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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
"': -HHiJ-: LOSES IN 1 STRUGGLE Control of Road Slips ' Through His Fingers and In dependents Win Hill, by Means; of, Independent Directors, May Again Be Able to Dictate Position of the - Road in the Transcontinental . Traffio-Warv i in . desperate struggle for eontrol of Stock of the Chicago, Milwaukee 4b BU Paul In Wall atreet yesterday, the Har rlmah party Is believed to have lost the da-, and It la Bald tha etock la now di vided in such a manner that the Inde pendent dtrectora of tha. road, aided by THIU, caa again assume tne rigm to con ' trol the Milwaukee's policies and dictate ' tha position of the property In th , ..transcontinental traffic war. - ; i , Hill and Harrlman factions fought . for poasesaloa of shares that (oared lq the stock market to a new night water mark for theae stocks. Share were purchased In blocks of l.tOO to : t.eoo, by a sous otosely affiliated wltn .' ' ma - : ' - ; The operations on the exchange yea' ' terday marked the climax of a fight which becan early last summer for con . .trot of the property, and to dictate the route the Milwaukee should adopt in Its . ' proposed extension to the Pacific ocean. In the Ilrat round iisrnman .gatnco victory, and through hie influence the - road was directed away rrom me ooun dary line of Oregon and through the mountain passes fanner norm. rur hundreds of miles the road as now sur ' veyed parallola the Northern Pacific through Montana, and weat of the Blt- . . ter Boot range striata with lert noons, . uppercuta and aolar plezls blows all over the territory that- heretofore ha been regarded as tha exclusive pre-1-.. aetvea of tna ndrthern lines. All this came about through tha influence of " .Harrlman. and It baa been his Intention ' . tn .keep the Milwaukee entirely, out. of Oregon, but to secure 'the benefits of ... close traffic arrangements with 'It la Hill territory by building a Una from ; Portland to Tacoma, and there forming , an operating alliance. ; , , .. ' Xxpeoted Ooaiplete OontroL .; ; s 'Through control of the., Milwaukee, ' Harrlman expected to practically ooni .'.'troi traffic iconditlona in the United States, with three Pacific coaat outlets, direct lines to Chicago, St Paul, Kansas . City. Memphis and the Gulf, .and an At lantio seaport connection through- the Baltimore A. Ohio. -,-r v.- ; His failure to resist tha H1U party's 'Wall street attack yesterday, will. If lvpurta a re true',' toe of great" benefit j to the Paolflo northwest, it will place " the- Milwaukee road tn tha position of . a free lance la coast traffic, enabling , It to ahooae by. Ita own motion whether It ahall divide territory In any par . tlcular. place with HIU or Harrlmaa ' lines. Should it choose to come into Portland over the tracks other than ita -. own. It may have the choice between the Northern pacific or the proposed sound extension ef the Southern Pacific, it ..can bargain for tha beat terms, and , these term will In the nature of thlnga f- be alwaya more or lose competitive. , . Tatar rail ft emoertalaty. ,- a While It la certain that the Pacific r northwest win within the next two or .three years enjoy tha benefits of In creaaed railroad facilities, by construe r x6a oftrt nscontlnentanmea, tha i tun Is full of uncertainty at to tha relatione these roada will bear to ach . other. The relation -of the railways , and tha public is a panorama that is changing every week., ' It la true beyond Question that tha , ' Harrlman and Hill groupa of rallroada ' beltlnz the weatern couutry hav ' formed ' combination that eliminate ' competition in their respectlv field. While the Southern Paciflo and Union I Paciflo aystem do not run parallel, .they tap . the aame terminal . regions, "and control . transcontinental freight and passenger rate tn those regions "TTjt la a well known fact that tha trans " continental freight and passenger asno j c 1st ions, that meet periodically at Chl- , caao and fix the carrying rates that the ..public miiai pny would not put In any X rate for -Pacific