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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18. 1803. POLICE ORDERED TO KEEP THE PEAGE (Continued from Pat Opt.) um thlr revolver to praserr th poa and disburse th mob. Upon tb arrival of tb relief th available fore ; , was divided into squad under th com- ; tnand of Captains Bailey and Moor and Bergeanta Cole, Baty fnd Jones.. Tbes quada were sent to tb center of dle turbaac and by hard work succdd in preventing any eorious disorder. Th ' : patrol wagon was also seat up' Waah : Inston street ander command of Deteo - tlv Prlo and aided tb working squad in their work, . : ; ..- Polio protection - waa requested . by . th O. W. p. company for a car bound '; for Oregon City, - Twenty men were . sent to th scan and th car was started . M after 10:19 o'clock, after tb window had been broken by paving blocks ; thrown from th street and a couple, of ' bystander had been arrested. - .: ( . . ' A car was held up In front-of the ; polio station on Second street and ail ; th windows broken out. Tb crew. In trying to escape ' from th mob, was '., , roughly handled, but managed to get j. away by running th car ; full speed ( through th crowd. .' Officer Patton was mobbed by a gang of hoodlums on Waahlngton street, dur- : Ing tb height of excitement. He was . . trying to persuade the men to abandon ' a long ladder which they had procured " ' and uliLI Intnn.lAil 1A lift In TMllr- . j ing the cars. Th officer' reoc'.vedl . some paUful bruises 1n th fracas, but . stood hi ground and forced th mob to : deel.t. s . - f R. C. Frace, a carpenter, wasVoughly , ., handled by th mob at First and Alder - t streets at half past 11 o'clock, because h Inalsted on tiding horn. Ha was eecorted to the station for protection. ( ,, v Wat Curs Proposed. ; r 1' .; Serious consideration was . given by ; Chief Qrltamachar to th usb of water j In driving back th crowds. H?hief ? Campbell of th fir department, was .communicated with relative to calling . . out a number of hoa companies and . . with th aid of powerful hydrant stream checking th mob. Th head Tf th fir department In response to bis request stated that his department . ? would render all aid posalbl if so di 1 ; rected by the mayor, but unless so or " ' dered by the chief executive he was re ' ', luvtant to take any action. . ' . , Bom miscreant about 10 o'clock . turned In a telephone call for a fir ' . suppoaed to be at First and Morrison Zr streets. Chemical No. I and Hos Ko..l - , responded to the, alarm, but upon ar , fl rival" at th corner named failed to find ---i-anyvjdenc -tf 'a Jblaie. Th crdwd . I hooted and Jeered th firemen and re : garded th matter as a hug Joke. 6ev ' eral of th rioters pelted h hos wagon i with rotten eggs and other missies. - To th credit of th striking carmen, , not one of their number participated in - .' any of th scenes of disorder. As a ' rule, they remained by their stalled . . ; cars and. when traffic was restored as slated In taking th coaches to. th car .:' barns. In many Instances they en- - deavored to reason with tb crowds. The first serious outbreak occurred ... at HecondySnd Washington streets about ' 7:0 o'clock. M. Walling, a 17 -year-old " youth, climbed on th rear end of on of th many car stalled at that point l and cut the trolley, rope with a knife. . Jlaart-Jrjyjetecuv of I 1Z Seventh street, placed trie lad un der arrest. A mob of several hundred people swarmed around . and rushed the amateur" deteetlve.k,. In- desperations-he ' fired a - shot In th air. This angered th Crowd and hla life seemed in danger.' -Captain: Moor and two newspaper men happened to be standing at Third and Washington streets when tb shot was fired. By hard work Moore man aged to reach Coasars side and com mended th crowd to disperse. - As th polio official was not In uniform his Identity 'Was not known and hta com- mands wer received with .cat-calls. 