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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
rnz orxccrj v daily r journal, - Portland; ECET.IBER "IV KC3. as nganASBeE9SseaBBA-9SJSsssaS-9BKaai iouei Tcp!a -0IHr AMVSBMJUIIn., JltlMf .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeaeeeea'aee'eaee .James OKelll la "Til Voir el lb Mlshtr" Eaker "TM Merchant of Venice" mplre 'lb Two Joooa" I.jrrlo ................ .........."The Panltee'J attar ..........,......... 'Tbeluie raatagee Vewlerllle ajraad Vaudeville . The Volunteers of America hava Is sued the following appeal: "We bava found a number of worthy poor in thla " aity. wh are bndly In tiMd of clothing. win tha good friends onnrumwaaat "" kindly Bend ua their castoff clothing? V Wa can make good uaa of It and make . .. aoma poor mother happy ' wltlu good clothing for tha little folka and heraelf for Christmas. ' Ring up East 11 and we will call, or address Captain end Mrs. W. B. Areata, tot Eaat Burnaide . Street. . lira, : E. Shults. formerly of The Woodland. ' 165 Sixth a tree t, has re umed tha management again, remodel ing, renovating and putting all In f Int el aaa condition. The rooms are large, airy and light, with bat sad cold water In each. .Tha very best table board served, for wblcb Mrs. Shults baa a wide reputation.' Spacious - grounds, filled with shrubbery and everything that' goes "to make the place homelike snd cosy. . . . - The subject of Rabbi Winner's "ser mon this evening at Temple Ahaval Sholom. Park and Clay streets, will be The Rights of a Minority." Services begin at o'clock. Special services in celebration of Hanukkah will bs held ' on Sunday evening at I o'clock. The whole ritual will be In the banda of the puplla of the Hebrew and Religious school maintained in Temple Ahaval Sholom. V' ; 1 . ' . .." ' Thirty-three ' per cent ' saved After looking through up-town clothing and shoe stores go to John Cellar's, you will positively aave 3 J per cent on pries. Special. Christmas gifts, silk Initial handkerchiefs, arm bands, suspenders, iteckttes, IS and 60 cents. - John Cellar, 1I1-1M Ft rat street, corner Yamhill snd H-b6 North Third street. The volunteer firs department of Es- partment tacada will give a hardtlmes ball New Tear's eve at Eatacada. A lata ear into Portland haa been arranged for, to leave the suburb immediately after ths dane ' Ing is over. .Prises will bs given for ths beat sustained hard times' shar sclera and for the best lady waltser. ' FlnJey McNeill has received a tele gram announcing tbs death of . Bis end, Robert T. Holman of Bummer- Idafrines-Sdward's-Ialand. Mr. IloN ma man was ona of ths Island's moat promi nent, bualness man. and ths owner of ths largest department store la ths maritime provinces. " Ollvearmacsrhss-filed a suit In ths I.I. circuit Murt Tn a divorce from Henry C. Cannack, charging cruelty. " Mrs. -Carmack slleges that her husband faUely accuaed her of infidelity. They were married at Vancouver, Washington, in April. 1198. Attorneys Ed and A. R. Mendenhall appear for Mrs. Carmack. 'The funeral of Lewie C. Parker waa hM vMtiH.v a ft.pnAnn at V1nlv -cfiapet"Rev.BrSi 67 Eiyof CaJvary Presbyterian church, officiating. At the grave ths rites of ths Odd Fellows wets carried out by W. A.. Carter, grand master, and 8. A. Starr, acting grand cnajpiain-.,. . .- . . - A good safety rasor makes an appro priate and appreciated gift for a man that shaves. We . here tha Gillette, Ztnn, Star and -Gem,-all at prloea that will suit, any puree. .'.Call and let us show them to you. Albert 3erni, ths druggist, 1SS Wsshlngton street. 'An exhibition of modern etchings Is now . open at the .Portland Museum, of Art. The exhibition will remain open until soms tlmcV net month. Both the European snd ths American schools are well represented, there being SSI etch ings displayed. . Tha Spanlah Literary circle at Its lsst meeting in the rooms of ths Oregon Conservatory of Music, waa in ths na ture of a social session. Hpeeches were made in npanjan ana ungusn ana a gen- eral good time waa had. Their next meeting wilt bs tomorrow - svenlng at I o'clock. , -' :. , ' - ' Former students of tbs Philomath college, the school of ths United Breth ren, will meet this evening In tha First United Brethren church. East Morrison -snd Fifteenth etreetn, and form an snriation.'