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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 14. 1808. 13 AUD ADirJS LIOTIIER 1VAS TO nSf DRADLEV'S UICTIH CURRY Mrs. Adams , Makes Written Statement Acknowledging I Her Engagement. ; EX-SENATOR REFUSED . TO WED HIS NEMESIS Utah Statesman Had Promised Ac tress' Mother That He Would Pro vide for Mrs. Bradley, and Her Chil dren Before Ceremony. - r - - : tJoaraal Special Serrtea.) ' f ; New Tork. .Dec.- 14.-Before leaving for Washington today, Mrs. Annie Ad ams,' mother of Maud -Adams. 4he act ress, made a written statement In which she said thst she, Mrs. Adams, was nave been married on New Teara day to former Senator Brown, at Utah,-who waa shot last Saturday In Washington by Mrs. Annie Bradley, of Bait Lake city and died at mldnlcht yes terday. - Part of the statement Is as follows: " ' ' - "Before , leaving for . Washington I wish to make a statement which now seems neceeaary. Senator Brown and I , were to hare been married. - When the ' news of the tragedy cama I was ex pecting him to Join me In New Tork. We had planned to go to Boston to see my : daughter, Maude Adams, to ac quaint her with our engagement We were then, to have Journeyed to his son and daughter and tell them. We had hoped to have a union of the two fami lies at the celebration of the ceremony on New Yeara day. is reaUy.SaooksC-T- "The last letter I had from Senator Brown was that ha hoped to be through with his legal business in Washington by yesterday and that he would call on ma Wedneaday night in ' the Grand ' Union hotel. I was in Philadelphia - when I heard of tha ehooting. - J i. 5 -The news of the shooting ef the senator by Mra. "Bradley waa a great shock to me.' if T had only known that she was following him. or that she con templated such an .act (I never met Mrs. Bradley and never aaw her), but had 1 known her desperate state of mind. I would have gone to her at once and would have prevented thla tragedy. "She waa jealoua. She did not know that I was Insistent that tha senator should provide for her-and her children. Crs. Bradley- Mead. ' ; "I .was Mrs. Bradley's best friend." Mrs. Adams continued--.-"Whsa 4ha senator first proposed marriage to ma, I plainly told him it waa his duty to marry Mrs. Bradley. But he gave rne every-assurance that, a marriage al'll anr with Mra. Bradley waa Impoaalble. Me refused positively to marry her and told me that if he could not marry me ha would not marry any one. "Under theaa clrcuinstancea I eon aented to be his wife If he would sr range matters satisfactorily to Mra. Bradley. He told me that he would do thla and 1 knew that he' had communi cated with her and asked her how much money she would need." r Mra -Adams' name waa connected with the tragedy through letters found In Senator Brown's desk, compelling her to make publto explanation. TO DECIDE JAP CASE ' " ON AGREED STATEMENT ' Jmraal Special Bertlca.) ' Ban Francisco, Uec 14. At a meet ing of the board of education. City At torney Burke and United States Attor ney Devlin, an agreement reached as to the statement of tha fscts in the easa of Keikloht Aokt, the Japanese youth over whom a test suit Is to be brought to determine the Japanese con troversy. The boy's age, that his father is . a cltiaen and . taxpayer and that the only reason tha boy la denied admission to the regular schools Is be cause ' he Is Japanese, were points agreed to by both sides. PAPER AND OLD OWNER PASS AWAY TOGETHER ' ' (Journal Special Serrle. -New Tork, Dec. It. The Dally Nsws assigned today for the. benefit of its creditors, to Thomaar Qutnn, its presi dent and proprietor, who amid ita fail ure Is because other papers have au perlor facilities. Simultaneously comes the news from Great Barrlngton, Mass achusetts, of