'If managed-, to,- tak Coaaar around the bank building on ' Second street and shoved him Into a doorway. 1 Lrawtng hi revolver and displaying bis badge of office. Moor again called upon tb crowd to -retire. . The sight of the weapon served to keep th people back, and aaslsted by the newspaper man, th captain cleared a path. - . - Coaaar was taken to headquarters and booked on a charge of discharging fire arms ' within the- city limits. II was subsequently released on deposlt-of tluo cash ball, lie stated that he was not In any way . connected with tb railway oompanuy and only duel red to prevent crime when . be arrested Walling. Another violent- disturbance occurred within two block of th pJllc head quarters, A .car of the Alberta etreat line was being taken up Second to Burn Bid street on' the -way to the barn. A crowd of several hundred hoodlums fol lowed In tb wake bf the car threaten ing tha ceew and hurling brickbats. When th car reaohed Second and An keny streets the ' mob Jumped aboard and dragged th motorman from . hi pf st. A street railway employ who was ok top of th vehicle attending to the trolley pole, was seised and severely, beaten before rescued by tb police. Kvery pan of glass In th - car . was smashed and th vestibule door pulled from their, fringes, TaTrbTujeu Wade, Thorpe, Hill, and several other policemen charged th crowd without avail. . So threatening became the crowd that th officers drew their revolvers In their self-protection. "Shoot. hoof If you will." "Take their gun away," 'wer th cries that greeted the action of Ufa policemen In drawing their weapons, and for a tlm It . ap peared that serious trouble would en sue. ' . -. '' " ,-. i ' aUngleader Arrested. . A. Ball., on of the ringleaders, who was shouting, "Hit them with a brick! was arrested by Patrolman Thorp and rushed to the station., His companions tried to rescue him, but wer fought off by th polio. , Ball i was booked on .a charge of inciting-a riot. Thos arrested for disorderly eonduct wer F. Simmon, James Handlan, Rob ert TLangley, Stev Allan,- W. T. Hughes, William Morgan, 'Roy Cathrln, John Harris and Henry Spreltser. Several patrolmen had narrow escape from serious injury. . A crowd Jumped Detective Hellyer in front of tb sta tion and attempted to take a prisoner frona him. In tb mlxup- Hellyer was struck repeatedly over the arm with a club. - ' , i - . .. - "Buttlnsky" Smith, acting harbormas ter, tried single-handed to stop a riot on Washington street and. wa roughly handled. Patrol aran O. Adam was hit on tb hoad with a tomato can. Captain Bailey was struck with a wooden block on th side of th head. Patrolman Ten nant was also struck by flying mlssilss and a number of other wer Injured, t A car on Second and Washington street waa almost . completely wrei-ked and a number of cars of th O. Wj P. Unas on First street wer considerably damaged. During th progress of the rioting on .Washington street th mob used pavement blocks- with which to pelt th pollc. . .-' ACCUSED OPEtOPING . WITH STEPDAUGHTER t gsee1sl Dispatch to The Jeeraatt Helena, Mont., JDeo. 16. Rosa Cun ningham Is ander arrest at Billings on th charge of having eloped with hi stepdaughter, with whom h had been living la that city. Cunningham and th young woman went to Billing from Worland, - Wyoming.