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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
s -I I,- 19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY - EVENING. DECEMBER ' 15, 1603. ' NEW TODAY. y( V." . V J i"'....' . ... Six Bests BEST $3,000 -lot south of Washing ton street. .,. Near,, Portland .--v.... academy,.:: - BEST chef close-inj'rest-aide home, icar ',400. $2, Easy erms. BEST two-flat house on the market, ' $6750. Monthly rent $00. BEST fractional lot in Goldsmith' . addition, 25th at, bet. Marshall r '. and Northrup; $2,500, for 50 by 65 feed , I , "A-. BEST place for $15,000.'' Safe invest ment. Twelve per cent net. t; JESTLvrf for .a "little, one".. 1500 will earn 15 per cent net ..... Morgan, Sweet & Chapman 213 Abington Bldf . ' Phone Main 201S BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND $45,000 Corner, , Quarter Block, on East Morrison St," pays good interest on the investment Look this up - at once. '- . 7 ' .- H. A. CALEF , , With Calef Bros. , ' 368 East Morrison Street. Two 5-acre tracts onBaio Lint, cast of Mt. Tabor, accessible oiad at bargain price. A chance to . make money. Let as tell yon about It. E S. JACKSON Ar CO. 34a STARK ST. PHOINE M AIIS 345 Business en Attention In aacuiing protection maralnst loss by fire. Insure In a company that you know Is solid. Th Insurance Company of Korth America, has stood the teat for over one hundred years. Paying all losses In full Chicago, Baltimore and Han Francisco. Founded In the year 172. Liflftnea paid over . $120,000,000. .Assets, j. . iVl. E. Thomp6on ; Oaaeral Agent -for Orefoav 84$ II lsilsalppl ava. Phons Woodlawn 201 TO . Save and make money on inside Real Estate. See , F. ABRAHAM 227, Washington St. Offices 8 and 9. Phone Pacific 1218. Choice Lots Near Bt Jolina" $20,000 new school, houae. Small payment down and $i per month. i Two lrta In Miner's Addition Hirer .View $62$. 9. B. COlTTaT, , lt naiadalphia BU, m. Johaa, Ox. TOR Skit PLAINFIEID ADJOnmro mioxif ovs Renutlfnlly altur.ted. Overlooking the 4ltv: lit lota, each to 100 feet Price S 17. 00 l.ut cuah. balance Inv three yeara at S per centi Thla property ac quired by truat aalal on forecloaare of mortanse rnr aaie at eoau ruiix I lid k ii. rttrjEsii, irusiee, at Awiaa t atitona AMaaw " i it o ir n m mar I r , I NEW TODAY. Do You Want to ;Buy a Whr you cn raise poUtoea. per Back, beans, peas, aweetcorn. popcorn. cabbage, turnlpa, beeta. carrots, pump kins, squaslicucumbera. tomatoes, cat' ery, rhubarb, asparagus. Loganberries, raspberries, blackberries and atrawber rten aa large aa hen eggs; where you can keep a. cow, have your own milk. think of It! From 1,00 hena you ought. Dutter, cheese and keep chickens?- Just to get 600. eggs SO dosen. at 46 Cents per dosen $22.50 per day, or $117. to per week, or $630 per month, or $7.60 per. year, and you ought to have .1,000 chick ens and hena to sell at an average price of SO cents, each, or $500, which would make an annual Income of $8,000, and th kaas do all the work, and you can raise alt tha feed to feed the hena. We will sell you one of these homea for the price of a suburban lot. and thla land Is almost a suburb of Portland, only about five miles from city limits and near Portland-Halem - car- line; - ninth grade' school, -churches, stores, etc., on good county road.. ... . ... ,. , , .. Wat Ball Am Weans Tl, INVtol MtN I tU. ;r-244 : Stark-Str J. W. OGILBEE ROOM 11, USX FIRST STREET. f 550 Number of nice building lota, 50x100 feet, in Tibbetta Home '7 ' stead, near Milwaukie and East .? .Twelfth" streets. The cheapest property offered so centrally lo- cated, with" three carlines adjoin ( ing the ground, with big sewer finished and probable street im provements ahead will make this . property valuable, y S 17,50020 acres, all in cultivation. , near canine, three miles from ......... Morrison - bridge, on east side; lies beautiful, adjoining city lira ' its; a fine tract Jor platting into city ims or nait-tcre tracts. This ' .' is a fine investment, for-future use, with the activity for future just commencing. - . f 3,750 Fine quarter block, lOOxlOO tcety. in .atepnenai-addrtionrwitn two cottages on the around near ly worth the money; would be just the place to build tenements on for income. . a 1,750 58 acres, small amount slashed, balance mostly brush, on the main-traveled road between - , Milwaukie and Damascus, about . , 11 miles from the city, Morrison bridge. This is a good, solid and substantial offer, t v . : BARGAINS n REAtU ESTATE $8,50020 acres within olty llmlta. 3,300 Corner Gantenblen and Stan- . ton, )50 by 100. - , . $3,750 $-roora bouse, with barn and water tank; lot 800 by 10$; terms $1,000 cash, balance years at $ per cent. "Mount! company 20tos feet bezlnnlng at atona '-T-hne ' .r f"at'. aoutbeaat corner ef Ut 2, Brult- fl,600 S-room house, full lot,' at - - - Montavllla: will exchange for outside acreage.. ; f 1,200 -roora house and I lota, Bt Johns. , :y- f ' ' VTa have choice residence lota on JS. $7th and Hawthorn at $$00 and up on monthly payments. . Stevenson-Brown Co. X10 Seajoma $rt, ' . ........ :vr:. iSt. Johns 10 1 Acrea-850 per acre, all ready to plat ; adjoining lots selling from $400 to $500 per . lot..