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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
'0 -V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 15, 1803. f miEnoav is;tiie Tommy Burnt on the left. Jack O'Brien on the rlfht Theae men re- ' cently foufht drew at Loa Angeles for the heavyweight championship of the world and a puree of $12,000, which, by agreement, waa divided so that POULTRY PEOPLE A GTAC U O F FAVO R1TGC (VBriengot a teit pw cenbonua; 75 per tent ofjmeremalnderwejlJo T-EUGEUE the winner, and23 per cent to the loaer. Efforta are being made by dif ferent fight promotera to bring theae boxera together again. tm 777 Rolls 1 Highest Score ' In Last Night's . Came on Oregon Alleys, the t I m aTa "STARBOIVLER h- 1 A- i PORTLAND TEAM WINS FROM THE SCHILLERS In Clan B th Happy Dalea Went at the Beavera In Fine Style and Took . Three Straight Gamea Scorea of Both Contests in Full. .V - ' Th Portland and 'Schilling bowling teama played lat night on th Oregon alleys. McMcnomjr waa th star roller' of tha avenlna. rolling l in on of his gamea and averaging ,314 for th "aeries. fcJlmls .and Iunney rolled good average, securing 206 and SOI respectively. The Portland got " all three gamea and - totaled l.BSf ptni :."That'e going aome.r The, acorea: ... POBTLANDS. i : . 1 i)y Case ........... ,191 Moore, ...170 MeMonles .......170 Vllman ......... 13 - JdcMenomy , ;l1f ' Total ......... m 10SI u " ' SCHILLERS. " -' U ) Bwarta ...,.....14 151 Newberger ..,,..147. ITt. Lunney .......,.18 101 Christian 130 ... Noonan .....,.., .'., ISO Harrington ......110 Alt 1001 l) 117 146 214 190 AT. 174 166 101 160 1JI 111 let IS4 Total ,....7l tit la CI. , , ' "The etas B team also bad a match, the conteatants were Beavera agalnat the Happy Dalea. The Dalea had every thing their . own way, taking three straight games. .Volalnet had tb beat Ingle game, tit, alao high average. 171, for the match. The scores are as fol- ' .lows: . , :.. V i HAPPT DALES. - ... (1) (J) ,.. (J) ,,Av Vergert ..lit US 171 160 Vpinlnet ..... ..... . .111 JH1117 its 111 161 Tonalng 201 1 147 Withers , Ill 17S 171 111 141 Total ......m , 714 BEAVERS. ' (1) S 771 rioskot lit Chafer4 ,..111 Fannell ....121 Campbell Ill Woodman 144 Total Til 764 ALBANY-STUDENrS4iAVE-r GOOD SPORT ON GRIDIRON m . Ar. im ' m i ill ' 171 , 164 til VM4 SOS 114 164 177 Mi-m-ito (I) Av. 48peeta Dtssatca to Tke Jeeraat ' ' ' Albany, Or.. Deo. 1 6--The football gam -. of Ui season waa played. Thursday after- -noon pa Vaocabe field by the Senate and A. C. L. 8., ths two rival literary societies of Albany college. Much en- thualaam was manifested by the sup - porters of each side. ' Tb field wss In - st sloppy condition, but the day waa an . Fumbles and bad direction of the play resulted In a complete victory for t the Senate by the score of 15 to' 0. ' The team work of the Benate team was . almost perfect. Several penalties war Inflicted by the officials. ... As for the stars It would be unjust to mention anyone In patrlcular over : the others, yet Montlctn. Rogoway and Schulls were especially effective In ad ; vanclng the ball for tb dealred yardage. Rogoway made three touchdowns, and the defensive playing of the other mem - ' bers.of the team was oonsplcuoua. Nut tins. Merrill end Tllton managed again and again ta break through the line al . .. -i a .1 . K .1.. Kaj.aT ill. vniivn .uu ww.i a.w f J wv.w.w Its eonsumatlon Twenty minute halves were played and the officials were W. Lair Thompson, referee, and M. IL L Gibbons, umpire. The next gam on the program la a game of t"kettn and here ths sup porters of th .cardinal and whit