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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.. FRIDAY EVENING; DECEMBER 14. .1BC3. NSW TODAY.' biggestsnap IN PORTLAND .....r Corner, QuarterBIock, on East Morrison St, pays good interest on-the investment. Look this up 1 ,-V at pnce. ; ; , '- H. A. CALEF t .l; With; Calef .Bros. . ' ' 368 East Morrison Street. A SAFE INVESTMENT . (00-acro ranch, auttabla tor dividing Into email fartna. adjoining; county seat In Waahlnxton county; 200 acres under plow,-100 acreg In timothy and clover paatura. All level, -fertile aoll; two creeks, nutneroua ' springs; -1 00 -acrea rood timber; R. R, nana through 4 he farm.. Mala count wagon road on two Idee. If yoa want a perfectly aafe Inveat- xnant. Investigate thia propoaltlon at once. , Price It?, per aero. Call or ad dreaa - i .. . -r .. ; ; rZcrthvvcstcrn Guarantee '6 Trust Company limber Bxchnaja - Building ; (aacoad f floor), BJS. Oor. 14 and atark Bte. . Xfrt K A A Quarter block on Thurman JlUilUV , improved with atorea, to, paya pop cent net. K.( AOO. Corner with I - atory bnlld Jltl WU,. a.i iea.- ravine- 1 per cent net'! North Portland IA CA l Corner .on Savior at. lm- ' proved; bringing In $100 per $10 J500 Cornr on Flandera at, with jt- -v modornJiouoea.- 2 6 000 Corner lot, North lth at; v www terma. 520 000 Xrnar10flxl0d on North VVU lath at lnnm..)u.rn. . Louis Salomon , 133 Stark at, Vaa aeoond. - or Settler ' CAPITALIST. VRRCIIAVT nr AW. "TTSANAre you puatud about Canada- The "LAST WEST" 1 In Alberta. Pro. Ince. GET LAND while you can. Raw landa; government lands, railroad landa. JtEDROCK PRICKS. ORXnD CHANCKS. Aniormaiion given. Oregoa-AIberta Realty Co. Room a and 10 Lafavetta Bide, Corner eixin ana waanington. Alain Tllf. CHoice JUotis ' Near' St Johna 120.000 new arhont. houee. firaall payment down and i per Two lota In' Mlnara Addition River .View ,626. 'ii ' - .. COITTBT, IN nuadelpala at, at. Johaa, Or. ret $au puinfield : Asjonrnrs suoACMon - Beautifully altuated, overlooking the city: 111 lots, each (0x100 feet Price I17.S0O SS.000 caeh, balance In ' three yearn at ( per cent Thia property ac quired by trout eatate on foreclosure of mortgage. For sale at coat FRED ERICK. H. STRONG, Truatee, at lAuld aV TUton'a Bank. IWEATHER REPORT. - Tbe klgb resaore area yeaterday, ever the ortltwnat has adraseed aoutaeaatwa(d to Ka beaaka and a new high preaanre area has made Ira appearance over Alberta, which mtande theace aoath aad west to northern California. The western atorat has divided Into two parta, no of which Is central ever Teiaa aad tbe other overlies . the nppet MlMtaalppt aaller. The barometer eootiaues relatival high ever tbe Atlantis ataaaa. The rains en the Pedac ensst have prartleaTlr , eesaed aad fair weather nlao preaails Is tba Atlantic states, "now waa falling thia moral na: la Mlnaesota, Wlacoaaln and aJlchlgan. and rant has fallen In tbe lower lake region, the . anlddlo Mleatealppl Taller, Oklahoma aad north . eaaters Texas. It la decidedly colder aloof - the eastern slope