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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . FRIDAY EVENING,"1 DECEMBER II. . 1S03. IIRffAY ACQUITTED OF MURDER OY Strength Comes (r Not Fom What You Eat. but From -1 ''iimu in rnnTV tvnmro 7dUKl llMUIUrlillHUltO ; Man Who Slew Hit Sister's Be V , trayer If Allowed' to, . Co Free. .- V WILL RETURN TO HIS V REGULAR WORK AT ONCE : Spends Today at Home With His 7 Beiatiyes and Csxins; for His Sli :'tr: ter. Who Is Seriously 111 as Result i f jQrdaJl.of TiiaL : s Orlanflb Sherman Murray will at one resume his dutlea as aa miloy of tb. Peninsula Lumbe company and aa the -ad of th faintly which ha risked his life and liberty to protect. 'clock last nlht a verdict f "not runty" was returned by the Jury that beard the case of the state against him for the killing of Lincoln Whitney, his 'sister's betrayer, and lie waa at once alaa.t Custody. - Murray spent today with his family 'receiving congratulations ' Of acorea of 'friends who called. Tomorrow he will go back to work at tha mllL Today he also spent a great deal of tlsie In wait ing upon his- sister, jaary Murray, in defense of whose honor he killed young Whitney.' The girl-is said to be dan gerously ill aa a result of tb severe ordeal she endured, during the course af the trial. :-.'..- "We thank Ood our boy Is baok,". is 'the way his mother expressed her opin ion of tbe verdict Thar is nothing J "can say," she continued, "except that I 'am grateful te the Jurors and to the XJudse and to every one. .J dont want to talk about the affair any more than I can help. It is so horrible that even to think of it makes ma ahuddor. Our daughter. Mary Is quit ill. though we hope that aha will soon recover. It was a trying ordeal for the child." . , Tory Oat orty Xtamtaa. Arguments la the ease were conclud ed at I o'clock yeaterday afternoon and the jury received Instructions from the ;court. It retired before i o'clock and was out 49 minutes before reporting Its verdict. However. It remained out that length af time in order to avoid the appearance of haste. The Jurors had Individually decided tq vote for aa,acqultal before ijr en tered, the Jury room. On the Jury was one unmarried man, Robert Hauswirth. s teamster. Other members of the Jury, apprehensive of him. They had heard no expression- from him and saw no algn that might Indicate that he would vote as they desired. But he declared himself on reaching the Jury room and .dispelled all fears. ... I want to announce that I'm going to stay -hare ""Ml M trttttu OYtrt tlon. Two women, however, were able to express their approbation by clapping their hands before they were quieted ty bailiffs. j. i Frlsoaers cheer Yarolot. In the county Jail the prisoners gate three laud anduproaromt jAeer . w hen tney learned or Murray a acquittal, -in the call which tb young man occupied during his confinement Oeorge Blods-ett, tinder the death sentence for, murder, is confined alone. In the case Is a canary bird In a rage which -was sent to Murray by hla mother. The bird is now the '" property of Blodirett, who will care for it until his departure from the Jail, when It will- be turned over to Jailer Mitchell. Judge Gantenbeln today si (rued en or der returning.. to Murray the revolver with which he took young Whitney's life. ' The weapon is now in tbe hands of the ahertff,and will ba given to its owner when be calls for it Aa a result of bis strenuous efforts In behalf of hla client and severe strain of tbe trial. Attorney John F. Logan M IU at hla home. His condition is not be lieved to be serious, though it will re quire several days for him to recover sufficiently to resume hia practise. SERIES OF LECTURES TO OEAF MUTES ARRANGED Rev. S. Earl DuBois Plans an ' ,. Innovation for His Congregation. fore I .vote for anything but aa ac quittal, ha amid, abruptly. Only Oa Ballot Taken. "Only one