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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
t ": : . V "v-; ; ' f- L ., n-'ij. i vi - : - (Joara SixrUI SerTlc.) ' J-'v -, Newport Ntwu. Va., Deo. IS TIi r: nored crulber Montana wu launohed to ' day at tha yards of the Newport Newt Shtpbulldinc ft prydock company In' the precepca of dlst)na;ulahed . fueata from ' Ihcr ttate for whloh the veaael ia named aod number of navy and army offi "cUU. Aa the bl bulk, left the waya , and took her maiden plunge In the rip pling vavea at the Jamea river, M tee Minnie Conrad of Qreat Falls raised thej berlbboned bottle of champaBne' andi daahed . it against the receding -.wall : of -ateet, exclaiming : "I christen " thee . Montana," , -, v, . :,s: .. ...j - .;, ., As the Montana glided Into tho river there, was a great cheor from the apee . gators, the bland played "The 8tar-8pan- a-led Banner,", and the steam whistles , in the shipbuilding plant and on the ves ; eels in the harbor gave the new de REED IS FOUUD GUILTY BY JURY OF SELLWOOD ELECTION FRAUD Jurors Occupy Less Than One Hour in Deliberation Be- ' t . fore Returning Verdict. PENALJY MAY BE FINE . OR ELSE IMPRISONMENT Disqualification From Holdinar Office rrust or ProBOTnaer tBeState Mit All Be ImDOietf New Trial May'' BY'-Askeik V?; ' ;-..-. - - - : r- ."'. r ' ' ', -C.''- v t ' -'"J, W. Reed, mayor of Estacada and 'president of the Kstarada State bank. Is faoe to face with the poaaibllWy of -..spending, from one -to three years., In the Oregon penitentiary - for colonising voters at Kelt wood, though he may es- Cape with- a fine. After being out leas than an lour," tfie uYJr"Whre!I-Sat m Reed's case brought a verdict of - guilty-erty 4ste venlng. , The conviction carries with it a pen alty ranging anywhere from a simple V1" of from 1100 to 11.000 t imprls- onmeot In tbe penitentiary from one i. to three years and disqualification from , ever' holding any of flee - of trust or ' profit under the state. This makes it - possible that Reed may gef off with merely a fine, but representatives of the prosecution say that Circuit Judge ':' F rarer, whose duty it wlU be to sen tones . the - convicted man. - showed throughout , the. .trial ' that he was - strongly impressed . with the , serious 'f nens of tbe crime. ." r . . . " . As to .ICstacada'sC-cbief - executive -- being disqtuUlf led from ever holding ' publlo office, there , is much doubt -j Judge Fraaer remarked during the trial ' that, though the imposition ". of-" this penalty . is , made -obligatory by .the - statute, It ,' in usuaU iotrvlata4 .by ' means of a pardon. When pressed by Attorney Mulr for the defense to say '' that a recommendation - for pardon "would be forthcoming in Reed's case, ,: the court refused to commit himself. ; biit Reed's, friends are-confident that ' this additional disgrace will not be vis " I ted upon hint or upon any -of the other .. perpetrators of the Sellwood election frauds. " v ,' ' . WlU Ask for Sew Trial. J Reed will Undoubtedly ask. for a new ' trial. Immediately after the -verdict of the jury yesterday . evening Attorney Mulr asked for SO days in which to pre i pare a motion for a new ... trlnLV" The : court replied that while he was willing ' to give the defense an amplitude of , time, he considered SO days too long. Five days Is the period allowed -by law. : 'lf an application for a-new trial Is not X. filed wltbln that time sentence wlU bo 1 Imposed. .. ,.w.-. v . The only defense offered by Reed was , his own testimony, given yesterday aft--lernbojl, that he hatt not' used-any aor- j Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms and then wonder why yott don't get well. If ' you will only try a bottle of Ballard's ' Jlorehound Byrup your cough . will be a thins; of tlx psst It Is a positive V- cure for Ooughs, Influensa, Bronchitis ' and all Pulmonary diseases. One bot tle win convince you at your arutrglst. t 2M, 60c, !.. For .&. by All Urug- A SENSIBLE, A POLICY IN . TXi rouoTiOLotar cokyajtt. - - . i Home office. Commonwealth Building, U Mills. 1 rrealJcnt. V JU Samuel,, t Ueneral - -.