ef the Rock moestalns and warmer la the. middle Mlsaiasiupt ssd Ohio .; vallejre. "i The Indications are for fair and moderately cool weather la this dlrtrlrt daring the next v twe darn. , Ohaertatloos lakea at i.a. m.. Pacioe tlate: -leap atattona Mat. Baker Cv. Oeraw.....Jr.. M IVMton. Maaaaebuaetts.... :ta t blcago, llllnola.,.,. , 4 IenTr, rolorado . Kaaaaa t ttr, Mlaanarl as ' law Angeles, California.... on New Orleans, Loolalana.,.. T New York. New lark , ea lortlaBL Oregon...... Koaebsrg, (trrgun. 4i HI. Loala. Mlaaonrl ........ , Hi' fas Fraaclaro, California. .. 60 . Halt Lake Utah ;m atnokaae. Waehlngton. ...... go Tacnoaa. Waahlngton 44 Walla Walla, Waahtogtoa., M Vaahington. P. C 40 Mia. Precis. UNDERTAKERS. noral deslgna aad eat Sowers caa be pie cere from as St anr hour ef night or Jar. Phone Main 104A. Uoffmaa Droa., Tog Ollaan. Pesnlnt. McCstae at Ollbangh, endertskars end smbalawrai modern In saera detail., asveath . sad I'lae. Mala 4S0. 4s4 saatotast A B. Heoartock, sdartaher ssd embalmer. Kaat Thlrtssstk and LasaUlie eve. aaose Sall wsod 11. ,1 Brlckssa t'sdertaklng Co.. and embalming. 4i Alder st. Knees Mala SI 33. Lady asaiaUt. 1. f. rinlef A) Soss, Third sad Madlssa ats. Ofaca ef sonaty seranar. Phone Mala a Clarke torsi designs. XKS Morrlsoa at. (award llolmaa. asdavtsker, no Third at. UTza tixw cutxTxar. ingle graves. $10. famllr lets, tlno te ll.Ono. Ths only remetory Is Portland wklcb see. petsallj maintains snd esres for iorormstn sprtr te-W- a.'afi r or rail Was. etas block, stir. W. M. La 44, arasldsat BOCE CITT CCMETEir. ' Single gra.ea. .l to t; famllr lots TS tn tl!i I aat end rromoet St., eorser of ullw rf4: annaritedent at cemetery, f'hoee latxr !" rur run inrormat: I. .nk e.hlefvl, toa CemmtrthU 'Mala r. sbrir to blk, rhoos I Zt .V -, . JO 44 1 y .ia Z .0 41 .It ttl . M ' .0 40 7-.ia M 1 4 .10 2 . T .a 2 . 40 ' T T MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred Liadgreu. 161 Tort atrret, W; Lena JubiMott, 21. . J , 1. It hluglo. ,a;. lottle. i..Bcrr'V J" ' I. Sicker. , (IiIno, W eahlugioo, 22; TJTva Paul, IV. . . Wedding Car . W. O, Imltk Os.. Wart tagton bldg., cor. fourth sad Wsshlngton sts. in Tnlllug mm mint ii T. Ruahtou. 322 Vh WasBlugton at. prtoteS. YON8ETH A COrr FLORISTS. POR-VLOWSk Or ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. ' rail to salts far Ntt. all alms. Unique Tailoring Co., 3u0 Stark at. BIRTHS. SiMi;M.1 December 1. to Mr. ssd Mrs. Luke KilniiiDrta. SM f'oui'teeDlh, a bnj. PATTKKdON Ueoemher 10, to Mr. ' and Mrs. K . Ie,,w.n. 9t ' DEATHS.' CRAVXTROM ivcetoher lz.' Prank Oranstrom. ,." t,oaa- InaBlflea. f W1.8TUHOOK Urceniber it th-egon We.tbrook,' i)jii;thii., ik grippo. i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary t . Ktearna te long Conley, 40 acres beginning ah point In baae line chains east of M section poat is : north line of eertloa 3, . ton oahlp 1 South. Mnn a u.r a Jamea W. Cook snd wife to il.'i.r.'