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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINS, ' DECEMBER 15. 1SC3. 12 r MUSICAL. imt lMTIItlMi-'. ; '. . i .itki KbnIa.' enamriolla. wMlm; wJ toMnmmit w4ii. til. jrir.t (Or, Bust pa io- - - - i 10. vtoH. !. ", clartsot. In i lit A. Jailtk. I 4 lata. Mala 4T08. MACHINERY. x7RKNKMA 4 CO. Mlattur. aawailH. log H"yll plpea. ea.tlag; ail lituU rapalrao.. lua neat TUB H. P. ALBB1 CO. fteeoad-baad axa- efctaery. eawsallle. etc. aaa ur.oe. A. I PACT, lot nrrt at., aaaiaaa. aattata. eaw. 111 macWaary; WJck' Bros.' flooring gang. MALL. eawtag-heack and ln-ructio "tor - y1 . ' ltVT"r . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. IiH. LH.LKBKU.K. HATTKRSOK, graduate af "n Northern InaUtut at Oeteopaihy. elaae 5 peclllet aa nmom, eut and rheonle !; cooaaltaUoa aad examlaa . WM " "W. fane . x'aclB HM. - : - DBS. ADIX HOBTHKtlP. 41S-18-1T Ika hldg, Tklrd Bad Waahlagton ata. . IBeae Mala to- Examination tree. -J x OPTICIANS. Optaeirtrlet nd gyealgM Baartaltat , PAINTS. OIL AND CLASS. r BE Aril A CO. Tba Ptoseer Palal 0l . wladow glea aad gUilac , 143 drat at. 1X9. PRINTING. rH MOPKR PRINTKBT ArtlatJa X Bueeel stag., rorta aaa aeurru Parlae 162. . ... EVERYTHING IN JrttlNTlNO ana circular, to eat a lota aaa Metropulttxta PrtBt(nr.a.. 147 groat at. tea fiiw Mara ano. non vim m. NG AND PAPERING. UaM work, reeeosable price. SBechy ts2 YamhIU, mi ata. Mala ami PLUMBERS. frOX A CO. aaaltargr plaaibara, SSI Bioc.d, bat.' Mala Bad Balaaoa. Oresos Phoae Mala SuoL Ma. Mt Boraal4a at. ROOFING. tn BOOriNO. rnttarlaa-, ratrla a a gram Jofeblaa . J. Loalt. 113 J.fKraoa at, PaulO. RUBBER STAMPS F. O. BTAalP WOBKS. t AldfT at., akaaa Mala T10; rabbar ateaink. aaala, ataacl); baa aaaa. trad cbarka; braaa aloa aa4 alataa. REAL ESTATE. Payne & VanTyne -Baal aatatr, InTaatnaati. aMrtraraa. loaaa. tto Allakr bids. Pboaa Mala ZMa. PABB18H. W ATKINS. CO.. aatata, iDaoraaca. niabil aa acaata. iia AUar at. t. w. OOlt.BKB, reel aatata aa4 kaaa; Uabat lata. 14fitt rlnt lL u . -RirfiAKnsoN SEAL. ESTATK AND MOBTQAGI LOASB. pbave Mala MM. bZt Cbaaabar at Comaiarca. SIGN PAINTERS. Wa ha.a ballt ap iha taritaat alfa baataaaa . ta tba tt'f bT (int-claaa work and kaaplag . fmtm ri m ' rlvhl i rifl. aa4 Braratt ats. Pkooa Kx. 6a. W. P. BRRQEB BON. Tamhlll at. Sl(aa af all klaaa. ruoaa raeiae zzjx. IQNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Baal Ca., 3hT Btark at. Pboaa Parlor toaa. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BUOWCAREB af nrrt ataeriptloai bank, bar aad aturv Bxtorca nada ta erdar. - Tba Latka . Maaufacta.'laf Co.. 1 oct land. . U H. BIBD8ALL. dcalnar; acaat M. Wlntar Lanber Co., T Baailltoa bidg. Mala IUU. SAFES. PORTLAND SAKE CO.. aola acaata for Brrtn Mall-Marala aafra and Manaanaaa Btaal Bafa to. a bank aafaa. Tea Uraeat aaaortaiaat at . blghrada Bra and bargW-prout aatca la " taa Burtbwaat. d? Brraatk at. . DIE BOLD nangaoaea and 6 ra-proof tafea; lark avta apenrdi naul Biturrai vault aad lall - worlti ck-. K- Sd. Mai ifca. KIOBT fond-kaDd Bra-prnof aafca aad twa . aaoond-baad bank mtr for aal cheap, at Ta glith at.. Portia ad. Or. STREET' PAVING. WARREN Oeaatraetloe Co.. etraat partng. aid. walk aad eroaalnga. ld Lorn oar Exchanga. THE Barbar Aaphalt Paring Co. el Partlaad. Office and lt'sriaetar blk. SEWING MACHINES. ' f HONB Paelse m aad I paraoaally will eatl aad rapair yonr awlngHDaablaa; work gaaraataad, B. apaa, adjaatar, adl Third at 1 . . TYPEWRITERS. - tlRAlxiUABTRRa for saw aad iwbolit type. ,.. arrttere of all aiakaa; aaa oor arladow; If rna , ara gotag to bj a orw typaarrltar aaa aa ba . tore balagl are eaa aa.a yon moatj; aa w bar rarta for r pairing all aiacblnea; atau acaat tor taa Vlalbla fox; wa boy all klada , ul typaarrltara. laaTrpawiitrr Excbaaga, laa, B. t. KUiaoa, auoagar, M Third at. t !ll Baatlagtoaa, f ajlth-Praailera, Daaa. aaaraa, ate., lower tbaa aa atkar eonpaaji " laaaailgata. Cadmrood Typawrltaa Ca.. i ata. trPRWRITRB repair and aopply Co., 490 . Waahiaatoa at. Pboaa Mala 4884. SMCKENaDKBPRR trpawntare. $40 aad fn; aeppl rapUig. Xoae A ttoaa. Ml H Start. ' TRANSFER AND HAULING. SHB BAfMAOB A OMMIBIB TBANSTKIt CO . - nr. Bltth aad Oak ata.: bunn .k.i froaa botrl or raaldaaea dlrart to dratlnatloB; aaaaaagiiaa xtaaator aaatd raaa aad laan. a ara at drpota. Prlaat exebange AFKS Ar ks. piaaoa aaa Tnraitar aaorod. patml raady for abtpptrg aad aMpprd; all arork gaaraatoadi Urga, Baton bnrk, lra-proa waraaooaa for atoraga. Offlr so Oak Olara A Boa. Pboaa Mala 647. , O. PICK, etflre g Mrat at. katwaaa Btark aad Oak ata.. phon MW; pi anna aad fnrnltara annrad aad paefcad for allpplngi oonswdkiu brick warrb iaa arlu aaparata Irea raoaaa. root aad Clay at. plaaoa aad faraltar aaorod. CUT rata aa boa aa hold goad to all poiaaa aaal ; wa aiak ap aarajaja; aparlal moat for trunka wklla waiting. Oragoa Aata-Daapatta, X aim ' kmww mmmim I BOE CITY VAN CO.. atara 41 rtrat at.. , pboaa Mala Kfita. l araltura aad etaee-auralng bJATIONAl, TBANrB A gTOBAOl CO 27 u Oak at. Tatapboaa Mat 4du. Iraaafar rlug aad atarlrg. OBROOM TRANRrER CO.. !A4 Marth Btltb. I'aaaa Mala da. Uaary aaallag aad atorasa. NnKPENDKNT BAOOAOB TBANBPBB CO. Btoraca. i4 Stark at. Mala uT. yB bark, forgltitra wagon, trant ar ataaa anaatag. pboaa Hxalaa. Kat aftxl. I'OST BPgSCIAt, DEIIVgRT, Ma BOOM Waafe. iBgtoa at. Tboaa Mala sat ' 1 TOWEL SUPPLY. II KAN TO a La Pll.r Com, braaa. snap. (I pa saatk. Partlaad Laaadrr aad Taw at Bappiy lax, BlaU aad Coats. dia. a. aa. ea, m WIT IJ tV- Printing. PAINTI WHOLESALE JOBBERS.' TMM anEVUia l.tiTHtl CO toboara 'Of aaddlary, k.rdwara. bora gaoda. laaiaar, lad- i tog aad aaua atura auppllaa. una aaa uaa. M. A. OtTNBT CO DlSIKlHt T0H8 OP Pltn! CIO AM, PORTLAND, OBKUON. iliVHK OAkK lRATTTSrrrot.T'rfflmnlaalrtB awrrkanta. Jut'brra ( fralta. prudaca, ato. coaalgnjaoata aoltcltao. 