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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 14, 1801- II mm I Muss Mm A most useful present is one of our SHOE : - calling for a-pairof the celebrated ORDERS t For which we are sole agents fotJortlancLiOur.; assort' ment of Holiday Slippers is most complete, ranging in price' from 75f up.. . Spe cial attention is called to our' SATIN QUILTED SUPPERS ' ' FOR LADIES AT StflOaPair The greatest value ever offered. Shoes purchased for gifts .- can be exchanged it they do not fit. ACREAGE OF GOAL UflJLIIOJI Something Over Sixty-Four Mill jonaJn Eight West. States. ern COAL LANDS PATENTED ; NINETEEN THOUSAND R OSE NT H A L,' S 149 THIRD ST. PORTLAND'S BEST SHOE STORE THAW'S MOTHER TO SPEND $500,000 FOB" TRIAL' Will Sacrifice Entire Fortune Necessary to Clear Her I tit i Scapegrace Son. , million 'i- 0Mii.-thouirttctr-Mr;-WH Chart- W. Anderso,. tltt"' "rV..x. Y.lj' . 11am Thaw expect, to spend to oler her he w,nt huntlft; soon after he was mar-T P!,0 ISTTuJi einr,i wltH?!fc . .on. Hsrrr Kendall Thaw, of the ch.r,e rled 1 September im? and when h.1?, (Joaroal Spoclil Swire.) Pittsburg, Deo. 14 Heir of murderim Stanford White, according J to a atatement which ehe la aald to have s made to Intimate friend, during a re- cent visit to thia cltr. During; the course of a long- talk with :- t rienda. Mrs, Thaw aald aha estimated t that counsel fees would amount to SZiS.OOO, and that close to $75,00 would 7 be spent here In Pittsburg in connection ," with the case, the balance of $174,006 . covering expense. In Mew York and i other places. , - V- "While I am prepared to spend the lest dollar X have In defense ot Harrr v I don't think tha trial will cost ma more than $500,000." la tha atatement which Mrs. Thaw ?s sad to ha made. s Tr - AFTER-ELOPING -7 - ' ".' (Continued from Pag. One.)'' .decree of divorce from John R. Tresnon. . the man who attempted to secure the custody of hi. I -rear-old daughter at tha point of a revolver at tha home of -his father-in-law. J. K. Graham, at 421 Twelfth street, on November ST. Tresnon'. attempt resulted only In his. being ' arrested, and tha sheriff being thereby given an opportunity to serve on him tha summons In tha divorce suit commenced by his wife shortly be fore. It was shown that Tresnon had deserted his wife In May, ltot, and gone to Idnho. where ha assumed tha name of John Raymond. The custody of the child was awarded to tha mother by the court. The litigant, were married at Oregon Cltv In June, 1101. Carolina F. Bolton was granted a di vorce from William C Bolton on the ground of desertion beginning In Oc tober, last year. - They were married In July, 1(01. Mrs. Bolton was permitted to resume her maiden name, Carolina F. Donlon. returned home ha found bl. wife, Emma A. Anderson working in a dance ball In Patterson's saloon on Fourth street. He said she was afterward forced, to-leae the city because of a moral wave that swept over Portland. Anderson was granted a divorce. ROMANCE OF PRISON . ' 1 ENDS IN MARRIAGE (J ob rail gpecjaL frr ioe,i-. Ashland, Pa., Deo. 1$. Nicholas Ouln- ton, 16 years old. Just released from the county Jail, after serving II month, for burglary In a newspaper ufflce. an nounce! that he soon will wed Mtife Km ma Stephany, who waa acquitted In September of the charge of murdering her sweethesrt. v QuJnton fell In love with tha girl In prlsoto, proposed there and wa. accepted. He shared his prison dainties with her and encouraged her to be brave in tha ordeal which resulted In her freedom. On her release Mis. Btephsny re jected an offer from , the vaudeville Chairman Lacey oL House Committee Notes Contrast With Published Rel port - ot ' Land - Areas' Grabbed ..." Change in Policy Foreshadowed. . - (Journal Special Service.). .Washington. Dec. .14. Chairman I- cey of tha house public lands commit tea recently requested Commissioner Richard, to' furnish him a atatement of coal lands -. withdrawn from entry In tha west, under executive order, of July IS.' October 10. IS, If and 17 and No vember 14. ' T'" " ' In response Mr. I,acey has been ad vised that .1I.1S0 acre, have been withdrawn in eight western states and territories. Included In this aggregate are i.844,000 acres In Utah. 13.086,000 acre. In Colorado,, 1. 10$, 000 acre. In Oregon. 1$,13.000 acre. In Wyoming, lS.tll.OOO acre, rn Montana, 1.