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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
THE OJtEGOII . DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 15, 1908. -itiorr'JLMuiinit. Heine...'. haa.r..,, , Liaulre... XfrU ... Kiar ftiM Uraad ... .Iidm O'Kelll la '-Moats Crist" "To Mwrnaat at Tenlc" ....Jib Two Joke" ...."Tt PMIIM" , "iDelm" ....... Vaua-llla Vauoevlll '. After two hours' deliberation Jury In Judge Oantenbeln's department of th state circuit roirt yesterday after noon found J. BV McNally guilty' of '-stealing bedroom xt from a room at 12 Ollsan etreet, belonging to Mrs. Sophia Insgate, lo' years old and poor. It win shown by the testimony that -WcNaily had, rented th room for a week for f 1.60. then hired an expressman, had all tht furniture of th room hauled away and sold It for 17. (McNally will bo sentenced within a few day. Tom -Lee" has not auch a food ontnlon 1 of hla "mashing" ability aa he had yes terday. Wblle passing a box factory ; on Patrolman Craddeck's beat, Lee at tracted considerable attention by watt Ing kisses to the women employed In ' th establishment Craddock happened ; to arrive about that time and "Promptly placed th flirtatious fellow under ar rest. ' Judge Cameron wafted Mr. Ie 0 daya on th rock pjl yesterday for hl unaeemly oonduot. . There's a difference between th old style and th nw, and a man might aa well be aeveraj decade behind as to be orAy on or two seasons. We make our clothe In tn latest fashions. JSqual to th want of th fastidious dreasera, and not expensive for general use. Our meaaur meana a perfect fit. We make any ault tn th nous for 2S; no more, no less. Unique -Tailoring Co. 101 Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth. . Myrtle Chapter, No. 16, Order of East ern Star, elected th following officer last evening: Worthy matron. Miss phi DlrUielmer; worthy patron, lit. llugh J. Boyd; associate matron, Mrs. Moreno Hunyon; treasurer, Mrs. Mar garet Liutke; secretary, Mrs. Jennie Gal loway; conductress, Mrs. Helen Llbby; aasoclat conductress, Mrs. Henrietta Boyd. At th First Brethren church. East Fifteenth street, graduates and former students of Philomath college met last night and organised aa association, which will meat one a month for liter : ary and social purpose. Officers were elected as follows: Leell porter presi dent. Miss Maud An gall secretary. Miss Manet yenn treasurer, Thar will be an interesting debate Sunday evening at the Socialist hall, 10 Davis street, between B. I Paget, a member of th board of trade, and J, A. Ooldralner, a member of th bar. bera union. Th subject of th debate will be -Prohibition; la It to th In terest of th Working Man to Vote for ' Itr ,;', . . - Tb Road to Prosperity starts In a tailor shop. A good suit of clothe Is" a letter of credit Into any society. That man la a prlnc who baa his ganneota mad by Armstrong. the - Jfaahlonaht , tailor, Raleigh building, ill Washington street. lour clothea fit you,, If Arm strong cuts thorn. .. ' .,. Th third lecture in Mia library leo- turn course will be given at Sellwood next Tuesday venfng by Dr. Radar at tho. Baptist .church., corner. . Eleventh street and Taooma avenue at t o'clock. Hood Old Bongs' la to b th subject Mrs. Harry Ston "WU1 sing. ; : ; Christmas' Trees. -Let . us book your order now for, a nice evergreen Christ mas tree, any' ilse. four feet up, to be delivered thla week. Alao mistletoe and Oregon grape Phona Main 47. or call Portland Seed company,. Front street, ooner TamhlU. , .' '..' Of the It men who recently took th civil aervlc examination for plaoea tn th fir department th following eight passed: H. 8. LlttUfleld. H. K. Black ford, O. It. Bray. C M. Shlpman. Ottl Dunn. E. W. Meriitt, F. J. McElwala and J. M. Welch. V Th regular monthly meeting of th Oregon Stat Academy of Sctencea will be held tonight at tha city hall at I . o'clock. .Dr. W. Hampton Smith will present a paper on Th Nebular The ory." Th public la Invited. There waa a large attendance at the omen's riubyeer(Ur--rhe-soioitrt jewel song from Taunt. Dr. Mary Thompson spoke Interestingly on "Yule tide Memorlce." . , "ladles' Night" at th Klks club waa a tended by fully 300 persona last night, and an excellent mualcal program waa tendered. Sole by M re. Lulu Dahl Mil ler were among tha feat urea of the pro gram. Tour eyes . xamlnd Free.