coast territory that ,; the Harrlmaa line did not consent to , and indorse. The aame is true of tha territory further north where the Great :. a Northern. Northern paciflo and Bur- ILngton lines form, a merger for all prao . tical purposes in freight and paasenger j, I raffle today, despite the fact that the aipremeourtwggupposiKlJo ha y laoived the merger. . ' These rsllrosd groups era still wtrng- PAN OLD TIME STOMACH REMEDY Is Sostetter Brtter. It wa first com' pounced la 1M and because of its great . curative properties is now regsrded as . the best stomach remedy before; the public Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters til stimulate. strengthen and tone the entire system, also re store the appetite. aid digestion open up the clogged bowi ana. cure. jots Bianras, BMBTIIgg, ,. KJDBTBY BXBErt.cssjrzsg DTirtriu, IWOIOggTlOaT. OsIII't-, COLDg, sr rikiu ua.. We tirg avery slr-k man -nr-wom Milwaukee If I STOMACH try 'it ,at gllng for mastery la their respective fields: Whether they will win out agalnat each ether and continue to Con trol Irrespective of government reguia- tinn r.r l.iw nr whether they will ultl niatsly cuniLTiwr, VuRiit rrSllst limr nental roads I la common cause, a agalnat tha governments attempt to regulate, are aueatlons that tha future only can answer. - t - Meanwhile lnveatlgntlone by tlfa gov ernment will Vend to strengthen - ths Milwaukee in It 'effort to stand alone. The interstate ' commerce commission wtH probe the alleged unholy alliance between tha Union paciflo and Southern Pacific system iy which competition between them la eliminated from Pacific coaat territory, and the same commis sion will try to ascertain why the Northern Pacific-Great , Norlhern-Bur- UnxtoB nan-gerCQatlruits.Ja., a trot;; spite the order of the supreme -court dissolving it. The Minnesota . ware house commission has also taken a hand In the game by calling the Great North ern to show why It should Increase ita capital stock by a 160.000,000 Issue, an nounced to take place on January 4, Thus far no opposition has developed to the proposed increase of stock of the Northern PaclBo, which will, onJanusry T, announce a plan -of Increasing Us capital from S16S.000.00 to $260,000,000. A apeclal meeting of stockholder has been called for that data to authorise the Issue. Stockholdera of record I- oember il ara to have the right of sub scribing to $3.000.eoa of ths new stock at par. in amounts proportionate to their present holdings. Adoption of tha plan will be a signal for lining up the rival Hill and Harrlman forces to se cure the bulk of the stock offered. ' A similar contest will occur when the Milwaukee opens subscription books January It for disposal of $76,000,000 shares of new preferred. - All these stock Issues have a direct' bearing on f-the Paciflo northwest traftW'and devel opment situation. 1 The money to be realized from them la to be used largely In extensions throughout this territory. Under the arrangement for construction of the north batik line snd for Oregon and Idaho extensions'" W th "Northern Pacific, that company pay two third and the Great Kaithern one third of the coat, and tha ew Jlnea ar operated jointly. . LUMBERMEN (Continued from Page On.)' track its entire system aero the con tinent T - . " - Trala Zs Traced. "W traced a train of 49 car' from Seattle to Ellenaberg, a distance of 12 miles, and It required 20 day to make the trip. Ona car was 47 daya in cov ering the distance from Centralis, to Taroma, a distance of to miles., i "All of these things go to show that we have prepared our evidence before hand and will b prepared to win' our case when they are brought into court. We expect to hav both of tha roada In tha hands of a receiver and. If w do. we will be able to show that gross neg teet-of 1 the public Welfare b:aTrty,--yt,r-iiWcatli f 01 iiiatlon-of-tha The Great Northern own great ma jority of the stock M the Northern Pa ciflo and I would not b surprised to see the Northern securities . case dragged out to the coast." ' - -r Mr. Beckman will leave for Seattle tonight. He refused to disclose more about the receivership case for obVlou reasons. He Is very confident that the shipper will be victorious and his con- -fldenc Is well borne out by the pres- enoa In Portland of many ahlppers from Washington and Oregon who ar thor oughly aroused at the action of tha rail road and who-are in hearty accord with the method of securing relief namely, that of 'asking for a receiver. - MUSIC TO CHEER ENTOMBED f.1i;;ER Ur.0ER6R0UXD -1- Phonograph . Set to Work to :-i Brighten Buried Man's . v Hours Fed by Tube. ' rjaensal Special Service. Bakerafield, Cat, Dec . 