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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
-- -if-' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER U. -4CS1 4 FAFR COr.lDISSIOJJlRAISE KJ SALARY THREE DOGS LEFT Mill ON THE L1AIIY THOuPSONS IAS HOUSE CO PLAGE WHERE ., v. 1 .,'...,. l , BARK MELAHOPE WERE irJSAHE KEPOR, PRINTED FOR CABIOET: rIT OE LEGALLV PU Northern Brewing Company Finds Itself In Peculiar Legal Tan :gle'as Result of Moving Building From One T " v N s , -Part of Town. to! Another. 5 . Irr-Savlng Their Own Lives Members of Crew Forgot to Take Anl 'rnals From Derelic-JAre Mow Safe and Being Chester's Father Exposes All Skeletons in Family Closet -, to Save His Son, L Book Is Well Illustrated : and Gives Much Interesting - . Information ', .' . . , Congress Agrees to Amendment - Raising Wages of Speaker . and Vice-President. Well Taken Care ol by the Sailors -r C " . evv.-:?- 'v, - i : ! . : i ' 17- s . " . Derelict Melanope in tow of m abandoning tb Brttian oarx Meia- nopa. Friday afternoon a waek ago to- day. Captain 'Will and his ercw wara jiinabla to taka with them on board of jtha acnooner. William IL Smith, tore . idoga balonglns to tha ahfp. ' Tha sea ;M running- too high 'at tha time for anyone to think of anythlns but hla v own' Ufa and ao , tha doge were left to their fate. The Bailor and tha wife and daughter of Captain Willa vera picked up from tha rlKgJnir. The Teaael waa on her "atar board beam - and . It l aeemed certain, that within a. few houra rhe would so down. . ' -h The dos ware the only life on board '.when 'the ahlp wma picked up by the i;Bteam-'ichoner JJorthiand. ott tha ..Coir umbla trtrar . lishtahlp- laat Wedneaday ; afternoon and they were almost fam- lahed but managed deapita the toaatns f tha resael to keep from sliding off tha slanting deck Into tha aea. .' One of the first things dona by the wallers of' tha Northland after having 'made faat'Xo the alilp, wa. to bring tha ' dor noma -food, afld they are now batnir . well eared for by tha crew on the ateam schooner. For fire day tha dogs were -1 the sole possessors of tha resael and they whined plttlfully and at the same -time with' joy when tha nan sent' on : tboard by Capjala Jamleson clam bored lover the aide, f - I - The Northland made a fresh start for 'Saa Francisco this morning. Captain . Jamleson having filed a wreck report - iwlth tha Astoria collector of customs. jTha Melanopa la practically In aa good oadltloa aa when aha started for Ta- I Delegates of Alt Labor Organiza i ' tions Meet and Elect ; . the Members; i- A- tiead for tha TTnlted Labor party ; t Portland ha been created by the cleatlon ef a board of eontrol by dele gates from every labor organisation in i the c;ty, tha appointment of committees '. and tha adoption of a constitution and by-laws governing tha conduct of the -movement) ; . r , i-- The labor Interests of tha city hare banded .together by tha. recent move- ment and la the next municipal cam 1 palgn. will taka active part in the elec- tlqn of every ofllta from mayor down ,vto constable. It Is not the Intention, however, to nominate a separate ticket , 5 unless It Is found that none of the ' nominees of, the old Una parties are "aoreptable to the labor Interest . ; It Is the Intention, whenever a man , 5s nominated, for the board of "control to investigate his record 'and If he Ik . acceptable he will be recommended for Indomenwnt by the united labor unions - f the city. If hla record Is against him hnd no candldxta Is acceptable the ! hoard of control -wm name several men aa posslhls nominees acceptable to the i unions and will submit these names to tha different unions, the man securing ' the hlaheet vote .to be given the' In ",loreement of tha united labor organlxa- llinl ' 1 In effecting the permanent r.rganlsa-1 tlon the following officers of the board ! pt control were ewnnd: - : - j -. Iresl(tent, J. J. price: Tice-presldent. W. McKenzle; second vice-president. W ". F. Bage; third vlce-preeldent. Will Btiker; corresponding nd nnanclnl sec vretsry, '. M. Leabc; treasurer, W. F. I Wnn; sergr-ant tit arms, C. It. Campbell. ( The ' following committee on plat- form wss sppolnted to make report at the next V. C. Wells, E. H. Tlcksrd, W. F. Wlr.n. C T. Frederick, 'fit, 1. Persons, R. J. O'Brien, E. IV , Campbell and T. M. Leaba . BALLARD AT, MERCY OF ; j THUGSMURDER DONE j . . , I Igpertal DlMMtra te The Jooni Seattle. Wsslu. Iec. 14. The r)gn of f Mahwsr robbery la progress at