1A aroail au a-vtuniNa A t'AHHKLX. arndara aad eoaa. iDlaalon aoarrbaau. lu rnwt at., ParlUud. Or. 1'noua Mala jib. ORgXION rarattora Maanractarlng Coaopaay Maaufactnrera ox iiuraiiara tor taa uaaa. Partlaad. Orrgoa. WADHAMB CO arboleaala ararara. mana. farturara aad aad Oak ata. farturara aa cwauaiaaioB BMrcoania. tuurU rt'RNITURB mannfai-tertng and aparlal erdara. Ik Ku.auaaj a lurnuura i.ciorj, aui rrvat at. AIXBN 4k LKWI8. romailaataa and praduea aaar. . caaata. rroat aaa uaiu ata.. rortiaoa. ur. WROUEBALII amrkarr and glaaawar. Praal. A Ca., IUO ta lod Fifth, rot. Btark at. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLLMltUH, Caltrarala wlna dapnt: all tlati af wlna, r a (laaa. Conka' and canka Uaia- ara Uradqaartara, 14g ruaru at. fboaa ra- eirta I1K.L P. Loratl. - BROWHSViLLE LOSES THREE ' PRO:ilSEMIZE!i 5 ry, George I. . Fox and O. B. Reese Pass Away Almost Together. (daaclal Dlapatcb to Tba Journal. f-"" " BrownaVUIe. Ur.. Deo. IS, Tha death of Mlla Carey, a pioneer and highly re spected c!Uen of JBrownavllle. occurred Monday, DeceAnber 10, at hla home. He waa born In -Jncfcxon county. Mlsaourt, December 85. ItZi.r wl tha pialna to Oreron In ISftO ij waa married to Nancy J. Robblnett November 24, 1851. Of tbia union were born jieven children, four aona and three daughter. All ara living- but one dauifhtar. Mm. Cary alao urrlvea him. Mr. Cary united with tha Methodlat Episcopal -Church. South. 4n 1555. Tha funeral aervlcea wera held at the bom of hla daughter,. Mra. J. B. Cox, Monday afternoon, and on Tuesday tha remlna. wera laid to rest in tna cemetery at Crawfprdavllle, near tha place where ho located when he riral came to Oreaon. ; ' Oaorg-a trria Tom. ' '' 'George Trvln Fox waa born in Somer set county, Pennsylvania. August If, 1(30, and died at hla home at Crew- fordaville, Oregon, last Monday. His boyhood waa spent in Ohio. At the age of "31 yeara lis "moved 'T--W1eoTWtiV whera on July 2, 1SC0, ha married Mar garet Wllkson. They lived at Keaoa town, Wisconsin, until 1890, when they came to Linn county, Oregon.. Ktva children wera born to them, "four of whom survive. ' These ara Mrs. Martha Ruka of BoacobeU Wisconsin; Mra. Diana Abrama of Fall Creek, Oregon, and Elmer and William Fox of Craw fordville. Ha also ieavea a widow and ona brother. Tha funeral wa held from tha home Tueaday, at 11 a. m.. Rev. W. V. Elmore conducting- the aervlcea. The remalna were Interred In the Craw fofdvllla cemetery, , , . '-: ' , A, .' , ? '; . . , 7Q.-mraj.- - Dr. O. B.-Reeae died Saturday , morn ing, December- I, at his boms,' . about three miles east of Brownsville. Heart failure was the Immediate. causa of bia death, although ha bad been In poor health for m number of years. Dr. Reese was born In Jefferson county, Tennessee,, June 12. 184L Ha came to Oregon In 1188, locating at Brown vllle, where he practiced his profession ap to a few years ago. Ha wa -a stu dent at Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia. Ha served In the Civil war fronT beglnntnr"to-nd. Ms-was united la marriage In Tennessee to Elisabeth Branner. She died In Browns vine f.bout 20 yeara ago.. In 1903 ha wag married to Anna A. Rica of this place, who survive him. , He also leaves three children, Mr. Love Waters and J. B. Reese of Emmett, Idaho, and O. B. Reese of lone, Oregon. Tha funeral was held Sunday, at 10 a. m., from tha home. Rev. C. C. Sperry conducting the services, Tha burial took place In the Masonlo cemetery. LARGE MINE DEAL MADE IN THE BAKER DISTRICT 7 . , V Bpdal Dlapateh to Tha Joaraal.) ' Baker City, Or., Dec. 15. Ona of the largest of recent mining deals in tha a-l Bak.dijtrict waa tbat PtLiiifiropertlatxeft rt"tfti Mvw wga' on Goose Creek belonging to C. C Cox. transferred to William Henry Harris, who recently purchased tha South Pole gold mines, the conaideratlon . being 120,000. . - . - . Oaograpbieal fooiety Slanar. tJoaraal Bpadal Barrtra.) ' Waahlngton,- Dec. 15. Conalderable Interest center In the annual dinner to night of tha National Geographical so ciety. The noted guett ara to Include Edward Everett Hale. iTort." John "W. Foster, Admiral Dewey, Chief Justice Fuller, Alexander Graham Bell, Chair man Knapp of the interatata commerce commission and others. Sonbls Sally Train Barrlea. New Orleans. La., Dec. 15. The new double dally service between. New Or leans and . San Francisco la- to ha put Into operation by the Souther? Pacifio tomorrow.. The new schedule will cut the running time between this, city and Los Angelas: and Ban Francisco by nearly five and ona 'half hours. ' rirst Btavta Dinner Bkl Capitol. Washington, Dec 11. Tha first of the season's atata dinners In honor of president and Mrs. Roosevelt takes place tnis evening wun tna vice-prealdent and Mrs. Fairbanks as tha host and hoateaa. Tha- cabinet member and thatr wives will f ollaw In entertaining. -. ' r -. -.Aprraaaax TU Jsapor.