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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
- . . . . : . THE OliEGON DAILY JOURNAL -PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVNING. rppCEMBEIT 14. ISPS.' " t-"-" : '' . ... ... .... . r y ... w I II ' HI - DRLJGS CARGO OF -iiinii: 10008 British Steamer Vermont I Du to -Arrive- Here- Soon From Orient.,' 3 RWECIAN TRAMP SAILS FOR COLUMBIA -RIVER Comes Her to Load Lumber for the Orient After V Having ' Delivered Sugar From Javia Suveric ' Charter Confirmed.: The. British steamer Vermont.' which f waa chartered soma time no by J. J " Atoore Co. to load lumber, at tlili , port for the' orient, will arrive her , soon with tha largest shipment of hard ' wood timber ever brought to th!4 coast According to report made public today . the Vermont will brine 1.600,009 feet I of the malarial, which means about her full capacity. Alexander Kuns Is Ira- . porting tha timber. Experimental lm fjiortatlona of hardwoods have been made by Mr. Kuns for some time and in the , future -much larger' shipments are ex ; pected. there being a good demand tor ,m material. ., ' Balfour, Outhrie A Co.. received word .from Ban Franc loco that the Norwegian .steamer Chris Mlchelsen sailed from that port for Portland, '-this morning. cBhe comes under charter to the above mentioned firm to load lumber for the orient. The Chris Mlchelsen brought a . , cargo of sugar from Java to San Fran- 'clsco. She ahould reach Portland Mon- .; oar at latest. i The early arrival of .another large 'Steamer here in the near future waa an .nounced this morning by Frank Water .house Co. This la the Brlttah steam ; er Buverlc, which waa mentioned Wif - diss ago In The Journal as likely com-.-. Ing here to load for the orient. The re ported charter waa confirmed this morn ; ing and the vessel i looked for here by in nnt or tne year, una win take wheat, lumber -and general cargo for : some port In the orient. .. The British steamer Resale Dollar cleared last night for Shanghai with , cargo valued , at 1157.035.: It .consists ,of II4.O0O bushels of wheat and "some .lumber. The wheat la valued at 1161.- . ; loo. The French bark Europe cleared ... this morning for Queenstown or Fat' moiitlr fog order-wlth-lM.Tl I bushels , of wheat,... valued at .. 4. The Europe has been In the harbor, quite -while -and laid Idle for several weeks , owing to the cat -shortage. 1 With the object in view of attaining a somewhat uniform style of bulkhead the Port of Portland's consulting engi neer will prepare plana of what he con siders the moot suitable bulkhead, and blue prints of the same . will- be-dta-trtbnted'td'all the property owners in tending to improve their wharves. The charges for the, use, within. 100 feet of the waterllne. of the dredges Columbia and Portland were fixed It 3ii and $00 a day, respectively. ..-.'.L. SAILOR'S AWFUL CRIME ., I, Walks en Quarterdecka4 Is riaee y ' r .. Captain. fflDselsl Dtspatca te The Joaraal.t ' ' Seattle, Dec. - 14 That etiquette ahould be nbt enforced at sea. is the be lief of Ship Comroisaioner ' Callahan after listening to the case of Z. Swey berg vs. Captain T. It Evans, master of Lth bark Olympic.' Sweyberg, who waa a aallor on the Olympic, stated that lie had .been fined $10 by Captain Evans for placing his fret upon, the sacred weatheratde. quarterdeck and walking thereon. . ; -. .. ... At sea' the weatheralde quarterdeck is presumed to be sacred to the cap tain On the coant tha sailors have de cided that the rules that were In force if years ko on the' deep-water ahlpa, armed with bucko mate, are anti quated. ' Therefore Mr. Sweyberg atrode boldly up on the quarterdeck of the Olympic. Instead of discuaatng the question In the good old-fashioned way with a be laying pin or capstan bar. Captain Evans demanded an apology. Upon failure to receive the same, he lodged a fine of $10 against Sweyberg, who had also remonstrated when an apology was asked. Today Sweyberg reconsidered hi determination and lnthe presence of the commissioners asked the captain's pardon and the inoldent was closed. FOR BETTER WHARVES ' Property Owners Again llaa Bnlkheada ' ' ul Dredging. . r Again there Is much talk or having the wharves in the harbor bulk headed and rilled