Ballard ! since tha recent ejection, when- It be came apparent that tha present police forre' ."would ba turned Cut V h flrst of the year, culminated last night In ' the murder or an! unknown man, snp- mMd Is be a shingle weaver. He waa found near the waterfront with hi uli.ualw41tt.lwftP!cea.JIlgJmone,t is ricea laxen and rnly a brass watch was left, Tba Victim wag about 0 110(1 ABOR HAS CONTROL BOARD graari aid. J ." ' the steam schooner Northland. coma, with tha exception of tha damage to tha rigging. Bhe atlll shows a heavy Hat to port but by shifting tha ballast she'ean righted. ' Had tha Northland been a few hour later the valuable pickup would have fallen to noma one else, because there were a number Of steamers off tha bar that morning. Tha F. A. Kilbum would have been first to pass the derelict had Captain McLellan not decided to take tha south channel across the bar In stead of going by way of tha lightship. Thla waa the first time that Captain McLallan took the south channel for some time, but did so to save time, and so missed tha derelict. The Melanope had an Interesting his tory even before thla laat and remark able chapter. ! first came Into prom inence on the Paclflo coast In 1100, when aba reached Baa Franclaco from Panama under command of the chief mate. Captain John" Cralgen had suc cumbed to Illness. on tha way aad had been buried at aea. 111a . death was closely followed by that of hla wife and the reaael waa -turned ,pra to tha oom-1 mand of tha first officer. Captain Cralgen had received tba Melanope aa a wedding gift from .the woman he married, a Mra Emma Taylor, of Do ver, England. While they started on their wedding trip It waa their funeral trip, too, for both were consigned te the deep before tha completion of the first voyage. . The death of both the captain and his wife practically left the ahlp without an owner when she reached San Francisco and aha was bought by San Franclaco capitalists. -.' - ' BARRETT BANQUET MONDAY MIGHT United . States Minister to Co lombia Will Be Entertained by Commercial Club. , ' a SBwawaaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBS . A dlnner to John Barrett, t'nlted Stated ntlnlster to Colombia, planned by tha Portland Commercial club for to morrow night, has been postponed to Monday evening. Mr. Barrett will ar rive In Portland from Washington to morrow evening, but too lata (or a ban quet on that data : - - Arrangements are being made for a largely attended dinner Monday , evening. The list Is open at the club, and friends of Mr. Barrett are affixing their namea President Leadbetter will, prellda aa toastmaater. The speech of tha even ing will be made by Mr. Barrett, whose subject will be "Commercial Relations Between the United States and Central and Kouth America."' T. B. Wilcox will ipeuk to the toast, "Our Fellow Citl xen." Other speakers art being asked today .and the program will be com pleted and ready for announcement to morrow. , Mr. Barrett has grown In mental stature and political Importanca for soma years, and especlslly in the laat year or two," said Tom Richardson, who recently spent several days with him at Kansas City. "He made one of tha beat addrcsees heard at the last session of the trans-MlislSslppl congresa On that occasion he was the constant associate Of Elfh'u Root, secretary of state, who unuouDtediy values him very . highly as a public , servant. When special work at Washington in relation to aoutn and Central American matters unexpectedly arose, Mr. Root sent him bark to Washington and would hava no other person' In the service attend to the work. Mr. Barrett had intended -to come on t Portland at that time, with the local deltgatlon, but was obliged to postpone mi trip. - The position of assistant to Tom Richardson, manager of the Portland Commercial club. realaneA hi v I. Crtssey, has been mied by appointment oi 1a A. uodfllngton. who was formerly in the railroad buslnesa ' At tba time of the 8an Francisco earthquake ha was in tna employ of the Western I'acifm at mat city. . . e BLIZZARD RAGES IN , GREAT LAKES REGION ' (Journal 'gperlal Service.) Superior, . Wis Iec. 14. The Iske roqptry Is getting th flrt genuine bill- J"JtL'i!l JD!Lfa.