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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER IS. ,1006. i i ORGiZAIIOfl. IS izIZPlPflSEO1 General Rnzer Calls' Upon 'Mill tia Officers to Band Them selves Together. r . PROSPECTS FQR'fcARCE , MEMBERSHIP ARE GOOD Retired . Officers of the Guard Are Eligible for Membership,1 and Near ly All Reply That They Favor the Present deposition. - V ; William E. : Finger, ' adjutant of the ' Oregon National truard, baa Issued an erder calling' a meeting of all com mUuttoned ofloera at the Armory, Fri day. December (ft, for the purpoae of organising a atata national truard or snnlzatlon. The meeting -will ba caHed at c clock In toe morning. . Thej-new organisation promts " to take Dime a place in Oregon ef falra. and lta membership -will consist of all f commlaaloned officers, ex-of ficera and retired office of the Estate guard, as - well aa all army officers of' the state. i ; The meeting will be held pursuant to favorable repllea received to a circular I; , letter which General Ftnser sent -out E'lan month to officers in all parts of - -,ine atata, lie haa received repllea from tiearly every letter sent out, and th new organization starts out with a Dros i poet ef a large membership. j ( Similar organlratlon have '-. been , In eastern eta tea and much good has ;.. reaultad from the effortavput forth by , me mernnera m the war of aecurlng fa 7, vorable Ingialatlon for th atata mill iti and by preventing legislation that ! would have been detrlmenUt to the In- tereata of the militia. The object Of the t, . association wiu be to promote and im .-. prove military aclenea and the national : auard system. .- In- setting forfh th . wora or, the organization in his letter, ' : General Finxer explained that an annual ' convention would b. h.M whir.ii ? progrom could be provided oa important " military eubjecta. . The following ia an ' extract,, from the letter showing some . or tne topics that the soldiers would l prohably have for their first convention: !- "Technical papers could be read by - officers of the national guard and reg- I ular establishment on the following aub- Jecta: 'Armory Inspect ton.- 'ProDertv AecountabWtyi' Xeewone af Maneuvers.-' i 'How to Deal . With the y'"?nftin' A-uaHeMnasterTradrTommTssary,' 'Infan try urtn Regulations,' etc. Among th subjects for discussion th following s.r mentioned:' The Question of Shoes for Enlisted Men of the O. N. .O. "Med als for Rifle Competition,' Rlfle Practice,-'Officer and Xon-Commlsstoned Officers' Schools,' "Legislation- " - I SUGGEST NEW V r ! : ' : CLASSIFICATION Architects Endeavor to Aid 'the '. Councilmen. Solving f' Building Problem.. That buildings should bs classed ao- ; icordtng to th natdre of their contents r instead, ef by their eonstmotjon alone "ws ona of th. arguments presented to .'tnt bealtb. and j?olice,commltta pfth ; council at noon today br a Joint cora- mitta from the Architectural assocla ' on and" Archltectr"riio. ---j -r , R.tJ. Orac and E. B. MacNaaghton . told Councilman Shepherd and Preston Lot the Chicago building laws and left a copy with them that at the next meet '. Ing, Wednesday morning, the council , men might ba .mora fully informed. The ordinance under discussion, which 'cam. from Shepherd originally, pro- hltiita th erection nf a hullrllna, aw. .jf four stories m. height unless it Is or steel cr reinforced concrete. This has ? been amended to include cast iron col- -umna, but the archltecta declared that structures supported by . such columns ' I ere as dangerous as those of tha usual I "mill construction." )k. :-. It Is certain that's number ef meet ings must b held before any decision . years have caused more discussion In . ( the council than anything else, and tha 1 present cod s far from perfect. It - IMrty-fom Tears to.. Servloa. ; ' (Jouraal Special Service. V ' . .