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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1906. 13 OFFERED RELEASE TO lMvT: Adams" Mother of Maud Adams, Willing to Give ' " Up Fiance to Another, V FEELS ONLY PITY FOR 1 . ; r , BROWN'S MURDERESS Wplnly, Tells Story of Her ...Re- mance -and. Her Grief Thought It His Highest Duty to Make Amends to Wronged Woman. t (Journal Special Ser-lee.i New Vprk. I)eo J I. "I wrote Senator Brown on the day of his death absolving him from all obligations to mt It he could brighten Mrs. Bradley's clouded life.- I told him that I was willing to aerifies my own happiness If he fnlt that he owed a duty to her," tearfully . exclaimed Mrs. Annie Adams, mother of P Maud .Adams,-th actress, at her hotel last night as she weeplngly told the ; story of her romance and her grief over ths death of ea-Senator Arthur Brown of Utah, who was killed' by Mr a. Anna ..Bradley at a Washington hotel because . he would not wed hsr. ; -1 -. - Ms a rest Sacrifice. ' '' The latter referred to Is now' In the hands of Daniel Baker, the United ' States district attorney. The letter be gan "Dear Heart." It was a letter ex pressing the writer's deep affection and ' else .the spirit of renunciation. It showed that Mrs. Adams had risen to the height of giving sip the man whom aha loved for the saks of ths unhappy woman he bad wronged, and it seemed her ruling motive that he might do that which she was at last persuaded was his highest duty. . r "In one of the senator's letters he had said: i want you to see with my own eyes, hear with my eara,-htte with my hate and love with my love.' " said Mrs. Adams. . . ' . ,' - ' ', Ootid STo State. ' In one of my last letters to htm, one which doubtless hs had received Just before the shooting, and the sight of ' which may have driven the unhappy 1 woman to her terrible act, I said, 'It ' will be easy to leara to see with your eyes and to love with your love, but hats has never been a oomponent of my na ture. Love Is more powerful, but in '. time I may oome to take your view of 'some persona,' even Tof that, unhappy woman.". " . Mrs.. Adams burst Into fresh tears at the recollection and said: "To think that I am the eause of his death!" ... -v- FOREST GROVE MOVES TO :CARE FOR.THE BOYS vide Pure (nd Whole v some Amusements. ---- (Spedel Dtaoetck tv The, Joernal.) .i -Forest Orove, Or Dec. IS A rousing ' meeting of the young men of the 4owa t -vas hold last night at the publlo library at the call of the Boys' club committee, for-the- purpose of organising a club for the young men of Forest Orove. - presented to ths assembly the plan which had been drawn up by Mayor Pe terson, Profreeor Brldwsll and ' Mes dames H B. Williams and' Shannon, the committee from the Clvlo Improvement ' society. :..... , The scheme Is to rent the Cadwell store buildings and thoroughly equip ' them with punching bags, shower baths, ' loxlng gloves,, clubs, bars, pool Ubles : and other' gymnaetlo apparatus, and with desk and club stationery. . . Mrs. H K. Williams, who was pointed to soUolt subscriptions, been doing splendid work among has the business men and Is very optlmistlo . over the outlook. ' "The clubhouse will be furnished and everything ready for the boys by the first W January,"-she eald last night .as citliens are contributing very lib erally and success Is assured." Rollo J'eterson. Art. Capias, H. Bald 1 win, Harry Olltner and J. T. Buxton . vere elected by the assembly to act . . with the original committee for the . pnrpose of drawing up a constitution K and by-laws. -v This scheme was originally proposed ' by" the Clvlo Improvement society to - keep the boys .out of questionable di versions. ' .,'' 1 NEW COMPANIES THAT HAVE FILED ARTICLES i . .'CV' - -v - ' ' (Rpeclel Dl'petrh to Tbe Inaraal.) .' v.