-Thr wer- fol lowed by th wlf and mother, who pro cured tha arrest of Cunningham. - Th young woman wa 'alio held. ; WHY NOT Give Something in the Clothing Line to the Man for a W Christmas Present This Year " OVERCOAT ; RAINCOAT TUXEDO SUIT DRESS SUIT :f Made by The Alfred Benjamin Co., ; New York, Would Please Any Man :--AVc Are: Exclusive Portland Agents. - " m. 1. 311 U02C150N ST, Opp. Postofnce , As to ValueNone" Can Give Better. craiiiD At a meeting of th Street railway employes ' last night . the agreement presented to General Manager F. 1 Ful ler, of tb Portland Railway, Light A Power company, in the afternoon, was read and was Indorsed by a unanimous vote, and the men resolved to stand by its " terms. . Th 'following resolution was adopted !v ; ' .. , '. "Whereas, the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electric Railway Em ployees of-Amertpa. division 181, In meet ing assembled, view jwlth appreciation and deep gratitude th great and earnest expression of , sympathy so vividly demonstrated by tb people of Portland on th occasion of th first effort of th carmen to demand recognition; there fore, be It ; ' "Resolved, That we show bur apprecia tion ta th people of Portland by mak ing every effort to discourage any riot ous conduct- or violence on tb part of those who are carried away by their n thusiasm or manifestations Of lympsiny for us." .' "-..' . - - - The union will hold continuous open meetings at Drew hall, 11 Secorfd street between Morrison and Tamhlll, all day today. .Everybody Interested la invited to attend. : Manager- Fuller of th Portland Rail way company mad th following state ment relative to th strike situation to Chief of Police Grltamaoher at mid night: . .. , ... , . . "Careful Investigation show 'that be tween 40 and 60 of our employe -will be th only ones who will remain out on strike. All of th other motormen and conductor have signified their Inten tion of reporting for duty tomorrow moraing and taking their cars out on Jh usual schedules. . . mm LANE WILL COME JANUARY f Rnerlal Olspateh tsTTbe Jooraml.) ' Washington,. I. C, Dec 16. Inter stat Commerce Commissioner Lana ha been detailed to visit th northwestern states early in January to inveetlgate and report . upon th car shortage and freight blocad on th railroads In that portion of th country. ' II will first visit Idaho and look Into th reported tte-up of coal shipments and the consequent ooal famine.- Later, he will visit Spokane, Seattle, Portland and other cities to examln particularly into th alleged sidetrack ing of lumber and farm ; products In order that lighter freight paying batter rates may have. the right of way.. Omit;r return from the coast states Commissioner Lan la expected to visit Sale Lake and Denver to report upon railway freight conditions at these CltleS. ' . i , V ' : . ; ' SETTLEMENT NOT MADE v - IN OELRICH'S WILL CASE (Pabllahere' Kms - tsy Lesstd . Wire ' to Th ,"""-; SMrsst.) r " New York, Dec 16. A ruling mad by Surrogate Fltsgerald today discloses that th proposed settlement of th con test or th will of th' lata Herman Oelrlcb has not , yet ' bean effected. Theresa Oelrlchs, th widow, and - th only surviving child of th testator. Herman Oelrlchs - Jr.,'-ar - minor, con tested th will by which nothing was left to her and only personal property. Jewelry wa bequeathed to him. Under the- terms of th proposed ettlement th widow 1 to receive 1100,000 worth of railroad bonds and young Oelrlchs Is to Jut v th Cygnua ranch In Califor nia. Paul L. Kcrnaa-was appointed spe cial guardian for 'young Oelrlchs. In his ruling today, th surrogate said: 1 Th special -guardian Is th only party- to this proceeding who requires th authorisation of th surrogate to join In and approv th settlement, and this authorisation wilt b given, provided all th adult beneficiaries un der the -will consent -to the settlement and provided, further, that non of th property who disposition is provided for thereby shall be disposed Of ex cept upon th accounting of th execu tor and upon th citation, thereto of all th parties Interested . In tb estate." ftOTTOM OF LAKE GEORGE V SINKS FOR THIRTY FEET tea 4 , Wire to Tae (PsbtMMrs' Free r JeenaL) Olanaa Falls. . N. Dm 16 A Strang geological disturbance has . oc curred near Hagu. warren county, at th north and of Lak George. Here tb bottom of th lak for an area of 1.000 aquar feet has sunk. Th spot has long been regarded aa dangerous to navigation because of th shallowness of th water, which was never more than three or four feet deep. Today th lak at till point ta over 10 feet deep, tb bottom having sunk away. A ooal barge has gone aground on th reef and effort to dislodge It had failed.' Sud denly th "boat moved away with th current, aa Investigation revealing ti strange disturbance). No other part of th lako as far aa known has been af fected. ' r--i.. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzztrrzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzz' OAKS RINK Open All Day Sunday.' New Skates Open at 9 a. rn. Special Band Concert. Sessions 9 to 11 to 4:304:30 to 77 to 10:3t ' Society Night Every Monday Night. THREE MEN FOUND DEAD r : . FROM GAS ASPHYXIATION t , (Pektttbecs' Presa by foastd Wire to Tk J4rnal.) New Tork. Dec 16.Tbre men wer found dead from gas asphyxiation In th Amsterdam hotel at 110 Hudson street, Hoboken. today. - They Were Ja cobus Fiorina, tl years old. his brother John.. SO years, and John Soltbommell, 36 years. Their death was accidental, the police belli-r. Th two brothers and Soltbommell arrived two days ago. Soltbommell had sold a saloon that he owned In Rotterdam prior f sailing, intending to go Into business In this country. Th brothers also had planned to go Into business per snd all Intended to send for their families, all being married men. a soon as they were es tablished her. .'. WOMAN'S THIRD TRIAL ; ' f FOR SLAYING HUSBAND (rsMlatMTS frYeea f Tv4 Wlrt li Te Jmtrasl.) Hallna. Kan.. Deo. 16 Taking of tes ttrwfltrr -tw-th thl.J -tgiai. of -itra. tussj , - .11 Ia. f tm nnnUr tit fc I September t, lto&. began today. Lena. tha 1 year eld daughter of tb accused Good Merchandis Only Quality Consldertd, Our Price Ar Always th Lowest Year after year the useful grows more into favor, and year-' after year our splendid stocks of things useful grow in harmony with public demand. Holi day specialties are represented in large and attractive assortments of Dolls, Books, Fancy Goods, Christmas Cards, Calendars and Roosevelt . Bears. Every gift from lJpman-Wolfes bears the hall mark of quality. ; Sale of Opera Glasses We have the finest stock of Imported French ' Opera Glasses shown in Portland. For th pur. ' pose of reducing stock w offer these magnifi cent price concession . i ,. . ' $300 Black Lesther "Chevalier" Glagei. ,f a.88 $4.00 Black LtttherChevlier, Glget..f 3.T5 $5.00 Black, Leather -Chevalier" Glasses. ,3.50 $6.00 Pearl "La Ville, Opefa Glaases f4.5Q , $8.50 Prarl "La Villf" ffper. CUft n.J& $10.00 Pearl "La Ville" Opera Glasses. .. .fT.25 $12.50 Pearl "La Ville' Opera Glastci.. ,.f 9.25 I $10.00, Smoked "Pearl "Lemaire" Glasses, .f T.38 , $1150 Smoked Pearl "Lemaire" Glasses. -f 8.25 . $12.50 White Pearl "Lemaire", Glaaaes.. . . f 9.T5 $15.00 White Pearl "Lemaire" Glae. ..S)tO.T5 - $30.00 genuine handle "Lemaire" Glasaea.f 1T.6Q , $32.50 genuine handle "Lemaire" G1assci.f21.25 $25.00 genuine handle "Ltrnairc" Glaases.flT.43 t $10.00 Pearl and Handle French Glasses, .f 6.45 ' $12.00 '' Pearl' snd Handle French Glasses. .f 8.45 $20.00 Pearl nd Handle