---.-.:'-.-M. "Armetrong, Frank Mnlvin and O. M. Htckey, appralaera of tba aetata of P. R. Tiffany, filed a report In the county court this morning, showing that tha property Of tha estate Is worth 11,350. - ' '. ' ' KtW TOKK COTTOJ MAI KIT. Naw Tork. Par. IS Tloaln Drtra: . tlfSrlal aootatloa by Orarark, Utitrr A Cook aoaipaar: January lauraary . , Marr ..... April May in rw ...... uir ....... U41 : IH3 B.'ld H.18 , e:i3 ... P4 . 41 PUS DM BM ; ' M (Mn T7 OM T5 PT , 70 P.t - aaa - pan e . ni ski n - 7T tri int.; 1 tnt 42 B42 P.1S ,10 010 Angnat ... Dttiabaf ., PORTLAND BAWt. gTATZBErr. Clnraxca toda cuartoo fr mo rt-oo,rrrr .m.nung . S7, Miiaee today ' -Chioag Caak Wheat. . leao, lee. lbt'aau wheat: Ne. red. 74 ar7;-.v,c; K. g re, 7:ta7rt No. 8 bard, MHM7.VV; K. S bard, flat ?; o. 1 nortia rn. MiMe; No. S aortUer. .7 We; Me. I priag, ltkjK. . TODAY'S MARKETS- rrriM iinno-nrrntrrt rtw nuro KChifliii '' I aaa t a P J'' . 1 I JBBT Careful Estimates ShpvV That but Twenty-nveTnousand ; Bales -Remain. CROP THIS YEAR NlriG UP VERY FAST Early : Contracts , Amount to 50,000 Bales Instead of S0,000 aa First Be lieved Same Amount Sold by Pro ducers Since the Season Started. . Prlaclpal""Biarkt""faarora -toatyr"" Moat bopa out of tint aanda. California ealery la fair ahapa. Large orangae at a premium. - Kgra are lower; recalpu battrr. Poultry market ha ragged too. ' Bom kallbot ta; prlea down. Potato markat continue good. Standing f Hop Crap: Bala enanld. ....... 10.000 .& ....... I. 10,000 , 1.000 Markm Clackama ............. Llna-Bantoa Vaaihlll-PoUr-Waablngtoa Scattering Total i ,. Batlmated crop 100 ..' IVmtrartad - Bold thla araaoa ..... la tint baada ........ .. 15.000 ..125.0O0 .. 60.(100 60.000 .. 35,000 . Moat Bap Otrt f Tlrat Aeeordlna to rallakla ttmta glraa by a- rloua dealer and protslsaat grower comblnad with tlia flrnraa alraa br Journal eorraapond- ent proraa that tba bop anp la tha atata of Oragoa during toe eeaaos or ivu amoonra au told to 123.000 bale; thl being very liberal eatimate. While during tba early part or tna aaaana It waa generally battered tbat fully 80.010 bale had bees eoametad for by grow. ara tha flgarea bare bow proraa Ineorreet for sow tt transpire taat tba aama coatracta wmrw la maay butane ftgarad twice. A broker won Id coa tract foe- tba- upplla af a grower aad ba would -In tor sell tha contract to an other dealer. la tola war the amoant .of tba eontract looked mack large than it wa f tec ward proved to b. how reliable eetlmtte ay that tbe grower of Oragoa contracted Joat oottt-W;cTO bah be tor tna aeap au-tac aaatad. Than bare baas aold aloe tb aaaaoa tarted aa additional 60.000 bale; tha placing tba total aale by grower for to eaaoa at 100.000 bale. With aa eettmated crop of 1 20.000 hale thl would fctar nt 3S.000 bale hi tb band af grower ananld. - Tb kxrgM part af thla aaaold amoant la la Marlon eoosty, where the moat, hop ar produced. It t mated that rally 10.000 bale at thl eaaon growth remain la the hand of grower of that eoanty. Prodncar of XamklU. folk aad Waah- Ington eoantle ara craaitra wun ooiaina hi uuo bales at tola time, while bx Washing to eoanty Ui boldmg of grow era ara aald to amoant to H.SOO balee. la other part of the tat tb cttrd holding oi no pa amoaai to 1,000 bale. AU the ara very liberal eetl m.iaa n( koldlna and there are anm dealer who do aot belle re tnat amount aa nu w- aold. ' -. , - Im Are Lewart EaoalyU Batter. With aomewhat better antral of local gr. tb market I aofter and nan dealer ar aald . h. uiitna at 85c. - Tba malorlty of tb oeal- ara. however, eontliro to ak 1H. but oma ar ahadlng 41 f Igor wh,B It come to etnl bualnea. . ! ' k-kiu Booltrv la aa weaker tbaa yesterday. tha tone' la dull enough ta eaoa nneaalneaa anxaig the trri and tber are cleaanpa re ported daring the past 84, hoar aa tow aa ill. a anaal. . Thla aODUa only to chicken Oaeee rootlnoad firm and ao few torkeya are arriving that they eaa hardly be quoted. : Potato Markat TJaathiBer waod.- A very good ton continue tat tb potato market. - Buyer continue then pnrrhaaea at country point and r tUl paying high aa f 1.10 for eomethlng aanaRy tar mad ereaol fTh'!Mrt r of CahfornU elery came la yeaterday aftmioon ad wa hx fair hP. Large-aiaed erangea are nailing at a pram lam oa account of tba email npplle. Brtof Hot of tbe Trade. ii .nnitea nf kallbot war received br tbe trade tola morning from tb aoand. Tha or lea U dowa la cooaaquene. A few raaor clam but, a bard bn war tk. rf'i arrtral. e-n.lna salt firm, bat a daU ton la floor, Both market retain the holiday char. Soma New York grape, ekiaely rmbltng Concord., cam ta by aipre- tnl. avmg v.. vork . The were la good ahape. Pg A . u i toe ner nve-eoaad baaket. J;V'a- m tba following prlcaa to Front arunmlaaltMS Srala. gtaar aa Taea. 0BA1I BAGS Caxcwtta, SM aayta Prtei blueatem, valtoyJIT. BiKHi-"-" ' ' arewinp, y a na aa ewlng, z-Ko. CO UN v Boaa, " -- t0"-.. a. aa t. ' na'raWear lrodor- prleo Ne. 1 white. 