- W ar still selling eyeglasses at tl.0. I A per fect St guarsnteed. . Mtsgr'V Co., jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street Do not tnlaa thla opportunity George Jabour eVCo., 141 Washington street great holiday oriental rug and lac sal now on. Si per cent jrtductlona- , . Steamer Jessie Hsrklns for Camas, Washougat and way landings dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Washington street dock at I p. tn. . Civil aervlre examinations wer an nounced today aa follows: Plumber. -JiBUry-X"tO0earT-rstnpTanllng assistant (male). January , aalary $700 a year. . Full Information concerning Is simply a process of growth. If you form the habit, financial independence will grow out of your small be ginning just as sure as the giant tree grows from the sapling. Nobody saves much at a time. Everybody can save a little at a time. , Financial success is simply a mat ter of sticking to your saving plan making your char acter stronger than any .temptation to spend. Try the bank account plan of saving see Jiow fast the "small chance grows into dollars, and how the dollars will crow . . , imO Tf" a"" nnnnrft-15 i4.i.C - on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS will be increasing your ac count all the time. V WOMEN Ar ta.oy t s Tour waahlne tht week. T-U your wife to call our wagoa and let aa brlp bar out Ull art CTwIatiua. anjway, U eur trifling yncea STAlUTBTTjV Hill . Tabiti'lethe Holler ... Towl ,., Nankin .. .... X Dreaae VutT. klrU ..V.. i WaiaU ...... .... 1 Crt Cor. !; Caaajta ... I ... n.TH1.rblfa ......... rlaukrctilei. silk Be Drawers Kaga le Nlghtd siann .rr, m.,lll,ti . a- MOT IA0VX9, Wrappere . ..V... OrerabtrU ........ Aprooa, e Mabt.blrte ...... a piUewahaml ..We S2: v.v.v::.v.v.: l-alaraas In Blaak-ta. Wf, pr,.10e Teetir:::: X BUnkeU, Cotton. pr.He Chlldrea'a Ottalla u Qnllta .....2e V aairta, eoUar. cuff, vata, evnella r Jumyara done la tkw dapajrtaMai, ' V buseUe I taa eO, ' ' UNION LAUNDRY CO. ae4 aa4 Calumbi 8trta, Trleyhon Main : " ' mmr to tv ttc tithl 1 Mr. a. Arthur 'Smith, manager for th Columbia rhonograph company, on Washington street. Is keeping two shift working, from a. m. till 10:30 p.. m., and, with this extra force, 'finds It almost Impossible to keep up with th rush of holiday .'orders, which pour in dally from all over the northwest, to say nothing of tha local business. Two new and much Improved machines have made their appearance -the "Twentieth Century Oraphophone" and th "New ventury Home." Th' first Is for concert purposes, and can be heard In tha open air for a mil to a mil and a half In very direction; tha aecond la , not so loud, ranking about midway between the "Twentieth Century" and tha stand ard machines now on th market , Th phonograph business la steadily advancing aa greater Improvements ar made, and. In fact, with th attention being given toV tb perfecting of this Instrument, thpublic need not be sur prised at th appearance, according to Mrv-SmtUv- of. a'hornless screechless, scratcblasa graphophone." MarconlTthe wlrelese wlsard, haa lately joined tha Columbia atafT, aa conaultlng phyaicia. Sir Thomaa Llpton recently mad a Cylinder record on which ha related one of his best stories, telling why 'It Is that ha ha not been able to win Amer ica's cu.'