(i.onJta'JA. po-mlle wind he niosvn tvr IS hours and is now driving the sleet and snow Into hug drills. Zraffle et all kind 1 delayed. Tacoma, Wash.. .Dee. 14 All this forenoon' the county courthome -rana with the-oloque nc of attorneys making . l. i . i . i - . n.i uvtr upv'fiiiia tot 'iiiomp- son murder trial. AaslatajUr Prosecut ing Attorner Miller of King couuty made a statement for the prosecution. His speech to the Jury Isstnd half ei oour ana recited an tne incidents lead ing up to tha murder of Judge r.mory. Miller went Into minute ' detail to prova that Thompson bought a revol ver and went to Judge Emory's house for the purpose of killing someone. Judge Thompson, father of tha pna- oner, spoke for an hour and a half. when a recess for noon waa taken.- Ha resumed at I p. m. Tha burden of his speech was that insanity la hereditary In .the Thompson family. He opened hla talk by giving the history of his family for many generations back, re lating numerous Instances of insanity among his aaceators. After exhaustively covering this he took tip tha peculiarities of hla - son. Beglnnlnc at hla babyhood he recited tha mental characteristics of tha boy, told of his moods, peculiarities, likes and dislikes, his -Irresponsibility. under various conditions and his pronenesa to Irratlonallsm when his emotion . were stirred. ) ' His statement la of the most sweep ing character, and may laat all the aft ernoon, all acta of Cheater Thompson being covered and - placed hefore the Jurv with elaborate care. , Not' half of tha spectators could enter tha court room and tha doora were locked a few Lmlnutes after the session . opened this morning. . : Tha witnesses for tha state appeared. but were excused until tomorrow. WOODMEN- OF WOULD WILL HOLD ALBINA MEETING Ths next rally of the Woodmen of the World will be held-Thursday, Decem ber 27, when tha Alblna camp will be tha host of tha numerous csmps of Multnomah county. The entertainment will be along tba lines of tha meeting held Wedneaday at Prosperity camp and many Interesting features will ba ar ranged for tha benefit of the guaata More than loo members of the Wood men of the world assembled at ito perlty camp Wednesday and a royal time was had by everybody present. The meeting was tha third of a series of It, that has beea arranged by the Multno mah camps. Tha different organizations are contesting for .points in events which feature tha ertiertainment a. Pros perity camp was victorious tn "Tts con test with Bonnysida camp, one or the most exciting features waa tha boxing match for points between Vf W. Vinson and W, A- Datilel. Vlnsonfprovtd Tjc- Following Is a summary of tha hap- penlngs: Tug of war. won by team from Prosperity camp; Scotch-da nee by Profesdor Roberteonr preliminary box- ing" boA, Miller brother f Sunnysld camp; preliminary ! bout between Hood Pattler and Ted Rustleton of Prosper ity camp; pillow contest, -won by D. A. Bays of Portland camp; niet, by J. Jer ron and. William Hommer. ofv-Arleta camp; solo, by J. Jerron; Doxing-tror polntsTwon by W. W. Vinson of Pros perity over W. A. Patslel;.' speech by State Organiser H. U lJay. Refresh ments were served. COMMERCIAL ' HQTEL SOLD The Commercial hotel quarter block at the southeast corner of Washington and Lownsdal streets was sold yes terday by J. W. Carmthers to the Amer ican Trust Investment company for 1100,000. The property Is one block west of the Helllg theatre and is con aldered one of the most valuable sites on upper Washington street. ' This property was bought about two years ago by Mr. Carruthers for $24,000. Sine buying It, he haa spent about 120.- 000 In Improvement, leaving a net profit of t&MOO or approximately 130 per cent on the land value In two year. Thla la a striking but not ah unusual example of tha rapid advance In value of upper Washington tret realty. The property 1 aaid to bring in a good re turn on the aal price. The Morris es tate haa declined an offer of II IS. 000 for the southwest corner of Washing ton and Twelfth street. ' . Tha following Bales were made yes terday by Ihplmes At Menefee: Quarter block at , Thirty-first and Broadway to Mable C Hurley, $1,600: on lot at Scenic place to W. It. Wheeler, $126; four lots In Peninsula addition to an out-of-town purchaser, consideration $1,000. DEFENSE. RESTS IN FRAUD CASE The defense in th case of th state against J. W. Reed, charged with elec tion frauds In Bell wood, rested at 1:20 o'clock this afternoon. Tha only .wit ness examined -wa Reed himself ' and a character witness. Reed testified that at th time of th election he had told th voter that he wa satisfied It would be all right for them to vot at Bell wood, hut he denied that he hsd told any of them to vote wet, or either way. He admitted, however, that he had paid their