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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
PAGES 17 TO 32 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY . MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1900. GFineCgrsetlCoversS Made , of. good material and trimmed with - lace Muslinllnderskirts: Made of good quality muslin, come in two stylo, have 14-inch flounce, edged with 8-inch; embroid and embroidery, dainty and good qual ity, regular price $1.25 each.- Special n o-mcn emDroiu- $1.19 ery, ' trimmed with . ruiiies , Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets and , tucks, regularly $1.50 Monday, each, only. ... . for......... m 67c ill! Christmas - . .... . , ' v - -' " .... I- : .' All Hade-Up Art Goods Half Price How Sofa pillows, opera ban. centerpiece, library table V "jpu covers, dovliea. aDrona. kimonoa and dresser scarfs in' the assortment. Every made-up piece in the house goes for half what we should get tor it. The designs are English eyelet, French , embroidery Shadow and Biedermaier embroidery. The materials are linen, lawn and. Jap linen. r- ;.,.: ' , v , ALL WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, WE. OFFER ANY OF JHESE MADE-UP PIECES FOR JUST - HALF THE REGULAR PRICES H Worth $2 JO for $1.25 Worth $4 for $2.00 Worti " ' 5 for.. $2.50 Worth . $10 for $5.00 Worth ; $12 for $6.00 $10 Silk Velvet Hats for $3.00 DRESS HATS ARTISTICALLY' TRIMMED, EXQUISITELY, ; DAINTY SHAPES AND IN ALL THE BEST COLORS ; A net ss prettjr at one of these would make a splendid present' for your self or some one you know. And st this low price we're giving more than half of the present; better take this opportunity., Olds, AA Wortman & King quality, you. know..., $u.UU I fancy Goods Specials Main Floor Oregon Souvenir Books, large sice photographs, Just the thing , - PA. to send to your eastern friends. Regularly $1.00, for. ............ DUC Paper Knives and Magazine-Openers, with French stsg han- , fJhf, dies, regularly $1.00 each. Special at only,.....,, M...,.tU7W " ' 1 ' t--t r - r r . .l... ' V. ' Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Umbrellas, AND OTHER CHRISTMAS THINGS X Tasteful gift-seekers will -be delighted with' the many suggestions they'll find. among these lines. The daintiest of kerchiefs, the beat . sorts of gloves and the most handsome umbrellas ever made. The Christmas neckwear, too, is worthy of more than usual notice, for it seems that- the neckwear houses that supply us have outdone themselves tms sesson in the production ot , ex quisite conceptions in dainty neckpiece. Ostrich Festher Boas, in black, white and colors. Priced from 15 to............ ............ ?38 Stock Collars, in lie newest snd smartest de signs, made of lace snd silk peau de soie, come in white and colors. Erjced at f 1.25 to.. '.3.00 Umbrellas, for women, covered with piece dyed taffeta with tape edge and fancy handles of gun metal, -horn, pearl, gold and silver plated; also' men's umbrella with natural wood ff1) CJ handles. Priced at 3.00 and.; 4.JJ Women' Blue Silk Umbrellas, regular $5 yalue,J or . . Men's and Women's Umbrellas, piece dyed ; taffeta, -with natural wood handles, 3.50, f 4.0 and $3.25 las, piece dyed "...$5.00 Initial Handkerchiefs, in all linen, hemstitched - ' " ' 25c each, box of 6, 3Sc each, box of 6. 45c each, box of 6.........2.50 New Silk Scarfs,, jn white snd col- .ors," 65 to. . . :. - . .. ..5 Women's ' Kerchiefs, trimmed with Armenian lace, very dainty patterns. Priced at 50, 76, f l.OO snd up. Long Kid Cloves, In Mack-or white. 3.60 and ........ i 4.00 Long Suede Kid Gloves, in black or white, the pair ........ t. ... .3. SO Monarch Kid Gloves, with' 2 clasps: black, white snd colors.. Derby2-Clasp Kid Gloves, in black snd colors .1.75 Eskay 3-Clasp Kid Gloves, in black and colors; pair 1.75 Women's Fine Swiss or Linen 'Kerchiefs, with, hemstitched or embroidered---7 edge, 35 to.-.-5;.-r: .f. . (JC New Elastic or Silk Belts: white, tf 11 black and colors, 50 to... Dent's English Gloves, come in col ors only, the pair ...2.0O Women's Handkerchiefs, fine Swiss with embroidered and scalloped edge or in the neat hemstitch patterns. Special at, each ......... 