation of va rious terminal yards In; Kansas City reveals congestion of cars on nearly every sidstrack. . In Kansas City, Kansas, thers wsrs found In flvs yards a total ' of 1,140 empty ears. T80 of which were box cara On the Missouri slds of ths river con ditions were virtually the earns. In svery freight yard there exists a stats of congestion which nsvsr - has ; been known before. . . A conservative estimate of all freight yards In the city makes It certain that In planing the number of empty cara at, 4,000 there Is no exaggeration. There Is a similar eongestton at Topeka. which places 'e number of empty cara at that polm at tOO. At Wichita there are 2S0, at Springfield 175, at Sedalla Ml, at Hutohlnson tO. - From small stations In ths two statss reports Indicate nearly every sidetrack Is holding ompty cars. Irl aaaertlng that the scarcity of cars Is rssponstbls for present conditions, the rallroada are misleading the public, If conditions slsswhere ars similar to those .n Kansss and Missouri. ' (Jouraal gpeetal Sen lea. V Ukerayeld, CaL. Deo. IT. Tha great Bdisen pewer plant lies - Idle, while every energy Is being devoted to the rescue of Hicks, the entombed miner. Though but II 'feet from the burled man. the rescuers have little hope of reaohlng him before tomorrow night or Tuesday morning. A solid wall of ths hardest. granite separates the rescue party from the ob ject of their efforts, and. sines no pow der can be used for fear of jarring the debris on- Hicks, ths - advance toward the Imprisoned miner ta dlseour agtngly slow. A drift Is being run Into ths side of the mountain and tt Is planned to approach Hicks from be neath, so that danger of a cave may be averted. Hicks can hear his rescuers coming and It Is with remarkable pa tience he waits In his recess for the breaking of the light ' ; - It Is a sight to thrill one's blood to watch the almost' superhuman efforts of the rescusra Fifty experienced miners are running a drift In three shifts and thsy alternate at their work until overcome by exhaustion.- ; - CARLSON'S DEATH -HS-1NVESTIGATED i Coroner Flnley Is Investigating tha mystery surrounding the death of Ed Carlaon. a swamper, who wss found In an unconscious condition late Saturday night at Twenty-fourth and Nieolal at roots. Hs wss removed Into a nearby saloon and died within a few minutes. - Carlson was found lying fsce down ward In a pool of watsr on Nlcolal street. He Is said to havs been drink ing heavily and there are hose who ssy thsy saw him staggering towards ths plaoe where he waa found at midnight and air Investigation was hastily made by the police. They were unable, bow ever, to find evidence of foul play and turned the Case over to tha coroner. An autopsy held to determine the exaot cauee of death. Deoeaeed was 41 years of age. A wife end five children, residing at 4ST North Twenty third street, survive him.. He had been separated from his family-for a num ber of years. : STRAUSS SECRETARY OR - COMMERCE AND LABOR ; (Journal Speelal Service. I Washington, D. C, Dec. 17. Osoar Strauss was sworn la' as secretary of commerce and labor at I 'dock this morning. , . ' ' v . '. : ' . . f ' ' i' HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM ASPHYXIATION . Montgomery of SIS H Williams svsnus narrowly escaped death by ss phyxiatlon yssterday morning while taking a bath. The water was heated by a gesbufher and In some way .Mont go m err did not get the flow entirely turned oft and soon the small bathroom wss filled with the gas. jlssldsnts of the house detected the escaping gas and broke In the' door. Montgomery waa alrsady overcome by the fumes and had hs Inhaled the gas a fsw minutes longer would have been beyond recovery. Dr. Alexsndsr Reld wss oetled in and soon resuscitated ths patient - ,' aVsly en Quake daass. San Francisco, Dso. 17. Ths Btltlsb fire Insurance compsnlss operative" ' In Vainer I bo will coat that city just $11. 000.000 If the. earthquake clauses In their policies aVe held to relieve them of sll liability fpr lossss In tbs recent conflagration In that city. All the companies.' Chilean and for- 4elgn, have earthquake clauses" npon which thsy rely to beat claims against them, and ths Britishers head ths list. , More) Crimes for BlUek. Chroege, Xea 1T The. police susjmct that Hypnotist Blllek participated In the myaterlous death of Stsndish M. York, a brother-in-law of Cassia Chsdwlck, and also swindled a widow now believed to be In California out of 11,000. , , o r SPICES, 6 COFFEEaTEA DAIflNO POWDER, tiaCXXGEXTR&TS rttaluhftrifr. flrvssfFlivor. Ctoattst Sfrrnjth. tasontbetfrkei CLOSSETftDEYERS a.. : SADTLAND. ADtttSOM. . . - j GAS SLAYS 11 M WHILE HE SLEEPS ?om Dineille Found Dead in His Bed No Evidence of -, Suicide. ' ' Tom Dslnsllls wss found dead In his room at 114 North Twenty-sixth street this morning. Death had resulted from asphyxiation by gas that had escaped from a small gas heater that was In the room.- . j Dalnellle was about II years of see. His relatives live In Lane county, . The deceased hed been employed as a street car conductor, but quit" work about a week ago. Yesterday be remarked that ha had been fortunate In resigning before the strike commenced. No motive for sui cide could he found. Dalnellle had checks In his clothing. . ', He retired st about t "o'clock last night This morning his nephew,' who "roomed In the same house, smelled gas. and on Investigation found that It wna) strongsst. at the door of Dalnellle s room, the transom of whleb wss open. Ths door wss opened and Dalnellle was found . dead In bed. The coroner . be lieves that death -was accidental. No Inquest will be held.'. The relatives of the deceased will be notified. - ChaatBuq.uA Fro J act Falls. '(Special Manatee to Tna .journal.) Seattle, Wash Dec. IT. Seattle and Tacoma ministers belonging to the Pu get Bound assembly, who planned a Chautauqua, st Three Tree Point a few tBI7STr6m'Beanre"on I'll gel suund.-am facs to face with failure, and several thousands dollars In drbt. In whlrli they were raising money to buy by sals of assembly stock hss been sold- by ths owners because ths clerical men did nnj, set Th'elr'OotlOff" nfbney" up fast enough. and the. stock 1s now worthless. Be v. W. A. Bpaldlng, promoter of the scheme, resigned when he found "the lohems was a failure and Is now la the east. .1 I ' ' 'ea J -aw TV A-