hotel bills and had taken them to th hotel and secured quarter for them. At the close of the testimony Attor ney Ralp'h Moody, for th defense, moved that the jury be dismissed and th defendant discharged on th ground that th evidence did not cover th grounds charged in the Indictment. The court denied th motion and th argu ment of District Attorney John Man ning for the state began. Th case will go to the Jury early tht evening. ARRESTED FOR BLAST- ING WITHOUT PERMIT A warrant for th arrest of R. T. Ciittenton was worn to today by Patrol man M. M. Rudolph, chsrglng that Crit- tenton exploded dynamite In the city limits witnout naving nrst omalned permission from the city engineer. Crlt- tenton was experimenting for the bene fit of members of the city council when the blast was art Of. ltJaanae trr blasting In Boutn Portland, and yester day invited certain members et th aouncU to wltnes a V, A handsomely printed and Illustrated i bookr iie-1eu4 rf rnm thft-ataiaprlnt Ing office eontaine a complete hlator i - . . i . . . i r of the work of the Oregon state com mission- of 4ha Lewla aad - Clark . ex position. It comprises the official re ports -of Presldont efferson - Myere, Secretary K. C. Olllner and the lgls- latlva committee, and Includes a state ment of all - moneys received and ex panded, bids and other business done by the commission. President Myers renders aa exhaust ive an9 "well-written 'report, and the Jefferson Myers. secretary's statement 1 a lengthy and detailed account of th eomiulsslon' buslnesa transactions. Th book re flects credit on compiler and printer. There are many fine illustration show ing th exposition buildings, grounda c6unty exhibits - and other featurea On Of th most Interesting picture is that of th exposition site before It wa broken for th fair. Th Forestry building is very properly given the plane of honor" a th frontispiece. "W ara under many obligations for th acta of courtesy extended to this commission by the various state offi cers," say President Myers in bis re port. He names the attorney general, the secretary of state, superintendent of public Instruction and advisory educa tional committee, a among those to whom he Is Indebted. . To th lumber men of th state who provldod exhibit which, proved among - tha beat attrac tions of th exposition he I also under obligations. . . :. ; . . t r . rralsee tha Mews papers. That the newspaper of th United State and especially , of Oregon aided greatly In securing the success at the exposition I freely acknowledged by the president of th commission. . : 'Attar calling attention, to, th ad vantages of the exposition method -of exploitation. Mr, Myers say? "rnlgnt suggest that it certainly appeara that no exposition should ever expend th vast sum -of money necessary for Its construction without procuring tltl to th land upon which It 1 built, and that all building and equipments should be constructed on s subetnntial basis that ther might ba used at the close of the exposition for such public' purpose as would render moat benefit to the people of th particular city or atat wherein It I hld. "I do not believe that a much good I obtained directly from a good collec tion of exhibits a there. Is from th di rect intercourse and acquaintanceship Of 1 tha various person visiting tnes expo sitions, and I do not suggest an ex tremely large exhibit from a etste at an exposltvon, but that the most attractive and Interesting of what 1 possessed be put forward." . 1 ' POSTOFFICE AT TURHER IS WRECKED -BY . BURGLARS t " '' r '','. . . i ' : TSpecisl Wpeteh to The Joornsl.) Salem, Or.. Dec 14.- In th course of . darlna attempt at robbery th safe and other fixture of th potomca at Turner, eight mile outh of this olty, were completely wrecked this morning llttl after S o'cloc oy a oiscnargs of dynamlt. ' ' " ' ' Th looter carried away no booty, aa they were Beared-oft by th appearance of Chart Ranaorn on th aoena H saw a light In th postofflc building and went to investigate. Just aa he stepped out of the door of hi horn th light wa put out and a man emerged from th aid entrance of th post olllM and took position a llttl distance from th building. Soon after a loud report wa heard. Mr. Ransom at one reausea mu uie building hsd been . dynamited and rushed to tha house for his gun, but whan he cam out h found th hell were empty and received order from th burglar to go back to th house or he would shoot him. - - ' Ransom immediately went, in, loaaea hi gun and started for