ballot was taken," aatd one of the members of the Jury today, "but we didn't know about Hauswirth. We thought he might keep ws there Indefi nitely, but as soon aa w were' In the Jury room ha darlared himself." The verdict of aoquittal was not In 'the nature of a surprise to tb throng which attended the sessions and waited for the Jury. Nor was It a surprise to the of f tela la, foe bailiff s and- deputy sheriffs were stationed - In numbers throughout the room to prevent a dem onstration. Before the verdict was an nounced. Judge Gantenbeln warned the crowd agalnat. making any demonstra- Arrangementa have been made ' by Ror. S. Earl DuBois, pastor t the Church of the Strangers. Grand avenue and Wasco atreet, for a series of lec tures for the benefit of the deaf mutes of bis congregation: - The lecture will be open to the publlo and C W. Watts will Interpret them to the mutes. The Church of the Btrangera la the only one in the city that makes a specialty of services for deaf mutes. Rev. William & Gilbert, former chap lain of th Second Oregon volunteer, who will speak next Tuesday evening-, December IS, on "Th Philippines and tb Filipino"; Professor J. B. Horner of the (Oregon Agricultural college, who made a tour of th world last year. speaks January It. HOT. on "Egypt." with Illustrations obtained on hla recent tour; Thomas Nelson Strong of Port' land, who speaks Februa Stone PRIEST AND GIRL ARE FOUND DEAD TOGETHER Gulnn. formerlv nutiw ttt th. Cathollo church at Atlantic Highlands, "w terser mna a young woman. Mis B. Klley, his former housekeeper, also of AUantlo Highlands, were found dead In a room In a boarding house her last night. - . .,.,( r.- The priest angaged th room several daya-agOreyln that h Wanted It for a married cousin and later appeared with the same' young womaa and took possession. Gas 'from a partially opened Illuminating Jet filled the room and their death was due to asphyxia tion. It la supposed to be a case of sulcld. ' . , iWftat lfou Digest, ' , Most people' eat moat foods wtthoull discrimination It matters little what Few atop to think what that food does for them. This is the first .turn on the road to dyspepsia. RecMeaa disregard of the proper choice of foods, rapid eating and Improper mastication, are the unquestioned causes of all stomach disorders from th slight ths malignant cancer. There ! nothing more revolting than K "dyspeptic " stomach , very -vat..or putrefaction, sending forth Ua poison throughout the, entire system, depress ing th brain, befouling th . breath. souring tb taste, deadening th mus cles. Incapacitating the liver and kid neys, choking th lungs and clogging the oowets. All of these disagreeable and danger ous conditions are due to tb -improper digestion of food and th consequent assimilation of poison. What use can be expected T -If the food Ilea in the stomach, if the syatem is constipated. fermentation la the natural out coma It shows Itself in sour watery risings. belchlngs, heartburn and painful breath, log. - ----, Ther Is only on way to relieve, this condition. If th stomach refuses to digest your food put something into It that will. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are nothing but , digestives. . They are not a medicine. ' They work when the stomach will not Each - tablet contains enough pepsin. diastase, golden seal and other di gestive elements to reduce 8.000 grains of ordinary food to the proper Nson slatency for assimilation Into the blood. Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets are abso lutely pure, Ther la nothing harmful In them as ahown in their indorsement by 40,00 physicians In ' th - United States and Canada. ' , Aak your family physician his opin ion of Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets and If ha is honest toward you h will state positively that they wfll cure your stomach trouble whatever it may be, unless you .have waited too long and have allowed" your' disorder to develop Into cancer. Act today and begin to end your suf fering. A free trial package will be sent to -your address upon request. The SO cent also packages are for aaleiat your druggist's. F. A. Stuart Oo- 'i7 Stuart Bid-., Marshall, Mich. " i 1 - , a MUSIC AND BLOWS ARE MINGLED Sounds of War Float ' Through. Theatre While Singers War- ble Sweet Melodies. STAGE HANDS RESENT COMMENTS IN ITALIAN English walnut tn along th Klamath river. eea grow wall Opcra-Houio . Employes Mironder- tand Words Spoken in Fareign Tongue and Start Miniature War - Artists Dodge Flying Missies. - . i' ' .-'' . i -. (JoorMj gpaciai Service.) , San Bernardino, CaL, Deo, 14. A free fight in th opera-house last night cam near breaking op the presentation ef "Faust" by Lambardl's Italian grand opera company,- The bouse waa crowd ed with the elite of San Bernardino and the Surrounding valley. The troubl SAE JRcgul?itj2.00 jralucaJa, 60-inch Couch Covers, , Roman stripe : patterns ; special," each , ,$1.25 : Regular $3.50 values in heavy " Negus Couch Covers, heavily, fringed," Oriental effects; spe-( ; , ; rial; each .V; ... $2.00 y V""';';-' :. v'-'-Vv: ');.,': - These .will Regular $4.50 values in heavy . Couch Covers, fringed all sides, . Oriental patterns; special,$2.50 ' Regular $15.00 Pendleton pure wool Couch Covers, three yards long,; in Navajo patterns and Three days special selling of a select lot of new Couch Covers in Oriental stripes and patterns ; also genuine Pendleton pure wool r Couch Covers in the popular -Navajo designs. 'These will make ideal Christmas gifts.-' y . colors; special, each..,., $9.00 r not be delivered for approval or exchange . vl ) i ,(, ,J ,1- . HOLIDAY SALE, MISSION CLOCKS r . -.. . - - -f .-, ... Special for tomorrow only Eight-Day Clocks in weathered oak cases, Mission design, me lodious cathedral strike, hour and half hour. . These are . thirteen inches high and ; have brass figures and glass fronts.- A suggestion , i here for a unique v holiday gift. Specially good yajues at the sale price of...... .$1.95 . No mail, telephone or C O.'D. orders takenV ' . . for this special! ' SA" t'-'' SPECIAL for m -,C A TTTTI T A Y l Colonial Pedestal . Tabourettes in the 1 ' ' oak, . quarter-sawed finish. These stools, exactly like cut, are eighteen : A inches; high and have twelve-inch top; f f ; - , t special- . . r: : :v.;.$us ; I No mail, telephone or C O. D. orders : y 'Kjy 5 . will be taken for this special. ' : -f-' ': ,v-::;sz i." Your Credit: Is Good TOOK CREDIT I IMO00 j C0MPLETEjt005E-FUmiI5HER5 MAKE YOUftl T7. 71 1 t Owiu Tcrmij 1 1 & . ... . . . started When Engineer Nick Toung waa Bring up th furnace. One of th Ital lana remonstrated, fearing that .the singers , woujd become overheated and contract oolda. Toung could not un derstand Italian and. Interpreting the alnger'a gesticulations as a challenge, he sailed in with his shovel. A-ambardi'a Interpreter appealed . to Stage Manager Farls, who also' failed to understand th interpreter's ' Jargon, and supposing he was being ordered aboat by -th Italian resented th af front and a free fight followed, which ended In th Italian being sent sprawl ing from th stage Into th aide alley. The sounds of war floated through , ths theatre, mingling strangely with ' the Kolodles of singers, who were on their nerves for fear of being struck by fly ing missiles. - - ,T ' Manager Kipllnger and Slgnor Lam- bard! were hurriedly summoned and remained on th stag holding down th lid until th performance was com pleted. ' : i ... ' . ANOTHER BAD SPILL IN SIX-PAY RACE Ktw Tork, Dec. 14. Ther waa an other spill early this morning at th six-day bicycle race. Bedell, in an at tempt to gain a lap, ran Into a bunoh of riders, csuslng a big upset. Vandor atuyft and Hopper received saver in juries. After a delay of an hour th race was resumed. ' Th score at the tlme-of-th-ttpset-wa! .. . . Nine teams, 1,179 miles, I laps: Walt hour and. Bedell and Breton-SamSielson.. 