The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 16, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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... TOIOHT' AlfPUagHTfc i
Being ,........ .........
Alberts OaUstla la "Dorothr Verses'
Baker ........."A Bachelor's Romance"
.aipus.........,..,...,,..."uut m icum-
Irrlo... ....'Tb Panltee'
fcr ....."Tbolrni'
l'iUM Vaudeville
Uresd , VaudevtUs
The moat loved and longeat preserved
-for It la kept forever Chrlatmaa
preaeut la a. portrait of youraelf. It la
approDrlate for your wife, your hus
band, your brother, your alatar or your
lover for anybody you, esteem. . For
- yaara we believe wa bava been aupreme
in the production of tba vary beat ex
ample pf the photographer's art. If
you will call today between 10 and t, wa
will rladly accord you . 'sitting, and
.-. bava the work completed In time for
Chrlatmaa. . R. W. Moore, expert pho.
tographer. Elks' building. Seventh and
Btark. .... . .
Rev. Edward C Downey, paator ' of
the Spokane Universsllet church, will
fill the pulpit at tha Flrat Unlversallst
church, East Eighth and Couch streets.
today-- Ha will preach at 11 o'clock
thla s-iorntns- and at T:IS o'clock thla
eieulug. 11 Lf. JJowney la herelooklni
ver tha field with a view of reoom
mending some one to the vacant pas
torate left by Rot. WllUam C Small.
' Ho haa been vary auoceaaful with hie
Spokane pariah, which baa built a 120,
W church during hie pastorate.
Handsome aulU for man. made with
tha correct three or four-button aack
coat, out from fine unfinished worateda,
serges and novelty elotha perfectly
-tailored and trimmed as well aa any
garment could bo trimmed. : and of
. fered at a figure that make It unneo-
oaaary for any man to go without
creditable outfit of nice clothing at any
time. Aay suit in tha houaa for $25,
no more no leas, and a large atock to
select from. Unique Tailoring Co, 101
Biara, Between Fifth and Sixth.
(A positive fact of a real clearance
aal on tha entire atock of men' a and
youth'a clothing, furnlahlng and ahoea
Tne public la wall aware of John Del'
tar's aquara dealing. Mr. Dellar in
tenda to change hla bualnaaa and wfil
positively aall out every dollara worth
of gooda 1 oca tad in Si-si North Third
. street, corner of Davis. Supply your-
aelf with first-class merchandise at ona
naif price of lta - value. Sal begins
.Monday, December - IT, , Store for rent.
xixturea for sale. , ; - ;
Mlniatera and Madiams' Protective
- Spiritualist aasoeiatlon will meet in W,
a W. hall, Selling-Hlraoh building, cor
ner Tenth and Washington .streets,
every Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Rev. Dr. Dickey, formerly of Taooma,
will lecture tonight on subject "Laving
the Pace That Kills." followed by Ger
trude Woodfield, madlura, with aplrit
mesaagea free. Spaoial Invitation to
. those who wlah to investigate,
' Toya fraa tomorrow Girls and boya
we have' 1,000 good toys to .give away
. tomorrow (Monday). Have mamma
buy a pound of our celebrated tt cent
coffee and receive any toy In ear win
dow. Lots of them; come after school;
It will not ba too lata. Haines Tea
Store. 170 Third street, between Tarn
hill and Morrison. . :,-..
. Handsome Palms Wa bava received
a fine shipment of palms and planta
from Belgium, Nothing nicer, for noma
decoration or presents, wa have all
atses from too to f 6. , Price low so aa
to move them quickly. ' Come early and
make your selection. Portland Seed Co.,
Front and Tamhlll streets. '
Tha Road to Prosperity ' starta In a
. tailor shop. - A good auit of clothes is a
letter of credit into any society.- That
.man la a prince-who- has bis garments
made 'by Arm strong, tha- fashionable
. tailor. Raleigh building, SIS Washington
- atreet. Tour clothes fit. you, if Arm
strong cuts them. . ,;? .,
Comradea of Lineoln-Oerfleld poet, O.