. To those who ha v .heard Sir Tommy In speech or story,- th re production la found to carry all Tils In imitable humor, and It is amusing to very one. . Olds, Wort man Ac Klng have been en tertaining the. little tots this week with their baautlful-dnlla France has al ways held flnt place as the great BlrthpaPf a mia-eiianenueeitwBtee, noua - center .of doll babies, and there- cer tainly la a piquancy about a French doll that challenges all attempts at Imi tation;' but tha dolls of German manu facture, from Bavaria, now shown at thla store, have a beauty all their own, fully equal to the French doll and not at all Ilk It And th price of th Ger man doll I hardly half that of tha French one Brunette are the favor ites, there being three dark dolllea said to every blond on. While th lUfl girls hang longingly, aboutt he beauti ful wide-eyed dolls, little"! boys are grouped about wonderful maglo lan terns ' combined with moving plotur machines, motor cars that actually go, elephants big enough to ride, gorillas of natural als. and that old source of Joy for winter evenings, games of Innum erable kinds. One of the most Interest ing of these Is a parlor baseball game, played with small sliver-balls under a glass case; not only the small boy are lured hither and held spellbound, but som - of th bigger boys th well known "ad man," for Instance. Mr. Her bert Little, was found Intsntly bending above th gams, following the fat ofj the tiny balla with an eagerness .that carried one, back to the old - school grounds, or to th "common," where the boys met after lessons wr done. Seaside Sunday Excursion The A. c R. R. R. will run an ex torsion to Meaamtx and return every Sunday at in ronno-crtp rat or 11.60. Take advantage of th low rat and see the ocean, Tlcketa for sale during th week at 241 Alder street and at th moo. depot, Sunday morning. th examinations can be had by apply ing to Z. A. Leigh, at th postofltce. "The Greatest Oamof Life" is Dr. Hoaae's theme Sunday night at th First Congregational church. All In vlted. - Nashvlll opera house. Dane Thurs days and Saturdays. Masquerad New Tear's eve Take Mt Scott car. window glass and glaxlng. F. E. Beach 4k Co., th pioneer paint company. 11& First st Tel. Main 1134. Woman's Exchange, 1S1 Tenth street. lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co, sella th best safety coal iU and On gasoline. rhftfiirTTatrr-Ttt "Public stenographer, pbon Pacific II . . 4Cr - XCnr, intCreSX-WC-DaV COAL LADEU DARK -llWIOIJOtUHI- Short of Provisions the W. Babcock Puts Into Island Port for Supplies. , . F. SAILED FROM BALTIMORE . FOR PORTLAND IN MAY Encountered Severe Storm Off Cape ' Horn and Then Ran ''Into Dead Calms on the Pacific Side Bring ' Cargo of Blacksmith 'a CoaL ' A dispatch to th Merchants' Ex cbaJigt night states that th coal laden bark W, F. Babcock bound from Baltimore to Portland, has .put Into Honolulu for provisions. Th bark left he Maryland port 1ST daya ago and ner allure to arrlveTItSfs Tauiml tiros hr temsted to believe that soma misfortune had befallen th old craft Th report of her reaching Honolulu In safety fur nished great relief to her consignees, who wer beginning to entertain grave fears that aha would never turn up. . The Babcock undoubtedly got caught In tha.blg storm that raged off Cap Horn drulng the months of July and August and did , ao much damage to shipping. Ehrsa much stanchar vessels than th venerable wooden bull wer badly strained In holding their own against th enraged element and many consider It a wonder that th Baboock lived through th blow which she must have encountered. After tolling the storms she fell Into prolonged calms on the Pacific aide. Tha cargo la consigned to the Cum berland Coal company of Seattle, but will be delivered her. It waa learned thla morning that It eonalats of black smith's coal and hence will have no effect upon the local fuel aituation. It la said that It would be too expensive kto bring fuel coal from the Atlantis coast In competition with that brougnt out . from Australia, despite the high prices now being quoted bar. Th blacksmith coal la worth from tit to tit a ton and th Babcock Is bringing about 1.000. tone, Hr delayed arrival haa