- 'Washlngtoa, Dec. 15. Jeremiah C Zotz, the oldest Indlanlan In tha gov- ernment service here, will tomorrow eel- bra.J hia eighty-second birthday. For I more than forty-four yean continuously , i lr. Voi has been connected with tha i Internal revenue bureau af th treasury ;t department and during all' that time ; be haa never' bean reported 1st and haa - S aeldom been absent from his desk. . . 'DYAL1iHRbA41 ' - -DISEASES' ; :' . !'"'. : ; ' Uv - - -- . , -,'.- - . .. - -r- 'I ' ' PDEUaODU. -mmt ' "Two jw seo a aerere unable to work and scarcely able iter nslnjf ona botUO I went back .";- r A f'f'v PRICE COo CHURCH S ER-V-ICE S .. BarrisT. lor atreeta; llev. J. WbltromV Breiiirher. 1. t. at a. at.. VlliW euoool . at tSavier -street kraaek: 1 a. 4Me-acH?ira prayer ucrtlns Ji a. i., wvnhlp wild arrnjuo, "UWa Tuwar is.iu a. at., raiMt Bible xiieot; 6:30 p, a. i. i-. v, ojotiu; T:5 a. m scrinou. SraHiil t)Tcnta lift East Ankenr strert Iter. Hun ton C. 'Laphara. tmlrw at K :3 a. in., witn aerauo. "The Victor r of Ltf. raiua at T SO p. at., "Ufa la the Light el vruiij--t Bioi ecaoui ml naon. - tirait -MouurlUal H. Sllmaa Parkar. Prracblng at 11 a. at., " hrlit'a U the xtapiiac f.Diirra"; aernvtn at i:ao p. "Toe King's Cvafeaalou." Special muale. 7 tramanuel-aaronil - anfl alMri atPMfaj Rv. u. w. urunn. 8it4aT arhoul. 10 a. m : U. X - v.. e 3 p. m.i preavblua, 11 a- ". aa :. a, CYntral r.t Twalfth and lnkr arrMrta W. 1 Jivdan. ' Preai-Mna-. 10:X(I a. m'-Hun. any a-hol, li avi aarlc at T.SO p. an ; bpa- viat aauaio. ArIutaaWv. Jnhtt Bntalon. SnnAav BehAnL ju a. m.i praachlna. . 11 a. an.: IJO n. wrnon; B. X. P. V., ;80 p. m. Mount 1 OUT Seventh sad Everett .streets. Preaphhts al It a. ai. and S p. m. - St. - Joha'altav. IL a. Lonara. Rnhdav schoui, 10 a. ai.i preaching, 11 a. 81. 1 1M p. in., prearning. Third Vancuarer evraoe end Knott street! Rev. B. U. Bllaa. At 111 a, m lu.dil trhaall a. u.,. preacning: sermon. 7:w p. m. . Swrdlah Hovt ana fifteenth atravtal Haa. Erie Scheretmm. Pmrhln, inaft a- aa. anrf ex u) p. m.j Bunda t school. II m. ; HigntanaV-aiDerta -sad Hlsib etreeta. - Preach ing.. g:34l o. m.. br He. E li. nllaa: Hun. day w-bool. S: p. a. alount Carmel Fourteenth and Slandera itrertnt Be. A. t. Shepherd. Sunday school. praarring, n a. m. ana s s. Nelltrood KhlTenth and I ni.llll. atreatai u. ueorc a. Leara. asndar school, id a. j preaching, II s. sa. and 1:48 p. at. Flrat Urniaa ITnurtb and Mill! Itev. J. Kratt. Prvacblng at 10: a. n. and T:30 P. av; B. a. P. U., T: B. av Sundav scnosl, : a. m . oecoud we. RianwDodneT avenue - and aforrti treat: Kav. W. Bwimia. Preaching, U a. aa, aaa t:bu p. m.; Hund.i school. U; a. si.; B. T. P. V., :s p.. to. Calrarr Ka.t EInU and Grant stmts; Be. A. Laarrenee Black, bible achoel. 10 a. ni. : eermoD. 11 a. m. S:So p. loang t'eo- f" Hievuug , i : av p. - :'. -nSSBTTXKIAir. '" Mlanah Marif and Powell etreeta: Re. - In. force K. at HI la da, D. D. At lv:S0 a. as., af. mmu, ov p. a.., preacning. Calrarj Elerenta and Clay atraeta; . Kev. fiea-ajira Stile Sly Jr., D. I). 8elca, 10:80 a., witn aermon; nuaaav school, )g aj.( sr m at T SO p m. Third Eaet Thirteenth and IHna. arrata! nev Andrew J. Montgomerr. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. "Hollneaa'1; 7:45 P. so., sermon, "Toe Parable ef tne Leaven." rourtn rirat and Olbbs streets) BevA John B. Welch. Preachlaar at 10 so a. m ear acsooi. li m.i Y. p. a. c . arSii n. m at T:80 a. m.. Bermna. Rawthorae-Park Twelfth and Caat Taelnr ---, at. ,.viwn Alien. autlllBJ Bl'OUOl, 10 s. m. preaching, 10:80 a. sa., "Any Qttv ruling Proridenca": 7:80 p. n., sermon, "Vol- laire tn-iiuaai aaa Profane"; T. P. 8. a m p. ni Highland Bt Thirteenth and Wygant: ltev. m p. O. A. Blair, feu War school. 