- f;V. ,' 50x100 The best business lot in .St. Johns. Price $5,000. - Richard Sbepard & Co. . ; ST. JOHNS, OR. $1,650 I artreeioa Men, Attentloal Secure home near your work. New T-room house. Owner needs money; part caah. See this at once, a it must be sold. ' . ' t TaT080st , OODCV, S4S SCastaalppl ava. Faoae Woodlawa SOS .WEATHER REPORT. fltorta waralnga were ordered at T HO a. m. na the strait ef Para, Belllnsnaia say, and along tbe coast from Cape flattery to Coos bay. A sew storm baa bade Its appearance off Cape flattery; tt Is ef moderate Inteaatty and will ajove slowly eastward daring tbe ftTt 24 hours sad eaase a freak aoulbeast shifting to eoathwaat gale along tbe roast and freak aoatberlr brersea In the Interior. Light rain has fallen la western Oregon and western Washington aad tbe rala area will spread to Iwlnde tbe greater part ef this district by Hunday morning. it will be warmer tonight la Waablngtoa, northern Ore gon aad Idaho. Hoary ralna have fsliea la. the middle Ifla etaelpp! valley aad. lighter amounts are re ported In the lower Lake reglna. Oble valley and middle Atlantle stalea... I4ght enow baa ecrnrred la Mlnneeota, tbe appef lake regkva and exa-tliera Nrw England. Observations taken at a. tn . PaclSe time: Temp. Statkma Baker Cltr. OreenS...;. HoBtna, Masaechasetts.. Mas. a. Mln. Freda, US ' 2 .6 S4 .00 T .0 .0 .0 .0 .fit M os .40 .0t .01 rhlcago, Illinois. M Iteavea.. CoJoradn .. SH Kansaa City, Mlewmrl. ..... .K) Cos Angelea, Oallfnrnta. M New Orleans. Loal.lana.... 7A New York, Kew iork...... 4 Piytlamt. Oregoa,,,, 41 Roseburg,- Oregon. ...... ... K2. St. Lenls, lileaouii., M Pa a Frsnr1e. California.. AO Salt Uke, l.tah ........... . ) Ppnkane. Waahlngtea...... SO Tarnma: Waahlnatoa..,.,., 43 Wall. Walla. Wasulngtoa.. M n'asnlBgtaa, D. U.M...M., 24 10 22 4t 1 1 T 4 80 44 id- 2d. M 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. J?"?' Campbell. 0: Georgia Kills. JO. .J., .V.""'"''4 Valdes. Alaska, 84; SHaa oath A. Mans, 20. , -, , . iA-. Karleu. 80- MimU Oimh. 1 an sct T-t, gijiiriM .Kalnh L. Nlcknm. aw. f. a ia . "'"T" Kaufmaa. T1H Seeond etreet, M; Sonata Sternberg, JO, C. Tucket, 464 Larrsbeo, 23: Velme awnmpp, II. ( W. I). IMvldata. ; "Walsra B. reaaUgtea. f- atoa bidg., ear. 'reurtk' aad Waaaiastea aca. b co.. rioRiBTP. roR rLowxita rull areaa antra for. ml. all ats Tailoring Co.. Btark at. Vmtqit BIRtHS. KRE1DER Daremhar J. t 11, miiA irm f KARljJsON Depeatbar 11, to Kr. aod Ifra. in ia Ti"'i lin ' - FUNERAL NOTICES. 1 ROKDKR-pia tbls eJtr. Vmtt la. loos, a "a Mmantaa aospltal, Mra. aUnnla Itoeder. " aited 77 cara. bekT4 molbar ef Ura. J. F; - Eulrick, ef TS Commercial at. Toe re nwlna are at the parlore of Zellrr-Brra rompaa;, wbare tbe funrral will leave flpm flunday, Deramber M. 190S. at 12: p. m., thence to St. Mary . church. Alblaa. whore aervlcea W1U be h.M. Inlarawnt at River view cemetery. t'Hcnda are rcapect rally la vlied to attend. Please emit flowera. UNDERTAKERS. rinral aealcaa aad eat nowera k. carvd from ua at any hoar et nlht p J.. fUone Mala 1845. Uoffmas Bros., Tea Ollaaa. ns. Mi A- ailbamTh. nJH.k modera la every detail, tteveatk aad Vim. Mala 3. mo aaautaat. B. Bemateck. andertakae anil aK.iu Eaat ThtrtaeaUi aad Umatilla ave. Pkoae BaU- Erlekaea Undartaklnf re., aad embalmles. 40S . " lav aaaataat. J. P. '. rtnley Bona. Tblrd and Madlaoa sta. at eaoaty eareaer. Pboaa Mala a. C Offlee Clarke Bros., oral daalsaa. S riortata rioa Merrlaoa at. T. Edward Bolmaa, andertaker, 220 Third at. . ama tiev camrgaT. . ; BIB (a rravaa, $10. ramjly Iota, $100 te $1,000. jnw vutj ww.iCTy in rortiaas walch per petailly malatalne and earea tor lota Par fall Informatloe apply te W. B. Mackeaate. Wer " w. m. imua. preaiaaai. - BOSK eiTT-mgrmr . "lle graves, 19 to $8; family lots 829 ta $78. East end Fremont at,, corner of Colly read; aapertntendent at cemetery. Phone Tabor 2o8. Por fall Information apply ta Prank ftrhlegel, 602 Commercial hlk. Phoaa eieia anxa. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeerga rW. Browa to Woodmera Water ewBeanr, -right "to -lay and malnuin wst pipes In ArlaU and vldnlty ...$ Edward Q. Wllkea et aL to WilUam . Bowes, land beginning 18 87 cbalna seat aad 6.81 121-10W chains north ' of s atona earweat Una of HI) ton Fraaer doaatloa land claim No. 40. ..I ktary Bawea et aL to William A. Rowen. land beginning at alone ea weat Una : of Mllttat rraaer dooatwa land claim No. 40 ...east Edward O, Wllkea and wife to William Mowen. land beginning 27 83 cbalna ,' - eaat and S.ftl 23-007 chain north of a . atone la weat Una of Milton Praaer OoaatklB latMl elalm K. AA Tbomaa Bowaa to William Bowen, land m-ammng rBaina eaat ana 0.23 1117-191 cbalna Berth of a etooe oa -west line et Mlltoa Praaer doaatloa OtTo j. Kraemer to C. I. Culver, let 1. block Uon-Toa addition E. P. Urabaaa and wife te William O. Goaalln et al.. aontb H of aectlon 23 and west V, ot eeetloa 20, except so ra west of eonthweet of aertloa 20, township t north, range 2 weat John W. Hendrteka and wife te J. W. rishbarn. lot 2, block 270. Lane's addltloa to East Portland 0. i. loan and wife to W. A. Boark, '. lot H,- block 2, Album llelgbU addi tion ...... ., X. R. Lockwood and wife to O. K, Olm sted, Iota 20 and SI. block 6, Kara" Park Oeorge W. Brown to Woodmera Water 25 2,300 00 00 vale; aaw 4HxTS feet beginning at stoae i eouuieasi corner Ot ioi A. JTtut- vale; Edgar" Poppleton to Nancy C. Popple- , ton. lota S aad a, block It, Cam there addition 14.000 Oak Park Land company te Elisabeth Blplcy, lot 10. block 1. Madeline 10 B. B. Patterson to Artlnsla O. Boss, lota 1, 8, 3. 