16.- To dis tract tha mind of Hicks, the entombed miner at tha Edison works, from the seriousness of - the situation, and to save, if possible, hi reason from the terrible strain, a chonorranh has been placed over a pipe leading to. his living tomb, 41 feet belew, and day and night strains of pppular aJra' ar IranSrrilttd to him by this mesne. The rescue workers ara confident - they , will be able to reach tha burled man by Sun day, and to make hi confinement In the' heart of the earth aa comfortable aa posslbl heating apparatus lias ban prepared and draft of hot - air will be forced through the pipe to hi cav ity. He la atlll being fed , on milk, of which he consumes ysbout two gallons daily, and has been able to report that he has burrowed an opening in which he is able to alt upright. , ATTORNEY HOGE SEVERS , CONNECTION WITH BAR ineet,l ' riaixhtj ts The JoerMl.t Salem, Or., Deo. 16. A certified copy of the resignation of Martin G. Hoge of Medford a attorney - ha been re ceived, by tha clerk of the supreme court. Tha original , copy wa previ- ously filed -with the county clerk of Jsrkson county. - .- Hoge was formerly city attorney at Medford. but ia now serving a sentence In the Multnomah connty Jail for com plicity in the government land rrauda. Disbarment proceedings have? been Insti tuted sgalnst Hoge, and an -answer I 4ue from him December -, is. It was generally underftood that Hoge would resign s a member or me ore son nar soon after he wss convicted, and would not face the charge of disbarment... ... HUNDRED MEN AT WORK ON THE UNION COMPANION - gpelat ntapalrh ts The Joeraal.) - Baker City. Or- pec 16. Twenty miners from tha C'oear d' Alenes In Ida ho hava- gone out to the Union Com panion mine In tha Cornucopia camp, 0 miles east of Baker City, where they will swell the fore to 109 men. It Is the Intention of Mr. Searlea to keep that number of men busy all winter. . The era 1 rich free milling and concentrat ing. : y .. - - - SALEM MAN FALLS OFF i TRESTLE BADLY HURT (serlil Dltpatrk-i Ts lonrnat.l ''' Salem, or., Deo. 15. -A. M. Nssker, while walking on .the trestle of the Oregon Klectrlc railway on Broadway In the northern part of 'the.- city, fell through and wss seriously Injured In-J temslly. He Was In such a condition that ha could not tall how he fell nor how badly fce wa lur t-11 .waa takerl to the hom of hi father-in-lsw, H. K. Klchraond, : , Sv. ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active prmciple of every pound of Royal Baking . Powder : :'-vt- -X-- V-:-U u'.- ; v :I Hence it is that Roval Batuig Powder, renders the food remarkaSle both' for its . fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no Dhosphate which are the principal elements of the socalledcheap D&kinfir powders -and which are derived trooa txjnes, root ROVAL AKINe OW0ln 00, NIW VOKK. STANDARD OIL PROFITS FOR YEAR ARE 40,000,000 Trust Distributes Ten Per Cent . Quarterly Dividend Half Goes to John D. .'' (Journal Special Service.) New York, Dec n.