.'jJ.L 10 l!"' "A .blo . Ooe-g l lrst addi tion to Altilna Henrr"Ureht and wife to Joaeph Onr-. - Ankle, V--- -Xio... S2S Trets Braun. and' wife' to' victor ' ij'nd 100 mr i. mock z. orcaard Place; sleo lot , Work 1, Mnltnomah Psrk. 20 Victor Lssd comiaar to O. A. O Con aw. tat . block lo, Irrlngtan 1 Uv,B?." J'ar. tat 6, block ill, city . . 4,750 Minnie L. Ko.w to Frank Greco, 8 8-8'.. feet off aoolh aid ot lot I, and 32 2-3 feet off I he sort a od). of lot a,, . -block 4. fararhrrs Addition to Ca- ' rut bene additive i, ...... ..-.i... t 400 t, H. UrlBhofC to Cornelia Saluaor.. .... lcta t and D. Aana Marie 1'ark 460 Vlllllaai Irlord and 'wife to Joha 0. " . Klllarcn, 1ilo) f bcgtmiltiic at - ' llnt KI,roa .eat of amrthaaai corner " ' ot acetloa a, Uraaahlp 1 aouth. rauge 1 eaat , '"l.OBC William ionca and wlfa t XV u !- A "kLk A L.l l.k. via - ' - " m ... nriNi "II IU . . . - vnaiirv jancaaon ana Wire TO Annie Flt- bciw, iota- i and ao, klvek 13. Wll- llama imu aitrfttl..n a KM Caleb I. Bowea to Clara B. Bowa'a'. i ' "T?. i . Barlarb l'ark addition Dcrmaa Matagrr to T. W. Muff an. lot ' a, block I, Kaaerrolr Park " iU Daild Blakely aud wife to Marv A. 11 ma tier, lot T, block 1, WlUlama ' Arcaae addlttoa . 1,800 William Joeea and wife to alattla Z Bait. lot. . block I. K.i.llwrk i l LB. 1. Mckltrlck aad wife to A. N. Foe- III oica, e4ix reef conuaaaclDg at north-' ' f aat corner of block A. Caratbera' Ad nlllAM t I'iimHih.' .1 1 . 1 . to. Joan Aedereoe aad wife to V. U.'Unrh I ". weac ex lot Mock 0, Oak l'ark addition . 7. Ida M. Iwntler to- Katie E. OlMner. . ,00 t,50 . Li. . . . . ..... Miller Murdoch and wife to L P. Uud- son. lot IS. block WHUmette . neignts addition 1 ' 1,100 Ide ard Johnson and wife te Joseph Kills, lot 22. block SS, Multnomah . . .George . W Stafford. siuL-wlf to .Prank Penwlck. 0.13 acres In N. D. Ollbam donation land claim la southwest 4 .800 Shin 1 north, ranee S ee.t Security Hsvlngs A Treat eomneny to . John C. Lvckel, beginning at sosth- ' ' west earner sf block I. Carntbena' Ad- dltlsa to Carutbers' addition , 10 L. A. liar low and wife to Willamette valley. Advent Christian conference. ' land commanclng at Iron pine feet north nnd ofio feet saat of norlbeaat corner of Oouglaa donation land clalmf la sactloa 23, township 1 north rants " . ssat 400 M. U Ilolbroofe and wife te Grace V. Woodward, lota T and 8, block 2, Court Place. BL Johns a , 1,800 E. M, Blnghsra and wlfa to S. B. Unthl- com. lot 2. block 4. North Portland ... 1 ' B. Liulhlraui and wire to r.tig- Hushes, lot 2. block a Kortb Port. na ..... ...7. . .. . .! .7. :;.v. . . . ".. .. Home Security A investment company to Charles tatta, lot 1. block 2, Central. Alblsa P. C. Beckman aad wlfa to Nina V. , Armatrong, lots 1 and 3. block 0, Lauralwood . .... .......... A. J. Whlteakeri te J. D. Whlteaker, nndlrlded H ot lota IS aad 10, block 1. Wheatland tddllloo Martla Nielses and wlfs to Niels Jen. sen. lot 10. block 2. Myrtls firant kry snd wife- to Cora Walling,. bit 12, block 23i Tremont place Mollis T. IHinns to Wakefield. Fries A Co., lot 86, Menlo Park; also lots - 8 and 4. block 1, Saratoga .77.. r J. II. flllbaugh to Mary C. Togt, wast ' 2 3 M lot 14, block 204, Couch addl- - tton .