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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING.' DECEMBER 14. 1&08. J v.A . ; p-rr . - " JL-r , ' n ----j A store, full of Christmas gifts for young and old," and all at prices that make it an inducement for vou to center your trading here at the Golden, EaglePortland's new department store-f The store that saves you money all the time. No exorbitant profits to pay when you trade here,. for. rightnow every pncciSvCuno-iess t nankin ers wur oe asking Amas eve Open Saturday Wight Till 10 CANDIES'' IN THE : ARCADE S.000 lbs. ''Fancy Mixed Candies, worth 15c : and ttJc. special ................. 35c Fancy Mixed Creams, lb i Best 25c Chocolate, lb..;.. ...... r. ....... .20 .20f mm "bbbsbt. m . m a i ay . -ww -w fcrrmts- Clock $Wr OOI YAMHILL . A Small Deposit Will Secure Any Toy Until Wanted Do your buying now,'whiIe stock are complete, and we will hold and deliver exactly when you want it. " ' Open Saturday Niflht Till 10 v 50 DOZEN WOMEN'S . 35 c ": Fancy cT Belts 19c Made of iine blacie silk, embroid ered in neat designs. v These are one of this season's most stylish belts, and we have sold'lhousands of them at 39c. Now cut to special for the lyrPQ one day......... ; 35c Fancy ( ' Hat Pins At 15c each It's a mixed lot of hundreds sterling silver and gold plated, jewel and fancy i 'f Cii settings, every one cheap I Jlr at 25c to 35c Choice...... " A $3,800 PURCHASE OF SAMPLE TOYS AT HALF PRICE! SANTA CLAUS Will be here in his grotto from 9 to 11 o'clock tomor row morning and will give :v'.. j- Presents to All ; , Children Attendina ing the al his reception dur ove hours. ., ; '3 ' Now for the greatest of all Toy Sales A $3,800 purchase of .Toy s, and every piece at about half price All samples -the entire line'of the American Import Co. of Oak land, California over 7,000 Toys irfaU arfd every piece the best of its kind good Toys, the kind made for the finest trade, articles usually sold at 50c to $10 each Toys of every kind the largest!, greatest variety you've ever seen and every piece at about half price. ' It's the sale you have been waiting for. Why pay high-prkes Jot Toys when you can buy like this? Just see them investigate-ompare. The ,great Sec ond Street Annex Store is full to overflowrrfg with Toys of eve;ry kind. Come. Toyk worth - to 50c ' Toys worth to 75c Toys worth to $U0. Toys, worth. to 12.00 19c 39c 58c 98e $1.39 $1.98 . Toys worth to 13.00 Toys worth to 15.00 Xmas Tree Candles 5,000 boxes of them, all col ors, full size boxes; sold all over at 10c, While they last, box.i. 8c A Great Sale of Dressed Dolls Hundreds marked down for tomorrow's sale 25c Doll 13, 75c ones 40 f, and $3.00, ones. f2.10. Drugs At Cut Price : ' 1,000 LARGE-SIZE BOTTLES Listerine The genuine Lambert -Mfg. Co.'s make, large $1.00 bottles Regular. 25c half-pint, bot- 9 tie .best Bay Rum. ......i..lvb Large 20c pint bottle Petrolatum elly, same as vaseline1, ' - ' Q 1,000 Dozen Extra Fine 50c Bulk Perfuxas All odors', air drug s tores - ' . . asK 50c for this sPcia, SP ounce... , ;... '"' -V - Anathar Slashlnxr Saturday Barsaln lr 25c and 35c Fancv Ribbons 5,000 yards of thenv p to 5 inches wide, at 104 a yard.' and Ribbons for 10, is a wondef bargain, isnt it? Plaids, lancy-bordered, striped, dotted and novelties of. every sort; all colors, all patterns, none worth less than 25c -up to 35c Choice.. .....y....... 1 5-inch c Yd A JStOm of Womn'a Doubl Tlppssd ; : Kayser's $1.50 , Long Gloves store in Fortland tnat cuts tne price on mis most jjunoui FAIR of gloves. Women's Genuine Kayser Gloves, the long ' fO 16-button elbow length; made of extra fine quality cash- VSv II mlzJ mere: bUck. white, green, tan, etc All the famous ry- iiy M r malr. anil thvcrv time lonsr srlovea that are sold the world over at $1.50. Special 1.10 pair. , t ' :- Just In A Great Chrlstmaa Tie Purchase . . . Men's 50c Neckwear ; Tc than half frir. nd everv one the" orettiest and finest of Christ mas TiesBeautiful Four-in-ffands and Tecks of-finest silks and satins, light anddark-iolorsr all -patterns ties made to sell at 50c, and that's what they are worth. Every nn at artuallv less than half once. Choice " 22c Great Xiros SaIe of Men's Furnishings One of the best selected and most complete atnrki in the whol city it here.