caused no hardships In blacksmith circles because of there being a liberal supply of furnace coal here at present it-Is suppesed-that the Baboeok wUTl make the second atari for the Colum bia river as soon aa enough stores have been placed on board to .last a month or so, the length of time It will likely take her to make th run from th Is lands to' th Columbia river. AZTEC SAILS TONIGHT Sif Marrtraas Freight Irsave With Full Cargo. J Th HArrlman Alner Asteo will sail tonight far San - Francisco with 0.000 tons, freight measurement Th cargo ing eae tons ox Hour, aa ions oi wls, 024 tons of mlllfeed. 40 tons of fer tiliser, 400 tons of bozhooks, 400 -tons of paper. 10 tons of shingles, S00 tons of latha, 70 tona of canned goods', T tons of carboys, s tona or empty barrels, 29 tons of hardware, (0 - tons of potatoes and 10 tona of general merchandise. This will be the last Visit here by the Asteo for acme tune, because upon reaching Ban Francisco she will go into the Central American coffee trade' Sh will be the fifth, steamer to be placed eathat run, this winter, by. the pacific Mall company, although In former years four boats- have always been able to handle tb traffic Thar le a possibility of th Asteo returning to th Portland-. San Francisco rout after th coffee crop haa been moved. There Is more coffee to be moved this season than ever before." said Purser Baker of the Asteo this morning in talking of th demand for additional tonnage for the trafflo this year, "and more of It will go acroaa th Isthmus thsn ever before. It la estimated that the Central American coffee crop tbla season will amount to 7.000,000 sucks, and about half of thla amount will be hauled acroaa the Isthmus for resblp ment to Europe.""" ' - Ther being a great congestion f traffic on the road crossing the narrow strip of land, considerable trouble Is. xpacted in getting JtJhropJohtilKlnth.snd'Pvls streets, has been lantlo aide." "VESSEL CREATES SCARE BrlUsVBark Formoe Ooea era Beam , Bnds is Xarfeor. The British bark 'Formosa created some excitement yesterday afternoon by going over on her beam ends In the harbor. Thbsa who saw fti performance thought another Asia disaster was about to occur but Just as the tolps of th yards were about to dip into th water their progress was checked and alowly the hull fell back on an even keel again. Today th veasel haa a alight list to starboard but ther I no danger of her turning turtle as ballast loga have been towed alongside, -. t The Formosa carrie water ballast and som of th tank wer pumped out yesterday to b cleaned. Thla mad th craft, heavier on on aid and ah alow ly went over. Th sailors were a bit frightened although they would not ad mit It, but those familiar with the con struction of the vessel say that , she sTus In no danger of gnlng nvrr A few yeara ago the French bark Asia turned over on her aide at DaTidgeV wharf, opposite where the Formosa Is now at anchor, and her owners had to' expend at great deal of money to have the rigging repaired. Luckily she fell toward th dock or aha would have turned turtle and filled s- - LUMBER CARRIERS IN PORT ckooacrs Otttli Fjord a ad 7. M. 7aas- aaaa ArrlT. I Th stsarear Harvest Qnaen arrived' up thla morning wMh tb srhooners OttlU Fiord and 3. IL LunsmaA Is tow. j The former wa dropped la the lower! harbor and th Lunsman waa tovred t th-mtlls ef th Portland Lumber com-; pany. . Both are-here to load laraoer.i 'The Lunaman'a crew will be paid off thla af trnooiC ' Captain Andrew Aaa. master ef th barkentln Amason. is In th city today ! la connection, with his ship, which Is loading lumber at one of the mills down 1 the tiver. Th Amason arrived a few . daysifgo from Manila after an average r-g. captain Aaa will, ieve the T (A fK sw Bar gamma rid of the selUag tv-stI thla tins with the intention ef going on a steam 1 eeaater. Hla sacceasor on tbe Amason haa not been named. