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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
A ' v -THD OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1906. i: FOR THE, BENEFIT Of THOSE, WHO CAN NOT v CALL DURING THE DAY WE, WILL BL OPLJSf EVENINGS TILL AFTER 11 I AC 551-366-36S-370 East Morrison SI The Horn of Low Rents and . Little Prices, when you are looking; for a present for a rela tive or friend, it will pay. you to come and tee i ." our large stock. . -' v ' Out of the high rent district.; You can get a fine Christmas present here, and jour money will go farther than when you buy from a high. rent dealer. Turkish Leather Think of an all-leather Turkish Rock r enir $1.09 per week. It would t than that If you were to rent on. SAYS conoiTions : ARE BETTER -M.jt -. . v Deputy District Attorney-Haney , Declares Crime Is Not So; P -4 , Frequent In Portland. CLOSING OF CAMBUN i RESPONSIBLE IN PART V Rockpils at KeDe Butte the Terror yaranta .and., -Doe, .Much IP J V Keep Undesirable Class Ourof the City Many "Fake- Robberies, . JBy B. E. Haney. rpulyz.rJJiHgLAttQr- - . - , ney. n Durina the two years and a half that -1-have ocgir connected -wtth"thats' trtot attorney's office, for the Fourth Judicial district. , I boilers there ha never been a time when Portland 'was Deputy District Attorney BE. Haney so free from crime, or crime In any . form as It Is st present, sndhas been for the past several months.. . , . r This may be attributed to. several causes, chief among which. In my opin ion. Is the eloelns of opea sambllnr In thla dty.- There Is no doubt - that large percentars of '. crlrntnala make their bealnnlpg by frequeatlng gambllnt houses. And whits I do. not believe that any community, of the fee' at Portland will over be entirely free from erlme, at the same time- If we learnt) the canae and opportunity whlchydrlve the -young men Into such .pursuits., to Just that eaten -de w leaaen crime Iteelf. It has been my bbnervatlon that fully 75 per 'cent -of 'the parties DIFFERENT PUBLICATIONS COMPLETE FILES AND i , SAMPLE COPIES ; " ' AT :' r. - .' S09-e-T- OonvmosweeJtX.Bidg., 101 Colmsa Bldg., Seattle . w m$fy km, v f -. t; ) v ?-V L L' Y") Y ' I L'A ' V I'-1 ... 1 fix , - . f J f V- : O I I '..i ".( v:-', '' -5. 'l " Morris Ghair $1.00K(;;;: Week ' f wF r,fi It'sAlfeK Yours Ji-fz3h-:: We have just received another larjre. shipment of our up-to-date Patent Self-Adjustable Mor ris Chair. We invite your most careful inspec tion of this stock. Come early and make your selection and we will hold it for the holiday deliveries. --; J. ' Rocker ". Down: $1.00 Weekly '.r. This Hardwod Table has large rich flake, fine ly finished in rich golden oak, 44-inch top, 6 feet extension, 6-incb fluted legs. on payments ' worth more r arrested through the district attorney's oitios were defendants under the ago or 2. and a large portion of them were mere boys whose leisure time had been almost- entirely spent" sbbu t " gamWlftg bouses, and places of like kind. . . The mora serious crimes, murder and th like bavs been as fsw, I believe. as in any community the slse or Fort land. Such offenses usually srloe from a disordered mind and ! know of no particular cause to which they can be attributed. , Offenses such as - larceny and 'bur glary, which It seems to me are In the larger majority committed by people who have no regular employment and will not work, and will not seek work, hsvs been lessened to a arest extent by piecing In operation the rock ouarrr as KeUey'a StjttS 1 not! OS thajfc Sf he! S the punishment for such offenses has been merely a short term of imprison meat, and it seems that for small of fenses the penitentiary is too severe. that petty criminals have no -great 1 JaiV-particularly -during ..the winter monioa. out warn mey enow mat lra- prlsonmeotiat 'the county .Jail, neans, as It now. doea, confinement at hard labor for eight or ten hours a dsy dur ing their term, such people are not apt to commit an offense for which they will bs convicted the aeoood time. 