-end-i positive- saving of one fourth under the price asked by ex clusive haberdashery stores. - . - . . - ';' All to Soo the Men's Shirts at 89c A single look" will convince yon they are all $125 values. The latest styles, the best patterns, the choicest materials. Compare them with any shirt yott ever boucrnt at $125 and you'll see at a glance y that these are fully as good. Men's 25c SocKs 17c Finest all-wool cametshair, sesmless, al ways sold at 25c. Special, 3 pair W- fat 60Vor a pair...... I V. Men's All-Wool Blue Flannel Work Shirts, double front Auction lot CQ. of best $1.50 ones cut to Underwear iticiin iir w sail vets j j hum tv esi silk finish, good as other stores sell at $1.25.-Spe cial, 86c Men's 10c White and Colored Border Hemstitched liahdker- m chiefs ....... ... .......... ....yJX Odd lots Men's 50c Suspend- f ers cut to, pair...... ., I7L Men's 10c Four-Ply AH-Llnen Collars All sites, all styles, cut to ........ c Ba Mail Orders Filled From ad. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. A Rousing Slipnieir Purchase . The greatest slipoer Diirchase of the year, can choose from these finest $2.00 grades at OS Why pay full prices elsewhere, when you ef pair? ;; THE LATEST STYLE ALL KID tINED Made of best selected kid, in black, tan and wine, also imitation alligator: turn, fancy trimmed, all sires. A whole counter full to choose from and all, $2.00 values. , Every pair will go tomorrow at . this price, so don't- delay. Choif .... ' r - . Do Toiir Slipper Eoylng Now and Save Almost Half $1.49 lor Hen's $2.50 Slippers Fine kid, in the latest Romeo cut; black, tan and wine; fancy trim med, all bargains 'at 0; the-; pair .... $1749 Clearance) of Men'a and Women's $3 and ' $2.50 Shoes $1.49 Broken linesand over-a dozen kinds to choose from. Work Shoes and Dress Shoes,. all sizes, all styles, and plenty of them. Up to $2.50 values all- bunched - lo,r 7 1 ono-day sale at, , pair $1.49 98c . ... t Women's Felt Joliettes 98 c Made of fine quality felt, in red, black, blue and brown, . fur-trimmed, all sites, worth 98c $i7S; special. . ,'. Another Saturday Sensation 100 Doxen : , 'V, 1 Women's 25c Neckwear A great "mixed lot, including many of-mir best 25c grades marked down. 10 c Ea to 10c for a Saturday sensation. Beautiful hilk-hm broidered Collars and Turnovers, including many in the latest tab effects; black, white snd colors, all the best of 25c values and a t 10c each a bargain so great that all should go tomorrow. Choice xue. A Store-Crowding Saturday Offer Think of It ' 25c, 35c Xmas Handkerchiefs 100 dozen only 1,200 in all and when these are gone you'll pay 25c to 35c for the same thing elsewhere. '.Women s cheer All-. Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand-drawn corners, all beau tiful designs, the finest and best of 25c and! 35c Hand kerchiefs. For the one day only and no longer, choice 19e each, or 3 for SOe. , . . . Women's 50c Cashmere Hose Too much of it a thousand pairs too many of these Hose,' and down' goes the price. Cut from 50c to &, and even at sue a pair these are the best cashmere hose in Portland tor the money. - Frner soft wool,-double- heels- and-toesj-and seamless, all sizes. Buy what you want tomorrow, spe cial 35c pair, or 3 pair for $1.00. . ' 35 c Tr ; Anothes Dig Capture-Glen's Clothing at Half Clothing Store Prices Ws $15.00 Suits and Overcoats 8.86 Every. one a guaranteed $15 value or your, money, back.' It's a sale no one can afford to overlook -a sale that's of interest to every man with clothing to buy. . " , A Big New York Maker's Odds and Ends Lots That's the reason we bought them so cheap that's why we can and will sell vou Men s best $lo uits and uvercoats at $s.6. btylish, well . made, handsomely tailored garments ; suits come in fancy tweeds, cheviots, worsteds, serges, etc., strictly all wool, made single and double