will obliged to esert tbelr best efforts for the rival' society, th A. C. L. 8. Get back your strcngtn. energy, ambition, by using RASSETTS NATIVE HEIhS. Costa only $1 lor three months' treatment back It fdal cur. Asm 23c sua. At Druggists' (In black boxea); not, Ml kM rtJCE w twing BestetCi Natire Berks C. m II saonsy . f I i i e I a fnnuii. fTHIEW-YORKSci!; n This ine w fres aaa. chills resting dieeaaea T permanently eradicated from th ay ril. m fit wnntAM mmA nhllil liMdach. tnaomnia. deafn T ata. diabetes, dyrpepala. X forms 01 sores, oiooa sna T All privet and wasting Nervous diseases end' nervous prostration mad a Specialty. Krsema and all akin dUeaae oromDtlv cured. " All nolclBe arc raralabad to) pattest from th Iskmttn f f In (Urate. . . Cnnultatl6h ilfher at th Institute, msll. free. A ... . . . .... . . . viriir-e no"r la 11 jk. is s aftaWij a. m- . , ! NEW YORK SURGICAL FermaaeaUy floated at Ooras f Sixth aa fSSSH) WaakUgtoa Stiweta, KESTLEY. TILL MANAGE THE OREGON TEAM . Eugene's Student Body Holds Annual Meeting and Trans- . acts Much Business. i - t sr.. (tDteUl Dlnatcfe to The JoaraaLl University of Oregon, Eugene, "Or., DCo. ' H.WTh - athletic council tfit th unl versify met last night and Attended to nonaUUreibla-rbuelneas In regardto-f football, urover Keatley, '01, of Spring field, who. waa assistant manager thia year, waa -Appointed manager 'of the football team next year. Th election of Gordon Moorea aa captain waa alao ratified. T . - Manager Mount handed In his report for the year which waa accepted at one. A aurplue of 1761 waa netter dur ing tb aeasoo. The following players were also granted. "O's" for their good playing this aeaaun: Moorea, Chandler, Moullen. Zacharla. Arnsplger, Ham mond, Bcott. Gillea." Hug, - Pinkham. Obertauffer. "' Latourette. Kuykendail, Clarke, . McKlnney and Haw ly-Part of these also will- receive gold footballs; tb requirements governing thia honor being that th recipient must play certain number of eamas. - Oorvallla SCatUr. Th Corvallis affair waaxalso taken op, but it was thought- best not to. do anything openly, and so th matter was referred to th committee dealing with football. Juat what attitude will . be taken cannot b told now. YESTEaR DAY'S RACING ON COUNTRY'S TRACKS (Joaraal Special Berries.). San Francisco, Dee. 16, Yesterday's results at Oaklane track:- . Futurity course Jake 1 Ward won Bell Reed second,"' Dr. Sharman third; time. 1:11 3-6. . Five and on half-furlongs Ingham -won, Fred Mulhollahd second Prince of iiitt miru; uidb, i:va s-d. " i Five and on half furlongs Sea Lsd won. Oet Rich Quick second, Mlna Gib son third; time. IjOI 1-6. Seven furlongs Metlakatl won, Cherlp second. Pachuca third; time, Mi a.g-" ' " . On mife Beech wood won, ' Salable second. Rotref third: time. 1:44 I-6.N p One mile Major Tnny won. Prestige second, Bismarck third; time. 1:44 1-6. At srw Orleans Traok. Orleans, Dec. 16. Rjciults New races: of On mile, selllngwOberon won, Ko boro second, Oold Wsy . third; time. 1:41 1-6. ' - ' Six furlongs Olamor won, Oold Cir cle second. TUdor.tbtrdt time, 1:1! 1-6. One mil and yon sixteenth, selling tteoounaer won, r rea grnmci aecona. Jungle imp third; time." 1:47 1-6. Seven furlongs Lndy Either won. Jack Dolan. second, Polly Prim, third; time 1. 