The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 14, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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.J, n '- ii 1 1 'i " " it ,
i American Church Prelate Civet Catholic SlJo of Present ConfllctBetween
'. Church and State fa France Strife Work of Infi- '
v'-.A';v:i' ' ' . dele and Free-fhinkers. ' '
"'V ''''' ''
(Joantl Saeelal Sei-rlce-l
" Baltimore Den. 1 ih. anahlna
Af Vym I a t V...
la attributed the present
I strife kttvMn church and atet In that
country by Cardinal Olbbone, The
.prelate say a:
":. "la Franc th Jacobla. party la not
, dead. They hat God, they hat ChrUt.
..they hat hla relict on aa much aa evr
their father hated them. But they
'.. nave learned a more prudent and meaa
i urd method of attack. And yet the
', utterance of euch men - an received
- unsuspectingly by many Americana
Xlatory of Struggle.
. i "Tn order to understand the preaent
altuatlon. It muat be, born In mind that
before th French revolution . all
"churchea. all ecclesiastical land and
; properneaberongediotha uhuich by aa
Just tltla aa property la owned la our
.country by any religious denomination.
.At th revolution, all buildings, landed
'"properties, fund, etc., wer eonflaeated
by th ' revolutionist. The constituent
' aaaembly later voted for th aupport of
k. m a ....... I
' -. .M J 1. Kill. W U ( V UU B U
'Th present conflict date Back to
' 1810, when a larc number of religious
houaca wer cloaed by order of the gov
ernment and their occupant dispersed.
kVaw of Associations,
. "Neat. In 11. the law of aasoetatlon
-. was paaaed. By It th achoola of rell
. -' gtous ordera wer forced out of exlat
lence. Th membera of th different r
' - llglou ongregattona, not only male.
.Lbut . female aa ; well, wre , ent forth,
'either to eke out aa existence aa best
they could In their own native Franc
. or go Into exile. -...
i .- "Finally. In December, 1905, th con
cordat waa dissolved and aeparatlon of
' -church and atatv proclaimed. r
"It la essential to bear In mind that
. th concordat-wns a genuine contract
.. and that thla contract waa "annulled
by the French government, with, n
regard to th wish of . the other
' party. . .:
. Constitution Ignored.
r- "Perhaps th feature of th situation
that will aurpria ua most and call for
' fcur Just Indignation aa Americana, la
, the French government' absolute disre
gard for the property rights of tha
'church. She has been despoiled of the
salaries. (Tan ted to the ministers of
- religion aa a compensation tor th
, funds which the church relinquishes
under, that express' condition.
-"In-addition-the law 0 aeparatlon
entirely ignores the constitution and
' laws of the state. In America there la
. due recognition of the'lsws governing
' every lawful society, while under the
- ' recent French law provisions are- made
for organising Cathollo worship wlth
: ' out any proper reference to the duly
- 'authorised officers of the church. T-
Tot. Similar to Aaaerloa, ,
'. If th aeparatlon of church andatat
' In Franc meant just what It means
in th United Slate, there would have
been no auch hue and cry raised. Vry
likely to many ir would net hav been
very undesirable. But th situations
are not at all analogous. ;
, "If I believed that my countrymen
would knowingly see a great organisa
tion unjustly deprived of Its property,
tan of thousands of honest men . and
nobl women robbed ef their Juat in
come, hundred of thousands of people
brutally wounded In what they hold
dearest and moat sacred, a majority in
th chamber' disregard . and . trample
upon the right of the minority and th
right of millions of their countrymeaar-
in tn name or liberty would knowing
ly see ten of thousand , of priests and
nuns turned out of their homes for no
nrlm hut, ftat tit l"v1"g ""riL "Ti
my countrymen can see and recognise
all Ita Injuatlo ' and refuse genuine
ympatny to those who surfer,, then I
will leave life without faith In Ameri
can- love of . Justice, liberty and hu
Work of ree Thlakeaa.
."M. Vlviani. th new minister of
labor,' speaking In the chamber of depu
tltsj said: 'All of us together, first by
eur forefathers, then by our fathers,
now by ourselves, have been attached
to the work of anti-clericalism and Ir
religion. W hav snatched th human
conscience from belief la a future life.
uo you think that the work Is, at aa
endT No. it Is but beginning.' -
- "The chamber decreed that the dis
course from which thla extract la taken
ahould be placarded la every town and
village In France. j-
"M. Briand said In an address to
school teachers: The time baa come to
root up from the mlnda of French chil
dren the ancient faith, which has served
Its purpose, and replace It with th
light of fro thought; it la tlm to get
rid of the Christian Ideas. We have
hunted Jesus Christ out of the army,
the navy, the schools, the hospitals. In
sane and orphan asylums and law
courts; and now we muat hunt him out
of the atate altogether.' . t -
"What would w Americana aay If a
cabinet officer wer to propose this as
the great aim of hla administration f
1 Springfield.: Mo Dec. 14. The case of
Dante D. Galbralth. one of the men In
dicted for leading the mob that hanged
and burned three negroes on the publlo
square here on the night of April 14 last.
waa caned for trial In the criminal court
today, Galbralth waa among those whom
a Jury failed to convict at . the July
term of court.