1,670 miles, 2 laps; Oalvln. and Wylle, M70 mils.v , . ..;.; . -. Th record stands at l.Sfll miles. Th Prlnevllle Review division of Crook county. : predicts no Sipl(0)l Si Headquarters From hands to feet, from head to heel, Christmas gifts that do ap peal to every man and every boy. Utility adds to the joy. Here, is a store full of useful and acceptable articles for men and boys. . for men's Suits, overcoats,' smoking jackets, bath robe, lounging robes, p'a jamas, un- derwear and night robes, our prjces always the low- 1- EST. ; "V: The Beaver -w A most acceptable arid useful Christmas present ' for any genrfeman.-'; If -you don't know his size, bby one of our Merchan- di seprers, ior$3r.iend l mm to us. ana we win lit him, and please him, too. '. ' ' , Holiday FANCY VESTS, SHIRTS, MUFFLERS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, SUSPEND ERS, FANCY HALF HOSE, FANCY ANDINITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS, CUFF LINKS, STICK PINS AND SILK UMBRELLAS. . : 1 So 7 GutJKuPr "McnVanrl-Boys-Cdmplctr Outfitters tt 166 and 168 THIRD STREET ' MOHAWK BUILDING If you don't know just what will please him, let him select his 6wn 3mas present. It can begone this way : . Buy one of our Merchandise Orders , L for any amount youwish then send him to us,, and after he has made a choice- we - will- f i t-him-. and he will thank you for your practical idea, r . ; No man goes out of our store-withanrill-fittlng or, 1 unbecoming hat. We want to sell hats lots of them but not badly enough to risk your future trade for the sake of the profit on one hat. It is our business to have the proper hat in your sixe- and "we know our busincssjj $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3;00 Robinson CoVGo; HOTEL PERKINS BLDO. Special Sale $2.00 to $2.50 Winter Waists Manning &Co:88 6th St The Substantial Trust Company Such As the Merchants Investment .-'" v VT; .Si a-4 ,:,".J'S. i,-.','lfr .j .i: l"..c I and Trust Comoanv - ' ' t .. .;. ..- t .... : .m .. 247 WASHINGTON STREET. " Capital $150,000.00. V ; J. Frank Watson.'. . . , . , . , President "j; r R. L. Durham Vice-President , W.H. FearA . . . . ... ...... .Secretary . J- S.'C Catching. . . . .Assistant Secretary . 'r-;-O. W. T. Muellhaupt. . . .'.Cashier' Indicates to the public its strength' ;by the ' conservatism and intelligence of its manage- ment, its modern methods of handling its business and the care exercisedln its invest y ments. ' --' . V!';-,V'''.: ' Our company invites thev closest scrutiny . of its transactions. .It seeks, to gain, and" maintain the lasting confidence of the public ' : . . and to so guard its every business .relation that no stress of adverse financial storrashall effect it. . A, ; ; T-r.;. -,v ' ' 3 . It pays "the" maximum , interest rates on " " '"l savings depbsits, and time certificates con-r ; ' sistent with sound - banking principles, but 1 J prefers to forego the business that may be " denied lb it on the ground of higher offers ; elsewhere than to invite" disaster by paying :iv more for such borrowed funds than in the . ,. judgment,of its management. it is warranted v , , " in. doing.:" " :. '"'' v. 1 '..The rapid growth of the company and the V T ; ; substantial patronage accorded if in its com- ' , Cmerca s saving? and its trust departments j attest the appreciation of the public in its . 'policies as briefly outlined above. y ' . Correspondence ' or personal interview so- ' licited touching any phase of our business. . 7 '-. ' , . h- : .. : '1 ?' A u to inn o b i 1 e-s HOWARD M. COVEY Agent PIERCE OREAT ARRO W, LOCOMOBILE, CADILL'AC'AND ' ' .' . KNOX ..... : I,.' " 1807 CYLINDER CADILLAC IN STOCK ; ; TMnnnnrv I at Inn tlub Qarare. Fifteneth anrl AlAer fits.'. .I.. 1 "X .A . r j -