- Balem. OrH Dec It. Articles of- In '' corporation have been filed aa follows with the secretary of states Hood River Fruit Growers' Supply t. Woodworth, Seneca F. Fouts; main Office. Hood Riven capital stock, $S,000. Wilbur Machine Works, Incorporators, . R.--W. Wilbur, H. W. Hogue and A. ' nemlng; principal office, Portland; cap. jtal stock. $5,000. v . tliile se i Itsj jimS gsmgiSlfc gfrtm ' sTi tllglfir porators. W. S. Tucker, I C, McCoy end If. V. Welder; capital stock, $100,000; principal office, Portland. ' ZodlaO Mining company, ; Incorpora tors., CIL ChancN R. I Nelll and T. : II.' Dunphy:' principal office, Bumpter; capital stock, f 1,000,000. . Bankers' fc Merchants' Mutual Fire " Relief association. Forest Orove; direc tors. T. W. - Haines. R. H. Qreer. W. II. Hollls, A. 8. Hendricks, F. A. Wat rous end F. ta. Trulllnger; no capital is stipulated. ' - : The North Bend Commercial club of North Bond, Incorporators. E. K. Jones, John H. Diers and W, R. Haines; capi tal stock, 11,000. -. ilnld's Tourist turau; Ineorporators, Km II Held. Horton Held and W. R. McDowell; main office Portland; capi tal stock. $10.000.. ' : -. German! Land A Improvement com pany -of Oregon; lneorporatora, J. Frank porter, John Beneke, C. 1 Erkbart and Charles J 8:hnabel; male office, Port land; capital etocki 19,009. , ' JACKSONVILLE! SCHOOL ' ' DESTROYED BY FIRE TfCDi,t.rUl.p Ml t- Ttt -J6ert t " Jacksonville. Or.- Dec, IS. The public school building, hers burned down early yesterday. The building was completed two years sgo. The loss Is 116,000, with 110,000 Insurshne. The fire was probably of Incendiary origin. PRINCESS AND PRINCE TO WED LOVER : ( ) b, : J - 4 I k .-. " 1 t .- , 4 I if"' " - Photographs of Princess Loulaa ol rtance (Orleans) and Prince Charles r ot Bourbon. They are reported engaged, and their marriage both be ing beloved by the Spanish peoplewould mean a menace to Queen Ena, who is by no means a favorite In Spain.' J '" , BAKER COUNTY COURT SAVES PEOPLE'S MONEY Baker City. Or, Dee. IS. That the af fairs of Baker county are being con ducted . more judiciously and econom ically under the present Administration than they have ever been conducted be fore Is shown by the records at the courthouse, which bear witness to ths fact that the month of November last year cost Baker county pearly $1,000 more than It has this year. For It years one county court held office In Baker eounty. professing Dam oc ratio faith, but appointing Republican road supervisors snd building up a ma chine that was solid. ' ; An Independent Democrat, Judge Mes slck, entered the field lest spring and We Cure W Our. Pee Only $IO.OO ; In Any Uncomplicated Case ULCERS HYDROCELE v . BLOOD DISEASES i . LlYARICQCELF. SKIN DISEASES PROSTATIC TROUBLES We are Specialists for Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN and MEN ONLY. OUR TREATMENT thoroughly searches out these troublesome diseases, puri fies and renews the blood, strengthens and invigorates the nervous system and restores the patient to sound and perfect health. And, furthermore, . we have such firm confidence in OUR NEW METHODS and TREATMENT that we are willing tS cure our patients under an ABSOLUTE VARICOCELE IWe eure thle disease without operation or ligature, arid tinder -our treatment the congested condition soon disappears, ths parts are restored to their natural con dition, vigor and strength, and circulation is reestab lished. ' v . .. .