the -death today of Colonel William Ij. Brown,-who- owned the -paper when it waa flourishing. , -. '-' ' T ' Heavy, impure blood mskes a muddy, pimply complexion,, nausea. Indigestion. Thin blood mskes you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit ters make the blood rich, red, pure restores -perfect health. ' THE STORE THAT BOUGH T THE $50,000 FINE WHOLESALE STOCK OF NATHAN WERXHEIMEK AT 47tf PER CENT OF WHOLESALE VALUE ins OSES) rDS (3DNH. N. W. C O PNC R riRST A NP TAYLO DT R E CT & SclHns: Finest Quality , :':V V-YJyjt v'. "v;: 1 -f Tailor made Suits, Pants, Overcoats, Cravenettes and Boys' and Children's Cloth ing at less than manufacturer's first cost. No such bona fide and colossal stock ..of fine goods has ever been thrown on sacrifice sale just before Christmas in the state. You can save fully half, in some cases even more, and get the best and most desirable of new, fresh goods and styles. . This sale will continue with unabated fury till Xmas. T . " . ' .''' - r'-1- Mcn'ft Suits The most monster fine line of Suits-rover 2,000 of them. The New York manufacturers', and wholesale stock from the Nathan Wertheimer Co.'s factory and salesroom 620 Broadway and 154 Crosby street, New. .York, and the, immense, big stock of the wholesale warerooms, 73 Front street, Portland. ; : $ 4.50 Suits made by N. W. Co. to retail at $10.00. $ 6.50-Suits made by N. Voto 'sell at $12.50. ir $ 7.50-Suits made by N. W. Co. to sell at $15.00. $ 9.50 Suits made by N. W. Co. to sell up to $20. $11.50 Suits'made by N. W. Co. to sell up to $22.50. $13.5(P-Suits made by N, W. Co. to sell up to $27.50. Priestley, Cravenettes or Overcoats Just 1,637 of Them to Choose From. $ 4.75 They are worth up to $10. V ;, ' 1 $ 5.75 Some $12 values in this lot.' " ; '--$ 7.50-i-Priestley Cravenettes and Overcoats to $15. $ 9.50--Priestley Cravenettes and Overcoats to $20. $11.50 Priestley Cravenettes," Overcoats, to $22,50. $13.50 Priestley Cravenettes, Overcoats, to $27.50. Men's Pants Knee Pants Suits When Pants .quality? and styles were Parents, N. W. Co.'s Boys' Suits are all passed around Nathan Wertheimer Co. of the best kinds. They wear and satisfy. $1.35 for splendid $2 and even $2.50 suits ; $1.85 for elegant $3 and even $3.50 suits 1 $2.35 takes up to $4.50 suits. $2.85 The kinds that sell at $5. ; $3.85 Velvet, etc., that's worth to $7.50 surely got their share. There are over 200 separate and distinct styles in good working and fine dress Pants. See what you CAN SAVE and get the best. . 85c will buy odds in Working Pants,; - worth to $2.00. v-V $1.35 will buy good business $2.50 Pants $1.85 Splendid worsted and wool chey-;; iot $3.50 Pants."- ' . r"; .- $2J5 and $2.85 reaches into the elegant $4.50 Pants. ': ' '. $3.35 and $3.85 You'll find tailor made , up to $7.50 Pants. : ' .' LET THE RED FRONT TELL YOU what it is doing for , Xmas buyers. A quarter of a century's experience is. behind our methods. A reputation fordoing just what we say and saying just what we do was and is the rock upon which the Red -Front stands. 'v'." ; "' '.J'.''':. r-.-,,,','"'-- WE ARE CUTTING PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOYS SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' "HATS AND CAPS, UNDERWEAR. SHIRTS, HALF HOSE, SUSPENDERS, NECKWEAR. SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSEJQOATSr ETC.Ahd"fr6m 'the front door to t lie back idoor thefe SfeTargains that, you cannot match in this big dty:" J, " 1 : , ; From Now Until Christ mas, T he Red Front w i 1 1 be open ever y evening. . ' HAMPDEN sM : . f TT TT O 99 er or - o Would make a Christmas gift that would delight A SMALL PAYMLNT THLN $1.00 A VVEXK You do not need much rnoney to purchase the finest Dueber-Hampden, FJgf.1 orWaltham watch here. You pay a