124. ooi MOO; gry. oow ' rW)i;V-Kat Oragoa Balaats. UK U.40; .tralgh. V.-, "-w! -a-.thi: . ' . 1 (in JBt ak "- ' ' ' dllnga, jau"1."'L2,1 ool ' ' " neVaey. iaOOl8.00; ordinary. S.00 JJ An' aaaters tKego. 16 ooajiaoo; ml red. ?6" bSI etvi .T.0Ws.OOi gr.1 V a . , . ai onaiauO. . ' 1.., tT.ooaa.00. CC&40 anttar. Egg and lrtry. t'TTKii AT 1. . a. Portland Sweat our, S1V4. BI-TTKR City creamery. 86c; oatwtd fasey, vtVLliU- torage. io.We; tor. lde. ta-tmaw .fawry. c.ndU, -0037 He; tocal 'CLri.We-, nHWia. p, lb; n ' - f- t91i akda Ih atrar Inar a4aar.,. !, lb: OKI 0CBi. I-T- K ..-a - -f " IK. aetat. lb for old; dreaaad. rocy, aui2l lb; enli. Isfflloe Ui uub, 3.00 par doa; ptgcoa. i.uo " ,U' Has. Weal aa4 Bldae. HOrS Iw - crop, caoior, ja); pra to chiace. l; bmoibb. P". lutjii; ma ' WOOleloUUpally. B0J JS., ""rr.'.Sl... eomlaat, BHBKl'HItlNB BbMriog, IB Joe .ark; abort wooL S6J0cs mdio arooi. B0J70 aaeb; r J" i Trail.oa each. ' TAU-OW Prloia, par lb, SH4; Me. S aad 7:um M,tA1BK-AW(aTa for ear Jotafi'man lata. Bav . ,. uinr, hev. go. 1. IS R Bad am liu ITU per lb; dry kip. So. h t loin. drrlT !.? a""' ,lei tiara. oond. do Iba aad arer. 10) Me; cewa, u,c; tag and bulla, aoaad. J7e kip. 16 to 00 In. Pc; ealf. eoand. ander IS Iha, lie! tram, BBMtlted. I laaa; cull, l nor lb laaa: ora bWea, aalted, aeh. irxoffll.Tbi dry, aaeb. ft ooul.ou; eon 1 . , poai an taa, rnmtnua, . IOJloi Attgora. each, " 1 rralta and TataUMa. POT ATOF.a Buying prlr. aalra Ma I too. aiah aad cucaamaa, uui.iv, oraiury, OOtt por; wat, eH pound. nMttiMi Joooing r-ic New Or eon vai 11.00: boring prk. 7076e; garlM. ttk jk. AI'PLKS raney Hood Rlrr Npltaroher and Tallow Newtown, IXHOi fancy Wlllamelte ralle and enn'Dera uragoa,, tjw; ordlBar at.-k. 1VBII KfV. rHKHIl trttDrrS Oaaea, aw paral. 12 T lxa.u Jananeae. B5e: baoanft. Be lb: Irawma rtlOICe, a.W7l . "i-oow, ft.mfraw. .waiuuraia. 1.0. boi; llniea, Mexican. l.l!& pvr loo; nlneaiiiilea. 4.0"(rt5.00 per iUi grape, California. fl.7B; Malara. (7.60 ft keg; pear. l.601.7H: burklrberrle. Be; ptmapnlaa, IS.00 per dox; iKHiicgranauw. 1 2f.yi o0 par box; grp fra't, 4.7&. . ... VK'iKTARl re. Tamloe. aaw. oc aackt aarrata, Ifrvtill far aack; boat, 11.24 fr tack. , a WHAT-OEALERS-SA' , : OF, LOCAL MARKETS By Everdlng A FarrelL . In conaequenca of heavy re - ceipt, prices on bena and aprlnga have suffered quite a decline, and It I difficult at present to secure over 12V cents on- the aame. It Is likely that there will bo 'cleanup-' at even lesa money ,rt the. week la oyer, aa stocks ara still, large and moving slow ly. .Wa are of tha opinion that as tha holiday approaches fine chickens will firm UP quite a little, as Indication point to high prices and a -firm market ' d , fort turkeys - and geeaa a,t that d time, ticene ara firm at 10 and 11 centa; ducks firm at 15 ceota; live turkeys steady -at 17 . and lTVk' centa , W ara quite aura that tha market of dreed tur keys and geeaa will be very good Indeed, and that prices for prima fat atock will greatly please shippers.-'. Fin dreased chickens should also aali well for Xraas 1 d ' and New Yeara. .... Small fat veals and thoad 4 medium " alga'ars" VBryflrm, d ara also prima dresaad hoga. of Oregon radlibea. So per doa: cabbage. Ora goa, tl.2T.fdl.6U; ball pappara, ( par lb: to. Biatoea, ll.WmJOO par crate; paranlpa. BOc!!; atriog beaaa. 18c per lb; cauliflower. 11.00 per doaea; - peaa. lsct" borseradlak. SlOc per id; artlcnok, gl.oo per ooaen; aquaah, 7V1.00 par box; eggplant. fl-bO par ooaen oaacaee; celery, local, 76iHoe per troarn tallforula. 4(t.60 crato; exrpUnt. ft.TS per crate; pumpkin, le; eranoarrle. SUJWai.uO ar bbL CRIED FRtJITSApplea, araporated. Hfl7 par in; apricot. 18 per lb; paachee. '.'.'"Ts vr-r ,w, .... yc pea- . W t 40, o9e; H drop oa aacei 1-14 amallor ; sga, I'aiitornia alack, ayH par in; California whlta. SHaHe per lb; data, golden, Iti. to par bax; tarda. (1.40Q1.S0 par 16-& box. i. ..... Oiaaavxaa, Huts, Zt. . ' BUOAB t allfornla A Hawaiian 45ab, SS.S0; powdered.- to.Ig; berry, 5.0S; C. C 14.86; dry granulated, S3.06; Star, S4.85; coar. A, J 18; extra B, 4.40; goldea C. S4.a0 l. yellow, $4.o; bct granulated. (4.85. Weatern Cle, tj.aO; puwdarad. (.00i dry gfanulatad, $5.03; V. v., (4.0b; eonf. A, (S.O0; extra 0, (4.66; goldea C, (4.46; D, yellow, (4(0; beet granulated, (4Ji6; bbla, 10c; bbla. SSc; box, 6U drc ea aaek baal. , t Aboia uric are go daa sat eaa ota- tlOB.) . MOf.T S3. (0 per erat. rorFEB Paekag brai, da, (18. JH 15 T8.1 1 SALT C'oarao Ualf grooad, -loo. SS.00 per too; SO. Slt.60; Ubla, dairy, SO, Slt.oO; looa, (12.76; baiea, (l.rlS; Imported Uvarpool, Boa, (1.0U; lOUa, (17.00; 224a. (1S.00; extra flaa, bbla, 2a, 6a, 10. (; Urerpool lump rock - (19. ao pev ai -ao-lb aock. (a lali AW.. (V.oO. ......... lAbove arieea Dtir to aate or lea Taa ear Iota. Car lota at pedal price tta)ct t actuation.) ' atica imnenal . J an. a ' aa l. aa, aa a. Wc; New Orlraoa. bead. Te: - AJas. . Bel Creol. e. . ... . r. . xuah- amau wait, u.soe larse wniio. $3.26; pink, (4.00) bayoa, (a.76; Umaa, Slk; jexiean reaa, e. NUTS feanuta. Jamb. IHi nee lb: Virginia. TV per lb; roaatad, loe par ' lb; lapa- i, eejoVie; roaatad. IU7V,r per u; ia- nuta, ' botvWJe per dos; wlnat. l(e per lb: plnenuts. I4ultc tier lb: hickory ant. 10 par lb; ckwtauta, aatara. lbaildc per u:i tlraall aula, ltte per lb; fllbarta, in par lb; fancy pecan. It(tf20c; almoada. 