4, block A, Clinton's addition. BOO Genre-1 W. Brown to Mra. A. Mitchell'. Keller, lot -an. block 1, Laorelwood .. TOO Ellea A, Ilabenham to Wilton Damon, lots 1. 2, a, block 12, Clovardale Ex tensloa 3B J. W. Carathere jnd.VHfe to American Trust A Inveetmant company, undivided . ' -H of lota T aad 8. block 812. city.... t Benry Kggers and wife to Emma Otter aharea. lot S. block 4. Graceland... -1 Tttomaa N. Strong aad wife ta the Pence company, s.WT acres in aectiona zs, SO, - township 1 aorth, range 1 weat. S Bert J. Smith to Emma M. Anstln, lota 8. 0, 10, block G, rnltoa Park 8,000 Lone Fir Cemetery company to T. M. cutuTf ............(....,. av Arthur L. Dundee and wife to George A. niair, wt a, diocb zs, vernoo .... i.eatl Seal Eatate Investment aaaoclatloa to - Fred Bauer Sr., luta S, , -T. . 0, L---: block 100. Sellwood aoa George A. Steel and wife t Home 8e- carity at Inveetment company, lota 1, 2, It, 12. block ; also lot 10, block ' 48. Faltoa Park , ' 1 Anguat Kaeba to Wtlbelot Knebn, V4 . Intereat la kt IS. block 1. Snanyalde addltloa 1,000 Augosta Neleoa to 8. J. N also a, lots . 14. 10. block 1, Richmond 1 Angnata Nelson et aL to B. J. Nelaon, lota 14. 10. block 1. Richmond BOO Timothy If. O'Connor and wife te Alfred . Homer, lot -av- blocs ,, and lot 1, block. 4, Saratoga ... ........... v.., 800 Caroline A. Ladd at aL to 1. Prteden. thai and Jobs P. Daly. Iota S aad 0. black St. East Portland SIS. 000 Oeorge W. McCoy to Thorwald Bchnlta, lots so, jz, zx. nioca a, wseauaM addltloa No.: 1B0 Moor a Inveetment company to W. L. Smith, lots 7 and 8. block 14. Vernon. 400 Levi 8. HI nee and wife to Carl Job neon, ;, . lot l. block s,ea ran aooiiwn ta Bt. Johns . S.000 Elbert le Perrin and wife to Armada . Ilerroa. lot 18, block 14, Paradise . Bnrlnaa Tract .............. 1 Bub Land company to Esther C. fob I et al., lots e ana I. bwes s, rtuumetia boulevard acres 1.000 7. B. Cross and wife te Oeorge A. Dyeoa, T lot 1ft, block 8, Trrmont I'lace 1 Loula Goldamltb aad wife to P.- Wil liam Hancbut, leto lO and M, block 1T,- Uoldsmltb'a addition 4.600 Bannab U. Bchlotb to David OoodselL lot 4. blerk 11. East Portland Heights. ' 10 I. 8. Mlanlel and wife to David Good.'"- aril, lot ft, block l. eaat rortiana . Uriah U $60 ElUa G. aad M. L. Bushes to Fred Btrong. let 8, block $2. Irvlngton , 1,200 A. P. BWenseoa aad wife to Alice U. Balrd. 10 acres nefinning sao reeg aouth of northwest corner of nortbeaet H of eeetloa 28, townahlp 1 aautb, range 1 east . t David Save and wife to Jamea Lisle, lot T. block S. Arleta Park No. 8 ... flS Matt (laaeeb and wife to A D. WIU : looglihr. lota It aad 12. blork 11, A I- : bins Hemestead v 000 Moore lavestment eompeny to Michael IHivtd and Nathsn Orvea, lot 2, block - 42 of Vrrnoa addition a BOO Lawrence M. Beal and wife to H. W. t.erkc. lots sv to 44, biocs s, reninaa- Ur sddttloa ' 000 B. G. knndret and wife tn Mary Grace Northnp. lota 14 and 10, block 80. Irvlngton 1000 Barry Fallmaa and wife to lobsnna Learn, lot a ana aorta et tot 4, ' Oioca 1, in eiarian, ,. ' I Nellie U. Albrecbt to Robert J. Cptou, r ' lot 0. tract E. Overtoa Park .......... 800 J. T. Bbea and wife to P. R. Welitje, lot 1, blocs a, atauraao no ope saai- -tloa 1.460 Lawrence U-t Beal and wife; to O. Buechler, lot 1, - ewra-- i j; ' lot a, block 1$; lot 1. block 18, Wast Port land i.. .,. . i Merchants' lavestment A Trust eampany , tn Mrs. K. I. rrescott. iota is aaa is, - ' block S. Cooactl craat Plrk 1.900 Oeorge W. Browa to Prank Labell. lot II. block 8. Laoralwood 100 Title Gnarantes A Troat rompaay to Ed die ErP-kaoa, lot a. pioci l, ia aaptn vl. loo vt lota I, 8, 7, S. 0, 10, la North St. Johna - . 1 MrMlnnvllta college to Mra! K. A Aader. eoo, lot , block Ballwoo y 12$ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph A. Dolllnger Is Mrs. B. A. Ander son, lots 1. 3. Mock an, Sellwood ... J. O. Elliott Kins to AeVlla Mary Kins. CM I 1 ear la section 6, township 1 euaiih. ar-wrtW'terf; Ketehum aad wife, a atrip ef land elte- atad aatwaea the nor til line of lota 1 aad X block 1. Glenrae Park addition, and auath Una et right ef way vt City at Sutmrbaa Hallway company L E. ElUa aad wife to U and P. U Buck, lot 1.1. block T. la Williams Avenue addltloa T5 SO Por anatraeta, title tnaaranee ee BMrtfage loana rail en Pacific Title Treat eampany, su44--r rallies bonding. Get year tneartnre ' and abatraeta te real eat at from tha Tit la Guarantee A Traet paay. SM Waablngtoa a treat, earner Second. NOTICE. PBOPOSALS POR BUPPLIES." Salem. Oregoa, .November 1ft, 1008. The hoard ef trustees Oregoa atate Insane asvluta berebr tnvttea sealed proposals fur furnish ing the following auppllea to the InaUtutloa ; for tha six months ending June 30. 