- ..fee ;t; - :T.' -777.1" x. 3,1 w United Sutei Cruiser Montana as She fender Vf theflag 'aloudT nd entlrot4 astlo welcome, V ,. , ' ' , , y , Of 14,600 tons displacement the Mon tana wilt be one of the -moat powerful cruisers constructed. Ia nearly ever detail she Is a sister, ship to the Ten nesseo and the Washington, "the two crack cruisers that ware selected to es cort President Kooeevelt on bis recent trip to Panama. That this new type of ship is the coming cruiser and ft de sirable adjunct to the navy is the pre vailing opinion among naval construc tors and engineers. .... - ". - Tho Montana's length on water line is S03 feet; breadth at load water line. 72 Toot 10W inches; mean draught cri trial displacement. 25 feet; mean draught at maximum load, 11 feet; coal bunker ca ps illy, 2,000 tons.". The steaming ra dius at 10 knots will be s.SOO knots; steaming ridius' at .full speed, about 9,100 knots. i . v The-rmor of the Montana, is of suf suasion in getting the I voters to go te the HoteUSelliLOod on the nlghtfif-June 3, that he had merely auggested it and had told them they need not go If they thought they bad no right to do so. 4 lie declared that be had believed he had acted within the law and that he had not instructed his - employes how to vote. To tho main allegations of the complaint he confessed. . ' : Case Xa Saded. -A f;l0 o'clock tho defense rested, and after aa Ineffectual attempt of At torney Mulr te throw the case out of court, the arcumer.ts began. District Attorney. Manning. DepulgMogcTndj Attorneys Mulr and- Moody lor uie oe fense all spoke briefly. - During their argument both Moody, and Mulr were called to order Jy the court lor inier-i nretlna- the law contrary to the interpret tatlon of the court, as shown by his rul ings during the trial. v. . . ' . Iteed was Indicted by the Multnomah eounty grand Jury on three counts. lie was convicted of Inducing Harry Young to -vote-Illegally.-- In-addition.-- is ac cused of Inducing' Morton Bell and Al fred Drill to vote Illegally. Whether or not he will be tried on the second and third counts will be decided by the flls trict attorney's office later. At present. Reed In at liberty on 42,000 ball. -given immediately after his arrest on June IS last. ! - The second of the Sellwood election fraud trials' will begin Monday. R. P. Boyntmv formerly assistant superin tendent of the O. W. P.. now . claims agent of - the . Portland Hallway, Light and Power company, will be placed on trial for perjury In having sworn false ly to . the- qualifications : of colonist voters,.:.,,'-; .'...: -;':,,. .' MRS. SL0ANE ADMITS SON CAME HOME DRUNK . (Special-WP t te The Joaraatl Spokanei Wash., Dec 15. At ;th Bloane- rtaT"1heeounselr"for the defense made a motion that the jury be taken to the scene of the crime in or der that . they imlght beoome familiar with the premises, but the motion, was denied by thecourt on the ground that the Jury waW sufficiently informed hy. the - diagrams and explanations which had been given by- witnesses. . " ' Mrs. 81 oane, mother of the defendant, waa called to the stand and under se vere cross-examination . admitted' that Sidney had come homo drunk, but said it was only on one occasion, i It Is not. probable that the case will reach -the jury before .the latter part of .next week, , . ;. - ...... HENRY DAUGHERTY DEAD t AT SALEM OF CANCER - Salem, :-Or.. Dec 'It. Henry Daugh erty is dead hero at the home of his mother,' Mrs. Myra A. White, on 'State street, at the age of 48 years. The past three years he. lived . at Bt. . Johns and hud been sick for some time with a faiiwmus ae case Is onn that baffled the skill of Portland physicians, Besides --his wife he leaves three children, two little-girls anil a. baby son. He has a brother liv ing lit Beattle, Ijouln F. Due;hrty, and B half-brother,. Klmo 8, White, in this cltr. Mr. Daughefty was a deaf, mute as a reoult of a long siege or diphtheria When but years of age.; Ills wife Is also a deaf mute..' - ecr. Sixth and, Ankeny. PorUand. Oregon,. . . Clarence 8. Bsmtiel, .. ; Manager. Asslstsnt Manag sr. t:i i':ltn ;iIV-;v,t;f;Vv - 4 -trr tsu Will Appear When Completed. ficient thickness to withstand the im pact, of ' projectiles fired at fighting range from vessels carrying guns of the samei caliber as those she carries. The armor-plate protection ranges from nine inches for the turrets to five inches for the belt,'.v .y -. Heavy ArmamaBt. , .The -cruiser will have a. very heavy armament. The main battery will con sist of four ' 10-inch breech-loading rltlea, 45 caliber In length;' It -lnch rapid-fire.' 50 caliber in length.