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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; "PORTLAND: FFRIp AY "EVENING." 'DECEMBER 'W 1006 TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Acreage ' A enole tract of lead, no cut!, tunning ltfr, ea Be rllMj will Mil you e acre -tatBiay- Hcnklc & Harriscn 81T Ablagton bldg. ' " 1 . XT BATBiriCfi. " ' Lotting. U uolira hw -room house. : choicest Mat id location, nu walking - letanre, tu ' cioMi"oMt,: Inu, everthing lift title. 0Mf, Mo. it t.t I4tB, . NEAR STKKL BHIUUK, Oo look al that bww, Ke. aft Timam avt., key bark porch; a ctiauc or too set a good bom eluee U at rtaaoouble price and . eas term. .u.iu. C C. MAY. Mint IWt-y - go, Abtngton bldg. I, " " ouy ana en apoa aaa par - aatai aa rant, hum Land Co.. laJViFl menu. irat at. 1 J?B lt at., Mar Clinton, Gnt.Ttow ai tba elt, 330i aa eat tern. . H SS, eara Journal. CONSIDER "TILTOJTS AUDITION" BEFOBB , BUYING A LOT TO BUILD. " Belninot itnrt will hv eeuiut aldawalka lad hard-surface pavement; lota S feet above ; aldawalk; t block from rar and 10 nlnatee ta ' lt 00 below price teked to nearby. Iota, THOMPSON WiVtiS (Branch) , ; WO Belmont St.- Phone Bait dSOO. DO SO0 want a real eblckeo ranch 7 liara It la: ecree. right oa O. W. P. electric Una. ml lea from tha tenter ot tba clt; good houe. gvod barn, all .faawd. Marl half ; ' clear, f loo aoll, good aprlng, no rock or fraTal; prlca 11.800; can giro 4lma aa pan. Ule la Joat what aa Ura baas looking tor. Addraaa W So. cara JoornaL . . TAKB tha U car and aa tba naw e-room-asod-arn koiiaa oa tka corner, No. S&S Blenillua " ara., 11,800; terma. If oa Itko It call at . Lafaotta Haalty V-. na 10, Mali Waafc. Ingtoa at. j, , .'' fOR (ALE Aaoaa dealrlng a mo data bom, 8-room kooaa. Ura unto- reception. . nail, furnace, lot GOiKiu, In Upper Alblna, eaU en A. 0. Bruak Co., 611 William. ae. fl.TBQ WILLln a baantlfnl tww S-mom rat arm nc tbla aid Inrelwood, oa Mount Soott rlloe. Pkoaa Wain 215. ' - ' - car - MUST SELL. - - ' . B0q leaa tban to, new baodern -morfl oana, air boat. Snnnalde; It will iwnt ad pa 10 ear cant net. Be awner, Mc Urogor a Barber-ghop, M YamblU at. ' WB ara headouarter for bargain la real eatit and BuaUurM cbancea. lo oa wUh to bo v er aelir yulok eale and am all andlt to our motto. Diamond Realt Co., Alder at. fbona Paclac 101. FOR 8 ALE FARMS.". Grain, Stock cr Fruit Farm- I.euO acre. Ti boot 8M acre, now cultlrated. Ja acre mora read tor tba plow, balance la naturi aoma braab and tlmlr: kouae, barn, orchard. Ana running waten choice lo cation la Itouglaa count. Oregon, 24 mllea from a good towa an railroad; a vary cheap '"V worth muck mora tban prlca now ef trd at. ' .. ,, ,y . . t: ' -d, Hcnklc & Harrison - - 11T Ablagtna bldg. ', HAVB Tral pleeea of land. t ap to a aectloa, aolrabl tat SO tot ralalne aluck. dalrlng, etc.; good aoll, mm timber, not far from railroad; a goad opening for a new beginner, or good a aa Inreatment; will -doabta n-Tehr -takrr-tfmt briceTr(m" ft to Id per acre I terma. J. J. Raid. tt BaraaMa at.. JI MILES wwt0OlanderJerdTlllvl naaoingcoa count, rnr caak onl; H acre. BS clear, wU eultirated, oa creek I good . well, , aprlng, . Be frail, new wire feaeaa. good room kouae, park, Bouaebnld good, cblckena, keea. toula, etc. I 1V4 ulle from railroad, aekool and church: Ufenbooe Una. milk rout. B. r. D.t S4.DU0. Beaeerton. Oregon. Mr. A. JL , Lueteuaer. SM BUYS Improremeatt and relinquishment en 180 acre of farm and orchard land la ,. the Moaler fruit dlatrlct; the place to located Ttt Bile aoatb of Moaler and 10 mile eoulh Waat of Tke Dalle, Oregoa. If Interaeted addreaa Oeorg L. Hteebunltb, Moaiar, Oregon. niU-hia nfTI."W. P. carlloa. all iijrler eultlvatlont will U for lea than other ? import la aame aocailtv eelle for. See tHlajr. X. R. DtdaoD, SCO Ooodnougb bldg. fs 000 lilt ACR1M, S mile from Da j too. Yam. am count; rural mail, phone, good running water; 40 tcret trait, moaii apple, phone ' Eaat S7.17, between T and t a. ra. Addreaa at call B. C. Bobtrttoa. TO Eaat Sixth at., N YOB SALE 1M aeree on S. P. railroad. H . mile from atatlon; abool TO acrea In cultlva ,, tlon. balance in timber eul table tnt piling or tie; will ntll all or part. , ror partlcalara Inquira (7 Beech it. WA y TK1 A lew ptrfon to Hxt aamtatttrtt, Addreea X 14, care iuurual. DAIRY (arm, ver cheap at 112.000; 1M acre level bottom land,, good Improvement. 150 row. Sou chicken, bortet and everthing . complete, 1H mile from atatlon. near Halem; : thlt dair la paring well; Inveatlgtt at ooce. )H2 Lumber Etcbangr. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I) REWARD for proof that ta talking mi chlot eoiala tbt Edlaoa phoongraph; com plete nock: ea ptrmear. Portland Phono- graph Agtnc, 12S Bevtatb It. Mala otWO. HERMAN, CLAY CO. art tka largest piano. . dealers on tbt Ptclfle cottt. Set tbtoi If ou Bted a piano. HATB a piano to U for torac ckaraea, n Oak at. (Starr make); price $100. Par " tlcular E. Blckal, 711 Park ava. LEAVING clt. compelled to earrlBct good plan for rasa, vn nnni ruimor it., oc. 4uoaa, v MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COeVb. D'ALENI MINIM0 STOCK ' I am tlwa ! tbe market tltker to ba at atll a artiv miaing ciorat oa u listed tecurltloa. , T. t. BR0WI Of McKt bldg. TIMBER. , WANTED TIMBER LANDS. To tba owaen of timber land We rep. , reeent vtr bear buere la tb following ronntlet: Crook, Klamath and Lake, and awing to tbe fact that our buvrrt have tke eatliaalM aa the greater portion of the tim ber la tke above eomitb1 It enable aa to . mak tub k aale. there turn send ii our full rtetcrlptlon and tb eatlmatei alao our low eat net etah price, and w can do boat, a trlth on on abort lima; ae paddlag price (oca with u. , , " OKE00 BROTHERS, M Sixth tl., SIT and illS Kenton bldg. , ' Portland, Oregon. TIMBER-OWNERS Do voa went our timber propertf kindled In tbe bkmI aatlaftetor war to rou In ill detatle 1 If on want a burer ejuick nu 'cannot afford to delav placing our timber v'toeda Immedlatel with our timber depart. roent. Our connection with ttmbet-bnTtrl ""Trom-Tit larrra ot-Amertea placear-at tn"( ' potltlon to bring on a bur. Call or Writ 1 our timber department. KOB11I WESTklRN UUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY, 1 famber Exchange, bldg. (second km), n . Soutbtktt cor. Sotoud and Stark ata. TO THE COAST TIMBER OWNERS Do on want tbe brat price for our timber 7 Do vnu want tbt as) of It handled in a war that will bt tatlsfactorv te eat IM oU . ' want It told aulcklt If to I tat It wllk Toe, , f am In constant touch wltb good be ver, i bow ob tha roaet, that are reid to cruise in timber laud thai la right In price. Write or nil on mt it aace, 1 will aell with . out del. 1. W. BUIr, (1ft Ablngtoa Bldt. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND , . TIMBER. W wl bo for cash an good - timber Vtrtbnlar to Nrbalem river; will deal wrih , awHera aall bo other need aoawer. Wrtti, full particular, to Bos ft, U. P. ta- tlon, Portliad, Dragon. ; 14,000.000 FEET cedar end flr, - 2S mllea ot Port land, on Sne Inrttjit atraam, ran drive to Portland mills 1 (1 thousand; . halt caah, , tssv term: 10. ear to cut; no tgcnti or trldara. George W. Dlion, Club. Oregon. HAVE on taken timber claim! Wi have a few choice allow pine timber claims for cntrt; g"d location. Call aad ata aa. 1SV Third it, ooia B. FOR good timber Claim and hemetteida pbone , r Scott . v . . Oregon , Waarifrittft. -Wawawat- actlon, d aa imounu llohaa a Tattart, 211 Allak bldg. aflorn.oun FEET ellow Sr. In Sllct, (tt.ono if , taken at oner, ZiT Waahlngloa at. gjui A('JKS on Platol rivet, rot over 4,oi.0ifl air i" .r - - . . -. r - " - - , (4. S2T WattliigtoB lU FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. roit HALE Thraa fretb oow. (73 Vi But lllh at. TWO freak rout, MS 3id it. Ttkt Ktcbmoad nr. . HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS YOU CAN SAVIi HONK la aair wagont and huge lea at laud Wareliouee a Tliuiitu Co. . Last Wtahuigton 1 Uia place. FOB Ok TRAIIB A S-tr-oid, trotting bred, well broke, a!ao harness and sulk, oua ' ton ot bay, tor tuupl of lumber. .. Phon Tabor 804. ' , 20 RUTS' good work turn and barnee. weight Um.I alM new chill plow, t; llp icrapi-r, t: Wetter wbnalar. fJO. Brubaker. 33d and tivnor-s ana auggiea inr real wwa ., and month; apeclal rate to tnialtwna-bouaea. Slitk aud Hawthorne, lul Tl - , WE bu. Mil,' rent, eirhang knce, wagona, . aaddlea. barnea. tlubert & Hall. WM 4ib at. BARN room for 1ft bmaea for rant; I7 J(tr aon ard. Main 7 lid at 00$ Market at. EOR SALE Good delleer bora, wagon karoroa. Phone Scott 22S4. . ., and SMALL dnUrar kora for aale cheap, or will , trado for larger kr or SV4 farm wagon. Pbone Scott KM. H 0.1, rare Journal Barter and exchanoe. t STORE balldlng, eaatera Oregon, lucerne prop. rt. to trad for reeldenoe lota; price fl.Dou. or eqult In houae and lot. Alexander Land Co., atk Sixth, near i'lne. Pkeua Pacloo ilo. EXCUANOI danlUtr for grading, plaaterlng, parpen taring. Cat) room . Slta Waahlngtou. IV It EXCHANOB Lota, timber toad. ImproTrd pro pert, farm, good iiock of different : kloda; call land eee aa. i'attua kluip aon, 90S Lumber Exchange. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IE YOU WANT A new etore, go to the f. A new rang, go te the f. " ' " Ta trad etona, go to the . A water-back put In, go ta the S. ' rnrnlture. go to tha $. ? - KS3 Vlrat at. Main SST4. OK SALE CHEAP. . Tm tdloa Motloa-Plcture macbln. t.000 feet of-film, f0: allde fur la I Illustrated, Kt.M per art. ltSi Sixth, room X o rOR SALE Pox terrier po,oa. 4M EbT at.. " MontaTill. i'hoae Kaat 13, aak tor Eraaa. EW1NO MACHINES kougbt. old and as rhanged. $6 and op. Weatern kajrage Co., Z7 Washington at. . - BOOKS aoagkt, aold tad eickaugcd at tke Okl Book Store. Z Yamklll at. - WE print our tint on AO tailing tarda proper aa iM, asc; zno mn lata carat, fl. Xt rirat. Portland. Or. A. W. Scbmal t., SHOWCASES, counter, fixture.- hoogbt, ld or exekanged. v W'cetera Salrag Co... SK7 Watblngtoa at. Pacific TS. . " SO 8L10HTLY damaged tewing machine at Tery low price; Bloger, Wbevlet WUaoa. - Domeetl. Wblite. Houaeheid, Davit and etbera; to Bake room for aew atock Wbeelet A Wllaoa and Singer. S. S. Slgai. S3 Mot riaoa at., Marauam bldg. BrLLIARD AND POOL Ublea for teat o. (ot aale en eta pamente, TUB BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLENDEB (XJ. 4 Third at., PerUaad. BH0WCASK8 and fixture. rw and Carlaoa Kallatrota. taal Ootua tv SECOND-HAND bar flttaroa, pool table, atfet. table, chair. Wetter Salvage Co.. .ffilt v W blagtoa at. CHERRY TREES of tb onl original parent tree, tbe aew chcrr, tbe Olant; ftret-claao treat. Jullu Kalllcb. Woodlawa. Oregon. FOR (ALB CHEAP 100,000 feet of lumber. S0.OOU feet 3x12, S per 1.000. H. B. Stoat. 