A. R, are requested to ba present at our
last regular meeting for this year nest
Thursday evening, December 18, after
which tha W. R. C will furnish enter,
talnment and refreshments. R. -A.
vVohlfarth, adjutant. .,, " ,
A short store and a true one. We
give you tha baat values la pictures
framed and unframad in tha city, look
ver tha pictures in tha picture depart
ment and ba convinced. Sanborn, Vail
ft. Co.. 1.70 First atreet .
Oct It Off Tour Mind Phone ns that
order for your Christmas tree, Oregon
a rape and mistletoe, to ba delivered
, this week. Ask our salesman. Main
47. Portland Seed Co., Front street,
corner Yamhill. . n
Senor A. Da Capiio. . reader of the
famous Iewls aad Clark Administration
Band and Concert company, baa opened
hla studio at S8S Fifth street. . Phone
Main 1022. Mualc furnished for all oc
casions. - .," . '.... :.
Wantd--Exact addre'ss of Mrs. LlUIe
B. Hajburn, presumed a housekeeper.
Reward. Uruber, 1T - Commercial
block. .
. Palme. Rar Plants., Eta. Just re
ceived 20 cases .- handeoma . Japaneaa
icf Wffn You But tt Hmr
. It Will bm Prel$lf mi Rtpwnfrd ' '
This trio constitute tha moat -appropriate af all Christmas gifts to
friends. Of course there is cut glaaa gooda, and many other classes of
Jewelers' merchandise, suitable for friendly remembrancea. aa other
preolous stones, but diamonds and igold
.Our stiver of coin quality, and our
All of Our Gold
We pride ourselves on performing every obligation to the public, and
anything bought from us may be rellad .upon for its excellence. We
carry an elegant atock of solid 14-karat gold watches, 26-year filled
rase watches, silver and -gunmetal watches, diamond rlnga, etude, scarf
pins, earrings, brooches, cuff links, a full assortment of -solid 14 -karat
gold Jewelry and noveltlea, opera-glasses, all kinds of leather novelties,
ebony toilet ware, cut glaaa ware, gold and silver-handled canes, and
umbrellas, silver toilet wsre and novelties for ladles and gentlemen,
silver flat ware for tha dlnlns-tabla. diamond aet. Jeweled and en-
graved 14-karat solid gold bracelets, goId-flHed bracelets in hundreds of
X patterns, etc. ;'.. B. - -r y,. . r , it,,.-
1 TU C UUfL... r Jewelers and Ola-
IMC Ua llCllUIUptl LU. mond Merchants
X .a4H MOrTISOtl OtrTCt '
Lowest Priced Jewelry Mouso for Pine (foods"
Aad Kara are tha winners.
Tha great gkidoo problem haa bean
solved by nearly 100 of the 7,600 peo
pls who tried It. These figures prove
tha Interest taken by all claaaes in the
puxile. ; which was tha moat popular
feature' aver taken up by a paf er on
ins coast.' .. a '
Thla Is tha report made by tha pre
siding Judge of the court, to whom was
subm.tted tha anawers that contained
tha right figures:, . h.
-..' .Tba Judge's Beport. .
Portland. Dec 16. To tBa Pusala
Editor, Tba ' Journal; - I have made a
careful examination of those answers
to tha "akldoo problem" that contained
tha correct number, that le. (t8,277,(l.
and' It appears that the aolutlon of Ol
phar E. Brooks, (14 Grand avenue. Port
land, cornea nearest to fulfilling all the
conditions of tha problem, aa atated in
Tha Journal. - I bava awarded to htm
tha flrat prlsa of 1.000 pennies. Tha re
maining 40 ' prises I ' have awarded to
palms, eyeas, camellias, S; magnolias.
rara clants. fern balls, etc. Nothln
ulcer ur niurg ayyroprlit ior Christmas
pre sen ta. Make your selections now for
later delivery, Portland Seed Co., Front
and Tamhlll treats. ...v.. . ; v
' ' Don't worry about what to give for
a present. - Have ona af those pictures
you prlsa go much framed artlstia, or
secure one of the many moderate priced
ready framed plcturea Sanborn. Vail
as Co., 170 Flrat atreet. ara abowlng
new pictures and frames in great va
riety, v , t. '
The ateamer Telegraph will .lay off
nntll tha first of March in order to
make extensive repairs. She will than
resume ber regular run. Tha improve
ments' will be suoh' that the traveling
publlo will appreciate as tha service
will ba greatly Improved.