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Aatorla, Or., bed II. Arrived down I and left up at 10:50, steamer Columbia, from 8 an Francisco; sailed at S a. iru, steamer Costa Itk-a, for San Francisco. San Francisco. Deo. II. Sailed -yester day Norwegian ateamer Christian Mlch elaon. and steamers Nome City and As kstorlav Of,"TW?T' down 1:10, p. m., ship" Blntrara; arrived at down at 4 c nt- ateamer to left up at f p.m., schooners J. IL Luna- mann and Ottilia Fjord Honolulu, Dee. 14. Arrived, Ameri can ahlp W. F. "Babcock; put tn f or pro visions. Astoria, Oc., See. II. Condition of the bar at l a. m., obscured; wind, southesst; weather, light rain. - . MARINE N0TE3 The Harrtman liner Costa Rica sailed from Astoria for San Franclscq at o'clook thla morning. " Th ' schooner 8usi M, ..Plummar cleared for 8a n ' Francisco, this morn ing with 160,000 feet of lumber and some daths. The British steamer Bessie Dollar sailed yestsrday for the -orient and reached Astoria thla morning. Waterfront thlevea tried: to rob the telephone box at th foot of Stark street last night,- but wer Interrupted in their work by Captain Amoa 6f th launch Eva. Th thlevea escaped.. The steamer Columbia will be at Atnaworth wharf thla evening, bringing paaaengers and freight from San Fran claeo . Th stranded" BrTfllU tia w-PetSr Jre- dale la fast sinking by tha stern In th quicksands, which form a great portion of the beaoh where th vessel wnt ashore. ' Inman, Poulsen Co. bar chartered thejtemer Santa Ana to load lumber at their mill for San Francisco. Th Santa Ana' --will carry about I.OOO.OflO feet of lumber. he haa recently been on the Seattle-Valdes run. The Portland Lumber company has purchased the. steamer Excelsior on Puget sound and will bring her here for extensive alterations so aa to make her suitable for the coast lumber trade. She will be overhauled at th yard of th Portland Shipbuilding company. Storm warnlnga wer dlsplsyd along th coast this morning but th weather bureau her does not fear as strong a blow aa that of last Monday night, when the wind attained a velocity of 4 milen an hour at Norm Head. WOMAN WILL BE . ' CIVIL ENGINEER Miss Ada Stanley Qualifies in - City's Civil Service ; Examination. . Mlas Ada Stanley, a teacher in the Clinton Kelly school, will undoubtedly i-ti an sDuolntment soon ss torn- puter. la th nglnering department. Of the seven who took th recent, ex amination only two paaaed. and - Miss Stanley received the higher grade' This Is the first time In the history of .the city that a woman haa quail fled for auch position! Miss Stan ley is sn expert mathematician, aa hr examination gTade shows. Th test was y gsvnr on. andhe-appucantswere In the room over lour nours ai a. stretch. ' mi fitaMev also took the examina tion for . clerk nd la on th llglble list with a good grade. Aa from 186 to l0-a month Is paid a computer, she will probably take that position Instead pf a elerksnip. - , . " . CRITTENT0N HOME ISSUES AN APPEAL Donations to tha Florence Crittentoft Refuge Horn ar solicited. Th need ar many and th matron repprta an ea peclal lack of Infants' and children' clothing. Also pieces of new carpet, aa well as household goods and provi sions. Th management Is planning a pleas ant Chrlstmss for th girl and contri butions for tb dinner and ornaments for a tree or any article that may be useful to those who are practically without anyfdr.g will be thankfully re ceived. The public generally is invited to visit th horn at any time to learn Its needa and hear of th good accom plished. . ' Portland's New Laundry. The lot for tha new Excelsior laundry. bought, the purcnasa price oeing iji.ntr The architect has completed tb plans snd work on tbe building will soon be gin. ' A number of Portland's business jnen hav Joined band with th Chicago men who are to manage the laundry, and enough stock has been sold to mak the new Industry for Portland a suc cess, x DR. BROUGHjLR THL WHITE, TEMPLE, Cor. TwelftA and Taylor Ttr t. -SUM DAY SERVICES 1030 