74S Ralelgk. Pbone Main DS5S. u HOLDEN'R RHEUMA.T10.CIUIR rnaumaium. neaa au oraggiai. SIIAPTS tor tbno bar tor a la. Mala tlik. FREB maaure, S3T Jtfftrtoa. lent) upRiuiiT PIANO (loo. tiigkti a Klecber CU. orgn t6. S4LH rint at., - aer Mala, npalalra. i rOR CALK M-foot Itanrh, la water S tnontbi; flnt-claaa outIt. N 30), rare Journal. PORTLAND'S ebrewdeet mtrchaati bur their . printing it S04 Ooodneagh bldg. Wh7 (l.sso FOR tew T-room lvtu Jloataaa. ata SELE-CUANGEMAKINO cash rcglatar for tail cheap. Ill rim au..-. . C. BLACK' MINORCAR and R. I. Red Cock creto; egg In eon. Bellwood tar. 6M South ave. A. V. tttnaau. ' FOR SALE Electnt' furniture of 0-roota mod. em Sat, eaat aide, HO minute' walk to " Third aad Waabington etsTT ver reaeontbl rent ;- uap for cask If take aooa: owner leaving tit. Addrot- B so, car Joaraak rOR 8ALB Lojarmerr acta. Hot 12S Moata- vllla, Oregoa. Pbono Kaat 17bV . CAN place aeveral sums of (S0O and upward. 7 per rent net to leader. 34, Z72Vk Wtahlug ton t. . FOR SALE Pin pair IVkln duck for broaden for (J.M. Ml East Burnald it.' PERSONAL." TURKISH BATHS. POO Oregonlan bldg.i Udttt .dat, geolleaara algbta. Main M8S. SWEDISH trained aaree. IleUlngfora gndaate, poaltlvel cure rheumatlam. ttomaeh trotiblet and nervous diaordera a band-rubbing, ttctm, twtat and tub hatha; bulb arte. No, 7 Eaet lllh at. tXtsho Kaat AaAaa car. paoao Beat SOO. MANLY vigor- roatuved br Dr. Rofcertf rttrvt Glob ikat. Oat month' t treetment, fl: $ v Bontka, IS; aeat aecorel led br mat!. Agente, Weodard. Clark at Co, Partlaad. Ot. SUITS preteed Wkllt ro wilt, Dfle. Lad lea' aklrtt preeaad, sue, Gilbert, 10614. Sixth It., Aext to Quelle. Phoue Main SW4. BEST amgatln rluh over offered: lead for Srtceat stent wanted. Janea' Bock ctn.. 01 Aldet al.. Poetised. Or. MOLES, wrlnklea. ru perineal hair removed. No chart to talk It over. Mn. M. K. Hill. Room KM filed ner Bldg. Pkone Vaclfla IM. DISEASES OF WOMEN Privet matmlt hee. pltal, quiet tocatlta; aped si rare. Dr. At ' L. . a. aMU. af.w.luA T.l .... www, wwmm mi mwTm 1 - - - w. BOLD ON There I ata thing that will e-rt rheumatlam. Aak oar druggtat roc berk tonle or er tall J. U. CleaMaaoa, drugglat, Portland. Or. ( WERFOOT Oil Blacking aavaa tbt leather) ah Boibivi waiarprvos. BOLDEN'S BHKUMAT10 CURE Sore car tot rheumatltm. Sold b ill dricgisia. BALM OF FIOS for all fern I dlaeaee.. Eaat Belmont. Fhtne Eaat 4084. ( 0ERMAN book, mtgtitae, aoveto, etc.: Ge man. Kngllak, French, Mpaniah, Swedtah tad Itallaa dictionaries; foreign book t all kind. S' hir al Co.. t20 Flret at. A.-ItKINMC. PRAtrriCAL PUHRIKR. Etc.rt fitter, fart remodeled, repaired lad refledt (0 jet re" tinerleoc iBaarea tatlr aattafiatloa. Pbona Paclfl 84S7. Lwta bldt. SEXINB PILLS tore all forma of Bervont ar mvacular wrakaee. For Ben or women. Prion l box, S bokej (3, wltb full guar antot. Addreo or cell I. O. Clemenaon, drug glst Second tnd Yamhill- tin.. Portland, lu. DR. RING CHOONO, Importrr Chlnaae root . mrdlcloee: aella Chlneae tea. rertela cu1 f all dlaeaee. ml td. bet. Yamhill and Talor. DR. O. . KETCHUM cure promptl prlvatt , disease, kldue'r, aemue, akin led ipectal female trsubiea. Call ot write. Office 17.14 Third .. u. Yamblll. pboa PaclBo iliau. LADIEH: Ua Antiseptic Cuplile for monlhl Irregulirlllet; aafest. aureet. moat convenient; need locally ; no dangeroue drug to twallowi large box (I.M. Mrs. Carrie i'oaig. Adrian, Mlnnetotil Bog AS. i Ml" GIBHON glv aralp trestmtnt; Baa age. aH Morrlaoa tt.. room (2. DOLLS'- HOOMTAL-Reptrlng and dreealng. Room ft. 8-Mtk Washington t. hIAVlCt'Rt?0r'iil'"'"r an ebkUBjJ Parlor 21 and sz. ztotH ntark at.'. i" ' ' - T " RKFINRD onng lad Just irrlvtd from New York; massage. Room (. Bbltk Alder tl. 1 ., 1 , .... I .....,. ,.V. J ' -- - - - - Vf 1 1 fr mwwm " .nil. i , , t , a.a tmjm B'JA Li. U ailiifi.lua. PERSONAL.' RtflNKO lad glee maaaag tree tow at for rheuoiatiam and all .cbcooie allmenta; alao cblrowud. Juivk Iblrd at., eorner lalor. MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, reliable parhlr; eoa- - ault bar for valuable Information, 4!l Tarn. - kill, rouw 10. Circle Tuaeda evening, 2ilh. TOUNO aclentiflc maaaeuae glre aUctrlcal. al and mauleariag. 41 Raleigh bldg. BW SNTI.K opened- maalewmg parlor, -ladte ana gcntiem). BdtH Morrlaoa at., room 12. MARKIA4R PAI'RH. arat Bealed; man worth (100 to f lOM.wm; tenth ear; aead loc L. L. Lere, box iouu, ueaTea, Colo. FACIAL nd aralp treatment, manlruiing and . aiiatnpunliig done at tba borne. . Pbone Mala uauo. Koom . . . - M1NS gAYVOND glre tnaeaag treatment. aiH Murriaon it;,- room -it, ART. PORTLAND WHOLErlALK RETAIL ART CO. Reiirceentlog one of the larxeat eaatera bum. taclurera, are able te a bow on the fluent dlapla of pleturea la the clt. We cordiall , Incite ou to call before parchaaiog elae wntre. ooo waauingiou ai. FRKR - LESSONS la embroider arerr da sew ttamped ahlrtwalai, enraatoeera, b .' lero jacket, bat, umbrella. . eta. Tb , fiedlcnft Shop, Xnl Waeblngtsa aL, : tweea Weat Park od Tath ata. - - MRS. M. Mr HOLS, teacher In oil and chtna painting, . china fined; kand-palatad china for aale. ' 7U William ae. PROI'EHNOB B. ' MAX METER, S4S Alder, Portrait and Undarip ar.tlat tad taaeker. ATTORNEYS. C. II. PIOOOTT AND I, A. PINCH AiioriiTt m-m i-law, rririirv in rvw a. ' 4 Mulkf? eoror He- mid liorrixw T ASSAYERS. ARVTN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana A tsar Office. 