little down, then a. little each week. All accounts strictly confidential. . ; , ! i : Qentlemen's Watches A Dollar orTwoaWee Will Do Ladies Watches No. 30." Ladies' 0 size 14-karat gold filled hunting case, handsomely en graved in the latest design, guaranteed to wear for 20 years, fitted with 7 - jeweled Elgin tr Waltharn movement ; stem, wind and set; also one 14-karat gold-filled guard chain with solid gold slide ; chain 50 inches long. ; This ele , gant outfit complete in plush case for $22.00. A; Jewelryof1estQuallty ' X TV J :n r -No. 40. "'14-karat,-gold-filled hunting case, aim. ilar to above cut, warranted for , 25 years, titted with 7-jewel Elgin. o Waltham nickel movement, for $25.00. "J- . ' ' Also Dueber-Hampden movements, in the finest cases, at prices that will surely suit you. ; . No. 43. Open-face, 14-karat, gold-filled case, dust-proof, screw bevel back and bezel, 7-jewel movement, for $22.00. ' , 1 - EASY TERMS ON ALL THESE WATCHES . Oents Vest Chains r.mT rviai'ne nklxA trrAA and mid filled: also elated. u" x. . v - , o O . - j.. r has swivel bar charm drop and hook or snap. - . You will find" here only high grad.e Jewelry. It ? SleCVC LinkS WOUla not pay us to acai wun any omcr kiuu, acuuig u easy terms, as we do.' You will -find the Jewelry we sell y(wilI"beJof1he-dufablerth1astlngkind. - ! Brooches set jn precious stones; 6thers solid gold. - bat mam, Solid gold, per pair $2, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00. Gold filled, per pair, $1, $1.25, S1.50. uold-plated, pair, , ovfr, pittlli.- ' : ' " " iJJ JlA V k.a via i"m rvuHmw w--w i variety. ' '. .. .. .. v ., - Sleeve Links are one of - Ladies' plain gold Rings, as well as many beautiful he best and most appro- ones set with precious gems. ' i - , . . . ...priate Holiday or Birthday : i - Also Ear Drops, Screws and Studs.v . v - Presents for gentlemen.: , Ladies' Chains We can 'furnish the long Chains withl soldered -links . and -Xeautiful solid gold slides.' Elegant patterns, iz.oo, ?z.&o, .uu, $, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50 to $5.00 'and $6.00. t C ' . : Gevuriz Sl Sons 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street BOARD OF TRADE HOLDS MEETING Officeri Are Elected and Execu tive Committee Named for the Ensuing Year. ANNUAL BANQUET WILL BE HELD NEXT MONTH TP- A ...... .1 AAAri V President Nash .U nU4UM fc. . - Calls Attention to Varied Activities of tha Board in Boosting Portland During Past Year, " ' .".f ' , At iii annual meetina yesterday aft the Portland board of trade. In riititif.n ta iiieptlna officers annoudced In The Journal, aelacted tha following exeoutWa committee for tne ensuing year; T. I. StoppenDScn. w. it, xnr. ..11 A TJ m.lnhanh J V Dalr. H. M Cake, 0. A. Patollo, B. M. Brown, Willis Fisher, Q. W. Alien, una OIO omcere were reelected. The annual banquet will be held next month. - 1 . w.ali In Vi I . n M II m! aulAreSS. rii.iucii. .. ... - called attention to tha varied aotlrltlea of the board In boostln Portland dur- i.m, 1, mnnthi I The aoeclal ttommltteea have been active, and have oone much effective wora. Anumoer of Important projects brought before the puDllo are suu unaer romiawmu The executive committee hsjs mat Tr nlarly, and kept In close touch with the city's commercial needa. Special af fnrt has been made to encourage In w. v the hrlnaina of man t.ftiirinr nmnvrni from eastern states to Oregon. A large number of inquiries from eastern business men and home seekers have been answered, and their correspondence followed up wim me re sult that ther have become Interested In -Portland and the etate. i The board'a committees on Irrigation CASTOR I A Vor Infants and Children. ThrWri Yca Kara Always E::sM ', Bears th Blntur of and legialatlon have taken a leading part