' Spaoial services in celebration af Ha-
nukkaa will ba oondiftted by tha pupils
of tha Ahaval Sholom Rellgioua achool,
at tha synagogue, corner Park and Clay
streets, this evening at o'clock. AH
ara Invitad. . - . ... (,
It would Interest you to look through
tha framed picture department and sea
bow beautifully and attractive tha new
pictures ara and at such a price lit
tleness. Sanborn, Vail at Co., 170 Jflrat
street. ' ,. t ,,v
This will remind yon that now la tha
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the Sams day. Phone
Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair
Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor.
' Dance. Tuesday, December II. Mar
guerite hall. Marguerite and Hawthorne
avenues. Brotherboed Amelrcaa Toe
men. . Galiehlo orchestra. , Admission It
cents. .' .,' , ..
See the ad of B. 8. Jackaoa aV Co.
today If you want aa eight-room dwell
ing and full -lot -for - youraeif orfor
rental purposes at vary attractive tig
ure. . :- - . , . ..i.
Tour eyes examined Free. We are
still setllag eyeglasses at 81.00. A per
fect fit guaranteed. Metsger at. Co,
Jewelera and opticians. 111 Sixth street,
' Do not miss this opportunity George
Jabour Co. 841 Washington atreet
great holiday oriental rug and lace sale
now on. 25 per cent reductions.
Steamer Jeaale Harklna for Cunts,
Wasbougal and way landings dally a-
oept Sunday. Ltarw Washington street
uoea i a a ,, i , , .... , , .
Seventy-five leading dallies: f o lead
ing m a ga ilnaa. Drop in at Carl Jones'
for your reading matter. Fourth and
Washington, v . .
"Ethics of Socialism and ChrlstianKy
Identical." J. C. Perrtna. tonight. Allaky
nail, Third and Morrison.; Muslo fraa
Nashville opera house. Dance Thurs
days and Saturdays. Masquerade New
Tear's eve. Take ML Scott car.
Just the thing for' men Waterman's
Ideal Fountain Pen. Sold by OUL Third
and Alder. ... ,
Window glass and glaring. ' F. B.
Beach Co., the pioneer paint company.
lli Flrat at., Tel. Mam 1884. .
Gift hooka to please every- ona Prloes
to please purchasers, at OiU'e, Third
and Alder. , i
Acme Oil Co. sella the best safety ooal
ill aiuunne gasoline. Phone East 768,
Hand bags,' special finishes: hand-
aomeat In Portland, at Gill's, Third and
Dr. G. M. Wells, residence TI5 East
Burnslde street Phone East 1(68.
For Quality. Ouantlrv and Oulekneaa.
go to Morris restaurant, . .
Renew : magaslne subscriptions at J.
K. Gill s, Tbjrd and Alder. , . .
"Public stenographer. Phone Paelfla 82."
Watch Wooaterl I I f V ' v
snd silver ara in most demand.
diamonds the purest of stones.
is 14 Karat Fine I
the following named contestants:
Olphar tL. Brooks, 814 Grand avenue.
north, city. - , , . , , ... . ,
Mlas Dotty Banding, 224 Washington
street, Albany.
Georgians Clark. Victoria, B, C
Charlaa H. Bohrsr, , Welter Idaho..,
, W, a Rtlaa. Mentav.Ua,
Lillian B. Wolverton. 140 Jackaon
Street. . ' - ..-. v . . ' . ; t-.,
-John jrLCaspary,tlT North Twelfth
strett. r, V-" '' r ----
Roscoe C. Tarbell, M. D, 82 Main
atreet. Groton. N. T.