25 Women's Handkerchiefs, in fine em broidered linen; come six assorted patterns in a box. Selling at, the box;, 1.75, 2, 3.50 snd 7.00. We're Very Miisy Selling : Toys for Christmas tome See the Hew Parlor Game Baseball It's Indorsed by such shining lights in the baseball world as Napoteon-f-J- Lajote, uina von uer Ane, uoya tr. Kicaarx. narry iiiinui, wirimy Matthewson, Edward M. Reulbach and R. L. Hedges, They all say k's the greatest gam ever. More fun and excitement than any in door same ever devised. - You get so interested In "getting a man home "making a home run"-and all the regular baseball "stunts" that you don't want to stop playing for anything. ' Come on up to the Toy Department and let us show you how it's played P J A A and make a fan ot you. ins game, complete, sens tor onij vv Don't Miss These Dolls Jointed Dolls, with ' shoes, stock-, inars and chemise: light hair, goes to sleep;; 17 inches long, and regu larly worth 65c, each. - hQf Special at ,. . . '.' y Dressed Dolls, with dark hale and blue eyes; dressed in pink, and dress is trimmed with lace, braid and embroidered chiffon; slippers snd hose to matcn dress; . CJ. -regularly $1.00r Special..,.. I 2C Dolls, dressed In saildr suits have brown hsir and eyea selling st 35c - 7K Dolls, dressed In blue 1 w checked Eton suits, with hats to match gown others 'with pink dresses and hats to match 25C -eed Dolls; pink, blue" and white dresses, trimmed with lace; hat and shoes to match: a splendid value at 25c t Decorated Haviland China Dinner Sets - A SPECIAL SALE BEGINNING MONDAYASSORTED nt DECORATIONS AND SHAPES Dinner Seta, of Hsviland china, that sell regularly for $28.50. Spe-A nn cial this week Wt.VV Dinner Sets, regularly, sold-. for $37.50. Special aU. ......25.V0 Dinner Sets, regularly soldcT" We are Portland's exclusive agents fnr 140, Spfal at. w lor tne famous JuiDocy v-ui oiass. Dinner sets, regular , t, (77 Kn ly sold st $91. Special..,.. Dinner Sets, regularly od toa nn at $110. Special at.. JOO.UU Dinner Seta, regularly sold0s nn' at $102.50. Special at.... o.UU Dinner Sets, regularly soldrrc rtn st $82. Special at.......OJ.UU Dinner Sets, regularly "ciee nK sold at $183.50. Special... Jl55.U( Tea, Chocolate, Salad, Coffee, Chop and Pudding Sets, in deco rated china the most complete as sortment west of Chicago. See the; special display in department Art Pottery. Vases and Ornaments for the holiuaya. Imported and domestic wares, from .75 each up to . . . ; . .;35 "You can't pay"iiigher conipln ment to the good taste of the one who receives your presents than to see that the cut glass has the name 1,ibbey" on it Gas and, Electric Portable Lamps, many new designs; a larger assort- ment than ever before. .. "T"J Chafing Dishes.'Kettlea and Stands in a special Sale Nickel Chafing Dish, " c regularly sold at $3.50..-...)O $5.50 Nickel Chafing Dish.. 4.4 O $4.50 Nickel Chafing Dish ..3.60 Five O'Clock Teas and Stands Regular $3.50 value ..2.85 Regular $5.25 value.. ...... 4.20 Nickel Baking Dish' and Cover, regularly $1.V0. for Christmas Offer: $5 Corsets Sell $389 Bon Ton Corsets, for slender figures, with Princess hip and girdle top, of fancy batiste in blue sTZ CO IcTat $Sr7SpeCtarfoTnTr 002?- Ice Wool Shawls, a complete line have front and side supporters, made of fancy batiste in blue white; sizes 18 to 30; : or white; sizes ;o to mj; reguiany sold at 3. . opeciai ior.. Children' Bonnet, in full front or tight fitting style; come In silk vel vet anff b'earcfotn; r'eRularly sold at 50c to $20, now go for one fourth less than rrguUr.'. 4 in white or black, round or Ci quart style. Fiu:ed ufi from. Tea Aprons, made round or square, nicely trimmed.- Up,r ' Ef from. ;.. JlC ..XM AS HOSE Women's" Hose, fin gauge blaclc-gauie lisle, with' black embroidered boo ft an im mense assortment to choose from, and the, r . i n : t . ' regular price, is jc ine pair. opeciai price for this week, the box of one half- - dozen pairs, only .. ;..4.O0 Hose, bl: omen a Hose, black gauze snd ' medium weight cotton snd lisle, black lace lisle, black embroidered lisle and cotton or white lace lisle. Any of these are regular 50c hose. Special, box of 6 pair. ...2.75 Women' ' Hose, black lace lisle and black gauze lislejwith garter top, also black em 6roidefe3 cotton; s few lines of , each of these regular 35c hose. - Special, ; the box of six pairs, for. ,.....1.90 Women'-Imported Silk Hose, with daintily embroidered boots, black-or fancy shades; come three pair in s box; all black or as sorted if you wish: regular price ' $3.50 pair. Special, box of 3 pairs.... 