by dredging anr and gravel from the river bed. Requests for the use of the dredges belonging to the Port of Portland weT rcccivedatyeai , terdey's meeting of. the board but no assurance could be given any' of the ; applicant as to when the dredges would . become available because of there being , ao much work to ao in the channel to J' the sea. - .;- -- The Northern Pacino Railroad com- pfcny Is planning to build an- Immense Live? end ffi&oys t. It la highly Important tint these organa abonld properly perform their functions, , When they don't, what lamsnogg of the Ida and back, what yellowness of the ikla, .nat constipation, tad taste In the mouth. ' aid: headache, pimple and blotches, and . loss of courage, ten the story. . ' . The great alterative and toolo ; Hood'sSarsapariUq Gives these organa vigor and tone for the ; proper perform ance of their functloaa, and euree all their ordinary ailments. Take it wharf .at the site 'of . the old Weldler dock and a request for tha use of one of the Port of Portland dredgea haa al rer.4yheen made. The Xutontlon is to bulkhead the wharf and .then dump the gravel from the river fcack of the bulk head.""' This would " give" a solid "wtierf a n L tU'ea .., kroner' CHILE BRINGS LUMBER - British Bark Oweeaee Will Carry Cargo v . Vlwm Bre. ' : . With the charUr of the British bark Owenee yesterday afternoon there re mains no disengaged vessel fVthe har bor at thia time. The OweeneTwtll go to yalparalao with a cargo of lumber. She will carry away about 1,600.000 feet. - .' , Valparaiso and that part ot the South American continent haa entered the lumber - market jot : tha . Pacific north west on a, large scale since the de structive earthquake of last summer and It la said that a big demand for lumber from that aart -of -the world wW Continue for some time to come since the rebuilding of the houses destroyed Is being done- along more modern plans. The Oweenee will depart with thef- third lumber cargo from this port for Chile since . the earthquake. Prior, to that time only occasional cargoes found their way to that place from thia port. ,. ,..'.'' T7N; ths end you'll ssy , Jl "I guess I'll send him a box of cigars."-: It's doing at last what was the obvious thing to do at first. If ' individual gifts roust . ' be brought within a (unit of cos our Aores can take the best care of you. For ex- ; ample these boxes of 50:"" , Orlando Burnatcb $5.00 - i ( ' I (B DMk Mass) HavaTia-American Remlias 4.00 (rsMxsi CW fUu.) La Belle Senora Concha Etpecial 3.50 . (Clear Hsnas) Palma do Cuba Londree 3-00 , (Osu Hsteaa) ' Roxboro Invincible 2.50 y "' ' (Fiw DotMsMkc) Gen. Braddock CoJonial. 2.00 (Mile rsajc) . ,. ,. , .Santa Baaa Perfedoa UO (Dssimle) - -. 8 . Every one of the brands above named is a United Ggar Store value. - It's a 'quality list , ; Scores of other brands of equal fame at prices as varied. Costlier cigars, of course notably our Stan dard brands of Iriported cigarriVirtaA goods. . And in our principal fipres a. great display of smokers novelties collected juUhome-and-abroad -for QirisTmas. v that Reed la president oi the Bute bank at Estacada. The character wltneasea examined were R. A. titration, cashier of the Estacada bank; T. Yocum. vice president of the . Kstacada bank; 3. Frank Watson, president of the Mer chants' National tank of Portland; A. W." CurTy"'?:' I'. Millet, W. V? Usu'sjs aal, U. F. AloCllntock. ' The prosecution rested yesterday aft ernoon just before adjournment. Alfred Prill. W. J. Bailey. Merton Bell. B. II Bolllnger, Henry Mossing, Oeorge Run beclt and Shreve lialnea. seven of the Hotel Sellwood colonists, added their testimony to that' ot Harry Young and J. E. Rlachel. given during yesterday morning. Some of these men proved unwilling ' witnesses; but all admitted having gone to the Hotel Sellwood at the ' Instance of Reed, except llatnea, n-hiT-hsit Wan snnkrn tn by an under foreman. B. H. Bollinger, a foreman Of electrical construction in the employ of tho O. W. P.. created aurprlae by declaring that he had paid his own hotel bill at the Sellwood.; He admitted that he had gone because Keed had shown him a letter saying that It would be all right tar sleep at Rellwood and Vote the next day, but " he announced that he wanted the