th poetofflca, but th burglar had disappeared, leav ing a rvolvr lying on th floor. Ther is no ciu to in laenuiy oi th wouid-b robbr. ' ACTOR WHO ATTEMPTED . HARI-KARI IS DEAD - . . t IS SI SSS I IIS! New fork. Deo. 14. Rankin Puvall, tha actor who attempted to commit ul- cld by sticking a cheea knife Into hi abdoman, died today. Everr n ht for th past inree year Duval 1, Blanch Bat leading man In Th Darling of th cod,- na played th part of Tond TanJL In th last act he disemboweled himself with a knife, after th Japanese fashion af eommltlng suicide. .. Th drsmatlo stag suicide is thought by his frlenns te nave Induced th actor to carry' It out In real Ufa - . ' - INSURANCE STATUS r OF SHIP MELANOPE Astoria, Or., Deo.' 14. Captain Willi of th abandoned Ship Melanope will arrive her this evening from Beat tie to look out for th Interests of thla ship's owners.' At this tUn it cannot, be learned if th shlnt 4anaureHal-vW derrtly, is. a P. I Cherry, tn agent, end th board of marine underwriter rwrlter la tl at Ban Francisco are constantly (Journal Iseelsl service, k Washington. Deo. M. By a vote of IH to at-the huaa today agreed on the amendment to the legislative aproprTa'iiWttt"'httglia "an'-awtwiait tlon bill, . Increasing the salary of th vice-president and Speaker of the h6use to- $11,000 a year, beginning March 4 next. Members of th cabinet were voted $12,000 from the same date by a vot of 204 to 0. " i . Attorney-General Moody Bay that h will qualify aa supreme court Justice Monday, when tlie cabinet change taka plaea. The ship subsidy fight, by agree ment of the committee, today goes over to January 7, when th rot will ba taken. ; '-'..-.'.' It is announoed that the . president will send a special message) after th holiday, favoring th ahlp subsidy. , Tha government price of silver la de clining. The government bought 100,000 ounce today for delivery at Denver at tt.Ttt, a halt cent lower than th last purchase. , INSURANCE MEN GATHERED HERE About 60 members . ef : the Special Agents' Association of the Paclflo North west hava .gathered In Portland to at tend' the annual convention "of th as sociation todsy and tomorrow. . Th meetings will be held In' Bricklayer' hall. In th Sherlock building, thi aft ernoon and tomorrow, and a banquet will ba given by th members tomor row evening. . i Th sgnts represent nearly every fir insuranoe company doing business on the coast. Aside from the social feat ure prepared by th members, paper on lire Insurance and the growth of the buslnesa on the coast will be read. Of ficer of th organisation are: John W. Ounn, Seattle, president; Charles R. Thompson, Portland, vloe-presldent; P. E. Gerould, secretary and treasurer. " James O'Neill at HeUlg Tonight 'The last' performance ef the biblical drama. "The Voice of the Mlfhty," will be gives te nlcht St the Htlllg theatre, roertr uth and Waahlngtea aire la, br tha Bitnea)t . actor, Janwa O'XelU, and hie eompany of playera. "kluaU Crlato" will he gives tomorrow after see st the special-price SMtlaae asd tomor row sight for the Snai prrfarmaue ef air. O'Kelll'a eacagamaat. Beats are aalllng at the boxorSc nt the tbeeUe for sll th per formeaeea. ' ' , r Fun at the Empire. , . Bverybedy wbe tttesds the Bamlre rhle weak haa ha a good time leashing st the fanny fat eaaedUna who look so mark alia. Tfeeae "Two Johna." roBaine, by tha way, weigh hoot toft iwaa4a each, and jtt are tare ef the llvellMt and beat vanaerlile srtlata on the tun "The Two-Johns" la e maairei tarce. eomeo asd will be at the Empire toalght. to aaoraw aiatlnae aa4 aliht-Sa It. . l,f;t . -' J "' " 1 . 1 f Next Week at the .Empire. . ' Cooakierahle Intereet Is eastered In the sew western drama, "Opt la Idaho,", with II. Wtbb Chamberlala aa the blf-heartr wratemer. will oiiea at the Empire Bandar matleee for wrek's ran. The play la aa aneaaally good one, Valine with life In the eowhnr eonntrr. and earrUre several ganslne brancbo-bnttrra and thalr train tracking hroaebos, eeeides ether die. tlertlraly waetars features.