F. M. Priest. Klamath FaUa. '.
R. E. Beagle, Clifton. . t
Mrs. E. M. Ferguson,' Ashland. ',
F. R. Angle. The Dalles.
1617 Cnrtls avenua
Stephen 3. Klrby, 871 Eaat An ken y.
E. E. Aldrich, 416 FUedner bldg.
Mra. Martha W. Rlgby. box 848, Hood
River. " ? ,. 1. -. - -
C. A. Dayton, 17 Dwlgbt street. Uni
versity Park.--' - ,
Orovar C Blrtchst. P. O. box 148. Al
bany. ,
A. Ptckard, city. '
Chaster A. Vliii,aut, bee 811, OarvalllaJI
Mlas May NalU, La Granda
, Irene Campbell, Chemawa. ' (
' Anna Alexander, La Grande. '
T. C. Jory. Salem, R. F. IX No. 4.
N. W. Gloss, 1717 Dwight street. Unl
veratty Park. -
F. H. Isenberg, Cascade Locks,
Ira J. MurriU, 188 Morrison street.
Max M. Donohoe, 858 8tark atreet. .'
P. A. Anderson, room 40, Worcester
building. , ...
Miss Velma Edwards, Corvallla '
Arthur Janaen. 8(8 Thurman street.
Lowell C Paget, care Portland Truat
company . .
Merwyn Paget, Crelghton, Or. " ?
Effle Wright, 808 Wygant street.
Donald Nlokelson (12 years aid)
Hood River. "
Mrs. J. K. LIUy, 80 H Grand avenne N.
May Turrall. St: Johns. ... ,.
M. O. Stlngle Huntington.
P. L. Harbour, Weston, Or. t" f
W. W. M err lam. 888 Williams avenne,
L. N. Lund, Vanoouvar, Wash, R. F.
D. No. 8. . '.' ..,
Imra Wann, 2511 HiUside Way, Beske
ley, CaL - . . . .
Walter B. Johnson, general delivery.
city. .. . t
W. A, Grantham. 4Q1V Williams ave
nue. it.., -
W. H. Bishop, Warmsprtng. r ,
Mrs. J. C. Pettyjohn, Salem.
Franklin BalL 816 East Thirty-sixth
street, . '..-..
Respectfully submitted, " .
i MRS. R. W. HAOOOD. '
Prise-vyianing Solatioa. - - .
Everybody will bo interested In know
ing what was the : solution that tha
Judges declared to be the "best" Here
t Is:- ' , ,
The conditions of. the problem are
such that when it was attempted to put
an equal number of the pennlea In two
boxes, three boxes, four boxes, and so
on up to and including the number 82
boxes, it was found that in each at
tempt -at such equal division of the
pennies inte . the various numbers of
boxes, there vn in each Inetanca one
penny left over, but when it was at
tempted to put the pennies In 88 bexea.
an equal number In each box, tha dtvla-
ion was auoceaaful, and there were none
left 'over. - ? - ' '"' '
Now, the least number that Is exaotly
divisible by' the conaecutlve numbers 2
to 22 inclusive. Is 222,72.6(0; henoe
222,782,6(0' plus I would be the number
of the pennies, were It not for tba con
dition that such . number must be
exactly divisible by the number 23.
w.If 232.722.6(0 be divided by (8. the
quotient will be 10.1H.4K -with a re
mainder-of 15.
In order to And the number that will
be exactly divisible by 28 and at the
same - time-eon tain each -- ef tha con
secutive numbers 2 to 22. inclusive, an
integral number of times with a re
mainder of 1 In each inatanoe. lt la
necessary te multiply the number. 222.-'
702,6(0, which is 282,782.(46 plus 16. by
some number such that the resulting
product plus 1 will be exactly divisible
by 23. the numbers 8 to 22. with a re
mainder of 1 In each instance. Such
multiplier may be determined by multi
plying the remainder 16 above by the
Integral numbers 1. 2. 8, 4, stc. till
tne resulting product will with the ad
dition of 1 to it be an exact multiple
of 33. - It la found that 15 thus multi
plied by 8 gives 46, which plus 1 is 48.
sn exact multiple of 28 1 hence, if the
number IS2.7I.60 be multiplied by
ana l aaaea. tne result la s.77.4Sl. a
number which contains 38 exaotly 30.
