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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
' If THE OREGON . , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, . DSCEHSES 14. 1ES3. Open Tomorrow Open Tcmorrotv TEie Meier '(i ahk Store JJek&SE Until 90J.:r,l. We Have Trunks. Trqvling; haxt and Salt Cet In Crest Variety on ths Third Floor Clove and Merchandise Order Sold for Any AmonntA Quick and Satisfactory Way of Solving the C ft Problem ; The Meier O Frank ; Stcro r A WiGamette Sewrlns Machine Makes a Pleasing Gift for Artittic Pictars Framing to Your Order et the Very Lowest Prices on the Third Floor the Housewife Priced From $18.00 to $33.00 Each $&50;; 9 Housecoats 6.65 Tho Llcicr O Frank Stcro CaturHav sal ' extraordinary of ' men's" hi?h-erade House v tOaiS anu -OHlUIIiJ jatacis, limwc Ui,ui ivwi inirivuc .dark greens; tnmmed, with silk, and mohair braid and cords; striped or fancy plaid sbawt collar, fancy.cuffs and pocket lapels ; alt sizes, $8.50 and $9.00 values e 5 on sale at this extremely low, price ...... ....V $8-$9 Blanket Robes 56.65 En. Men'sifancy . Blanket- Bath and -Lounging- Robwr of ' the finest materials, beautiful designs, well made and finished : throughout,; scroll and . floral effects in gray, dark blue, tans, browns, reds, greens, large collary cord at the neck 'and girdfc- Large variety, $8.00 and $9.00 j LK , values on sale at each . . V V Just received by express a large shipment of boys' all wool v Blanket and Bath'Kobes in assorted patterns all sizes. . Best values' in" the "city Second Floor. , , f Mmtv Tnah ahrrrnolcinir Tarkrta S3 .SO to 820-sVS - - , . : o j -i -i r - - ..... f . . n sw , ir r..- . 4 m ; j is- tS& Sf' $L50Vals.95cDox 200 doxen. Women's Pure Linen Handkerchief, in the newest cross-bar effect and hartd-ernbroid-ered initial,. Jtf-inch hemstitched border. Put up 6 in a box. reeular $1.50 value, tomorrow AC only at thia low price per box., Women' Ture Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, unlaundered. in plain and cross-bar effects, with beautiful hand-embroidered design in the A(L corners.. Regular 65c values at, each.; ,.,lfWy Women's Fure Linen Handkerchiefs, in stitched and embroidered hem- effects, entirely new designs. Put up 6 different patterns CI; sfl fell-; in a box, reg. $2 val., at, per box. Women's Sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs, beautifully trimmed with Val. and luecnnn lace ana insertion; large ana cnoicc istonmcni. nei lar 35c values tomorrow at this exceptionally low price, each, Women's ' Sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs in Iarg,e variety of pretty styles, hemstitched, embroidered and'scalloped edges. Best 35c values OO on sale tomorrow only at this unusually low price, each.; j&mZKi Wonin'i fin quality Egyptian cotton ' How, with embroidered Instep, In ev- ral rery attraetlv 4iana, alsas t H ' to !. Regular 0o values on K. sal, at tWa low prlc pair Wonen'a. tin quality ilack lac ' and embroidered lloee, lmce atylea are In ' allover or boot effect, new pattern ":- of embroidery; all alsea. tea- ' lU , ulax too values, on aalo at, pair Women's medium ; heayy weight bHct . fleeced cotton Hoee, full fashioned, ' fast black, siaeaSH to 10. Best 0r 160 Taluea, on 1 atomorrow t Women' fine German black eaahmer ' Hose, gray heel and toe, nicely fh loned, alsea H to 10. The beat CQ. ; . 16a value, on aala at, per pair . t0 pairs of children's-inn ribbed black cotton IIo", alsea 6 to S, white or apllt Mbt. The regular, tin val- f Tr, uea, on sale tomorrow' a,, pair BOO Jars bojra and airls' tine and heavy noDca Diaca .ooicon nm, aiaee 10 aala Jtegulitr 40o values, on , tomorrow at, per pair I to 23c V '-rwo cr iff:, .Crest Christmas Sale of Women's High-Grade Handbags, a useful and pleasing eift for, women.: Exclusive Ynnr rhnire tnitiorrnv at this remarkable reduction from the rreular sellinir orice.l. ......... Suede Leather Music Rolls, applique effects, in colors. Great values at this'low price, each.. . '. . .t .'