-' ... . . At the Lyric ; - ; " "ror Bweet Cbirlrf la th" title of s dainty and legitimate alnsing akatch st the Orand this week. Thla sasdllne act is preaentad by Maxwell sod Dudley. It was written especially for them, contains s plot and la (treated with serial eeenery. "The Meeaeerar Boy and tha Actreea" la another larga-alsed hit. for which Uaddos end Meivla ara raapsoalble,' V j . MatmeeTomorrow it Heilig A epertal prlee sisttnee will be the Belllg theatre tomorrow after soon, arhes Jamea O'.Nelll will preseat the fsmoas uecees "Meate Crlato." , - Albert Gallatin at Heilig. , Seats are aow sailing t the bsi office ef the Helllg theatre, fourteenth and Waablnftos streets, for the talented, end charming actreea, Alberta Gallatin, who eotaee to the above thee tre ant Sunday Bight, December 16. for aa en gagament of four nights la the romantic comedy T'lorothy Versoa ef 11 addon HU." Mlaa Uai. latin la well end favorably known la this city, harlot appeared here on errerel pre aoua secs skms sod making Aecided hltf The Merchant of Venice." . Tonight, tomorrow matinee and tomorrow Bight ara lhe laat ehasees te see the -masals-cent pro art ton of ghakeaneare's Immortal com edy , "Tha Merchant of Vealee," at the Baker theatre. The production baa never beea rivaled In Pwtlaod. Joha Salnpolla ia wloning hun dreds ef sew edmtrers by hie work as Shyloch. Llillaa Lawrence makes a aweat Portia. Donald Bowles, Krneat Bearings. William Mils and Howard Rneaell are slao doing good work. Don't mlas It. . Seat sow selling. - Next Week af the Baker, "A Bachelor' a Romance" one ef those eharnv big playa that eater te every elaas et theatre goers will be the bill seat week st ths Baker. Beginning Sunday matinee. It IS a pretty play that admits ef artletla ..stage settlnea, and Manager Baker will make tt a pretty prod net too. All the favorite ef the etock company will be In the eaat. Marshall Beysiovr. the new Is- Senna, will have an important role and make af real debut to the Portland public. SesU re sow selling for the entire week. , ; , , "Thelma" at the SUr. ' ' Tfloae wlehlng to see a 'good theatrical per formance, eae la which there is s standard dram presented and wall staced shoal not overlook "Thelma" st the Star this week. Tre Allen elor emnpeny Is performing better than ever is the paat with this dramatization of Marie Corel II a work and the Indication are that the records toe the boeae will he broken, ao heavy Is the attendance. ..I .' ." ' At the Lyric ". . . "The Banltaa" talis ef the perile which be aet the early pioneers la the Sierra mountains. It slae telle of the f tret , white child bora Is that Beet loo. The thrllle are supplied by the Danltes, that terrible bend ef aveneers whe haunted peaceful settlers and miners and killed them without wemlng. There Is s daily matinee et the Lyric end this gives everyone sa opportunity to see "The Panltea," Neit weak s sumptuous production n4 "rauat" will be presented, with freak yenning ss Mephlate. FINED TWENTY-FIVE " j , EACH FOR ASSAULT t ' "'.'' ' ; ' ' J. Busby, Ban Henderson and W. p. Reynolds, who war arreated Wednes day night on charges of aaaault pre ferred by Albert K. Velguth and John B-tOatman, , entered pleas of guilty In th polio court tnis momingr ' Vkars a' many waat Ads U Mtn ' AT THE THEATRES: ' Doe th ordinance requiring red light on atrset obstruction operate outside of th red-light district! with a red nose comply with th' pro visions or in law T . . These and several other equally' mo mentous question were passed up to Judga Cameron for decision thla morn Ing tn th case of D. W. Dofflerayer charged by Patrolman Dolts with al lowing a building to remain on Petty' grove and Fourteenth street without th customary red dangsr signal.. Th as outlined by Attorney u. W. Staoleton to- Judge Cameron I jp of th most peculiar legsl tangles ever brouaht Into the police court. 11 appear that th Northern Brewing company, owners of the old Paoifto ho tel, formerly located near th Alblna ferry.-, war compelled - to mova- the building from th leased ground an which tt stood, owing to th purchaa of th property by the Harrlman -line. "My client,-' ald siapieion, --vwiieu th city engineer to secur a permit, were directed to go to th city lc trlcian and by that official advised to see th street committee. Th street commute referred them baca o tne city engineer, th city nglner told them to e th tlphohe, telegraph, street railway, power and railroad -companies, hlch they did and paid t lor nm wires that would hav to b cut in moving th bous. Thn th city en gineer after ordering them to th city, electrician again granted th pert mit. -. ., '- ' EXCHANGED Split In Council Become Wid est lr History of ,Jhat ! Governing Body. -jay .