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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY "JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ. PSCSMSSH 13. 1CC3. TWELVE-TON ROLLER CRASHES : THROUGH PENDLETON BRIDGE WAS STRIPPED OF ALL HER SAILS 7 Y--.-. 3 Schooner H, J. Lunsman One of . The. Vessels Caught In - Mil! i. :,m Monday's jjlurrlcane. House Coatsr Bath" Robes afnd Dressing Gowns AT MERCY .OF.W1NDTT' .: FOR .FORTY HOURS v "v r r i n t .';':j':'':.,-;V-:,''vvv;;,'; : ' : iM Captain Anderson Says It Vfma the ' Wortt. Storm He ' Et JEKpcri enced in His Long Career at Jfavi , gator on the Pacific. - " .. . ' 7 '' (Special OinMpaataH to The Journal) Pendleton. Or, Deo. -if. The city of ' Pendleton own a It-ton road roller. It baa been used for the ' put few months fey the Warren . Construction company In Ita work of paving the streets. On December It the city took It front the street work, and la charge of the etreat commissioner aant It across the river on the north side to roll the gravel that has been plaoed en Jackson etreat. While going serosa the bridge on Main street, one section of the bridge gave way, dropping the Photo Showing Roller In Stream. 1 . team roller to the river below. Street Commissioner fohn Glasscock and En ctneer Brown, who were on the engine, jumped as the engine crashed through the bridge, landing in the river on eaoa aide of the road roller. Both of them escsDed without Injury and the. heavy roller fell with the eeotlon of . bridge flooring, which, striking the river while flat kept the engine upright and pre vented It being Injured. ' tb city is now dlacuaslng the advisability of put ting In a bridge the full width of the street, supported upon ocmenc piers. LOSES BIG CHECK AND OFFERS REWARD FOR IT . ''v - ' saassajanMSMeeMaaask ' . ..' Mrs. Mettle 1 MeCormack of lot Third street, between Columbia and Clay, haa reported the loaa of a eheck far I6t end 150 in money. Teeterday Mrs. McConnack went to '. the First National bank and drew out 180. She put thla sum In a purse together with check for $150 and plaoed the purse In the bosom of hsr dress lor sare keeping, She then made several purohaaes at dif ferent stores and upon returning home discovered that ahe had loet the purse, Payment was atopped on 1 the check. Mm. MoConnaok will offer a reward for the return of the money and puree. e eee ee eeewwweeeee eeee eweeee wwweeeeeseees eeeeeeeeee. Umbrella and Leather IliModleiii ' ;. ' ' '' 'is' ' '','"'.'-'''' ' ,' y ' i .'' 286 WASHINGTON ST.j ; 309 MORMSdN ST j- " '. .'a FINE UMBRELLAS AT JUST THE PRICE OF THE HANDLE Ladies' Handbags ; at uostrace ' r ' .5 1 I tWc must close the branch store by J .the 31st of Pecerriber. V' All stock must pc . sold regardless of cost.-; STORE FOR RENT 1 " ). .. . When In latitude 41 and not far from the month of the Columbia river Mon day night, the schooner H. J. Lunsman lost every bit , of oanvaa ahe had stretched to the wind and than had to riae out tne Dumcane under bare poles totally at the mercy of the winds and waves. Luckily the craft was In bal last and so tossed on top of the seas Instead of going under them. At times Tnrwa5aTmoslouT"ot 111 WHeT sJlU It felt aa If her bottom would be crushed out every time she came down with a tremendous aplaah. - The Lunmn arrived In .the harbor yesterday and berthed at the mills of the Portland Lumber oorapany In the afternoon, where she will load lumber for San Diego. Captain Anderson, eaya the blow off the mouth of the river was the worst he haa sver esperlenoed and he la one of the old seadogs on the coast The crew was paid off last night and they at onoe went ashore, thankful for having the opportunity to again walk on terra flrma and distribute their bard-earned dollars. "We had made fine time from San Pedro and were driving along nicely under the fore, main and mtaaen sails. LMonday night," aald Captain Anderson, "When suddenly the breese- stiffened so that we fairly skimmed ever the water., bo rapidly did the wind Increase in vio lence that before we ware able to take In any of the sheets, nothing but the ropes remained attached to the sticks. The canvas was torn away like so much tlssus paper, but with an awful crash. One by one the sails carried away until finally, at the height of the