'While there Is more or-lesa-publicity - given the complaints mads of various hold ups and robberisertrinsnevrTharlii ; fair Investigation will show that In a great majority of suoh reports the- story Is wholly a 'Yake;" It being a story of a party who has spent bis money, per haps for liquor, has sobered up snd realised that he must maks some ac counting for tbs . loss of his money: and such . la the conclusion, X believe. of the majority of officers who have given 'this matter their careful per sonal attention. And ths ' habitual "rounder'1. who hss no business snd will have nons and does not work, Is present giving Portland rather a wide berth; where els months or a year ago the police court was crowded daily with a large number of people held under charges of vagrancy, it Is now only seldom that more - thsn two or three such characters are before Judge Cameron. . , While there may be critics of ths way the present laws are enforced, and I presume there always will be., for I doubt the ability of any publlo official to satisfy all ths people all the time. I believe thst aa far as criminal affair a are concerned, judging the same by ths records of eur courts ' and the com plain ta made to arresting officers, thst Portland was jiaver better ' governed than It Is at present. . '. . STODDARD PRESIDENT - ,0F FRUIT GROWERS (SpeHal IMnttek e The loernil.) : La Grande.. Or..' Dec 16. Mayor J. . Stoddard is 'now - st the' head , of tho Grande . Bonds Valley Fruitgrowers- onion. The directors ef that-body, st their regular monthly taeetlbg. elected Mr. .'Stoddard td fill tti vaoancr caused by the reaignatlon of Oldenberg. the unlorra Tormer Tiresiaent. As the retir ing 'president wss a -membei' of" the sT 4sjwwOOyesjjy'ebe Sj4rw&4-ta'b vacancy In the directorate. . and J. .. Stoddard was chosen to .fill thkt va cancy also. " ' '' ' ? - i I, -i i H i -r t - i ii i ! ATHENA WINS CONTEST; rUX" FOR GREEN SPRINGS - VSseHik Otapetek te Tbs -Jaeraal.t Athens. .Or., Dec. . Notice has bew received from the Interior depart ment that the city of Athena' has been awarded ths water riant of Omon springs-en ths I'malllla Indian reser vation. . This msttsr .iraa-taken up some time-ago with the department Reveral proteais were filed by Interest ed parties, but ths city suthorttlee ms tsbilshed beyond a dubt ths vital right Of Athena la her demand for tbs water for use for domestic purposes In con nection with the municipal wster sys tem, as against ths acquirement of the springs by Individuals for personal use. JENKS WADE HELD ON CHARGE OF ASSAULT rendieioa, vr xee. jenae wanes preliminary hearing In Juatice Parke's court on the charge ef sssanlt snd battery preferred s gainst him by Rob-ert- l-emaw-r ulied la the..iaaa being set for trial Monday morning. Wade's ball wss pieced at liss, vyaue la a yousg man, wniio bis sntsgonisa is rather sged. - The sttsck was made near pilot Rock Sunday, bat Wade was not srreated until yesterday. ' "TSpccial Sale Tine .Pedestal, 'Extension Tables' We now v have on hand a big stock of these fine r Pedestal-,. Extension -Tables. -: WILL GIVE POWER TO YOUTH In the Splendid Reed Institute : the Light of Knowledge -Will Shine Brightly. . VASTiFORTUNEJ5EDJCAJJED ,TO HIGHER EDUCATION Tbs Institution, Which. Will Be Made Possible by the Benefaction of Be. . loved. Pioneers, jfo Be Finest in the 1 Northwest"' , . "', ' ' " With ths decision of the supreme coiirf against tte XlTBrnnrtrtnrTf the late Mr a. Amanda Keen, who