. All former students sre In vited to attend. Articles of Incorporation of the Rail way Investment company were filed In the office of the county clerk this morn ing by IV C. McCoy, W. J. Tucker end II. I.. Walter. They will transact u genersl reel estate and Investment busi ness. Capital stork. 1100.000. Oet It Off Tour - Mind. Phone bs that order for your Christmas tree, Ore gon grape and mistletoe to bs delivered next week. Ask our salesman. Main 471. Portland Bead Co, Front street, corner YsmhllL - Judge Charles E. Wolverton of the United States district court this morn ing announced the- appointment of Jamea W. Ball of 8umpter, Oregon, aa United States commissioner at that place. . . . , ..." Ws court the pstronsgs of those de el ring ths most delicate in photogra- . phy. We make a specialty of poses. Ron studio, lm -Washington, corner "Seventh. ' Don't forget ths opening of ths. Martin Furniture company, First street, be tween Morrison and Yamhill, tomorrow. Souvenirs to all who csll. , .. v- John P. Hartman of Seattle, RoheU J. Upton and E. B. J. McAllister of this F.V.BALTES 6 COMPANY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR lllQUIMESFOn PRINTING Vii ii ' . i u i i. i , Fim AND OU STREETS i HUM. HGIltPJlOGilALl Boys of Y. M. C. A. Will Enter . tain Their Father and Mother Royally. "v WORK IN GYMNASIUM. WILL BL FEATURE Boys Ortheitra Will Play or Half Hour, Handball Came Will Bs Played and Oymnaaiura and Aqua- tic Work Gone Through. The boys' department of the T. M. C A. will hold Us annual parentr night this evening at o'clock.' For one hour ths boys will show what they can do In ths gymnasium and at handball. This exhibition will bs ths bsst glvea by ths boys In ysars and a big crowd Is expected. The boys' oroheatra -will give a concert from 7:19 to . - I M Myers will have full charge of entertainment. .. The program will be as follow Boys' oroheatra, 7:0 to 1:1 ception room, ground floor. Arthur C. Clifford, dlreotor: Msrptf "Vana" (Uassl); waits. "Daughter of Lova" (Bennett); song, selected, - Harry Far eon; selection, "Moon Winks' (Ste ven); . selection,' "Back Among the Clover snd the,Bees" (Ingram)! march, "Daisy and thr. Butterfly" (Beyer). Handball7:to to . In handball tfjurt. fourth tjjsor: Doublea, Oacar Holmquiat and Raymond Hale vs. Robert Sherwood andvWaltar Poat; alaglea, Robert Sher wood vs.- Oacar Holmquiat, Walter Poat ' , a. Raymond Hale; doubles. Warren n Ji Jackson snd Edward Garcia vs. Carl Frenoh and Harry Toung, Clyde Oraham and Howard Hals vs. wlnnsrs of singles. Gymnaelum, to 8, second floor: Marching, csllathenlos drill, by olass; apparatus work, fancy marching, pyra mids, by leaders. Basketball. - . : .'. Aquatlca, to 10, In swimming pool; ground floor: V Twenty-yard swim, fancy diving, long dlvs, tug-of-war, rescue work. GERMAM EDITOR VISITS IN PORTLAKD - George Brumder of Milwaukee, I Wisconsin Gimst tA Prr.7 I V,SCOn8" OT rTOT. F, R. Blockberger. Osorgo Brumder, one of the foremost. German sdltors of ths United States, accompanied bj his son-in-law, Oeorge F. Mayor, and George Martin, were the tbM - touft. -tha-NathrirhUn. the German paper of Portland. ; Mr. Brumder la the owner of the Gr- n Wl1w.,u Tl'l . . U Ylll .. kee Herald, the Lincoln Frele Preaae ' snd other papers. His - publications 1 J reach a large part of the German popu lation or the united Htates. his sworn ' circulation being 1,000,000 copies. , He J has . been on a visit throurhout tha northwest and left lsst night for ' txs 1 I . u Wa 1 1 1 a . a Anivmt wiiw.v 11 will vyvnu lew days, before returning to his eastern' home.'- I '. ...Mr.lMeyer, the son-in-law of Mr.i Brumder, Is ths president of the Meyer Boot snd Bhos company of Milwaukee, , while Mr.