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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
-THE OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16," lS03.vf' if-- I si w.. ,, - . , 'rt''sy'' ; yt' ACTIG HOLIDAY GIFTS 1' .Ah '' V. 4 v ! " ' it, . ,'i ; Are those that possess some permanent value-t infill their intended purpose of usefulness and appropriateness. There ' 'is nothing so worthy, of the consideration of Tffiegift-giver as gooii dependable furniture pieces. Sensible gifts of this character 1 ' imply thought in the giver and are doubly appreciated.; Hundreds of practical and pleasing holiday, gifts are suggested in un paralleled assortment in the immense collection of furniture and' other pieces how gathered and displayed on the seven floors of our new store. - The variety here comprises the latest and best designs in those pieces that are popular for "gift-giving a show ing that is deserving of the inspection of the holiday gift-giver-for in this immense display is represented .'every quality and a . range of prices that is unequaled anywhere In this western country. Our generous system of credit-giving will enable you to make more desirable gift; 'selections.'. You can make your own terms.-: ,?: - : fv'' , ':; Holiday Sale Arm Rockers Special commencing tomorrows two new and exclusive designs In - comfort rockers, in selected quarter- . sawed 'golden oak, richly . polished. The plain style yet attractive pat. - I Cern of these rockers" will appeal to . those who have in mind the giving v - of a furniture piece of this character. 1 Regular $8.00 Rocker ; sped f 3.75 Regular $8.60 Rocket; sped f3.05 ..; ; ajM7 . Odd Gift Pieces Gractful . dfsignsfar- solid mahogany Can 4dbras, sjjigje and in v pairs ; hand beaten cop-'-' '. per rasesj trays, steins J. and plates r hand deco- rated Mission jars, vases and Jardinieres , . These pieces add a fin-f -hhing. tniirh gf Immtj- " to the various room.s of i; the home and 'are 'ex- cellent and jmlqu. holiday gifts. T " .L -Goastersvr-Auto Dollc'arts Arrival - bXMldreii!sJehiGleSi Inobiles Tricycles, Velocipedes, V v ; j SEX DISPLAY IN MORRISON STRtE-T, WINDOW V., -.-,'.J '; . :-'A';.,,--'V-r-r-r'r:;rT:- . ' : '- ;- Althbugh our stock of these has been somewhat delayed in arriving we are able to announce In ample time for gift selecting the most com plete and the most attractive line of the above ever brought to this city.. The Stock is an excellent array of the above vehicles for children of alt ages, and embraces many novel and superior features of construction and finish. The easy running gear and propulsion mechanism of the different models are also features of special consideration to. those who desire, to select the best gifts of this character. There is some thing in this line at every price, and the buyer of Christmas gifts for the children will profit by making their selections from this attractive collection. ;,Your credit is good.: Vv .. . " :l ..: , i.v :.' i - v." '; ' ; 't. .. - Holiday Sale Dinner Sets Bet of42 pieces in the plain white; special. . . ; . . . .f 3.50 Set of 48 pieces in the Flown blue decoration; special. . 4.75 Set of 88 pieces in a rich rose and gold decoration; special. , ,$7.75 Terms, $1.00 Down, 50c Week . . Special holiday offering of six sets In semi-porcelain ware at attractive sale prices and pleasing payment terms, commencing to morrowcrockery Department, Basement. - " : Set of 08 pieces. in dainty blue floral decoration; special. ... .$8.75 Set of 56 pieces in rose and gold decoration; special. . .... . .$0.00 ' Set of 58 pes. in plain green and gold band decoration; spec1.