1 4-i Five and on half furlongs Morales won. Chase second, Sally M. third; time, 1:07 S-6. i - - ': Five furlongs, selling Toboggan won. Alencon second. Pity third: time. 1:00. Flghtsi Sohedoled tot Tonight. f Tommy Sullivan va. Terry-Martin, at Augusta, V'n- Tommy carrou vs. wiui iewis, at Montreal. Quebec. . - .MMMeweeee eeee, INSTITUTE Is a' Surgical and Medical Inatttut r Dispensary for th successful treat ment of all diseases of both men women snd "children, and ta fully equipped with the very latest and moat mflodern outfit of saientlft surgical and clectrto apparatus 1th a complete laboratory or. wure. freah inadlclnea, with a first-class phar macist ta dlsneniM them. If you are eiek. If your family doctor end bla medicines cannot cur you, come at one and investigate the suot-easfui: treatment given at the New Tork Surgl-. oal and Medical Institute. No' matter what your trouble may b. If you ar not getting -well, come to us at once. Electricity given patient without extra ' charge. x v Th doctors of th N rw Tork Surgical and Medical Instltut treat and cure all dlsesnes of ' the eye, ear. nose, throat and lungs, hearU. atomach, kldn vs. bladder.braln ca tarrh, asthma, rheumatism. - bronchitis. - and malaria, skin diseases, neursl- . dropsy, hemorrhoids and rectaj troublea, and all oiseases. r promptly cured and their effecla atom. ' .1... .nA.1.1 AttAntlnfl ' th . . . - . or at tb patient's home, r by . . a at . . n . ' m 1 . si ana i o s m, aunaays, .. . & MEDICAL INSTITUTE" YOUHGSTERSSHOIV f FOR PARENTS Y. M. C. A. Athletes Surprised Fathers and Mothers by Their - . Feats In Gymnasium. LNTERESTINGlEVENTS: - IN SWIMMING TANKl Albina Baaket-Ball Team Suffered De feat at Manda of Aesodation Five-i- ' Several Sharply-Cohteated Hand ball Scorea Made by Juniors. Lsst night was parent night at the T. M. C. A. Over- 600 parenta and friends of th young athletea were present, Thla was A gala event Sar tha boys and they ahowed up well for this la the only time In th year that they get a chance to ahow off to their par ents and friends. The beys'' orchestra was on of tb features of tb evenigg. Harry .Par sons, the boy soprano, mad a hit. Tb boys' orchestra has been practicing' for a long while for thia event and their rrort was naarttiy applauded. The first event on tb program was class drill by 106 boys. Daring this part of th program th boys orches tra rendered a few selections. In thrr handball court 'Bherwood"na Post defeated R. Hale and Holmqulst, Lil to IS; Garcia and Jackaon were de feated ny veairana ana xoung, ji 10 u. There waa only one single match puiiea off, Holmqulst beating Sherwood, 11 to 17. A' game of basketball waa played by tha Albina brlaade and the T. M. U. A.. which reaulted In a walk away for 'the T. M. C. A. The score waa T. M. C A. 10. Alhtna t. Th swimming tank exercises waa tha last event of lh evening. Thia part of th -program was not for records but just for the boys to show their friends that they could swim. A few races wer held and on of th most comical tricks of th evening waj don by Mr. Guilds, who fell In tha tsnk with his clotbes on and waa saved by Mr. Meyers. Thia was don to' show w hat tM "f tiaviny cliih rnnM An. I In a 10-yard race J. Tibbetts won. Th next race was won by E. Paust and tha final rac wis won by Burt Burdlck. Leslie Tibbetts msde a wonderful under water swim of 110 yards. This wss in best event In th pooL A tug-of-war was held between two picked teams and th first team won. BASKETBALL SEASON WILL OPEN TONIGHT Everything la In readiness to accom modate a large crowd tonight at th opening of tb Oregon Stat BaaketbaB learn In this city, between the Salem CJL and M. A. A. C. teams. Ths Salem team arrived In Portland thia morning with th determination to de feat the Multnomah team, but as th club team Is in th pink of condition a great contest Is expected. - By tha way Captain Dent. Rasch and Bellinger ar playing together It will certainly. tako a strong combination to stop, them from making baskets. Allen and Livingston are playing a ' whirl wind gam at guard. , LOCAL SPORT. -,. t Special Interest was shown In tb Multnomah club's bllltand tournament last night. Streeter, who baa been play ing good game thia season, was In fin trim last night and besides besting Holmes 100 to 16 made th largest run of th evening. It points. The results were:" Barrett beat Hudson. 