1W7: Grorerlea. mill feed and Sour, niaata tnd tab. dry goods, drugs, stationery, leatker and .. fladlngv, Bboee, plumbing, hardware, tlooltig, V crockery and glassware. Llata ef aald aup ' piles will be furnlabed by the clerk ef the board upon application. Sample, ran b- ' aeea st tbe aajlutn and goods most be la accordance th area 1th. Where asm plea are n Hired- and sot furnlabed by blddera, tha dea must be eoual toesamplea to be aeea at the aajlum, and bide wtll be assumed tn bare been made oa baa Is ef samples, i All goods must be In etrlct accordance with sample la original package when passible, - and delivered at tbe atate luaana asylum within SO date - e Her- contract ta awarded, and blda mint be In blank forma, which ' will be furnished together wltk Instructions to owners py the clerk, upon application Each bid on Sour or neat must be ac companied by a eertlSed check for $300.00. and each bid on flah by a certified check of $73.00, and all other bide by eer tilled checks equal to 10 per cent or tne amount Bin . checks or ansurceeaful blddera to be re- turned Immediately, and those aeeepted wbea r the contract la completed. Blda must be en closed la aaaled eavetovea and directed to tha board cara or the clerks and plainly marked "Bids for Asylum Supplies," and tbe class af sooda ahould also be Inacrtbed on the envelope. rrlce, fitness ,and quality belug equal, preference' wtU be given to articles manufactured, grown or produced la' thfe atate. ., Wbea a particular article Is apedally caned lor, mas for otner kiaa. or menu facture. ee bread, eaually good will be enter- "talned. - but to Insure rerognitlon ot ancb blda aamplea of the article. It la propoaed to aunolr nnvat aecomDanr them. I Tbe board reaarves the right tn reject any or all biaa, or u accept or reject any part of a bid. Blda will be opened at tha capltol at Relem at 10 a. ax. Wedneaday, December 10, ii- , By order efaStie board sf traataas Oregoa Stats losses aalum. . W. N. GATBNSl Clerk. PROPOSALS Invited for auppllea for the Ore goa state penlteatlary far lbs period ending .June so, iuot. . - ' Sealed blda for drugs, drygoode, groceries. butter, leather and findings, plumbing aup pllea. hardware, floor, flab, meat, etc will 'be received at tha office of tn euperlateodent f tbe Oregon atate penitentiary until De- v camber to, 1IKI0, at 3 .'clock p. s.' st which time they will be opened. ---A deposit of $200 ta cash or Certified check, payable to tbe superintendent, must accom Dsnv each bid for meat and flour, aad all other bide meat be accompanied by an amount equal to 10 per cent er tbe amount ot tne en. Samplea to accompany all blda where prae- , tlcable. Tha right la reserved to reject any aad all blda aad to accept ar reject any por tion ef a bid. Oa each envelope ahould be Inscribed the nature ot tbe kid. Goods of .. Oregon manufacture eg production will re celveBTeterenca, other things being eqaal. All gfwds and auppllea moat be delivered to the penitentiary wltbla 40 days after th eoa- .tract la awarded. . Schedules of tha vartona lines at goods will - be An-nlsbed apoa appllcatloa to tbs auper- - lnteodent. Vouchers will be laaoed for payment aa tha first of tha anoolh following tha eois- J let Ion af tha contract sod monthly oa coa Innoua contracts. - O. W. JAMES, . Saperlatendent Oregoa State Penlteatlary. ' Baicai, wagpB.aoTemner. i, iiea,... ' 1 i PINAL SETTLEMENT.' Notice la hereby git that we. the axacatora of tba eatate of ST. M Llehteothaler. deceased, have filed ear final account therhi with tbe' clerk ot the county conrt of tba atate ef Orfgoa Snr Multnomah county, and aald conrt baa aet aad appointed January 14, 4V07. aa the time foe bearlnr obteettona thereto sad final settlement cf said aetata. ... NEWTON M'TOI, ; ; 0 M. P. MILLER, i , - - ROGER M'AFBR. .Kxaciitors. Bt. B. NICHOLAS. Attorney. NOTICE. Net Ice la hereby giveo that commenctng ek a. aa., 1 nwhee IT. , 1800. at' 10 o'clock will aell all property, both real and personal. that Multnomah county aaa nereiorore ae- a Hired title to by virtue- of aale for Uxes. aid aale to take place at tba front door of tbg Multaotnab county, atate ef Oregoa, soartboue.. Dated Portland, Oregoa, November IS. 1000. B. L. KTEVKN8., . - Sheriff and Tax Collector. u . . um tri r.m- nuin,e nPi - ' . - tary aaaoclatloa The annual meeting of the members of Kiver v lew imeiery associatinn -wlU be held at the bank of Ladd A niton ' Monday, tba fourteenth day of January, 1007, , at S:W p. m. A general attendance Is de ' aired. All owners of family mta In the ceme tery are members of the aeeoclatlen -and aa " titled do participate. 1 WlJJAJS as. navsaniMai umm. EXCAVATING and grading. C. . Pottage, 480 Onmmeretal at- Pboo Eaat ties. . MEETING NOTICES. -NOTH'Br- Tbs anaual -atockbnlders meeting of the Goad Bops Gold and Copper Mining and De veloping company will be held at the eaaa- peny a oxiicv, fiscwiT., nMH,iM,u, , Taeedaf, January 8, 100T. at 2 p. m.. for theC slectioa of officers for the ensuing year. , WILLIAM J. WALTERS, Secretary. ALBINA Lodaa. No. 101. A. P. A A. M. eta,ted eommunicauoa tnis .(Saturday) evening at S o'clock; election ' and Inetallatwa ef ef- Scera; eonslderatloa of resolutions; visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. A. J. BANDLAN, Secretary. M. IV. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8,4C, meeta Wednesday evening, Allaky bldg.t Third pad - Morrison era. " " - M. W, A., Oregoa Oraps Cams, No. 8.PTS, Mow. days. 17th aad Marshall: visitors weleema. LOST AND ' POUND. $8.00 REWARD, NO QUESTIONS Strayed from East 24tb and Couch Ms.,' whits bull ' terrier pup V mouths eld; baa one black eye, email black spots on body, ears recently cut. baa email leather collar oa neck; answers to asms sf "Togo." Phons Eaat 122a. ' ' POUND A piece to have hair martraaeas reae- - vatea aaa returned eame oar. e a raws -x-' Main 474. Portland Curled 11 sir Factory. H. Metsger, proprietor. . LOST Poppy, black and' whits tea terrier. abort black tall, while tip; uoerai rewara. 