-. E. 8. Drubaker and wife to Jena Oleea. weat H kt 43, II tar I wood Martin B. Jones to W. F. Prior, north . 10 teat sf tats I and 2, East Paradise ' Bprlags Andrew 1C Cummlngs et al. to- William P. Prior, north lu feat ef aoU 1 and 2. eaat Paradise Bprloss tract ........ MerchaBts' Inrestment A Trust eompsny te Ursee F. Woodward, lots 10 sad 11. block 8, Council Crest Psrk Moors Investment eompsny to Orsee Woodsrd, tats-IS sad 16, block 41. ' Vernon .. . . ; rr. fn . . . . . - Oregon Real Estate eompsny te N. A. Wetiber. part of lot 4, U block S0O, - Holladar'a addltioa m 1.060 (30 tint a--! f.we 1,500 .too 1,200 1,000 T. M. Word, ebertff. to William A. McUas, lot 1, block IT, Alsawsrtb Tract; lot 11, block So, Woodlaws; lota 1. 3, 8, yd, block . Wood law a Heights . 7. V. Tamlesis to August AUlebea. . Into 1. 2, I. 4, block T. Arbor Ixxlg,. Title "tJoartntee ei Trnat 'company te - Mara I. Wrleht lot 3LL block 1. air. ff.688 750 UongrTrs subdivlaloa - BSA W. M. king sad wife te John M. hsw. lot T, block 18, king's subdlrlslon of k.t ia block ht. , John's addltioa ' to 8t. Johns 1,200 Letts and John 8. Wins low to Loulas Kora, tat 10, block IS. In reaubdlvlaloa . a a a a 19. ia. is. si&. 2A. Siuiuralds 1,370 point View Keel Kit ate eompsny to Jim Mlaekbors asd wife, lota 10l to, 21. 22. Muck 23 Point View .... 830 Barrlaon Borer and wlfs to John E, and . . C. R. Miller, lot 8 and aontb 1 feet ef tat T, block 14. Alblna Homestead.. 10 H. M. McDanlel et a I. to Joanna Led- ' bttry aud wife, 20 acres beginning at .point la center of Handy rostf 1.1 i msds sast of southesat corner of traet eonveved tv tleorge Jacobs Hamuel A. snd flirs I. Joha Pacific Realty It Investment eompsny to I'erctlls MeKi-nny, tats 1 snd 8, black 1, htewart Park D. J. and Agnes M. Kins to J. K. A. Bores, lota 1 and J. block 8, KeaJI worth 1,500 ISC 4,200 E. " A. and Grace B. Baldwin to it. B. - - Wells, aontb W of block 4. Ilaselwood. 1 J. K. asd Emms Scott to M. B. Wells, " south 4 ef lot 4, Ilaselwood 1 Alfred - Wooilln to IJssIs M. Woodln. . tat 4. btack S. asd lots 18. 20, 21,. block 8, Arista Park Ns. 3 ..1 iia a 1 aild ot at. to J. SViadcn.- : f thai end John- F.- Italy,- taU -f ssd u,..-,-- block M. Baat Peruana jo.wv J. Frledeothal et al. to Charles J... , gchnaheL lot 8 sod north 4V, feet of tat T, block 84, Eaat Portland... 1 1 f. Vanduyn and wife to Aloa Harold, . lot 8. btack 8, Husselrllle addltioa to Eaat Portland ....................... t Ida M. Church to C. W. Fallen, lots It. 12, 13. btack A, Cherrydals Investment compear te T. W. 8slUTan and wlfs. tats 1 aad S, block Go. 1.000 i Piedmont '".'.'