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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. 1008. ifei? GkkWaimEELEmg 1Mb Fill ffee Smckm Store Open Tomorrow Evening And every evening thereafter, BntiLthrfitrnaa. Plan on coming here In ; the evening if you can't find time to come during the" day. - Santa Claus Here Tomorrow Yea I Hell be -here all afternoon tomorrow, and we want our little frienda to come in and tell him . what they want him to bring them. In the Toy Department Wonderful Fourth Floov TMMWB My, what a lot of toys you!! find to look at and to delight in when you come tolKisTWdnderland ij clare it's fairyland come to life. Beautiful dollies for - the little girls to see, mechanical toys for the boys who are up and doing and want things that "go." All sorts of games, and even the baby is well provided for in this splendid assemblage of toys. We have dolls from France, from Germany, from Japan and from Some of the most beautiful dolls ever made, those that sell at a goodly sum, and then, too, we ve some mighty lovable-little dolls that And the dresses. our own United States. are nice enough for any girl'to possess, and they aren't at all expensive. There's variety enough, goodness knows. Richly dressed mademoi- sellesror the more modestly attired dolls that come at lowerprices But mrc know that each one will look just right- ta the4ucky-little-girLthat-xeceivea one of - these dolls for Christmas. ... - - "" BASEBALL Hew. Game Here, boyti You want to be aura and aee thia new game when you're in the Toy Department tomorrow. Moat Interesting "game you've ever "playedpand'thrneweet-thlng-out. We're-lrnly-etore-te-Portlaiid that haa h for Bale, ' Once you play this game, you'll pronounce it more fun than you've ever had playing indoor game. You count it just the same aa you, do the regular game of baseball nuke runs, pitch, strike, steal bases, field the ball and put out the opposing players. 'You cant play outdoor baseball this time of year, and it wouldn't be as much fun aa thia if. you could. Well be glad to show you how to play thia new game. Come up and practice awhile. The game complete ia only...... .......... $3.00 Now Here's a List of What We Have ABC Blocks, from . : . Nested Blocks, from... Mechanical Trains . .' . . Doll.Tninks......;.... Doll Pianos . , . uTin Dishes, set . . . ; . ' Enamel Dishes .Y.Y.Y.' Horns, each," from Magic Lanterns. .... .v Dressed Dolls. . .. . .7. ...V....:.12(Ttol.Z5 ...... ...15c to $1.25 ........... 2Sc to $10 a.. ........ 50cjo $1 5 ;...7$c to $3.75 ....25c to $25 ..?.. 4c to jOc .V. . .7t.760c to $5 .......... ..5c to 35c ......... 60c to $4 ..12c to $20 Undressed Dolls. . . ... ... . Doll Chairs, from . . ..... Drums, , f rom. . . ... . . . .', Doll-Carriages . . . . . . . - Driving Reins with Bells, from,:. . . . . . ... . . . To)r Ranges .. ......... . Baseballs, from ............ Gas Balls, from-.-.- Harmonicas, from ......... 2c to $7,50 ........ 35c to $2 ..30c up to $3.75 35c-to-$l&0 leather and tape, .......8c to $1.50 ...v..25c to $8.75 ...20c to $1 ........5c to 50c ....... .6c to 35c w Iron Toys, from...... 10c to $5' Trains, from .. . . . . .10c to $3.50 Toy Watches . . . . . . . 10c to 50c Rubber Toys. . . .... . . .10c to $1 Paints, from. ,. . ...... ........... . ,5c to 60c Baby Rattles, from . . '.f. ....... 10c to 35c Rubber Stamps, frpm . . . . . . . . . . . ;. .' 15c to 65c Wooden -Toy Furniture. . . . . .'. ... .30c to $U Doll Bedsfrom. . .... ...... . . . . . ;50c to $15 Toy Dressers, from . .. ........... . 45c , to $6 Toy Toilet Sets .'. ., . . . . .$1.10 to $10 Every Silk Petticoats lA Less Saturday Only Save from $1.50 to $21.66 A sweeping price reduction that takes in every silk underskirt in the entire department. No reserves whatever. Welcome news this for gift buyers, for what is more acceptable as a present than one of these superb petticoats. Remembery you whoJiave presents to make, that no woman can have too many petticoats and that" it will be a long time ere you have such a chance as this again. ' Petticoats in every color and shade, made in the daintiest man ner possible, deep flounces and trimmed and be ruffled, in charming style. Choose them Saturday," for that-is your golden opportunity. Regular prices from $3.00 to $G5.00 each. - All Vi Less Than Marked Price Saturday ; 25 Per Reduction On Raincoats On EVERY raincoat in the store, craven ettes or silk raincoats.. Swagger styles and best qualities that you can buy at any store in the land. Come in plain col ors and fancy plaids and stripes in the silks and plain or herringbone stripes and invisible-plaids in the cravenettes. Cravenettes run, from $10 to $38.60 and the silks from $23.50 to $42.50. Now everyone we have sells for one fourth Jess than price marked. A $20.00 one. i .