- The secondary . battery will have S3 . J-lnch rnptd-flre guns, II S-pounder automatle and Z 1-pounder rapid fire guns, I t-lnch field pieces, two machine guns Of .80 caliber, and automatic guna of .10 caliber. . .-. .;;- ,-; ..The ammunition and shell rooms will be so arranged that one -half the total supply of ammunition will be carried at ea-.'h end of the ship.. For handling sii-inch and three-inch ammunition the LANEv COUSirS V LIST OF ; TAXABLE PROPERTY . Valuation Fifteen and 'V Half Million-Uncrease OverI-l Fifty Per Cent. j. tSseelal DamatcS te Tk Innill - Eugene, Or.Dec 16. The Lane coun ty assessment roll for the year 10 has been footed up. bf County Xlerlt Lee. as follower Acres of tillable land. H.J. valuew 17.433.706; acres or oon-tuiauie lanaa, 1.228,8f. value, $S.28,Sv-. lmpYove ments on deeded or patented land, t2(. U; town and city lots, value, (1,478,- S30 Improvements on - town and city lots. H.H1.&&E;-Improvements on land not deeded or patented, I74.080. Miles of railroad bed. 11.39. value, lCJ.60; miles of telegraph and tele- phono line, 218.11, value. $40,230; Pull- man railway rolling stock, -eo., value, lg.m; railroad . rolling stock, l.ll. value ilO.JilO. . . . 8tesnl1oats. sailboats, stationary en gines and - manufacturing , machinery, value I24S.T1S. ' , Merchandise and sTbck In trade, 15U, 7i0. r ...s.. ,'. Money, $114,070: notes end accounts, 1351.416;. shares ofstocav2TV value, 1303,210. - " " Household furniture, etc., 1117,431; farming implements. -wagone, eto- $1 M. MS; horses and mules. 7,283, value, 3285.730: cattle. 21,633, value, $S7,O40; sheep and goats, 36.053. value, $81,300; swine. $.S,026,value, 118.826. ,. Gross value of all property. $16,47. 000. .. The gross value of all property as assessed' in 106 was less than $10,000, 400, the' Increase this year being over $6.000,000.. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS v. JO AID LEGISLATORS (gpertar-Wepatek te TM JaarsaLl Eugene, Or., ... Dec. 1 6. The . wiembe'ni of the senior -class in 'the university, who have placed the major part Of their work in the department of : economics, are doing a work which may prove very helpful to the legislators of the state this winter; in preparing charts, indexes, briefs and analyses of all the important subjects which are apt to be brought up, front patent medicines to railroad legislation. When the' work is finished, which will-be during the holidays, the articles will be put tn the hands of the proper committees of the house and sen ate, i The students who are doing the work are really experts in this line, and more capable of handling - such work than many lawyers.: ..-.. . PUBLIC OWNERSHIP ' V i ; reality: in Mexico ' i ' .; J 1 1 11 -,' ' - '- " . (Jnarmt gpfial frr " City 'of Mexico. Dec. 16. Che details of ths railway ' merger, by which the Mexican government takes control of all the Important lines In the republic, are now known. By the terms of the con tract, the government secures absolute control of the Mexican Central, the Na- tluiial. the 1 international U tno , Inter. oceanic and Hidalgo i Northeastern, all of which will be merged into one great railroad system. - The government also comes Into control of the Texas-Mexican, a railroad at Laredo, Texaa. which Is owped by, the National. . . The mileage nf the system will, with extensions whlcty are rapidly nearlng completion, .