-',.. STRICTURE ' . We eure stricture without the knife by an applica tion which' acte directly , on the parts affected, d I s ' solving tha stricture completely. Our treatment is painless and In nowise Interferes with your business auties. Aente-aad OaroaJo Dischargee, vli.r Ooaonrhoea, rroetatte Diseases, cured method known, injurious to the system In no way. shape or forms but, on the and the niaeasea pun returns 10 a WBITS if you cannot call u cannot can All l CKAJtoa TO CUBES OKXT. We do o exvaot pay for oar serrleeg unless we eure a patient eouad .and wailr a 4sb hawU b aMrly-sfsftt. sad -will esvar Sfsln have to ha traatad for tbe same trouble. UtTKSTtOATB AMD X.KAmsT TW AT OVM SOlil MAtOOOD At OVS lOID. . OVM rrSTAHCIAI. STAHDI1KJ .j roupasb ou X.OVO-wrsitTtiica iw tsbatibto sfkciat. dibeabbs or MLca ursoAXS too or MODKSItj SCIXB1TITIO TUiTHtIT TUT VIU AOCOWUBI A CUBS. HOURS a. m. to I p. m.; Evenings. 7 to ; Sundays, i a. in. to 1 noou. ST. LOUIS j?oirx SBCom f v i .. t f v .? i.i r:. i i e "Mt ' ' - ? . . f won out after a hard fight. Since that which were higher In proportion than any otnar.couniy in yam aiavis a mat time, have steadily decreased until he now has the situation so weir in hand that a cut of 11,000 over the prevloue cost was . made at the last term of court. ' r - ' ; . WUTI ' ''': ' ''' : worth doing Is worth doing well.' ' If you wish "to- be cured Of Rheumatism, use Ballard's Know Liniment and you will be "well cured." A poaltive cure for Sprains, Neuralgia. Bruises, Con tracted Muscles and all the Ills that flesh la heir to. A. Q. M. Williams, Nav. asota. Texas, writes: "I have used Snow Liniment for sprained ankle and it gavs tha best of satisfaction. 1 al ways keep It in the house." For sale by all druggists. CONTAOIOU8 DLOOD POISON It may be In Its primary stage, or it msy have been hereditary or contracted In early days, thereby being tconatltutional. We cure all Its complications. We stop its progress, eradicate every vestige of poison from the system, and this without the use of mer cury or potash. ..' WRAKNBSS -Whether acquired or Inherited, Is cured by eur meth oja so that ths parts affected are restored te their normal conditions. The established cure Is perma nent, not temporary. souna ana nraitny conamon. correspondence strictly confidential and ihs of patients published or exposeiL correspondence siru or photographs of patients published or exposeil. MUniCAL AND SUMOICAU Aim TAMHitt btbebtb, roTXAwri omnaow. mm. T.Iy Tretr.8esT for VccIancss v Functional derangement, ouch ee pre msturenesn,. loss of power, etc., H neither a "weakness" nor a disease. It s a symptom of prostatic disorder. To stimulate activity by the v of power ful tonics, la en easy matter, but such results are merely temporary drug ef fects. Most doctors treat "weakness In thle manner because they do not know how to cure the real causs of the derangement. I am the only physician employing- sclentlflo snd successful methods. - I use no tonlce at all. My treatment Is a local one entirely, and corrects svery abnormal