10 a. m Breach- M''' ' Wroa Booaer. pTjacblng''.? i ..!., ounur et-oooi. -je:te s. mu.i t :nv . n., sermon. Special mualc. Westmlnater Knet Tenth and Weldlev atraara; Rev. Henrv K Mareotta. llornlna annioa li 'clock; evening sermon. f:0 o'clock; (undar school, U:30 a).; Z. P. B. C K., S:30 m. Flrat Twelfth end Aider streets. At 10:40 m., servlera; T:SO P. m., praacblsg by Bev. B.' Kittrtdg. . Sellwood Scventeenta street and Snokan arena; Bev. I. a. Thompsoa. Sunday achool, 10 a. m.i sermon. 11 a. ra.. "The Brotherhood ef Man"; Chrlatlan Endeavor, T p. sa.; eermon at-i .w p. m "joatpn integrity the Price af Rorceaa." Fulton Bev. n. Borkbolder. . Sermoe at wv w. u,. I in .rahan-TrrearTTiiTOaTi-ia-a Unit Saveg. wtn1 th .treeta; Ber. C. - W. Hay. Sunday 1 .1 ,h . i fa a f - . . I Tii arbooL 10 e. m.i nreacblng. s. m. ear moo. i:su s. m.: x. r. a. c. a., e a. m. Meant Tabor Belmont and Prettymaa streets; Rev. KdWacd -hU.Sbaru, Sexaaoa at 11 ,a sa.1 service at 7:S0 p. m. Special -muale. . : , -Vr --iVv rl-A - KZTSOSUT- i J- u. , . 'MontavHla Kev, Harold ' Oberg. ' PYeafhtni St 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.i Kpworth Leagne, S:30 a. m.i sermon, 7:30 p, n. Centra H-Rneaell and Kerby alreela; Bev. t. T. tAbbett, Claaa meeting. 9:48 at m.; sermoa, 10:30 a. m. ; Sunday echooU IS m.i Leajtue, :80 p. a. i sermon. T:X0 p. at. - Trinity Bast Tenth and Grant streets: Rev. I Pr Smith. Sunday- achoel. W a, aa. f-peas eh ing, it a. ra.; Hpwonav veague, :o p. m.; sermon st T:A0 p. m. Taylor treat lie. . Vrancls - Bnrsetta Short Claaaes, 9:80 a. m.i sermon, 10:30 s. m., by Dr. I. D. Driver; Sunday school, 1J15 p. m.; Bpworth League, :80 p. m.; sarmea, T :I0 p. m. by Dr. Driver. - - Orace TweUth- and Taylor streata; Clarence True Wilson, D. !., paator. Sermon, 10:80 a. m.,. by -Dr. , Kimball ef Salem; Bnnd.y school, . 12:111. p. ra. Xpwerth . League, . 4:M &m. : sermoa, 7:30 p. m., "The Two Urntast vlla,'- . . Pattoa Ulchlgs and Carpenter streets; Rev. Melville T. Wire. Sermon. 11 s. m. ; sermos at 7:0 p. SB.; Snhday school, 10 a. Ba.i Ep- vrortb Leagne. S .TO p. m. 8eiiwoodrirteerrth-and Ta cores -streets; Bev. A. D. Wagner. Sunday achool, JO a. m. t ser moa, 11 i. m., "Tba Danger of Doubting"; claa. meeting, 12:15 p. aJ ehlldren'a nieellng, 2, So p, m.j bpworth League, e SO p. m.i sermon, T:Stf p. m.. "Bible Polltlrs." Suonyelde yamhlll - and Eaat - Thlrty-flftb strerls; Kev. T. B. Ford. Sunday achool, 10 a. ni -i sermoa. 11 a. tn. : Junior Leasua. S:M P-"M Kparorth League, S.30 p. a.; - sermoa, "T.Sft p: vt.T-. . - vT- - ' St. John's Rev. f. L. Young. Rnoday school. id a. m.i preacning, n a. m.; Laxue meet. Ing, Si.tO p. m.i services, f:SO p. m.. with ad dress by A. K, Wllaoa ea ,Idesl.,, , ' - r IKSCOPaX. ' ; ;.:' -' Bt. " afark's nineteenth and Qnlmby streetf; Bev. J. U. Stmpeon, sHoly communion. S a. m.j Sunday arbooL 10. a. la. i morning prayer and litany. 11 o'clock; ercaaong sad sermon, T:80 o'clock. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets; Bev. Df:- A. A. MorruMti. Holy communion. S a. m.i morning service, 11 e'clock; evening service. 7 fW e'clock, . with serawo; Sanday school, : a. m. , St. Darld's Bast Twelfth - end Belmont streets; Rev. J. B. Vaa Waters. Sunday aehaol, S:4S a. m. prayer and sermoa at II cold settled ea my and so completely prostrated me that I was . to stand. I then was advised to try tr. King's New Discovery, and to work m well X ever was." , W. J. ATZIITS, Banner Springe, Tenn. : - av SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY v2:.L..r'jc?t0S'PIMACv:';-v o'clock; evening or kir sod sermoa at f :S0 e'clock; holy communion. S p. sa. St. Aadrew'a liulreralty Park; Bev. W.'R. Powell. Service sad sermon, 11 a. m.; Bas. day school, 10 S. m. - Ceed-Slitpheid -Biillieood atieet-and- Tan sourer sreuua; her. John Dawaoo, lluly eera munlon, S . m ; awning servtre. It e'clock; Sanday school, a, m.; praymr aud aeriaua 7::a p. m, -. - 11 Mcrcortal-SeMwood.v WJL uiiaay achool. It a. TrTce5d 7.48 p. ko. TdaT sermon. IS, U.tlHaMl'a riM ana . , .