.W Anton (lleblach snd wlfs te Mabel C. 890 Hurley, lota sci ana u, s, Broadway addition Rlnaldo R. Carlson to Itenry Ksne. tat 11, block I, Carlson's plrst addition to tiresbam 1,050 -,oo .100 IIS I Hnore lavestmsnt eompsny to Henry Kane, lot II. dmm-b a, variauw a atraa addltioa to Oreeuam Moore Investment company to J oil a W. annatta. lot ITr eirea z, vernos ..... Joha W. Vsnsatts to Nrllie st. an- natta, tat 17, block t. Vernon Samuel C. BskfV snd wlfs to Bertha and Carrie V. aloorea, lot s, pan ss, Klenbena' addition 8.6O0 Joha Whltton and wife to Ivlla Maaee. lota 13 and IS, block a. nouauay rare addition ' Delia Maeoa te R. B. Holmes snd J. P. Menefee. tau 15 snd 16, block 8, Hol laday Park addition i. .. Cbarlea H. Tbompaon ts Mrs. R. lie t.reror, lot 4, block IS. Clencoe Perk. Inea U Mice to L. E. Rica, trgcta J, K. U M, aad tat 14, btack 10, kick mood I. it. Darldaoa snd wife to Charles -ttrbow wa4. arlfe la .William Uraas,, frank tat . block t. Otam-oe Psrk... 0. Hvward Thomnaoo to Nancy Turn. bull, lot 11. block 2a. Womilawn ..... lO0 290 It 1 -J. 11. Colt and wife to Rufo Mnllory. hiia 1. 2, a. 10. block 2, Hows a ad dition . A. C. Chnrcblll A to.. Inc.. to . A. Glrarr. lot la, btack 1, WlUlama ad 1.000 ai ilea ISO ..I., ...... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bk-hant William to A. C. bntvtill! A Co . lac.Jut 13, block 1, Wllliluia ail'llllon TV O.-TK.warnrand !fi" to V. H. . and wlf ,h,ta e, 14, 1J, 10, block XI. Lluntnn ... Joku lcnne st al. to B. P. Graham. 'a ' or section 3U a no w.t u or , arc I Ion 2d, eicet the euwlhwent H of t f ma Hon ausmilili ' ' 8 north, rangs is II went . . . . JZ.nuo snd wlf a to r)..K.Vlc- , -lm.h S,-Alhiss -sddt Jr - s. r. r turner - Wlchoe). -tat lion l.B?0 rj...i it. i..,. . . i . . . . ...i.. .... -. . . imwiH rhu will. iv . i'ii n Itometach, lot 10. btack 13, Cook's ad dliion to Alblna f H. H Berths. M. U snd Birdie Hols man to ti. T. Kirk, lota 1 sad 2. Iilmk S4T. nolladar'a addition 8.550 Leula Klcoial and wife to John IMaoB. aila 1 and 2. Koselawn .. 1.200 A. 8. Pills snd wife lu Charles Clark sod Wlfs. tat It, block' 8. Csotral Al ' blna '. 400 Daniel Malaer and wife to John and . Chrlat Malaer. 010 acre hegltialng at Bortheeat corner - f uorthiaat of sontlieaat 4. of soulheaat. t of stH-tlon ,17, townahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat, . snd other ventrxy A tar a Harold to ' P. ' L. . Kllsworth, lot 1. bloik :i. Aralou Tract T. . Mclianlcl snd wits to Jruns Van do ('annrcL tat 1. ibtack 1, Highland Hobool Hooaa a -Id it km John 1. y.umwalt snd wire to William Jones, tat A. block 0. Kesllworth. ... F, t . lruni-an and wlfs to L. K, Heater, lot 13. block A, Stewart Park 1. 8,800 "" 1J ; 's2s 1 8A0 For ahatracta. title trisnraqee or snortgags loans call on Pacific Title A Trust cemvaay. ZOs-S-8-I railing building. -) Get yonv Inaurancs ssd ahstrscts te real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Treat com pany. 240 .Waahlngton a tract, enrnar Second. NOTICE. AIMIMHTItATRIX NOTK'K. In ths matter ef the estate of Hilton J. Barher, . deceased. , Notice Is hereby girea that the nntleralgned baa been duly appointed ea adtnlnlatratrlx of the eatate of MUtou J. Barher, deceaeed. A1I persons hsrlng clalina agalnat aald estate are hereby aoilfied to present the same duly verified within six months to mo st ths offl'S of J. P. Cshslln, tilt . Pcnton bldg., I'ort- . land. Or. , . , Dsted Norsmber 18. 