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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18. .103. 19 G01BE0 STATE EVERY L1ASTER HIS - OlVn PILOT: : ATTACKS (M 010 AIICES VETOED BY A Measure Permitting i Women in Saloons Does 5 Not s Receive Executive Sanction-- Mayor Lana lata yesterday afternoon -vetoed three ordinances passed by ths -Not approval" la, aa expected, bis verdict on the measure which would al low woman to parform la saloons. . Aa ' to thia ordinance ha aaya: " . "If thia ordlnanea bacomea a law. It will add a aartoua harden to tha diffi cult work of policing- thia city. Condi tions In thia city from a polk etaad polnt ara much bettor with woman ax eluded from barrooms than they ever ' were when women were allowed to fre quent such places: of thia there can be no question, la my opinion, no good end will bs erred by tha ptm l '' thia ordinance. '', ' , - , "I am informed that there exists ft atate law which forbids women from being in or about barroom and drink ing ahova, and If such la the case tha terms of this ordinanoe wwuld ba In conflict with It and henoe void and llle 1 gal. This ordinance la vetoed.. Yetoea wood Ordinanoe. '. At the laat meeting of the board of ' health a letter from Auditor PeTlln was read which called attention to an ap- parent irregularity la the. payment of a bill from the Banf ield-Veyaey Fuel opm- ' pany for 11,040 for wood delivered to - tha crematory. So an ordinance was Introduced to pay the bill. - The auditor - claimed no requisition had ever been Is sued for the wood. 1 In vetoing the ordinance tha mayor , declarea Its wording unfair to tha board of health. The wood wee drted.-put on - the -crematory (rounds, and paid for as - used. - Tha last ordinance gives tha Mount Hood Electrto company tha right to ' "aelL and transfer ordinance and fran- chlae No. 1M4. paaaed by the council . laet May. Tha mayor holda that It la Impoaatble to sell an ordinance, and ' auggests that Instead the transfer ba made and tha council then asked to ' approve that action. Tha name of tha ' company la to be changed to Mount i H004 Hallway A Electrle company. TO VISIT ALL CAPITALS ' ' RIDING ON HORSEBACK (Pttbuaaers Press y losses Wirt te The Jeoreal.) . Washington. Iec li. William K. Mo Beth, the Scottdale, Pennsylvania, maa ' who on a wager of $20,000 Is attempting to visit n horseback all of tha atate capitals called at tha White House to- day." He was at" Annapolia yesterday and Is now ea route to Richmond. ; He has four years'- time la .which to com plete his trip. Ha la not to buy or One Third Off Price Painless Extraction Y.. 50? Solid ( Gold Crown . .'. $4.00 Bridge Work, per . tooth ............ ?3.50 Gold and Enamel ; Filling ........... f 1.00 Best Rubber Plates; .$7.50 Good Set for. ... 5.00 Examination : and estimates free; perfect fitting and nat ural looking;, all work guar-, antecd fpr ten. years. i'ompiiy lUTbinLajid, Couch Sta- . "PortUnd, Oregon - Iurn I "5M " - r- . -uRegiilaiv fff!';V;.,.ri ... r'v'v (rablUhert'.Jtet by teased Wlre.te The ,, ... , . . . JoornsU j. 1 San Francisco, pec, ' 15. President Roosevelt's stand upon the Japanese question hae aroused the Republican party of thia state, which gave him aa tha head of tha party 100.000 majority, aa It never was aroused before. An evl denoe of this 1 found la the Chronicle of this morning, which prints a atrong editorial denouncing tho policy .'of : the president as outlined 'In his maaaage to eongresa and aa reaffirmed by the speech of Secretary Root at' Philadelphia. It says in part: ' It is not llkely-tbat Secretary- Root favors any change In the political con trol of tha government, but his position as secretary of state and bis Phila delphia address Immediately following the astonishing act f the president In niacins- ths machinery of the department of justice at tha service of the Japanese umi nment tn -an attempt state governments of one of , their moat sacred and undoubted rights, has placed the Republican party In a most danger ous position. " ... Bryan's Xleotioa predicted. nrnreisn nations must, and most of tha American people will, accept theae words and deeds of these nigh officials as au thoritative declarations of tno policy or. the Republican party. Nothing can pre vent that, except r the- most