breasted, handsomest of fancy patterns in. mixtures and checks; overcoats are full and three quarter lengths, garments we challenge all Portland to match short ot$15, and a single look will convince you they are the greatest clothing bargain ever offered. Choice. ... $0.86 0 Men's $5 and $7.50 Pants $2.98 The ones advertised last Sat urday were sold in a single day. They are all clean-up ' lots of the Oregon Woolen Mills Co. and you know they make nothing that sells under $5 the pair. Newest of pat terns ajl correctly tailored. Pants worth every penny of $5 to $7.50, and every pair with the Oregon Woolen Mills brand on, so you know they are the genuine. Choice, f2.98 pair. Boys' Sample Suits Every One Goes at Jost Hall Price $2.29, $2.49 and $3.49 It's one of those sales that calls for quick action, and you want to be here in time. From 5 to 10 suits of a kind and style; all the best materials; all sizes. Remember, sam ples only, and the earlier you come the bigger bargain you'll get. Worth up to $7.00. f2.29, 2.49 and 03.49. 1,000 made, Boys' 65c Corduroy Knee Pants pairs only nd but one pair to a customer, made of good heavy-weight corduroys, well strongly sewed, all sues. , u,very pair a toc value, wnue they last.... BARQAIISS irs -All the-best kind s--of pure-foods-at-a guaranteed rsaving. Every" economical housewife in Portland should be interested in our daily sales.. Tomorrow's bargains the greatest yet. Read on. 10 Pound Sack Flour 19c v High patent and extra good, worth 30c. customer. While it lasts . One sack to a 19c Dinner Party Catsup One of the best 1,000 bottles of this. Regular large 25c tCr bottles go at, choice . lJ 50e bottle Olives for.."....25e 6 bars Naptha Soap ...... 21e 10c bar Sapolio Te Fairy-Soap, cake 10c okg. MagnetlcStarch...6e 10c Powdered Borax for.-...T-; 40c ran Golden Eagle Baking Powder" 25c bottle Chili Sauce. .15e 25c bottle Maple Syrup I; ..19e. 15c bottle Stuffed Olives... 12e 15c can Pumpkin .........10c 10c package Nonesuch Mince , feat ...........8e 15c can Pink Salmon , 9e 35c bottle Salad Dressing.. 20e 10c Arm and Hammer Soda.8 10c bottle Pickles ......;... Boiled Cider, quart SOe Good Rice, per lb .".".5 3-lb box Crackers... 20e 2O-j-20c Tin Imported Sardines. .e 25c tld Dust, special lTe SATURDAY SPECIALS IN SHEET MUSIC 1,000 copies of the most noted hits. Including My Babe of the Ban ralow. Syncopated Rags My Sweet Willamette Maid, Mysa Old Oregon Home, and others, all regular 25c editions, at 3 copies for 20e, or, each 1 Pictorial Review Patterns lOcand ISc Are best, all the latest styles and the most perfect patterns made, at. LOCKED' UP FOR THREE DAYS IH COLD STORAGE Youth Seeing the World In Hobo " Fashion Gets Locked Into Re frigerator Car and Is Found . Half Dead by Trainmen After He Has Become Exhausted. . (Jonrntl 8tHl RrTle. Ban Bernaraino, Cat., Deo. 14. Thra flora without food on' water and shut fast In a refrigerator ear was the-ax-perlnnce of C. W. Murphy, ' axad' is yara, son of a wealthy mining and livestock man of Butte, Montana. , Murphy waa turned over to tha pollca, to whom ha told his atory. His hava.rd ppaerancs was aufflolent eorrobora lion. " ' 1 ' ' v f . Murphy became weary of school life at Butte and decided -to beat bla way to California, Juat for adventure. Ha lipped away two weeka set),, suereed tn In riding without fnlnhapto Tlntlo Junction on tha Salt Lak road. Epy Ing an open rafrtaerator car ha climbed In. Boon afterward tha door waa shot, but It was. not for many boura, whan -tha Inertnr eoM'-maile Murphy at mmpt to leave the ear, that be benam aware that he waa loeksd In. .rraav- tleally he pounded and kicked en the heavy doors ) and - - shouted, but his demonstrations were unheard. - Finally be became too weak to rise. After three days' Imprleonmant he was found by trainmen, who earad for him until he reached hare, where tha police took nim in cnarr ano notinea ni parente. , r COMMISSION RULES X (Continued from Page One.) ' buslnaas of the oommlaaton demanded by the Importance of, Its work. Thay conelude. accordlnsly, that U would be much