0.50 Same designs, in regular $3 grade.- Three pairs 8.25 Women' Black Silk Hose; a very fine qual ity 4hat usually sells for $1.50 the pair. Special, boxujf 3 pairs .4.00 Women's Silk Vests, low-neck, sleeveless style. Priced liimhis: Regular $3.50 val ues for 2.90,. $3 values for 2.60, $2.50 values kfor 2.00, snd, the $2 ones for only .1.69 Choose Furs for a Suitable kMkXmas Make someone happy and proud of what you gave them by purchasing one of the beautiful fura we are having this special sale on. Select a muff, a scarf or a set of both.. We can show you the right thing in fur at any price. All the new furs, in all the new shapes. Some of the most rarely beautiful furs you've evet seen are to be found. in this fur stock.. Regularly the price for set run up to $185 and the scarfs are from $1.75 to $85 each, but now; to 'in terest you v. ,'' ... .'..""...,!' ; '''- v.' All Frs Reduced a Fourth ' 250 SWAGGER - - ; TAILORED SUITS ONE-HALF The smartest garments possible for clever tailors to turn out. A mighty sale that will set a new mark for tremendous suit values. Nearly every style and color among this lot." All sizes, and the prices were originally $18.50 to $45 each. Now we give you the suit opportunity of the whole year and offer you these at half price, lhe tinest ones in . the lot now 22.60. ? The $18.50 ones. Monday Night After Six Men's Slippers, in , 25 different styles: come in brown, tan and black; Opera and Everett styles, in handsome designs: iust splendid . presents: values that run to $1-69, snd afterrtirMoTTday C"f Q evening ..J) l? Women's Felt Juliet, in black, brown and red: have hand turned soles and come with or without trimming; they're 1..-.. j i -A.I.. -. 1 cn .k. j u... j-selling Monday iiiglirKftef 6 Qftf -i Tfts Is the Slipper Store Z Look where you will, plan on all sorts of presents, but; after .all there's few things that you can buy.that would please as well as a pair of slippers that we sell you. Slippers' are an ideal gift; there s cosy comfort in the very thought of a pair of comfy slippers ta put on when you're spending the evening st home. But one thing remember, .-' S X' BUY EARLY. ?At. $10 Men's Slippers," In "20 " dif ferent styles. Opera and Everett, in brown, black and tan, or Romeo in black and tan; made of fine kid and velour calf, Russia calf and black or brown seal; most of them have-hand turned soles. Choose a pair for 1.50 At $1.75 Men' Slippers, in 20 different styles; made in many shapes snd of the best leathers; most of them are kid lined, and the assortment is really superb. Remember, only i. ....... ..'.1.75 At $2 to $3 Men's Slippers, in about 30 different styles; made of all kinds of leathers? in all colors and in all the different shapes; comfort in the highest degree, combined with sight lines!; Romeo, Faust, Cavalier, Ev erett and Opera styles.... 2 to 3 Dress Goods Special Imported English Plaid Suitings in Scotch ; Tartans snd' English Overplaids, a superb quality of goods that sell regularly AA at $1.00 the yard. Special, sale price.. :.;.-.;...'...:;.. ...;........,..........PI.Ull OPERA GLASSES $7.95 ; : In the Jewelry , Department. -Beautiful Imported' Opera Glasses, complete with 'handle, bodies and handles of white, oriental or smoked pearl, best 'nickel trimmings and a splendid value at-$10. -CT OC Special at. . . ; i . .'. p i VD Sterling . Silver ' Thlmblea,' in pretty metal cases. Special, value, Sterling Silver Nail File;-fancy designs;- tooth brushes, nail brushes entiele knives, etc;- regular ftQ --Se-goodsrTrSpeeial now.. Sterling Silver and Art Silver Mani cure Sets, Toilet. Sets and MiliUry Brushes. '.;-.'-.'', $3 MPKINS $2.37 DOZEN 1 1 , In the Linen Aisle. Fine Quality Irish Linen Damask; regularly sold at $3.50 CO ZT the, dozen...., JtJl Richardson's Linens , make good Xmaj presents.