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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. - 1SC1 11 ALBERTA GALLATIN CARRIES PECULIAR-MASCOT WITH HER DEssolMtioini - tl o 'j i : ... . ; . ' . .. - , The National i m m a . at - . cc ciottiing Located at 207 First Street v a " , : tt tttt-- , rrrt r f r iC.ftt V ft off Sale for ., ' ." .,: - "... : ' r - ' t i'" . in ALBERTA CALLAT1NS MASCOTS (, nus RAISE One of the members of this firm has decided to withdraw his interest from the business, and as this particular partner happens, to be the heaviest stockholder and as he insists on having his share in cash not later than the first of January, something must be done to raise the money, a ncrciorc, ocgimung Qdiuruay morning, xvcccmocr u, uuj wih dc pcyona aouot i AtrU OklUtin. th " dltinulhed i rtre who comes to the Hstll Sun der. December 1. to "Dorothy Vernon of 'Hidden Hll." confeMe to being uperstlttouB. Bhe umyu: . 'Moit persons of the sUffe are more or Jess superstitious sad I am hot en tirely free from it. Ever since I have been on the stairs I have carried about vrltlt me some gtt from a dear friend and well wisher that lias ' seemed to brln me luck. This year. In the bus tle ahd hurry of ' aneat-lna a large com pany, advising about scenery and di recting; rehearsals, J failed to bring with me my mascot of former years, a dark green enameled fouisleaf clover. Btormy weather attended the first 10 days of our tour, and of eourss our business suffersd In consequence. , ; i "I spoke to tny leading man of my regret C leavtng my mascot pin, 'when he kindly 'offered to loan me his for a time. Bo, sSrabblt's foot lay in front of my mirror for a few nights, and would you believe It, the rain ceased and the business Increased In consequence. But my leading man wanted the foot back, for lie feared kind fate would desert him if h- gave up his mascot for any length of time. In despair,' I asked If there was no ether mascot In my com pany, and Just at that time X was pre sented with : a queer, little pumpkin faced man, and ever sines I have been attended with the best of luck. ' Now don't, laugh," said the star of 'Dorothy Vernon,' for I have grown, very fond of him; he's a dear.-" . . FREE LIBRARY AT FOREST GROVE Mrs. C. O. r Rogers' : More Than '-Generous Offer Is Ac-. 1 cepted by Council. ' ' OFFERS TO BEQUEATH t ON - EASY CON DITIONS Fine and Large Mansion, With Block of Ground, to City, in Consideration .';' Assistance to Present Privately .: Supported.Librarr. 't IBiMdal DUtwtok t Tb JoornU.) , Forest Orove, Or, Dec H. That her beautiful esstle-like - house should be ' used for a library and museum after her - death ia the express desire of Mrs. O. O. Rogers, an elderly widow, who ' has been prominent In educational work In Oreson for many rears. ' . The eltv has had a private library 'and free reading room for the past three years, maintained entirely by Indlvld . ual subscriptions, and Mrs. Rogers has pent much ef ber Urns la looking after Its welfare. . - - ': 0he decided some months ago to be queath her .house and park to the city to be used for a public library and museum after her death. If the city should roani- , fest any interest In such a proposition ; by helping slong the present strug - Cling private Institution. The city council at. Its .regular ses- ' ston thti week voted a tax of 1 mill, or . about $400, toward the support of the private library, and Forest Qrovs win no doubt fall heir to Mrs. Rogers' vsiu '.able estate as the result ; -- " The action of the council Is In direct ' sympathy with her Ideals and now she . has the very rooms selected ror tns library and museum. - Numerous costly curios which wre collected by her late husband. Dr. O. O. Rogers, when he ' resided In the orient, will fee donated ' to the museum, and It Is her wish to . maks of the upper story a club house ,, for boys. . ' The houss is of antique English style , of architecture and was built by Rider, the noted violin maker. The park com prises an cd lire block and Ja covered "with oak trees..1 The place is worth ' auoot 16,0v. vr PIONEER OF TWO STATES GOES TO FINAL REST Mrs. Sarah T. Brown Came to : 1 Umpqua Valley in Fifties Thence to Idaho. i (RpMsl Mapetrh to The Joonul.) Lewistoo, Ids..' Dec . 