storm, only ths poles were left. ' It waa Impossible to bend new sails then and for 40 hours we laid under bare poles. The following morning we bent our summer sails and came Into port a couple of days later. "We alrhted a hark Mondav nlrht and I suppose she, too, lost her canvas, be cause ths blow must have struck her as hard aa it did us, and our sails were in fine shape.' The schooner ottlllle Fjord, which came up In tow of the Harvest Queen In company with the Lunsman. was dropped at one ef the mills on the Co lumbia. She, too, waa in the severe blow off the coast. UNER COLUMBIA IN Makes Ooo4 Time from Astoria, Xe- epite Dense Tog, Despite the heavy fog on the river. the Barriman ateamshlp Columbia, Cap tain Do ran, reaohed - Alnaworth dock after a seven-hour's run from Aatoruw Shs would have made the run in six hours but for being caught In the fog on the home etretch. She had to pro ceed under elow bell and with the great est of caution, after, swinging Into the Willamette river., for it waa impossible to see more than a ship's length. Those waiting for the steamer began to fear they were waiting In vain, when they saw the river disappear from view under a blanket of smoky white. "Still they waited and were finally surprised to bear the llner'a deep whistle rever berate through the - mist down 'Swan Island way. Twenty mlnutee later she waa safe at the dock and her passen gers filing' ashore over the gangplank. The Columbia picked up the gasoline steamer Klo Rey on her way . south and towed her into San Francisco. -. In order to get the steamer out en time Monday night, the longshoremen were Kept at work during the night. . DINNER AT STAKE ! Captain of the XJaet Arabia io mists to - : . Beat Schedule. .... . .4 All speed records between Yokohama and Portland will probably be broken Just because a prominent merchant ef this eity oeciasd some two months ago to have a turkey dinner on the evening of December tt. He Invited Captain Mansenthin, master of the oriental liner Arabia -to be the guest of honor and the punctual skipper staked his reputa tion for truthfulness that he would be at the festive board at the appointed hour. . . ' In order to do this Captain Mansen thin will have to make the run aoroee the Paclflo In II days, allowing him one day to pass through quarantine and come up the river to the Portland land ing. Those who know the captain aay he will bring his steamer here on time. even if It is only to enjoy a feeet on turkey. He bas made some fast voy age heretofore, nut uiie win ce ine quickest if completed . In aooordanoe with the program. ? MISSING SHIP ARRIVES Olenerieht Beaches Tori After Weatha- ' lug Beevy. Storms. ' At o'clock last night the British shin Olenerieht waa towed into the OOm. TXXBD ABB OOTJCB STSL , OrBB DAT ABB BX0B. Columbia river after-having been -aet-4 Dinner from 11 a B. to I M Chicken Broth with suos reei wn side for about 10 days. She rode out the two hurricanes, but came through all light by staying clear of the shore. At times the big vessel waa far out to sea and did not work back until condi tions were favorable to get Inside.- ' Storm "warnings were hoisted yester day morning at the mouth of the Co lumbia 'and whan the tugboat eaptalr learned that the missing ship had hove liv sight one of them stood out to sea and brought her In. The Olenerieht is In ballast .from San Dlege and comes under charter to load wheat .for the United Kingdom. "' 1 The British bark Wavertree waa out side yesterday afternoon, but waa given orders to proceed to Puget sound to load. . ',. t SAILORS ARE ' INCENSED A Say Oeorre Tisher Waa Shot Without 'I ' ; rroTooatloa. Members of the Bailors' union here are much wrought up over the killing of seaman George Fisher by Captain Forest of the schooner Annie Lej-een at Astoria Thursday afternoon and they will do everything to aid In the prose cution of the skipper who Is now under arrest. Business Agent Paul of the local branch of the union will go to Astoria to attend the funeral of the deceased member ef the union. He said last night that the ship would take abarge .' ' ' ; CHRISTMAS PURCHASES HAVE BEN ADMIRABLY ANTICIPAT- ; ; SS? ED IN THE NOTABLE COMPLETENESS OF THESE LINES k : - .v. , V-.-'C - '';v'- V;:.- v:..,:: ,' :-r-t--'- ;. .'v'.