A. asTsTZsCsl "LOVL'S POWLRM " HOMESICK Those away from home especially Invited. at A FTT St 1TT a MtTSIO Bolo bv MIM Kathln Lawlev. gXATS riM-COMl XASLT SPECIAL DISCOUNT On th famous Starrett tools win be continued ; through December. Our assortment ef tneehanle'a tools is complete, and prices right down to .hot torn. We have an excellent line of carving seta, latent design. quiallty unsur passed, st remarkably low prices. No trouble to show aodA 1 109 THUD STREET COLEMAN HARDWARE CO. DAY'S EVERTS On St. Johns Man Has Another Ar rested for Pulling His Mustache. FIRST JURY TRIAL : . ; ENDS IN DISAGREEMENT St, Johns People Rally to Help Deaf and Dumb Woman Who Lost Her Husband Pupils of the Brooklyn School Give Amateur Drama. . Bast Sid Department, An Interesting case en th docket of th municipal court of Bt. Johns waa to have com to trial yesterday but had to be postponed because the chief- witness had suddenly departed across tb river to Llnnton. " I - !.- Woed -hrnv- Louie. Richards with assault and battery and aays that Richards so damaged his mustache tn th encounter that be was compelled to part with the . appendage altogether. In th complaint it la stated that once upon a time Wood owned and operated a restaurant in St. Johns, Ha . trana--fertf.fL all 'right of ownership to another mail and among th articles handed over waa a algn which he did not .intend' should be Included In the stock of the restsurant. This latter party th other day parted with this sign tor Mr. Richards, th proprietor Of a saloon, and Mr. Woods promptly appeared to claim hi property. v . Pulled His Mustache. - Mr. Woods then says that Richarda Immediately began to an obstreperous language toward him and followed It up by coming over th bar at th said complainant and occupying himself with extracting th mustache of Mr. Woods regardless of the feeling and looks of the latter party. Richards denies any premeditated at tempts to despoil or extract th hirsute decoration of Mr. Woods and states that It was quit by accident that bla fingers became entangled In the mus tache of Mr. Woods. The date of the trial has not yst been set and will be doubtful until It can be - determined when th absent witness will return Into th jurlsdlc- lon of th court so that a subpoena can""T)"si6nred--on-him- and his prsncl assured. - First Fnrr Trial. . , Th first Jury trial ever held In th municipal court of th " city of SIT Johns' was heard before Judge Thorn dyke, Friday, and th Jury hung, al though each member collected hla dollar Just tb same j - Th action. was bas4 on a bill for meat sold by L. 8. Buselck to Tony Harding and wife, Annie Harding, pro prietors of th Star market. The amount Involved was 4.20. Although th defendants acknowl- Ledared the purchase of th meat, thy ar not willing u pay ior it. n-o ma meet was bought tha market waa In th nam of Annie Harding, but since that time the ownership had been trans ferred to 'the husband. Th ca waa so tangled that th Jury , could not reach a verdict easily, so they collected their dollar apiece and went home, while an other trial is set for next Tuesday. Today a case against the St Johns Ferry company was heard. In "which Fred Gate he t brought action for the re covery of wages said to be due him for aerrlcea performed for the company. The amount linuUed here Is close la $100. Mra. Henrr Daurhertr. th deaf and dumb wife of a deaf and dumb husband. 