8(4,347 tlmee. and It contains each of
the numbers 3 to 33 Inclusive, an exaot
number of times with 1 remainder In
each Instance.
Therefore' tha number of pennies was
VI,I7i,Sl. - -
347. Grand Avenue North.
- Zaesreat Was Wlaeapraaa. ,
The othar contestants to whom prises
were awaraea save excellent anawera
Ona ef the Judges said it was unfortu
nate that all could not be flrat. Tha
anawera came from all over thla coun
try and some from British Columbia.
There was a discussion over the ellcl.
billty ef the solution sent br Dr. Tar-
oeu or uroton, new xork, inaamuch
aa it arrived on Monday, the day fol
lowing- me oais on wnicn me oonteat
eloaed, but aa the - lrtter hid been
posted, in tune to reach thla office on
Sunday, and aa the ' nveloD waa
atanrped Sunday, it was' decided to per
mit the entry. Dr. Tehpll won a prise.
Thle Hklrioo pu : tvt the; peoulo
much entertalnniPnt. ii t rousrd tt lot of
talk and some of the anawers were de
cidedly clever even outside of the Hat
that won prig's. The puasla editor haa
but one rearet to express In connec
tion with the contest, the real editors
and the business office demanded so
much spare In The Journal for the un
interesting things such ss news and
advertleing that It waa Impossible to
publish In full the witticisms and
poetry that accompanied some of the
solutions. ' ,
'.,; ', . - . : V
Br W." tisvens, nroprlator of the Hotel
Beott, reports that a suit case contain
ing a revolver, several suits of undrr
wear snd rops and fixtures for ' irtu
flclai limb were stolen from the hos
telry. .-...'
Mrs. Hlnemsn. iltb Fourth atreet.
notified the authorities yesterday that a
sneak thief had carried away two blank
eta, a pair of trousers and a coat from
a room In her house. s
John Bell. 21 V4 East Morrison street.
has informed the police of the theft of
a suit ef olothea and. two pairs qf shoes
from. .his home. u', ,-'-- r-
Social Dane
Thursday evening at Arlon hall, good
time ana good musio, amission, gents.
16 cents: ladles, free. Professor Katon
, Gill's Book Storn.
Open evenings until Chrlatmaa,
- Never, before 'have we offered,
watches at such low prices as this
Tma; that is why we are selling so
i many. - Ladies' gold-nued waulies
(from $9J0 up. Gents' gold-filled, from
$19.00 up. - -'
i i'i
A store that Is attraotlng a great deal
of attention from the women Just now
Is "Le Palais ' Royal" -on- Washington
street. Mr. Becker, the proprietor, is
making arrangemante to enlarge the
establishment and confine his attention
wholly to millinery, ladles' suits, shirt
waists, etc.; and to this end is closing
out his entire stock -of small notions,
such aa hosiery, gloves and underwear.
The stock carried by this store is of a
superior grade and the styles are ex
clusive. One line of Peter Pan waists
in oolora, and black and white, 1s par.
ticularly attractive. They make ex
ceptionally welcome Christmas gifts
for high school girls or young business
Third street is more than maintaining
Its reoord of low prices, the result, in a
large measure, of moderate rents; and
combined with this attractive feature
Is ths increasing excellence ef stock
carried In every department. A trip
through the large department store of
Roberts Brothers suggested such, a va.
riety of possible gifts, that I recom
mend this eourse to ona perplexed over
the subject, rather than to sit at home
and wonder just what to buy. Mothers
cannot fall to be pleased with any ar
ticle from the domestlo department
napkins, table Beta, bureau scarfs, the
most beautiful quality of linen la found
In all the shapes and sixes used in a
dainty modern home. And then for the
girls. Just visit the silk department!