$9.75 TheIiXiQHa v man to The strong and simple lines, the practical construction and the harmonious proportions, of the "quaint designs" appeal to aU lovers of the "arts and crafts' furniture.' The popular fumed and V wetherd finishes ar equally represented In out gathering of this furniture, which includes the varjoul . pieces which are essentialin. thccomplete equipment of those rooms In the home where --rthe dCmandTs"for furniture that combines comfort and: durabllity.Bookcases, desks and library L'ttbles, davenports and settee IrnTchairs and rockers, hall and desk chairs, magazine and book tacks, stoolsLtabourettes .and umbrella stands. A visit to our store -a this time will convince you that this Is indeed a splendid holiday showing of these popular and characteristic pieces. .... ,05 J V J V- V'j I.AI4iC. S . Genuine o Rugs ' ' '' v .' ' " .(': ' ' We announce the timely arrival of a new consignment of these artistic : ' productions of the clever Navajo In dians. This lot represents a selec tion of the most popular and char acteristic weaves and designs from the trading posts in Arizona and New Mexico,- Including' both large and small sixes,; suitable ?for7' floor' rugs, lounging rugs and couch cov ers, v Some of these in aU gray . de-. signs, others In the more brilliant' colorings of black, red and brown. These are specially appropriate for gift-giving. -; - 4 V Shaving 1 V Stands 1'' These practical pieces i are among the many that are sensible gifts for the men., In these we are showing a num lber of new. designs In the golden oak, mahog any, fumed and wreath- ered oak. Most styles . , have adjustable, mir . rors and drawers. Holiday Special Terms Sale Morris Chairs i $1.00 Down,j SOc Week Two attractive patterns in these popular ..and ) comfortable chairs, which we are offering at the' abpve . . pleasing payment terms, commenc ing tomorrow. Frames In the pol . ished quarter-sawed golden oak fin-' V ish, spring seat, velour cushions in ; several patterns and colors." : Your - 'choice of two designs, at $12.50 and $i4.oo.. . r 7: Ladies Desks T7J 'I These "are popular gift ' pieces. We . have brought together this season the handsomest and ' most complete assortment of designs as has ever been-our pleasure to show. The wide range of prices and the variety offers unlimited opportu nities for a pleasing selection. . , Holiday Brap .Gift Suggestions FROM OUR r ment DeDart ery ., .... . - , V .' SIXTH FLOOR 'ART PILLOWS in pyro-etched silk applique, hand, painted and air-, brush designs, ranging in price from $3.50 up to $12.00. A num- ber of these in emblem designs and colors of prominent colleges," schools -. and dubs representing Multnomah club. University of Oregon, University i of Washington, Harvard, Hill MiliUry Academy, Portland High School, 'Portland Academy, St Helen's HalL These artistic sofa pillows are . ' heavily fringed and .laced and are novel and pleasing gifts. r Embroidered and decorated Table Mats in leather various sizes and . shapes, ranging in price from $2.25 up to $0.00. . - SCREENS Three-panel Mission screens in the weathered oak, fill ings in red and green, '-j r ; Three-panel Tapestry Screens in Holland designs. Single-panel Mission Fire Screens in pyro-etched and colored designs. This assortment ranges in price from $5.00 up to $18.00. , : AN IDEAL GIIT The McDougall Kitchen Cabinet ..1 r- ;j rf t A practical and useful gift for the ' housewife a modern piece of kitchen furniture that todjiy la 'demonstrating its labor-saving jand economical qualtr ties in hundreds, of 'American, homes. An Inspection 6f the 'many styles and sizes of the McDougall line will con vince you. that these are incomparable gift pieces. Terms $1.00 down" $1.00 week., ."' '; Music Cabinets '.V - . . '; ; . - -:-) ' A splendid holiday showing of these most popular and worthy gift-pieces. Designs in such variety as assures satisfactory selection and of the very best ap pointment. These in single and double door patterns, some of which have pocket shelves. We are also showing patent cabinets for disc and cylinder phono graph records. , . m Commencing Wednes- day; Our Store Will Be ' M, KU lIlM i si .aw sm rm rw nam rssmBBiB srsw Open .-Every Evening UnullCHRISTMAS 0 YOUX CREDIT 4IC000- w m aw aw imj H005E-FURriI5HER51 f MAKE YOUR 1 1 DWN TERMS jj Commencing Wednes day Our Store Will Be Open Every Xvcnin Until CHIUCTI" 1 m ig