-. ............... $15.00 - Mfe Are Selling Slippers Enough for An Army Slippers and Shoes have always been popular Xmas gifts, and they are more popular than ever this season on account of the immense assortment that we have for the -holiday trade. They make mighty good presents, too; the cost is not much and they are something that every one young or old can use. We can sell you a pair of slippersat the lowest price that re liable goods can "be made, or we can sell you the finest goods to be had. . - . . - In Moderate Priced Ones 20tylesrfromm-,6O to $1.39 25 different styles at. $1.50 20 different styles at. .$2.00 SO styles at. ..... . .. .$1.75 " 20 styles at. $ 2.50 to $3.50 Saturday Evening A iter 6:00 Men's Everett Slippers, in dark brown kid, with patent back and tongue ; a very .. . . ... neat style and one that will please any one that buys them or receives them as a gift. Very spe cial for Saturday evening after 6 o'clock,; LQr ......... V7V TYCv- pair. The Men's Shops Furnish Good Suggestions Men's Smoking Jackets $5 to $20 The best values and the best assortment in the whole city are to be found in this store. Made of two-toned goods, every seam piped, cuffs and col lars of plaids in bright, tasteful designs, to match -4inings-Priced aU-the-wayfronv$20 J? MA down to.. vOUU Men's French Fold Four-in-Hand Ties, in the very newest designs and first quality silks; 12 different designs to choose from; best possible val- AH n ue ; made to sell at 75c. Saturday. ......... l I Q Men's Fancy Suspenders, come one pair in a box ; very attractive designs; regular-75c qual- AQ ity. Special, Saturday. Men's Handkerchiefs, plain - white, - in mercerized goods, neatly hemstitched; look like silk; worth 12c. Sat-O urday ...OC Men's Suspenders, z fancy S makes for Christmas presents, put up one pair in a fancy box;. a regular 50c one Men's Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, a lot of 20 dozen, that our New York buyer picked up at a great saving; made with plain centers and fancy borders. ' 'Jflf, These are a regular 60c value, but this time we offer them at, each. . OUL DAY'S EVENTS 0(1 "EAST SIDE Mount Tabor Car Signs Ars the V Cause of Considerable 1 . ! Agitation. ' . ACCIDENT DELAYS FILL ON EAST OAK' STREET 'ReHdents of Montavilla Allege That .' Liquor Is Being Sold in Direct Vio lation of the Local Option Laww Proeecutioni May Occur. . But Bide Zt.partamt. X. M. 8tTn. of Mount ' Tbor, fl. plore the fact that two ilrwt rar Hum In the aame elty controlled by one bead . abould operate care wtUi practically the aame directions on the care. Mr. Ste rene eays that during; the last few month hundreds of peopl have been compelled to walk from the end of the Mount Tabor reservoir to Mount Tabor properrearly . mile, because they had taken the wrone; cr The satne thing happene as many times on the Mount Tabor aide of the bill. . . Mr. Stevene eays: "Many people who are new In the city end who are not aware that there ars two Mount Tabor llnee are confused. What has aaton lKhed me le that this has not been rem edied long ago, aa I would hars thought that the flret thing the new consolida tion would have accomplished upon its completion would have been to clear up this thing that haa confuaed visitors and Btghtseere in the city time after time. A car system should be aa simple aa possible and any well regulated sys tem usually Is. It would be a great Improvement." v . Other residents of Mount Tabor are aa pronounced In their vlewe and think that the Portland rail way a could eaaUy grant- such- a -requeet ae no-.xp.nse would be connected with the favor and the benefit would he large. Some such a name ae City Reservoir or simply R.awrvolr haa , been, tsug gsted for the O. W. P. cars by . those desiring' a change. This confusion has grown eut of the competition" formerly existing between the. old O. W. P. A Railway company ml the City Suburban Railway com pany who were 'warmly contesting for the patronage of this district, but the different lines have so built up the two sections ao that thoy no longer tap the same locality. Stars XntarwttBf Case. .. . Justlcs T. C. Shreve, of the Mount Tabor court, heard an Interesting case yesterday which consumed the best part of