unequivocal repudiation of the Root speech by every Reoubllcan political body which can ba got-together io take action upon 1U- If. however. Secretary Root's position wim regard to the reserved rights of statea be accepted by the Republican party, all Ranubllcan eandldatea for the presidency or other high office may as well engage their passage to accompany j-resiaenx Roosevelt - n tii tour of the world which he will presumably make at the expiration of his term. It will be use less for the ' Republicans to nominate anywhere. Tho election of Bryan and a Democratic ; house ; is- a foregone con clusion." - . ' .......;.,, Labor Ooaaott Aatrn. The San Franclscd labor council, at a meeting last night, adopted resolutions submitted .by. a committee appointed for that purpose at a previous meoting, in hlch tt deplores ana . eonaemns roe utterances of President Roosevelt - re rsrdlnr the attitude of the people of eaUfornla toward the; Japanese, declare. tng tha president a sutement uai Japanese had been shnt out from - the common schools of Ban Francisco was not In accordance with tha facta. The council regards the statement of tha president to the effect that tha Japanese are more efficient workmen than whites as an absurdity and not deserving at tention. Copies of the resolution were ordered sent to President Roosevelt, members of tha cabinet, representatives and senators, the governor of California, the mayor and board of education of Sea Francisco, , , .. 'tr.aMnrtna florae ef The Joeraal.l Washington, Deo. ; ll-rColooel Hofer, rnrMentlna- the Willamette valley In- erestsrTeter toggle or-cuus 'W! ana I Senator Fulton of Oregon have had an extended conference with - Senator W. A. Clark of Montana.' whom tha Oregon men with to have extend his railway .system Into Oregon. ' ' . A branch of Clark's Utah and Nevada i system of railroads Is now completed ;-to within a comparatively short dis tance of Ooldfleld, Nevada, and It waa I represented to Clark that this branch could be extended Into Oregon to reach I Klamath Falls . and tha center of tha Proposed Klamath Irrigation district by lav practicable route of about 100 mtlea ; In length, and an additional 100. jnilee I of construction would take the road to Cods bay,' '.' -Tha Oregon men showed Senator Clark maps and furnished him . with statements of the products of the court try which the desired extensions would ! reach, and which the senator said were l surprising and gratifying. He was par i tloularly Interested in statistics -of the I timber resources of,, tha region pro i poseu to be tapped, by ths sxtenslon, tha demand for tnia prooucr in Havana mines being ettbe present time enor mous. ' " ;. ' ' Senator Clark promised ha would bava experts examine , the country and . the routea auggested. and received an ur gent Invitation to visit Oregon person ally to look Into the situation. Clark waa interested In tha route from Ta qulna bay to ' the Mount Jefferson country through Santlam pass, operated by. tha Hammond railway line, which Is how for sale, and asked many ques tions .concerning itu.. 2 CARDINAL GIBBOUS FAVORS OLD KING LEOPOLD i,. - tm JoariMl.) ' Baltimore, Dec. 15 Cardinal Gib bons today gave out a formal atatement In reply to the attack made upon him laat night by Rev. Dr. H. O rattan Guin ness of London, one Of the leaders in the Congo reform movement, who charged that his eminence had blocked cooperation between the Vnlted States and Great Britain because King Leopold U a Catholic. The cardinal explaining that he waa not kept well Informed by Cothollo missionaries, ssld: -- 4 "There has been a great amount of exaggeration In the atortea of malad ministration. Tha king la a - wise aa well aa a humano ruler, and has been prompt to redress sbuses and punish all offenders. Ils recent decrees grant ing the natlvea additional lands and Improving the condition of native la borers are an added evidence to do everything possible for tha natives. . I frar tlutt thia agitation against Leop old's administration Is- animated partly by rellaioua Jealousy and - partly by commercial rivalry. It Is to be hoped that the Industrials who are carrying It on will 'not be successful In their ef forts to Indues the great powors to In terfere In the affairs of small na- Illon. , J : i ..... L , - "For a big nation to play the bully," continued tha cardinal, "would be odious and contemptible.' With ths attitude of the American government I do no cor.