In formulating a new water eoda that will come before tha legislature at Ita next session, for adopting Into law. Tha board has cooperated with other commercial borfiea In efforts to complete tha Columbia river Jetty, and to acquire by publto ownership tha Oregon City locks. ' Secretary Labor In Ms report vointea to the lncreaae of inemberehip from 100 to 400 during the year, and aaked for an asalstant. secretary with whose assist, a. nee ha believed ha could double the membership in the next year. YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT A raw fctafgeatloas That wm Kelp Yos to yaks t Wise lectdom. , At this season of .tha year all are trying to aolve tha knotty problem of giving their friends a suitable present. If a man smokes most men dowhat more appropriate than a handsome box of cigars specially made for Christmas, a beautiful case containing a pipe In keeping with the caae or any other of the smokers necessities T L In tha United Cigar Stores yon can find everything that a smoker needs at prlcea that will suit your purse, wheth er it be large or email, and yon receive batter quality for tha money than any whera else. ' t Besides, Its stores are made as beau, tlf ul aa it la' possible to get them by employment of. modern equipment, and the service In them 1a being kept at' the same high level. Only salesmen trslned to their duties are employed and there ta aa much attention to the personality of their men.t as to their ability to build bualnsss. Politeness .Is exacted of every saleaman aa a part requisite of retention la tha company's employ. It Is tha aim of tha company to pleass oustomers at all hasards. "No sale oom pleta until tha customer Is satisfied," la tha motto of the system. . , .-. .. LINN COUNTY ORCHARD MEN MEET TOMORROW i ' 8peeUl tMspatefe. te Tss JasraaL) Albany, Or.. Dec."" 14. A meeting of the Una county I Horticultural associa tion will be held In Cleavlnger's hall Sat urday, December U. A program-of much Interest to frnltjrrowera haa been pre pared anil the Iheetlng promisee to be snthuslsstlo and profitable. Speakers who are authorities haw been provided and an Incomplete Hat abows the fol lowing: Professor Lemls of tha Oregon Agricultural college, Floyd Reynolds of Salem. Professor B. R. Lake of the Ore gon Agricultural college and Judge If. It, Hewitt of Albany. - - - An enhlbiv of fine fruit, will ba in stallsd and a display made of the quality of fruit produced In Linn county under the new regime of cleanliness and care In the orchards of the grower. Musical numbers have been prepared and tha meeting will ke mad aa Interesting Iti -HI CSm V The Brewer Hat ....... ... sati8fies Every Careful Dresser. Made to Suit Every Face and x! J wpeot Head -BEST HAT IN THE WORLD FOR THE MQNEY" ' BEN SEL-jtINQ LEADING CLOTHIER: one from every standpoint. The people of the valley are determined to enow that tha Willamette valley can and will produoe aa good fruit as is possible to b grown., f r TEN MILLIONS IN BONDS , ISSUER BY METROPOLIS (Jearaal aparud i'flfa.) VtW vTortc ' Dec 14.-Controller. Wets of tha city, at New Tork . today opened bids for a new Isiue of city bonds ag gregating $1,100,000. The Issue Includes 17,000,000 Sot various municipal purposes, to be pay able to IMA A ri,090,0v0 Issue uj for street openings, and tha remainder of pno.OOO for the purpoeea of tha board of water supply. the shipments of tha Douglas County Fruit Packing company amounted to 41 earloads. ' mn mil Cough yourself Into a fit of spasm and then, wonder wjiy you don t g4 -well.- if yoa will only trya bottle of, Ballard a Ilorehound flyrup your cough will ba a thing of tne pest. It Is a po" itlvj "i" (?-ouh' """nsa. Bronchitis f.1',J! p"lrnon"'-y diseases. Ons hot. tie will convince you at your drural.r ft'" 7