T Mr. Wilde of the Automatlo Telephone
company, offices In the Lafayette build
ing, ha Just returned to. Portland from
a trip down th coast through Cali
fornia and 'to Omaha, Nebraska, where
ha .ha been engaged In looking after
the Interests of the company. - Auto
matlo telephones, which will be in
operation In Portland early in February,
over- 14,000 contracts having been
sinned, ar Dow In tailed In (1 American
elite. Portland will be th latest city
added' to the list, and according to Mr.
Wilde, will secure the moat perfeot
seCvlce In th United States, as th city
will profit by experiments and mlstakds
made elsewhere. One pleasing thing
about th automatic 'phone, there ar
no annoying waits f 6r th attantlon of
"central' - Th person desiring to get
In touch with another has only to press
oertain' buttons and th connection la
obtained. It Is a very unique inven
tion. The Journal will hav th first
speolal long-distance line, It connection
being with the atate capitol at Balem.
Thla line will b completed by th first
of January. . .
The Phillip Shoe company, on Sixth
street, la attracting oonaiderable atten
tion through lta very pleasing windows,
on of them representing the villa
church, . snow . covered, aurrounded - by
evergreen tree glinting' In froat; the
other a large bell, also snow covered.
Beautiful shoes scattered hare and there
through th snow hold the interest of
paaaera by thus attraotad. This com
pany, known principally for Its 11-10
Packard aho, haa added a special 14
Packard aho to lta stock, a aeml-elre
sho . In medium weight with pointed
toes, and a general apeparanoe of fine
finish and styls. A new leather haa
made Ua appearance, called tha dam!
patent? which la, as Its name signifies, a
cross between patent and ordinary
leather, carrying the - beauty -of the
former and the durability of th latter.
It la certainly ona of the most dressy
material Imaginable. - j .
: Row as Martin, druggists, on Wash
ington street, ar making a apaclal at
traction to Christmas shoppers of the
Parker Lucky Curve fountain .' pen, a
representative . collection filling ona of
their windows, the prices ranging from
11. BO to 120. These are very aatla
factory pens, 'owing to their peculiar
construction, which ; prevent leakage.
Mr. May Williams haa recently taken
charge of tha perfumery department of
thla stors, a most interesting feature
of which la a brand known aa "Flower
of Oregon," manufactured by thla firm
from Oiegon wild flowers. Thiapar
fume la extremely dellcal and put up
In attractive holiday box affords a
pleasing souvenir for sending to eastern
fdenda. v . : - , ;
! Th Western Electric works, on Sixth
street, haa tha honor of having erected
the largest electrlo sign on the entire
Pacific coast the great "piano" alga
for the .Reed-French people, on the" cor
ner of the ' Commonwealth building.
Etach letter of thla algn measures Ave
feat In depth, covering, ' In- all, four
stories. ' Th difficulties to be overcome
In securely placing ao heavy a algn In
so unprotected a place are tremendous,
but the recent high wind failed to maks
the slightest Impression on lta fasten
ings, which certainly ' speaks) , well for
tha thoroughness of "the work- Thla
company Is furnishing the electiio
light for th Haaelwood Creamery com
pany's new quarters, where over SOO
lights are being placed On the celling
alone. Email wrought - iron - lanterns,
manufactured by thla company, are to
be used with exoeilent effect, producing
altogether an xampl of pleasing met
low lighting not surpassed anywher la
the northwest.
- V
, x i
Is replete with a grand assortment of beautiful, artistic pieces and comfortable
. '.chairs appropriate for holiday presents, consisting of Everything Known in Fur
'niture, at prices to suit every purse. If you are looking for a Book Case, Rocker,
Morris Chair or piece of Mission Furniture of any kind, don't fail to see our large
'assortment before buying. Prices lowest in the city. We invite your inspection.
H. Jenning & Sons
' av ., m,"
n a
Woman Arrestee! In Alienation
; Suit at Instance-of
Wronged Wife.