-Among the 4.I0 persona who ar fortunate enough to be . tockboldepi of the . Btandari Oil company , there wa distributed today tha sum of $10,000,000, - representing a quarterly dividend of $10 'per abar. This is tha final dividend for lt0 and brings the total dividends for the year up to 40 per cent, which Is the same a mimm distribute . last vear. v in tne Standard OH company of New Jersey in mal tha enormoue total or- gsoipo. P00 haa been paid in dividends. Of this total It 1s estimated that more than $150,000,000 baa gone to John D. Rock efeller. F - ;-i-Vv . AMERICANIZED. GERMAN KAISER'S ARCH-ENEMY (Jnernal Bpeelal RerTtee.) ' -Berlin, Dec 15. The emperor ! con fident he can carry the country at the election, which will rrobably be held in January. . . Tha man of tne hour Is Bernard Perhberg, a young banker and business man who whs trained in America Pern bera led tUf antl-Cathollo branch of the relcbetag.and.atlffened the back bone of tha government -for It radical move. It Is reported that when told of the RIcfietaf aecls10n th marked: "This I a fine sort of government. I will scatter the whole tribe to tha four winds." ;- ." Wllhelm returned to tha city and conferred with Von Bulow. CALIFORNIA PROMOTION . COMMITTEE IN SESSION I , t"'' left sj rsaalg gjsw-ssi syvrs w . . r L Bsn Diego, Csl., Dec 15. Many prom inent men united by their common in terest In the- welfare -of -their state filled the ball room f tha Motel Coro nado thl morning rft the opening of the alxthnnual meeting jf the California Promotion committee. The Initial ei slon. following tha wfcoma and re sponses and the work of organisation, wis given over to a discussion of the hsrbors of California, which was se lected aa tha main theme of the con ference. The meeting conclude tonight with a banquet." for which preparation on an elaborate acala have been com pleted. The large and representative attendance gives promise of a most guccessful meeting. TRACK MEN OF UNITED: - RAjLROADS OUT AGAIN (Joorml Rperlal Senrlce.) , San Francisc-o, Dee. J. Declaring the United rallroada had broken faith, and demanding 11.50 a day, all the tracklaying gangs quit, work and marched from place to place where other gang wore employed. -Twenty-five hundred went out. - After the re cent tleup tha trackmen submitted their grievances to a joint arbitration board, which haa not yet reached a decision. The men aart that thcompany is slow tn taking up their claims, snd that they ara not being treated fairly. Tb men are now' getting $3.:5 a day. LA GRANDE COMMERCIAL . CLUBj ELECTS OFFICERS - - fSnwtit Mmteh te Tb loemal.l - I A Grande, Or., Deo. 15. The JL Orande commercial club ha elected the following officer for the ensuing yeari President. William Miller; first .vice president, V. 8. lvanlioe;,aecond vice president. Oeorge Stoddard; secretary, Turner Oliver; treasurer, T. J. flcrrnr gins; board of managers. A. V. Andrews, E. K. Dagg, John Collier, Oeorge I Cleaver. J. B. Ollhatn, P. I Myera, Dr. F. K. Moors, Turner Oliver and J. D. BUter. . ' " ' - ' Qioose Dr-Gravcsr Toolli Powder pentists say "It is the besflen tifice and antiseptic in the world for the teeth and gums leaves the enamel- white and gleaming; also leaves a delicious after, taste," hamdy.aasral was '' V . - ana sujpnunc acia. SAYS HIS WIFE STOLE HIS UNDERWEAR AND FARM - Seattle Man Comes Out of Hos pital to Rnd Spouse Cone ' 1 With His Property. " 7. (gpeetal DUpatrh te Tb Journal.) Seattle, Wash., Dec. 15 Charged with having takea advantage of her hua band'e confinement-In. the hospital-Jo steal a suit of underclothes, a et of tool, tit in money and a farm, Mrs. Minnie Blocker 1 wanted by the eounty officers. -Her husband, .C. & Blocker, l.Ua filed the complaint 4n Judge Davis' court charging hi wife with the theft of- underclothes, tha tools-and the money. , The further complaint . that aha sold' his" farm for 12,400 and mads off with the money will be filed Ithi afternoon. j .. ' . 1 blockor Is a man of BO year of age. He think (that hi wlf intended to !eave town with another man. For evercl weekBlQCk'erwa tnth h'oa pltal suffering from a disease that haa troubled him for aom time. When he recovered and was discharged aa cured he went to hi home only to find that he wa a grass widower and pennllea. . APPROVAL OF VALE ; ; ; BANKS APPLICATION Apeeial Pltpatck te Tbe Joamal. ' " Waahinston. D. C Dec. 15. The ap plication &t It. Tr. 81mpson,-Joh Ennls, W. R. Wllkersonj X P. Dunaway. H. R Ennls and 3. "T. Morrison to, organise tthrTTraTNKtlgliarTiansrTif Vlw,-Oregon;1- haa-been-approved by tha comptroller of the currency. Tbe J. . T. Morrison named 1 ex-Oovernor Morrison of Idaha COURT-MARTIAL FOR. . OFFICERS OF NEGROES ' " (Joomal Special Bervlre.) "Wahrngton( D. C- Dec. It. Th war department haa announced that Major Penros and Captain Macun oi tne Twenty-fifth infantry battalion that was - discharged by- the president, will ba-court-martialed aa a reeult of the rioting at Brownavllle, Teaa. -).'