14, Mrs. Baran ; T. Brown; who with her hushnad. the late loyal P. Brown, founded h town of Mount Idaho in litt, and who wns rsterreed by all central Idaho as one i of Its most lovable pioneer characters, is desd st the home of hr daughter, Mrs. D!y Smith, at Vhiteblrd, at the - age of St years. - Death, was due to pleurisy contracted several months sgn. - Mrs. llrswn, whose muldeu name Was Rarah Cruscn. crossed the plains with Jier parents, Mr. snd Mrs. George W. Crusen. -to the Umpqua valley of Ore gon, where, on October 24, !S4,rshe' wss married to IlWl P. Brown. a'ia tlvs of Stratford. Nw Hampuhire, ahd one ef the California band of Argo nauts. ' i ' When news of the gold excitement at Kloranoe, Nfwsome, fierce City and Elk City, in Idaho, reached Oregon.-Mr. and Mrs. lirown Joined the ruah, .Mrs. Krown being one Of the Orst white womon to ..tntrr tl v w1,1 region containing lie, virsin pisc'r Was. """"""" " ,.": Mr. Mrown braved .the- Nes Perce Indian war with bcr husbfnd, and was penned up in Mount Idaho when that place was besieged by the hostile In dians during Chief Joseph's campaign against the., whites. lref erred Stock Oaaasd Ooods. . AHen Dawls' Best Brand. To rest drove Woman's Olnb Meeting. Forest . Grove. Or.. Dec . 14. The Woman's club of Forest Grove sleeted Mrs. J. A. Abbott president at Its last session to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. A. W. Johnson. The program included a paper by Mrs. K. E. 'Williams on "The French Mar sellles, after which she gave a power ful rendition of the martial melody. Mrs. O. W. Bold rick presented a paper on "The Friendship of Washington and Lafayette," and Mrs. McEldowney sang. iX- CICXLY COXED DI L tFoioy'o Honoy and Tar . There is no case oq record of a. cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. . X- - It will cure the most obstinate racking ; cough, and heals , and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will alyays- give comfort and relief. ' ' - Foley's noney and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once...".-i-: Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and tefuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances' with some unknown preparation, ov ; , '- . . ';-' Contains no opiates. . Curt, of Terrible Conjh on Limit. N. Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "Mv daughter had a severe attack o( La Grippe and a terrible cough oa her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Taf .which cured ber. She has sever been troubled with a cough since." ; Consumption Curid. Foley k. Co., Chicago ' Dana, lad. Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Taf cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years ana was almost des perate. .Three physicians failed to give me any relict ana tne oast -one saia ne could do rne no good.