812 Jobaeoa st. XA'e i una icmaie bwmiim i-u,ts v. , w .."Muggloa," light-yellow bead; reward If re turned to 820 bherldsn St. LOIT-Z-Heavy purs whits dag wltk shala. Pbena Kaat sis, neward. ' HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED at cues Stave-bolt euttera. wages 1.40 per cora; eteaay worr. Apply west ers Cooperage Co., Stearns Bldg., Portlaad, er Heultoa, Or. .. . . ' . . , . i BOYS Coma and glvs It a trial; eaa make good wag-e attar ecoooi ana eaturaay aeiung sinalf 'articles. . $24 - OaeUnbelo ave. F. Valvar. t MEN AND WOMEN te learn barber trade Is eight weeka; graduates ears from sin to weekly;" expert- lustinctora; catalogue free. Moler Byatem ef Colleges, 8S Marts roartk St.. Portland. ' , . WANTED to SBora ' sollritnrat - beat pealtioa la Portlsadi mea are making $8 dally, sail after aeon,- BVlVt Stark at. - Union Hotel -- ! 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free emplormeat to oar pa trass, Weekly rates: . Room, $1.0 apt room .aad beard. $4.S0 a p. Aoderaao, aroprtesor. AGENTS wasted, Oregon, Caltfocnla. Idahe, Waaalagtoni health aad accident Insurance; old rallsble company; good coatractei refer. ancea required. United States Health A Ae . sldaat laaaiaace Co., SOS Margusaa. . HELP WANTED MALE. sawaaaapaa1awawahawaar (SiiWl awaaiWa-saiaj WANTED Two ar three flrstlaea alVareaad maentna ava; pviwanent paaitioa. aooa waaea. vreyoa ruraiture Mis. . aiauaaei ivau. per inontb; amae area more; etock clesa grows ea reservaiwa, rat rroa sis erenarusj . cask advanced weekferr choice of territory. Addreaa waabiigtna naraary saaBsaay, aus waaainguia. -a Pacific Aid aaaoclatloa fur tioo, 234 l4imtier Exebaoge. luod praueal- WE get work foe oar membevat aneclal sera. $2. X. U. C. A, Pourtk sad YamhllL SALESMEN Experteaced special contract saaa; lot) per month and commission. Conserve tlva Mutual Ufa luaoranae Co., Elka' bldg. jropoair D. M. Stevens, 0U2 Goodoougb bit WANTED 'Live man, soma money as partner, 63, Journal. legitimate business. AUdreas a WANTED A Beat appearing maa for ateady loo; good wages. Apply 211 t'oarth at. PO yea want to mako $200 per areekt Yna eaa dn ao. Call and see me foe particulars. Newman's Motloa-l'Irture Machine company, 14& Sixth, cur. Alder. . WANTED Mea to leera te operate motloc. .. plcttfre machines; leaaons reaaoaalile; learn nnalness In abort time; graduatva earn $20 to. $33 per week, tiiv. Sixth at., room 2. WANTED 8 good earpenkera that anderatand aettlng np stairs la . acboolhouaid as. all 070 Vaugha at, cor. ebth., . . V. WANTED A wood turner. Apply 230 Proat at. TWO solicitors aa specialties. Call 20$ Tblrd at. BOX WANTED Must be a seod senman: bring written appllcatloa, state age and ref erence. Dayton Hardware to. . WANTED Experienced quarts miner, alarman aied to working around a smelter.-, Address Z 78, care Journal. WANTED Boys with bicycles to deliver tele grama la resideoee. district for Postal Tele- frauh company; wages $30 par meats. Apply 20 Tblrd st. , - ' i WANTED 15 solicitors for wholeaale-nooee. $2.60 to $3 per day. Room 31, Commercial Hotel, 48s Waahington at. - '-, HELP WANTED FEMALE. IP TOtT WORK, why not ears' more thaa a living 7 Be Independent; do good. Tbe Vlavt Co. already employe 12.000 women; the work covers 23 countries of the world: we will entertain applies tinea front capable women; , ao' eaavaaalng. but helpful, dignified, work. Address by malt only, Tbe Vlarl Co.. reoma 804-B O T Tllford bldg.. 10th and slorrawo. -- HOMB LADIES AGENCY. , MBIi Kourtk at., corner Morrlaos. a pets bra. Phone Mala 6820. Arougslde tbe Y. M. C A. bldg. GIRhg WANTED Operators to work ea shirts aad overalla. Leseuoa glvea to laexperleaeed. Apply at Standard factory No, S. Grand ava. and Eaat Taylor at. ,.-r ,y, , ... HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S484 Waakv lnsTtoa at., . cor. Seventh, a pat a Irs. Phase Mala 2968. Female hels waoted. WANTED OlrL chocolate and boa-boa dipper. Apply 400 Waablngtoa St. PEW ladles wanted to assist making easy fancy work a para flaw at boms; good ateady ray; no exporleace required. $28 t'leldaar idg.. 40T Waablagtoa at COOK for small family. Mala 2011. 238 King at. Phons A OIBIe to saalat tn general housework. Esst 22N5. w East lth at., aorth. , Phone GI RMI te do berat work. Wboleaale awrenlr bouse. UtfN. Fifth at.; apatalra. WANTED Girls, experienced pa perbo -makers. Amerleaa Chicle Co.. $1 North Front at. - BVANTED Glrla. sxparlenced rPsrox-matero, iorricaw v.nicie ia, as nonn a rout St. PINIIUIERS and operators oa paota. 20T Corn men wealth bldg., Sixth and Ankeay sta. WANTED A girl for general houaework PboT'EaTt lBw7V cook mi g. sua W heeler at, 01 RI. for general Phone East 1107. housework and cooking. 04 Wheeler street. . WANTED A girl for general housework and cooking. 804 Wheeler at. Phone BaaB 1087. WANTED Experienced gtrl for general house work at Mount Tabor. Phone East 248. MALE AND PEMALE HELP. BELP wanted a ad enpplled. male er female. H u. urase. stM wssaington st. Padfie 1S7U. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Position by sober, reliable, accurals accountant; experienced In Insurance, ab atraet and official attics-work. Address B 68, cars . Journal. WANTED Position by reliable pharmadat of , experience; registered In Mlaaourt 10 yeara. Addraaa S 77, cara Journal. MAN, sanitarium experience, open aean-t Btan , agemeiit of large boarding-bouse and make kimaelf generally aaefuX Atidreaa Z 73, cars Journal. - ,. XOINU man, bookkeeper, wanta a email eat ef JoTyl "'"' Aldf'' H H' cr GENERAL cleaalrar end all kinds ef Janitor work. Son. Phone Pacific 731. Mr. Thorns- I EXPERIENCED general merchandise aalesman . would Ilka aome peeiilim with srholessle bvajea with chance lor promotion. B 4ft, Journal. ' - ; a " ' 1 WANTED by sa slU round machinist, electrlrlaa and a tears and gasoline engineer. Addreas - n ijt, care journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WANTED Position as narae; graduate Amerl. ran Training School, Chicago; confinement cases s apecnitty. L. ,J. IJoack, 131 Va Unlos are., mom- 37. . ' DRESSMAKER, cuts h tailor arstem, designs fancy and tailor sails arsl costs, wsnta few more engagtments by day. 413 Mais' St. Main 2464. WANTED AGENTS. "GREATEST INVENTION' Phoenix gaa man tel preserver, savea many dollara, aod wilt be bought at sight; sample 00 ceata, enough . to prepare ever 160 Beaten); areata wanted everywhere. Apply C. N. Boacamp, 873 Sixth at., Milwaukee, Wis. AGErrTS-Caavasaers, mixers, peddlers, aol let tors, mail order people, etc., should boy Kramer's Book of Trade Secrets; regular price $6. but balance of laat will ton for $1.2S sa kmg ga they laat; guaranteed; order quick. Sioux Pub. Co., Satberlasd, Iowa. - AGENTS WANTED to aall ear complete Una of bleb-grade nursery stock: outfit free; tesh weekly. Addreas Capital City K tar aery Co.. - as leu, Oregoa. I ...... $ OR B people to sail a fine holiday soap, 100 per cent; also In elty and country for good medicine proposition. B. M. 1'lummer, 200 Tblrd it. - , t . AGENTS wanted te aell album for Christmas: make from 86 to $10 a day. 02Uj N. Sixth at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CROSS Hmployment 00. - Logging ramp aod farm kelp a specialty. 80 Vortfa Second St. Phons Mala slfetj. We pay all telegraph chargee, . BANBEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OB MSN. ta North second st- Phone Mala 152s PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPF1CB. $vA Morrlaos St.. .........Phone PsclAe St ..Phoaa PaclOe lou AI.P1NB Kmplovmsnt Ce, Morrleoa St. Male and feaikle help. Psoas Mats 1017. WANTED TO RENT, WANTED TO BENT Houses, eettages, flats, atorea, offices, morning hoaees, tts. Land. - lord, will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OltEGOM. Phoss Ex. 78. B. E. Cor. td scd Oak. WANTED Fsralabed. large cosy i room wltk Small kitchen edjolatng; reiaat be eloes Is; reference, glvea. B 77. care JuarsaL , BY two eleters, connecting room tn private family) references eacbanged. J 77. Journal. WANTED Furnished eotta tag. wlttx bath and gas, tar u fa only W 48, ear Juuraal. WANTED REAtT ESTATE. BATS TOW PHOPERTT' TOtf WANT TO rKIJ. AT TUB MARKET PRICE THAT THERE IS A GOOD. CLEAN PltOFIT IN - it ra-vou ip vou have, we will .eAa's.e.leti la Muk a m , IMsVetefsr--trt A MILH TU LIST IT; HK.ST OP ALL, WE W1JUL, IX rOH 1UU ' H. W. LEMCKB COUPAMT -"SIXTH AND1 WASHINGTON. MAIN 000. V- MAIN B0i Payne & Van Tyne 210 Atlsky bldg. Beal EaUts, karma, laveatmssts. Mortgages, t ... 4 Loana. - . WR-eaa aell your home ta couatry or dry; If von wre willing to Siva at leaat a 80- day eoneraet; we cad get tba buyer; owner only seed apply. Address U 43. Journal. CITTf PROPERTY Small anbarbaa borne, fruit farm, dairy or stock farm, or s large tract . or ebeao land that baa anod soli: loratloa ef latter nuat ha Is w eaters Oregon or Wasulngtoa. Addreas W e, cara journal. I WANT- a -fcoaas ea eaat aide: will pay $ooo cash. Balance monthly Installments; tf your pi-Ice la rlkht and loratloa sulto will, boy. Addreee N 70, care Journal. WANTcnu-To bue S-roem modent cottars . eaat aide, south ef Washington el., also some , vacant lota: will deel with owners only) give full oescrlptloa In first letter sod price. Ad- areea a be, care journal AriVFRTISRR - wishes to Invest S20.000 la Portland residence property; only high-grade real eetate onealdered; give terme ana rnu particulars; owaers only seed , apply. Ad dress B 74. care Journal. I WAN s building Tot Js Irvlngtos; or will trade my equity In a new modern ,1-Moa t house. Vi block from Williams ave 1 give I location ef lot aad price; owaere only beed answer. ' Addreas X 87, cara Journal. WANTED At ence, to 8 -room modern honaa en weat aide; higb-claas tenant. , rsone ataia 1P70. WANTED 4) or T-room boa goad locality) for flrat pay- Mil UOia fWW W . vmmi ment: sir. full Darticulara ire, only. Addreas B 74, cara Journal. WANTED TO BUT A BMdera or T-room ho viae; give run partlcniars and phone num ber. Addreas V 6-1, cars Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO AGENTS, restaurants and hotelkeepere . Beat reaults era obtained from genuine aluminum steamer and cooking Weoetls; will not rust, always bright and practically wear a lifetime; clean, - cheap, appetising and healthful; all ware guaranteed to give aa tie faction or money refunded; eecure territory now. Addreas II. Kw HUiets Co. ' Bpeclal frloa on large erdera. P. O. Box 4, Graata 'aaa, Oregoa, ADVERTISING MATTER , Mailed by Itiaral Directory Co. Wa have the only classified list ot hamee of, Oregoa aad Washington. 