- Bev. W, A. hi. Breck. ' noly communion, "7:ao s. at.) Sunday stSool. S:4A a. m.i aermon, 11 S. m.; aerrlce aud aermoo, 7:80 p. m. St. Paul's Woodmere) C. L. Parker, lay reader In charge. Morning service end serawa St II o'clock, , All 8alnta Twenty-aecoed and Herd streets. Sunday school, 10 a. a.; evening services, 7:30 e'clock, : .'.' ; . -.-a- - '' oiromcesvnoAi. f I'nlreralty Park Artlaans' temple! Bev. D. B. lirar. At 11 a. sa., preachlBg; Sunday schwl. 10 s. m. .' ' ( ' PlratAlsdlaoa an Park streets; Rev. K. X Hou.e. l. D. tsermon, 10:.'1 a. at.. "Cut It Off"! T:AO B. m.. "The Orcateat liama of UN : mrutlan Endeavor aerrlce. 7:1 n. m. Suiulay schuol, 12 m. ... ' Runnvalde CaaC TarW and Raat - Thlrte. fourth alreete; Kev. 1. i. gtaiib. Moroln m-rt Ice, 11 o'clock, wlih sermon. "Aa lufnlllble Huls for Christian Mvtug''; Knuday schoul, 10 a: m.i senior i:nnatisn Knacavor. x i. - m sermon, :ao p, oa "Where L'hsrsotor ; Is alada." MtealBalnDi'Avanna Mlaalenlnnt avenue and rremout atreet: Rev. wuilaju L, Lnahaw. Sunday achool. '10 s. m.i reratpn. It s. m., "ine xnitr or ( heerrulneaa"! ciirletlan Kit deavor, 7 p. m.1 aermou. 7:30 'p. tu., "A Vouug Wan s Call." Ulshlsad Eaat IUxUi and rreacott etreeta: Itrv. m, B. Bollinger. Hundav a-'bmd. 10 a. m.i aermoa, 11 a, m., "Htandard Service"; Chriatlaa h.ndeayor, ( U p. ei. ; service at 7:30 p. ni.. aennoB. "Tbs . Ilgrlm Spirit la American U'illaarlon." Leurelwea Artels hall: Hot. n. B. -Uray. Sniulay school, lo a. ai.; V. i 8. C.'B., 6.30 p. m.; aarmon at 7:80 J), m. riaaaalo-Ntreet Raat Seventh and tlaaaaloL Sermon, 10:110 a. m., "lirlc Psrtuerahlp"; by nev. Paiu Radert Bundar-. school, jkmu: Christian Endeavor, S:46 p. m.; evening service, 7:o o'clock. "The Call of a Man," by Ht. Mr. Badsr. . . . , . " T-TTTHEBAJf. , - . t ' ' i '- : i ' : St. lames' English West Psrk snd Jefferaoa treers; Kev. . A. Leaa. Servicee st 11 a. m. ; Sunda. achool, 10 s. m.i sersuou, 7;S0 p. m.; Luther League. S:SO p. m. - Klon sxierman tnipoiia man etaimon eirveie. Rev. W. 11. Brora ua. Serrlces at 10:13 s. m. and 7:46 p. m. Hetanla Danlah Colon svssus snd Morris treat; Rev. Uudmund Orlll. Sunday eerrlces. lia. ra. ana a p. m. . v- . - NerwtaiaB Bynod Kaat Tenth and Qrant streets; Bev. O. Hagoes. Sunday school, :80 m.: service. 7:80 p. m. St. Paul's sOsrman Eaat Twelfth and Clinton tracts; Rev. A. Kranae.- Service. 10: SO a. av service. t p. m.i Sanday achool, 8:30 p. Bible school, S p. m. i Norweetan An North rnnrteenta atreet: Rev. J. M. Kervlg. Services at 11 a. m. and IM P. SB. Bweaiah immanuei ninereenu sna irviag treeta; Bev. C. J. Kenhard.. Bervlcea st 11 a. . and S p. m. ; 8unday school. :4S a. tn. Swedish Rodney avenus snd Stauton atreet, Sunday achool. S:S0 a. m.j services, JU:S0 a. m.i services. T:s p. m. ..." ' - W .... V CEXISTLiH. . - First Park and Columbia streets; Rev. K. hlursrlcv. At 10:Ko a. m.. sermon. "The Value ef Womsn's Work In the Church"; T:SO sermon hr Uaneiie Hlggart oa -.'ine Man and Mia Pilot"; Christian Endeavor, S:30 SB,: Bible achool, I2:1S p. m. . Central Kast Twcntlethsjiil Tft Sslmnti Itri-cn; Kv. J. P. f Jbormtev: -. HH4 Tha aleaalalMhln or jaaua"; Sunday school, 12:15 p. m.; Senior Endeavor, :o d. m.; aerrlce st 1 .30 a, ra. apacisi mnalc. " Hndaey-Avanne Kodney svetrae sna Knott street: Rev. V. Elmo RoMnson. At i s. Bible school; 11 a. m., communion ana sermon, "nidaoa s Band "j o:so p. as., J. . C K. ; T:0 p. ., sscrea concert. Moent Bontt Nash's hall, Nsahvtllsi Bar. Jr r. Ghormlsy. Services st 8 p. m. , Wsedlswa Sanday acnooi. lo a. m.i prases- lag. 11 a. m.; Cbrlstlaa Kndeavor, 7 p. sa.i services S p. 0.. with special mualc. ' - ITlirOlXICAL AM0GUTX0H. t : rtrst Xngllah Baat Sixth snd Market streets; Rev. S. A. Stewart. Preaching at 11 a. m., , r All tbs Time"; Sunday ecBool. IP "i." filnaysirf Van p. m., ssrmnn, - ma rncey