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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
V THE, OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. ' SUNDAY" MORNINO. DECEMBER 16, 1SS3. .20 NEIV CHURCH WILL BE DEDICATED ASSESSMENT ROLL jig-Mill lis ISSUED J.Anabel Presbyterian Edifice Will - . Be Consecrated -This ,v : : ."V--: Afternoon. - Dedication Mrtfew' of th beautiful ' Anabe. Preabyterlan churoh will be held ' this afternoon st o'clock, when pastor ol nearly all the Preebjttetian churches j la rortland will Join In making the ef- fair one of the most noteworthy event in the church history of ths city. A ' anlandld ttrosram haa been arranged and ' the dedicatory servlos will be conducted by Rev. W. S. Holt. - , . rollowtnr the dedicatory- service. Rev. "J. K Dunning will lead In the dedlce . tory prayer. . Rev. Oeorg W. Anna. paa- y .. ,i , i i 1$; Thirty-Seven Thousand Dol 4ar-Hlgher-TharrT1iat of Last Year." r MaMeseMaaMBfleaMB)atattMeja4 .,KMSRsBaaB -Galeae Rev. George W. Arm.' , tor of the church, to whom much credit - (or the magnificent new temple of wor hip la due, will make a statement of ,:. the financial condition of the church Other ministers who will participate In the services are-Rv. K M. Sharp, Rev. A. J. Montgomery, Rev. B. B. 8. Ely, Jr.. and Rev. Henry Marootte. Following Is the program for the oc casion: - Prelude, doxology. invocation and Lord's prayer. Rev. E. M. Sharp; scripture lesson. Rev. A. 1. Montgomery; hymn; sermon. Rev. B. K 8. Ely. Jr.; hymn; financial statement. Rev. Oeorg W. Arms; offering: hymn; dedicatory services-Rev. W.- 8. Holt; dedicatory "pryrJTRirT.8; uhnlngf giving over of the keys and charge to- the trustees. Rev. . W, 8. Holt; hymn; benediction. Rev. Henry Marcotte; poatlude. : WASHINGTON STREET DEAL Southwest Corner at Juncture V' With Twentieth Is ' ' ' Sold. ' ' I -t-- JE. J. Daly sold yesterday to local in- U vaster.'-whose names are-withheld- for ... the present, the southwest corner of f Twentieth and Washington for I31.III. I The property fronts lit feet on. Wash ington and 100 on Twentieth. -' . ( W. B. Streeter sold to a local Investor the quarter-block at the southeast oor- Tier of Ella and Washington for S2,90. Both the abov 'lots belonged to a syn- A,rn jf Tnr1arM and lUllahora rap'- tallsta, who bought them some months ago from th v King, estate. The pur chaser of -the last piece will erect on It a store building for own use. Dr. A. C. Bogard of Los Angeles, who bought from Daly at Streeter a lot on upper Washington wtreet last Monday for. IZ7.iOO, haa. refused en offer ' of tSO.000 for his purchase. He says that Portland property looks too good to him to turn loose In the face of a 10 per cent Increase la less than a week. - MAY BUILD THEATRE ON SIXTH STREET It Is proposed by Russell at Blytb. owners of .the triangular tract at the corner of Sixth and Uurnside streets, to enlist capital to build a thtatre on the Site. They have placed a value of 1215,000 on the ground, and subscribed to 1170,000 of the stock of a 1500,000 corpora tlon that will undertake. Jo. build and equip a first-class theatre. It, is said that- S. Morton Conn, on of the principal owners of the 8tar theatre. Is interested ' with Russell A BIyth and . haa subscribed for a block of the stock. Owners of -adjacent property are ex pected to subscribe for the remslning stock. .s . t . Building Permits. . ' The 'following permits were Issued yesterday, afternoon: J. D. Hewett, two ttory dwellings, Broadway between East f wenty-second and East Twenty-third, oost $1,000 each; William Kennedy, two story dwelling. East Main between East Twenty-ninth, and East Thirtieth, cost U.600. ' , : ; . The assessment roll for Multnomah county Tor 10 is IIT.07MI0 higher than .ths, roll for l0t. aooordlng to fig ures 'given out yesterday afternoon by County Clerk Fields. For school dis trict No. 1, which embraces the city, th Increase In the assessment wss ISt, asi,:tt. County Clerk Fields' deputies have . been working for three weeks segregating the total assessment roll into divisions for the purpose of levy ing taxes. The valuation of . taxable property to all the school districts haa been dcietmlned. . According tj the flgares given out by Mr.' Fields yesterday the total assess ment for Multnomah county-lor mis year is JliO.iSS.OSJ. For 10S It wss 1143,1(0,25. The total assessment for school district No. 1 Is 11.7?.0 for this year.