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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY -JOURNAL; iPORTL AND,1 SUNDAY : MORNING. DECEMBER IS, 1SC3. RAPID PROGRESS IN v . r i .- Engineers Rushing Work on Reclamation Enterprise Which Will , v ' Bring Water to Thousands ot .Fertile' Acre v and,..'' . ; ; ; ' Maketfte Desert Into" a Garden. ; ! - - The work on the Umatilla project 1 .'' now wrll under way, and those who ex i rtl every Influence to carry out thia , treat work are now assured of final and -complete success. The value of the " construction of the government ditch ' in CmstlUs county at thla time In that " particular locality la but the beginning . of tbe (reat work which will be per. formed In thla section of Oregon from r thla time on. t ( '-. For over two year the reclamation . ' aervlce has been at work on the pre "' llmlnary work of the Umatilla project, and the dirt flying epoch ' haa begun. A network of ditches la being conetruct--yed, and the work at the intake, a mile above Echo, la going on aa rapidly aa " I8U sua lemma tan do tt i1 ' Make Baser Slooaa. The "project contains 80,000 acrea of land, which la now worthless, but which, ' with an adequate Irritation supply, will not be surpassed la value and produot Iveneaa by any land thla aide of the orange orcharde of California,..: The town of Umatilla Ilea In the ex- treme corner of the project and In a few years the effects of Ita develop- ment will convert this small. and quiet railroad village Into a thriving and ' prosperous community. The same trans f ermatio will -take place at Echo and 7 ' Umatilla River near Echo at high water stage, only three per cent waste . ! : , , Waters in Use Photo by ScholL Hrmlston, two small towns near the "line of tbe project, which are already ' growing rapidly aa tbe work goea on. .'Pendleton, the metropolis' and county that goea on in tbe county. -' ; Water Diverted by OanaL ''The' service Is diverting water' from the Umatilla river in a canal It feet wide on the bottom, 35 feet on top and carrying a depth of five and a half feet of water. Thla canal la SI miles long and deposits Its water In a nat ural reservoir, which covers about 1,(00 - acres of land, and has a capacity, of 46,000 acre feet. With the-ettpply of water which will be placed On land -di rectly from the feed canal In the flood 411 be suffi Charcoal Kills . Bad Breath. Disagreeable Odor Arising From In S digestion or From Any Habit or . .Indulgence, Can Be Itv-. .: 'i . ' : auntly Stopped. - " " Sample rackage stalled rrea. Other people notice ' your bad breath , where you would not notice it at all. . Jt Is nauseatlrtg to other people to atand before them-and while you are . talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from. food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It In the morning, : that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. Too can atop that at once by a wallow ing one or two Stuart Charcoal Loien- gea, the most powerful gas and ' odor " absorbers sver prepared. ; '- Sometimes your meals will reveal themselves In your breath to tboae who . talk with you, -Tou've had onions," or "Tov're been eating cabbage." and all , ef a sudden you belch in the face of . your friend. - Charcoal Is a wonderful absorber of odors, ss every one knows. That is why Stuart's Charcoal Losenges i , are so quick to stop all gases snd odors of odorous foods, or gas from Indlgea .' tion. : . ... .... . Don't use breath, perfume. They never conceal the odor, and never ab . sorb tbe gas that causes the odor. . Be - sides, the very fact of. using them re T veals the reason for their nee. Stuart's ? Charcoal Loxenges in the first place stop for good all sour brash and belch- . ting oi gaa, ana make your breath pure. inn ana aweet just after - you've eaten. Then no one will turn his face swsy from you when you breathe or I talk; your breath will be ' mire and fresh, and besides your food will taste so ' much (better to 'you at your next meal. Just try It Chsrcoal does other wonderful things, too. It carries sway from your stomach and intestines, all the linpuri- : ties there masaed tortbr.r and which rauaea the bad bre&ttt. Charcoal Is a , purifier as well as sn absorber. ' ' . Chsrcoal la now by far the beati moat easy and mild laxative kn-jwn. a whole boxful will oo no harm; to fact, .the more you take the better. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges ere made of pure willow rharooal and mixed with junt a. 4 faint flavor ef honey to make them ' palatable for you, but not too sweet You Just chew them like esndy. They 5 are absolutely harmless. Get a new, pure, aweet breath, freah- en your stomach for your next meal, land keep-the Intestines n' good wotk . lng order. - Thee- tWa-Xhlnns are tbe secret ' of" Kood health nd long Ufa Ton can get all the charonal negasry to do these wonderful' but simple 'i things by getting Stuart's Charcoal - Ixsengea. We want you to teat these little wonder workers yourself before 'You bur them. Bo send usjrour full , name sttd sddreaa for aTTtee sampteof . rlluart's Charcoal tAmenaes. Then after you have, tried the sample, an.1 been convinced, M to your druggist and get a f te boa of them.' Tou'U feel bet 'trr'all over, more comfortable, and rleaner InaM ' . Hfflfwywr- ftewe-,lO; cav and ws will st once send yo-i by nail a sample package, free. Address l A. Stuart Co., ft Stuart WUg, Mur sbAU. Mich, .. to cover 'the lands to a depth of 14 Inches each season. J The reservoir dam across the mouth of the canyon -will be one of the largest earth dams ' lit the world, belnc 0 feet high. 100 feet wide on the bottom and bavins' an extreme length ef i.JOO feet Prom the reaer voir distributing- canals will take the water te the highest practicable point on each and every plot, be that plot large or amalL - The reservoir will be filled during the flood season, assuring an abundance of .water daring the dry season,' ., v' 'y - , ...-;' , Sailolaf the Xeadgate. . The Umatilla river, at times when the water Is high. Is from six to eight feet deep, running -from 10 to-1 J miles an hour. There has been no way .o that only three per cent of It has so far been put to Oae, despite the faot that several hundred acrea are now be ing watered from this source. .Work on the head gate, which Is feet wide where the water Is beta? taken from the fiver. Is now going on. Two hundred and fifty men are now at work on the different parte of the pro ject. ' The upper end of the ditch will be earth for about a mile, then will oome half a mile of rock section, and a little below Echo there Is a mile of ce ment gravel, all of . which requires dlf- ferent work on dlfiVrent sections along the ditch to the Columbia. Material Is arriving for work on the Cold Springs dam, which . is be the "ft t l"g' structure ot the Lmttl project It Is to be built of earth and gravel and will contain nearly 700,000 cubic yards of material. It. will be 10 feet high and about '4.000 feet long. The reaervolr back of it will store 80,000 acre feet of water. Besides ths earthwork, there will be provided a 100 foot concrete masonry spillway, with masonry abutment and training walls; also a concrete masonry gate tower and putlet conduits ' - read Carnal Twsaty-flrs Xllea mg, The U-mlle feed canal, with a ca- paclty of ii)0 cnhln feet pcr-aecocd carry the flood waters to the Cold Springe reservoir. Is another Interest ing featuaa of the work under the pro ject camps of several tents each are strung along from above Echo In var ious places where the ditch Is being constructed toward the Columbia, and things are assuming a lively aspect la tbe west end of the county. The high .productiveness of the land. which lies at less than 1 00 feet above sea level, will cause the, farms to be quickly subdivided Into smsll tracts of five to ten acres each, which' process will be favored by Its easy, accessibility by railroad and from the ' Columbia river. , It will In this way be capable of sustaining a heavy population. . Tbe work' on the project will be pushed to tbe limit and every effort will be made to have the water on the land as soon as possible.' .'