- " Women intending: such gifts will find here a more varied assortment and a more . C - tinctive element of chiaracterand refinement in each style. ; -.V: :V ;'iv'' MEN'S HOUSE COATS of the best imported and domestic blankets, in the ' ' V eirable patterns, $5.00 to $15.00. y':f;: Bath Wobcs; and Lora li "'- v ' A yeiy large assortment of new desirable patterns, $4.00 to $20.00. ;;' : ; ; l'. .The latest styles in white figured silk' and washable materials, .v'-::.v-'V": ..' $3r00 to $10.00. . --? H-V-' Y-' -fV'-v". :-v;'; ; '.yw.-rr .ivy -..-a.; Men's Tuxedo or Dinner Vests f ' In shades of gray, both in silk and figured vestings, $5.00 to $10.00. ; ; V : v V MENS CHRISTMAS FURNISHINGS Sflk Hats, Umbrellas, Canes, Opera Hats, Leather Hat Boxes, Hand. Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Neckwear, Shirts, Scarf. Pins, Fancy Vests, Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Suspenders,' Underwear, Hosiery, Pajamas, Night Robes. Merchandise certificates issued for any amount and redeemable at any time. Hat and Glove certificates, enabling the recipi ents to make their own selections at any time in any, desired style. J . 269-271 Morrison St. il;Mo ghay. 'i;1'-' "?.'-'i'V ',:";.' ' -'' -'""' .'- A'"-';i. v .- - "-.' .:v": .. :',-: of the funeral and the remains of the unfortunate sailer will be earrled to the last resting place cy nia anipmaiea, hila r-.nt.ln warest Mnrers in the prison awaiting triaL Mr. Paul aald that Fisher bore a gooa repuumon ana sccordtn g to wlitt he haa already Itwiuou evavrssa ww sel. the eaptala kiUed, him without pro vocation. s.i ,. -The sailors are treated toe moeh like a Mnw Aah An um tmhIi." aald the buslneaa agent. but there are a good many snip masters vn vmuwrm that the men before the meat are also i ki vmm vkit I have learned, Captain Fareet of the . Annie Larson snot nsner more ooouy un m hard-hearted man would have shot a dog." . ..- MAY' DEPART-TODAY 7apaaese Steaaae Shlbata Mara Xa TU- ' . Ishinr TkoUSMM. -:. . i i '.; mrt w-, ini ta Ht thA. Jana- nese steamer Bhlbatu Maru reay to Sail IOT luwwn. m.wuww shifted to the Paclflo Coast elevator a u -m-A-w ftarnoAn to finish hsr oargo 'wlth wheat, after having Ukeu en a eoupie or tnoosanv ran n jwui at the flour mills. ; i 1 i The nest Japaneee steamer cue to arrive here la the Goto Mara. She la expected dally, as it la about three weeka since she sailed from Japan. She Is auppoaed to have had orders ts touch u...l..l.. (1UIIUIU . U. ' . The Norwegian steamer Chris Mi Chel sea should -reacn tne toiurnoia river eome time tomorrow. She left San Fraaoiaee Friday in ballast under ohar ter to load lumber here for the orient. , ALONQ THE WATERFRONT , The steamer Roanoke Is due to arrive here Tuesday morning from San Fran clson. The American ship Diamond Head is loading railroad ties at the mills of the Portland Lumber oompeny. The steamer Bessie Dollar loet an anchor yesterday In the bay off Astoria, Effort Is being made to recover It. .The steamer te bound for Shanghai with cargo of wheat. ' J. J; Moore of San Franciaoo, owner of the British shir Metannne, will ar- r4 Meala. Met House SVettnoe lOo, Badiaheg Waver Oreea Salad with Frenoh Bieeslag ,n..i...lSf Fried Oatnsh ISA Fried Basor Olama ....'........ .1B Boiled Ox Tongue, xorseracisn. . .iCU Individual Teal Flea ...,.20 KaaT Spring Chicken Fried. ..... .40f Frankfort Sausage with Banerkrant ....... .204 Obioken Fo Fie with Dupllngs. ,2l Short Bibs Beef with Spaalah. .. . .20 Kidney Santa en Toast ......... .IS Beef Stew wish Vegetables 1B Chile eon Oarne gmall Tenderloin of Bess with, Mushrooms .... .2S Fried Apples and Bacon ..20 icaooaroni and Ohseas, an OraMa. .15 Apple Cooler, ZMmoa Cream Saooe.15 ids Order Apple Cobbler. ........ 6f Boast Oooee with Apple Sane - and Celery ,85f Boast Spring Chicken and Drseelaf ..2B Boast Teal knd Bressing .........IS Boaas Knton and Pressing ......15 Boast Beef, Fan Oravy 15 Boaet'gpang.ivama, am asMiee aaa Oreen Fees) Ooffee, bread and Wttar and potatoes with as meals. Try a Sunday dinner at the Amsrloaal Bests Slant, . Cor. Third aad Conch. jSI , Dinner from 11 a. an. te l h as. . rive In Portland thla morning to look after the vessel, against whloh the owners aad efftoera ' of the steam schooner - Northland will levy n heavy, claim ef salvage.' 