1921Vk. Kaata, rub aad rrartaion. .. BBSB ala aTB a root Mtnaat Hojuv faacy. t9 par lb; veal, extra. Be par lb; ordinary. ' vt 'ttVa per ui; poor, oc is: aatua, laacy. (aawc per lb; lamb, (kxOe. " UAJdS. BACON. K1U- ortiaaa paea tmrail ham. 10 to 14 lb. Id lb; 14 t 1 lb. irt. lb; 18 to 20 lb. 16c; braaktaat bacoa, lbV,QiOt n: Bleak. lOKe lb: cottaaa., liWc par lb: regular abort claara, ., aaaoiokad, IM par lb; raokad, la par lb; eear Dacaa. unaaaoceu. lac par lb; WBoked. 13 par lb; Ualua batu. lu to 18 I be, anntnukad, 8c per lb; aooked, a par lb; claw beUlea, ananxked. 14 r lb; a looked. 16c oar lb: boaldera. 12 Va Bag lb l pickled toagae, (0AM) quarter ebL bUCAU L,Attle rttia xear. iua iae aor lb. 6a. 13. a per lb; 60-lb ttna, lJ.e par In: ataam raauerau. loc, Mi.ta,ixc pee-Ht- eompoaad, JU. .- -i tJAnnciJ BALaiifr tyOiuaiDi nrar. i-.o ca'ii.; l ib talla. (2.76; faavyi l ib Bat. (1.00; H-M taacy Bat, (; xaacy l-io oraia, fJ.ia: Alaaka talla, pink, 86SOc; red. (1-60; aooilaal 8a, tall, (2.00. riHH Kock and. Te tier lb: Soandee. Be oer lb: halibut. 8 per lb; crab. (1.00(dl.0 per due; etrlped baa. liVi par lb; eatrien, lu per lb; aalmoa," Columbia rlrar - allrerelde. Be; ateelbead, 10 par lb; herring, C par id; ole. c per ioi eariniDa, 400 per id: perva, Be ner lb: black cod. 7 Mr lb: tomeod. 7 per lb; allfec aaialt. . Be per IB; lobater, 10 per lb; trash mackerel, bo par lb: erawneh, 20e per do; alargaoa. 10 par lb; blaak hue. xuc per ib. ' OVSTr.HS hoalwatcr- bar. par gat, fx ZS per ll6ib aaek, (4.XB; tiiympi. par 2.2o; per 1I6-U aaek, (6.00 to S6.M. CLAKH Hardshell, pa box. 4400; clam. (2.00 par bos. . , , . Paint, deal On. Eta. '. BOPBr Pnra Maalla, 16vo; taadwd.- l(ei alaal. li. COAL OIL Paan or Aatral Caae IStt pea gal; water whit, lroa bbla 14 per gal, weoeea U, WMe -u'l,, tvuiw Mm lie per gal; boadllghu lio-deg. OASOUNxV-od-deg. caae 2U par gaL lroa bbla 18c per gaL - aknaINB BH-deg. caarS BB par gau re bbla ISSe per gaL TUUPBNTINr. la caae aa per gaL weode bbla. .V per gaL . - f WIIITB LKA0 Toe Iota, T par B)l SOO-Dj lota, ee per id; lea mta, a s. p par 10. W1RR NAILS Preaeot baala at ttpd. LIN8EKD OIL Pur raw. In 6-bbl tola. SO; 1-bbl lot. 63e) caae. 68 par gal; geaalae bet-tle-boUed, eaa. oOc per gal; 6-bbl lot. (4e; 1-Bbl tot, ao per gai; srouaa eexe. ear iota, MO. 00 per tea; la tha a ear lota. (eo.OO sat MARION GROWERS MEET BopTaea Blaeoss rarobAsaoi' Bupplle - sjoni Talk Kb op. K Balem, ric. 16. tli parchaalng Af mpplle for th coming aeaaoo wa tb only thing of Importance that the Mcrloa county Hon Orow era' aaeoclallon did at II anaual meetlag yes terday la tii city ball. Th meetlne waa ore- aided over by H. C. Pletclier In tbe a bee nee of Jemee a. near, woo ataiea toat tha meeting waa primarily called te make pro. lelona for the buying of uiiplle, "If a baring to a I to be made, ' aald be, ' It M tun to buy or rather te put In onr order." A te th queetlon of price ana of tb grow era raw any remedy for tbe ptaaeat aasxtlafactory eon- ntrion tit two maraei. . -j. Tbe forming of poola haa beea found uiiagtl. factory beeaua grower will not at and to gether. Dealer control tb market aad ara practically aorerrltraa of th altuatloo. If th grower would wnnblii and etar by . their kgreement they would help themeelvea mntii ally. flue) wee th ntlmat ipreseed at toe meeting. v Mr. Mcollard. of Woodbora. aaked If the aa- oclatlfla had any plan to propna for th ob taining or better price, not na wa told that ther were none. W. II. Eagan. ot Brook. however, pok oa tb enl.Ject ylng: "Price depend largely ion aairaelr; If wa would at and firm brewer would meat na. If tue brewer find that tltey cannot get- tb good at their own prlcea they will endearor to meet til dmad of tin grower. Pool here al. wire failed beeaiiae the week member get frightened and aril out at the wrong time." Hi grower la tbe vicinity of H Hear ton hav recently let out contract for a were boo aa With rapacity of 8.000 hale, and wbll the will nuit for th handling of their product, nd In th buying f auppllea they aaerted they would work In Harmony with tb oci tloa. .... Th tteadenre wa areall and ther wa im reference trtde te th car a nonage a cane for low price soe were any reenlutton offered re nan ring th railroad oa that ecore. rjlt memhere of th aociatloB percent left with the eecretary an eatlmale of th nplte they dealred and after all tha memhere rn eon ulted blda will be dvertid tor th dellrery at inaa appii, . irrw tork baxx STATntrjrT. . Mw Tork, Pee. IS. Bank (tatemept:' " ' Oeere Beaervet , a.Ooa.lJ UeaerV. lea U. ...a..,, S.24.'.AiO Loan , v.- 17.0'a.M0 Specie H.WiO Legal Depoalte ............ Clrculatloa a 1 , . lBCraa ' l.4;i.p"i 16,1 l,1i 1W, SUV STREET RAILWAY BONDS SELL Bidders After Portland Railway Five Per Cent at Ninety- Eight : Dollars. ; A . J .C LEE SIXES CO : 1 AT PAR ON EXCHANGE Bank Stocks Again in Demand and Two Merchants' National Go Dur- inf Session at 154 Associated Oil a. paving a Good Demand. Bnrtag recent trading tbdr ba Was a dt- powiioa monc Didder to aeeure looa I ton(ta. Bank ktocka bar been tb farorltaa af theaa. but aaw tba afreet railway' ara having their turn. Today 10 Portland Railway &a war takes at SM. - Two Mercbanta- National were aoht at 164 and 1 J.,C Laa n at 100. Other traoaactioDa war g,ono Aaaoclattd OU at 60 Vi aad 2.UU0 of tto axa at 60, urncui Brtoaa: . - A BTVUAS. Bid. S4 . , Aak. T im 160 Baak af California ""fv . ... .". i Bankera' A Lnmbermea'a ....... Kqultahla Saringa A Loaa Morchaot' National 1R4 ltd SOO ' Oregoa VVaat A Baring ........ uoiwa Btata Aauonai ' bonds. , : City A Bnhurbaa 4 Columbia, Sou i here trrlgatkta Sa. O. R. A N. By. 4a,....., O. W. P. A By. a .,..,..... . Wl ' M loo UNIV. 101 100 ' B1H 60 42H aoo "TH Portland Kr. 6 J. Q. L Co. 6a 'MiaCBLLANIOra STOCKS. Aaorltd Oil w SO Cement Producta Home Telenhoo 2B a. U. La Co Oreaon Cllr Mill A Lamber Oriental-America aO .. Portland Helghtailmp. Co PaclOc gtataa Telephone Puget Sound Telephnj .......... TB , M 111 00 ' i 104H "i .;. laqoina Bay Teiepuooe ........ - kUMNO STOCK S. Alaak Petroleum Britlah Colnmbta Amalgamatd .. Krltlah Yukon ... 14 0 24 27 02 - oav, iH Oe 2d 8A "i o14 02 "20 ol H Caecadla OoDperonolla l.V.... Plxl eXadow ; ........v.. Fraelaad OooaoUdatcd Gallaher oa . IJolconda ........... GoidBeid Trorrar Great north era s. Holdea ;:r::::;;::;::.ot Lee Creek Gold . 02 SO s Mi 06 02 H 82 l Ibta M 11 vgu 2T 21 '08. IS M.aimoth ....... IS liornlng ............. 0(11 0214 2ft 10 ' 1H North Talrrlew ..... Oregoa Securities .. . Rambler-Cariboo . . . . . Standard Conaolldated Taooma Steal . , C0E7UB lVALKM DISTRICT. Alameda .... Bullion ... iturko Copper King 28 15 . 06V1 11 uertt Happy Iy Idaho Glut ..... yiaaonla 0T . Park Copper ..... Bex , Reindeer OT li - it 12 TS S10 ' Huth. Oonaolldatad 10 . 6 ) a Bnowebo ....... Snowstorm ..... Mineral Farm ... htaaaeoath HOGS HOT COMIKB FAST EROUGH TODAY - Receipts Are Under the Demand ; at Yard---Prlcee Hold . ; rortland fjnloa ' Bteekyard. Dec. ' IB. Lie. tock raoolpta: aog. uatti. Bap. Todays 11 10 Week o TO SB Month ago 200 60 100 Aaar ago ... - ... - ... Th llreetock market remain quiet. A few bog ar cooilng, bat th supply x Bet great enough for tbe demand. All prloea taerafor firm. Tody 18 bora amrea. - Condition a year ago: Hoga. firm. . Cattle. firm. Sheep, slow. . ' Official llreetock price: lion-Beat eaatern reaoa. Sd.TS: etockar aad feeder, (.604.60; China fat. $.60. fettle Meat aetr -Oregoa eteer, - (3. IhV t.BOi beat cow and belfera, (8.00) Blockers aaa feedera. (8.00; bulla, (2.00. Bbeap Mixed, oitei lamb. ., - ; EASTERN LIVESTOCK GOOD Chloa-o Krkt . la areaadlr fog Mogu, ;.. '. Oattls aad aThaaf. . Chicago, De. 18. Llreetock receipt: Hog. cacti. AeM. aoAo rhleago Kanaaa City .11.000 .80.000 800 TOO - - ano Umaha 8,000 BOO Hog are atrong at yeatarday' ejoae, with 8.400 laft over. Receipt a year age ware 10.000. Prlcaa Mixed and batch ara, (K.90i (.10; good. C.1036.20 t.HS; light, (6.86US.18. Cattle Hteady. , , Bbaep Steady. rough beary, ((.7(J NEVADA MINING STOCKS Tttrther Sepressloa Whow la Xdm kll i- aOB araotxHtw. " ' -.- T Bn ' Pranelaeo, Dee. IS. Official kid arieea 1 Belmont .0.0O. . Bullfro , , i . - 24 I Cealr Boy . . Goldea Arbor Mom ...... Jlltl Butler . MacNamara illil way , .. , Montana ... North Bur . Ohio Tonnpak . Narad . ... Woet . End ' . . .14 . .60 1tlnwy ... Ooa 01 Ta BOM 1.10 .10 y.4ef1i upnir no DT t .82 (Halediinl Exchequer 77,;. Noreroa ...... (cold Crown , . , c.reat Band ... Keeeu , , Blk. Rutre ex., Montgomery Mt. .. a. w , ,. 4 .8 .. S.87H ..1B.60 2 18 .88 .68 1.00 .21 1.00 Jti .12 .48 .18 f.Wi .21 .14 .T .88 .22 .81 .28 Adam .20 Atlanta - .67 iKeeptrV n.nai Bluebell M Manhattan Ilooth . . , .wif .. 1.16 J 8. Ilnrapfaray Columbia Mt Cob guarry Dlamondflald 1)1x1 Coin Held ,. Jamba ' ..k,, do xta . Kendall .... Lagan May cyaeen Mohawk - Red Top ,,. Hanilatorm , Hirer Pick St. Ire Net. Hank .. Pen re r.cllpe ...i Oola Bar ., a . .sa i.ranny j,. ,t. .48 Gold Wed i ,, ..." .18 Lone Hter ... . ... 1.40 3rat Head ft ... 8.60 do annex .... ... 1.40 Creacent ...... ... ,6d Oearer annex . ... 1.4.1 Black Rock .. ... -2T N. T. Coneol , ...14.78 Manhattaa eon S.eS Little Joe .... ... 5 Marf lower .17 ' M .. .10 . J '. .06 .. .Oe) .. .78 .. .80 .. .17 .. , .46 .. -.88 .. .88 . M , .. I.aT'i Jumping Jack . . , , .01 fted Top x .,, .68 Mnatang ..... ... 1.40 Bullfrog Mia ... l.llttt TrlangV ...1.40 loo lillloa ... Pin But LXTXEPOOX, OBAlTr KAUXT. UrernooL Dee. 18. Offlclaf prlcMl , , WHRAT. I lee 18. Dee. 14 Tyae P.r.mber ..'......'..'