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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
i mjj. -Li i- u i a-U-i l-j i-iLi -J- . r . ... V-V t T J. : V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER '18, 1803. 18 New ABuildinRs": RapidlyV Neatyng CompletipnManyt Residences wwniinyi f iff jWw.'. . ;:; Going Up in tvery ran oi tuy-ruDurDan uisrricts snowing . :: Renewed Activity East Side1 Awakening to Its Importance ; t , V While the rain of ,?lie pant te'nki ha checked to tonxi extent the' building - aiHIvltjr,- It has out .seriously interfered with the progress of those bulldlns-s el ! reedr under way. - rroatecUve builders ' and contractor are holding off In th '. matter of starting- new buildings, waiting- for the weather conditlona Jto be come more favorable.' All the large of TW and business blocks . under con struction with one -tr two exception ' are walled In and roofed oyer, and rood . progress i being made on the Interior "finishing work, v ' '. The walla of, the seven-story Swet lan.l structure, at Fifth and Washing ' . ton are up, and a temporary roof la on. '"three of the storerooms are already. oo ' cuoled bv bualneaa concerns and the "remaining ground floor room axe nearly ready for the waiting tenants. Finish ing "work- onthe frtx -uraer- stories" in ' bring . pushed ahead with all possible i.-r " V !."- ' , j.' . -- I 1 3 Lai ll ., a I I " i Residences of Ernest Kroner and W. :MacadamrRoad.- -- speed, as the owner Is anxious that the lessees shall not b Inconvenienced any longer than absolutely necessary The Buchanan building adjoining the Swot land house Is rapidly ncsrlng, comple tion. ' ' . .' -v' ! ' - Falling building t Fifth and Alder, Which has been leased to ' the Tloneymun Hardware' company,' is rap- Idly aasuming proportions and will be ready for ocupancy In a few weeks. The eighth story of the steel frame of the I.-"rb.t-bL0i:,t. 1"h and. '?l?n.8?C7?l vv, " nwHKiwi v ,. lemalning two stories of the steel con struction In place by January 1. - , The walla and Iron beams of the first storr of the Acheson building, on Fifth oeiweeo Jiiaer ana Morrison, are up. , , Oa tks Bast id. 5 ' " The concrete- plies of the Mitchell, . Lewis & Stawr warehouse on Kast Mor rison street hare all been driven,: after : many annoying and expensive delays. :r. The ' work was done 'by " the "TVestern Concrete Pile Koundatlon company. T"ThirTulTdlng till be the first struc ' - ture in Portland to rest on a founda- - tion of .concrete piling. J ts -dimensions - will be 190x200 feet, four stories in , height 'with a baaement. - The contract -for the general construction has Ix-an iarded to W. W. Wallaoe. - John Blg- - - - ikrn has the contract for tl)e brick and . ; : cement work. Conatractor Blgham has . ; a force of men at work capping the , . piers and aettlng the concrete footings . . to carry the central weight of the struc ture, .The building will be ready for . , occupancy about May 1. : The Mitchell,' " Xewis A Staver company will not aban , dan its present quartern at First and : Taylor - streets, but -will-use-the- new building on. Kast Morrison-principally I warehouse.' while the main aales j room will remain at,' First and Taylor, ..-.w - -Tlo Beck Investment company hos -. - - begun excavating for the foundation of -lli new Beck bulging at-Seventh-and Oak streets. TJr Concrete Oohstruo- tlon company haa the contract for the , , axcavatlon, and also to put io the heavy '. concrete retaining walls. . . It is estl- - mated, that the work of lUltng the steel j frame will begin In about six weeks. ; Vlth the extension of , Oak street' through to Burnsldn. and the comple. Hon of the Commercial club, board of trade end Beck buildings, thst street - will become one of the most important ' thoroughfares In th city. 11. C. Campbell and C F. fiwlgert who. together with It. L.' Ilolbrook, re ' cently purchased ISO acres near Llnn V ' -ton. having a frontage of z.SOO feet on V - tn 