'Captain Willis and Mr. Moore will probably leave for As toria today to view the derelict. plating a cargo of lumber at the mills of the Portland Lumber aompany. The steamer Bxoelator will arrive in the harbor thla morning and go to the Portland Shipbuilding! eompanys yard in. South Portland for a general over hauling, she waa recently purchased by ' the Portland Lumber eempaay to carry lumber from Ita . mills to Ban Francisco. . The American bark "W. F. Babeook. whleh put into Honolulu' Friday while on her way to Portland from Baltimore, is expected to arrive here shortly after the first of the rear unless new troubles eon front her. ...The Wlllapa whistling - buoy went adrift during the heavy blow of Monday night and waa carried .40 miles towards tne nortawara, wnere- it Drought up on the boaon near Qraya Harbor, it will be replaced aa aooa as possible. , j i. i i- , 1 : .- MARINE NOTE3 Astoria. Dec II. Condition of the bar at I p. m,. obscured; wind east four miles: weathsr, light rain. -Arrived down during the night, British steamer Bessie Dollar. Arrived down at 7 a. m., steamer P. A. Kllburn, Arrived at :0 and left up at 10:10 a. m., steamer Col umbia from Baa Francisco.' Balled at a. m, steamer Costa Rica for San Francisco. Arrived down at 1 p. m., French bark Bhircpe. -Arrived-at-l:IO and left up at ,1 p. m.. steamer Excel sior from Seattle. British ship Waver tree from Taloahuano reported outelis the bar and was ordered to Puget sound. Arrived at p. BL, Britleh ship Olene rieht. Jailed at noon, steamer Redondo for Ban Francisco. Baa " Fraaclsoo, Dec H. Sailed, steamer Roanoke for Portland. Sailed yesterday, Steamer Nome City for Port land. San Pedro, Dee. II. Sailed yesterday, Barkentine Gardiner City for Columbia river. ., - ' ; AGAIN PLEAD FOR EARLY TRIAL FOR THAI' Attorneys Ask' Court to Dismiss Charges or Else Grant 1 ; Hearing; at Once. Wire te The (hbUebsn Frees by Leased jon reel.) New Tork, Dec II. Clifford W. Hartrtdge, attorney for Harry SC. Thaw, applied to Justice COonnan at the spe cial term of the supreme court for aa order to show cause why ,L the Indict ments against Harry Thaw for the mur der of Stanford White should not be dismissed unless a speedy trim Is granted. The order was nerved on 'As sistant District Attorney Carvan and Is made returnable on Monday before Jus tice Nswberger in the supreme court criminal branch. In the papers submitted to Justice O'Oormsn, Hartrldgs sets forth every thing that baa transpired since the ar rest of Thaw laying particular stress on the fact that Thaw's trial was set for December I, when because of ths ap plication for a commission to take tes timony of witnesses outside the state, the trial was put ever by the District Attorney, and calling attention to other persons arrested since Thaw, who al ready have been granted trial. The papera cite that Thaw haa now been In prison for 171 days and that not lonly is his health being Impaired, but WCT1mo the health of hie wife and mother through anxiety over unnecessary delay. the x undue and YOU CAN75UY YOUR1 smmmmaBsaw lPTPmloTbTfnu(C' AT Le PALAIS ROYAL i i -' 1 ' FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY PLACE . -Ki IN THE CITY ' V v-y Just a Few Pbintcrs - W wSes afcsjsssj M e-sas WW SATIN RAINXOATS should be acceptable. V v OPERA COATS are wanted just now; ? y EVENING WAISTS can be used also.' V ::: SILK OR' FRENCH FLANNEt KIMONOS ' - 'make a fine present. . "y: y'y.v7-" '"" SILK UNDERSKIRTS, COATS and TIL 7" OR-MADE SUITS ate also good substan- v tial presents to make. ' ' EvciArlflcic Mcnliwied Make presents that 'are lasting and they are. up-to-date styles and all the prices are spe cially, reduced,' .' ,. M-v ?;. V y;::y ", ' : 375 Washington St. Lrzzzzaza jzzssszszzzzxzsaE; swXXssmssMsM JAP SMASHED FOR ' : - INSOLENT UTTERANCE wut AM im Mm 'femsmal that wlU Uteres yes J., - .4.'. , ,'. '. - Y'.Y ' y Joeraal Beeeltl Servles.t ' Herkelev. Cel.. DtO. ll.-A race war was Oearly precipitated this morning -crowd. when a Japanese on Center etreet made the remark that Japan would aoon rule the ' TJnl t ed 8 Utee. An American, you th overheard the remark and Inetantly , picked Up a tomato can and struck the Japanese la ; the : face. A light wee started, but the poltoe dispersed the No arrests were made. V V