40 to 11; Moor best Wennelberg, 40 to 14; Moor beat Buck. 40 to 11; Buck beat Wennel berg, 40 to 17; Barrett beat Buck. 40 to 11; Barrett beat Wennelberg. 40 to 1C; Ott beat Baker, 60 to 41; Ott beat Ross. 60 to 41; Roger beat Ott,. 60 to 11; Steam beat Morris, 60 to II; Prig- ham nest Plummer, so to 14; Stout beat Morris. 76 to 74; gtrpeter beat Holmes. 10 to 11; Holman (beat Orltsmacher, 66 t 77. Thl afternoon on th Portland Cricket club's grounds there will be rattling good soccer football 'match between ths Portland association tesm snd a' team composed of players from the Manchester Port, Franklin, Apollo and Glenalvon, ahlps that are now In the Portland harbor. There will be no admission charged to- th gam. ' ' -. - , - : Th opening1 of th local basketball season this v-nlrig should be' the occa sion for a big turn out of thou who enjoy thl spectsculsr Indoor Sport.' Tho opening match will b played botweon Multnomah and tn T. M. c. A. rive of Salem. , Now that the tlmeT for outdoor sport ls"t aa and, wltlt th axcrp- tlon of football, which baa a short less yet on life, the Indoor athlete will have an opportunity to carry oV their games with Interest and seat, , .-----'--f- - s : e.. - It Is reported that tha, Portland baae- baJXclub has- signed Kdward-Pokorney to play second next season. Pokorney hails from th Western association and has a fielding average of .117 and a bitting average of .127. ' "" Though the heavy rain has mad th trail heavy and muddy, the Hunt Club riders will go over th Wood eourse this aternoon, krovtdlng It doea not rain too Jieavlly. , ' ' SPORTING GOSSIP . John F. Merrill, th veteran play mana gexof- Bostpnhaa atari ad a. fund in aid or h,t Button, in oia-um third baseman. Button haa been In fall ing health for a long time and la now cqnfined In a Boston hospital e e . Sine his sua league baa thrown him out It I ear to - aaaum that Mike Kelly will have to do some greet dip lomatic stunts to get reinstated. . - Th' Boston National will look very much - Hk th . champion Whit Sox next eon, that la, aa far . aa unl iorma. , , : It Is said Clark "Griffith is after "Handow" Mertes. ' Mertes playad setf ond base for "Griff" during the first two "years of the Chics go American team, and the club won tb pennant both seasons. The franchise of th Norwich club, which won th pennant last season in th Connecticut league, sold recently for 136. ; - e Th intercollegiate basketball season opens tonight with Princeton playing Pennsylvsnla at Philadelphia. The col leges In. the league are the same aa In previous years Cornell, Columbia,- Har vard. Tale. Princeton and Pennsylvania. The Grand Pacific hotel. Chicago, and December if ar the place and Lima, de cided upon for the annual meeting of bc Western league. .. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP .. EXAMINATIONS DATED VeUI Olapetrh te The Journal.) Eugene, Or., Dec. 16. The committee directing th Rhode scholarship In th tat of Oregon, composed of th preel dents of McMlnnvlll college, " Wlilsm ette university, Albany college. Pacific university and the Unlvesnlty of Ore gon,, have announced, that-examination will be held to- select a candidate on January IT and II at a place uaselected ss yet, to go to Oxford, England, next year. -Ther" ar four candidate from th university this yean Loria Johnson, Wlatar Johnson; C. Lyons and Alton Hambl. - Bfoklaaoa. vs. XMcHasom. Pendleton, Or., Pec. 16. Clara Dick inson has sued for a divorce from 8. E. IHcklnson, alleging desertion In 1604. Ths t we wet married at Pilot Rock, la. and hav two children. Moat people know that if they haye been aick. they need Scoffer EmuhL. sv J ton to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scoff J Emulsion is that you donVhave to be sick to get results from it.. ' ,v : ; "' ' ' ' - .'' '' - . It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale guTf cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and tansamrrtkm. Food in concentrated form for' sick and -well, young and old, rich and poor. : v Ahd it contains- no diiigt "and UdTilcohoLr' . ALL DRUOQISTPf SOo. AND SI.OO. ' -V. ' - . . ' - Lane County Association Is Hold ing Its First Annual Exhibition. MEET HAS PROVED A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS . '-' i, - , . . 1 l-. -' - Twenty Varietiea of Chickena of Moat Approved Breeda Placed In Compe- tltlon for PrUes Turkey Ducka and Ceeae Much in Evidence. fSpeelal Dtipatek te The Jenat. Xhgne, Or., Dec 18. Th first an nual exhibition of th Lan County Poultry association will com to' a clos tonight after th most successful show ver held In Eugene. Elmer . Dixon of Oregon City was the Judg and h com pleted bla work of awarding th pre miums yesterday afternoon. Tb prize winner wer as follows: Barred Plymouth Rocks: Cock, B. F. Keeney first, J. O. Watts second. Leet Smith third; cockerel. J. O. Watt first, second .and third; pullet, B. F. Keeney first, J. O. Watt second and third; hen, B. F. Keeney first, Leet Smith second. J. O. Watts tlrd; pan, J. O. Watt first, B. F. -Keeney aecond, J. O. Watts third. Brown Leghorns:. Cock. E. J. Mc Clanahan first. Gorg Wldmer second and third: cockerel. E. A. Krtfs first. H. C. Wbeeler second. Mr. Susie Room third; hen,- George Wldmer first John M. Williams second. H. C .Wheeler third; pullet. , RetU Smith first. Mrs. Samuel Room second, E. 3. MeClana- han third; pen, K. A. Krusa first. H. C Wheeler second, E. J. MoClanahan third. Buff Leghorn: Cock, Ed School first. cockerel. Amo Wilkin first. Edwin Taylor aecond and third; hen, Ed School first; pullet, Ed School first. Jessie Lin ton second and third; pen, Ed School first. - Buff Wyandot tea: Cockerel, - O. F. Hurd first and second; pullst, O. F. Hurd,. first, second and third. . 8. C. Whit Leghorn: Cock. R. C Am first. Ed School second, Mrs. C F. Walker third; hen, J. O. Holt first. R. C Arne aecond, Ed School third; cockerel, J. O. Holt first. Mrs. Orpha Benson seo ond. MrgJI. Ft Walker third; pullet. Mr. C F. Walker, first. Ed Bchoet sew ond; pan, R. C. Am first. Ed Bchoel second. Mrs. tv Waixer tnira. 8. C Hamburgs: Cock. Mrs. J. Tf. Warner first, Bruce Wheeler second, A. W. Bond third; cockerel, Bruc Wheeler first. J. C. Johnson second. EH B. Cham berlain third; hen, Bruc Wheeler first. A. W. Bond second and third; pullst. A. W. Bofid first. Mrs. J. H. Warner seo ond, Bruce Wbeeler third; pen, Bruce Wheeler first, D. B. Chamberalln sec ond. .... i V J .. Iloudans: Cockerel. Bdwln Brlgnt first and second.' Mrs. William Eagle third; pullet. C. S. Frank first. Edwin Brighf sec6nfaa"-tlrrrtlrTen. Mrs. WH 11am Eagles first; ban. Mrs. William Eaglea first, second matt third. Rhode Island Reds: VCockeraL James Rait first, second and third; pullet. Jam Rait first, second and third; pen. Jamea Rait first. - Black- Langshangs:- Cockerel, -IS.. K. Brown first; pullet,BK. Brown first, secona ana tnira. Black Leghorn: Pullet, B. K, Brown first and second. ' -A Golden Wyandottes: Cock, W. d Connor first; cockerel, Hnry Ambler second and--thlrd pullet, HenryAgibler second and third. Buff Cochins: Pullet, F. R. Roaen- berg first and aecond. r-- Light Bramaha: Cock, I. F. Totten aecond; pullet, J, F. Tot tan first. Whit Langshangs: Hen, Mrs. John Edmunsoa first; pullet, W. C Conner first. Black Minorca: Cock. Mr. - Orpha Benson first; pullet, J. O. Holt first. second and third. 