1H4 Morrlaaa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. dw n i vf v vtr Dkir van i - - - - Blank hooks naBufarturvdi aftsta for loxt ' jmprovM LrOow-Ltvar Mr(trs; in hw Kortift Jrac. lam bhi oa ih - BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES . Btrkeawald Co., So. (0( Erarett at,; largett batcbtr aappl too oa tb evaat. Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Ado Idb A. Dekeaa. , iai-11 Flrat at., tkrriee a lull line and eoaa. ' plete teaurtmeaf at low eat market prion. COAL AND WOOD." ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la eara and green and dr tlabwood. B. B. and Alblna ae., S hlocka east f terry. Kaat (74. BTEKL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, cur d wood and dr aiebwood. Pboa Baa 434. OREGON FUEL CO. All kloda ot oa wood. SS4 Alder it. Phon Main So. WESTERN FEED aV FUEL CO. Hot blacksmith coal. Pkooe Main 101a. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST "-te-n-zemcnair"7- SEER OF EG YP-f WORLD' RENOWNED CUlrvnint. Palmist tnd Ptclilc Healer. lllh) MOST PJiENOMKNAL READER. ' A SPECIAL IS READING FOR (1. B tlmiil taking our hand lud looking at too, UiU world-tamout medium tail on ot ive, marrlag. enemie. frleoda. iboat butt Bees, aione. partner, bulng, atlllng, loveaf meuts. reading vrr incident, fact and da- tall of our Tlf,-miking clear te ea tha course to follow to avoid failure tnd obtain ucreet. B course of special training with adept he caa ecretlz Intliieue our affaire. haste marrlag to one of our choice, reunite one, p spare, miaea, or a, or beat bualBeea Brosoect: locate buried treasure, est a tea. la berltancu; overcome all weakna; RB- 8IOKKS YOUTHFUL VITAIJTY. Make no change In bualne, do not ba or aell a rooming-house, do not buv mining ttocka, do not bu a lot, I rartn, a ranch, or mak a leaa . without tint are In f Or monde. He will advise on to our odvan taga. He telle wnat Kkna on nave aaa Bow TO o curro. TELLS iOU WHEN AND WHOM . mn MARRY. - .... TELLS YOU HOW TO WIN THE MAN OK WOMAN YOU LOVE. s Tell tour full nam, ag. occupation.' Teaches peraonal mtgnetlam. care lott ei. rirrvr tvevetnw -ehtlrfoinee In rot, HOik FOURTH Rt., COR. WASHINGTON ST. w all rigux op; earner room. ReadiEeadlRead! THIS IS FOR YOni READ CAREFULLY . i YHB FOLLOWING WOBDBl j . V Madam Bartn I peraiiaeatly located ta hr own Boa, 42S BTAKK ST. Thla wonderful woman, ao- knowledged b the world to ba tbe greets! rlalrvoant tllva, without ea writing a oo lion or uttering on word, aha tell roa iutt what roe am for. how Ban la oar ram 11 lad ill about thee. Telle name a, datea and facta. Telia oa of love, marriage, death, business speculation. Inveatmeata, etc. I iotttea eir mlneraie ot all kind, re mores evil InftueBce and Uaehet ou now to control tbe ana oa' leva, nalte tbt separated and aautae tpeed and ooa evnlsl marrlapee. No matter what oar cou ' Hid.,. - mar be. MADAM BAHTH WILL HKU X t'tt. BiXBB. lux. ixm, ' All. WO UK OKlklNTEIin. FER WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL ( P. M. BKGLIgH ANte GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. . A SPECIAL (A READING FOR L , ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. ' PROF. B. KMIMG. , Ores teat living astral dead trance rlair. nant of tbt tga: ADVISER ON BUSINESS 0 ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE! Whom on will marr. bow to control tbt one oa lov. avra though mile awi reunite the ep . era ted; glvel eecret power to control, I will do ill others advrrtta to do, tnd grtst deal more. TUB ENTIRE WORLD HAS IIKKN STARTLED WITH THE POW ERS Or THB UNSEEN FOItCES I HAVB AT 'MY COMMAND, tnd I provt It to oa with out prto b glvint -a . . , FREE TEST FREE B having our NAME TOLD (IN FULL). ,(ST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, aad glv oa advice abeoluttt FKtE be lore oa deride ie hav reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONTINUE THB SKEPTIC IK) NOT Mian THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS It WILL MOT BE Okk'EUED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. E. KHIMO, - PermiBetl Located In HI Owa Horn. HOI'RB, 10 TO a. DAILY AND SUNDAY, " No. S5S Fifth it., our net Madlaoa it, I'REB TEST FREE TK6T. . ' . Tkke tbla idrertlaement to - ' . , t PROF. IK KIBLO ' (034 Washinttim f. tUL glee- oa a-ieet et hie- emaderful t't.AIRVOVAMf uPOWEHM, b telllug oa idtr nam In full, free of charge. ' . PROFESSOR WAI.T.ACB, palmist, elatrvnvint and medium; resdinra SOc. Parlort 4 and ft, Tb Oouno. 2UMVk Morrtooa at. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY tnd Pedicuring. Mra. M. D. Hill. Pboa Pat. It. Hoom B.10 riled ner mug. CAFES. THR OFFICR EtS Waabington It., 771. - Sttvmel Vlgneu. Mala - CLEANING AND L.YEING. CLOTHES cleaned and n retard l per Unique Tailoring Co., ( Stark It nth. U. W. TURNER, profrealoatl der and t lee aer. K0 Jeffrraoa at. Phon Mala Mil. ' PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dvlng Work. 211 Fourth at. 1'bout pacific (07. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 1. A. MELTON, the carpenter) (r4 FonrtB (lor tad efSc work. Main 17ST. aw., asti ail 111 1-now a aa off Ml I CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co., largest plant ea the o-aat. Ixirtrtg tnd Harding tta.. tela. vbon L.s 1 INO CrpeU cleaned. reStted, eeeea enu lain: xrwn Hire r enateja. preaaed. lr pmceaei re nor a Hug me ureses. and feitkere a wperiait. V" ANITART Carpet cleaning. urtlo tad 1 preeeed air enmbtBedl rarpeet cleaned on without rtaovti. Mala Mala 1200, rV IF rt V -XI ylil.-HlfH UII,'1 Xlft DRESSMAKINO. TRY An tele Droaemaklug Parlor, and Main. i Pacific Watt. S43 ntth DANCING. DANCING kraooa. tfx; clawot at private) watt. log, wo-tp, three-etep, etc.; state dancing. ' back and wing, clog, reel, eklrt, Spanish. ' btgbland flint, etc. Prof. Wal Wlllaun, ld ' est reeognlaed teacher, Allak bUg, Third and Morrlaoa ata. prof.'- Rlngler, Minx Buckenmeer Leading tcbenl; ballroom ttlqutttt; correct eoclal dundugl ela Toe. Bat. eve. t children Bat. p. m.: prlvt Itaaom dall. 909 Aidar. Main 1U61. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL CI Mon. Tburada aad Baturda eve. I oclai. fac and tp dancing taoght; fnclng tingbt; prlvttt leaaona dall. VVeeiern Acudam hall. Bjecniin and kiorrtaoa. racinc ioau. PROF. BATON Dandag tehool; eleaa tor ladle d geat Bonua ana jnnwj evening. Arsun halL Pkoa eaat sou. BROWN'S Dancing Actdem. Burkkard ball, Eaat Buraaid. Phooo MaU XI IK Dint Tueed. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTB10 CO. Englaeer. ontrae . ton. repairer, electric wiring, uppUeo, M " First, cor. Stark. Mala Sow. M. H. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, SI Sixth It. ' ..m .Imi.II annnlle anoter and dnamoa; w inetall Utbi and power plant. "furnaces. BOYNTON farax-alr fumacea v fuel. i. C Br Fnrnaea Ca.. iWo Second. Main 4S1, FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WORKS 2A1 Flaadere IT., oor. iniro. rnono aim evuu. GASOLINE ENQINESaS OASOI.INB engine. tU tlcae and lathaa, et koweet prlca. Balraoa MaabJaar Cow, leaVV43 - m err mon bk. HOTELS. A THB -BELLITUB, FoorO and Balmoa ata. Rootua but ap; rata or wee or monini eut-et-towa trado ooUclted. PaclSt S106. BBLVEDEREi Europe pUa; dth and Aldat eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. aoUctt Mportnnlt M ouott prloea. 74 Sixth tt. rteint arm. INSURANCE. ISAAC It,. WHITE. Sra Inaaraaea. bock bldg. . . , , . (44 Sbet- JA8. McL WOOD, amplocr' Usblllt aad In dividual loddeBI tecunt nonaa ei au bums, Phon 47. ho Mcna owg. LAND SCRIP. FOR SALE Laad arrlp, ctrtlflcd and gusran- - tetd: aiwae oa nana, xzi vaiung oiug, Portland. Oregon. Maglnnlt ar Bon. MONEY'TO LOAN. MONEY 'TO LOAN ' .. On Improved clt proprrr . r ror muiaing purpoae, tot from I to 10 earl' time, with privilege to rep all ee part ot toea arte; two eara. Loana approved from plana and tone advanced aa building prvgratass; Bwrtgagea taken op tnd replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial AgcaU , SA Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ob aUarlea. inaurance poiiclea, pianos, xurnuur. wareuoue re celpta. tc. ; an (asm1 ring penoa ma aecure a liberal Idviace, re pa lug b aaap waekl or' moBtbl luatallmanta. HEW BRA, LOAN ft TRrST COMPANY. Soft Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on oar own name ao other tecoriti doa't borrow antll wa eo mot mt aveteaa it tbt boot for railroad axa, dark, bookkotpera, atreetcar men and all other emploeet Dual Bess etrlct! oaBdatlJ. F. A. (iewton. 424 Ablngtoa bldg.. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others apoa fbeir owa aamea wiuotn ecarlti cheapest ratal, eeilett pamenta: office la 0 mioelMl cttlet aava guns J 1 awner or fttrng our terma Bret. TOLMAN, zaa ABiagloa oiog., tuow iuiru ax. WANTED Note, mortgagee) r oantracta a an kind of real estate la Oregoa aad Waahlng. tool oecond mortttgc aarcnaaod If well cored. U. B. NobU. 112 Commercial bib. MONEY to leaa In sum t enlt, S aad I eara, aa low aa d ner cent, oa Imoroved eitr nroo- ertr. Moultoa Scoot, ftoi Co In a bit bldg 8 Waahlngloa tt. DON'T borrow bob on aalir nattl Hutton crcait to. (12 Dektm bldg. W. S. WARD, liwer. AUakr hldg. Probata and ntortgag bualneaa aoiicited; moderate fee; nn monr on mortgage from $2uQ up; ea term. MONEY lotaed on furniture, planet aad ether tecurltlea. w. a. tiatnawa, room 10, Washington Bldg. Pboae Pacific 1S3. MONEY to lose; large loaaaepeeliltt alao building loana; lowest r. tea fire insurance. William O. Beck, S12 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42S Mobiwb bldg. Mono to lend an ee-nment plan ta .wage-eirner; ttrlrtl confidential. (300 TO (A.000 to loan oa real eatate oecurllv at ft- and T per cant b private part, (it Commercial block. MONEY to kaa en til klnda at oscorlt. William Boll, room e. Waabington bldg. TO LOAN Sum to tult oa cbtttel eearlt. B. A. Prim, C14 th Manmaov MONEY TO LOAN Fir Inaurance: real eatate. Mutter ft McReaale. 200-210 Commercial bit. ft LOAN for tbe taking Salary ar chatteL Tba Lean Co.. 410 Dekum hldg. MUSICAL. THK WEBBER BTtll Mandolin, baato, gal. tar Instruction; (.Iboua mandoltn. 