ot Thlnga"; Young People's Alliance, :4B p. fa. Grace Lecta: Rev. U. o. Henderson, rreaea. ing. 11 1. m. snd S p. m.i Young People's Al liance. J p, m.i eunaay acnoni. so a. ns. First aermao Tenia sna nay atreeisr Kev. Thee.: Sch.tier. - Suadsy school... M a. m.; sermoa, 10:45 a. m.; preaching, 7:49 p. m. ; Y P. A. 7 P. t v Memort.l Tlhhetts snd ClgHteenth 'streets; Rev. L. C Hoover. Sunday school, 10 g. Bo.; preschlug, 11 s. m. snd 7:80 p. m. Z. P., A. devotional aervlcea, S:80 p. a. North PortlaBd Twenty-flrat and Pettygmvs streets; Rev, K. O. Hornachucll. Sunday school, :4.1 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. .; Y. P.-A. program, 7 P. m.i preaching, 7:30 p. m. VVITID XTAX-OELIOAIh First Kaat Tenth snd Sbersrsn etreetat Rev. A. A. Winter. At 10 s. m..- Sunday school; preaching, 11 a. m.j 7:30 p. m., sermon. Second Fargo snd Kerby streets; Rev. J. Bowersoi. At 11 a. m., preach lug; 7:30 p. m., sermoa, "Salvstloa as Personal1)) Suadsy school, 10 a. m.; K. U C. K.. 7 p. m. St. John a ivanaoe ana joon sireeesi use. B. K. McVlcker. Sunday a.Ji.iol, lo a. m. ; lunday a.Ji.iol, 10 a. J. li. CK.. l M.B rschlng, 11 s. K. L. C E. :80 p. m. preaching, 7:0 n. m. Orkley Green Sunday school, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, I p, m.i preaching, t:0 p. ra. - - XIBSI0HS. ' -I Light Mlsawa 11 reartb Preaching . svsry Bight sad Besei aorth. at S a. street, usdsy Olive Breach Mlaaloa tS first strsat Sear Columbia. Preaching every Bight at f:S0; Suadsye, 8 p. s; Sunday school. l:SO p. m. St. John's Bollnesa Mlaalon 828 fcaeend street aear Main; Rev, John V. Gleaoo. Servicee every-Bight en Sanday -st S sad 7 40 p. Chinese Baptist 318 Second atreet. Ber irvlcse at t:S0 p. aa. , . r XMTTXD PRESBYTISM A. Church ot tbs Strangers Wsaco street - snd Qrand avenue; Rev. B. Earl DuBols. Morning servlcs, 10:45 e'clock, with, sermoa, "The Broad er Narrow Way Whtcht"; Sunday achool. 12 IB.; sermoa, 7:30 p. m,, "The Brsatn Serpent." . - - ... lirat Slith snd Mnntgomery streets; Itev. A. W. Wllaoa. Morulug sermon, 10:30 s. m. ( Sanday school, IS m.t aeraien, f :80 p. m. ------ BPISITVAUBTa. -Plrst ' Spiritual Society int. Third street. Services st .11 a. m. aud 7:46 p. ta ; lecture by F. E. Coulter nn "Tha Law of Retaliation"; PREVENTS ::. v -'. . ' ., . '' AND $1.00 L ' v,lrt mum. "ca So frequently settle on the Jungs nd result in Pneumonia away or take something' that only half cures it, leaving 1 11 . - i. ... - lycenm at 12:30 p. m., spirit Lsdd 1'lnnlcan. Beessgos by Mrs. t'hnrch ot First Born Drew hall, 1S1 Second street;. Rev. R. sV Coon. I). II. Conference. 10 s. m. lyceum. 11 s. m.i sermon snd taata, t D m.; dlacnurae and teats. 7:80 n,m. Wlnl.lcra' and Medlnme' Protective "SiiTfltu. allei Aaaoclatlon Woodmen hall, Selllng lllrsch building. Tenth and Waabtncton streeta. Lec ture at 7:4A p. m. hy Hev. Dr. Dickey, "Living the Pace That Kllla." followed by Gertrude Wooaneld with spirit messages, i . CHRISTIAX SOIZirCX. - first AChnrcb of Chrlat, Scientist Bcottlak Rtts cathedral, Murrleoa snd Lownsdale streets. Services st 11 a, m. and S p. m . auhjrct "Is the Universe. Including Man, Kvolved by Atomic Forcer"; Bnntlay school at cloas f aioruliig servlcs; Wednesday evening meeting ht 8 o'clock. . Second Church ef Christ, Scientist Elks' tern- Rle, Sisrk and Seventh streets Sunday serv es "st 11 a. m. and p. m., aublect, "la the Universe. Including Man," Kvolved y Atomic forest"; Sunday achool. Us, m. ; rntrriD brzthresT nr Christ. Plrat East Fifteenth snd Morrison etreeta; Rev. It. C. Shaffer. Bible school at 10 s. ; ewrrnrjfi P. S. TTX.. 7"nl Second sixth ami Mecbsale strsete; Bev. C P. BUucSard. Sunday achool, 10 a. m.i earmea, 11 a. m. sad 1 :30 p. .m. ' ' TntTTARIajr. Church ef Our lather Seventh and Tamhlll streets; Rev. W. 0. Kilo Jr., -minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. !.. minister emerltua. Servicee at 11 s. m., subject of eermon. "The Prophet of Nassreth In the History of Chrtatesdom": Sunday achool. 