- aggregate approximately 10,000. ' : ROBERT 0RR HIT BY FRAGMENTS OF STUMP (iptrliT Dlrtrk e'Tde Jonraatt ' ' Balem, Or. Dec. JS. Whlla at work on- his place at Morntngslde and occu pied In the bleating of stumps, Robert Ore yesterday sustained a fracture of the left leg below the knee and was badly bruised about the shoulders and neck. ' He fall! to got a sufficient dis tance fmm the blast when he lighted the ruse and pieces of ths. stump struck him. 1 .. .... I' B . ... i f - CmtrttoartUl for' OMoers. 1 Washington. Dea 16. The secretary f-war- has Order ad. the trial by coo rt-1 martial of Major cnaries. W. Penrose and Captain KdgaV A. Macklin of .Com pany C, flrat battalion. Twenty-fifth in fantry, under the sixty-second article of war for "conduct to the prejudice of good, order and discipline," in falling In tbolr duties 'in preventing sad sup pressing the riot at Brownsville, Texas, last August, , v ' ' .'Jlf Ijlp . will ' be provided -with - central passage extending completely from the forward to the aftermagaslnes and four side passages at each end to ex tend a" sufficient distance forward ails' aft to provide for handling the ammu nition within. the armor protection on the decks above. . Immense ' Engines ' Used. ' The propelling engines will be of the vertical. twin-screw, four cylinder, triple-expansion type of a combined in dicated -horse-power of 21.00. The steam pressure will be 350 pounds and the stroke four feet. ; The engines will be located in two separate watertight compartments. ' ' , The arrangement of quarters provides ample accommodations for the follow ing complement: One commanding of ficer, one flag officer, one chief of staff, 1 wardroom officers, It junior officers,-10 Warrant officers,. $14. mon, including 60, marines, a, total of 858. TRIALS OF GAS-PIPE . : THUGS ARE POSTPONED ! (Journal Special RerT$c. r . -. San Francisco, Dec. 15. The trial of John Siemsen and Louis Dabner, . the telf-confessed . gasplpa Thugs, charged with the murder of Munakata, the Japa nese banker, on. October 8, began yes- terdyr-eforo Jnago.-SIMscne imuca ii" t iuiiit, an wu- tlnued until December 28. Dabnerls. case was continued until Monday to permit htm to secure counsel FOREST GROVE TIMES BOUGHT BY W. T.F0GLE (Bneelal Dlaeateh te The Josraal.) Forest Grove, Or., Dec 16. Walter Hogae, editor and manager of the For est Grove Times, has sold out his en tire business here to W. r. Fogle. a newspaper man from Portland. . M Hogue has edited the Times : for the past six, years.. . . . . Vref erred! ' Stock Canned Goods. Lewis' Beat Brand. 93k TK. 9. ITOTOar, JTatmropata. None of this Christmas cheer will " be enjoyed on sick beds. - NO NEED T6 IBESIGK I Can Cure Your Illness Without a Morsel - - of McdicincV f- f . ... ,. . . ., --. - " I,cn make you aswell as you ever were in all your life. I have cured thp""Ha likf' yp'i-r-ji'ct am sick as you arc. Hundreds of times I have told, you how. ' , "'' ' .. -- .' . " - ,; ' -. " :" ' Ijlo Medicine ;No Suiery ; Perfect iieaUIi This is my Christmas Gift to all who come to me.. .' DivKFuIton , Zf ATVmOZAT3a. - , 315 TWELFTH STREET Oorser Clay, eae hlock from K. O. ear. oae from 13th street cay, from Jsf- ' - , - v- t" """'- Ivi.-'. ; ...--'.- A - V X. -.-.. OREGON GIRLS TO WORLD'S FAIR McMinnville Business Men Move for Such a State . Representation. f DRILL SQUAD OF FORTY. TO TOUR THE COUNTRY Selection! to Be Made Without Rival ry or Competition and on Basia of Proclaims Proposal (Special' niatttch te Tbe learaal.) ' McMinnville, Or., Dea 15. The cus tom of sending young ladies on excursions- aotUB. by-newspapers. has. In spired the commercial ora-anisaUons and" bualness men or this cur to ouuine a plan to equip and drill a company of about 40 youna ladles selected from the different counties of the state and take them to ths world's fair at Jamestown, and to cities both north snd south, and ajve fieo dillls and musical entertain nWnts during August and September, HOT. the Itinerary to be under the di rection of the Oregon state commission to the Jamestown exposition. ' In an announcement that is being sent to aU commercial organisations in the state Mayor Macey. details the qualifi cations of young women who should be eligible. He says In part: 'Select those who do not pinch the feet or the waitnor are given to nervousness. Ages shout IS to I. Height, five feet four inches to five ttf t'itM !"