better to have an elective eoramla. alon, smaller In number, and provided wtth fair compensation for actual serv ice rendered while engaged in transact ing business devolving upon them as -commissioners. , ' Members Opposed to Ma. ' The present members of the commis sion and those In favor of the present style, eounter with the argument that an elective commission would Immedi ately make ' the offloea - political and would by that token impair the fair and equitable and efficient work of the organisation. The present members are working for the good of the port with out hope of reward and are Impelled simply by a pure and disinterested de sire for 'the publlo good, they argue. - It . le also deelred by those opposed to the elective scheme to enlarge the commission rather than to decrease It. Thay would give larger memberahlp and larger scope by annexing territory to the port which now lias outside, taking In all of Multnomah county and travel ing down the Columbia. This wilt cause further friction between the adherents to the two plans. . . , f ' Taoaat flaaoa Mooa. . "A"Barr from "eithef "trf'theee two eon' tentlone will be a third. If present Indi cations bear fruit. According to the law. ef ltOI, providing for the govern ment ot 'the commission, any persons elected1 to, membership on the commis sion to fill any vacancy, . however caused, hold 'office only until the next session -n the legislature. Thle pro vision will. In Its strlot Interpretation, cause two technically vacant places on the com mission in January. One will be the place now filled by W. D. Wheel wright, elected to euooeed Charles F. Rwlgert when the latter want on his European ' trip, the other the place made vacant by the' resignation of George B. Thomss, and filled yesterday by the election of Mr. Swlgert. Already eandldates for these plaoee ere being spoken of. and It le certain that an ef fort will be made at the legislature by these new men to secure the two places. Whether the legislature will heed their contentions, or will simply ratify the elections made by the commlselon. re taining Mr. Bwlgfirt and MT. Wheel wright, Is the Issue. However, the three contests merge or develop. It is certain that the Fort ef Portland will furnish as much or more excitement during the eeaalon as It, pes each slon since Its creation. . DEMANDS CHANCE TO FACE HIS ACCUSERS Christ' Damlanoe, who wee arrested yesterday by O. H. Durand. a postal In spector of Denver, for steeling a regis tered letter at Salt Lake City, has made a request that he be sent-back to the Utah city to confront hie , aoensere. Damlanoe, who claims that he changed his name, from Damlanoe to Anderson, the name he forged to get the letter, when he came to America, le held In tl.eoo bad. and his preliminary hearing was set' down for Saturday morning. It Is believed, however, that h wtll be Sent bark'to' Salt Lake City thle even ing if he agreee to go without making any trouble.., . . ' : OUR . SAT URDAY NIG OA Some of our friends missed our first big half price sale of dishes, so we are going to repeat the sale tomorrow evening. This means that from 5 to 9:30 . WE WILL SELL A $6.50 DINNER SET OF 42 PIECES AT .... . But we have only 35 sets in the house. Thfr sale will end when they are gone. that number. Come early if you want your set tomorrow night. Last time we sold five times See next Friday's Journal for the biggest special offer ever made in America.- - , The Videawake Hardware Man 130 First Street, Between Washington and Alder, Next to O. W. P. Wailing Room Blalnf Oar Christmas; ' f f Tha oommlsssry department of the (X R. N, company nas just Issued some handsome souvenir menu cards for that railroad's dlnln ears , ea Cferlst- mae day, The holly and Chrwtma . tree deaigns are 'the 'TavdVitea. and are dona handsomely In colors, with embossed berries. Baked 'oossum. roast turkey and prim ribs of beef are the featurea Of tha Vee-wearUa Boyalty Off e CHmaaay. IJuaniel Spel.l SOTvtr.,) London. Ig. 14. Tha king. au.n end crows jprlnre.of Norwey Ing for d.rni m. P. "t f Do your bKl. but T r I V 7 SI