- J Th split In th council which began with tha ann'olntment of th special committee to examine th report of thai mayor's experts has grown much wider. Lsst night th member of th way snd means commltu abolatly de clined to obey th ummons of th spa da! commute nd today hard word ar being exchanged. --, -Durlng-tha-Muriay murder Vaughn ha ben bent from th meeting of th: apeclal commltte and Bushlight and Kellaher hav had It all to thm selvea ' O. F. Clark, one of th ex perts, haa explained hi report mdto th mayor st great length, and buh els of voucher, requisition and bills hav been laid , befor them., s - i , " i . The wave and means commltte .Had criticised CigrK't report Jpnjlh. system in the auditors of nca i u speciui commltte doesn't agra with th othr bunch, and yastsrday iiejsrs. Rusbllght and Kolluher decided they, want Idessra Wallace. Bennett and Gray to explain what they meant by their crit icisms. Rushlight is also a member of the way and means committee, but he ha declared in th council chamber that h knew nothing about It report exoept th statement mad by Auttltor Dovlln. f ' ... Subpoena wr yetrday placed in th hnd of th police and wera servel during; th afternoon. They were algned by Rushlight A . But Wallace, Masters, Bennett - and Gray paid no attention whatever to th subpoenas, so Kellaher and Rushlight, after waiting at the city haa for a long time, retired very much incensed. They want ta know by what right other couacllmen.-ignored- their commands, when a council meeting has authority by th charter to summon anypne be fore It. ' ' Chairman Wallace of th ways and means commltte wa aked today why h had declined to explain tba report to the pclal committee. "Why. It1 all foolishness,' ha re plied. There seems no doubt that th pe clal commltte" will bring in a report sustaining Mayor Lane's contentions ss to the need for an Improved ytem, and thu tak a direct slap at tha ma jority of th council which haa. stood by Auditor Devlin. This Is th firt tlm for many month that a aerlous split ha occurred among what are up posed to constitute th majority of th eounoll. r . HOW ABE RUEF GRAFTED V - RESTAURANT-KEEPERS .. ..-. ; .' (Joursal Special Service ) Ban rrancleco, Da 14. Th grand Jury resumed th grsft Investigation this morning. Camll Mallhbu, on of th pro prtator of a French restaurant, testi fied that h wa approached, befor th Br. by on Laupy, who wa ostnibiy a collector of graft from restaurant, and who told him If h wnted to kp bedroom In connection with th plac h must pay tlOO a yar for each room for pollc protection. . , ' Mallhebeau protested and went to Abraham Ruef, who told him If h paid him 11,000 h would glv him protection for two year. He testified that h de livered th money in gold to Ruef, in Ruef's office, snd received protection for two years... r. . . , , ... . ..... LOSeTwATCH AND CHAIN n , WHILE HE IS SLUMBERS . - ... ' A. P. Loewlg. proprietor of k saloon at tilt Front afreet, seems ftd o be th victim of thieve. Svral week ago John Bettlnson attempted lo rob him at tha point of gun nd wa ub equeutly captured in a sensational manner by Patrolman Porter, Last night Loewlg Imbibed too freely Of his stock of liquor and while ha was asleep soma on abstracted a gold watch and chain valued at 180, check for 175 and $260, and 7 in cash from hi saf. Snatana Ta mea-ena. I N . (Joursal Special Serrloe. I Btoekholro! Deo, 14. Crown Prlno Oustavus krrlved today and Immedi ately assumed the regency, which will hold during th king's lilnsss. ; , rowa's Body Bhlirpsd. (Jcarnal Special Serrlco.) , .Wltngton. Dec. 14. The on nd dau gh ter' s f artel ttyr-4'tah -ahla . after noon with th pod at th lata Senator HARD WORDS ARE Arthur u row. t "It would seem that after all this red tap "their trouble were ovr, but that wss a mlstska After mavlaa the imtlit ftnaf"tflr Fourteenth and PettygTOv - streets It waa discovered that th line of th nra limit ran back of the lot , whloh had been leased on which to plac '. th atructura i ..- , " "j ' : "Ws then aent befor th council and an ordinance waa introduced and pasted , about a week ago changing th flr .' limits to th center of Fourteenth street. -The measure 1 stHt in th hand of -th mayor and ponding hi aignatyra : , wa cannot legally move th building on th lot in question. ; So It remains In th J -center of Fourteenth trt, "In th meantime Mr.