4 who haa bar horn In St. Johns, rscetved telegram yesterday, telling of . the death bf her husband, who had left re cently for Salem to be treated for an ailment that ha had lately contracted. Th cltlsena of St. Johna Immediately cam to th help of th woman and In a very - little time enough money had been subscribed to send her and her three little children to perform ber last rltea to her conjugal companion. Mr. Daucherty haa two little gtrla aged 11 and eight years, and a baby two weeks old. f"Mr. TaugheTtyJias always beet a re spected clttsen of 8t- Johns and has a very bright family of children. Tha pupils of th Brooklyn school entertained -a large audience Ust night In their presentation of th "Rescue of the Princes" Winsome" The players performed their, part cleverly and th little drama waa pleasantly set with ap propriate costume. Careful prepara tion waa noticeable and the teachers of the school received many congratula tions on the success of the) entertain ment. The entertainment waa given to raise money for the purchase of chairs for th assembly hall, books for th li brary, and pictures ' for th school rooms. CV.0THING WANTED FOR TWENTY-FIVE CHILDREN Clothing for IS children Is wanted by tb Peoples Institute to enable the children to attend the Christmas tree and entertainment on Saturday-evening. December 1JL i Plana have bean mad to entertain 109 i chtldren. ' Miss Prtchard. th director ' of the Institute, haa a list of 3S poor children who ar unable to attend th holiday eeUbraUon becaua of not hav ing euitabl cloth. Miss rum' 111 recelv donation or dresses. Jack ts, shoe and cap for children from S : to 14-years or age. - - The Christmas tree ana entertain! 1 men I will be held on the lower floor of ! the Institute. Afterwsrd 4h children will be marched to th dining room up : stair, where Ice rrem, eak and candy i ! will be served. Mis Pilchard's phone! "is Mais It 17. I OREGON KERAMIC CLUB : HOLDING EXHIBITION On ef th prettleat displays of, painted china ever seen on the Pa-, elfin coast la that ef the Oregon K-1 ramie club, on' exhibition at th Ore gon hotel. - The different pieoes show i excellent wnrk on th pert of th mm- I hers, and bentttlfnl designs are a fsat- i ure of tbe ahow. . While much of the work I eonven tlonaL original plecee ahow the devel-1 opment ef varioa members. 8om of the work ls worthy of a place In anv ' exhibit In the country and haa proved BVrevelatton te critics who have had the bpportunTTy'-tu l- -U.., : j The. exhtbltloei will come tn an and' ' this evening. Th duo baa 10 mam : beva. and tLls l th third year of It I srganiaatioa. "i '. " ' -' Milwtukfs Country Club. Eastern and California rarae. . Take Sallwood and Oregon City ears at irtrat "A Connrvatlp Cmttodtan'' . SAVKGS BAK. "' PAYS 4 Per Cent ; - ' ' ' : ' , .'i ,'-'' .OPEN For the convenience of its customer on Satur day evenings from 6 to ,8 114 Second St. Corner Washington . . " PORTLAND, OR. B AT THE CLOSE OF LIFE Are you going to look back upon a Sticreas or a Failure ? 1 ' It will be too late to change then but it is not too late to choose now Success or failure? . Are you making; each day success? Does each day leave you better off in this, world's foods? Do you , save from each day's earning-? Before you stsrt a new year, start an account with us, to that youll have a safe place for each day's savings. THB SAVINGS-BANK . -. ' OF THE ..7.7 TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY WILL PAY YOU 4 PER CENT . INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OFFICERS , J. Thorburn Ross, President. ' - George H. Hill, Vice-President. T. T. BuxkharvTreasuref Jfno. E. Aitchison, Secretary, mnklrig-1. 0UH.....-9 a. in. to 4 jfc-nr. Saturdays.... ....... 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday Evenings.. y..S to 8 o'clock -240 WASHINGTON STREET. -Corner Second. PORTLAND. OREGON. Alwgye . Rejnriar tba ltxauve Hromo Drff aOoM taODy. 2 Deyf CHINESE AND JAPANESE ' HoilSay art tod. baad-eerred fsralter a ad Ivury. sl1r elolsaaav. rorl StaM, bra and aid bronaa. So Cantos . Itnr fSrHi)ar-. allk ' and eatla t1i. snwn and draws wnrk, as., db-Mtiy Isieerwd from Japan ai rhlna. CANTOS; BaVZAAa. SO Slitb at. VINCENT HARPER'S WIFE IS GIVEN A DIVORCE (P1I OUpatrh te Tb Jsersat) Matrt. Wah.. Dec. II. -Flora A. Ad ams, deserted wife of Henry Austin Ad m; known In the literary world a Vincent Harper, came her from Kw Tork City to fight th suit for divorce which Adams Instituted and secured the divorce upon her croea-complalnl, hf husband falling to appear. 