-Martin la ths-owner, of one 1 of the .largest tanneries In Wisconsin. city .were admitted to practice In the United Btetee circuit snd district courts this , morning. Lawrence A. McNary, city attorney, waa admitted to practice In the United States district court. The motions for- admlttancs were msde by LC. J. Scnnsbel snd J. Couch Flsnders. , Jspan Bassar A genuine closlng-out sals of a large-aasortment of Jspsnsse fsnry goods, chlnawara and novelties, regardless of cost. Come early before all ara sold. ( Sixth street. By special request. Elder O. A. ftny. der will apeak at the Auditorium. SOI to -tThtrd street. Bent -Sunday evening 7:10 o'clock on the subject of "Sunday In the New Testament." , N. C. hulln, who was arrested yes terday for fraudulent use of the malls. l furnished ball lata laat night In ths sum of $500, to swslt ths action of ths fed eral grand Jury. Put us down on your shopping Hat for tomorrow and let ua show you what ws have In the line of holiday goods. Al bert Bernl, the druggist, tti Wsshlng ton street. , I "'" Roy W." Powers hss sued Mary M. powers for a divorce In the ststs cir cuit court, alleging desertion beginning In October, 1904.. The litigants were married in April, it 01. ' , Tour eyes examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses st $1.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Mstsger Co., jewelers snd opticians, lit Sixth street. The Teschers' Progress club of ths county will meet on ths third floor of the city hall tomorrow at 10 o'clock ehurp.The work of this yesr consists In a study of recitation work. - i.rt Do not mlse this opportunity Oeorge Jnbour ft Co., 141 Wsshlngton street greet holiday oriental rug and lacs sal now on. . 36 per cent reductions. Sunday sscredness settled. Apostolic suthorlty confirmed by history. Audi torium, 20 Third, street. Sunday, December 10, at 7:30 p. m. , Steamer Jessie Hsrklns for Camas, Wsshougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Waahlngton street dock at l p. m. ' Window glass and glaslng. T. K Bsach Cv, the pioneer paint company, 11$ First st Tel. Msln 114. ' Nashville open house during holidays and Saturday Masquerade New Tssr'S svs. r Tsks ML Scott car. . Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, tuneh 11:14 to I; business men's lunch. ' Acme Oil Co. sells ths beet safety coal 11 and fine gasoline. Phone East tit. ' Danes, Friday, Arlon hall; four prises. "Public stenographer. Phone Pacific tl" Dr. E. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marqvam. Stops' Ttnhlnf 'TnstaMlvv- Cures - piles, ersema, salt rheum, tetter. Itch, hives, herpes, scahlea Doan's Ointment At snjr drug store Ill A PARENTS i I aW.k'.W. - SBB T SB L SSI !BWK . J l 'J va,X ' .TJ v r. in fi'-v.i -"r---- ' ' ' - I MfiX WI . . . . t w&' ....... r . : ' .: . t. : ' 1 . , - 114 TKXBO , tonight : Ladies' Night Admission Free. Skates 85) SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY Meet ms there Saturday night Opererora -a. m. Sunday. 1 GLOVE SALE, aievea Vhsvt Ttt ea Wsar Uke tm. Saturday morntaa". we place pa s4l 1 sr v.. a. j- . aa m. Mt f 1 ri, n m an 1 11 1 si as-ssi m ..efflKNe - . - j i w i I II II I I fl ar iNsja. ii w i cv -i ii - ii ii i i ii . -rr -. - Oaks Rink xFor Christmas Shoppers THAT IS IF YOU APPRECIATE COMPLETE STOCKS AND DON'T WANT TO BE HURRIED AND JOSTLED AMONG THE ANXIOUS, CROWDS NEXT WEEK This Is WHERE WITH GREATEST COMFORT YOU MAY DO YOUR CHOOSING. THE LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'SAND BOY'S APPAREL IN THE CITY THE LIGHT EST, BRIGHTEST STORE. OUR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT MOST INVITING, WHERE WOMEN CAN SHOP WITH EASE- .........;.... , Smoking Jackets House Coats. Almost 300 to choose , from. Price starts at $4.00 v . And up to $15. LOUNGING ROBES and BATHROBES Prices range from ipto$15 Fancy Vests A suitable , present any, gentle- Fall Dress Vests $2.50 to $5 REMEMBER, MEN AND BOYS APPRECIATE GIFTS IVE Women's Hats sraw omsATiom xoaT, , attbaotztv Contrsry to established millinery ethics, we con tinue