811k for evening wear was never made
up In more delicately dainty patterns;
the nomnadour, Japaneee, crepe, - and a
hewer fabric that Is leading ail , the
others, called Grieeyeb, a French bro
cade effect that ie at enoe elegant soft
and clinging in effect. Tbeae atlks ara
also used for scarfs, opera bags, and
separate waists. For the men. there
are the moat comfortable-appearing
bath robes made from uerman blanketa.
a splendid assortment of neckwear, sus
penders In silk and Hale, handkerchlefa.
all put up In gift boxes ready for the
sender s card. Elegant auit caaea' ror
the man who travels are soother happy
thought. . Among the smaller novelties
for the many whom It la a pleasure to
remember, are the most fetching gift
aprons, made of flowered handkerchiefs,
and l.i the moat piquant' designs Just
the thing for- the young housekeeper.
And fur trimmed Juliet slippers from
the Alfred Dolce company, at a price
i .- -JS
Nothinp: would please the old
folks more than a pair of our per
fect fitting- Spectacles After
Xmas we will test he eyes of the
recipient and fit the proper lenses
without extra charre. Solid Gold
Spectacles from $3.00. ,
Oregon Optical Cor
ITS rewrth art, T. SC. O, A. aUag,
Is there anything here that you
want? Lots of other pretty things
that arA-impossibkLto illustrate
' YOU MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE in the dealer who (ells you diamonds. ASK YOUR FRIENDS,
if we are reliable. If we ever misrepresent, and if you can't do just a little better here than at the other
place. Then, come to us. We know we can please you, and save you quite a little money.. ASK TO SEE'
Positively t the largest stock of Seal Rings ever
' shown in this city, ranging in price from $1.75 to
$35.00, including nice monograms and Old. English
Ebony Goods !
B08--T- OoxamOBwealUi Blag,
- MavTIAJro.
ttt Colman Bldg., Seattle.
never before offered In Portland. Mer
chandise certificates for any desired
amount ara sold here, so that the tired
snopper need not decide In a hurry, and
buy-something her friends do not really
care for. Theaa certificates formerly
confined to gloves, now covering every
line of merchandise ere a moat prac
tical aolutlon to tha problem when one
really doea not know Just what to buy.
Fraley's Hattery, on the corner of
Third and Salmon, well known to Port
land ladlea for the past 10 years as
headquarters for moderate-priced mllll
nery. Is surprising old customers by the
very high-grade of goods carried, Mr.
Fraley. proprietor, has been buying hats
for Portland ladlea. In his connection
with other large firms, for over a dec-
sde; and when he bought out the old
Becker place and went tnto business
for himself, he carried his valuable ex
perience with Mm with the result that
this store Is faat becoming known for
Its high grade excluaiva styles at prices
that prevailed under, the old manage
msnt. Us te able to do thla, being out
of the high rent district. Mr. Fraley
says his success Is owing to adver
tisingtelling the people about his hats;
and his plana for the coming season
are certainly Interesting. At present
he haa aoma of the moat beautiful even-
ng hata and opera coiffeurs ever shewn
in the city. Shell pink and cell blue
combined with ostrich feathers and
dainty aigrettes are the distinguish
ing features. Ha la also having a holi
day sale of trimmed dolls' hats that
follow alt ths latest styles in grown
up millinery, at very moderate price
These tiny millinery creations entrance
the little girls who peas along Third
atreet- . ,
- Santa Claur Supplied.