condition of that vital center, the prostate gland. My cures are real cures, and are permanent. J.Iy Treatment for Contracted Disqrders The'lmportence of quickly Curing con tracted disorders Is being mors fully rec ognised among the medical profession. The tendency of these diseases is to gradually extend backward. . involving in a chronic inflammation the most vital centers of the orsanlo system. . The serious results that may follow cbul4 "scarcely be exaggerated, safety" demands an absolutely thorough cure In - the least possible time. I have treated , more casaa of contracted dis orders than any other physician upon the Pacific coast.- My cures are thor ough and are accomplished in lass ljm than other forms of treatment require In 'producing even doubtful results. I employ remedies of my own devlstng and my treatment Is equally effective la both receat and chronlo cases. Specific Blood Poison Positively Eradicated Without the 'use of dangerous drugs. I drive the very last taint of virus from the system and every symptom of the dlseese vanishes, to sppear no more. I employ harmless, blood-cleansing reme dial only.... . . - A Full Dollar' Worth of MAN MEDICINE Free For a Dime Here's a propoaltloa. mea. that siaiee It easy ENOI.'GU tdr suy weak mas to try MAX MEDI-CINS.- 1 .... ... DIs ap s dim rtsht now aerara thia whole SoUar's worth by return atalt and get wall at ''maNMKWCINK. boy a. Is THS STtTf fw ths weak, weary man. It is the result of years of exiMTltnr and study ot tueo'a weasneaawi. It is scientific snd It is barauVaa, hut its wick action la niaa-batlrtlo work Is s (wonder. WAN MEDICINE tula Uie "nere" . Into a , . i, .kM ,),. einrhinv nut ot hie eyas an1 e1HfBi hla Dafktn. IT wm rnsre Tm mi-1 u.ti.. MfjnUmi. atle. noweriui ana .i..ra.n with h maul ronlldrnce that bub. bl.s tip la tbe strons-narved body. Ha that Hid ua a dime tlay: we will sand yon s i. uin mkiihiinb worth a "dollar a droo" same people ssy. Don't drlsy here; setblua so tbe (roa footstool tnat wiu no the work for yoa like Man Mediolne. .It eosta yoej a dims to try the t of the packase to -t a full-alfd dottsr xt MAM MEDICINB aant frv to your home lo plain, n. markrd wrapper. Interatate ' ttemedy do., 7M Uick bids., Letralt. klicblgaa. plus a w . Hi i, - IwBA BIim Rlbbca. Tskeaeetbsr. ... r ......I .. . . ... t rtl.rers-Tiks ritiLiaii, the MthM bUANA pn.i.a, fr s Ciara' ngvtiad as IM, Salait. imk tll,Ha. Sold cr Dri-arlrt, .w,.fcie PEfiliYRdYAtf SL sUgl'leir aruw sj msi f 11 V-LT V r Licensed to Practice Medi - cln In Oregon Free Consnllation and Examination NERVCVITAL DEBILITY KIDNEY DISEASES BLADDER DISEASES NERVOUSNESS V . STOMACH TROUBLE RHEUMATISM- 1 ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN r-...-. V', ; . . GUARANTEE. by the use of the only ecientme contrary, It builds up the, system all replies sent In plain envelopes, ' ' ' DISPENSARY IVly Hee Is Only, In Any Uncomplicated Case t Consultation Free Nature accomplishes nothing by force. ; Her, work is wrought through gentle influences. We see evidences of this - truth everywhere. Nature has a way of. overcoming every ' disease. Sometimes she fails. -The phy- sician's duty is, to JieJiLJZheiL. nature falters, and to help by reinforcing the natural recuper ative influences. ; This is often a delicate task. The treat ment must be accurate, mild and gentle.' Otherwise it works harm. Exciting tonics, fiery caustic and cruel cutting have no part in my