.".B BT B t! 144 March 0 BUd n 6d ' !d May ttfrwrTrr;'i,j-!?rTarTta oa CORN. Janeary 4a lUd March .a ea & '" Llverpoal Catta , MartMt. : Lleerpool, P..' IB. Totbia fntare S te ( palau ap; Bilddlliafa I BoUU eft Hops Are Going Out of Growers Hands Much Faster Than Anticipated Big Movement "EipectenAfter:the"nrst orYear by Trade." SEnTIGElT LilXEO 7 mm Trade Is Divided as to Future of -..; Market and the prlces : . Are Slow. ' BANK STATEMENT IS : : BOTH GOOD AND BAD While Report Is Not So Good It i( : Better ; Than Expected General Changes for tht Day : Wer Very " Small. , 7'' . : im OAim Amahramated 4f Noilbais Pae. - Car A Couodry ... xPeople (la ., t Woolen Parlfle Mall....... H Atchiaos HlTeun. Coal ..( Cbeaapeak. ....... u I'nloa Pae. ....... H Colo. Paal Vi U. H. Bteel ........ ik Fad. Smelt,' pr .. HI do ur. Out. A Wtra .. M . NET LOSSES. Amer. Locomotive., HI Colo. A Sonthera . t Baiaiter ........... Sj Maxicaa Oot .... HU ... lip 1 . ..,, n . ...... .. a.. aymmm Brooklra dopr.- Canadlaa . . ..... Rock lalasd Cent. Leather .... . , da pr. .......... V Sentiment ta th New York lork market wa quaJly divided between good and bad. 'Wbll th bank atatement waa not balllah It area batter tbaa expectBd. Tbe act cbangec for the day wera tract looa 1 except la Weatern Pacific and People Oaa. Each of the advanced S polnte. Official a notation br -Ovorbeck. Starr A Cook Co. . . Hi DESCBIPTIOB. Amal. Copper Co Am. Car A round., com 114. sit vrvxeiTco Ax. Cotton oil. com. Am. Ixenanotlv. eoaa. T8U Aav Sugar, com...... Am. Smelt., ooa..... da preferred. ....... Anaconda Mining X3o., Am. Woolen, eaiax , 184 U, Atchlaoe, com 104 104x1 104 00 preterred. ....... Baltimore A Ohio, era do Drafrrd nH, 118 us 2V Brooktya Rapid Traneit. en 2 tjanaeran x'acine. eoaa. 100 Vi Central Leather, com.. do preferred Chi. A tit. Weat., com Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul SVk "if ii; si ik Chi. A Northweat., roa t'heaapeaka A Okie Colo. Fuel A Inn. eoea.4 voto. BontD., com...., Colo. Sooth., I pfd... uoiawaea nuaaoa. .. 11. A AL G., rum do preferred Erie, eor . 48H aa Zd prererrea d lot Dr. f erred IlUaui Central...... lularlllc A Naabvlll. Manhattaa Ry nexlcte Central By... 20H do Bcefarrad Dlatlllexa rederal Smelter ... Mleeourt PaclBC...... NaUonal Lead , New Vork Central... I 4H SS 04 H N. C-OnL A Waaa... 4i norroik weatern. aaa SIV BMW riort ixancii Norther ParlOc, com. . Pa doc Mall Braaa. C. . 21NV I 8B reaByivul Hy.... IK8A 18NA r. .u.. (a, vr u. . Beading, com Ha aWK 1T4 14l ao Vd preferred. oa ax Drererrea Bap. lioo A Btaet. com Bock laland, 00 aa do sreferred.... St. ta. A N. r., lat pfd. Boutaara racise. cob de prof erred Sonthera By., ,..., do preferred. ........ B4U Teas. Coal A lroa 100 ixa si racioa T., Ht. U A w, ana. do preferred, .v. cr... Csloa Pacioc, eaa..... do prefafTd.....,.M U. S. Bobber, eaa..... lss m Ira do prerarrad 7J. B. Steal. Co., eoa.. do trref erred, w. Wabaah, con. ......... 00 prrrra. . . . ..... Wee tarn Unto Tela. .. Wlaooaala Central, cea preferred Tlrgl ol Chmlcal. Total aala for aaz, 4M.S00 kara. : ALL GRAIN DOWN AGAIN atotk OhioaffO aa4 XlrdTfi IVywwg fos . ' . Optloas, . -; lttv Wheat T1bm. .r f Dm. 16. Ilee. 14. Loa. 1nS. Deewnber ...(0.784 S0.7S SO.OOU S0.8HU May ........ .TZ - .TI ,00U .881. Jal -TTH ' .nJ .00j .84 Chlraga. Tlee. 15. The wheat markat waa lew aad weak agale. Liverpool waa lower, a loaa of 44, d being enow a th vartoos option. Thl market closed He to fee dowa. Cora followed cleae ea - tb footstep of the wheat anaj-kat, ahewrng a loaa of , a la tbe Deoembar, tba same amoant ta May aad 14 la tb July. Oata trading waa glow aad arte bews fractional loa for th day. Official Quotation by . Overosek, Starr A . coos a laa. Open. High, WHEAT. Lew. Cto. Deab ......7" n May.... Tli "4 T8 July TT. -rt TTi coRrf. 41 41 . 4S ', 48 44 '4 44 . . OATS. 84 84 Peeember .. 41 48 4344 4 ' 41 B , 48UB 4ufiB .1 MB ' May July ...... fleeambar -.. May ' 81 88 n MKsa PORK. - a 160 1820 Jannary . ....18(10 1608 . . .,..1817 . 1H2T LARD. SeJT 8T0 ' .... 878 (T6 SHORT. RIBS. Tt 16i4T May ,. , . Pa?mTl llJBf r5 V ; T0 Jaauary , srs : January 86 . 866 .. ano 806 ; isit . 'afiT My 9IM via e - tTSZTZS ITATES wOTXtaTMIirr 1QBDS. ' w Tork. Dee. IS. Official pricee:i ,41 Hat. MS imh Two, register! Opt. 104 . 104 do eouDoa Opt, HHH 10Av Thre. refltred Opt. 102 10H do con poo .... 102V 108 Small boad .....a......'.. 102 ... roar. regltres lrrr 100 ' 101 do seaoon .- IHOT iniil 102I raurg, rgltred IR2S 180 181 (lO eOBtoa IH'a lll 131 Panama 2 loft KM. do eoonoa 1... 108 10S. Mairlct of Columbia .1024.116 ... rhlllpptn 4a 109 ... ' 1 1 . 10ST0B OOfTU XABXXT. V Boato. ra 18 Official . l td price ! Ad- realnre, (4.60 real ore, (4.00: Alloa, .-.; Arcaiiua, .ao Atlantic, (14.871 Bingham. (81.60; Calumet, (Wig; Centennial, (87.60; Capper Mt(48; Paly Writ, (IB: Fraaklla, $Z: Greene eon, (H.I; Graaah. 18 60: Mae. (7.60: Mlchlaan. (10.76: Minis wk,; weraiir -eon.-- pit of ewrra-f Butte. (Ill: Old Colony, gi.ez; Did Pornin. Ion.' (M: Oeceola; (ITOr-plreot, K0T TTioenl, Qulncy, (101.60; Roy. J6 60; Manic nnani gia.izs; lamaracx. aunt 8.12i Trinity. (11.871 Utah. (87: Victoria. S.Vi Winona, (10 26; Wnlrerlne, (IT!; 11. B. Mating, to1.87le.! alnmet A Arlaona. (IST: Boatcaj eon (0.76; Arlaane com. . Rcl.