endeavored to-ferwak-fceswUV. Interest Js revived concerning ths bequeet which she made of more than ll.OOO.OOS for an Institu tion of learning in the city of Portland. Martin Winch, executor of the will and nephew of Mrs. Reed, ststes that $1,600,000 will be available for the Inirtl tute, of which IHO.000 will unexpended for buildings. . On May II. 104. The Journal pub lished the full text of the will; follow Ing the death of Mrs. Reed. Ths docu ment was remarkable for ths vsrlsty of the bequests which it contained. With the exception of certain relatives, tbs Unitarian church of Qulner, Mssaaeh setts, and ths Troupe Polytechnics! school of Passdena. California, the en tire estate la bequeathed to charitable lnatitutkns of Portland. After disposing of these separate be- queata, the clauss numbered 27. which Is hers appended, contains the real pur pose and wtah of the deceased as to the disposal of the bulk of the fortune. Ths clause reads: Fortune to Sdaeettoa. 1! "All ths rest, -residue 'and. remainder of my estate and property of every kind, real. personal and mixed, what ever-Its character end "wherever . ths same may-be situated, I - give, devlas and bequeath to my friends. Rev. T. I Eliot,'. C. B. Bellinger, C A. Dolnh. Wil liam E. Robertson and Martin Winch, all of Portland. Oregon, and their suc cessors In trust to use the same and the Income therefrom erlslng In ths founding, sstabllshment and mainten ance st the city of Portland, Oregon, of an Institution of learning, having for its object ths Increass and ' diffusion of practical knowledge among the cltisens of said city of PortTaTld. ' and tor the promotion of literature,. science snd art. Such sit Institution hereby provided for shall be' named and known as tbs Reed Institute, in memory of my departed husband. Hlmeon O. Reed. In It shall be 1 'entsbllshed ' "such depsrtmcnie " ef looming, galleries of art. natural and terhnrqel museums, sppllances for man ual training, and other appliances and appurtenancee as such trustees or their successors In ths trust hereby .created may from time to time' prescribe. "Such Instruction shall he given therein by competent teachers and lecturers In literature, mualc, the srts and sciences, snd ench classes created for the people and especially for deserving young men and young women esrning their liveli hood as such trustees snd their suc cessors may from tlms to time direct." Poe Deeerviag Youth, . a , .It will be seen from this psrsgrsph thst Mrs. Reed provides for an Institu tion .of learning for practical arts ana profeaslons dedicated to the use of all eltlsene of Portland end -others, -with eepeclal reference to deserving young men snd ydung women. Tho will pro vides thst not lees than 1 150 000 be ex pended for buildings snd thst the Insti tution shall be elwaye fre from eec- tarlan Influence and control ' The trustees are practically empow ered to do what In thelt- Judgment Is best to supplement In a general way and according to the needs of the time, the educational or aesthetic! institutions f the city by whatever means seem to them best. Including the establishment of departments ef soademlo Instruction, lectureships and Industrial plants. That Jur. snt Mrs. xeed were en tirely screed a T6 ITle disposal 6f the property acquired by them In the long years of their marries life is shown by ths text of Mf. Reed's will, made la 1171, In whlSb. after expressing his Interest In ths - writers of. Portland, - - . - -t - TT- : I ' ; :$1.00 Down $1 Weekly v Covered in good velour, caW foot legs, canvas lined, roll edge; sold on the west side at $15. 