- Last year It was 1130.41, 711. County - Clerk . Fields yaaterday mailed to the officials in each district a list of the totsi agstaflmn-i sum aim- tnera lO HI me nug ui taxes for school purposes. The list fol lows: . Valuation. l....,.flS.767.0 School District No. School District No. I. School District No. I School District No. 4 School District No, 7...... School District No. Sohool District No. ' t ..... . 6chool District No. 10...... Sohool District Na il School District No. ,1 1 School District No. II School District No. It......' School District No. If...... School District No. It School "District No. 17 School District No. 1...... School District No. 20...... School District No. 21 School District No. S3...... School District No. 23...... Seheel Dlstrist No. 1 School District No. 2 School District No. If School District No. 27...... School District No. It School District No. 10. School District No. 11 School District No. It Scbool District No. II School District No. It School District No. It School District No. it...... School District No. 37...... School District No. 81...... School District No. 3 School District No. 40....... School District No. 41 School District No. 42...... School District No. 43.. 7... Bchool District No. 4t Schooj District No. 44...... School District No. 41 School District No. 60...... School District No. II...... School Plat. No. . , joint... ; School "IMti"ii 0 eV, Jtilrtt School Dtst. No. 15, Joint... School Dtst. No. 23, Joint. School Dlst. No. 6J, Joints School Dlst. No. 13, Joint.. Bchool Dlst. No. 47, Joint.. School Dlst No. 70, Joint.. School Distr No. 13, Joint,. School Dlst. No. 14. Joint.. I,61.20 307.180 474.171 317.4&0 161.820 70.310 137.411 105,311 (48,881 111,150 111,847 71,161 111,631 265,166 140.840 293,006 31.705 221,216 68,260 16,176 41.716 0,675 ' 11.710 153,440 5,320 J4SJ30 113,285 243,560 68.016 49.116 84.610 665,666 229.946 101,041 602,101 211,915 250,310 61.776 208.956 431.6U6 99,766 18.220 138,050 136,076 " 56.I3T 171.710 49,480 4.610 24.605 192,176 .,. 23,950 77,27 ToUl valuaUon for county 1180,911,011 HAZELWOOD'S OPENING I - - a- GREAT SUCCESS Xrfure Crowds Tlaw Old Xnglish Oonzt . Soeae Wltk Xsn Appreclatloa. '' Ha xel wood's n'w cream store la cer tainly a tremendous suocess. Nothing Ilka if baa ever before been attempted In the northwest," and nothing more unique and beautiful Is to be found, we venture to say, i anywhere else In Amer ica, The schema worked out so clev erly Is an old English court scene; It Is English from beginning to and; -from the wide, well-arranged doorway, with Its great show windows on either aide, topped off by tiny old-fashioned window panes, and enshrouded in Ivy and wild Oregon grape, to the red brick walla go ing half way to the ceiling; the pergo las and the deep porticos, with their little lattice windows; the old welU-a lattice-roofed booth for drinks all Ivy draped, hung with rustic baskets of flowers and growing plants. An effect of moss on portico roofs, together .with the weathered woods used In the entire Interior, finish, completes the transform ation. After leaving the street and closing the door at one's back, one la, In spirit and suggestion. In old England, and last night, seemingly to cooperate with Hasel wood's, the dense fog that settled over the city completed with rare effectiveness a London scene. The lighting effect are particularly good, over 200 small celling lights be ing useo with rare