(10,000 In Washington, t, 000.00 acres In New Mexico and 1,774,000 acres in -Norm Dakota. , J . Only lf.OOO Acres r tented. In his report to Chairman Tracer Commissioner Richards states that but 1,000 acres of coal landa had been pat ented In Wyoming during tha past sight years and but 1,800 acre, of coal 4and had oeen acquired by tha Union Pacific Coal company in that time. Chairman Laeey'aay. the actual fig urea of tha acreage of coal land, passed to patent are In striking contrast with recent dispatches declaring millions of acres of coal land, have been stolen. Representative Mondell'a resolution directing tha secretary of tha Interior to furnish tha house a detailed state ment concerning- the withdrawal of coal lands was today adopted by tha house. Tha land , withdrawn in Oregon, ac cording, to government land office of ficials lie. In every district In the state with tha poasible . exception of the Klamath and Lake districts of southern other mineral land, within their juris diction. . . AU of tha land withdrawn wa. that upon which no filing, had been made and was therefore that In which tha government had tha sole and undisputed title. Marks Baaloal Change la roller. It was withdrawn, in tha opinion ot officials here. In accordance with the expressed policy of the administration to adopt a new system of treatment In regard to coat land. I According to the wishes of Roosevelt ana nia aanMriis-cration it is now planned to pass a law "at the present session of congress whereby the coal lands of the United. States will be leased to com panies which shall work thera under the royalty system, of tha United Btatea The title of the land shall remain for all time In the United States and abuse of tha royalty granted to any company anaii do ground ror its revocation and the reversion of title to tha government together with all improvements made to it and development work carried on by tfco company. . j. n i . - But what a flna csar ha would make. Grand .Opening I MW SIORC NEW GOODS Saturday.; DecembarlSth' Tin n TmnrinTiIjlJPJl I r 1 mi 1 1 ' ... z i u ft. 1 i i r-i n.T i MrilaiililW I ji Fii'iiliire Cto ,1 Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money - ""p' 0: Refunded Scucnir To - j j 7: 1 Every Visitor ---:V-- r:r - ,' ' We take great pleasure to announce to the public ii , that we have just opened our new store with com- ,t. ' i - 2. f-. - xlete line of household goods and are now in pe- i v v 1 ' ' . Virion to furnish jour home from top to bottom for . 1 I " ' ' Ash or credit - Our motto will be The House of .' T" . ,. . J V . ... . ( , - ' EXTRA SPECIAL WORTH $7.00 AT f3.95. .This large and comfortable Rocker, made in quartered golden and weathered oak, polish finish.. We take great pleasure to announce to the public that we have just opened our new store with com plete line of household goods and are now in a po Vitlon to furnish jaar home from top to bottom for cash or credit - Our motto will be The House of Quality," honesty and courtesy. Dependable goods at reasonable prices.' We heartily invite you to visit our store and inspect our goods. ., " ..." Souvc-nirs CAmn' Away ''iVv : ' A $14.00 ROCKER TOR fT.95. In quarter sawed goderi osk, polish fin ish, upholstered in Spanish leather and very strong. Souve nirs Given Away ; ' " In golden ash," white maple or imita- loo Martmni PMrnitinre Co. EXTENSION TABLE. LIKE CUT, FOR f 21 A mission designV mad ( quarter Sswed golden or weathered oak, polished, with 48-inch top. 1C6-16S First Street TAFT A Veteran of the Gi vil War Praises ! the World s Great iviedicine ' I I I I I 1 ( ' . , - ., .. " . HR- IIENRT RaWfcON. . - Mr. Henry A. Rawson, Millbury, Mass.ra veteran of the Civil War and one of the Old Comrades, is loud in his ... praises of DuffiT'urTMalt Whiskey. Mr. Rawson claims that "when run down" Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is his only medicine. ' He says that the Old Com rades not only use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, but speak, well of it. 7 "I wiir say" that Duflfy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the best thing I i have eyT used when run down. I gave a good deal of money to the doctors, who did not help me, -1 was all througil the Civil War, and a prisoner during the last part of it. My regiment was the 34th Massachusetts Vol.;. Co. A. I am one of the pld Comrades who are using your Malt Whis key and speaking well of it." HENRY A. RAWSON, Mill bury, Mass., August3, 1906. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tm an annuiuiri, Pur, spnue una invisnrMlng stimulant snd'tonlo, builds us tha nerve tissues, tones up the .heart, civet power to the brain, strength and , clsstlclty to the muscles snd rlrhneei to tha blood. It brlnss Into action alt tha vital forces, H makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from tha food you aat tha contains, ft is Invaluable for overworked men. flell rata women and lckly children, as Tf Is a food already digested. It strengthens" tha system. Is a promoter pt good health and longevity, makes tha old young and keeps tha young strong. Duffy's Pura Mai Wblekey rontalna no fusel oil and is tha only whiskey that U recognised as a medielne. This is a guarantee., Sold by all druggists, and grocers, or direct, in sealed bottles only; never in bulk. Price $1., Insist on the genuine and see that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark is on the label. Beware of refilled bottles and spurious malt whiskey, substitutes offered for sale by unreliable ctthlJThejf tit positively harmful and will not cur.. Medical booklet and doctor! T advice7frecDuffy Malt Whiskey Co Rochester, N. ,Y, -4- . 1 . . IS CAUGHT RED DEER Alleged Swindler Wanted Here Captured by -Officials r in ; ' Province of Albert. ' 1 -. DEPUTY SHERIFF LEONARD GOES TO BRING HIM BACK Wanted Here to Face Several Charges of Fraud sjid Forgery Was , Seri ously III When Arrested, and May - Fight Extradition. Walton H. Taft, wanted Jin Portland for various swindling operations, waa taken Into oustody at Red Dear, Alberta, Wadnasday. Deputy Sheriff Archie Leonard left last night at 11:45 o'clock for Alberta to bring Taft back to Fort land to answer to tha charges -filed against him. . Taft baa been wanted in tnis city ror several months. It has been rumored persistently thai Is wss In ths city In hiding and that he had bean seen on tha Streets. Determined efforts to affect his capture have been made by tha po lice department and by Sheriff Stevena Telegrams have bean aent to officials in different-cities throughout tha north- wast. Responses have come occaeiort- ally stating that Taft had been aeen. but no one waa able to apprenena mm. W. H. Welsh, formerly a member or tha detective force of this city and at present general superintendent or tne Canadian detective agency, recognised Taft on tha streets of Winnipeg, weisn communicated with Chief of Police arltsmachen and was Instructed to ar rest Taft .at once. Tart had gone 10 Bed Deer. Ha was followed by Welsh and taken Into custody there. Xs Seriously XU. The" Information received yeaterday afternoon elates that Tatt is seriously 111, and tliat lie cannot be moved at present. It Is believed that ha will con test hla extradition strenuously. Under the treaty between tha United States and- Canada It la not necessary that Leonard be armad with extradition pa- Ders. Ha will go to Ken ueer ana me an Information agalnat Taft there. On ahowlng that probable cauaa ror a crim inal proceeding against the prisoner ex ists here, tha extradition will bo Issued by the Canadian authorities. Should a formal requisition from tha state of ficials of Oregon be necessary may be forwarded later. - . . . " Taft -was known In Canada ny tna name of White. Ha was engaged In tha Uva atock Insurance business. Taft was charged here with uttering a forged Instrument. Tne inrormawon waa sworn 'to by Max U. Cohen on August t of' this year. It charges that Taft. on November is. iivb, ut tered and passed on George D. peters a note for I its, signea oy sirs, jus? Jaoobson. The note was drawn on No vember t, !(, and promised to pay U75 to Dr. Peters within SO days from that data. ... I Vaos Othef oaarres. Taft haa been charged with many other fraudulent deals In olvll suits In the state circuit oourta. It has been charged that ho passed notes to which were signed tha names or persons woe were never known to exist The letter received by. ewer ants marher from Detective weisn, giving Information concerning Taft, follows: "I met Taft on tha street in Winni peg and ha later went to Edmonton, where I aaw hlnr age In. I made In quiries regarding him and found that ba waa going under tna name ei wnm ana working In the livestock Insuranoo busi ness with a man hy tha name of L. Rob inson, who la well known in Edmonton. I pointed Mm out to the manager ,ol The Bank of Commerce in Kdmontou. elao to a young man by ths name of A. Ogilvle. who is In charge of tha Hudaos' Bay Land company at Edmonton, on reoelpt