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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
V TIIS OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND.. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER ' 18, 1SC3. a. cY-. . ; : : ' : - . ,.rv ' ZZ2rf?SV ------ rr s w" Mi i Vew JBflK w Mils n t 1 r Wa m ' l.J H' , VV - VIS IV ' bi V. - SI. ;7. ' ! Hoare's Exquisite Cut Glass In Exclusive Shapes and Designs Bothlng aun preotloal or desirable thaa Out aiaaa ' iom mora beaatlfnl, la Oeeiga and cut thaa 1 iton la :u stock priced very moderately. . .. ( BERRT BOWLS.... 94.50, S6.50. f9.25, 910.5C BUOAR AND CRKAMEB. . . S6.T5, S8.SO, 910.75 MAYONNAISE BOWLS BPOOW TRAYS. ............ . .S3. 00. 93.75. 95. vf2.50, fS.OO. flO. VASES. ... NAPPIES WATER PITCHERS PUNCH-BO WL4... , Perpetuated Palms Make the home beautiful ; everlasting, never-fading, inexpensive 55c-to-$12 94. (2.00. 92.50, 50, ST o, se. 910, 911.50 For halls and large rooms we have Bf 10 and 12-foot Tree Palms. ' We Wake Holiday Shopping at Once PLEASANT and PROFITABLE for Our Patrons Four Floors, Each One Stocked With Goods Useful, Beauti ful, Exclusive and Appropriate. Always Moderately Priced HAVE YOU VISITED OUR GIFT ROOM oitnionnnooai' 1907 CALENDARS Tack latest . daslrna, fram ad . hardwood panola, qvoor Ctalnoaa flruraa, worked up in colora. -Quaint Dutch Soanaa Etofalnvs and Watar Colora. . - Oar cal endar are of euch I run that erery want can be euppllad. And prloaaT 164, 3T, SO, 85. lO, S1.60, and ooma baaatlaa (or S2.2S and 60. ' , Framed Pictures Water eolora, at chin (a, photorrayuraat , paste, landsoapaa. marine. Ufa flrurea Our selections war moat carefully made and pronounoed by all -of sprlor axoellenoa ' Our. plotur de partment la prorlnaT a great suocaaa Law "price and original subjects are bringing us unexpected returna Sramed and matted pictures. 85 05, f 1.25, f 1.65, f 1.00, f 2.25, S4.80. Sheahan's Passe Partouts -At--151 aaehi Wa sold 1,W pf 1BBM Ult yw." tftd OMerST 4.000 this aaaaon. They are grolngr fast; won't laat tfutrco won der. Nothing- wo have orar shown ha attracted greater admira tion than jthaaa beautiful picture, mottoes, prororha. quotation. Gibson heada, photo and reproduction of fameu palntlnga A otnplat display In the glftroom oa the fourth floor. - Rare and Rich Art Glass and XI would aore a vkola paga ta tell yoa f theaa aO. com sa and ret It first hand. at taka lota of tba. Admire than all. Bay If yoa wlani Boyat Boaa Art Olaaa, Snaeaalaa Olaaa, Vtoplaa War. Imperial Bonaparte, nreaae Baad Valatad. ramoa ArttBtC Haaa-Valatad Blataa, Baaaraa Kuuama Bra, Allolaa Blata. Bararlaa Zrls Plate. Oxawa Blaauurok, Bookwood Vottsry. Boaaathal' Boyal OUa Oupa aad aaoera. Old BgTPtlaa Fottary, Amphora waia, Boyal Btata Olaaa. . Prices $1.50 to $35 V Theaa Xandaoma . DRESSING MIRRORS In heavy gold frame!, . 55.25 $6.50 $7.75 Statuettes Famous subject duplicating the most celebrated sculptures, both ' ancient - and - modern. 93.50, f 5.00 and f T.OOv Ladies0 Dressing Sets ta Seal. Alligator. tarUag' , SUvar aad Celluloid. , ladles 1 Opera Bar. . Auto Baga ' Rollupa, ' Wrlat Bag ;A11 Leather, and. -Silver -Goods . -marked fraa. , , .:-'r.JV?ivV .'(;- 1.,: ,Initial Letters Pyrographic Outfits .Wood Blanks, Boxes of every shape and Picture-Frames, Eaaela,'. Nut Bowls, Trays, 'Book Raoka. Btalns. lOtfsbottle. Burning Fluid. 