8. G. Dorkings: Hen, Mr. 3. H. War ner first and second: cockerel. Ed wis Bright first: pullet. Edwin Blight first. second and third. Whit Plymouth Rocks: Cock, E. K. Brown first; cockerel, E. K. Brown first; pullet, E. K. Brown first, seoond and third. " ' - Columbia Wyandottea: Cockerel, J. H. Walker first; pullet. 3. H. Walker first-anil aecond Buff Plymouth Rocks: Cockerel. B. 3. Clanahan first. ' Oolden Seabrlgbt Bantams: Cockerel. Opal Bond flraf; hen. Opal Bond first and aecond; pullet. Opal Bond first, aeo- gna ana mira. Faverolle: Cockerel, Henry K. Met- calf first; pullet. Henry K. Metcalf first and aecond. . Turkeys, Saoka and Ossaa. Mammoth Bronx Turkeys: Cock. Peter Roler first; hen. Amo Wilkin first, E. A. Krus second, Peter Boler third; cockerel, E. A. Kfus first. Peter Boler second; young cock." Amo Wll- ktns first, Peter Boler second. Amos Wllklns third. - Pekln Duck: Ih-ak. eld. FX K. Brown first. Peter Boler second; duck, E. A. Krus first, E. K. Browa second arid third; dra, young. E. A. Krus first. Ed 8chol aecond; duck, young. Ed Bchoel first. I Indian Runner Ducka: 'Duck, young. Frank Dunlap first. Km Men Gese: Gander, Amos Wll klns first; goose, Amo Wilkin first and aecond. r Tolouse-Oeess: Gsnder. Peter Boler first; goo. FelTnoler-frrst ' . p,y 'aVr) yoti tired of alntj aTeel ' . i Vpenal" , Are you sot even' . Vtlred of naing Inferior : - fountain penar A poor V x pea la aniaance. At ' ' XgoodpenUableaslng. j , ' WeaeU the pea that I I lrticky Curve I I I aWSH4ablaSUM I I " eaw a. OeMsa I ' 1 I a4 M m I 1 i - ' rMk"Malh f I ' I 1 saaeaeyHess -I ; r , U L V) U u W wish Intending purchaser of Fountain Pen to examln our took before purchasing. - W guarante vry Pen. Columbia Graphophones ' orztnn - icAOxzraa. -bxso mozmi. maooBss or iu W can sell yon a Phonograph at your own term a We hav a large basement room for th demonstration of machines and records. SKIDMOIUL DILUG CO. RAiLPH CRTSLER, Proprietor. 151 Third SV, Saa VonMoi. Your Jood must be properly dlfatted and assimilated to b of any value to you, otherwise it it t source of harm 1 instead of good. If not digested, it ferments and decays, causing , "sour stomach," "heart burn,'' nausea, headache, flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts. . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ' compels proper digestion of the food and sends the food nutriment through the blood into all parts of , the body. . , . i . . The tissues are thus built up and every organ it i , restored to health and strength and put in perfect' condition. ' . - " . , Di8easOs-c!rTYenSUtta atay-out th-cauv la removed. ' " 7- - PUnterarille, BCaa. Z hare prescribed Kodol qnlte often ta ay practice, and have found It a very efficient remedy for all stomach ailments. ' It has always given the heat" of ,. results. . J. T.MAY.M.D. KODOL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT (P11M !. aelSa a Ubms a m aa aka Wfl. aa SS m alaa. i MAKES tomaoh Sold by Skidmore Drug Co. UNIVERSITY IS CLOSED BY COLD v ' Seattle's Fuel Famine Has Almost Reached Stage of Absolute Destitution. (Rnedal ntasstth ta The Imil.l