.. . .Burn Mason mold Hectlon- (Speelal Dtapatck to The Joarael.) ' Burns, Or., Dec It. Burns lodge No. IT, A. P. and A. M., haa elected tha fol lowing officer for the enaulng year: I. a (Jeer, W. M.: 1. 8 warts. 8. W.; Sam Motherahead. J. W.; A. C Welcome, secretary; J. C .Weleoma Br.; treasurer; J. & logan. tyler. Installation will be held Jfocember it. . .. .; , .-. Off loer of Sylvia Zodg. , (gpectal Dlatrk te Tha Jonrnl. Baker Oity, Or Dee, IS. Sylvia lodge R. D.. No. 43, I. O. O. V., baa elected the following offloers: N. O-r Alice Klngr V. O., Ella Motherahead; - secre tary, Mrs. Robert Irving; .financial sec retary, F. O. Jackson; treasurer, J.M, Dalton. ' ' V VI WW GOAL niNES ARE iLf,lEDIOW- Local Dealers Lay Responsibility . v" for Coal Famine at V : V Their Door. FIGHTING RAILROADS - ' rr rcr inuuriDirc 'A Result I Dearth of Coal in Portland and Other ' Northwestern Citie. and. Advance la Price of . Fuef , Relief Must' Come Soon. . That . tha. coal mine, specially of Wyoming, are directly responsible for tha present fuel famine In Portland and throughout tha atata of. Oregon, and Washington., 1 tha opinion of soma of the prominent fuel dealers of tha tlty. But the dealers, do not bellev that the mlneowner .are holding their coal for tha purpose of boosting the price but la order to fore from the 'railroads a reduction In tba high tariff of tt a ton which now prevails. , N While tha present famine conditions In tha local market ara not looked upon wlh any great degree- of complaJsanc by tha dealers, at tha same time they ar not anticipating any absolute dearth of coal,, although admitting that what foreign coal is now in tha market la held at such high price to tbe dealers aa to practically, shut It out-, of the selling list except in cases where, it absolutely ha to ba used. . , Xlnea Sua TnU Bteat. ' Tha Wyoming mlnea are said to be running full - blast and are piling up coal on the dump at the rate of sev eral thousand ton per day. It 1 ar gued that tha, mlnea will not long be able to follow thie policy and If it la true aa supposed that tha mlnea ar fighting with tha rallroada for lower rate the strif will hsve to be ended in a short time, and will ba by the ship ment of coal whetber any tariff reduc tion ia mad or not. "In my opinion..' aa Id M. R...Van Horn of the Star. Coal company, thla morning, th present agitation la mora of a acar than otherwise; It 1 true hat the price of coal la too high, so high" in fact ar-tcr-b practically .out of the market. There la, Austrsllan coal In the city, however, and more con algnmenta are coming and Will be here In a ahort time. . - ---'Tha Wyoming mines ar running full tlm and it will be but a ahort tima urrtfl -they are forced to ship. It ia not a question of car shortage, in my mind, but of some difference between the mine-, and tha - ratlroadg oyer rates. There ara plenty of cara which could ba used but the tarlffa charged are ao high aa to take all the profit away from Ita handling. It la my opinion there fore that the mlnea ara trying to bear down- the -freight TateButthey can not hold out on that program for very long and I think' Portland will hav plenty of coal by a short time after the holidays at the longest," . - Other dealer ar of the same opinion, though some ara not so optimistic. ' All think th present condition, are ' -rloua but hopa,-for' relief by or' oon after the en of the year. v DEMURRERS IN GRAFT W CASE OF NICHOLAS (Joernal Bfieelal Bervlee.l gan Franalsrn, Ieo. 18. Demurrera were filed today in tha cases of Super visor Nicholas, Indicted on a charge of accepting a bribe, and ' P. M. , Duffy, charged with perjury In connection with the aame case. . The demurrers are based on the 'ground that the indict ments are not technically correct It la alleged that Grand Juror Wis had previously aerved on another Jury with in a year. -The hearing . waa set for Thursday. . . , j - 1 J NORWEGIAN ROYALTIES GUESTS 0FTHE KAISER Ljt. ,- ... - i -tJooTBst Speetit tervtec.) $ Berlin, Dee. 15. The emperor today received King- Haakon, Queea Maud and Prince Olaf .at Potsdam. Festivities are planned. They royal Couplea will attend church together. Sunday. FOUR INCHES OF SNOW V - OVER GILLIAM COUNTY . 