'Willamette, bave organised a com pany for the manufacture of denature Ised alcohol and will erect a plant for that purpose on their Unnton tract The land cost about $0,00. and Messrs. ;. Campbell and Swlgert contemplate ex , pending a like sum en their alcohol . plant. Work of constructing the build Inge will begin In the early spring. The Itaecollth company Is laying'lts . . floor composition on the floor of the upper" story of the Sherlock building ' 'sJ yd-iMdarn"'!'11'' t" . pany has the contract tor laying the PINEHURST, t xowv, a atom. These lots are all high, sightly, level, cleared end splendid soli. , . ' BACK IOT PXOTZBBB WXTX OOOD PTTBB VTATEB, ,,Tha newest and beet add ftlon on the Mount Scott ear line; IS min ute car service, S cent fare to any pert of ths city. -Splendid school, tel ephones, stores and businesses of different kinds within, a few blocks of this addition. , . . PINEHURST - . xs rn run to osx a boms, abb bow is tscb timb, . Stop paying rent, beautify your own home and reap the reward of ad vanning values. , . ftk Mount Boot ear to tents, go groaaas srery aaaoay for tae remataAsr ef th year. COT OVT TXXS it Is Good Whlrh tmoimt ni be illowcd an IN PI N EH U RST if presented at the offica of 0. L, Webb, SS0 East Washington street, between now and the cloee of the year. Phone Eaat 111. Call At the Office jmd floors and wstnsrbttng at the corner of Sixth and Davis streets. . , .vr:7;Vs ? undervalued s rortlaaa sVealty Wot .Bringing Boom rrtoaa. Bay experts. That Portland real esjate, is very much undervalued, when compared with realty , values In other Paclflo coast cities, ia generally admitted by careful observers. ' Extreme conservatism haa ever been, the rule among local realty dealers, and property haa been worth much more than It was popularly thought to be. It has alwaya been the boast of Portland residents that such a thing aa a speculative boom has never been known here. . i ' ,i -A careful analgia .nt JsrtUnd sJbusl- ness Interests, population, end other ele- 1 rlUM 4 W. Emmons, Hamilton avenue and ments that make for the upbuilding of a great city, proves conclusively ' that property might double la value here and yet be under what la "elsewhere consld ereJTconservatlve. Every kind and char actor of realty lh Portland. ' from the moat valuable Waahlngton atreet busi ness corner to the cheapest remote sub urban residence lot, Is - far under the sale Values of - either Seattle .' or Log Angeles.; t v . c The comparative cheapness of Port lahd real estate Is attracting caoltaltats 'from those cities jind- elwewhere. finding It dlflicuirwakenriurTOrn In their home towni hv nnm tn Tnrt. land to pick up some of the good things that are tor be found on every street corner.- Scarcely a day passes that the 7-s J . 1 !ai.:Brt m .Li -j..- a. w W-a & eW I er- vjf mr ' " jl III ' W Residence of E. A. Sessions, Bancroft street and Macadam road, ' South :r:T;.:;:-vr Portland. ' ;-' " ' - QUARRYiFIGHT-IS COflTINUED South Portland People Are De termined to Prevent Per- , . V- mit for Blasting ' ' Aw the climax of the remonatrance of South Portland peoplo - against the quarry at Fourth and Orover ' streets. Councilman Balding and E. E. Merges, lawyer, exchanged sharp words ysster- day before the street ooi counclt ! LotH $4 to $198 three blocks sonth. . Agent oa tks OOUPOB. V. for $4.00 th. r.h..J r.i t .-r .... Qeta Plat of P1NIU.URST announcement la not made of en out' aide investor taking over a good busi ness sits or a choice tract of near-ln acreage, out of Which be is practically certain .to make a handsome profit in a short time. Two .Los Angeles In vestora, who recently bought a Wash lug ton street lot. at a price considered rather stiff by the selling agent, are eluted over their purchase. In talking about their purchase, one of the buyers said: , -. We shalf sell that 'lot In less than one year : for profit of not , less than 1A r,r unl , What Judge Oeorge Says. . Judge M. C. George, known through, out Oregon for his sound, conservative judgment, has the following to say in a recently published article on "Port land - Realty;" . i "Seemingly, without reading the plain signs ef the we have been afraid of the firmness of the very ground upon which we were walking, living and prospering.