190rl. . MArD BAItBETt, Admtnlatratrls of the Eatale et Mllten.J. . -Barber, deeeeaed. , ; J. F. CAHAI.IN. Attorney. ' . - r EXCAVATINn and grading. CL R. Pettsge. 4k0 Commercial at. Phono East SIM. - V . MEETING NOTICES. ' MtTLTNOMAn Camp. Ke. TT. W. O. W., mvata tonight la their hall, . East Slitb. near- Eaat Alder. All viaillng neighbors 'cordially welcomed. - J. C. JONES. 0, C, 3. M. WOOUWOKTU, 0. f If W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8,4M, meets Wednesday evening, Allaky bklav, lhlrd and Morrison eta. . I. w. A., Oregon urspe vamp. no. o.sio. aioe. days. 17th snd Marahsll: vlaltors walcosas. - LOST AND FOUND.- 3 0O HKWARIV NO a(JE8TI0NS Utrayed from Kaat 24th and Conch ats., whits bull . terrier pup months eld; hss one buck eye, small black epota on body, ears recently cut has small leather collar oa neck; r r?.L ar't ruvua Bast anwsrst nanjn f T 223. mrx TO ,fy rated and returned ssms dsy. 22S Front at. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Psctory. at. Mstsgsr, nroprlejpr. LOST Puppy. blsck snd whits fox terrter, short blsck tall, white tip; liberal reward. 812 Johnson at. -i LOST Policy Xo. 130477, lamed by ths Pens Mutual Life Insurance Co. on ths llfs cf Mary . Corcoran. Finder return to Journal office; rewards . , " il..-J M ejraejeaaaeaawa HELP WANTED-vMALE. WANTED at ones Stave-bolt rotters, wages 81.40 per cord; stssdy work. Apply West ers Cooperage .Co., Stearns Bldg.t Portland. er -Boulton, Or. , . -... , MEN' AND WOMEN to leant barber trade in eight wssks; graduates ears from 816 to 123 .weekly: expert Instructors; catalogue free. Molrr Systsm ef Colleges, 89 harts fourth ' st.. Portland. WAKTKD 10 more solid tors; beat position In Portland; men are making S3 dsilr call sftsr soon. Stsrk st. i'""" Union Hotel 81 KOBTH SIXTH ST. ' r r ' Free employment te our patrons. Weekly rsteai Boom, 81.1B upi room aad board, 84.50 ap. Anderson, propria tor. WANTED Twe er three flrst-rlaaa, all around maculae men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furalture Mfg. Co., Mscsdsm road. WANTED flsjesmeni many make 8100 to SIM per month; some even more; stock eless; grows ea reaervsttan. far from old orehaMe; eaah advsncsd weekly; choice of tsrrttory. AOdress waanisgtna narssry coopsny, np penlah, Waahhagtoau - AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California. Idaho, Waahlngton; health aad accident Insurance; eld reliable company; good contracts; rsfer snree required. Inited Steles Health A Ac cident Inaurancs Co.. 90S Msrqusaa. DONT work for a small salary; see er write Pacific Aid assoetstlou foe a good proposi tion. 224 Lumber Exchange. WE get work for ear members; special meas bere. 13. y. M. C. A, Fonrtk nnd Yamhill SALESMEX Experienced epedal contract men; 8100 per month snd commiasloa. Conscrrs tire Mutusl Llfs Inaurancs Co.. Elks' bldg. FHEHMPEKPkR. printer and Simplex Operator. Courier, Oregon City. SOLICITOR Good nroposlttaa. wia Ooodnough bldg. .. D. M. Stevens, WANTED Live man. some money, aa partner, legitimate business. Address II 53, Journal. Sit WANTED neat appearing map for ateady pualtlo sod wages. Apply 211 fourth st DO yon want to make two per week T - you ran do eo. -Call aud see me for pa exwuiara. .