'We also show a big line of fine couches covered in Velour prince condasio imitation leather and genuine leather. Come and see them. where he had spent his business life snd sccumulated his property, In leav ing the disposition of his fortune to thia wife, ho says: . i!X-WPUld -wlf sthai- -shs dsvets seme portion or my estate to benevolent objects or to the cultivation, illumination or development of the fine srts in ths city of Portland or te some other suitable ourpose which shall be of permanent value and contribute to ths beauty of the city snd So 'ths Intelli gence, prosperity and happiness of Its Inhabitants." ' - ; ' . No arrangement has as yet been mads as te the location of the Institute. Tbs Initial purposes and actions of the trus tees csn hardly bs formed, much less stated until they receive formal notice from - the executor that , the fund or some portion of lt ls jeqjy IP- ha placed In their bsnds.) ... Will Make Careful election. One of the trustees hss been absent from ths city during the past yssr, snd made it a special, object In his travels to visit a considerable number ef Insti tutions thst might, be supposed to haV a similar scope to ths ons dssignsd by Mrs. Reed. This, however, was of an entirely Informal' character, and It -is quite possible thst tbs trustees will find themselves called on to either ..visit other institutions for ths purpose of Studying them vmtlrllv. nr Inv ths experr counsel' of lending prscticsl educstors or administrators of slmilsr trusts. The trustees -will doubtless feel the. greet Importance of deliberation In ths first steps that ars taken and In ths qualifications of those thst rasy be placed la charge, sines the Institution if properly sdmlnlstsred Is certain te exercise - a lastlnr and constantly In creasing influence on me city, tns stats snd tho whols northwest, which will bs directly .benefited both by ths men snd womsn that share lis nnvileaes and in structions and from ths standard which will be set up by Its equipments and mernoas. . . Mrs. Rsed. as Is probably well known. was a native of Quincy, Massachusetts, about a dosen miles from Boston, s town celebrated for its stone quarries. Her father, Henry Wood, was a stone cutter, snd wss doubtlsss Influenced In his 'choice of a boms by these quarries. H himself was a native of New Hamp shire, his father hsvlng lived In Hollls. The home of ths Woods was In a house thst Is still supposed to bo standing on Oranite street, near School street. In the town of Quincy. . Henry Woods' wifs was Sarah Adams, a relative of President ' Adams, who. It will ' be re membered, wss slse a cltlsen of quihey. Thay were influential members of the r lrsi- congregational l unitarian j cnurcn and tho pastors under whom Mrs. Reed grew up were Rev. Joseph Whitney snd Dr. William P. Lunf On her mother's side .three direct sncsstors of Mrs.. Reed were deasons of the church. ' - In her childhood she ' sttended ths district school under ths charge of Mies Kllsahetn Torrov. it Was In Quincy that Mr Read first met Amanda Wood, he' having been a resident of a neigh boring town, Abington, and ' later en gaged In a grain snd feed stors at Brldgewater. Mr. Reed preceded his wife to Portlsnd, having arrived In Mil. She followed him In the next year.. His career from that time is psrt of ths early history of Portlsnd, more "T"'llly hf l nfmMmhmitlm pn tha rivers snd In ths formation jf- the old Oregon Btcam -ft Navigation company. In which Captain i. c, Atnsworth snd R. R. Thompson with Mr. Reed were the principal owners. v urn. jteso wss mucn interested: in ner church, the First Unitarian, snd In' the other institutions of ths city., though shs seldom served In any official ca pacity. Both Mr. and Mrs. Reed were extremely unostentatious rtn their charities, and though such Institutions ss the Children's home, ths Portlsnd library and many others wera the re cipients of their I bounty, .the