- Others have all along had more faith In Port land realty than wet It Is estimated that one outalde Spokane man, who started our ball rolling for us, haa al ready reaped, a half million profit out of an investment of about one million. Some people say that land Is worth what It- wilt bring, but my experience is thst In growing cities it Is always worth much morr. Land In a growing city is solidity Itself. The development of the whole business Interests of the county makes centers of buslness-y-or ' local points for energies of vast numbers of people, steadily increase in value. - However, the great body of as are not possessed of the keen sense for busi ness prospects ar money making oppor tunities, and most of us are like a man riding tn a cart backward, who sees nothing until he passes it. Everybody sees- progressmsnt of values now. and there never was any good-reason why It could not easily have been foreseen with eye of reason. I am glad to say that for years I have advised neoi , many of them to. buy homes and to Invest In Portland. Buy now judic iously of course but buy.".1 .;. . '" BUILDS BIG MILL Bridal Tell ' umbering ijompaxy ,o Erect Mammoth One.," The Bridal Veil . Lumbering company of Bridal Veil, miles east of Port land on the O. R A N.. has begun the erection .of the most substantial- mill plant-en the Paclflo coast, Marshall Bros, of 'Portland drew the plans and will construct the plant. ' TJra -mnln building . Will be 800 feet deep. . The walls are to be of follow concrete bricks, rendering the structure prac tically fireproof. The foundation will ra of .reinforced concrete.1 ' . The building will contain the planing mill, bollor and engine rooms,' black smith shop, shaving bin and . In fact everything periaTnlrir to A mill excep the sawing shed. ' The plant will be quipped with a ISO-horsepower Atlas engtue and a double battery of boilers. The planer will be large" enough to ma 4 Four - score people, nearly . half - of them women, came In a body to ask that a permit to blast be not Issued to the Portland Rock company, which haa opened the quarry close to the residence idistrlct. : The women told of the effects of the trial blast Thursday upon their homes, and the men declared how much their property would depreciate In value If the quarry - was opened., 'Councilman Brldlng, tn whose ward is ths proposed anarry, attended the meeting and at this Juncture arose. , -: "I am informed thst there is a good deal back of this," said he. ' "Certain officials -of the O. R. A N company, which owns the land, have made a doal fO that-"- ,'. : , "I 'want to say before you go any farther that that statement . la abso lutely false," criod Merges, one of the promoters of the company. Jumping to his feet apparently -to . ward off some mlttes. "That Is false and I will hold you personally responsible for It, Mr. Beldlng." . . ; - . "Well, I'm Informed by men I'd just as soon believe as yon," .retorted the councilman. ' , , . - ' ., . - ' ' ' Arf-aAent Is CHosed. v 1 ' Masters, who n ' ths sbsence of Vaughn was acting as chairman of ths committee, closed thi nrrwnt Ii" M. Ing Beldlng that only evidence on the damage to property was wanted. ; Beldlng says he lias been told that the O. K. A N. officials In chares of the department handling - these ' hillside lands are Interested in the quarry com pany. ' Accompanied by : several other remonstrators. he left the city hall yes terday to go directly to Manager O'Brien. among fhos -"who" made lrong pro teats wero W. Uols. F...Ounsdrf. Tr. O. P. 8. Plummer, A. F. Smith, represent ing the largest property-owners In the vicinity; B. F. Jones, Mrs. Mary Mooney and a number of others. C. F.