practice I have mild and harmless methods that cure by nature's plans, and that cure thoroughly and permanently in the briefest possible time.' Why; take chances? I offer you that which you are seeking, a quick and permanent cure though painless and harm-, less treatment. ":."' : oars a. so. to S p. as. Susdays, 10 to 1. -THE- DOCTORS WHO CURE F. . :iWn NfiwVJtHJntrthr City inviteq to yaii.T $10 Examination V yiWMif - . Given-Free. -;, ) ' It pays men to go to the tr., W. Norton' Davtt company. Their phy--elclans sre of . ths world's best specillsts. They ere known through' out the northwest to be reliable, honest, upright physicians and surgeons. Quick and lasting cures have established their reputation. Cured patients Indorse them. , tiratef ul men recommend them. . , . H Call at Once if You Are In Trouble MBS Tounf 'inl middle-aged irfen who have Injured themselves In -pody and mind, with weak back, failing strength, eunken cheeks, hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor jnemory. a.- -.----.- Over SO Per Cent of Our Patients Have Btjen Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the , Past 17 Years In This City We Give tht ,-. Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices. We sre Mwaya wilting to arrange terme to eult. Ton can pay by the Visit, by the week or by the month, and we givs liberal dlsccit for cash. Remember, our chargee are the Lowest and most reasotrablln the city. ' and you get the very best treatment. Csll and find out shout your case at once; It will be the happiest dsy of your life. Consultation free. , VABICOSS TXIBB, wormy veins, varicocele, reduced snd cured wlttl out cutUng. No pain. Rupture, hydrocele and piles cured without op eration. Consult us free and find eut how we cure without the knife. "Our price for a cure Is the cheapest In the northwest. CXBOsTIO skin diseases, ecsema, ulcers, sores, piles, constipation, Itco Ing, hesrt, kidneys, liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, palna. . uut of lows ktaa teitlng ths City Consult us-wt pnee upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before returning home. Many cases can be cured in one or two pr more. visits. Consultation and ad v tee- free. "Tim-People who live in outside towns snd in the country who rsnnot call should write for consultation and advice, free. Many pases have been oured by home treatment. ' Our new treatment has oured S.000 othere and will curs you. Come to ua snd you will slwsys remember It aa the most Important transac tion of your life. If you can't call, eend for eur free symptom blank, We will tell you If yod are afflicted. Consultation free. If yra Hva a of the city, soma foe eae visit yoa eaa go back oa the seat trelm. ' You Need Not Pay Until You .Are Cured ' Should you desire.' you msy deposit .the fee with any bank or busi ness house In Portland, to be paid to us after you have been restored te health. v .......-; . , - Office hours-! a. in. to 1 p. m.i Sondayssnd holidays. It jtoln. , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. tittiflfirg peelallets Is the SforthweeV BstabllshsA 1BSS. TAB STOT SOTBZh 88 H TBXBD g;geewo PortlanfTs -Widely Known and Successful : Chines ' Mediclnst, ' Root and -Herb Doctor Bis fawoaa restedlae, tka Ineradlants at erklrk s Impart dlnct froai tbe UrWat la tars aaaaUlWe sad propers sad pal ap tar aae ra kw aa-taata iabatary. , Ke SMreary. solaeaa ar Crass at ssy Mad 'as. A l-araly i.