-- WeigbUfrom120 J0 140 pounds. Able to sing In chorus. Must not wear glasses. Dark hair more suitable tor Indian-drills. l,M "Strict military discipline will be en forced both oA duty snd off. Two good women of the state wiU be appointed by Governor Chamberlain to chaperons the company. The drill wUl be given by Colonel. J. C. Cooper of this city, who drilled the fsmous Manila guards in Ug. and the famous Tillamook Indian BOOUtS.'- Con teats sre to be eliminated and selections made on sheer personal merit McMinnville offers free entertainment during the month of preparatory drilL STAKDARD OIL MAY ESCAPE PROSECUTION FOR SINS Government Worried Over Point That Rate Law Repealed Elkint Rebate Law. (Joeraal ftpectai gerrlet.) Washington. Dec 13. The national administration Is more flustered than it is prepared to admit, over tbe de murrer, entered by the Standard - Oil company to tbe indictment secured against- it In Chicago, argument of Which has been proceeding before the federal district court. By the Standard Oil company the claim was made that the new. railway rate law repealed the Klklna rebate law. .... Under the surface the department of Justice, while having every confidence In Its representatives tn its ease, really fears the astuteness of the plea entered. . In one sense the fear now prevailing t a compliment to Attorney John 8. tn remember in the beef trust ease. There is no gainsaying that another re versal In the Chicago courts would be a aaftajilow to the trust prosecutions in augurated by Attorney Oeneral Moody. GILLETTS PLURALITY ONLY EIGHT THOUSAND ' ( Journal Bpeelal Berrlca.l Sacramento, Cat, twe. 1. Secretary of State Curry has completed the -can vass of, the vote for state officers. The Vote on governor follows: . Jumes N. QllletL Republican. i:s,- 47; Theodore A. Bell. Democrat. 117,- 4; Austin Lewis, Socialist. 1.0J; James H. Blanchard. Prohibitionist, 7. 354: W. H. Lanrdon,' ; Independence League 45,03; scattering, 44. FARMER'S THREE LITTLE , ONES PERISH IN FIRE (Journal Bperial 0l. ' , ,' North Yaxlma. Wash.. Deo. IS. Last nlhttna Jiome of Laurence Tolbert, a rancher of the Cowlche, was aeatroyed by fire snd three of his children burned to death. The children Killed are Hugh, aged 10 years, Nellie, aged t years snd Alice, sged years.' A younger child was slso badly horned. -...... The fire was caused y the breaking of a lamp which one of the children was carry tdg.. " . . -1 t :r: - - ' : "' " r-.v FOR A MANjTO SUPPOSE HE CAN GIVE ANY ; ; u TINNER THE CONTRACT- FOR INSTALLING THE WALL STACKS AND EXPECT THE ; r V FURNACE-MAN TO GUARANTEE TO -HEATa...' .-. YOUR HOUSE. , W -v,; v;-':-'':v We guarnatee our own work only. We install entire furnace jobs, and when we dothey heat! Si XWgetabk Preparationror As similating SteFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigcslionXlaterfuI- ness andRestontains neither Opium, Morplune norKiouoL-1 XiOT JKAHCOTIO. . Bit sssaKssgft eBsjsnBBssBB ssssjgaj A perfect Remedy for Consfipa Tlon.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvwish ncss and Loss of Sleep. . FacSimilo Signorure of . ' NEW "YD UK. UK it lit a tooct eon arwaui xi &ii Name of Sense, that good common sense of which all of us have a share, how can you continue -to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and 'dusty as they must ' fee, when for tf. you can get , Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from Ndirt by a package the jvery beauty of which make3 tn you NATlONAt BtSCUrr COMPANY frWr"J'7fU2L.-S7-ey rrw,5SJ.aBaa.v;ar ! Malic YoursdSUssM 7 a BBS Tflff JUliill For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You llavo Always Coughl Bears the Signature AAAAAAAAAAAAAAi And help, your wife to paint her kitchen. l?se SAT tTATS pa"". ami you will not only be gratified by the ease with which you ran use m them, but also at the smnll cost, not to speak ef the dnllght yoa both ! '. at the clean snd neat ai.arenr-e a- ( compllshed by your wirk. . . fiL. :M aT . ML m m W r UA 4-lMIJ J Use ' For Over Thirty Years tl 1 MMMIffc MS VMM 1? .; .-.-;. t ; -!- :