- Dofflemyer. ' who took th contraot to mov th building, ha employed a watchman and plaoed a whit light on th obstruction at night Wa admit that It Is not a red light, but If tba court pleas It Is not -In the red light district and I am In formed that tha : wftchman"ha rrd no.' , After Bfapletoa all " out ef ' breath after this lengthy recital of th troublee . of hi client, had resumed hla seat. ' Judge' Cameron, visibly impressed, said . ' In a vole husky with emotion: ''Mr. Stapleton, your client are cer . talhly entitled to a pardon." Th ease wa taken under advisement -until next Tuesday. In th event that Mayor Lane vetoes th ordinance chang ing th boundaries of th flr limits the V' Northern Brewery company will hav a house on their hand without any plac to put It - , . ... - ' - HEW STREET CAR SlIPERKJTEriDElIT C. J. Franklin Coming From T . coma to Assume His " Duties Here. , Tomorrow tha consolidated lines of -th Portland Railway, Light Power company will hav a new superintend dntin th peraon of . .J. Franklin. Jl who leavea . Tscdma tonight tor this city to enter Immediately upon his du ties here. He hss for four years been th general superintendent of th Ta coma Railway dc Power company. i Tb work to be sssumed by Mr. Franklin In Portland 1 practically that formerly performed, by C. F. Swlgert, with added duties of supervision of op- . oration of th lines of the Oregon Water Power Railway company. -Mr. Swl gert wa a holder of considerable stock of th old company, and therefor ox- ' erclrl mora than-ordinary authority a .: general superintendents Mr. Franklin will be general superintendent In the r- ' dlnary sena-of-tharmr- H-l aaldao -be a. first-class street railway aperator snd Is expected to work many Improve-1 ment In th physical. condition or in consolidated properties bar and In tba operation f ear. r . Th appointment I th laat of th Important change made In tha official ' roster following the IJO.OnO.000 merger by E. W. Clark of Philadelphia and tha' : Sellgmana ot New Ybrk. controlling all of tba Portland atreet railway systems. This syndlcat also operates extenmv . systems In Bay City; Michigan, Saginaw. Michigan; Kaat 8t. Louis, Illinois; St, Joseph, Missouri! Rochester, New York; ColumbuS, Ohio, and other , large cltlea. , what E Pld la Taooma. When Mr, Franklin went to Tacoma four yeara ago all th line in th city . witti tba, exception of that on Paclflo . avenue were narrow gauge. During his tlm very ltnirrth cltytia ben standardised which necessitated, stand- ardlslng also the cars and th trucka. ' The difficulty of carrying out this work and at th same time maintaining a service can ba appreciated. : In many way th entire Tacoma system has been rehabilitated, new rail . - doubla track and equipment. Ther are J'ery few cara In use now that wera in serv lc whan Mr. Franklin wnt to Tacoma. liefer going there he waa conected with the Richmond, Virginia, Railway Jr. Electric company and tha Richmond Passenger 4k Power-company. ; (. . . 1 i i i . , . INQUEST ON SAILOR r. FISHER'S BODY 'TODAY (Special Dlapatch te The Joursal ) f Astoria, Or.. Dea 14. An lnaueet will b held this afternoon over Oeorg Fisher, th sailor shot by Captain For rest of th schoontr Annl Laraen, and who died in th hospital this morning. . It Is thought Forrest will ba held; If - so, hs will hava a preliminary. lam ination befor a luetic of , tha pac Immediately. IMPORTANT CORNER-1 " - ON EAST SIDE SOLD Th Haely Investment eompaay sold th quarter blook at th northwaat eot nor of arand avenue aad East Alder street this morning to a local Investor for $40,000. - Th property belonged to Clark Taber. It la now oovered by a on-tory brick building, whloh wilt t torn out next November, when th leas of th present tenant expires, and re placed by a modern thr-story basla ns hlock.' , . . '','. ' . ixoos-aoim ooosa ov itu. 116,000 Worth of tnothlar, nnihtags Bta aa Sal at the Sub, soraw Third 'aad Burnslds. On of th most important elothln sales of th season Is on at th "Hub," corner Third and Rurnalda, and I on that 1 attracting thousand of bargain eekr because of th low prio a which an lmmenss number of fin suits and overcoat I offered. These suits sre th very latest style and patterns and hav th fin workmanship and x- , cluslveness that I always found in New Tork mad clothes. ' Thla stock. , worth llt.ilt.4t. Waa bought by th Hub" for th mall sum of 11,100 and will b aold at this sale at price o 'low that they cannot ba equalled anywhere In Portlands. -This , flood-bound clothing is undsmagaa, ana th economical buyer wlll be thara bright and early to do their, purchasing. Th stock consists of the most perfect- Jltting men an bovs' clothing and fur niehlnxs, shoe, hats, etc., and tnere ar tylg to suit aU olassas of buyr artphl commuulcaUPBh lomraal that will Utrt raa. v" .7:1 .'V.', .1' 7 -1 -