4Mlta W'athtagtoB. - LEixHoNR AOc, piano, guitar, hanjo, mandolin, vtoilBi mnalral tnetrumenta Bold. 14114, Flnt it., ooratr Main. Mr. Mtrtlav I COPIES popular mualc, oar awn 1 lection, due. poatpald. Lv' Moaic llouo. . " PIANO, violin, piano, froBbona, citrine. Pi a. nmiin, no silb. saauo eue. MACHINERY. n TBNkkltN ft CO. Mining, nawmlll, log- glng mtrhlnerl bdrtulle pipee. raetlug bdrulie pie. raetlug; ill 104 North Fourth. kind repaired THE PL C. ALBER CO. Seenad-boad tblner, ttwmllle, etc. IrS Grind are. A. J PAtlU lot Pint It enttnee, boiler, ill meehlnerl Wkka' Brua. k fMorlng SMALL MWlng-beneh tad Induction motor at j.taoreepnwer waated. R fti. care Journal. TV f ITS lrfV4t-'. - '.ii-i' u..-. tj','i -.-T 1 " ' , MONUMENTS. ea. ..emahiw 1 MEO ft KINGSLBY. tS FlreUot.., Partlaad' I vltadlnff (urbld lad (tiait works, f - .., I..... - :...:.Y ,;. . .-f.. ... FINANCIAL 1RSZ MAT10BAL BAKE PORTLABO. . . . A I. aiLLa I aaaaeraat Caahtor W. C ALVuHlt I n.. Letter ef Credit Avatlabte In Europe lid the Eaatera ( a. Lja, Si. S, i " md Telegraphic Trans fere told oa New Tarkv Ba. n?Jl; Fraactaco and th principal point la the North . , ro.fifi And II.,. kilki dual rtrsn nf-iult toamr-tarv.i -'Zfij:tZZZJZ-"WQoog. Yukokama. Copenhagen. ChrtoUaal. Btockbolm. St, Pieraharg. MoKow. I ? . TTXTOat, BAXKERS tEitablPeid ta IHS.I - - . - "-at lM.h a weaeral Baaktag Buia. Collection mad al Zt V It.! ."H"' -ten ef credit leaned la Burop nd U r1 S.I? Jwc.r, It Vmi. "t?' Telegnphi Tr.nsf.r. told ea New York. w"0,ti2J ellj so CSS. ""!. Omaka, Sea Fraaclac aad Moata aad British Colombia. v !--BdoiJ!!rt. Berlla, Frankfort. Heagloag. Yokohama, f" "- "oow- JM MERCKABTC BATTONAi BAKK. P0ET1AHD, 0REO0V. ' J , ;...11,,u" rreeldeet I U PUB rj st CuaU w- "OYT... ..Cakiat GEO RGB W. HOYT.. ....." tZ 4ta B eamrtt B.kra, Button Draft, tod Letter, ef Credit. Item Available h. All Part el tb World. Collect lone ael.lte I T" MYtB BATT0BAL BARK OF -r . Worth weat Corn-r Third tnd (1st Strtet. ' at Ik. t..??" onral Baakln Bualaae. DRAFTS IShURD AVaflsbl III , HT" , IT 1Y"'',4 Suit iu Europe, Hongkoog aad Maulla. Cullectieaa Made nr FavaraM T"" tpl-i:"'"""''- " AINSWOKTB I Cashier. B. W. CHbtT'Wtl vwo-rreacBi i...B. MA BARNES Aaalstant Cashier...,.,........... aV HOLS ' a ..i... caabler ....A. M. WRIGHT . . ' B HES- ft ITbtOEBMZK'S BAXX Partlaad, Oragaa. . Corner Becoad aad Stark streets. . jjaaamareiai and a avion denarrmeat. 'I! ereou isauea available I all pirta r.lION W Ideari B-. foJi??- Vi":WriZuZt JOHN A. BEATING. ...Second Vlce-Preeldent I Tn."I OF CALIFORNIA Sttabltabad 1194. Head Offoa, Baa rraaelaeo. Call fore. m. "Caplttl paid ap ft4 am. one Snrplua and undivided proSta. (lO.ndS.tea.W. w"2.J:n.,ln Eveb.nte Bnelneae Transacted. Interest On Time Depoalta. . ' A TINGS DEPARTMENT Aeroeiat me be opened of (10 and apward. ' Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Betiding. ' !.4AfRB Manager t . T. BORTCH A ELU. ..... Aratent Van.t-e, TRUST COMPANIES. P0BTLAWD TBTST COMPANY OF 0BIO0N Tha Oldaat Tmvt Cempaay In Orjn. rRBOURrES OYER II 7M.0O0. Genera; banklnt. per rent rntereet o eheek eewav feven hundreds) on dstlv balance ot (M0 r ever. letter of credit and rwbtiiri o . tb world. Ravrnr acraunta. Tim eevtlflctte. I t( per cent: short -e II taocui tertinctoa. (-too. or over. U to 4 per rent. CaU for Book ef "lU.rsTRATIOjrS." . Pootbeaat Coraer Third tad Oak St reel a. Phone Private Rxchaig 7. 2 7Ii.,'fJfil5""'-" Preatdeat I H. L. PITTOCK.,.. .L' f"'?'?! B. LEW PAGET Reeretarr I I. O. OOXTRA..... -Aaatatant SECURITY SATTB0S ft TRTJST COMPABtgAg. Morrlaoa - Btveev. arlBBt Oragon. Tranaaeta a isssni w..k-t.. n.t. asviarne nrsinTUiDT. latereot All an TUa and Barron Aeon. re. Acta a Credit Available la ATI a ?? ..Prealdeat I A. U MILLS ...Second Vlco-Prealdent I - 41BO. F. RUSSELL... M0RTMA0B 07ARATTYE 4V TRUST Treasacu a General Banking Bualneaa. fwvarujwnil a per e.nt Intereet allowed, m CAPiTAi... O. W. WATEBBUBT 77. . . .Proaldent 0. . . & LOGAN RAYS... tike Temp. Seventh end Stark Street. Phon N3BTH WESTER BtJABABTEE ft TRUST COrTPAKT Portland. Oiwgoa. Lnmhet Bichange. fl. B. Corner Second and St.rk Street ImoooS (oori, . . FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATI0NB. 'lA Ufa, Oouat, MaaMpal and Corpora tin Box Is Boorht aad Sold. New enUtprtta ergatdaad f aad fin i need. Stock tnd bonds guaranteed. TITLE OTARANTTE ft TRTJST COMPART 4H0 WASKIBOT0X STREET. MugTGAOB LOANS on Portland Real Estate at Leweat Rate. , ( . t. TH0RBHRN RORB President I OEUBUI H. BIL.1. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chambe at Comma Mnnlrlpal. rs Tiros d and DOWBrBw-BOPKTBS OOMTABY Batahllahtd fTOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Boat ht Prtvtta Wlra.- --. BOOM - dHAMBBB - eJpH t. 0. LEX O0MPANT Commonwealth Brokerag Depactreent Boring or Soiling Stock! S Us Befnro 0TJIS I, WILDE HOME TXLEPHOBE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Corner BlxtB nd Waablniton Street. Portland. Oregon. r.traeKolr Ctorr JP. rArtfrm Tft Ulwl Lkkai tftaut ww wv " aUr. BOTTftOBS. COTTON. STOCKS ABD B0BDB. ; VB BO A, STRICTLY COMMISSION BDilRESS. Coattiraeo Market b Ptivat Wire. Oulok Servtc. REFERENCKS LadS 4 TObah. Baab ,54, Bd United Stale NaUonal Beak at Portland. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. LllXF.BnXrTTntTTggSON, iradoite of the Northern Institute et Osteopath, class of 'to: apeesaliat oa aervoo. cut and chronic disease; consultation and examine . .t... f utfioa 217 lanton blug. Phun Paclflo 1180. . ' "' DR8. AD IX ft KORTHRUP. 