.f 1.20 Special lot of Handbags, in seal and walrus. Grand values at this unusually low priceeach........1. 1.00 i i r. x. : x. n n n h n u. v v. v ill 11 a a. v v i Missel' and Children's Full-Lensrth Coats of sray plaid mixtures, trimmed with broadcloth, cuffs and collar finished with fancy maroon silk braid, full sleeve, ; tnitton-tnmmed, ages 6 to 12 years. Or eat special value at tncs" 1 n usl wonderfully low price of take advantage of this opportunity.... 1 wtUJ . Mjsses" and Children's Three-Quarter Length Coats, in blue and brown, N red flnnntl lining. donMc-br.f.gtfd, agrt rgl4 years.' Great spe- GZA. cial value at the remarkably low price ofeacn take advantage.... Special lot of Little'Children's Coats, in scarlet and navy, Alice blue and green; variety of styles; plain and trimmed with fancy braid and buttons; " CX . ages 2 to 4 years. Values. up $3.50 placed on saleat . )yJOJ Great special' value Tn Children's and Misses Victoria Blanket Robes, in Idiffer ent designs, border at the bottom, trimmed collar and cuffs, girdle and frogs to match; lavender, grlen, red, blue, tan and gray. Great valuefc at ' ' Ot-ft the wonderfully low price of each take advantage yJtOJ Th W.Offf Reg.lPpces Continuation of the great special sale of Hardwood Holiday Boxes, plain and fitted styies, all sizes, all grades, at prices from $1.50 to $15.00 each. Toilet Sets in Hardwood Boxes, Military Brushes in Hardwood Boxes, Humidor, and Cigar Boxes, Jewel Boxes, etc- etc. Great as sortment Your choice of the entire stock tomorrow at one third off. the regular selling prices. Take advantage at the great saving of one-third off regular prices.......... tf.Off 6c v Copy In the Sheet Music Department today 100 titles of standard airs, : popular vocal and instrumental numbers. Marvelous values at.... .JC Star Dance Folio Na 6, containing all the latest "hits." Regu-' f lar price 75c; on sale at this unusually low price, per copy . . ..... .ev-aM? - All the latest musical "hits" of the" season sold here at .special -prices. Sheet Music Department located on the main floor, near Alder street entrance. Mail and phone orders promptly filled. - Send for catalogue. Holiday Specials in Basement 10-inch Brass Candlesticks, $1.00 values, on sale at, each., :...79 Gold Candlesticks, assorted designs, $1.00 valncs, it, each..,. 794 Brass 'Candlesticks, 12-inch, $1.75, values, on sale at, each..., ....f 1.38 Plain and Decorated Colored Candles on sale at, each ........... .2V1V Cut Glass Cologne Bottles, regular $3.50 values, for only.,., f2.80 Cut" Glass Violet Bowls, regular $1.50 values, on sale for A... ...fl.19 Cut Glass Rose Bowls, regular $9.00 values, for jjnly, each........f T.20 jCut Glass Bowls, very pretty, regular $5.00 values, for only.. ....f 3.98 Bot Glass-Bowls, regular $6.75 values, on sale for, only. .......... s5.39 Four-Piece Silvcr-Plated.Tea Set, regular $16.50 value, for.. .. .;f 13.20 Four-Piece. Silver-Plated Tea Set, regular $9.50 value, for. .V.7;. .?7.60 Three-Piece Burnished Tea Set, regular $12.50 value, for only,. 10.40 Three-Piece Silver-Plated Water Set, regular $9.50 value, for.... vf T.60 Medrum-Size Fern Dishes, best $10.00 values, for the low price of.f T88 Silver-Plated Cake Baskets, $250 values, for the low price of.,... f 1.99 Rogers' "1847" Pickle Forks, great values, at the low price-of.... r..-34 Rogers' "1847" Chip Beef Forks, 65c values, on sale at..t : S5) Rogers "1847" Pie-Servers, assorted patterns, at, each. .... 