- Bchns bel appeared as their attorney, He Is much Incensed because of ths rumors set afloat that a share of stock In the company had been given htm to bend Lnff thaJnn(rtrnceIIe.jn"desjtlgxttt. nus protest against the Statements of Merges, showing Mm wrong by ths tes timony of other witnesses. - Merges de clared that other quarries were In oper ation but S00 feet away and in a much more exposed position, i . . , Councilman Menifee, a member rif the committee, put an end to the dis cussion by asking for further time, s he had been usable to Inspect the quarry I rtlV.-tsT: ileal Pt "llljl ..jjj.'jstilssg'agjansg handle sticks of almost any dimensions, from an lsxto-lnch beam diyvn.- The complete Investment will callfor an outlay "of about ' 1250.000 "and wlir"be ready , to begin operations In about six months. The oompany's sawmill la located at Palmer on top of the mountain ' about four miles from Bridal Veil. ... A portion of the stream that fails over the moun tain and makes Bridal Veil falls is turned into a flume at the sawmill and the sawedMamber ,1s flu mod down to the planers on the-O. R. A. N. track. The Bridal Veil company ' make a specialty of larch lumber. - which Is being so' largely ' used in the last few years for Interior finishing. mows GRownr Building Inspector's Statistics Bevea! , Portland's Bapld Advanoe. v. The truest index of Portland's re markable growth in the past six years is found tn the continuous and heavy Increase In the number and value of building; permits Issued from the office of the building Inspector. . For the year 1900 there were but 291 permits Issued for buildings valued at 1944,985. while Io the first 11 months .of thaprrsent year Z,S7S permits were Issued, carting for the construction of buildings valued at more' than -,S00;00. - - . The following table shows the num ber and value ef permits Issued, from 1900 to and Inclusive of the arrst 11 months of 1906: 1900 .................. S91 1901 745 1901 ,.... 1.244 1903 ,. 1,021! 1904 ...'1.7S1 1905 3.817 190 (11 month)- ......2,971 . 944,95 , 1.S20.14S . 8,730,660 4,i81,0&8 4.06M71 4.178.94S 1,069.800 VAULTS IN WALLS' Should Be One In Bvery Oonerete Sase .' "vaimt. Bays' seals.' , . A prominent east- side, real : estate dealer offers the following; valuable, sug gestion," which --was recently published in the Dally Abstract; .' "If 1 were going to erect a building Tsjte when the other members went out In the face of the. tremendous protest that has been made It aeems Improbable that the committee will authorise the city, engineer to issue the permit..'- v WILL OF MRS. HAAG - ' ' " ADMITTED TO PROBATE . The will of Mrs. Frlodertke Haag, who died In this clty'last Monday, was ad mitted to probate by Judg - Webster in '.-the oounty, court yestorday. 'The oeceused left property valued at $1,300. By .the terms of. the will $5 each Is left to two children WllllR.m O. Haag and Christina Rubley; to Oottlob F, Haag, a son. Is bequeathed 1400 and all the Jewrlry and household eftectss .1100 'a given to the Second German- Baptist church of this city; fZi to Mra Kath arine Thelson of St.- Paul.'.' Minnesota.: tT,V tarTtty.Ti udurli X Bueeimsn of PoTttT land; ISO to Mrsc Maria Eckert and 175 Is to be used by the .executors to erect a tombstone. - All the-remainder of the property'' Is to be divided equally - be tween William,- Emma, Frlederike i and Sophie linage grandchildren of the tes tatrix. Rev. Bueerman and Oottlob Haag are named executors. ' Is frse from harmful ele ments.' Its alkalinity de stroys mouth acid germs. . It permeates the entire tooth and mouth structure with its healthy fragrance. A tonic to the gums. SOZODONT istan article of merit. Its popularity of sixty years will attest to that. - ' Remember SOZODONT. II ; i Group of Reaidences at Eleventh and with concrete basement and foundation wall I should have a small vault con structed in the wall. In thla I would place all valuable papers, especlaliy sucb aa related to Hhe title. of real estate. As It now la, many people' leave their deeds for record at the courthouse and after that neglect to tske care of them. Supposing the oounty records should be destroyed and deeds - and - mortgages would 1kewls be lost. . A little fore thought .would perhaps prsvent . vexa tious complications in the future." v "y PLANS COMPLETE S. Thompson ' to Bulla BUgnlfloent i Besldepoe QBLHely htsj. - Plane for the new Portland Heights home of E. I Thompson, of Hartman 4k Thompson, bave been completed by the architectural firm of Bennesv Hen dricks A Tobey. 