(.l,M. Tka Paetoe treats saeeaaarsTiy aad f aara.Wa lo rarr alt etamack rroahtas. eatarrf. Mttaa, n,a. tkraat. rkvannHasi. saiiaassaes. heae. klilnay aad Wet aianhaed. - - - - riMALS T10UBLIS S1TD AU SalTATS v . DISEASES. . a la aw ar wtaleadlne; state aats ta tka a rs let ad. A safe sod Isatlne aare ta tka awlek. e paatble time end at tka .lowest east pee. atkle ln BBet traatawat. . . . . If yia easaet eart writ. r ai isntnas SJaaO .ad etrralar. Isetnaw 4 eat ta atawsa. COMiriTATIOS rsEs. Tka a Saa We Cktaaee MadKise Oa., 13H rtrst St.. Oae. Mnikna. PastlaaeV- Oa, ..,us.iais aanas. - The leading Specialist. My Best " Reference Is: LNfilaLDollaiL Be Paid Until Cured 234 Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or. rf V.- m r?L&J&F COBBXB, VIBB. rOBTaVSBV, OB. TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F. A. Kilburn tar Csss Bar. Ssnka aad Sss rrssatsea. Next sailing from Portland, Friday, a. 1A ' Max Sailing front gaa rraneteeo, Thar., Mev. 14. - CHAS. B. gTCXLSkllTa. Aast. OaK Street Dock. Phone Main 2960 Scott's Santal-Fepstn Capsules A POSITIVE CURE yorTnffesimettoa orOatarrtiof the Blatlwand l)la.aaad Kid. ecusssorai. area 1y and s.rmasant(y the i riM of asa)B haw and eaiew. aa aiatur ol bow rn( ataadlnt . Akaollf havniaaa. Sold ky dmsrurta. Jri-a ti re, or hr Bialt, sua. paid, 11.00,1 hoaaa. SL7. THE SANTAL-PEPS.H CO. Balknasntalaa, Ohia. Sold Vr AH Xhntrslats. . Every Vcr-nn v'.'Ci'ASiWAV H fflfsTimil atsen ivjlel llrrtW aVIaritlt lives esrait .tmWral M4RVTI wblrlteej Spray Tbs new Varteal ink., a PM I l'"W . M T- b fnturi sell C tTf tr1f Mtaill., KMrtin A. - M CiU-r. I"H ,(inr for m ' A j,i..,ir.'i !.. rt etrsa I, " I fii i Prt(rn:r, and itirt ' , t(. V' f v.' !.. ' it -. a i. , rv, - ' - J a -v un4 nr.. i Ihhk - WOOuAHU, ii AKAfl Li. '"'1 lALaCAVll XmU CO twtl. 1 f 'W A. N i. iPml .-.1 ! Sammwess SaMiABM TKA:::rC"TATic::. l a, kr.-e) .im 1 -''a. v Tfalni to, tbe .East Daily 3 TsfOSilh .n,l..l . nA tnmrmt slaas Ins r.r, S.lir to oiah. CUIeaso, Spo"! l Sleeplngsre daUy to Kaasss Uif. tbe tt dalir. reoiislsg cbalccalrs (seals ia Uare. rrls. Oiiraao-Pnrtl.Mrf ImAI the Kant via Huntlnjun. dlri ;S0 a sa fMW 3 l.. ""W iw saaters Waatiliiitoo. Walla Walla. v Jwtatnn.. Coeer e'Alase aod llr"' .""rtl1"" p"lnt. dalW. T'.oaye 8:0a Atlantic Kipr.ia for the Bast via HuntTn.toB, dally. Porf.and nfirs loct. fne all BOfclta rortland. dally....... ., S:t5 am I Mptg OOl.OMniA RIVER DIVISION. . roe- Aitorla aud way sntnts. eoansethie w ' tor Ilwaeo and NortU Beach. Staasoe Haaaalo,. Aeb-st. dnrk. Vais I I. a Sallr. ew nn1,7j SarsrOav, 0 s. aa. AteS boat p. m (.imp Snvsav. ; vamhii.l mvss-aotiTw. . for DtyUm. Ormrm City and Yamhill rl points ateamers Knib and Moooe. A.b-.t- soak, lesTe ti a, daily, .leapt Suaoay (wstst ear. altlnt). ArrlTS 1JSQ p. s. dally, aaeast Soaday. snas;h kivrr norrrs. ror Lawlatna, Idaba, snd way pntnts frm Rlpirta. Wh., steamers Bnnkane aed Iewt. ta leave 8:o a. ai.. or epos erriTsI Trsla No. 4. dally eTPent Bstardsy. Arrlrs p. m, dallr eieent rrldav. Tlckat Offlr. TMrd and WaablnstoS sts. Tel.ihon Mala TU. 4 C. W. SINOFH. ntr Ticket Al. wm. hlcMI.'RRAV. tlmnl Paaaensar Asaaf. EAST vu SOUTH Unloe Depots. lawva. Arrive. rortland a ad Raa fras- '. , . elere gjnraaa Htops eoly at moat Important atatlona betD furtland aud Saa - Kranrlaco; eunnectl'Mis si - " -v , Saa Franclaco lor sii points s ' ' . Eaat and South... ...V.... U it pes ' 11 Overlaod