15 and 25c. "Outffia. SI 750. Albrca of "xperrwoTk6rr-ln-tbf-art will Instruct you frea - .. A fcArtiXt, .ax2i. -.rfaJ ; 'of 3awra -JS? TO ,- Hurd's Exclusive Station- Thes handsome Starling Silver, Qold-Plated Initial Uctters, alxteenth-century deaign, fro 'with ovary tl leather purchase, ; Bronze and Brass Wa art displaying a completa axhlblt of Water Colors by Captain Cleveland RockwelL - No word of oura Is needed to detcrib tha charm and beauty of this selection tha work of an artist whosa fama extends beyond, our borders. ery CANDELABRA - Ohitstaaaa - Oaxda and Addraaa Beautiful holly dstrns;' 1 eorrewt hade and aiaea. Price rang from 19e to 2.00. Tags, holly design, And Candlestick, an tique . and artlstle de- lgn. and' at popular prloaa ' , .. ' , Wa are exhibiting an exceedingly fine aelec tlon of Bra and Bronsa ; Candelabra, Taaea, Can dlestick, Jardiniere, jIrey and alao a very Toffef Sefi Dressing' Sets In Sterling Silver, Ebony, Celluloid and Star 3.25 94.T5 96.60 99.00 and 912.50 DON'T FORGET ' holly wreath and emblems, all of Dennlson's new Ideas," .at popular prlcea . 1 v . 'it .1. - HERE ARB SOME THOUGHTS h FfiRTHFROY m " ANDGlRLt attractive line of . Rue elan hand-wrought Chim ney Pleoea, Loving Cap. Tankards. Stein, Stick. Table " Fitting. " Wood Boxe. also moderately priced, ranging - from T5 to 915. ' 1 v. I,,.,- J1 "Mi IQRJTHEMAN. Art Skin, all shades. T5. 91.00, 91.50. - v-- -" Art Pillows, with beautiful designs, . our choice for 93.50. . - , ; For the Lady - moral Offerlaga from an tha World- WUhout ; a doubt the ' . largest and most, varied stock ' -of . hlh-clana -Imported and ' Domestlo ' Perfume In the - Country. All the popular odors of the following manufactur er: .... . . Roger A Oallet, Plnaud. Mar- - eelle, - Valiant, Koublgant, " Ouerlaln, - Lasell, Lundborg, ' Crown Co., La Grand, Hudnut, Lubin, Colgate, Palmer, Rei- ' ger, Rickaecker and Wright. :- At Baatara rrloea Fancy ', Christmas package or In bulk. - Select your bottle from our apodal display and. have It -filled with a-favorlt extract - Toilet Water, fancy Soap, OologaaawThO' greatent varlo tv of both foreign and domes tlo makes delightful and fra grant., : 7jv 1 '. 1 SACXXT V0W9KBB, AUb OSOBS. Triplicate Mirrors Tlk ' ,.- ' V "i-e I Oval and Rococo Frames, heavy bevel plate ; "the richest line we have ever shown $5.25, $5.50, $6.75, $8,5Q ' ', 'CV-;and:$10.2S-'ir:yV . There Is nothing . good for a boy or girl as a practical camera. Pto-..yture-maklng . bring- Into 4 ' action the artistic aenae, - It make tor finer ideal a. It' an art aclence. and. . we have yet to see the child interested In pho rg : tography who wa not benefited by It In every asjr. SELECT A CAMERA OR KODAK NOW ' We aave rHilled men, who Instruct free et any time, ' a nit our prlcea are In reach of every oae.9i.OO to 950 . And every Camera Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. - Every Amateur Photographer know by bitter ex experience the annoying delay Incident to the develop- . , tng and printing of films and plates everlasting wait ' and renewed promises. We've eaaaged all this. All mm or Plate reoelved by a before 1 a. aa axe sow ' Developed aad Betaraed the Sacae Day. We have . equipped the finest darkroom on this Coast, where all the latest processes of developing, printing, enlarging and photo mechanical method are exemplified. .Klectiio , fans, artificial heat. Cooper Hewitt lamp, distilled- water, and, above and beyond alt, pur chemical and skilled men are bringing ua new buslnea every day. - :''.''