0:43 s. m., kIBdergsrtsn; 11 a. m., classes; T. P. 8. C. I., S:S0 p. m. - ; T. X. 0. AV, . Aasoclatloa Andltertnm. 167 Pearth street. At S p. m., mea's meeting with address by Ir. William H. Henna, snd . snedsl muale: boy's meeting, 4 p. ra.. with sddreas by Rev. tweea a Dog snd, a Boyt'f V ; i METHODIST, SOUTH. ., -Plrst 171M SeeoBd atrset. rerestsra hall; Rest. W H. Mowre. At 10. m, Sanday school; 11 s. m sermon; S:W p. B.. psrurth League ; 7:10 p. Ba., preaching. j '. . - j. , IT.. "...,l3a Ain x. av. ' .Christies snd Mlasionsry Alllases Birth aad Mala streets; Rsv. C. D. Sswtelle, Preaching, 10:80 a. m.i Snadsy school, 12:IS a. -l Yooug People's meetlsg. S:0 'p. at. ( evangellal services, -f :M P, a. ... 4 --Christies Advent Secoert street vetween Hall sad Lincoln; Rsv. Charles HeftsBdea. Sunday school,- 10 JO JB.1- preaching. 11;0 s. sv( praise service. 1 a. m.; seruwa. S p. a. :" '. ; . iioh. ''; Chiiatlas Catholic Church in ' Bios ball, aec.M.a boot, isira ana sierrwoa streets treeta l ai i Rev. Vhsries a. tiey, eroer in csarge. p. av, Bible studyl. S p. ., servtces. UTTER-SAT SAISTS. . Church of Jeaos Chrlat of Lstter-Ds Saints Hall 400, Allaky building, Third aad Morri ses streets.. Services st 11:S0 a.loa. aad t p. m-s Suadsy school at-IS- a.- sj, r - . - XTX'S RESORT. " Mea's Resort snd Peopls's Inatlhita Prrnrlh snd Bnrnalde atraets. Btereoptlcon Bible atady bodr, p. rs men's meetlug wltb address. 4 p. m.; peopls's gospel service with special music, 7:44 p. sa. . REOROaKIZED EAVXMTb, ReorRsnlsed tJhiirch -of Jesus Chrlst-wT Lsttev Pay Salats Broad atreet and Holladey sveane Rev, W. A. Goodwin, presiding elder Is chares, preaching at 11 a. ra. aad J-iO p. m. ; Snadsy ecBool, a.ev p. at, . - , , ' '.-' ' ' ADVXKTI8TS. '' '' Seventh-Day Adventlata SoStt Tbird street. hetweea Taylor aofl naimnn: nev, sorss A Snyder; preaching, 7:S0 p. m., "Sunday Sacred- ness Bcttiea.- . ADTEimSTS. - Seventh fsy.-Adventlats Sns -Thfrd street, between TsyW aad Halraeo; Rev. George A. Snyder: preaching, 7:80 p. ra., "(luiatlaa Lib erty the Proper Rrlatloa of the Church to Human and IMrlos Lsw." Friends rburcb Best Thh-ry-nftb and Mala streets: Rev. Lewis 1. Hsdlev, Preach In a at 11 s. ss. snd 7:80 p. tn ; Sunday school, lu s. m.; KBdsavor. u:vi p. m. , -, - WTDIBBOBOLUr, . ' New Chnrcb Society eleventh snd A Met streets) Kev. Hiram vrooniaa. At 11 a. m. ervlcss, Sanday school. 10 a. . tnrrviasaxiST. '." :v rtrst East Eighth snd touch strsete. At 11 s. m.-. aernvm br Rev. F.dward C. Downev of Rpokansi Studs school, 10 a. m.j preaching, i:ju p. m. - I .. SrVIltX TBuTK CEHTTB. - I Tmtb Chapel. Allaky building. Third snd Morrison streets; Bev. Thaddeus If. Mlaard. ; Services tt 11 a. St.; Suoday achool, II a. I , . . ' CHVKCR Of 000. 1 Church ef (led chapel. . Hawtboras tveans: 1 Itev.. 0. T. Krai. Servtces at 110 p. m. aad 1:H p. m.i Sunday achool, 1 p. m. '.-.'-;" ' KAZABXVX." ". ' Church sf the Nasarsne fUt Bornalde street; Bev. II. 0. Hendrl.-as. Sermt-na at 10:80 s. m., S p. m. aad 7:30 p. av.j Suadsy school st 10 s, m. ' . , ,; . , 1. f i . j - . t ', ' mat KXTHODIBT. - 1 Free Metbodlat East Ninth sad Mill etreeta. . Preaching, 11 a. m.i 8uaday. fOool, 10 a. ss. i BnitMBUt DAWTI. .'' Mlllenelsl Dawn a. A. R. bell. Beeosd gad Morrlaoa streets. ... flvrvlces at B:M P. as. ' ''. ' : azro&stzD, ' ' Vict German Tenth snd Start streets';' Rev. 0. tlafner. Services st 10:48 a. m: sad 8 p. m.; X. P. S. C. 8 p. m. , , . UMTED: BRETHREN'S 4 -REBUILDING PLANS '.. ' -.-.f (Special DlapateSYe Tbs Joaraal.t 6alm, Or., Ilea It. The . United Brethren will rebuild - tbelr eollege, which wss destroyed last' fall by fire. Rsv. A. n. Iudy of tlila cltyi preeloV Ins alder of tba tTntted Brethren cburchi haa announce! that although many 1 ttltlaa have affered altera fnr tha ar-hnni haa been practically agraad to re- Stops the ' ' " , r-" :.