410-ld-lT Pin hid... Third and Waehlngtob tt. Phoao Main B4. axamiuaiien irww. OPTICIANS. T7 nff Eeight riBL at I MrLlAf Optometrist anif Eeal Room 2S-S7. attaV' Wa Ight Bportatlil ' lahlagtoa Street. PAINTS, i OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I window guaa aaa guiajug. aoa cues ea. Phone isa. PRINTING. Bsarweua w. a n B aTJ b fkTV B ' A mtimS Ian matttM.. Xfl HUUbP. B7 s ami t nta xi . M w. . kaLJ. lr..ah . .A UA.laA aVWrv BBf BBUOMI OHftSJef ,fWWW awal aaWta tawviam - - faciae iom. , CVKRTTHINO IM PBINTINO from rlrrutars to ratalotxrie and mmvpvt MtftropoutMl tnoinf tv4-t i a root . OQILBSB BBOI.. ptiiiUrtv--CanU, tUIhtta. te. pbom uaia iiuw. io vn PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable vrock reaaooable pclcet, Bleeh Brot.. 22tt Xamblll. near et. Main. wna. ' PLUMBERS. " tOX 4V CO. eanlUry plumber. 2S1 Be road, bet Mtln and Balmoa. uregon i-ftono Main wuu DONNERBERO ft BADEMACHER, removed. U No. an Bumeide mu ROOFING. TIN ROOF1N0. tottering, repairing and general tubbing. 1. Loell, 211 Jefferson t Pe 1424. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder tt.. ?bon Main 710; rubber atampb. Mala, stencil: bag gage, trade checkt; brase signs tnd pi a tea. REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne . Real estate. Investments, mortgagw, lot rot. 110 Allak bldg. Pboa Mala PABRKH. WATKINS ft CO.; . Baal aeUtt. Uiurnc, retal Mlj9SR agBta. - S30 Alder f. a. W. OGILREB, real eatate and loanti oatab Uabed 18NA. 149Vk Ytret tt., room 11. L. B. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, phoat Main (SM. (22 Chamber ot Commero. SIGN PAINTERS.' FOSTER KLKISER SIGNS. We have built np the tareat aita Ouelneaa ta tbt clt b flnt-rlias work and keeping anr prooila. Our price are right, and Erarett aU. Phon Ex. M. Flflk V. BRROER ft SON,' 24 Yamhill lb Sign of ill kloda. Pbone Paclfl 2282. - SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. n, FA7 Stark tt Pkooe Pectfle . Bual Co., SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of ever deeertptlooi bank, bar nd V attarea Bade to order. 4 a uui Maaufacttt-lug Ca., Portlaad. B. H. BIRDSALL, designer; arant M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Mala ftAdo. SAFES. PORTLAND rfAFB CO., ol agent for Herring. Hall Msrvlu ssfre tnd Manganeee Steel Safe to '1 bank tafe. Tke larteat teaartmeat ef hlgh-gnde are and burglar-pruut .eataa la the aurtkwoBt ' 2 Savvulh at. DIKROI.D mangineee tnd S-e-proof tafee; lock out a epened; work; Jacks. out a opened; metal (tturea; vaalt and Isll -w. ee 1 asi ea. am wa, BIOHT ecood-hnd (re-proof safe and tW tweond-hand hank tafe lot tale (keep, kl 70 BUth it, rortUbd. Or, BANKS. OREOOS. r Agaat of the Putted HrwwT L jaaia Sere Aaalataak . Tlen-Preetdewt TORTLAaflBtaOBL. - Intereet paid oa living aeeoaata. vrna aao . ef toe world. C. MEANS raMe h d stoh PLATT PI : FT ealaent caanter LATT Geaeral Coaaeet Trustee for Ratatee. Draft and Lett ot Parte of th World. , 7. A. tEWI ....... .;;..rir Tlee-Preetdeet R. O. JUBITE Biarstirr Aarastant SetreterF . - CObtPABT . Interest Paid ea Time Dapotlt. trtegt cempnanded euarterlF. ( " ... . W. VTLLFR i., Ttoe-PtwUrrt Blatant Secretarv . Main IM. Open fiattrrdar Evented v w i INO. E. AITCHIBON,...., .aoerstar . Yveeeai st roe Bldg. pabtl aervle corpora Hon bond. l(a BR0XZM. aad Bold tot Cash ltd an Vtrtrta. wt - COMMERCB. Phone-Mala T ST Bldg., Sixth and Ankan ata., Portland. Orogen. u. ' W. Donahue. Manager, or Bond. Ca Alwara Sav Ton Meaay. I' 5"S . V!. jog Third St.. McKa Bldg., Portlaad. Or agon. STREET PAVINa WARREN CoMtruetton Co.. etreet ptving. Ida walk and croaalngs. (14 Lumbar Exchange. THE Barber Asphalt raving Co. of Portland. vine o. nuroeeier DIB. SEWING MACHINES. - - - PHONE Peels 273 tad I peceonall win can ana repair our aewing-Bftcnine; work guaranteeq. B. Bam, adjuater, Iml Tklrd at. TYPEWRITERS. nEArQtfABT6n4cr bw jirlmliltp. writer o an maave; eee our winaow; IX on ere going to bu a new tpewrlter let Bt bo fore bnBg; wo can eara oa mone1 wa have ran for repairing all mactiln; etate txeute for tbe Vlalbl Fox; w bu ill klnda v. wpwwnivr. iu. jpewriier Bxcnaaga, eta e. euava, auaoager, oe anira BX. WB aell Remington, Smltk-Premlera. Dene- more, etc, lower than a a other evmpan luveetlgate. Underwood Tpewriur Co.. be dth. TYPEWRITER repair and eappljr Co., 4 IN w asningtoa ev. rnono maia aon. , LICKEN8DERFER tpewrltara. 4 IBd (Ml aupplle. repairing. Bom ft Boiaa, 281 Stark. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGOAGB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., oor. Blitt a no ua act.) Beggige caeckod fron hotel or reeldeneo direct to oeetlnattoa; paaaeugera therefore avoid rusk Bed un, aace at depot. Private exchange (S. SAFES, Btaaoa tnd furniture moved, packed reed for shipping aad ihlpped; ill work gniranteed; urge, a-aurr arict. rw-preot ware boose for along. Office AOS Oak at Olaeu ft Roe. Phooe Mala 1147. C O. PICK, office SS Flnt at, between Stark nd oak ta.. poone ows; piano and rural lure moved and packed fot thlpping) com mod lout brlrk warehouse with a pars La leva tuoaxt. Front and CI at. . CUT rat aa bonarhold good to all potata eaei, w . - . . apw-iMi wwim lur I trunke while waiting. Oragon Auto-Deapatoh. J IS Flnt at. Pbone Mala 71. 