French Glasses f 14.45 Patent Tolding Opera Glasses 7 $1000 French Folding Opera Glasses... .fO.TS $12.00 French Folding eOpera Glasse fT.2S - v Special Sal of Opers-Glass Handle. Sale of Ostrich : rcathcrs. $8.00 Values for $4.69 7 , -5 - r . Monday we offer 700 carefully selected Mai Os trich Plumes.' The mere fact that they are so re-'. markably little-priced is interesting, but the beau tiful quality, the long, hard flue, the exquisite curling, the perfect snowy white, and the rich, lustrous, almost gleaming black of these plumes is the important point Regular $8.00 . s r values. Be early to get your choice IA fxll ......A -M)t UTalf-? at Portland's Mammotli Christmas WB ookery" Thousands upon thousands of books st department-sror prices standard , books, illustrated holiday books', dainty gift books, newest fiction, etc. Far lower price than elsewhereand double the assortment. '' -v 75c Ilenty Books The Newest Gift Books ..':? .' riawatlta Br Lonsfellow. With , Illustrations In color by ' Harrison Fisher. Boxed, 11.00. Our price.... SSO TTas On Way Oat By Von Hutten. Illustrated by Haralson Fisher. Boz - d. t3.0e. Our prloa.glJS A aaal la Arcadia By Kalph Barbour. Illus r t rated In colara. Boxed, 11.60. Our prto.'...SLJ Wan tk Heart Beat TOMf By James Whltoomb Riley. With It fuU-paa illus trations la oolor by Ethel Betta. Boxed, !.. Our jrloa SI. Va sVererle of a Baoaalor By Ik MarreL With It full-pa;e picture In eol " or. Boxed, f 1.00. Our price SS4M A fslssw ta th Sua By Myrtle Reed, author of ' "I render and Old Iace. -, A handsome sift book. Boxed. Our prto. .S1A0 TTas Axaasteaa Otat Buperbly Illustrated by Christy, nst VBsJM i Otft books of aU kinds in . dainty calf bindings, from T8o t SS-OO. Balsa in small handy vol ume, read leather, aoh JU Oeorre Mersdlth, same styls , sua Children's Comics at 50c New Ruster Brown, New Foxy Oranopa. .-' ' New Happy Hoollsran. New Katsenjammer Kid a -Buddy- Tucker. - 50c Classics, only 29c Abhe Conatantln. ' A Do of Flanders. .'; Bitter Sweet. Black Beauty. " The Uttle Minister.' Bevarie of a Bachelor. Aesop's Fables. Minister's Wooing. Burns' Poem a And 100 others. - Choice Books of V Humor ' roolsa aim as, S " ' Our pries .......... .Bo "Knlok Knacks" 5 Wat aad Otherwise Owl-shaped, leather- bound , ..S1.00 New toasts aad humorous . quotations, shaped like . champaam bottle packed . In Ice. . -r ' Our piio ....SUM 60cLminentAuthors ;:'. 25c Arabia Nlg-hts. Besid th Bonnl Briar Bush.- - .. ,''', Baulah. - ' ' . BUI Nye's Sparks. Braoebrldr HalL - . . Children of th Abbey. Christmas Stories. Count of Monte Crista. Crucifixion of PhlUp Strong. Deemster. Dora Dean. '-, Lea Miserable. And many others. : ' ChlUr notmr Beeka In hoards -. . . . ,10s to TB Th Laura Meade Books too Jack Harkaway 8erle. .Sao -SOe Alcaar-CI4os. ..St ; ' . at 25c By . Entland's Aid. Bonnie Prlne Charlie. "" By Pike and Dike. A Final Reckoning:. Among Malay Pirates. One of the Twenty-Eight or the Tempi. , . Maori Bettler. And many thrs.'-.- Best $1.15 Fiction 50c . Man of th Hour. ' ' r ' Llshtnlna Conductor. ' 1 Drl and I. , , St. Elmo. . ' i Eben Holden. , Man From Glengarry. , The Virginian. o To Have and to Hold. Cap Cod Folk a Hos of Old St. touts.' "" Quest of th Golden Olrt. . Th Conquoror. Tale of Bberlock Hoi mas. Infelloe. . , . , .. Th Sea Wolf. '' Castle Aaneyerow. ' Ana i otnr. v Tor tvery Child : "QHecntown" ; A quaint and humorous booh' for children, with full- pal- drawing la oolor rry paa. ask S7f to see 'TQuen- J TC town." Our price Kin of O Wala... uoiaen uoona Quean Zlxl Dot and Tot......... Roosevelt Bear Oood Book ........ Ver Beck'e Boars.... Linen Hooka and Baa? Books Ss ts 1 , 19 Great rorced Sale oi Leather Goods tTTITiree: Be Sold in a Single Week Regardless of Cost 8000 Pieces -165 Articles ,Vi . .. , . . , '. . , , T . ... , . ,, :,. .,- ... . ... v This season's leather gift showing I Incomparably larger and mor replet with xclusiT newnes than any past Xmaa. Show eaaa and Counters alike ar crowded with thousands of tb latest id In Purses, Auto Bag, Music Rolls, Bag, Crips, Hat Boxes, TraTQnc' Companions, CardXas, Poker Sets, Flasks, Bill Books, Pocketbooks, Oper Bags, Ktq. Thousands 'of tb prettiest things will b sold Monday. Com early and get th best selection, ; v ' . , ' ' $2.75 Real Seal Collar and Cuff Boxes. .... .$2.25 $4.50 Desk Clock of real seal, for.-. ....... .'.$3.25 2,000 Shopping Bags, values to $2.00, for..,. $1.48 $3.00 Real Seal and Walrus Shopping Bags. .$1.98 ,Vanity Leather Bags, value to $2.25, for. . . .$1.50 85c Workboxes, fitted with scissors, etc. .... .'50c $1.00 Leather Photo Frames, fine matched seal, 75c 600 Real Seal Bags, value to $5.00,' only. . . . ,$2.98 Pocket Companion, looking-glass, etc; special, 65c Beautiful Leather Calendars, reduced to only. .38c Ladies' Desk Sets, 7 pieces; sale. . ..... I .$7.00 Thousands of articles at similar great reductions. MBS . DESIGNED BY CUffilAN ADS CO. SO--T- Oetaaieawsalta Blag, - " ' itl Celman Bldg., SeatU. death sh wa abl to eomplet hr testimony. At th formr trials shs broke down and her vldnc amounted to llttl. , Ths girl describes th scans at tha OaldwelLhome th alght of th murder. Bh admitted that her mother had said In her preaencs that ths father s treat ment waa making Ufa unbearable and driving her to th gray. It developer today that three days be for th mur der Mrs. Caldwell consulted aa attor ney with a view 'of applying for a dl- 1rorc- -Cy - - ; "- MEXICO IS ASKED TO REPAIR RIVER BREAKS j (rabllahara' . Free by Leeeed Wire . t Th Jovraal.) ... L, ... 1 b... II.Tti. .f . Am. nuiunii"", j' - - M..t hu maife the a hock In Inun dation of a part of southern California, th subject of attiipiomauo not 10 in Uui rnrornnnant. It haa bn askad to take Immediate steps toward dyking iviArit rlTer. which has brokea Its bank within Mexican territory. . PORTO RICO RAILROAD lj-MI 0 LATW G TH E LAWS (Pabuaaere Pnm by timl Wire ' t The . , Joanal.) Washington, te. It. It' has deveK y4 i that. as ehjsat . f th visit , st Whta yoa wtat the tcaptlnj kSni : ;' ' ' tor '' imiltl read 5c loaf at all grocsrs Special Home-made Mince Pies for Xmcs Order Now 25 C eich , Batter-Nat Bsksry ' 207 Front Street. Phone Maift 1904 Downtown Store 145 Third Street Phona VLdsk 295 Oorernor TVInthrop of Porta Rica to Washington wsa ts discuss with th president th adrlaablUty of seeding aa expert from , tha . Interstate commerce commlsalon to Ports Rico to Inventl. gate complaints against th Porto Rico railway. Charge hav bea mad that thin road Is dlnrrlmlnatlng la rate to different ahlppers and much trouble haa been mad for Governor Wlnthrop and other United State efflclale on . th Island. , , V BANK IS DYNAMITED ON ARKANSAS BORDER r-tMWKVrr?-T!r?- hnt of Lincoln, Arkansas, a small town junt across ths territory tin on the Frimo road, waa robbed during th night, th robber securing H.IOf in monen r -ro giycrlo waa used. Th methoda v A Genuine Closing -Out Sale Japan Bazaar, 66 Sixth Street, closing put a large stock of Japanese Fancy Goods. Chinaware and Novelties st below cost. Come and take a look before buying, because we are going out of business. JAPAN BAZA AH, 66 I .. 1 L . .. .' ," th earn a in th robbry of t ! of Jkiorrls Welnflay lnk of Ath lhur til I wotrTan, was placed oa tb stand today. I For ah first Urns sine her fatnsr " '' :,; i r ' ' . . . . . , dJ , , ,1 r. .