2U1H STARK ST.. PORTLAND, OR. WE. WILL Bt.'Y, SKLL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGR CO S2T 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. B ton EST eaab price paid for all klnda see Sand goods. Psoas Mala 8111. sS N. Third. ICATATING and grading. C E. Pottage, 4k0 Commercial at. Phssa Eaat tisa. I PAY cash for boasebold goods. W. W. Savage. 846-847 Flrat at. Phons PsctSs SOS. MAIN 0A55. V T CASH AND LOTS OP IT, '.'. j u:... FOR rCUMTl'RB. 'PORTLAND AICTION BOOMS, - t I , 211 Flrat Bt. MAIf 5838. MAIN BOM. WANTED Trga boras for lumber yard. Ore, Eoa- A Washington Lumber Ce., foot of lamlltoa ave. DRESSMAKING er eewlug ef say klad hp the Piece, at my home, 821 fifth al; terms vary reaennable. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM-HEATED Is-ae front rooms ' st the Royal, lubi. Fourth at.. $5 to a weeks eeutru pnes ouiiuing. FRONT suite of 2 rooma, beantlfalle furnished, central location,- a beds; lost the thing for or 4 mea; T to M a week. $32 Stark. NICELY furnished eulte: slas alngle rooms for rent, reaeonable; H block from Hotel Port dasd; bath. gas. furnace heat, lav Seventh tt. Pboaa Mala 4173. . FOR BBJtT 3 newly farnlshed bath and phoaa; near ear line. Yamhill atreet. 13 14 314 FOURTH ST. Furnished rooma; day, week ar month; loweat rates. Paclfls StttO. THE RICHELIEU. S34 North Sixth at. Ele gantly furnlabed: steam heat aad baths. FURNISHED reoma and furnished housekeeping - roams (or rant at 72 Vancouver ave. THE GRAND. 46 Nartk Third St. Rooms fat gentle wee $1.20 per week and a p. . ROOM wltk all modera coaveulencca, from $2.23 to $ a week. tMt Jefferson at, , NICELY furnished rooma,. alngle or en suite, eritb bath. 470 Burnaids at. Pkooe Mala luatt. OR 4 furnished rooma on first floor; suitable for housekeeping. 108 12th at. rrrril one or two genfltmen, furnished rooma, modern oonvwuieaosa, private family. 130 1Kb -and Alder. ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING.. ' S OR 8 clean anfurnlahed honsekeeplng-reoma, 1 centrally located, cheap rest, 60 Uth SU. I serth, corner Davis. Mra. Cofflo. 2 on unfriTBlabed hcauHtkMplag-ropsna, electric Unlit, and gaa. Pbons Paclfls 2404. t.407 Columbia at. 1 . $1.26 WEEK UP. elass. furnlabed besvekeep Ing room at parlor, batb, laundry, turns ce beat, yard. 203H Staaton. U ear. - $1 60 WEEK np, large, eleaa, furnlabed booae keeping rooma, laundry and bath.. 14 kber maa eeath. Portland. . THE MITCS ILL Housekeeping aad traneleat reaaosanie. neventa aaa riaseera. 2 HOrSEKEEPINO-BOOMS, furnlabed. 2D8 Hall at. fnralahed or aa FOR RENT $ unfurnished hoaaekeeplng-roema at 486 Kaat Morrlaen. Phone Eaat lulft. FURNISHED hoaaekeeplng-rooms. 80S Williams avenue. -, FURNISHED honaekeeplng-mnma, low rentf furnlabed waterproof, comfortable , tents $0 per month. .. phone Eaat 412S. . ROOMS AND BOARD. ONE-FOURTH block and 0-romn kooes st Mt. Tabor; weet a lope wltk fine view, $3,260. - K-room house is Huaajalde, s good buy; only 1,700, - 10-room house, Holladay arldltOB. 12th aad " WelUler ats.; a bargain. t,2M. A fine borne ta Irvlngton, $7,000. ' -" (me fourth block end good -bouse oa Port ' land lletgbta. fine view, 3.0t)0. 4 Rutherford & Co. T 517 Commercial black. , Mala v 8120. at This'" 10-room booae at 12th and Wetdler sts. all nice, large, light reoma; electrlo light, far nice, cement' basemeat, good barn and nice grounds; only $1,200: thla Bald for $10,000 was than one year ego. 1 J Rutherford & Co. 817 Commercial block. Main 8120. FURNISHED ROOMS Pleaeent, wltk or with out board, free bath aid phoaa, boats cooking. Call Main. 6M-4. ee A F1RST-CT.ASS salts sf rooms ft" gentlemen, call at .23 14tt et. Phone Mala 1030. r j 1 B1CB front room for two, with able' price, lilt Lewnedale. FOR RENT HOUSES. T-BOOM bouse oa eerllne, 812. 0. H. Plggett, ewacr. lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg, . BENT plane and lata, buy Itf, all pent as. 6 lied as parchaae. Sherman, Clay A Co., Ixth A Morrison St. 1 20 A NEW modera ,7-conaa hease la Alblaa. 184 Burnalde at. V T-ROOM hemae with bath, 100 Nebraska at.,' en the Pulton Hue, $13 pat month. .Apply - los a oris in er. -- - POR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT Furnished -d-roota . sottage, 8U Phone Eaat 07a. . $1,ao FOR Raw T-rooa bouse. Sea owner, flUlter M. l-roem eottses; bath and gas. Kaat rtrsl su. corner Hsleey. POR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for rent aod sals; ease payments. Kbermaa, Clay A Oa., Sixth aod Morrison sta. -ROOM Sat, asodem, steam beat. ' Waahlog. ,. too, betwasa lth and 17th. Phoua Eaat - are, - . HOUSES FOR RENT PURNIe TURE FOR SALE. FOR BALE Furnttare et S-room atodara heoaa. nearly all new ;, rent reaaonablai two bweke 1 froas poatofflce;' good transient heaeei will sell at s bareala tt takes by the drat of December. 2(a) rifth at, - WB aeed furniture at any price. Portland Asa ttoo Rooma. 211 Flrat st. Mala OOof. . FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFPICE-ROOMS, snfuralahed room, sa pie-Ton ms tor rent. . Geodaough bldg. elevator. Apply . DESIBABLB eftJcea. Including aleotrta Ughta, sot sod eold water. Janitor aad elevator service, 10 the sew,' ' airy Commonwealth , bldg., old noatofOce alts. Sixth sad Bursal d ata. Agent roam 411. , , l-STORT brick building. Conch aad Front, sew vacant and can be rented for term -ef rears. -' Particulars Fred Blckel. 