of your letter dated .Nov embet is. I wired to Edmonton to Ogllvle tha following telegram: " 'Wire ma Immediately if large man I showed you Is still in Edmonton. His name and address.' I received an an swer this morning as follows: 'Man's name White. Do not know hla Initials. Address Red Deer. Alberts' Taft has gotten considerably heavier than when I knew him in Portland, aged a little and wears glasses. When I saw him ha had on a white - hat, crushed down on crown with a black wida band on it. . Ha did not aea ma, therefore I do not think that ha thinks anyone knows him or his present-where abouts. . "If you wlra to Red Deer wire : tha noncommissioned officer 6t ths Royal Northwest Mounted police. When your man goes for him hare hla call on tha commanding officer. Major Sanders, st Calgary that is where ba will change cars to go up to Red Dear. Tha police will give him ovary assistance la getting hla man." y .: PRESIDENT F0RCED.T0 ABANDON PET REFORM Washington, Deo. " ' 14. President Roosevelt decided to-wlthdraw his order to tha public printer calling for tha reform atyla of spelling, and hare- os. winsLov's C3TC3 SYT.U? M hses wMd by Klinooa of Kotton for the nhiMna whrfa TmlKIo foe on Slftr Years. a soothes toe ehild. oftraa the gnma, eilars 1 pels, enrae wind ooUe, aad la aa best earned ror dlarrtKse. - after alt documents will bo printed in tha old-faahloned way. So much ffpo sltlqn tO tha -innovation- developed in -the house that tha president was con- -vlnced that tha country waa not in ac cord with hi Ideas. ' - -' o 4--' , ,. " . i ' l!!lr).ff Order Mow for Cbrisllmas M1 r 0 Ml ' The new Twentieth.' Century Edition of the ENCYCOJ PAEDIA BRITANNICA will makrarTIdeal Christmas ' present. LThis Jatcrevision ol a world-fambus work is such " a marvel of completeness and a treasure-house of human ' interest that it is prized by young and old alike: Books", are always appropriate gifts; and this," the king of home libraries, is one of the few thintrs that ANY member of FP' 1 V the family would be delighted to receive, and that EVERY (J) i- i MEMBER will enjoy. ' ; ; . ;- ' Pay for It AFTER Christmas nil m o. it. i itsii Another great 'advantage about this Encyclopaedia as a gift is . . , that it takea little of your Christmas money nothing beyondthe . first payment, which secures the entire set.' Afterward it may bei paidiora little at a. timeao that you will hardly feel the outlay. ' But your application must positively be. aent AT ONCE, else you . will be too late for the holidays. . The inquiry Coupon bejow will bring fulh particulars, and also entitlkvou to a handsome bookcase, ' whichill add dignity and'completelcss to your gift. And what a princely gift it is! ' . v - are required to contain the New -Werner Twentieth Century Edi tion. ' They include 2A.00O large pages and 12,000 illustrations and maps. This fine arrayiof books is both school and college in it; self, and has behind it the greatest faculty of scholars ever as-' sembled. V y': . :. .. -: v'- 50 CENT Discount Easy, Payments , By an important shorMime arrangementwith the publishers' we are enabled to supply sets direct from the factory at a saving to you of nearly 50 per cent from former prices. Great merit and low price are seldom combined, but our exceptional facilities in advertising and distributing make it posjbleofCctrm-easy- as to place this splendid work within reach of every person who-' can spare TEN CENTS A DAY. ' , But our special offer st fifty per cent discount is limited. You must be prompt to be sure of a set. Cut out the Inanity Coupon snd mail it. to us NOW while you sre looking st it and let us tell you mors about this remarkable book bargain. The coupon below brings attractive sam-' pie pages snd full particulars. ' . . , BOOKCASE FREE - vWe have on hand a limited number of osk bookcases, msde especiallyi . for the set.They wjll be given free pf charge to all who order through this coupon. . - .' ' , ' ' ' ' " v Cut e-ut and mall this coupon today: wi.-r.-.r illV-AWSi 31 MASSIVE VOLUMES weight about 200 pounds . . tVarfeat, latest aa4 Best . , norelf)peisdla .. . - The American Newspaper 'Association - y Columbia Building, Portland, Oregon. Please send (without cost to -me) .sample pages and particulars of your New .Werner Twentieth Century Edition Encyclopaedia Britannica offer.' (Bookcase Coupon.) ' ,.Kame...... : ....Street . Town .... ,.,. v' St stt .... :';; OREGON JOURNAL BUREAU. ; - V' ' . A"..