during the month of December to produce new end deslrsbls high-class headgear for late buyers. Every hst Included at special reduction prices at to H ess than regular. ; DOLL HATS DOLL HATS For the Christmas Dolls. Hurry. Tbey sre going fsstj only about a hundred left All hand-made, of beat materials. Special 25 to 91,2bV j Fraley -s H atteryj Vtn Vhx Block Pomtfc of Xotnrlaom ttt. Watches-Diamonds SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Ths Mstsger Co. Essy Credit Plan will nppeal to you and your friend. We will sell you all of your Christmas gifts on one bill only . ' . $1 Down. $1 a Week Early selections sre always ad visable. We ahall be pleased to lay them swsy until ths day yon wish them. Open evenings. METZGER & CO. 'm tttxrx sraaaT. our new,. line, efti, kid glpvee latest shsiies for holiday trade fitted - snd warranted at $1 ,pec pair.- Secure your Shade. McAUenyet McDonnell. the Ideal Store 1" . : . 1 x.. - Umbrellas for Hat Orders For Brewer Hatt MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE 4 : The Best Dental Work in the World At Cut Prices Until Dec 15 Good Set of Teeth. B4.0O On Rubber Pistes ...fO.OO Gold Crowns, per tooth. .. S3. OO Bridge Work, per tooth... 1)3.00 Temmt snd Silver - Fill Inge, each 25 Oold snd Porcelain Fill- .Inge, each fl.OO Extracting free. . Teeth cleaned free. - Yale Dental Co. 1S7V4 rXBST LTMKT, Between Morrison and . TamhllL phone Main 47. Oftae Haute t I sa4 te t p. at. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT : FAIRBANKS' BATH ROOM snd CHT81CIAN8- SCALFfl. Popular for oms knd'offlce.CMRISTMAS-tirFT . . FAxmaAsTXS. xobii m oo, . rtrst and tsk Sts. - I - ' ... . -T '. .'',. , i Neckwear In, endless variety. Every style suitable for every want.' Price range., ... 50c To $3.00 Siifc Mufflers $1.50 to $5 1 -1' A-specially ' fine selection - - of Holiday Umbrellas. Handsome handles ; $5 MORE FROM AN EXCLUS w.V Hellia, Theatr- am o mtut. Laat Perfarmanr Tmiliht BlbNnl TVaaia, "in voicb or ths mjohtt." , Speelal-Prtre MattSM Tusturriwr. TnaKirrow Slfht. "KOKTB CBIST0., . . tvenlng Prleee Lewar rim. fl.M. 1: Sab cos, It TSe, Sflr) Gallery. SAe, 2te. Matlsee Prhwe Me te $1. eats hew Seliiag st Btlllg Taeetrs. Baker Theatre Tkeatra Oa.. tiam Persiaesat Unme ef The Baker Theatre Stect Ce. SH Thla Weak, s Urand Prodactlga ef Shakeapeare's taieMrtal Iraiaa, . "Til MIKOKAVT Of TUICZ." Wits iokm Salnpnlts sa Shjrloek. rioeiplete la emery end eatall. Toalaht le Dtaaa alsUti ewraae sat a cfcasee te wis s rateable ala. Matinee HatwSar. Breshig arleee, Uc, We, Sim.! HatlBM. lie. Xfte. tut Waa "A Baasaler' B. Pantages Theatre roam Stark ste, U Brew ssd e Wrikl. LHtle Hales. Lae White. WUaea Oemaey Q ". Hasveaeak'e B4ueata4 Beats. Osrlatea Onraaaar. The Blofrapa. rrforsiaiwe- Sally - at i:M. I:S0 -and 1 1 s. a. Adailaalna lo eeata saS 90 rente. Hutra IS emu Asy saet st weekday sial IKS eeats. Art Leather Ware Tsbls Mate, Cushions, etc.. . Banners, frorn 23c to 5IO.C0 VISITORS WeLcOMB. Tts ILclz's S'.Z7 I BUth."aees Va.1: .-a. 3: -Qv n .... a Leading BMP1RQ THBATRB Mala 11T. KUtaa W. Baaaua. Ma Flalag All the Eaatera Stair Hlla tines. Tonlaht. an Thla Waan. Attrae. The Smamlnc garea TaaneAy, - "thb two jona," Tsess Twe ganar rat faUotra Hew tetrr (ilrla. Elaborate ' Wattaeee WedDa1ay aarf aatsrAay. Bagmlaf Baipkra Prleea. Vast Attraatian "0 tm ISaAe.' STAR THEATRE Weak ef SaeeaiVa IS. rtm Vitn sane. THB ALLB.1 BIOCB. CatrAAX fBCSSMXa "THECMS- afatlnaes Tneaaeys, Theradaye. tareraya anS Snailaya at :S0 . m. Prlraa 10 an4 30 raala. Brary evening at S IS e1 clock; srtcss 10, JO and SO aenu. The Grand Warn.. K. ataawen aa Delay Dadley. torn rtm , OHABJTT.lff sad Harris. 0. W. Uttleflels. BQay . aaa KaHWws. Jaaaes Bitty Baeay. las Xeaa Pa reapers. Kaaaat ManU Baff. UYRIC THEATRE wtn Benrg;e bboxhbbb is. ' ' at .-has Kaokln'a t'allfrrrlx Boaaaiwe ' aa fire Acta, The Dcnltc- Br. errve eeae rra IS s. sa. aa Iff S. m. eeta caa be rr-"4 by b-: Hale stale's Ball. Car. Will la SM Ava. Sit T If ... . w . r t-i - J ' Casts, C:,U '