-:.',- :':- hi v. .-. :"., IPuuQESLuuOGuuQ . QGIld - (LsO Consumption Threatened 1 s rr tt B(.-i. e. V, unicr.tll iiiamo oi., v,uaiiiiaiKii, iu,tvuu,., . T I wts troubled with hacking coughlor s year and - since my lungs . . . w. . . ' . . i. . 1 toougnt i nsa consumption, i mea s grogi many many ncmuiruagca. a . remedfes and I was under th csrs of physicians for physicians whout ny lneBt. I then started to UU several months. I used one bottle of7 FOLEY'S FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my lungs sro , HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and 1 bsv not now ss sound as bullet. 1 recommend It In ad' :been troubled ibm ..... y: ' u,4"f 0,-,un-trouble. - ; , ' ' 1 1 TbrM' ttMw--l8, 80,' lt.00. . li. 80.miI tin Mutaln tw art jfa""S ." , . . t size and tbs U-00 bottle slsiosl sis tlmss u ucli. ? REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. - ' ,2 CCLD TiD nLVQ""Ef:DED DY' ALL DRUGGISTS ' D An Internal and Exfornal Romcoy fl The thousands ot testimonials we bare received from people fn every section of America prove beyond any doubt that Swaoson's 5DR0PS" is a positive care for Rheumatism ia any of its forms. It makes no differ ence bow severe the case may be, "S-DROPS," if applied aa directed will afford quick relief from pain, while a permanent cure is being effected by its nsa internally. M3-DR0PS" is recognised as a standard remedy for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Nenralgia and Kidney Trouble. In many sections where it bas been tested br doctors, they are using and prescribing S-DROPS" for the above diseases. ; HERE 10 ADGOLUTC PROOF IXKTrm C. L. OiTra, nsaeeeh, Mlaa-wrltea. A tittle girl hsre had euch a weak baok oaaied by aaae.aie.Meia end KMaey Trouble that aha eoeld not etaad ea her feet. The moment they put see eowa oa the Boor aha would ecreera with peine. I treated her with t-PKOPH" snd today she rune around as wsH and happy aa aaa be. I preeecibe'-s-HRoFll" for my patten te aa.d ase It la say praetioe." I'll. W. V. "t." " bad heea a aufferer lor a iumb ..wrHesi "1 f vaara with Lamasgo aad asesmsUam la my arma aad leea, and tried all the reaaadlea that I eenld gather from siedlual vorka, sad aleo eensBltetf with a Banner ot Blie bsea phyatelana, but found nothing that gave the relief oMalaed tiea e-WWA,pa.aI ahalt Bxaswlbs It la Bay pcaetioa, tor aaj kindred dli.naa." Large) lae ettls 'OPS" ragglata. If 9-1tr" la net tresB wlreet aad) we will Bead SWANSOH RHEUMATIC CURE CO.,' : la most Kroner ; " JllJUiyiM-iuikV r?!rw.waawwseWi PElkFECTION (Oil Heater Mippstsl-MfMli-gmQkcleaa Devteeii It will beat a room ia no time and will kitf it warm aad cosy. Oper. ated as easily ss a lamp and perfectly safe. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Gives no smoke or smelL because fitted ' with unique smokeless device, un be carried about, which cannot be done with aa ordinary itove. The Perfection Oil Heater is . superior to "all other oil heaters and id an ornament to eay home. Made ia two finishesnickel and japan. Brass oil fount beau -aifully embossed. Holds four quarts of oil and burns nine hours. Every hester warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for descriptive circular. JXyJ JLsflliIf tK-- wi i - : Unjri.v Made, and nickel plated'. Equipped with latest improved. - V, burner. Every lamp warranted. Aa ornament to any rhether library, diairrtyroom. parlor or bed room room Write to nearest agency if - BtTANtfAlO build the' college at Philomath, A movement Is now on foot for tha rais ing of funds far a church and a collesa building.-. The work of soliciting; fundi la to ba entrusted to Rev. Walter Key nelde ef Philomath, fortaerly of this city. ' - , " - - The new church la to coat about 12,000 and tha eollege building- $8,000. ' ik Prefsrred Stock whaned OoedB, , ' AUea dt lewls' iiast Urand. - ' ' sa. laadi at ATr3 qjaJaVALJia or Consumption. 