'The sKe of the real- NEW One New 5-Roorn Cottage, "- Terms. - - . une ' incw o-xtoom . nouse, -' Terms. " - I have jtist completed three four-room modern homes; they are all within 200 feet of the car -, line; no shanties allowed in this addition ; they h,ave porcelain bath tubs, patent. toilet and every thing first class; nice shade trees in the yard. These 'new homes I have built myself and can sell them cheap. I have, other1 to sell, prices from $600 up. Lots and acreage cheap. Some 1. lots four blocks from car line for $90, $5 down and $5 per. month. See me, JOE NASH, the . owner, at .Millard. Avenue, Nashville Addition, on Mount Scott car line. -k:- -i J.: 4 ami it. ; : ;: : ?" 'r: -r- ::V:-r W h ,- '. -v-"-' - v:-i i - ' ' . ,. '.. , " ., ' '-v ' -. ... .- . - ( r The Oregon Land arid Water Co. ; ",'t',"'t"" : Wishes to call your, attention to their FruiLands now being - Vsold and planted to orchards;- ; . 'f. 'i:- , : v"A syndicate is being fdrmed and will plant a 200-acre peach; " orchard that will be one of the finest in Oregon or on the Pacific : Coast. . - ..y;'-'-'"-"'-''- '1'": -' V: wrae ana see .1 - TEE; TITLE'CGIOIMMTEE 240 Collega Streets. Owned by T, C Allison. ' denoe commands one of the finest views to be found around Portland. ' It com prises about jpne. acre, at the . bead of Carter street, facing east "on Twenty first, and Is 2-feet above the street level and 800 feet above ana level, with an unobstructed view of 'all the snow capped peaks. The site Is covered with beautiful fir and maple trees, most of which will be preserved. . ' The residence will be a three-story structure, with basement, and will con tain Is full-slstd rooms. The wlole lower floor will be finished In hardwood, with wood cornice, beams and paneled walls, 'and silk tapestries above the paneled walnscoatlng. ' The reception hall and drawing-room vWI be finished In. white enamel and gold, silk tapestry. Ths living -and dining-rooms are to be finished in quarter-sawed . oak, with silk tapestry Vbove the paneling. - The tapestry in the dining-room will depict a hunting scene. There are to be three tile-floored and watnscoated bathrooms. MODERN HOUSES ; ?l,300-Easy - One -New, 7-Room . House. 91,S00- Easy Terms. ' One JNew 9-Room House. 1,900 Cash.' i., 4 o-taay ri ; . . . I - ' ' OF " " Irrigorii Oregon . . .- ' ' . " - -, . ' C. " liliilii us ana secure lu acres tor yourseit. - 244 WASHINGTON STREET' 7 V Oft each bedroom will be separata dres ing-rooma. with dressers built In. the second floor will be a. large open-a oleeplng-robm,rir oy- 10. --A - steel vaull for jewelry and other valuables is be built in the walls of the second ston The staircase Is to be of red birch, an will be the handsomest thing of It kind in Portland. - Thera are to be tw eight-foot fireplaces, that will be heate. with fuel1 gas. The building will b heated - throughout with - a - hot wate plant.- ' V .. .... . - The architectural design J strlctl classic, plain and massive. Mr. Thomp son estimates that, his residenca ,'wll cost from (16.000 to tlO.000. , The eon tracts tor the- erection have been lei as follows! Carpenter work, Fran' Swobada; rniaOn''"' wuw,- Buckler; plumbing, Williams A Beggs painting. Martin Settler; plastering John O'Hare. It Is thought that abou 12 months will be required in tha build ing of the house. . V y . -' -. - - '- , ,. T. .. ... Vvv-- .,' J .- A- .I .