the day. There were two Issues, one wherein T T. Shaughnessey sued Bdward F. Cannon for commission for the sala of some lota, and a counter charge by Mr. Cannon. It was the usual real estate row between the pro prietor and his agent. The agent won out and the proprietor will have to pay the commission es well -aa th rout of the action'. There were no aenss tlonal featuree. Attorney John Lee successfully prosecuted the ease. An un looked for clrcumstsnce has In convenienced the contractors in filling East Oak street, between ; I mon and Grand avenues. The middle of the tres tle, which was built by the workmen in order to perform the work, haa sud denly dropped about 10 feet ao that : XAXX.T TO BBS ' and early to rlss, makes one healthv, happy and wise asrerlHlly if you take H.rblne . before retiring., ...A . positive cure for Constipation, IVspepsU and sll live.- co-n;.UInt. Mrs. H , Co lumbia. T.nn.. wrlten ."I always keep a, sup, .. of your Herhlpe on hand Am so pleased with the relief It glvee In CnnstlpMlnn and . ell liver oomplalnte that words enn't exrreaa my apprecia tion." for sale by all druggists. the Incline to Grand avenue la ao steep that It 'Is Impossible to push the cars up to the street, and the dumping on that end of the trestle must be put Off until the trestle la remade.-. The soaked condition of the ground upon which the bridging rests is ap parently the cause of the catastrophe. It was not thought necessary to plsce an unusually firm foundation under the bridge, but the large loads of dirt were too heary for the improvised structure and the result is that 'the bridge will have to be rebuilt before work can progress much farther. The work haa not been delayed yet. The bridge can be ud fr ae the end of the sink. Tronble Brewing la SfoatavUla. Trouble la brewing In Montavilla. It Is alleged that liquor Is being sold In open violation of the' local option law which man adopted In thia precinct by a big majority last June. Prosecutions are expected to follow very soon and there will not be much delay In the proceeding, according to the best auth orities in that part of the city. A- young roen'a medical club of the city Wednesday evening adjourned to meet again Immediately at the homerof Dr. J. M. Short of Cresham, the recently elected mayor of that city. The club thought to congratulate the doctor on Ms new honor and went out to dine with him on the) strength of them. A few profesalonal discussions were In- dnlged In among the young does and IT 1. C. Klllnt King presented a well' prepare! paper. 1 The Woodstock Push elub will meet tonight to discuss the different matters that affect the welfare of the neighbor hood. It was announced at the - Bellwood board of trade' meeting last night that arrangements had been entered into by D. M. Donough. president of the Sell wood board of trade, .with Peter Hume of Brownsville to establish a bank In Sellwood. . The project, it Is thought, will prosper In Sellwood. The Sellwood board' of trade branched out a little from the general routine and s-ent on record In favor of an appropria tion of l00.ooi),for two new. tuga and the Improvement of the tug service at the Columbia river bar. , FLOODS CARRY AWAY . , DAM NEAR KALAMA Floods , recently carried out a por tion of the dam of the Ktlimi Logging Boom company, and 4oa Ting opera tions In the iclnlty have emporarlly ceaaed. 'Charles Crogster, uunager at the company, haa Bold his interest to Messrs. Coffln, Keith, fltetn end' Levi pf Eau Claire, and Henry Turrlsh of Pu luth. who bow own the entire property, Including a lar?e tract of flr timber sev eral miles farther up the Kalama rlvtr. Shortly after the firat of the year they will rebuild the washed out section of 'he dm, and logging operations will be resumed. Mme. Madeline Linnwood BBBJfATOT.OOXST. BKTOOAXi OVX.TTJBBV aCTJSC&V- ajto bxbtb Btmsnra). ' ASSISTANT! Mme. Irene Myres TRADE SCHOOL , kor' women and girls, home culture and pro- . l'ESSIONAL COURSE. The Immediate prooeas foe re moval of wrinkles, smallpox pits, birthmarks, scars, superfluous hairs, etc., scientifically removed without the ue. of surgery or eleetrti-lty. Manicuring, scalp. facial treatmtnt and hair dress ... tnli -, 7 fREE! MEDICATED CLAYPAt'T. a com plete facial treatment. . 0'fice end School l.. U. 2$ lewli tL'j., Kerrtiea fnl Don't Hold Mil Anr longer, satlafy yourielf h satis fying your hrdHr. nnla fi.r ! r or havy gooda, twin, etc., here. Tug 1 be money in no'-k.t baii securing suites. pendable qua Aver:' C 3 I t 'A , -.1 V