Jury ' to understand that Reed did not request him to go. t' Xotel 'Proprietor oa Stand. A. N. Fosdick, proprietor of the Hotel Sellwood, told of Reed's ' contracting with him for the lodging of tha Z6 colonists and of his having paid for tha whole bunch with a check for $2. J. A. Morgan, night clerk at the hotel, cor roborated much of Fosdlck's testimony. Ho swore that only one of the 2 colo nists stayed more- than one night. ' - The session this morning -was taken up almost entirely with the attempt of the defense to Introduce testimony to show that Reed had been advised that Ins sending of the 'men to the Hotel Sellwood would be legal. .A. Crofton. manager ' of the Brewers' association, B. - F. Boynton, formerly assistant sup erintendent of the O. W. P.. and Reed himself Were put on the stand, but none were allowed to answer the queatloas put to them, tha grounds for the ruling being, first that ignorance of the law is no excuse for a crime, and second that in this particular case the crime. if committed, was a crime on us race, land the defendant could not m ignor ant of that fact. i BTTrmJirilljlBTV"-' CIGAR STORES COMPANY 301 WASHINGTON STREET. - 147 THIRD STREET. WILL ENLARGE FLEET Owaers ef the JTortUaad BaUdla teel team ahoomav. . jrie--'sVfii-aarmct era or the steam schooner (Northland, are building a ateel steam schooner at one of the Atlantlo coast ahlpbulldlnc plants an4 wiU have her brought around the uorn, ror. the coaat lumber trade shortly sfter the first of the year. The new craft will be -brought out here by captain jamieson, master or the North land. ...' - . ' i : ' Dodge a Co. have operated the North land with -"great profit and are ' ala owneNj of the 'South Coaat. which for a long time carried lumber out of this port to OUtfornla.- 8he--wa rerrotly chartered to carry lumber from Grays Harbor. ,.' - ' , CARGO GROWS) IN VALUE low Voyage of Old Bark Mar Prove rrofltaale After All. " The owners of the coal cargo of the American bark W. F. Babceck are not supposed to, be losing anything by the delayed arrival of the vessel, but would be heavy losers theoretically ahould aha fail to a how op at all. , This pecu liar condition of affairs Is due to the rise In the price of coal.; the cargo of .EZSSZZ3 EZXS3H Tonight Special 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. Regtilar , ' Price ' $155 . . sw . I Regular Price V $1-25 Child's Blackboard CHRISTMAS HINTS The Best Buying Time is Today. Delay only means letting the choicest furniture things go to others more prompt. It meant crowding everything into the hurry days, when every body it flurried and nervouswhen you must buy in a rush and we must serve you too hastily for our liking or yours. ' Well both be the better for before-hand buying. P tit i : CMitfjI's H more than when It left Baltimore six months ago. - At that time the shippers thought the coal would be here In time for the fall or- early -winter months, buy the cargo still on l am way. vunni i pan two. or three month coal baa advanced to about fie a ton and the black dia monds can hardly be had for that fancy price, owing to the scarcity." ' The arrival of the Baboock from Bal timore, would relieve, the situation greatly, as she haa . about 1.000 tona of the fueL on board. -It la feared, how ever, that she waa caught in the severe storms off Cape Horn this sommer and perhaps damaged. " Anxiety la Increaa ing every day the vessel still remains unheard from. . : ALONQ THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Nome City is due to acrlve here next Monday from- San Franf laco. She wiU load a return cargo of lumber. ' ...... - The American 'ship W. F. Baboock Is slow-making the voyage from Baltimore to the Columbia river. She Is now out ltt dare -without having been seen or spoken.- The Babcock brings a cargo ot F, coal: .