.. , ' " . .:. TRAFFIC NOTES SENT ; FROM CANBY. STATION (gpeclal Dlepateh te The JeeraaLl ' Canby, Or., lec 16. The Southera PaclAo has a- large crew of Greeks at work here putting In an additional track to the large gravel pita The -large amount of traffic incident to the taking out of Increased " quantities of gravel for ballast purposes required more room and a more convenient way of getting In and out : ' .'j, ',. . Cars for lumber 'are more .plentiful and the local mills have made large ship ments the last week. But they are till away behind ' with ' their orders and It will take' many more cars to move the held-up shipment and also tbe orders coming In. - : Canby petitioned tbe Southern Pacific some time ago to have the morning and evening trains stop here, but the re quest has not so far borne fruit The evening ' train to Portland has fallen back Into Ita old habK of being froln ori belng from" one to three hours late, Canby people are looking forward to an electric line con nection for tbe betterment of their con dition. 1 '-. - - . .;- GOVERNOR RECEIVES . DRAFTS OF MINE LAWS . (Special DXpatck te Tee. Jeeraal.) Salem, Or.. Dec. li. Governor Cham berlain has rm.-elved copies of ths mine fraud law and the mine drains ire law approved by the American Milling oon gress and recommended to the various legislatures. The communication te sent by Jsmes F. GalbreaHh, Jr secretary of the mining congress, and asks for the governor's asatstanos In presenting these matters before- th Oregon legis lature.. The law is Intsnded to be com mon for all states, to protect Investors, snd is of "lmrosjlate importance, tbe secretary saya . .... .. ' " WEEK'S BUILDING AND ' IMPROVEMENT AT CANBY (Speirtal DtiiMtra te The Joornil,) ' . Canby, Or., Dee. 1. Street Commis sioner Kesselrlng haa had a force at work the past week-cleaning up the streets snd doing , some needed repair work. He hss hauled a large quantity of gravel and raised first street st the norm rta,STf ! a. of the elds streets. i phone company's construction gang has this IP been camped here thla week, putting np the pole Una They are doing substan tial, work, Canby will soon be enjoying telephone competition. ' Tbe work on the Canby Bank building has made good progreas during ths past week. It will be one of the most sub stantial in this vicinity, The contractor expects soon to havsjt under roof. TUNNEL RECORD BROKEN v " " AT LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN 'Chattanooga. Tenn., Deo. ' 15. The tunnel of the Southern railway through Lookout mountain was finished ' this morning. . It Is S.D09 feet long snd In Its. construction ths world's record for boring tunnels wss broken. The work was done In IS months snd IS days. rod , -: MORE . .; -I - ARTISTS V WRITERS ' ' : CLERKS, Who have had actual, tangi , ble, successful, result-get-" ting advertising 'experience. Our business is growing t, rapidly. We have a place ; for you if you can qualify. Qmm m m soo-eVT-S OommonweeJtk BIdr . romTTJurp. j, ' , 101 Colmaa Bldg,. Seattle. isthb EcMGhrlistmas THAT IS IF YOU APPRECIATE COMPLETE STOCKS AND DONT WANT TO BE HURRIED AND JOSTLED AMONG THE ANXIOUS CROWDS NEXT WEEK This Is the Ideal WHERE WITH GREATEST COMFORT YOU MAY DO YOUR CHOOSING. THE V LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOY'S APPARELIN THE CITY THE LIGHT- V -TryrrfflmimESTTORF, ' WHERE WOMEN, CAN SHOP WITH EASE- . : ' Jackets 3& House Goats Almost 300 from. Price $4.00 y And up to LOUNGING and BATHROBES ' - ' x .. Pjices range: from $3 up to Fancy Vests : 'A ''suitable -present, any gentle man -mux ir-w Full DreSs; Vests $2.50 to REMEMBER, MEN AND BOYS APPRECIATE GIFTS MORE FROM AN EXCLUS ' i ' r ; IVE MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE T PREFERS JAPS TO Evidence in Chinese Papers That President Took Japs Into His Confidence. SAID ERA OF RUFFIANISM PREVAILED IN BAY, CITY Agreed That Orientals Should Ba Ad- " mitted to Public Schools and Prom ised to Exhaust Every Means to That End. ' . (Jenraal Sneetai Rervlee.f San Francisco, Deo. 16. The Chinese Mall brings remarkable evidence of the favoritism of President Tlooeevelt for the Japanese. It Is proved conclusively that long before the Americsn public wss given his recent message. Important details wers to ths hands of the Japan ese government. " The Cljlna Oasette of .