donors preferred wnen posaime mat tneir girts should not be known . . i .. . . - Tho simplicity, directness and diss nlty of their life was crest. , Reserved, but extremely attached to their friends and-to. little children, they themselves being childless, they had at heart al ways ths weirars or tneir aty snd tns slate In which they made their home, V. : - V Soak Hurled as o vers or. Moscow. Dec U. Two men threw a bomb at Admiral Deubasoff, governor- general, while he wss riding In his ear. rlags today. Hs wss slightly Injured. Ths two wars arrested. . vein nt It Cough yourself Into a (It ef spa am a and then wonder why you. don t get well. If you will only try a bottle of Ballard's liorehounti pyrup rour- erogh win he a inins vi n -- powmvs cure for Coughs, Influenss. Bronchitis . n,i -it PulmoiuArv dlaeaaest Oh kni. lis will convince you at your druggist. He. Mo. For sals by all drua Special- Sale Fine Pedestal Extension' Tables One of these Extension Tsbles will make the wife's Xmas one of joy long to be remembered." ' fKZ. . Only $13.50 For this handsome Ladles' Deak, made of selected golden quarter-sawed oak, awell ' front and French lega. ., rrT?t?jBe.B Store Open1 Christmas Buyers Find Best Values at This-Store Monday the Christmas ahoppinj: starts in earnest. No doubt yours planning- a trip down town, so let us suggest some appropriate and sensible gifts. The prices, too, are lower than you ordinarily pay. Come as early in the day as you possibly can 'twill save you lots of worry and help to relieve the afternoon jam. Out-of-town orders will be filled promptly and forwarded tame day aa received. Mail na your orders. ; . ; : e , '.V 57.50 Silk Petticoats $5a45-EaclT Another lot of those famous Silk Petticoats on sale Monday and Tuesday.-Have you eren them? If nor, --'twould fee worth your while to investigate. , They.-ee-made of best rustle taffevb. silk in several different styles, and the colors are red, brown, gray, green, blue, black and oinV link. You ve at $7.50. A handsome and useful Christmas gift. are to sell at this price for two Helpful Suggestions for Gift Givers For Women Gloves., .$1 to $3.50 Handkerchief a.. 5c 10c 25c to $7 JO Umbrellaa...$t $1.47 $2.47 to $8.50 Silk Waists. .$3.25 $4.50 $5.50 to $3 Fancy Hoae Supporters 25c to $1.50 Purses and Handbags. .50c to $6.50 Silk Scarfs. .50c $1.50 $2.50 to $6.98 Box Handkerchiefs 15c 25c to $2 JO High Grade Corsets $2.50 $3.50 to $5 Fancy Neckwear 25c 50c to 98c Silk Hosiery $1.75 $2 up to $3 Neck Ruffs, all colore. . .$1.75 to $5 Emb'd Hoaiery 50c 85c to $1.50 Corset Covers. 37c 67c 85c to $1.50 Gowns and Skirts. 97c $1.50 $2 to $6 Knit Underwear...... 50c $1 to $2 Manicure Sets: etc. . .$1 up to $8.50 Glove and Collar Boxes,. 50c to $3. Dolls Toys Games Sofa Tillows ..... .$2.50 $4 JO to $5 Fancy Hatpins.. ...25c 75c to $1.50 Framed Pictures. . . .25c $1 to $3.50 Silk and Silk-and-Wool Shawls, Urge variety 50c $1.25 $1.35 to $8.50 Drcsi Patterns. . ., $3.50 up to $25 Fancy Aprons..... 25c 35c to $1.50 Children's Fur Sets. $1.75$2J0 $3.75 Furs. . .35c $1 JO $2 JO $5 up to $20 -8ilk-Skh-tra.l colors. -: $3.30 Tgr$t Tailored Suitsr. $1V$25 uo to $40 Kimonos. $2 JO $3 JO $4.98 to $12.50 I t f' . wSBaaBMSaBBBasBSSBBSjSSBJSW " FOR MEN Suspenders 50c to $1' All-Wool Sweaters.., $2.50 to $3.75 Fancy .Night Shirts 75c to $1.50 Fancy Arm Bands, boxed.. 25c 50c Leather Suit Cases $2.50 $4.50 $10 Neckties, ail styles 25c 50c 75c Fsncy Shirts . . .50c 75c $1 to $1.25 Dress Shirtsjaundere'd 90c to $1.25 Fancy Sox.. ...25c 50c up to 50c Silk Handkerchiefs.. 25c 50c to $1 Mufflers... 75c $1 $1.25 $1J0 to $2 Gloves.... $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 to $1.90 Initial Handkerchiefs. 12c to 50c Shaving Sets, Smoking Seta, etc, at special prices. Umbrellas.... ..