good taste as to ar rangement; and numbers of small wrought-lron lanterns suspended here and there, among the vines of ths por ticos, about the heavy posts of booths, etc, Ths Western Electrio company did the lighting and It Is certainly a credit to the firm. A restroom for women is one of the happy features; also rustic UR&dgtM A Duni-Pg5nar 111., bankrupt stock of Men's, Women a and Children's Wearing Apparel, Shoes, etc., oougnt oy us at 36 Cents on the Bolkr Wholesale cost, is now being- closeduurto make room for another immense stock, which will be here by January 1, 1907. WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM. Rodgers & Sons' splendid stock of holiday goods1 will be sold between now and Xmas at prices rang ing from 20c TO 45c ON THE DOLLAR OF ACTUAL VALUE. IF YOU BUY YOUR GHKISTMAS CHtftPtSl A STORt U SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.75 and 13.25 pair Lao Curtains. SI for Rodgers & Sons' 11.60 Wool Shirts. SI for Rodgers A Sons' II ma Gloves. 1 for Rodgers A Sons' 11.50 Box Fancy Suspender SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.60 box Linen Handkerchiefs. 3t1 fnrRodaeraA8ons' 11.76 Wool Undsrwear. SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.60, 11.75 and 13 Ladles andJOantle II for Rodgers A Sons' 13.60 to M 96 Boys' Suits. men's Slippers. SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.71 and 12.15 Ladles' Dress Shoes. SI Tot Rod Krs A Sons' 11 Suit Cases. -, SI for Roditers A SonallLTfcpea slt I.is6eaT?na"erwear. l fcoaeri St Sons' 13 Ladles Night Dresses. 1 for Rodgers A sons' l.7 i-aaier f ianuaieit wrappeTS. 1 for Rodgers A Sons' 11.60 Ladles' Long Kimonos. B04 for Rodgers A Sons' 11.69 Waists. B04 for Rodgers A Sons' 11 and 11.19 Ladies' Percale Wrap per. . , BOA for Rodgers A Bona Tie and 90o Knit Underwear. 50e for Rodgers Sons' 11 snd Il.tS Ladles' Collarsv- 50t for Rodgers A Sons' 11 and 1L2S pair. JJed Sheets This-istheGreatesta ;nstiof:Use r?P ill i W "Saw I a'... I. 11 81 - 1)1 for Rodger di Sontr $1.69 to 15 Ladles Taa Coats. . n Jfi-vJ Every Oneof These 25c,50c b S I Articles Put Up in Individual Boxes What $1 Will Bay at the Boston Store What $1 Will Buy at . the . Boston Store 1 for Rodgers Rons' 11.10 and 1176 new-style Corsets. mt SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.00 to 11.60 gold and sUver-handled Umbrellas. SI for Rod rare A Sons' 11.10 and 13 Marseilles' Spread. SI for Rodgers A Sons f 1.71 to I11S Fancy Table Cover SI for Rodgers A Sons IL1I to l.4i Dress waiata. SI for Rodgers A Sons 11.71 and II large-sis Blankets. SI for Rodger Sons' 11.11 to 11.15 large-slse Comforta SI for Rodgers A Sons' 11.41 to 11 H dos. hoses Ladles Fin Hose. - - 1 for Rodgers A Sons' 11.16 and 116 fin Towels. for Rodgers A Bona II to 11.6 Laaiesr rancy am for Rodger A Sons $1.50 to IS Ladles' Taa Coats. sosearss What 50c Will-BuyjUheJoston KT-frTcmrrG BOA for Rodgers A Sons' 11.69 ' and , 13.66 yrsnoa nannat I 1 f IV a 3 IT CI 3 U X X l3 AT TWM SaKAZASS ISIOll XKABnTAJUim. 5.98 tor Ladles' 6 and 10-lnch Coats, tn plaids and fanoy wool fabric, satin lined, Rodgers Sons' prioav was 1 and 112.50, rancr Shadow Cloaks. $4.95 for Rodgers A Sons' 17.60 to 110 Silk Sklrta, with deep aieunce. niaca. ana u vuivr new vwuik . S8.SS for a mllllH Ot Rodger A Son. IlllltJt an KAs for Rodsera A Sons" It and 11.60 Fancy Oartera, 120 Long Coats: beautlfullr lined and finished; In plsln BOi for Rodgers A Sons' 76e and !5o Form-Fitting Corset and - black and fancy colors. . ' a e . - ' Bfc aap ab . . a jl eyfe & M a m aa A SI . aa as eMmsad S W S SJ,a uiraies. aJs.WO ror ne very crwa m nmnn mm BOw for Rodger A Sons' II and 11.11 ranoy Waitress Apron. to 880 Broadcloth and1 1 BOc for Rodgers A Sons' 11.65 and 13.31 Dress Kimonos. -6oJ for Rodgers ASon 11.15 and li.50 do, nn NapMns, BOA for Rodgers A Sons' 75o and 90o Outing Flannel Skirts. ' BOf for Rodger A Son 76o and 11 Neckwear, In fanoy Xmii boxes . -o. 50- for Rodgers A Bona 76o and II SUk Srupender. la fancy Xmas boxes. 