781 Park ave. A FEW Srst-claee ofrlca-rooma left at snrtheaet corner Third and Madlaoa sta. 'Apply room No, - FOR BENT Store Plfth-st. aide Goodnougk bldg. Inquire at elevator Is building. , DESK ROOM for rent In large well-fnrnlahed ef Ace ea Seventh door Chamber of Cora- ,; private, rree pooas. Aaaress A bt, . Joaraal. - . FOR RENT. . - Twe etorsa on Vadea are. aad Bast Bel-, -Stoat st; reasonshle terms. . I BABTMAN A THOMl'SON, , ' S Chamber of Commerce, FOR RENT FARMS. CHICKEN-BANCH,- with Bsodern emilpmant for handling 1,000 chlckena. , Addreas A. Wald wtek. R. F. D. Nu. . Box 73, Tacoma, nasaingerni. A GOOD farm for rent; glvs full parrjculara. Adiireea B trr. eera jousnat. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. and Ballraom. seas rats ar ttogerheet. aaw sad with all eoavealeaeaa. Pbeo. Mais Sua. BUSINESS CHANCES, v "Three Good Chances Flooring mill In growing Idaho Iowa. or nig rarming acviaja : good ressai lag.. Inquire 507 Bherlock bldg. "' ' Hardware business. Invoice $8,000, for sale, laqulrs M7 Sherlock bldg. . .. . " Betel to county seat town to Wlllsmstta ' valley.. A good buy. For particulars call 07 ibarlock bM. :;',.. ;. . UAGB-HEMPHILt. CO, 07 Sherlock bldg. . ----- ... FOB KENT. .- : One of tba beat-paying hotels Is tbe eityi ; .baa 2'weoma, wall furnished, good patron, age, rent e2no per month: will give 1 or 8 months- trial to anyone, if desired J or will give leas, from 1 .to 8 years, $300 bond re- quired; weald also sell all, or half or one third ef the busiaeaa: large bar eo unacted emh -hotet, wbldi - will -nesge-into. OTTO, CROCKETT A HABKSOlf BIALTT COMPANY. SJStt Wasulngtoa at. Fcrtnneli WHO WANTS TO MAKE A FORTTTNB BT BUYING 1IAI-P lNTKUKc)T IN PATF.NTKD RAILROAD DEVICE. THOROUGHLY TEHT. ED AND APPROVED BY RAILROAD Or FICIALS IN POKTLAND; $4,000 IS VESTED IN THIS PATENT WILL MAKH XOU $00,000 IN FIVE YEARS. ADDRESS) 11 46, CABS JOURNAL. WILL sell or trade for diamond, cigar and candy atore; fixtures new: Invelce $330; must aell by ltlth; cheap; Investigate. 040 Umatilla avenue, Sellwood car.i CORNEU GROCERY III BCOBNB. If you want to engage tn the grocery bust- neaa aod mean business., 1 have a proposition that will Intereat foil. , Address P. O. Box 825, Eugene, Oregoa. BE8T equipped eolleettna business la elty, , leva than half Ita value If takea at enoe. ' S61-H Alder at. STOCK companies Incorporated. If you have stocks or bonds for aale, let ma try to aell , ihem for yon. George Ms Kellogg, broker, 40 ETTIcatt Sqosrs, Buffalo. . SAVB MONEY Aay thing tn printing ere Mad ,. den. , Odd Fallows Temple. Flrat aod Alder -ata.; apataira. t. - - - FOB S A LE Prosperous grocers' or would evebange for eaat - property. - Tel. bcott-lBSe. - st Lent: raaldeace $4A0 BUYS 8-roome, well furnished- ta good k 1 ctttty; weat lde-loay rsnt, Hagamaaa. A Blanchard, 01 Fifth St. . '' . FOB SALE Half Interest ta $8,000 stock ef - hardware doing $33,000 buelnrea, N 23. JouraaL. , . $300 BUYS 1$ rooma furnished, housekeeping ; rent $21.00; lease; rooma full; clearing $30 month; no agent. 807 Eaat Oak St. A BARGAIN Good saying ablrt and waist busi ness: up to dale outiltl moderate capital. 128 10th street, city.- FOR SALE Oyster and chop house: splendid - location for one understanding buslnraa. Phons - Mala 88H0. 28 Third et. - WAKTED-A partner for manufacturing bual. ness; the only one st Its kind In tbe west. U ,3, cars Journal. . SMALL grocery for aale; Investigate. Address H 44, cars Journal. . . .. THE BEST BARGAIN tn Portland for reetau rant; good bualneaa, 8ns location. Apply at1 184 Burnalde at. $1 .VK) FOB new 7-room - house, Pee owner, 1008 Montana sva. corner of Webster at. FOR SALE Buttermilk route, house, wagon tnd cane; good bualaeeg. 664 Elm St., Part- . tad Heights. j LOTS I.v DIANA PARKIII WANTED A reliable man who eaa Invest $160 in an old-established legitimate enterprise) clears $120 month; peHv must ha hoc eat and - furnish . aolubla reftrenrea; no axparleacs '. neceaaary. Call lMVk Fourth at. CIGAR, fruit and candy . store, A-l loeatlna, good caah trade better hurry. Z 78, Journal. FOR SALE Newly furnlabed first-class rooming-house, 22 rooms, beat location, elerrrto and gaa light, excellent trade, hones full, lease. rent : I1.40O. cssh $760. 421 Eights at., Hoqaiam, waablngtoa, - IJOTHOfSH FOR RENT OR BALBr HOT-. WATER PIPES, ABOCT 8.000 FEET GLASS. -J. U. NOI.TA. 121) KIl.UNGSWOHTH AVE, ST. JOHNS OB L CAB. TEL. EAST 1780, FOR BALK Grocery store, good location, fins trade. Addraaa W 68, cara Joaraal. NICE aew restaurant ef hotel dining-room and kitchen outfit; new French rangei everything flrat class; aell cheap er trade. Inquire ,; 2U1 Stark at,'-- .. FOR SALS at a barrvtn, well-eataMlahed and - equipped aboeshop, doing good bualneaa: writs quirk. Star H hoes hop, Independence, Oregon. $260 BUYS lunch counter and chop hones. Call af 2d Tblrd, corner of Ankrny. ' $000 WILL bay a confectionery and grocery . atore; a nap. Stats Land Co, 133 '-t First VvBtreat. ' i GOOD DAIRY Creamery prodoeta business for sals; rtg and ronteei price reaeonable; will sear investigatioei. amnisi jk. w. I - WANT partner with $2,000: good mining proposition; bo risk; If yon want money, la veetlrala. B 84, cars Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. V : S-HOOM cottage. Sea Rafael at., lot (i"xll1, price $I.8.V); cheap home; rhs kk Apply.' 1 Charrjr, oorsag avast rirau -. . - ; "7 V