1 BOSS CITY VAN CO.. ofllc 141 Flret tt.. phon Main nrcn, ruruitur aaa plane-moving 1 special!; wa guarantee our work. KATIOMAL TRANSFKB A STORAOB CO. Z7W Oak at. Telvpbono Mala 4440. Iraaafar- rlng and atorirg. OREQON CO., 134 Xorth Slttb. hone Mala tw. aleav tan ling aad storage. INOF.PKNDKNT BAOOAOB TRANSFB CO. Storage. 124 Stark it. Mala 407. FOR hark, furniture wtgoa. trunk er plane Bioviog, pnone iieaajio, mii.-bwh. POST SPF.CIAL PCLIVRRY. He. tOOri Wh- lugton tl. none Man uz. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. TIIIT BKIYMAN LCATBXR CO. jobbers of taadierv, larawan, norae goooe, leatner. nao log od Bin tore tuppuea. Fifth tad Oak. M. A. Of'NST A CO. ' LI3TKI PL TdltS OP Fit" riOAKS. POttTLANU, UaCOON. SIirRK. 0AEB GBAFIAM tint.) tvunmlaatos merchants, jobben or iruita, prodore, ttc. conslgumenta aollclted. 125 Front it. BVKRIH.NO rABRKLL prodnce aid eon. nilaslon Berrnanta. iw rruaa; a l., t ortlaad. Or. i'bno Mln ITS. oncaoM Furnltor atsnnfacturrna Comnaeaw klanufcrurec ob - snrauBaro for- taw Uadori lertland. Oregon. , W A Ill A MS CO., wholesale trees r. man. fact ur era and euiBBiaaioB aaorcnaata. ruartb nd Onk tt. FCRNITCBB mtpuficturrag lad anectal order. L. Uuak'a furallun factor, but Front L A LI. KM a l.FWllt. eotr. mission tad produce mat ehauta. Front md La via tta., Portlaad, Or. WHOLESALA) trocker ind glatewtra, Praal, Ilegrle A ti loo to lod Fifth, cor. Stark at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLF.AK TOWKLt HAILY Comb, braab. awe. Jl per sioetb. rortiane Lauadrr ind Towtl uppi Co.. Math and Ceucb. Phea 410, WINES AND LIQUORS. COl . I Mill S, Cellfr-nl Wine depot! ill klndt Of wine, to a gtaee, Cotike' tod Cer-te li.'t r Ileadiaartera. IM Faurth t I aeat It eUla aioj., i, LortU, LIOTHER OF 'OSIER Ought to Hava Bn Chloro ., formed Forty Yaara Ago, , . -; - According to' Son. ANYTHING BUT PAST ACE"0riiSEFULNESS" ; 4 Aged Woman Hss All Her Life Been a Center of Influence for Good for Each and Every Member of Her Large Familj -.'-If'' (Jouratl Special Servlca.) " Toronto, ilec 14. Mrs. Featharatond Oaler will bt) 109 year old tomorrow. Bha is tb mother of Dr. William Oaler, wno is oreaitea witn tn ktateraant mat 1 Dr. WHllam Osier. the end 'of human usaf illness comes at tbe ace of SO and that those who reach mat ug should no longer be a burden to the world, but be put out of the way with chloroform. Mrs. Osier, evin at 100. Is anything but past her usefulness and Is not a burden, according; to her relatives. Of these there are four sons and one daughter living and ' 26 Rrandchlldren and one creat-grandchlld.' "To each and all she has been alt ' their live a center of influence for . good," said on of then today. - The centerpiece of the birthday feast tomorrow win be a hug-e cake with 109 candles. Designs In frosting; will bo -tmblematlo of the four British rulers under whom Mrs. Osier has lived. Thesa arc KtngtiBcrrxw 111, WtHtxnrtV, VrreeTT Vlctorta and Kdward VIL U . Osier, who recently returned from abroad, will . be a. his mother's birthday feast, CAPTAIN FORREST SHOOTS SAILOR AT ASTORIA George Fisher - Is Dangerously Wounded Forrest Says Only Meant to Scare. - (Special Dlt patch te Tbt Jevraal.) ' Astoria, Or.. Ueo. 14 Captain C M. Forrest of the schooner Annie Larson, loading lumber at McGregor's mill for Ban Francisco, shot at and dangerously wounded a sailor named George Fisher yeeterdny afternoon. Tha causa of the affray, aa told by Captain Forrest was that Fisher refused to do duty whan ' called upon by tha mate, saying ha was sick and unable to work. The mate notified tha captain that Fisher waa shamming and shirking. .The captain went to aee tha maa and told him tt go and see the marine doctor, which he refused to do. and immediately atruck -iho captain oa tha head with his fist, . Captain Forrest drew his revolver to scare Fishtr, as he says, and Intending- to shoot over his bead, but through, ac- ' Cldent 'or rxcltement, shot too low - The bullet entered the, right side above the hip bone and went directly through the body. ' Tha wound is a very serious one and may prove fatal. Captain Forrest wes at once arrested and is now In tha county, Jail without ball awaiting tha result of tha wound. WOUND A DEADLY ONE Oeorge Fisher Sloe During Operattoa ta Zxtract Banal. . (Special DMpaUh to Th Journal.) ' Astoria. Or.. Dec. 14. Captain C M. Forrest of tha lumber schooner Annla Larsen, la locked In' . the city iall. charged with murdering Oeorga Fisher, one of his vessel's crew. The shooting occurred aboard the hlp yesterday and Fisher died at St. Mary'a hospital last night, following an operation for the extraction of the bullet. Captain For reat was arrested Immediately after tha shooting and held to await tba outcome of Fisher's Injuries. Captain Forreat has been In Ihe ma-" rine service along tha eoaat for aver 49 years and la well advanced In years. HI home, la at Oakland, California, whera hla family reside. 11 has a wide acquaintance among men engaged in tha coast lumber trsfTlc. ' COLONEL DRAKE AND SON MAKE RICH GOLD STRIKE Colonel FroVik V. Prak. who left Mr about th middle of 1"S to hunt for gold In Nevada and Callfurnla, with? M ana Frd Clark, clerk of th Hull de partment ef the. lulled rJlalea curt, has rna.M a rl-'lt atrlk", w:.oM!rig l th Well riirwt Nra-a of, Xewijkuii 4 r,v.. After failing lo "P Haven ihaiea. the gold hnnlera I - made gnnd a mem bete of (u X Canyoa Cold AIHilug soiu-aui. C7 1 7 - -I ' .A. .V