-: '"' - , ... . . ' - The steamer . Ban Mateo left down yesterday afternoon for San Francisco with a cargo of 1,150.000 feetofluml bar. , ,.i . The American bark Blntram finished STATES RIGHTS (Continued from Page One.) terial for Democrats to use during the coming campaign. Leading Democrats say that the president bss furnished a most ' ad mirable issde and that all Democrats should feel under obligations to btm for the service he la rendering. A number of prominent Democrats expressed the conviction that centrali sation la too' great now and pointed out that Democracy's great strength the world 1 over Is against centralisation. Ever In. Russia, they said, this waa the Issue today. President Roosevelt tn the "message that he wiU transmit to congress Tues day on the report of Secretary Metcalf on Japaneae school and labor condi tions in California takes the most ad vanced ground In " favor""" of the cen trailxatlon of power In tha federal gov' ernmentt The speech of Secretary Root, which attracted ao much attention, was but the forerunner of this message. The president no longer oeouples middle ground as to the right of the federal government to be supreme In all mat- flora In which the affairs of foreign countries or the welfare of the Ameri can people are concerned. In doing this the president meets the attack made on his policy by Senator Rayner of Mary land In the senate Wednesday. Be eoond Term. In this', connection It la said that, haying definitely and finally settled In his own mind that he will be able to combat tho efforts of those who would make him take a second nomination for the presidency, Mr. Roosevelt throws political expediency to the winds, and comes out aa an advocate in the broad eat senee of the power of the federal government to handle not only questions connected with other countries, where their rights are concerned, but also other questions of a domestlo character which concern the entire nation. In this way the president shoves - to one side all minor -matters and opens up the broadest discussion of the rights of the federated states that has taken place In this country sine the adoption Of the federal constitution. .AND NOW SANTA CLAUS (Continued from Page One.) " relied. Arrived at 1 p. m., schooner J. H. Lunsmann, from Ban Pedro. Seattle, Deo. 8alled, ateamer Ex celsior, for Portland. Astoria, Dec 14. Condition of the bar at a. m., smooth; wind east; weather clear. loading at St. Helens yesterday and will sail for San Francisco tomorrow with l.tOO.DOO feet of lumber on board. ( William Baker, formerly aaalatant agent at the? Couch street dock, haa Seen appointed ajrent for the Oak street dock. Mr. Baker la at present In charge of the' Elmore dock at Astoria." . The steam schooner J. B. Stetson and the schooner Henry WUsonlclesred at Astoria yesterday : for Ban Francisco with lumber cargoes. - ' , : , MARINE NOTE3 Astoria. Dee. 14. Arrived down at 10 last nlghtr-amd sailed -at 1020, a, mi. ateamer San MAteo, for San Francisco. Sailed at :45 a. m., ateamer 3. B. Stet son, for San Francisco. Sailed at 10:46 a. m., ateamer Northland, for San Fran cisco. 1 ' ' San Franclaco, Dec. 14. Sailed, yes terday, steamer Columbia and Mabel Dale, for Portland. . 4 Astoria, Dec 11 Arrived at 11 a. tn., Breathe Hyomei and Get Relief and . Cure Sold Under Guarantee. If you have catarrh, with offensive breath, burning pains In the throat, coughing, raising of mucous, difficulty tn breathing, sneesing, huaklneas, dis charge from the nose, tickling ' and schooner OttlllerjQtdAornJajiJw-4-dropplng tthe back of the throat. DECLARES -SCHEME (Continued from Page One.) by law, but by common sense, that the court cannot believe that any such 'ad vice could be given or even believed by a lawyer. Everybody knows that such a thing would be wrong. Even school boys, who had a society of their own. If other boys from another school would come In and try to control their society, would know enough to raise the cry of fraud. - It Is a fraud on Its face, and the district attorney haa well said that If this offense can be justified In this way there would . be no protection for the people . in administering their affairs In their own way." ' The result of the ruling, of the court waa that no defense waa offered and the rest of the morning session was taken up by the examination of charac ter witnesses, business associates - of Reed, all ef whom testified to his good moral character and good reputation. Concluding with thaae witnesses at ir:IS, the 'defense)-asked foa-, early i adjournment In order to prepare written arguments for a reversal of the court's decision of this morning. . During the examination ot tha char acter