- We are showing hundreds of patterns in fine dou ble damask Table Cloths, Napkins, Huck Towels (washed and hem stitched), hand embroidered Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths and Dresser Scarfs. .'-; ;'-.v..' ' ; - .. Linen Sets, table doth and napkins to matchrfine hemstitched goods. ' tM, Tegularly $6.00, for. . ..4.50 ' 8-4, regularly $7.00, for.... 5.50 10-4, regularly $9.50, for... .7.50 ' $1.50 PURSES 98c Leather Good Department Women's Hand Purses, a goodly ss sortment, with coin pocket snd sev eral compartments. outer flap has either pearl or leather button clasp, have strap handle and are OA regular $1.50 values;.. .WW Men' Cigsr Cases, of genuine croc odile leather, telescope style; regu lar value $1.25 each. Spe- Qflf cial this week..'.. UC Cigar Cases, in seal, walrus and alli gator leather. .Priced CC (( from 1.50 to ...JJVV I-eatherCovered Flask tnak good. "Xrtu nresentsT We have ttlem in great variety. Also leather covered Drinking Cups, Card Cases and 'Wallets, ; - , . : Mighfy Values Silks and Dress Goods ' ; Tempting Xmas Special From Portland's ' . ' r?V -r-:y-. Big Silk Store ; : :r ; Novelty Suit Silks A grand collection of new snd attractive pattern, newest colorings and de- QQf signs, neat small figured effects; regular $1.25 quality. Special, this week, yard.. Ot Imported Wool Waiatings, in . swagger designs, checks, - mannish mixtures, stripes and overplaids. Priced like this: . . .V Regular $2.50 grade..., ............... .,...1.31 Regular !I1.75 grade... ,...1.19 ReguU-. grsHs... Hft Regular $1.00 grade... .......60 We hav just received a large shipment of the well-known Moravian Chiffoq,Broadcloth..,. This .clothe U "absolutely guaranteed to be sponged and shik, spotproof sh J ready for the needle. Northing better for 'well tailored gown. . . Silk and Wool Poplin, for afternoon and evening dresses; every wanted shade to choose from. Priced thus: . Regular $2.00 grade. .1.49 JRgguaOyogjade.J1, J.. . . ... . ms1'19 . Regular $1.25 grade;.'.-. t.7&9 Splendid Christmas Presents for MEN ARE TO BE FOUND IN THE MEN'S SHOPS, IN THE SIXTH ST. END OF THE STORE MAIN FLOOR. COME LOOK THEM OVER. , Men' Bath Robes, in blanket or cloth, new pat- tff TO terns; a regular $6.00 robe lor...... Boys' Wool Sweaters with V neck snd plain or but- Q7. ton-holed fronts; a regular $1.50 value for Men' Neckwear The best assortment in the CO ff city. Priced from 25 each to..., ...11 Men' Fancy Vesta are very appropriate gift for your men friends. Select one from this laree stock of ours and you'fe sure to be pleased yourself 'and to ;please the one wh re ceives it; regular prices are i.3i to o.ou, ana now rvri enm ttnrlr rH ONE-gQURT Men's Mufflers, Reefer and Dress Protector sll make good Xmas presents. We have a large assortment, in- (C )A eluding lots of white, bliefc and pearl; 75 to.. ...? VV Men' Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or hand CI f)f embroidered initials. Prices 20 to 4?lVl ' Smoking - Jackets are going fast now, so we sdvise you to come in it " I frLf MSI Suit Cases, for men or women, also hand baa and small trav eling bags a good Christmas assortment. . . , early and select one, even if, you don t went to take it till the very last day. We have them now in all sizes and patterns. Xmas in the Fancy Goods Department Clbthes Brushes, large size, with best Imported French bristles; Oft regular value $1.50 each. Special, beginning Monday..... Ut Hair Brushes, large size, Kent's best English hair, all pure white bristles; .regularly CO C $3.50 each. Special...;.4X Jl Stereoscopic Outfits, , containing stereoscop snd 25 views; . OC regular value $1, for ( Glove Bo?esTih!f'llW"?'nfeU" celluloid glove snd kerchief )fm boxes; regular 35c, for. . . . . .L i . Necktie Boxes and Glove Boxes. in hriwiii1, brass trimmed; re'i at $.'U0 value, .pe- ' "' ' cial at Boa Stationery. Hurd's best paper.' regular value $210 and C I tC $2.25 the box. Special.. J 1JJ Combination Box, toilet soap snd perfume, 3 cakes soap snd 2 btt!es Perfumery; worth bVc the " " " .VQX Special ai. . r- Embroidery f ' "r ' ' handles; worth M - fur...... . , t C FT