.,',;.'.';:.' ""'' 1 . ". , 1 Postal CafU 'Albums?:. Boatal Card Album from 25) to S3.SO. .,, . Handsome embossed cover and full Morocco. . ideas In thla popular fad.-, .. . , . ' , 100,000 P0TAL CARDS , ..' c. ' -s. ( -; ; '- " " '" Cloisonne Vases and Jardinieres -A delayed Importation has been placed in our hand for quick sal and ha been priced accord- - Ingly. Exquisite figure, and at leas than one-. . half the prices usually charged: SSa, 91.45, 91-S5, 92.6O and 93.25. V- Eaty here to n i w e t the" hardest ques - tion of the year. Look over thia list a n d y o u ' 1 1 . surely find an -appropri ate, gut. 'The original and only good one. . Thirty days' trial -and money back if you're not satisfied. 9S.OO. In fine leather and sterling silver 96.50, 99.00. Replace . that old Err "i? your physician witn new one. up to date. We hare 80 stylea Irom B4.TO) . up tQ.JlS.Q' anyare ex changeable after Xmaa for other styles, if the re cipient wishes. --Fever Thermometers Tn fancy cases Pearl, Gold or Sterling Silver 91.T5 93.25 95.00 97.50 Brass and Copper Antiques A very handsome line ' of Smokers' Sets, Wallets, Card . Cases. Pass Books, Purses, Dressing Sets, Military Brush . Sets, in ebtmy, sil ver and : foxwood. Whist and Bridge .Sets, Pocket Flasks in silver and cut glass, Manicure Sets pearl, ivory, ebony and celluloid. L ''itjflfu'J!',. Jlilnlti j A delayed ship ment just at hand and on display in our windows Tankards, Pitch ers, Trays. Vases. Loving Cups, Jar-: dinieres, ' Bowfa and Coal Hods. A wonderful dis-. play of Russisn ' a . . IUGERSOLL WATCHES New Suit Cases We have placed this Una In our glftroom. Plenty of room now to" show the 200 or more else and styles from the fin Japanese bamboo ladlea' ease, weighing only three pounds, to the elegant Seal Morocco lined English csa. Price, 93.75, 94.0, 96.25 to 965., ALWAYS READY - Electric Pocket Lamps Vest, coat and overcoat; safe, convenient and a pro tection at home or abroad 50e 85e 91.25 - FOUNTAIN PENS v The Genuine Waterman or Parker.' Warrant- ed to please. Ten different points, all good . 9I.6O 92.50 93.KO 94.SO f 5.00 97.50 99.00 910.00 912.00 flS.OO . SHAVING SETS r. Tn sterling silver, celluloid, leather and ebony,' , beautifully finished, with or without the razor . 91.60 92.50 94.00 96.00. SHAVING MIRRORS , Heavy bevel plate,- adjustable, plain or mag , ... nifying Of to 9S.OO , Kickel, gunmetal and silver; accurate timekeepers, every 91.00 91.50 92.00 Simplex Type writers The child's - delight a good writing machine for every boy and girl. We have sold thousands of them, always with satisfaction to the buy er. , Let us show you how easy thev" are to use 900 92.50 5.00. . 3CSa if Y7 r( f KEEPER L Ormolu Clocks IN LOUIS xiv de signs; EVERY ONE A FREEtDEUVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY- r: )?:;.Caiditn Money ,Taken:'at Full' Value . . ' Phone Private I Exchange IT Do Your Buying by Phone x 0 Trunks 20 Extensions v : ' Save Time Money and Patience V Sl.oU . S $2.60 ' ;$3.25 PERFECT V $4,50 'TIME- . $5.03 r'TIME KEEPER I