Eipnas Trains for sll local points 8otk, - ; - Sacramento, Bas Francisco ' , ' and poluta Eaat and Soots. IMpm t:S0 ppi Horning train enanects at Weodhura dally eirept ' ' -. Sunday with Mount Angal T . . and Sllrertoa local aw I:M POI Oottasa Urove paaaenger (. , connvcts at Wondburu and ' " Albany fle try." exitutt Sn- ' dar. with train, for points ',- " on Woodbnrn-SprJnxflekl and Ainftn.r-uenanon brancaea. Cnrrallta paaaenfi. ....... Sh.ridan n.aaiuie 4-tSrm eiiroesai 7:30 ast 6iK pre :lo pot :n.zi sat tnn.1 Or.,., luuunr 1111:00 aia HS:OOaia Forear urove pawnpr.... wo.m poi v Dally. Iinailr aicept nnnnay. JFTFERBON-avrKKBT ttTATW. ' IW lallaa and Intermediate polata dally, T e a. a. and :lft p. m. . Arrrra rartlaae 10:1s a. tn. and 0:2ft p. n. For tints snd card of flaw saharhaa trahse applr at City Ticket Office. Off statins. Tickets to Eaitern points end F.nrope: saw Jap in. rtitna. rlnnoluhi a art An. trail.. City Tlckat ' Ornre eorn.r Ttlra"narWss--fnstna atrcta. Fbona Sl.'a 712. C. W. rrtNOFB, Win. McMPmSAT. City Tlckat Aceat. Oaa. Pass. A fast. TIME CARD or TRAINS Portland! Lasts. ATrtra, 1'ellowatene Park 'Kaasss City. . -:-. St. UhiIs Sseflal for Co.balla. Caatralis. Olmpla. Graf's ; ( Harbor, Sofltb Bend. Tacoma. Seattle, Spfkane. Lewlatoa. ... Batte, Bllllnga, Danr-r, Oms ba. Kansas Cttt. St. LeoW and Sontneast, dally. .. , t:S0 pm 4:S sal North Coeat l imited, eleetrta Irbtad. for Tacoma. Sea tils, lipokana, Bntts, Mlnaeapolls, '' ' St. I'asl aad tbe Eaat. dally .. t.-OS pal IB set Facet Sound Limited, for . f'l.r.ment. Chehalla, Ces j. ; trails, Tarataa asd Seattle'" ' only, dally 4.'S)s 0:SS pa) TwUi l'!tr Express for Taea- ,,. ma, Seattle. Bpokana. Helena. i Bntte. Bt. Paul. Mlaaeapnlla. t.lneota. St. Joseph. Kanasa . City, Omaha. St. Loais, wltk- .. 7 . sot ebaaaa af cars. Dtreet eoenertVms for sll notots East asd Seatbaaar. dally IltaSsrs 10 -as eat 2 Overland Trains Dally 7 'TheOrtestsl tlaUtsd. tha raat MaO ; - VIA SCATTUB AND SPOKAWA ' ' rartlsad Uma scaadole Dally. Bothy. . . Leara. . Arrive. Ta snd from Spokane, St. Faol. MInneapolla. Imlath sod all polata ' - " " East via Saettle...., am T-rwsss 11:4 psi o4 pa Ta snd froai St. Psat atlnneanolla, Dnlntk and ell points East ' ' . ala Spokane T OO paa S-fs) sea Oraat Werthera Staaavshtp Oaw Satllus rroaa Saettle for Japse sad Chins porta asd Ma a lis. earrla aaa srnfera and freight. ' S. S. Mlsaeaota, ysaaaty A . 'AS. Dakota, r.bruary IT. . - KIPFOK TUSSS KAISHA . (JPo Mall Steamship t S. B. Ksga Kara will and froes Seattle shout December SI tew lapaa and CMnew poruv earrytng saaaaasme sod fralsbt. ror- tickets, rstee, harts, saaerray tlona. etc.. caU aa e addrssa X. 4)tCXS0S, 0. T. . A. Itt TIt St.. iaas wra. xummm mm 4 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Onloei lepat Laare, ; ' Arrlrs. Foe Marscra. Rainier, Cists katile, Viaatport. CUttoe, A a- . torta, Vtarrentoa. riaaal. . Il.mmnncl, Tort sierans, Oaar kart Park. (tMable AOS am ll:aSsa Aatorta and Baesaore. sxpraas M dallr f:0Sss t:S pa All trains daily. - a. v. a..!1', v. . " . . . . . C. A. STEWART, foot menial Asaat, SS Aide etraeu I'boM Mala sXiA POR.TLAND-ASTOIUA ROUND TRIP DAILY Saeept Suaday Tbe Tart Staemat TELEG?.r:. lutit Al t'ffl. et. "r'1i I ZZI SUBji r! J lf Ol 'TIS ! Li ' TrIK OOMfORTASIX WAV. A 4 ttmmwmm Arrive Aior!a ' Itave falieiMier d-- k, Ai-i. t 1 Arrive ivnl.ind " ttasls Served a H C . t'hone L- 1 IJi X .. j.- . . .... 1 .