504 for Rodgers A Son 16 and tl.ll Dress Skirts, in fancy . ' Xmas boxss. - BOA for Rodgers A Sons 11 box Fanoy Half Rosa. 604 for Rodgers A Sons' 76o and ' Bilk Handksrchlafa. , Whatf5c Will Buy at the Boston Store 254 for Rodgers A Sons' fin 60o Ladles' Llale Thread Hose. 254 for Rodgers A Sons' 40o Men's Fancy Halt Hose. 2B4 for Rodgers A Son' regular 60s and 76o Fancy Holiday J Neckwear. 254 for Rodgers A Sons' regular 60 and -1- Ladle' Holiday Neckwear. - 2B4 for Rodger A Sons 40o and CO Ladles' Fancy O art era. ZO for KOdger at Bona too ana sua Men s rancy uariera. ... 254 for Rodger A Sons 36o to 60c Men's Silk Suspenders. -254 for Rodgers A Sons' 60 nd So Men's Silk Handlffa 254 for Rodgers A Sons 60o and 76e boxes Perfume. 254 tor Rodgers A Sons 60o to 11 Pocket Books. , 254 for Rodger A Sons' 60o boxes Fin Soap. ' S .SOVS. i- LADIES DRESS SKIRTS Worth 14.10 to 117.601 la Black Broadcloth, Panama, Serges. Fancy Checks; enstom tailor made; at f 2. IS, $3.15 S 4.85. 3.BO and 97.50. lack Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, fancy Spanish QU(7 ruffles; Rodgers A Bona $1.60 value, for;. 'v 26'OASSS OF aVOBOSBS SOlfS -" HOLIDAY SLIPPERS " On sal at on third off f.odgsrs price. .'. 654 or Msn'a 11.00 Velvet Embroidered Slippers. " "' T54 for Men' 11.11 Alligator and Kid Slipper. s fl.OO for Man's 11-60 and 11.75 Vtcl Kid Slippers. LADIES' $L50, .JL75. AND $100 HOLIDAY SLIPPERS $L00 In seven different style of patent and kid vamps, with hand- , some out-steel buckles, Louis XIV and ordinary American heels. Alitor SI.OO And woman would appreciate on of the following articles of useful wearing apparel for her XMAS GIFT. She will . think more of you If you get her something useful Instead of a foolish thing that ah osa make no earthly us of. SWELL TURS : . v. - ' ' FOB CKBXST1CAS. : S2.63 for Rodger A Sons Children's and Misses' Fur Sete la regular 14 and II value. ' . 4.50 foMlodgers A Sons' fin Fur for Ladlss, la Stoles, Collarettes and . la fact ; everything In all make f rnr. Rodgar A Sobs' Xmas prices would have been 110 to 111. Marseilles Be Would be a thing of beauty and a Joy forever to your wife er mother. Get on for her, 91.98 for Rodger Sons' 11.15 Marseille Spread, ta handX, hid raised pattern. ' - . . -, r-.- - ..- -: 2.08 for Rodgers A Sons' J French Marseille Bedapreads, 11-4 sis; beautiful designs; wsar a. lifetime, 3.45 for Rodger A Sons' finest 17.10 imported BaUa Ma setlles Bdapreads; exquisite designs. -,-, To mkks a present of any of the above articles would be : paying a compliment to your own Intelligence. ' dspreads eats by ths old Engusn wsu, wn. on may lt and rest at leisure. Small room wtthlo th portico-Ilk Inclosures provide attractive quarter for parties, these private room Bms v lng 4 people. Th dairyroom to the right, near th entrance, 1 Ideally fitted up for th keeping and handling of dairy products, while the candy depart is on the lefC Tho bill of far ' ' 'yKyiSL; ' Jlolidar buyer will find here unusuklly fine selection in ( jl) , ' VJSxwyiA itriotly down-to-date Jewelry, which will make the ."what to fy j " !iKS5wi45l B,ve" 4uet'on n ey on to olvt. Every piece offered -T7 IN STERLING : ;('' ; SILVER ' I , i TOILET SETS I "CTQAR JARS I . V - MANICURE ARTICLES MILITARY BRUSHES . V - PEN TRAYS DESK SETS J A STAMP BOXES ' ' ASH RECEIVERS ( IN JEWELRY J J RINGS , I HAT PINS ' - ' ;s BROOCHES BACKCOMBS - ... T BRACELETS RICH CUT GLASS .. ! y y SCARF PINS WATCHES FOR MEN f LOCKETS . . WATCHES FOR WOMEN .',;, . CUFF BUTTONS '.