Beatle, Wash., , Deo. 16 The fuel famine here I assuming alarming pro portions. Thousands of families hare only enough fuel to last a week and tha coal, and wood dealers talm to be un able to promlae relief. Wood I now as scare aa coal and both ar nearly unobtainable. Tb dealer hav dou bled th prices and even under auch condition oan aupply only a amall pro portion of their customers. Only seven car loads or coal arrtred today aa th aupplromhlg enrtTe city. Th bunker war empty fcefore this shipment and thia waa taken out as fat aa unloaded. Th University of Washington haa been compelled to dismiss classes on aecount of lack of fuel. The student have been shivering at their classes for two weeks psst and the regent hav been endeavoring to buy coal but with out success. All classes were dismissed this morning and an attempt wlU be mad to partially-, heat the boys' and girls' dormitories. In .esse the regents do 'not secure fuel by Monday' It will be necessary to make arrangement for housing th students In aearby home that ar supplied with fuel. Committees of th Chamber of Corn mere and -th Beattle Commercial club have started an Investigation, claiming that a combination eilsts between th railroad companies and the, coal dealers by which consumers ar held up. . BiGGEST BEET SUGAR -FACTORY FOR KANSAS fXoenia! ftpeeftal Bet a lee. Garden City. Kan., lec 16. A tl.Oftft.. 000 bet-ugar factory, prononnrwd ths most complete plant of Its kind In th world, haa iust been successfully Open ed her, and within a short time Kanaaa '..i.. -14 - w . V i .. ,-bh. . ..i, in mniH-i. Th plant haa a capacity of K00 tons 'f beets a day and will turn ut ebout N tons of pur w'liie granulated susnr very ?4 hours. Yao working fore con- Slets of twtw-eri Hnil pnranna. Tb beets ar ri I ly ii - THf "'" swtsrr. rraeaaaS aa tka aa La- I B.WIM I lit araaary efs-Q a.,Calas, and Woodard, Clarke & Cov th Kanssa and ef tb Arkansas Jttvee valley. - Up to this year they hav bn marketed In th beet-sugar factories ed Colorado. Th tonnag of beets grown around Garden City thl year I aeau-lr four time greater than th aggiwgat for -th entire state In all prsvlou years. These lands will produc from U ta 16 ton of sugr beet per acr. Thia ta nough to keup 10 or 16 faotorlaa buaja. Each factory means to ths community In which It is situated th disbursement of from 2SO.00O to tCOO.OM a. year tor beets and about th aam sum for labor. ' . WhlLs th forenoon I beyond aneav tlon by fsr tb better tlm to do Christ mss shopping, they will nearly all per sist la doing it In th afternoon. lame every mm A Bad Back U Always WcrJtJa. the Morning. Portland Pcc-!e -ire Finding Relief. A bark that achea all day and cause discomfort at night Is usually wore In th morning. , Makes you feel as tf you hadn't alept at all. Can't cur a bad, back until you cur th kidney. TJoan's Kidney Ptlls cur alck kidneys muka you feel better, work better, rest better and sleep better. Permanent cure lu Portland prov th merit of lean's - John J. Keating, painter, of 101 First street, Portland, .Oregon, says: "For a number nf yeora 1 was troubled with kidney complaint and th dull, suiting pehjs In the back were so se vere at tlms that 1 had to lay off frim work. Th kidney sections wer Ir regulsr and s-aldtng. I also bad het ache and dlsstneas snd felt Ism In th morning 1 used different rntd!e sml consulted different doctors, but nothing seemed to give roe sny Ijiailr.g rlir. Reading finally of !' Kldtv l i s I got a bos snd the tr.Mlment I t great deal of t "1. relieved t . dim-Ultv and In''"- " e 1 - J . tnr !-' tluaW" - '-' "- ' For se'e y "'1 " Foster -it, a i ; ' r