1.T1 Rogers' "1847" Berry Spoons, gilt bowls, at only, each.. .. ...... ..fl.4T Three-Piece Carving Sets, in lined fase, $3.25 values, on sale at...f2.9 Three-Piece Carving Sets, in case, great value at low price of set.)1.47 . aft t 1 Doys-Siiits $4 Values $3,10 Each Great special Saturday sale . of boys' School i Suits in double-breasted or " Nor folk styles- fancy "chev iots, fancy . tweeds and , dark mixtures; ages 6 to ;16 years, $3.50-and $4.00 ij-alsorLsale today $2.10 XmaS presents given away with purchases " of boys' . clothing Skates, watches, footballs 2d Fir. "Toyland" business is breaking all rccordi Throngs of buyen crowd the depart' ment, every hour of the day and every one pleased with the service being rendered, the splendid stocks, the reasonable prices Portland's largest and Store -every way you look at it Open tomorrow night until 9:30 and commencing next Monday the store will be open evenings until Christmas Note these special values Toy Bargains Take Advantage 25c game Chessida on saj for. ...".194 35c game Cherogmagica on sale at only..23 60c game Ring Toss at the low price of.. 45 75c game Hook-It on sale at only... 49f $1.25 game Wall Toss, great bargain at..99 $1.00 game Taba-Bagajor low price of...73 20e Pool Tables for the low orice of only. 134 cParTolfoqueTonaTe'rat ohly.w...3f 25c Drawing Teacher for sale at oniy.. .w' '25c Animal Masks on sale at onIy.......l9 25c Sewing Cards for low price of..V.'...19 30c Toy Chiffoniers, great values for.J..19 "Frog" game and "Persia, 35c values. J. 25 25c game Flags of AlNations only.. ,...19 Rocking Horses on sale at, each CI )K $5.50, $4.00, $2.65, $2.00 and V I iJJ Blackboards on sale at, each, for low C price of $1.25, $1.00, 50c and........P..eJC Dolls' Cabs, Dolls' Apparel, Dolls' Jewelry, etc. Toy' Bureaus, Washstands, Sideboards, etc, at, each, 25c. 50c, $1.25, $1.50, up to..... f 7.50, Laundry SeU on sale at, set $1.00, 50c and 284 Roller Skates, pr., $375, $275, $U5 and.. BO; Alphabet Blocks, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c to...f 1.50 Shooflys, each, $175, $125, $1.00 nd......75 Lead Soldiers, $3.00, 75c, 65c, 50c, 35c and 25 HumTjyumptyrtas7achr6f)enoT-,f3. Iron Trains, $1.50, $125, 75c, 60c, 50c and 25 Magic Lanterns, Vach,"35c up to.....f 15.00 ,.' Steamboats, $175, $1.25. $1.00, 75c and.. ..50 Fireboats, $3.00, $2.50, $1.50 and.. fl.OO Auto Boats at $2.50, $1.50, $1.00 and.... .60 . Steel Upright Engines, $1.50 tO;.....f 75.00 , Electrical Toys, all kinds, $1.50 to.... f 68.00 Mechanical Trains, $1, $1.25, $150 to..S20.00 Enamel White and Blue' Kitch- 1 en Dishes on sale from 20c to;... v I eawj Tine Enameled Tea Sets, set, 35c to...2.O0 $2 "DnBarry" Scarfs at 98c Inthe Women's Neckwear Department tomorrow, a great special .sale of "Du Barry" Scarfs, 2 yards long, and made of extra fine 'quality Peiu de Cygne silks, with hemstitched border, in white, pink, bfue gy f and black. . The- regular $2.00 .value on sale while they last to-, MMC morrow at thia unusually low price,' each take advantage.... I Sale of Chiffon and Chantilly Drapes Special Holiday Sale of the newest Chiffon and Chantilly Hat Drapes, iyi to 3 yards long, in -allth newest and most popular shades. Very large assortment and grand valuea at these low prices take advantage: I .(0 Prapea, eAch... ....... ...9 .4S $1.00 Drapes, each ...B1.S3 .78 Drapes, nch , 3 t.TS-Drapea. each... v. ....... S-l .RS Drapes, each......,",,.... M .1.00 Drapes, each............... BS ' 1.00 Drapes, eaeb. .7 - 4.00 Drapea, each. ....... ...... & . J. 60 Drapes, eacb. ............ 143 Drapes up to ail reduoed. MULTNOMAH MAY LOSE BOTH Presidency of Senate and Speak ' ership of Housa Art , , ? Slipping Away.- y HODSON IS SAID TO BE LOSING GROUND Demand for Eastern Oregon Man In "'the Executive fhair.Js Increasing . and Crowing Stronger Speakership Race It Seriously 'in Doubt. VuTfnbmaH Count jr."lnolte ot the , fact that It has the Urgent delegations . In both houees ot the. lealalatere of ..'any rounty In - the etat, may yet, throusrh (aetlonal dlffereneos, be unable ; to aeetire either the preeldttnry of the ' senate or the apeakerahlp of the house. If the cards read aright at the pres ent time. It .would aem, as has Wn pointed out before, that Senator Ilodaon may not be able to win the conteat for preel dent of the annate aaalnet Ilalr.ea. Mtgns are manlfeatrd in bla ranks