- I tried almost every medicine 1 heard tell of without benefit, nntil Foeey's Honey and Tar waa recenraended to me. Its effect right from Mhe start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou file, yours very truly, ' ' .MRS. MAJ&V AMBROSE. Three sires -25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the 1.00 bottle al most six time's as much. SOLD AID i KCCSiilBb BY XI. SBVOaiSTsV. The Biggest Money c in the City Saving Sale Ever Eield of Portland An elegant up-to-date stock of merchandise consisting of Men's; Boys and Children's Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Gcxpds, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes; Umbrellas, Trunks, Crips, Suit Cases, Blankets, Comforters, all kinds of Rubber and Oil Clothing, ' Ladies' Skirts, Wrappers, Underwear, Hosiery and hundreds of other articles usually carried in a store of this kind, In all a stock of goods amounting to over $45 ,000 Will Be Sacrificed at From 40 to 60 on TT - Cents the Dollar This is certainly a grand opportunity for every man, woman and child in this city nd vicinity. The necessity is ours,' the opportunity Is yours. " Take advantage of it - Come early and well prepared. Hundreds o bargains that will amaze you. . , . MEN S CLOTHINQ ' -r. -'-. r - . '..'..'".'""',. i ., :''"';..- ......-' , .-:' 7 1' n . : .''' . r Here you can find, everything that represents quality, style and workmanship. Hundreds upon hundreds of Suits, Overcoats and Craven ' t - A 11 . 1 1 9 a - i - JA . aW . . ) . -1 . 1 ' . -1. ettes 10 seieci irom ui every conccivaDie styte, maxe ana ac pnees at irom hj to du per cent lower man tneir reat vaiue. MEN'S. ?10 and 712 : suits $4.95 , MEN'S , . ?15 and $18 SUITS $7.95 MEN'S -Jl 9320 and ?22.50 - SUITS $9.90 ., MEN'S 525 and 927.50 SUITS'-: ''. $12.90 , MEN'S ?30 and f 35 SUITS $14.90 Shoe' Department , Our shoe department is one of the largeit In the city, and represents everything that is durable and yp to date lir footwear. The prices have been cut from 30 to 50 per cent. Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' $3.50 Ladies' $4.00 $2.50 $3.00 Men's $2.00 Shoes...7.. ..7.T.T7 Men's $2.50 Shoes................ Men's $3.00 Shoes.. ...... w.... Men's $3.50 Shoes................ mens e.w snoes. ........ Men's $5.00 Shoes. Ladies' $2.00 Shoes..., Shoes.."............ Shoes.............. Shoes.;..........,. Shoes.'....... Boys' $2.00 Shoes. Boys' $2.50 Shoes .Boys'-, $3.00 Shoes'. . . . ...... . . Misses' $2.00 Shoes................ Misses' $2.50 Shoes................ Mint.' 3.00 Shoes. r.....T-..iiTj Children's $1.00 Shoes............ Children's $1.50 Shoes............ Children's, $2.00 Shoes. .........v;; Men's $1.25 Slippers for.....,.... Men's $1.50 Slippers for.;...,..... Men's $2.00 Slippers for.,' Ladies' $1.00 Felt Slippers for.i .. 'Ladies' $1.50 Felt Slippers for.... Ladies' $2.00 Oxfords for. ..... . Children's $1.00. Felt Slippers fori.' .SI. 19 .fl.69 . .92.29 .fa.4S .S3.45 .1.29 .S1.69 .fl.9S fl.29 .fl.89 .fl.49 ,fi.e .,.984 ...79) .fl.29 ...994 ...994 ...SOe , , ....... : Pints Department Our line of Pants for men is everything that can be desired. Worsteds and 'csssi meres in neat, up-to-date stripes and. pin checks; cut and tailored in the best pos sible manner, and the prices are certainly tempting.' Men's $1.50 Pants. . . . . . .'. . . , . . . . . ... 0Se Men's $2.00 Pants.. Men's $2.50 Pants.................. f 1.45 Men's $3.00 Pants. ,...............f l.5 Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Pants........ f 2.26 Men's $5 and $6- Pants ; .f 3.85 and 3.45 Men's $2.00 Corduroy Pants.......... 964 Boys 50e Knee Pants .......u.194 Boys'.$1.00 Knee Pants.. ....... .494 Furnlshlno Goods Department Our line in this department is beyond a doubt the grandest ' assortment of small wear that only, years of experience and ju dicious buying can make them. The most fastidious can be suited, and the prices are very low, too. : .. ..'",.;.' 25c Four-in-Hand Ties for......".i,14T Any style 50c Ties for......V.....i.,ieTk Any style 75c Ties for. ...See) Any style $1.00 Ties for ..48 25c Suspenders for.......... ....134 35c Suspenders for..' ....t94 50c Suspenders lor................... 294 75c Suspenders for.. ................. 