- crn myself. , Jn .defending tits-Mel giant- adminlstretlon I have no personal or selfish motive to subserve, but am actu ated solely by a sense of Justice and fair play." , ( ' ;Clll(UlY BUILD JTpiEir:: ' . (Iperlal DUpeteh U The Jearaal.) : Astoria, Or.. Deo. 15. Falling to And a pilot or tugboat off tho river. Captain Thomas Evans decided to aalt the four masted British ahlp Glenerlcht over the breaking bar lastrnlgbC and he suc ceeded admirably. Hardly had ha poked the vessel's bow tmrtds f b- mat- of the breakera. and at a place where anchor could have been- dropped with perfect safety, before ' the tujboat went out and towed ber a abort tow up the bay. In order to get some sort of an eaenee for a towage bill.- . ' Tha Glenerlcht has been hovering around the mouth of tha Columbia, alnoe Friday morning, expecting to get sight of either the pilot boat or a That Captain Evans will speak in. no. kindly terms of the service at tha mouth or the river Is taken for granted, because this Is the second time he has stood in close for aaslatance to get - his veasel Into port. About 10 days ago-he was within a few miles of Tillamook Rock and sent word to Astoria with the cap tain of tha British steamer Apollo to send a tug after him. Tha measaga was delivered to the tug boat men but depritaUney apiiaieiitlj paW as etuntlnn to it, Then - the ship stood off shore during tha hurricanes of Thursday a week ago and laat Monday. - ... Captain Evans reports having been in company with a derelict loaded bark on Monday. Tuesday and Wedneaday of thia week between the mouth of , the Columbia and the Straits of Fuca. She waa a complete wreck. All ber masts wars gone, and there were no signs of Ufa on board. . There was nothing to Indicate tha nationality of the derelict, nor could her name be made out Tl'IBER AKD I.1IIL SALES DESPITE GAR SHORTAGE (flpertsl THsoatch The JoarnaL) r Klamath Falla, Or.. Iee. The sale of tha Miner tract of 1,000 acres of exoellent pine timber about Pokeg ama to a Wisconsin syndicate for 145,' 000 Is reported. . Also that negotiations are now in progress for the Potter mill, whloh has a capacity-of 100,000 feet dally, and "which 'If secured 'will ba moved to a kite near Fokegama, where It will be convenient to load tha lumber for shipment. ..... , .(....,. . LEFT BOGUS FORTUNE- TO MYTHICAL CHILD (FabUsbers Press by Leasea Wire te The ' - - Journal) Franklin. Pa. Dec. 15. Mrs. Esther Marshall of this city today cleared the mystery of a remarkable will mada by her son, Robert Marshall, who died tn Denver two weeks ago. - Following Mar ahall's death on tha operating table In St Luke's hospital, a will waa found In which ha bequeathed 135,000 to a daugh ter ha had never seen. Tha daughter was born, ltt hospital in Mercler, Penn sylvania, In 1851, ahortly af ter"hts wire had fled from him at Warren, Pennsyl vania. -. He did not know her nam or where aha lived. - vTha Denver authorities today sno eeedd In locating Mrs. Esther Marshall, the mother of tho dead man,. who said her son's will waa the product of a dis eased Imagination, his mind having beea unsound for several years, Sba says the absurdity of tha will is shown by tha faot that lu 1551 ha waa only 15 years old and at that time there waa no hospital 1n Mercler. Besides ha was worm less man sis.vue wimu mu What ur Does For the Human Body in Health and Disease. ; oosn nonna to tt. - Tho mention of sulphur will recall to many of ns ths early days when our mothers and grandmothers gave ua our dally doaa of sulphur and molasses svery spring and fall. ' e It waa the universal 'spring and fall "blood purifier," tonlo and cure-all. and, mind you. this old-fashioned remedy waa not without merit. - The- Idea was good, but tha remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to gat. any affect. '"- - . v Nowadaya wo get all the beneficial effeote of aulphur In a palatable, con centrated form, so that a single grain la far more effective that a tablespoon ful of ths crude sulphur.' - . Ia recent years research and experi ment have proven that tha beat sulphur for medicinal use Is that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold tn drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafera. They ara small choco late coated pellets and contain the ac tive medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concentrated, effective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur In reatorlng and maintaining , bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts directly on the liver and excretory organs and purifies and en riches the blood by tho prompt elimin ation of waste material. Our . grandmothers knew this - when they dosed ua with sulphur and- mo lasses every spring and fall, but tha orudltv and Impurity of ordinary flow- era of sulphur atcta of tan worse.thnn ths disease, ana cannot compare witn tha modern ' conoentrated preparation of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly ths best and most widely used. '--' They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney trouDlee and cure con stipation and purify tha blood- In a way that often surprises patient and physi cian alike. Dr. K. M. Wilklns, whlls experiment ing with sulphur .remedies, soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was su perlor to any other form. He aaya: "For liver, kidney, and blood troubles, especially when resulting from consti pation or malaria, . I have been sur prised -at the resulta obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients suffering from bolls and plmplea and even deep-aeated carbuncles, 1 have re peatedly seen them - dry up and' 'dis appear In four or five days, leaving tha akin clear and smooth. Although Stu art's Calcium Wafers Is a proprietary article and sold by druggists and for that reason tabooed by many physicians, yet I know of nothing so safe and relia ble for constipation, liver and kidney troubles and especially In all forms of skin diseases ss this remedy. At-any. rata.Ja.oplo-vho axe Used QtLstazltt) Repair Factory, corner T. M. pills, cathartics and no-called blood "Durlfiera" will find In Stuart's Calcium Wafera, a far aafer, more palatable and effective preparation 'Senfl "your-tiams -and -"address" today- for a free trial package and see for yourself. . F. A. Stuart Co, IT Stuart Bldg; Mar sbalL Mich. , , . -j .. :y. . Mrs. Iucy S. Bescow was attacked by a blghwaymaa at T o'clock last night, knocked down and robbed of a -purse tend -teftiytng"1n - a ' seml-unconsclous condition. The oaring iignwsyman re ceived little for-the desperate chance ha took because the purae ha snatched from the woman aa aha fell contained only a few centa, Mre. Boscow having Just deposited ber funds in one of tha downtown banka. . . Tha assault and robbery occurred oa Ella street, near . Washington, one. of the moat thickly traveled streets In tha Nob Hill residence district Mrs. Boa cow, who Is employed In tha office of the Order of Washington, was on her way to visit Mr a. Jacob L Mitchell, wife of the secretary and pnauager of the Order of Washington, at tS Ella street, when, aa aha readied tha porch, she waa attacked . by the robber. - He struck her with the butt of his revolver, breaking her collar bona and felling ber. Sinking to tha floor from tha effect nf f.- t-i "-- i.... - help, and Just then a. man happened along. . Thia frightened the robber and he ran awav after having flrat snatched the puree he supposed contained con siderable money. - In his hurry to get away the highwayman dropped his hat, which may lead to his Identity. ' Mrs. Boscow, after recovering from the excitement, told how aha had been foUowed by the highwayman from tha bank where ahe had deposited ber money. She says ahe noticed htm watch her come out of tha bank, and then he followed her on the streetcar. '' He got off at Ella street and at tha flrat op portunity demanded bar valuables. She refused to deliver and he struck her L with the revolver. . . I'na nignwayman eviaenuy - uuhiidi Mrs. Boscow had drawn money at th bank.' ; , v-. mm favor .... A larga majority of . sentiment ta favor of a railway commission and a reciprocal demurrage law -was -unmistakably shown at a meeting of Oregon and Washington lumber mill men at ths Portland chamber of commerce auditor ium yesterday afternoon. . Mors than TO mills were represented ty members of tha Pacific 'Coast . Lumber Manu facturerr. Southwestern Washington Lumber Manufacturers'. Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufacturers and Shingle Manufacturers' associations. ' . It was the regular monthly meeting of the Oregon et Washington Lumber Manufacturers' association, but . they bad Invited members ; of tha other . or ganisations, and had Instated that ' all their own members be jresent.::The purpose ofth' meeting to discuss tha car ahortage and freight rata situation and bring out a variety' of opinion en the subject of remedial legislation waa strictly adhered to. Tho meeting gave no formal Indorsement to any specific d lan. The secretary . was directed . to raise a fund among tha lumber mill men to defray expenaee of carrying on a campaign of' education for securing paasage of a law that la to be framed. It la the Intention to cooperate with all other ahtpplng Interests. . Thar will be meetings by tha hop gro were, tho wool geewers, llvsatsek seen and-farmersr and all will have opportunity to make recommendations, - - It Is at preaentths intention 'of tha combined ahtpplng Interests to use ths body of ths bill proposed by the trans portation committee . of - ths - Portland chamber of commerce, and around it build a law that they hop to make effective through ths Oregon legisla ture at Its next session. W.T-Mulrattorney for .tha Oregon at Waahlngton Lumber Manufacturers' association, -. . mads - an address , la which he said a reciprocal ; de murrage . law should he enacted and a railroad commission ahould bo created. He believed a reciprocal demurrage law that would bo legal and effective could be made, provided that no rigid regulations or restrictions be placed In tt that would ba a violation of tha police powers of tho state. - Ha thought tha law could be operated with out Interfering with Interstate business. Hs stated that, ths bill, upon which ths Oregon eV - Wsnhlngton . Lumber Manu facturers' association Is working Is ons that had been prepared by the Portland chamber of commerce and Indorsed by the principal commercial bodies of the state, and which would be so modified as to cover all tha shipping Interests affected. Clauses will be Introduced which will cover ths needs of ths hop grower, the stock shipper and all farm ers who have produce to ship, aa well as the lumbermen and the Jobber. H said that In his belief It was necessary to have a railroad commission, aa it Is one thing to have a law and another to bavs It . enforced. - 7 -r- BAD SLIDE ON . 0. R. & N. LINE A bad allda on ths O. R. N. three quarters of a mils this aide of Case ado Loclnr delayed tws everiawa trains, num bers T end 1, tor several hours yester day. The two trains reached Portland a short time before midnight Two erews were sent-ts - ths - scene, one working-from esch end of ths slide and managed to get the trains through, though tt is expected that more of the cut will cave In and cover the tracks at-any. time. The slide waa. some 2( feet long and about f Iva feet high. A FREE XMAS GIFT Fair ef Oak Soles Free-ay Ooodyear Shoe Bepair Oo- (.... , " Until Chrtatmas, with vsry patf of men's or boys ' shoes sold, bo matter whaCprlce, ws will give free of charge- an order for a pair of our beat oak soles, sewed or nailed on. Order can be uaed Inside of 10. days on any pair of shoes that may' need repair ing. All of our shoee are marked of stamped In plain figures so you may be sure there la no advance on our low prices. This extraordinary offer Is mads to get you acquainted with our men's snd boys shos department. OooU- Tragedy, in Oakland. ' , (Hearst Nes rWc.1 by leasest Leased T lr --hr. -t.. WerV San Francisco, Dee. ia. Joseph Haef ner of Oakland mortally shot Roy Gar rison, a bartender, and his wife In a saloon at Flrat avenue and McAUlater REFORI THERE'S NOTHING MORE I ; DESIRABLE. : For a LThan - made to ordor clothes. If we haven't , , got his measures on our; books, bring an old suit and we will, do the rest. .Satisfactory fit .guaranteed.