- November I, 1I0, reproduces a telegram printed In the 'Osaka Malnlchl, published In Kobe, ua(leraieQXjQc!ab Sender says: , . 4 .- "1 lunched today . with, President Roosevelt and Mr. Root, the secretary of stats. In ths oourss of conversation the president authorised roe to tele graph that In bis message to the next session of congress he Intends In one of triWtiri"tH"'t'"P"''gg'o wernAmsrt- caus that the Japanese muet be treated on exactly tbe same footing as Eu ropeans. ', ,;- -y . ; i E OTTff TTTVKNTT.K DEPARTMENT MOST INVITING, to' choose starts at $15. .; 1 ROBES ' $15 for Hat Orders XW-Brewer-Hat $5 ro lm a- u,D,nu.. The president went oa to ' reiterate his friendship for the Japsaese people and pointed out that there Is at present a pre valence of ruffianism at San Fran cisco from which other nationalities than ths Japsnese are suffering. He also said he agreed that ths Jspansse had the right to be admitted to the schools and that he should exhsust every means to prevent discrimination." . .-...' v BABXTlrdHas 1 and early to rise, makes one healthy, nappy ana wise esnerisiiy ii you tase Herblne before .retiring. A positive cure for Constipation, Cyspepala and all live.' complaints. V rs. - H . , Co lumbia,. Tenn., writes: "I always keep a aup. pt your. Herblne on hand, Am so (leased with ths relief it gives In cotistlpstloa snd all liver complaints that werris rsn't express ray spprecia teens' Cor sale by ail druggists, .. W X ) ' 't . l I 'a - 7" ' t-rTV- I MmMEK. Shopp ers v : ; : ' ; In . endless ! variety.. Every -v style suitable for every want. Price ' rang , v.; 50c To $3.00 Store Nefckwear Silk Mufflers $1.50 to $5 Umbrellas A specially fine selection rofrHSliday Umbrellas., Handsome' nanaic mm ; Your Christmas Dinner scAsnoATn st sovsrs txbth wxul nopvcTS . ni BSST MaVOXTSL , .. . . ... ..." , With Bad Teeth, Dyspepsia & Gloom I An aching tooth will drive away the Holiday spirit and substitute a. feeling impossible to desorlbe. - v. " ' , . ' The most servlcesble Holiday present to mother, sister, brother of dear , friend would be some expert dental work, provided they needed It. r it is something- that will be ap predated for a lifetime, Qew-gawa are , forgot ten. In a few days, r ... " -Our work la the best, our treatment the . gentlest, and they will leave ma with the true Holiday spirit. ..-- - ).' a . . ooos mvt .ov TcxTX oir BrssaB fiats ss. ' ; BSST SBT OS TBBTX OB BVBBXB fUTI St. , dr.b.e,ght, V H WASBTBOTOW ST BIST, COBBBB SBTBBTB. OFTICK HOURS: I A. M. to I P. M.; rHUSK MAIN 1111. .Thla establishes the faet ' that ; the president's slang assault upon the peo ple of San Franclsoo was made before he heard from , Secretary Metcalf, for Metcalf arrived la this .city after No vember l. .. . . r ' v. . : ,-' MOUNTAIN OF CHALK" NOW TO BE MARKETED V (SeeHal DISMtefe ts Tss JoarsaU Baker City, Or 16. Ii. Local capi talists have secured control of a moun tain of ehalf, recently dlsoovsred la Pine valley, and are making Investiga tion with a Tlew-mT Wilnrnt lt foTT mar ket. The east and of the chalk hill has bsen known to residents of the valley for several 7 era. Its face haying been UP Leading" v: Clothier " THE PAINLESS DENTIST T:10 to 1:39 P. M.i SUNDATS. I te 1. IltAJiO i fOKTLAND.) tLJi L. GEO I LGHHS uncovered ly The overTlbw oT"anTfrTgar" tion ditch, but no one thought of stak ing It out In mineral claims Until John , Rand, Charles Hyde and Henry Moody took It up today. ' . Tha .cbalk la, of tha--. t Ineet lty and no crayons have been aold to the Pine valley schools for years, the chil dren raking what chalk they needed fromthe ellft. t V