$1 to $150 Headquarters for Dolls, Toys, Games-Lowest Prices rur nnuui nr." Library Tables liar you soon the biff stock of food thins we now have for Xmae-alvlng? If not, you should make our store ao . early visit. Never place an order until you have looked over our larffe stock. We now fcave a lare Una of Library Tables of the latest designs and finishes. $18 00 ; It's Only $4.74 - If yon please the chil dren get this chTKIa weathered " oak Morris Chair with ereen velour cuehlone. It's a pretty . one. We have others for leas money. Corns and sea them. . ' , The Store Noted for Best Goods et Lowest Prices Every Evening Until Christmas never bought a better skirt than this Remember, these days only. Buy 15c Handkerchiefs at 7c Each Two Handkerchiefs for the price of one here Monday and Tues day. Don't miss this great bargain. Women's, Fine Sheer Hand kerchiefs, with lace and embroidered edges, in a great variety of dainty new designs. Others have just the plain hemstitched edge with embroidered borders. Youll say these are bargains when you see them. On sale Monday and Tuesdsy. . - . , $7.50 Feather. Boas at $3.78 Each ,The balance of the sample line of Feather Roas on sale Mon day at f 3.78 each. Only a few left, however, so if you are thinking of . buying one you'd better hurry. Colors are light blue, brown, gray, black and white, and they are regular $7.50 values. ' Women's $28.00 Women's Three-Quarter Length with black silk braid trimming, and faced with iancy silk braid to match altogether one of the most stylish models of the. season. We could readily get $28.00 apiece for the'mv but as a specisl inducement for Monday and Tues day buyers we offer them at. t,his. very special price. Furs Reduced Don't buy your Xmas furs until you visit us. We have marked every piece of fur in our stock at special prices. Children's Fur Sets and Bearskin Coats, Wom en's Fur Tie! and Collarettes all reduced. . . V vc rr ; v- .. Could you think nf anything that would be mora appreciated than one of our Una Chatham Kitchen Cabinets $i Weekly i 'A Get a New RUG Before the Holidays to Brighten Up : Your Room ; We are ehowlnc m larew assortment of ' room ruata of all qualltlea. Sluea Sill and 1-lxiO-S: also the aroall rugs l-J0 and it Inches In width. All-wool art squares, from 7H feet to I2xlt feet. -You should find what you want here. In all, we show from 12& to 17S ruga, giving you an assortment sqaal to any in the city. . -els!. Xmas Linens 30 dozen Bureau Scarfs, open-work and ' embroidery designs, 50c and 65c values. Special .35s? Battenberg; Centerpieces in TouM' or squne 'detgrrar regular ei.u vaiuc. spe cial J. .... y .S-P Battenberg Scarfs in several new paterns, our rcg. $250 grade. Special, each.f a.T5 Embroidered Bureau Scarfs in large variety of floral de signs JZ00 . value-. 9 13 8 Linen Sets, cloth with one dor: napkins to match, $2.45, i , rr l.. . to ... . fXU,VV "VVe "are " showing an ! ele gant line of Eiderdown Com forters and Fine Wool Blan kets useful and - lasting gifts.' Special , prices from now till Christmas. - Christmas Hosiery ; 50c a Pair Women's Fancy Hosiery- - for Christmas, in dainty new de- signs. ''.A. fine selection in 'the ?lsin and lace effects to choose rom. We are also showing a, snnerb assortment of Women's Silk Hosiery, both in the plain and lace-boot styles. Our prices are the lowest in town. Coats at $22.50 Coats, in the popular wine shades. and lined with best grade. lAtillu- $5.00 Silk Umbrellas at $3.98 Each What makes a finer Xmas gift than a swell new Umbrella? Now's your chance to buy one extra cheap, though the quality is strictly first-class. Best silk cover, steel frame and fine se lection of pearl, gold and silver handles. Xmns e- ..v.