that portend ahlftlneea and instead of rath. ; rlna strength he aeems to be hardlr hohllng his own. according to the po litical talk. , Matarkey has no chanoo for the preeldncy, the sagea my, and does not expert to get the position, but will --wtay t-4A. flght to.the f nd Jn .orde? jo teet Ilodson. whom- h looks uion as the usurper of his throne. " . I tienator Ilalota Is In about the Sams position oecuped by hint for soma time, and If tho reported disaffection in the Hod eon eamp. be true he may, have a llttte the, better of the argument, lie. however, stands under the danger"that those f his followers who ara dSubt ful might stampede . should ' a, dark horse, fit and In condition for the race, he . trotted out to take the place of Senator Hodson. - . Eastern Oregon wants the presidency and wants It badly. There Is a tradi tion cast of the mountains that - the western smatora In general and Mult nomah's delegations tn particular have sytntematlcallykntfed tho bunchgrass and mountain districts every time a pretaehtI8MWted. It-jo pointed out I tit js brought out, orhecprntilnaUnn sorrowfully that since T. C. Taylor-f Umatilla was president during the Si mon Interregnum, eastern Oregon has bad no honors heaped upon its -shoulders in any manner. ,- Under these circumstances- it is thought that the choice of an eastern Oregon man as 'a candidate 'for the head office of the senate by a western Oregon nueieus would bring a solid eaatern Oregon delegation to the support of the scheme. It is argued by the poli ticians that the Hudson forces are look ing for an eastern Oregon man to be ready In the' event It Is proved by fu ture developments that Senator Modson cannot gain the scattering votes now needed to, make him safe, and which have not been promised. . . " ' Wkat Bedsoa Bays. :; Senator Ilodson. In spite of ' the ru mors, maintains that he IS holding his forces together and is just as confident as ever. There are other members of the Multnomah delegation who are not so euro and who at the an me time do not favor the Idea of losing. the preiii dency to the county. These men are talking of Senator Big Slchel as good timber for h executive chair. They are planning to put him In Senator Hod eon's placw t"th toead -of - the ilodion line of battle should It be necessary to make a ehange of leaders. Senator Kichel. however., says he Is not a candidate for the presidency. II says h Jg.not. a man who would prom lae to support one man and then lurn ' tight around and knife him In the back, lie admits that members of the senate, have come to him suggesting that he might become a candidate, but he has taken theee suggestions simply as ex pressions or connaenoe snd aa compll ments given by his friends. .AVhen asked whether of not lie would become a candidate - in the. event of Benatoy Hodsoa's withdrawal from the race, Senator Slchel replied that he had not given the. . matter any. thought and could not tell what he would do under the circumstances. From ell of these rumors It would . appear that Senator Haines of Washington county had the better of the argument lut at present. though future developments may bring htm down. Klther Blchel's candidacy. of Hodson force With eastern Oregon might, and -perhaps would, draw from the lis Ines following, and he has not many votes to spare. It looks, lri fact much as though a dark horse, let urt-J haltered, would become- very formidable between thls time and the opening ot uie session. . Xa the Lower . House. In the lower house. Prank Davey, Marlon's candidate for the speakership. Is becoming a very evident figure, and according to some Indications is load Ing W. I. Vawier of Medford In the race, while W. H. Chapln of Multnomah is as yet not better than third. . Indica tions are that Davey,-while tn Portland the first of the week, cemented to his following the "statement number one" men of Multnomah county.