-. WATCHES FOR BOYS f - Iflni WATCHCHAlNs and fii rls y S will remain much a of old. dairy prod ucts principally, though a number, of extra dishes have been added, afford ing greater variety. - And th same cour teous, daintily attired, young gins, veri table rosy-cheeked- dairy maids, remain with ths nsw establishment, adding no little degree of popularity to, this al ways In tares ting resort. , All the evening crowds cam and went, enjoying the delightful orchestral muslo which floated down from th bal cony to th right, enjoying Haselwood's delicacies which were served with the usual promptnsss In spit of th fact thatlha-movlBg had all taken place dur ing th day. and confusion had every reason to relgn. Everything was In beautiful order, and though th plac 1 still unfinished, nothing appeared In complete. .. A Fool aid His Money. . Th Portland' Juvenile Dramatla club will present th society drama, "A Fool and HI Money," Tuesday evening, De cember II. Th company 1 composed of torn very bright and clever children. The popular Nordstrom Brothers of this city have been aaslgaed to th leading roles of th play. . Two feature of th play are that Eugene Nordstrom will play th ' ingenue and ' Oertle Hoeber will play beavle. All th part are as igned to capable children. Th story of th play I la brief: Th wife (Verda Wells) of a wealthy gentle man of leisure (Ernest Nordstrom) fear that hi want of occupation will result In mental and moral degeneration. Through the connivance of a lawyer she makes him bellev that hi fortune I gone, and after she hss Induced him to ensjegs' In business and find that he 1 4 causyltOhaTTy" successful,, she confesses her deception and -restore ni rortune. Th character are- wefl -arw? end n usual opportunity for good acting la' af. forded. .- Between act ther will be specialties by ths Nordstrom boy and by th company. Admission- Will be 16c and 60v ' Th play wilt bs given at th Axloa ball, Second And Oak street. , ; , . y -- " . '. ' ' , ,- - y' ' i ...... . . , , ; t'.-r . - .. - B1NBER HERFJAH1I'$ TRIAL TO. BE DATED MONDAY Will Probably Bs Set for Lata in ' January All Parties . Claim Readiness. . Washington, Deo. 11. The - govern ment will next Monday set a day for the trial of Btnger Hermann, who Is undsr Indictment oa tho charge of de stroying a number of Isttsr-presa eopy books of th general land office. United States District Attorney Ba ker has th ras well In hand and on Monday ha will ask Justloo Stafford to set a day for th Hermann trial.- and also th Hyde-Benson land fraud casea Congressman Hermann, acoordlng to his friends, is anxious for a speedy trial. His eounaal, it la asserted, will Insist that aa early day be set by the United State dlstriot attorney for th trial. It Is believed th case will com up in criminal court No. 1 la th latter part, of January. Fopaliatsi joarco la Tass. The aret eeatresileaal dletrlet et Kasaas, enee a tmghol f FepeUma, east but 6 rata for the repnllet eeadldats ta ta late eieeuoa. REV. A. W. WILSON WILL ADDRESS THE Y. M. C. A. i j .... " i ... Th regular weekly "Sunday at horns -wttl be Hold thfi tftomooa frm 6 to o'clock at th Y. W. C. A. head quarters. Sixth and Oak atreeta All young women are Invited to be present Ths first half hoar will be epent In con versation and story telling In th Bible claaa and later other services will, be hold la th dlfftrant rooms of th ' ' , t- , ! .V ' .. - , : W1H Don't you Rent a CecILan through the Holidays? Plays all kinds of music.' Can be operated by any body. No previous . musical . knowledge necessary. Come in and try one. ' ' ' ' Manufacturers' Piano Company 350 Alder St, Bet-Seventh and Park, Portland, Or. 8ol Affenta Sohmcr, Decker St Son, Kobler ft Campbell, Cecillaa Cabinet Piano Player, Sohmer-Cecilian, Farrand-Cecilian. : i Arf leather. Pillows and Mats I ifJiMtJjvTown Prices the Lowest ; ' KODAK STORE , "t Sixths Between Washington and Stark Eastman Kodaks $1 to $35 M M bunding. Rev. A. W. Wilson will maks, the address of th dsy at the usual Sunday meeting In ths large meeting room. He will apeak onth aubjict, "Laving la rear." Xha reader will Mrs. M. O. Mc(?orkt. Mis Rns Coffy . will slrjg an alfo solo. MIhs Kvelyn Hitchcock a plan snlo and Miss Ignore Qregory a. violin solo,. -a lft-cenl .sup per will b served.