094 $1.00 and $1.25 Suspenders for....... 48 $1.00 Dress Shirts for............. ...49 $1.50 Dress Shirts for.. ......... ...,.794 I5cblack , and Un Jlpse. .". .". . ;. . . . ; .84 25c cotton and wool Hote....,......13a 35c and 50c Hose..... ...........10) $1.00 quality. Underwear. .of... . ; .84 $1.50 wool Underwear tor. .....894 $1.75 wool Underwear for.. .......... ",e8e 25c Ladiesiblack Hose...... .124 40c Ladies' black and fancy Host..... 19 15c Children's Hose ..',.'.84 Men's 75c black sateen Shirts for.. ...464 All kinds of 75c Working Shirts for.. 294 Men's blue bib Overalls for........;..39e 10c white Handkerchiefs Iot......?.i;.24 15c white Handkerchiefs ot., .. ....... r.84 25c initial Handkerchiefs for.Y..;...iae Men's $1.00 Nignr Shirts for.V.. ...... 48 Men's $1.50 flannel Shirts for........ 98 Men's $2.50 flannel Shirts for...... f 1.49 Hat Department -None but the latest. ..This season's shapes soft r stiff. . . - ; All $1.50 Hats for... ....' All $2.00 Hats for.......... ;;f 1.39 All $3.00 and $3.50 Hats for.. ....... . fl.89 Boys' Small Wear Boys,' 50c Underwear.,;.. ..,,.184 Boys' 35c Overalls j.V. .......... ;.ie Boys' 25c Caps . ..... ... ... 124 Boys' 50c Caps ..s..2Z4 Boys' 25c" Suspenders ....'....,....'..'.,94 Lcdies' Apparel Vou will find a very strong line of La dies' Wrappers,' Skirts, Petticoats,' ', Under wear and various other, things at prices ranging from 40c to 50c on the dollar' Ladies' Wrappers In beautiful pstterns, light and dark, large variety; worth up to $3.00. , Your choice .,.....,i,......eSf Ladies' extra fine-black sateen and silk Petticoats; not one in the entire lot worth less than $3.50. . Your unlimited choice t..t..., :. . i . ............ .' Ladies' fine' "Skirts; worth up to $4.00. Youc-choice' at .. . ... . ,v . . .f l.e5 Ladies' fine Jersey ribbed Underwear; '50c grade. Per garment.. .....194 Beautiful Shetland Shawls, made of pure, sephyr,; actually worth $1. Your choice. 29f Umbrellas the ideal Christmas present You will find them here in profusion, and at a great saving besides. ; -$2.00 Umbrellas . fl.19 $2.50 umbriiar..T.1r;:"rr;tr; $3.00 Umbrellaa ........... .,,.;...f Lie $4.00 Umbrellas :fr. . . r.. 7. . r. . f 2.29 Newspaper space is expensive. ' We can't quote everything, but there are hundreds of bargains awaiting you here that are an actual saving of 40 to 50 cents on the dollar. Boys' and Children's . Clothing . ' ,. 1 ' ..- " The1 stock in this line is complete. Light and dark shades or plain blac and blue; single or. double breasted; neat up-to-date this season's patterns. - Every suit a model and sold at from 40 to 50 per cent below their real value. V 'K -:. , 1 . ' '.' - ' .',,.'"' Boys'. $7i0 Suits, sixes 14 to 20....fS.e5 Boys' $10.00 Suits, tisee 14 to 20, at..f 5.4S Boys' $12.50 Suits7iirs 14 to 20, at,.f S.4S Boys' $2.50 short pants Suits at...,fi.3e Boys' $350 short pants Suits it....$U Boys' $4.50 short pants uits at... ".f 3.45 Boys' $6.00 short pants Suits at.... f3.Tf Boys' $5.00 Overcoats at..V....;.....fa.65 Boys' $7.50 Overcoats at.......... V.f 4.45 MEN'S ; 910 and.f 12 rRCOATS $4.95 MEN'S 915 arid fl8 OVERCOATS $7.95 : MEN'S f20 and f 22.50 OVERCOATS & CRAVENETTES . S9.90 . , . MEN'S -925 and f27.50 CRAVENETTES 11.90 . . MEN'S . 930 and 932.50 CRAVENETTES $14.90 REMEMBER, this is a bonafide sale, no fake. We have to make this sacrifice in order to meet an emergency. Be sure you come, to the right place The Great Dissolution Sale of 11: d 0'!!l)iill!i . (C(D) j c t . " ; 207 First Street; Between Taylor and Salmon Everything sold as advertised-Goods marked in plain figures-Your money back if not satisfied ) .' -'J . TIT" ;