8he was granted f 1.200 annual alimony. Adams Is trying to dissuade hla former wife from carrying out her threat, to prose cute Mm for bigamy and adultery for his rvlatloM Willi OiMrwda Desoh. OUR 1JLAN YOUR SAFETY PER YEAR PRINCIPAL .CUARAN. TEED BY BANK ' CER- . , TIFICATE OP DEPOS-.. IT. YOU SELECT THE BANK. WRITE OR CALL TODAY FOR PARTICU LARS a . . . . . -Pacific Gbast -Securities Company 513 Commercial Block. PORTLAND, OREGON. Tlione Pacific 123. Ftin Jes E Ciaaillflj CHpk . KBtf PRINTING , COMPANY BOOKBINDERS & COM MERCIAL PRINTERS t ' ''.." '. ,', Are Prepared to Handle . Rush Orders ; , : Our Type I All New and of the Latest Faces Cut Those Who' Try Us Come Again Because Tleased- , '.' I - , '. . ' . PHONE MAIN 8300 ; 213 SECOND STREET Portland PORTLAND. ORdOK. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HBADQUARTERfl FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL . TRAVELERS. everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more In r Portland Hotel kRathakOer , than ;swhr la tb city. "Every weekday night from :! to IS. '-' X. a lOWISt. Maasgee. AM U aJBiLS TtL lan, s vv WUastoa nCUlg A UCQ.I W M.U I TWO PBRrORMAWryd TODAT jajua o mu Is His l'apK'na Prarowtl Soe i "MONT! L'KinQ- Spertal-PrW MattaM I I Last Tin Ttmlflit 1S Braatfis frtea Low at yionr. l.AO. l: Bat coey, l. It. MX; UiM.rr. Sflc. 30t. Mattoe Prtrae 25 te $1. Seat Now a)Ua at Halllf Tbeatr. w1. The Hellli Theatre Tomorrow (8nnBay. Mantmf, TMedar. Wdas da 7 Bi(bu, th Ulrnteel an charaa- . f Ins actrca, ALSEETA OaUXATTaT la tb ronkantle flrama " "Derathy Tra of Ha-Mo Hall" Pl li im Lowtr Soar. Srt 10 row. 11 Hoi t e tow. -S4- hiT-Sxat .4 ynr. It ; Mat S mar, tte; lut rows, sue; (aJlsry, SSe nl 2br. Unit a. 1114 for at(aiat st tiMStr. - Baker Theatre Pnen afala ISffT. Orges Tbaatr Co.. Parraaaest Onme ef Tbe Bkr Tbaatr Stock Co. All Tbl Wk, f Uraad Prmtectlea . ef SXakrer'a Immortal Frame, "TM MXSCHAJIT Of TJUiIca." Wh Jobs Sainpr.ll a Shylork. OvaipWt Is renerr ana ewiau. januttit l aiano alsbt; averv') t s eaaae t mu M s w M pta, Matin Maturdar. STaalaa sricea. SSe. So. toe; Matins. lOe, iv. ' - Vast Weak "A luUir't OA1RIRE THEATRB ' ' Kaia 117, - Miltoa W. Siaai.a. SUaaaw. Ptalng All th Eaatars Stair-UaTiis Attra.. tlntis. Taalcbt, All This Wak, ". Th .mip yrr rno4y, u THg TWO JOM, TV Two tronar yt rUer. Mew Seas. Pratty (ili-la. Elanorat Ooraaa. Maftaee Weda!? asd Sa tarda. Babut Eaiptr Prte. Tt Attraeti "Ovt ia IAaa. STAR THEATRE Weak ef Oasibr 1. nana Wain IMM. THS ALLSM Slot. COxTPAMT PaBSgSIS Marin TserC ThwwtaT. Satontar a4 Soadaj at S:o m. m. Prtr 10 and Jf rmmt. Ettt eroelag at S I etleek; prte 10. SO aad SS mu. TheGrandT;:lir- Waa, X. Uxwn BOa, sad aUllxeea asd Deity JhvdUy. Jtmm , Xirty . ' "TOa SWZR atlas Zdsa P -. CBAAITT.'. Atastas Saaald Mutt. Pantages Theatre Im BfW sad B WrlfM. ttttl H)a. 1 WMtav ,- VLm 01' ty avt. ' Xagmbach' UaaatW , Oarla Oatraa. ,.. . - T Btra. ' Prfdnnsee dally at 2 Ae. T snd S t ra. AdnUaaioa lo it and an. Vm lit ata. Aay eaet at . rkdy suulne . THmu. ' Masquerade Ball Hair's BaO. Oar. WOlauas Ave. aad ataett St. Saturday Cvc Dec I3tb Vsdar AtMilees Bla Bell C1b Oenta BOi Ladles, 23. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT FAIRBANKS BATH ROOM ' and P1ITB1CIANS BCALEft. Popular for home and office. CHR1STMA OirTB. TAtxaAsnts. Koaii a oo, , rtrst aad Bark Bta. . II -SO te s fs tab, Saaday, AJSTTSAAT STAU, AblBfftOra Sld4 OSj Third Vorat LKo-n,-wlih bls-Vboerd ' Wrc. ring rviu. , . HrUntlll" 'oira. Inillnn Club lr(U. .-TreHH Jui.i, tiim pfnt te- lir M,ilo ami 1 'r mat In C :h I'rofa"r ' 'I , r x i A't-I'mr rtt I .i.i'!.ti an 1 , tnttlr Art, - f. . , ' , A im Ii a V. i fi r. n. a' 1 itr'i'i'T. . cr. ' ar w'.' PROGKESSIVC I LYCEUM I during th night. British steamer Beasts j Potlsr: arrived down at t a. m.. ateamer I r. A. KUhnrtu arrived at JS a. ssj ... .. . , - .4 ,and Alder. l! , '