- (8 23; Kaat Butt, (4.8'i: Udrlta, , Ely eon, (2.40 1 field Mil, S4.1t, DESIRE SCHEDULE CHANGED AGA East "Side People" Demand That: Street Cars Adopt Their . 0ld Schedule. ' DECLARE RECENT CHANGE HAS HAD BAD EFFECT Petition Signed Ivy Three Thousand People Living on Mount Tabor, Sunnysida and Morrison Street Lines Sent to President Goods. - Mor than 1,009 people living on tha Mount Tabor, Sunnysida and Morrtaon ' . street car lines have signed and for warded a petition to 11. W, Uoode. prexl- ' dont of tha Portland General Elect r to . company, paklng that tha old car Bohed ul on theaa lines b reatored. ,. Ever alnoa tha changa was made, so tha residents claim, tha service haa . baea poor. - jJong waits of front 10 to minuted on street camera ar frequent, occurrences, and it is said sat Presi dent Goods hlmeelf haa enjoyed aeveral of these delaya, muoh to the amuaement ' of his bslated fellow-pa ssangera. J Tha petition ' aka that tha Morrison street car be run from tha espoaltlon grounds to tha depot as formerly, and that tha Mount .Tabor and Sunnysida . cars make tha loon around Yamhill street Instead of running to tha - fair' grounds . Tba petitioners claim that tha present run Is too . long and that tha opening ot tha Morrison s treat draw Invariably ties up tha care ao that they , travel 4n bunches of two and three at long Intervals. President Good stated this morning' V that he had received tha petition, but . had taken no action In regard to It. Ha , said that ha was considering with other offlclala of the company tha advisability J of returning to tha old schedule. ' ORDINANCE-MAY BE VETOED TODAY Mayor Expected to Refuse Sanc tion to One Allowing ' " . Women in Saloon. Mayor Lane haa not yt vetoed tha ordinance allowing, theatricals tynd vau deville showa on aaloon stagea, but as ' this is tha last day It la exported tbat the veto will ba filed before i o'clock this afternoon. ' i , . Ha ha already publicly eipraaaei himself aa opposed - to the purpose of the maeiur. The ' only question la whether tha tried and trua majority In tha council will ba willing to defy pah- -llo opinion and pas the ordinance over hi veto. A tremendous ' pressure) haa been brought Hi bear tffngur7 The final pe aT" sasra of thla ordinance. Tha muato halla of Bumetde street ara not making tha . prof Ita ot aforetime because girls aren't allowed on tha stags. Every wire that could ba worked and every atrlng could be pulled haa felt tha hand of tha saloon man. If thero- la any ehanc of -tha council Ignoring . the - mayor ' and jamming through tha ' ordinance there will be a repetition of the.aoena at the last regular masting, wban a double acora of man . and woman aavrneatly , aaked tha council not to taka tha first open. , . : ' ...... FLAMES DAMAGE . OPERA HOUSE Hail : at Nashville Narrowly Es capes Complete Destruc--. . tion by Fire. , j A aerlous eonflagTatlon waa narrowly ' . averted thla morning at tha opera, houas at Nashville), on tba Mount Boott ear . lrne, , At about I o'clock J. R. Nash ' heard eioltsdV crlea' of F1re-' and was Informed - that his office beneath tha . LNashvlll opara, houae. was all ablaae. . Tba Nashvlll volunteer tiro department promptly responded and after balf an hour' a work extinguished tha flames. I Mr. Nash thinks that tha fir waa caused br tha throwing of cigar etubs Into an offloe cuapldor that contained sawdust. Tha building threatened was. , valued at f 1.000, but list will aover tha loaa, and tt will neoeaeary to ' post pone entertainments tvow billed (or this- house. ; j. LEGISLATORS MEET, y ' . TO TALK POLITICS . X anmbar of members of the Multno mah delegation to tha lexrlnlatur mat fat tha offloe of Rapresentattva Frank r. rteaman last night for an Informal dlsmaslon of tha political altuatloo and of legislation pending from Multnomah county. No aotlon was taken toward . organising the delegation, but thla' will be takon up at A meeting held December IS, and a oh airman and secretary -will be selected to serve during the session. a meeting imv weeks fx8nrTaafr night the attitude to beAakan by Mult nomah county en various pending meas ure will ba taken op and discussed and Borne united stand decided upon. Thoa attending tha meeting last night war Senators Bailey and Malax- -key and Representatives Burns, Beut gen, Chapin, Coffey,- Drlacol, Freemaa, Northrup and -Wilson. , "tWOODMEN TO BUILD : - HOUSE FOR WIDOW A summons Is Issued Dy order7 af Billy" that all Woodmen earpantara as pear at First and Aider etraat tomor row morning to go to Mllwaukle and erect a cottage for Mra. S. Cmut, tha wife of a former paat eonaul of the camp at Mllwaukle, and a widow with seven children, president Fuller haa kindly given the ase of a ear for the occasion. . ' BtxUdlns Vermlta, The following permits hare been le aued: Langrton tt Myers,, store. Park svenue corner Raet Kleventh, eoet (Lfl00O.-: rrduvl wo-ator y--4 wall ng Hartford between Endlcoft . ajjiL Bayard, eot froOOjU'slt'efleld,: Fries Co.. two-story dwelling,- Hoyt between fllxtcenth and Scvvnteenth, coat 1600; 1. Ruedy; repairs. Fast Seventh between Alberta and Wygant, coat 100; poison implement I'o, repairs, rroat aaraet Taylor, eost f its, , .( . ar I '. .:. : : ! I