1 Do not take chances on a cold wearing the seeds of serious throat and lung- trouble. Cough and heals .the lungs and fit ii., K8. P. ft. DSWIT, ByBmv1He.Me..wrttss, "The sampts bottle of lURtiPil" gars me relief from pais aad I purebaeed a eupply and oontlBoed lie tteaaa directed. It hae cured meof ghanmalaasi with which laagered or Uyssrs," nts U WADLKT, He. ISM Cburnb Street, Saahrllle, Tenn., write: M baveaufferedmeny yesra with Rb.aaaau.r. Havs Beed every, thing 1 eooM hearef , a bleh waa recommended for It. sad bow alnee I hare need "HiHur-8" I feel perfectly wall. I have need eeverej bottles. It u worth a hoesaad fertaaas te me." - V ABOASKT OATBWOOD, 1ft. Pleasant, Vs., writes: "Foe two yeara I bad been etlffertBg with KheesMtleaa la hs lea. aad no medians did It but good, .after uaTng two bottles ot t-brlort' I Aad that tbs pala U all goae." TRIAL COTTLE OF "5-DRQPS" If the above testimonials have not convinced yon of the curative power of "S-DROPS" we ask yon to send for trial bottle and teat it yourself. We will gladly send it free oa request ; ease $i.tO.) rap Sal btalaabl la fear tawa, ardar it airaBals a raealpt ef arise. (Dept. 43 iGOUks St., CHICAGO. bouses, there is a room without heat in ( facilities to say sots in 2 , of chill v hallways. .Even though the r heat of your stoves or furnace should be ' inadequate to warm the whole house there " , need not be one cold spot if you have .U.round, household of braM throuihout not st your dealer's. ' OIL COMPANY CONGRESSMEN KILL i ; SALARY GRAB CLAUSE . i (Jourast Special Service.) Washtncton. pa. li. The heusa haa passed the legislative, Judicial, and ex ecutive appropriation .bill, .carrying J 1.000.000. A yea and nay vote killed the Increase In Congressmen's Salary by 141 te 7s, --a ..;-. d atT. , I ' 1 I ! ! I -saV ; " -, , . - - ; - - - ' prevents UCLH CUSUCuTipu: Cured Hemorrhages ef the Lungs A. M. Ake. Vood. Ind., writes: Seversl years , , --- . . f ... wers so bsdly affecled thst I nsd I i.nb with aevera I nd West everyone "gays that Tlie Balance of Power- is one of the pig- books of the year. ... , , ' . Cast ,. "A good example of what an American novel should be; Philadelphia Record. "'"rnicTe Js a swing nci tra to this narrative that -it is impossible to resist' New, York Press.VM. -.; I' V " "One of the best American stories that has been writ ten." Buffalo -Commercial. '"Clean, , sensible afid re freshing." Pittsburg Dispatch.- . i ,',- t - - ,- "Unusual powers of char- . actenzation, of . puttipg- verve and swing in the ac tion, and .of preserving a clear, ; unaffected , style of writ ing' New York Amer- ican.".?,;' '.-o j ' j."Betravr thfj t undeniable Kail mark of genius." Buf-' falo Courier. - r "A strong and substantial novel' Philadelphia Press. ,i "Shows originality and strength." Boston Herald. The Balance ol Power . : West ' : "A noteworthy achleve rnerit." Ch i cigo Inter" Ocean.."-'.'".'--, "Mr. Goodrich writes with a sure hand," as one who' has full command of his tools' San Francisco Call. 1 " Possesses a cheerfulness and charm at once exhilarat ing I and , contagious,' St Louis Republic. r - -:btrongfc virile, admira-. ble' Grand Rapids Herald. ''Emphatically a novel of temperament and experi ence, giving a ' singularly vivid v picture of American work-a-day, life," Portland Oregonlan.-, y ; , "A forceful and wall-told story." San.,1 Francisco' Chronicle.- -..-.v. -.: t; ' . "A drama of striking situ ations and fine climax- Nashville American. , -' "None of the elements tsf JlliticaBmericarA.jiavf , are lacking. Denver Re publican. - - v ' The Balance 0of Power; By ARTHUR GOODRICH TWENTWTH THOUSAND 'The Outing Pobllshlnj Co. . NEW YORK' C5 fer,.):sx ' - -- - ; '.- -N- - . -...T. . , . L ..... . as