wltnessea the fact waa developed k -' i-v -' .,!..', .. "albany, ore. "will yon please tell dear old eendy claus the No., of my gunboots la No. 11. "Claud Tertiune, "4 and Madison. "No. J." i. . ..... . . ' And now the path la smooth and easy to be coming for the little boy, who wears No. 13 gum boot a. MISSOURI ROBBERS GET ' ALL OF BANK'S MONEY! (Jnernsl Special arrvlre.) Drexel, Mo., December 14. Robbers wrecked the safe of the Interstate bank today and escaped with. It la said, tV6(0 1n currency. - r. - HAVE YOU CATARRH? especially at night, coughing spasms. etc, begin the use of Hyoraet at onoe. Its Healing medication will glrfe re lief In a few days and Its continued use will completely drive all catarrhal germs from the aystem. Hyomei contains Nature's healing oils and balsams, the germ-ktlllng proper ties of the pine forests, and goea with the air you breathe to the moat remote cells of the respiratory organa, search ing out and killing all catarrhal germs and soothing and healing any Irritation there may be tn the mucous membrane. It Is easy and pleasant to use Hyomei, pleasanter than most of the stomach dosing, as Us healing air la breathed through a. neat pocket. lnhalerL which can be carried in the purse or vest pocket, snd carries medication to Just the epot where relief la needed. The complete Hyomei outfit coats but $1.00. extra bottles, if needed. 40 cents. We do not want anyene'a money unless Hyomei glvea relief and euro, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unlesa the remedy gives satis faction. 1 -..'.' . AH druggists should be able to sup ply you with Hyomei or we wrH send It by mail on receipt of price, and every package is sold with the distinct under standing that It eosts nothing unless It cures. Write us today for a symptom blank, which we will send you free, to gether with treatise on Catarrh and bow to cr When you fill In and return ;"-W-trs"-the-oy sap torn. .bUnltour consulting physician will give your case the bent care and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Buffalo, N. T. ' ' " 3 1 ., " . . . : . . - ' , - :- ' ' f t.tft'ItftlMl i . ' ..: : . - yyy: v A nw xVt- UhV - ' ttjfy " :' y.. :- y& f JgSZF:. .yyy -:4e fiifel From now until Xmas day we will give FREE with every Juvenile and Boy's Suit. Overcoat or Cravenette choice of the following selection. Genuine Victor ifo Base ball Mitts and Gloves and Fine Thrcfe and Fovr-Bladed Jackknives. - E are prepared with an' exceplionallly fine assortment of Xmas and Holiday -oggeryf ortheboy s and children,E very effort i w has been made to make Yuletide shopping at our spacious Juvenile Outfitting Department a pleasure. ; Mothers ; are assured of prompt and "courteous attention. 1 y .' ! ' Holiday Mail Orders Filled With Special Care'; Address Mail Order Dept. yUf . -iv.-- . v;; :yyy.yyy.yy. NothingLikelt in the City of Portland at the yZ'. yVy. A 9-room residence, almost ' hew, up-to-date in every particular,-choicest location in Wil lamette Heights, elegantly and , completely furnished. Imme- . 'diate possession, view never can be obstructed. Price $9,500. 'A clyuice in a life "time." t J. Why te f Evans CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. PHONE MAIN 4006 ) DentolWorli Of ' auellty is' one dependable - The repairing or" replacing ef Your Teeth Receives the careful attention tt 'merits. Our splendid office equip ment combined with a large vol urae of business enables us to render, a superior dental service at a reaaonable eoat to you. Gold Crowns.. fS and Full Plates mi to SlOO Platlne Fillings 7..fl. Painless Extracting ........QOe) ' BxanUnatlo-i Tfi ef Ohar-re. ' .'""' Work' Onaraateed. s.. Za4y Attemdaat. . Boston Dental Pcrlcrs 1H itoainov T, Op. won. ... ornoi. Great Auction Sale Of Japanese and Chinese carioe, consisting of old Bronze, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brats, Sat lumt, fine decorated Tea Sets, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens. Oriental Rugs, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con-, dition of our email store, we are compelled to dispose of our treat ttock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend thia.eale. Unprecedented bargaint are certain to be had. SALE AT 3:39 AVO 1-0 T. r' e