1 1 1 - - ' PlapatH) to The Journal.) . Arlington, Or., Dee. 15. Four Inches of snow He all over this county, the weather la calm and the thermometer at JS degrees. Indication ar for . more snow. . ..j. .:;. . .' wreferred Stock Canned Oood. Allen tt Iewis' Beet. Brand. A Delightful Christmas Pres ; ent for Wife and Children ONE OF THE REED-FRENCH'S BEAU TIFUL LITTLE BIJOU PIANOS FOR 9 100; YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PAY- . , MENTS ANY. TIME IN-JANUARY-FIVE DOLLAR3 A MONTH. ." ' Becan?'-this piano U being sold .fo? flOO does not mean it is alt it 1 worth ; the fact i, it ia as rhuch a three-hundred- dollar piano at any piano you can find at that price in a retail store the only differ ence is we sell it in a different way. - We make pianos, and we sell them that, is why we tav you money. v REED-FRENCH PIANO MANUFACTURING CO,, 4 . - "From Maker to Player." SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS. . Don't forget our rhonograph Department, it is completely stocked, y We will extend , you every courtesy you may pay for . , phonograph by the month. , "' ' '" - "'"" "'" Tonight. yvV 'il 9 jr.ivi, Dollys Set -n Consisting of Bed, Table, Arm Chair and Arm Rocker, .made ; q solid oak ' and finished weathered. ; . '-: Regular . Price -$1.2S A xxzssrixxx&s:zzzzzxssxx NO SOLDIERS TO BE --;l SENTT0 THE ISLANDS (Josraal gpeelal Berries.) Waahlnatajv. Deceit. The war de partment denies emphatically that there lajuv j truth in tha atory printed at Ban Franclaco that v tb" gwrernment would end two regiment to th Ha waiian islands to thwart, the Japanese. - 1 - - " ' v v ; Oermam Elections faaaary SB. t - . (Jmsraal Boecial get tl. I i wiin Tun 1fc-It la orHrlallv an- nowiced today that the election will h hel Januarv iS; , V . , ' e- ss -f! w ks nnrr r nnnziiisnminBtnzxaWiaKRZzzzzxzBnxxxzzzKm fOTGHlLDREN'S CORNER BJTJTSsnris. BOOKS In 'exquisite binding and llluatratloa at trifling - 1... T Am im 1 1 . h 11 tn iMnd mn hnnr Uviklna tham ttver. OTjrm SPZOIAX TAXXJI devoted toy booka la moat intereattng. v - ? The J K. GILL CO., 3rd and Alder Sis. g . , 0Mrt UJ xrgest Booksener and Stationer U OrgB. 'HsziaazzzzzziZaTOzzzazaazzzzzzzzzszzzzzzzzx 'A most useful, present is one " of our SHOE ORDERS V'.V '" calling for-' pair of the celebrated - ; y . F far k vrri-ki-Tk T,.-irarrrT' I HSI at 1 1 ill lllr I ll'lil'll YllllU r The greatest value-ever offered. Shoes purchased for gifts can be exchanged if they do not fit ;" R O S B N T H A L. S J J4?;TinRDSTaJ0R,TMND'S. BEST SHOE STORE Sp: ciai -rrrv B-rrn v j.w 9 r. H J- , 11 ; -Regular 7 Price; ' A A .j' t .1 J 0 1 IVV H H ibzxkszsszzs: , - Sarvloe for the Taaaa. , ' . a Jotn-BiI Boeelat Bervlee.) ' Hampton Roada, Va., Dec. IS. In the : presence of - tb Tennessee delegation, . guasU-and-offlcera and orew-of the -new cruiser Tennessee, Oovernor Cog todsv presented to that vesselin the N name of the people of Tnne a mag--- nlflcent silver eervlce of 0 pieces. iretr Cure tot BpUspey. ,' J. B. Waterman of Watertown. O., Rural free delivery, writ: "ty daugh ter, afflicted for yeara with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King a New Life Pills. She ha not hsd an attack for ever two ycara." Bet body eleanaer and life giving tonic pllla on earth, tie M Red Cross Pharmacy drug store. exclusively to the old-faahloned linen ... . "' 4 ... . If a r For Which we are sole agents for - Portland.;' Our 'assort-v metg of Holiday Slippers is - most complete, , ranging in price irom .75 up. .. Spe- cial attention is called to our SATIN QUILTED SUPPERS FOR LADIES AT ? 00 a Pair HananShoes. 1 sn to enca. Dr Graves1 Tcdh Ponder Co. 1 7V- "- ",- 4 ...... .. . .. . . J ,,4