Old Santa has laid In a goodly suddIt
Of membership tickets of the boys' de
partment of the Toung Man's Christian
asaoclatlon. These will make excellent
Christmas presents for boys between
the sges of 10 snd It and no doubt will
find their way into the stockings of
some happy boys on Chrlatmaa morn
ing, 1 . . '
Northetn Rxpreas company removed
to corner Sixth and Alder, opposite Ore
gonlan building. . Send your Chrlatmaa
packages at on;. ,
Milwaukf lCouiitrLC!lvl-
Eastern snd California races. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City oara at First
Opera Qlassea :
In . peart from 15,00 up to $35.00;
bandies to match, from $3.00 up. ;
f Belt Pins aad Belt Buckles
-r,i. sit u ii j i T:ifT gnr1
gold filled, polished, Roman rose gold
'with. and without stones, ; ,
Mounted in gold and silver, with best quality of silk
from $340 up. . -
- Sliver Toilet and Manlcur Set -:
Solid Silver Toilet Sets. 3 pieces, from $1150 up;
Manicure Sets, from 5M up.
$2.75 to $7 JO per pairt Hair Brushes, $1.25 to $5.00f
Mirrors, $2.00 to $8.00.--- "n- -r-r
The Best Dental
Work in the
Until Dec 15
Good Set ef Teeth....... B4.0O
On Rubber Plates fO.OO
Gold Crowns, per tooth. ..SS.OO
Bridge Work, per tooth..'. .$3.00
Cement and 11 ver Fill-
Ings, each t&0
Oold and Porcelain . FU1-
Inga, each ........
Extracting free.
Teeth cleaned fraa.
Yale Dental Co.
Between Morrison and Terahrll
Phone Main 4T.
Of as Bean
Of Japanese and Chinese curios,
consisting oi old Bronze, Sil
ver, Cloisonne,, new Brats, Sat
surna, fine decorated Tea Sets,
Lacquered Ware, Ebony
Carved Furniture, Embroidered
Screens, - Oriental - Rugs -etc
Owing to the overcrowded con-,
dition of our small store,' wa
are compelled to dispose of our
great stock at auction. The
public is cordially invited to at-'
'tend this sale. Unprecedented
bargains are certain to be had.
SALE AT 2:30 AND 7:30 P. M.
Andrew Kan & Co.
287 MORRISON'ST. r""
Holiday art aoods, aaadarre rarnltura
and Itott, sIItsc clotsnan. mral satsnaia.
braasss anSi: eld Bronas, fla Oatoe tm.
Uses satlHoMert. allfe aad salts dmalne
saeaa sod draws work, sec, dlrectl taiaorted
rnm Japan and China. . r
CaNTOH 9AZAAM. so auta St.
Are Prepared to Handle
Rush Orders
Our Tjrps Ja-AU New aad
. of the Latest Faces Cut
Those Who Try Us Come
AairTBecanse Pleased t
Sae Sa t , am,
AMaeTe Bldg, 10H Thar BN.
Moral Leeaon, with blawkbdawd
: work.
, . Flag Irtn. '
- Sclentlflo Course.
Indian Club Drill. : f
Thorough Course ta Mnisao,eaaB
patent teachara .
Muslo and Dramatia Ctuo.
Professor Paul of Wsetena
Academr of Klooutten amt I)ra
matio An. leacnen
Almlra Warner,
Come, all are weloome.
001. HOKXlSoS AJTB Wtlt taSS ITa.
Raadseairlr faralahaa, altaatr eeeU'iiad.
Rrapront, Sa ailnatoa' walk rruet aaart (
shopping ssd buslssss dlatrlet. sU larsa,
alrr. sntaiea tseaMK stsasi saatad, alsetrl
llxhts, tlfbam la sack apanawat. ttc
Lara - etflcaa. loanclng,, aaxiklsa, wrltlas,
ladlaa' maptlos parlors. Skwsu rn,rT4
br suit et telephone.
Private saaaisae atetei traias aad etaaist
Rooms $1.00 to $5.00 a Day
xtatss e Oeaiawieial Haa. V
A. AajtSTaojIO. PnsHsvar. .
Mrs. Dr. Uzry lirzz::
- . aciawxra
"KloequaftrS -vnr-pittia 4fers ael
Hoot meliiiins ior ait
Examination free..
Telephone Fast SSI."
gel jrta. I . r
and Alder.
aad Aides, , . j