Tmere are many Wtat A as ha tod ays
. (Jesrsal Special Berne.) '
New York. Dec. IS. Mrs. Pannle
White, a milliner of No. 1210 Broadway,
haa been arrested on aa order signed
by Justice Dowllng in an action brought
against ner by Mrs. Nellie Paul to re-
: '; ii?J TAc Slow of I
1 ; ' Do you know that the great Pillsbtiry-Washbum ,
' ( " Mills of Minneapolis are now making ; : W '
I . nil COT TDVC
- if it . i n n l Ea . ii
If BEST Cereal
: vk:;1-V?.iV - v::t'' - - , Made
: -.,; I lhe white heart or tne wneat. . m zid. pacicage Kv he '
- 1 Amakes I zlbs. ot deliaous creamy white food ; I who
" P Grocer has it now l ;
.-,wJJ.V,V, c-- vM -r It, n, rifff ir c. I fflf ill J
oever $t.0 for tl. alleged alienation
of Mrs. Paul's husband's affections,
Mrs. White waa bailed In 125,009 by
tha American Bonding company. Her
counsel. Maurice Meyer, of No. (t Park
Row, who will seek to set aalde th
order of arrest, said that Mrs. White
denied absolutely Mrs. Paul's charges. -
Mra. White, Mrs. Foster and - Mr.
Paul are partners In Jhe millinery busi
ness at Columbus avenue and Eightieth
street In September, 10, Mrs. Paul
charged her husband In court with fall
ing to provide for her, but th case waa
dismissed by Magistrate Wahle. Mr.
Paul later charged la court that hla
wife had annoyed him at hla place of
buaineaa and threatened to shoot him
la violation of a separation agreement
la which ah had agreed Tiot to molest,
disturb or troubl hlra" anywhere. Upon
her promise not to shoot for a month
she waa paroled by Magistrate Wahle.
At the end of the month upon Mrs.
Paul's promise not to Interfere with
either Mr. Paul or Mra. White, she was
again parojed by Magistrate-Wahle for
six months, and aho la now out upon
parole. . .
Widower Has Many Applicants,
. Including Negress-! .
Hard to Pleasei
The Store That Paves the Way
r. r - -' MAS MERRY .
New York Outfitting Company
r : ; 165 to 167 First, Just South of Morrison.
Read the list of useful, ornamental and
sensible articles that you get at the New
York and pay for them so easily you don't
miss the money Come tomorrow; don't
.. wait until the rush and jam hours that are
sure to come about a week before Christ
mas. Two big floors of good things at
cash prices--on Easy Payments.
Fort Edward, N. Y Dee. 11. OeorgeJ
Used for a wife who could tip the beam
at SOO pounds, waa opposed to rao sui
cide, was charitably inclined, bad a soft
voice and quiet demeanor and could bak
good bread. No society butterfly, club
women or physical culturlst need apply,
ha 'added.
A colored woman dragging three chil
dren waa the, first applicant. On
buxom widow waa up to requirement
la every respeot but -weight. She trav
eled several miles afoot, only to be re
jected. Marshall baa reoelved aevaral
more applications, but none la satis
factory., .
Marshall la related to members of th
German nobility. Becoming offended at
hla parent a, he left his aristocratic bom
and vowed nvr to return er give any
Information aa to hla whereabout. He
a kept his determination since be
came to thla country, 41 year ago. '
Marshall's wife died several year
ago. Every nigni aner ner aeam na
visited her grave, rala or ahlne, and
sobbed aloud for her return to Ufa.
On night he disinterred her body.
(Jeoraal Special gerriee.)
Newport New. Va., Dec. 14. Arrange
ments have been completed at the yards
of the Newport News BhipbuUding
Drydock company for tne launching to
morrow of the armored cruiser Montana.
The event will be attended by a delega
tion of distinguished cltisens from the
state after wnicn tne amp is rameo.
The representatives of Montana In con
gress and many prominent navsl officer
and department offtclals also will be on
hand to the ship christened. The
Montana Is to- rank among tha finest
ships of her class. She Is a slater ship
of th Washington and Tennessee, lhe
a crick cruisers that were selected
aa aeoort for the prldnt on hla recent
voyag to Panama and Porto Rico.
M9 1
f II. In Tkta. I Ae Umni
113 lltJC 111 11113 LVl Ct U.
Men and Boys '
Capa. (
Shoes '
Rubber Boota -
Underwear ;
Sox ;
Wool Shirts
CoIIars and Cuffs
Jewelry :
Rubber Coats -
Fin Neckwear
Night Shirts
Handkerchiefs. .
Suit Caaes
Women and Girls
: Knit Underwear
, ' Fina Night Robes
; Chemise ....
Horiery ' . a
Silk 8hawta
Hair Ornament
Oartera and Belts
Corset Coven
Shoes '
Pumps "
Slippers "
Skirts ' -.. , ." '
Jackets'."., '(
Fur Jackets -
Coata and Cravenettes
Underakirts "
IQmonos ' ,
Bath Robes ' f
House Gowns
Furs and Boas
Beat Clothing '
Table Linens
Table Covers
Millinery ''
Mualin Underwear.
.LA. -r
Get your Xmas at the store that sslls at cash prices en V
rtrrMTMfK! ttt t puotpt r a r ' - --
VC11il1Uk) llliii VlUUJit liJ