- Latest Novelties to Select From Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings and Fancy y ,,-, Voting - ' SatbrmrrUe gsersnteed la an eases. MarsMnta te order In a ay If r .quired, fall dress sad Toxede suits a apecialjy. ,108 THIRD STREET. -William Jerrems' Sons, Props, . V. BOOST, Xaaager. ' FOR SEE ClHRMADDul 0C-4-7-S ,1... Mcap'Ms ' We have the finest1 line of ' ORIENTAL MERCHAN DISE In the city and sdvlae all to inspect our stock be fore buying. It win . most: " certainly pay to do so. Western Importing Company SIXTH AND ALDER', ! street tonight, and than blew ant his brains. Ths tragedy was ths result of Jealousy on tha -part of Garrison, and came after ths trio and a woman known as "Molly" had been carousing for sev eral hours.. , , . mission to coast . - . . .. v IS Portland Men Believs Barrett Is Here to Look Into Japa r'' net Incident. j - That John Barrett, United States min ister to. Colombia, who srrlved at the Portland hotel last night Is on ths Pa cific coast in connection with ths Japa nese Incident. Is tha belief of business men and polltleiana of this city. . When hs was asked by a Journal reporter whether his mission to ths Paclflo coast was In reference to ths troubls between Uncle Sam snd ths mikado, Ths replied by saying that It was, a question he could not snswer. Ths situation between ths United States and Jspan, said Mr. Barrett, lr not serious, but eould become so. He does not believe that Japan la preparing for . war, nor does hs believe that the mikado- Is trying to. buy an Island In ths Hawaiian group for a coaling sta tion. . Mr. Barrett., will speak at a dinner In his honor at the Commercial club to morrow eVenfti g"andwni probably Touch on tho new phases of Aslatlo trade re lations of tho United Statea and aleo oa preeent political relations with Japan.. U -la-believed that because of his close relatione with President Roosevelt and mm No Ann, uruo mi Secretary. Root he will voice their eenti. ments on the question thst Is so import ant te ths Paclflo coast. . . , . . 1 - . . -. - . i .j . . Oa three desirable articles that wUl boy and girl bevweea the ages of S. IJ-lnch California T" V ' V Coaatar, alae of ' ' ' I whe1 " and' 14 O J '.TV Inches . ..fl.50 -" .; .'..' : ' ',''' : " 1 ;. '' .' I l ..;'., '-'.:--... IV . ' - : I WABASX XAsTS OA. Jngth 4$ Inches, rubber-tired . lngth 4,! Inches, wheela' 11 wheels, 11 inches ......f4.50.;: Inches ? ..'..S3.B0 Honeyman Hardware Co. Wasro Quality predomlaates more tbaa prloe." roomTS Ajn Ausm sts. K:y"r"r'. orn araroros. Good, Honest Place n v Do your Christaias tradlnta : store. . We are offering special; good values ; ;at cut prices. Men's and Youths Suits, reg . ular, $15.00 and; $20.00 grade, : $f0.00 and $13.50. f Great line of - Men's and Ladies Slippers at one half-price, of their value. . ; Large assortmerit of Men's Neckwear, Sus ; penders. Silk Initial Handkerchiefs; at 25o land 50c : Cut prices on Shoes, Hats, Pants' 1 and. Shirts. .. We do a square business with :; ;':.; : :. ; : -J all OUT patTOnS. . " - JOHN DELLAR ; 481-183 FIRST ST;- COR. YAMHILL, iiSSNORIHjnilRDT,, this is the Automobile ' WILL OIVE AWAY JAMUAKY FJKST, NAUQHT SttVltW. ' 1 I Ml I ' II I I I.I I Jl . THE LITTLE BIO STORE ON THE EAST SIDE OF FIRST, STREET JUST SOtTrH OF MORRISON XS2 FIRST ilAgpyRE The Oregon & Washington Cider Co. Can and will always guarantee the purity of the goods. : t Our Cider is on sale at two - hundred stores in the city. : X Christmas Trees and Evergreens for decorating purposes in if,- - - any quantity at our. wholesale storeroom 85. 5th St. Opposite Hazelwood Creamery. Phone Main 5133. r AutdrndbileaS - HOWARD Rl. COVEY.' ; "f '. ":::; Agent ( " Tr'j.' :-':''! PIERCE GREAT ARROW, LOCOMOBILE. CADILLAC AND r --JCNOX- '-" - : 1807 4-CYLINDER CADILLAC IN STOCK; ! " Temporary Location Qub Oarage, Fifteenth and Alder Sts. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co. , MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. -Direct -importers .of . Heavy n1 Foreign Chemicals, French Perfumes and Propristarieg, Haarlem " Oiir"JPne Cmiph6f yan-T"Menthoi; Engllah Chalk, German Hvposuiprute lined casks.- i jsruruaoask waj.nssaa . jx - Private switching track from all railroads to our doort. We Invite correspondence. :- ,; .-.f-.,' ' ;"-,', '.'".,') ' ' . . Conveniently Located it Ninth and Bort StAcar Union Pmenger Station suit ths taste aad seeds of every and la. .,-'-; : WABASH OOASTBa. . .J 1 that staples the jeweler 8TREET. . DRINK ':? , boat ana vnionae pi -utme tn lead- tfa - t. a.n siawaswa tn i as wis a4 mm , jng. as j-.- w aaaaiartas i a. e-j rsnmna uJs i-aif t " 'I '