- consisting! ui iiuiu i, w iv icfin nni, accoruing to the adhealve duality of the cement used. If this story be true, then Davey has received a great boost tn his efforts, as both he and Vawter have been claiming the majority support of Multaomah. W.-M. Chapln, who has been consid ered as a potential candidate, seems to be frowned upon by the ''statement number one" men of tho. delegation who consider that he tn In rraJlty silled on the other side of the fence, though he contends that It la' his Intention to vote according to the direct primary pledge. At any rate' it Is evident that the dele gation Is not solid for him. i With either Iavey or Vawter leading f 6K thar pakeratitp "mmtnth'nodiiori losing ground because of lack of ad hesion la bis following. It would appear therefore that Multnomah cousjty will head neither house of tho legislature, but that outside districts will have the honors when the organisation Is com- Pleted. . . J.., SURPRISED THE PEOPLE Looks Uks a Hew Trading Cemte Zs Springing Up at WUUaaas Avenae gad Zaott Streets. . ,. - . Since the opening of the Emporium, Albina's big department store, a couple of months ago, other businesses are Clustering about that neighborhood un- til It has Xha appearance of. a flaw trad ing center. The Emporium has Infused such new life Into the section that it has the appearance of a . down town st met at nearly all times of the day. Tlia Emporium management operates Its store after the fashion of the bl "3own-toWfi institutions, and each Satur day. Is bargain day, ''during which time unusual price sacrifices are made. To morrow will be on of these days, and Its large advertisement In yesterday's Journal told the story of phenomenal reductions In nearly all lines of -goods. It has been the aim of the Emporium to attract tradefiom all parts of the city, and to do so the most unusual In. du cements liave Jxn offered to buyers to trade at tiiat great mart. All U and Ht. Johns cars pass Its doors, and pas sengers on R-B cars may ride wVfhln one block of tho plaoe. Buyers ought Id he on hand early tomorrow morning, before the day's rush of trade begins. Pacific,' between East Twenty-first and Eas.t .Tweuty-aecond, cost 11,460; K. O. Davla, one-story dwelling, Lexington, be tween East Seventh and Eai$ Ninth, cost. 11,000; 1L. JohnsonJ barn, Patton road, near Ravens view drive, cost 120; J. P. Gillette, two-story dwelling, Van couver avenue. Between Mason and Sha ver, cost I1.000; E-. B. , Bartel, repairs, East Ankeny, between East. Sixth and East Seventh, eoet 1400; Mrs. O. I Reed, cottage, Tenlno avenue, between East Ninth and East Eleventh, eost idoo.. . ;. ITALIAN GOVERNMENT IS MAD AT ROOSEVELT Rome, Dee. II. It Is said her that the transfer of Ambassador Whit , to Paris Is because Whit refused to re ceive at the embassy a number of high society woman of th Prince Chlraay type, telling th government In response to it protest . that - American women must . not associate with , such people. Th government- If angry, beeaus It feels Roosevelt,' has . added a slap by sending Whit to-th mora Important post of PArls.'- v Sulldlag nntta. . Th following permits have been Is sued: Amnto Adlndo.. repairs to three dwellings, .Fifteenth, between Lovejoy and Kearney, cost f 200 each; Joe Lou bet, barn. East Tenth, between East Ornnt Sad East Lincoln, eost 1300; J. Fay, repairs, Seoond, between Oak and Fine, cost 130; H. L. Carpenter; repair, Harlem, corner East Thirteenth, eost $50; Paul C. Hales, two-story dwelling, Haraalo, between East Ninth and East Tenth, cost Id. 000; Women,. of, Wood. craft, 'tear down and .excavate, -Taylor, between Ninth and Tenth, cost 11,000; Mrs. -J, - C. Hols. two-torr dwelling. P oXDISC 6RAPflOPHONES Rifta x ' t r,m T "v--'N F A s. i aBa KlARSKTWTOCTURERIHTffiWCTOOfglSCTOC Di,SC RECORU3 Columbia iPbpndjjr ph o. 371 WasHington Street x : 0PENIVENIN6S V COLUHDIA DUILDINQ UNTIL CES1STUAS Between Parkand W.Park Sis CYLIMR GRMOPHONE YLMPBR RECORDS . Z5 , OWNERS OF- THE FUKPAMENTAL ' PJVTBN'RS. 5 , I c H R I S T 1 "i