-Newman a Motion-picrnre Machine 1434 Hllth, cor. Alder. r psny, WANTED Men ' te learn to operate awtlow. nictBrs mschlnea; leaaons reaaonabls; taara bnaliiess in short time; grndiiates ears 123 te $.15 per week. 117S Bluff et., room 2. WANTED 3 good carpenters that understand setting up aiairt in seboolhouse. Call 73 Vaughn at., cur. 4aih. " - s " " 1 WAXTED Asalatant bookkseper. wholesale; ref srencss. Address Ii 43, cere Journal. WAMED A wood-turner. Apply Sot) Front st WANTED Boy. Apply business office Journal. TWO solicitors on specialties. Call 203 Third St. BOY WANTED Mnat be s good penman; k bring written sppllcsttas, stats age snd ref. ereurea. Dayton Hardware Co, . WANTED 15 enl let tore for wkoleaale-honae. g'i.lMi te 13 per dny. Room J Uetnmerclal STICKER and nlanernAn. Hi gasoline engineer, 84, 8 hours; 3 inackllilata, afjc hour. M. J. ' lMson P.mplnyment Ts., 33 orth Fourth and 35 North Hecond. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. IF Vol' WORK, why not ears mere than a llalngf Ps Independent; ds good. Ths Vlavt Co. slready employs 12.000 women ; the work en. era 2a countries of the world; we will - entertsln oppllcBtlons front capable wsmes; not canrsaalng. but helpful, dignified work. Addreaa by mall only. The Vlavl Co., rooms - 2H-e-0-T Tllford bldg., lOlh aad Morrhua. - HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 188)8 Fsurlh at., corner Morrteua, apttatra, , Phong Mala 520, - Alongside ths V. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTKD Operators ts work ea ehlrte end overalls. Iaaona glrea to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Me. 3, tiraad are. and East Taylor at BANSeJCS'JeADllCS' AOENCT. s4S(A Wa.h Ingtua at cor. Seventh, gpSTatrs. ' 'Phone Mala 3062. Female kelp wanted. - WORkLNft OlrhT Home1. 20( East Sixth North, b-ard and room, 1.60 set- week. . Ilioae kaat 201. i WANTED lrl. vhnrnlate and boa-boa dilVT. Apply 4 WaskUKtoa U , y. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ' tr.Vf ladles wanted te a sale t making ssay faecy work siare time at borne; good ateady ,1H no sapeHi'nee itiulied.- ngd Phjldsaa bide., 40l Waahlngton st. - WANTED IH for liTirt housework sod help with children! ns wsshing. Phons Eaat. 8.110. WANTKO Kxsrlenrsd girl for general honao- iwsah a7oyee Main Sual GIRIA 10 to IT year nf.ageAO-wantrd. Apply st sues to Olda, Wortman A King. , COOK for email family. , Mala 2311. 30 King st. , Phone WORKtSrt fllrls' Horn. Kaat Klath. North) hoard and ruin, K.3U per wrk. Phoos kaat SOI. . . A saalat In general housework. v.. 1'hens l-.aat tZMA. ttu Kaat Idtk st.r north. :at aaia: INTtlJ-lt, WANTIIJ-Vonn lady csshler fur Honor store permanent iioaltloii; state anlary exiected snl whern cmplojtd laat. Addreaa 11 47, Journal. OlltlJI WANTED Good Vnnorlunlly for' thoas needing steadr eniplnrmcnt; mnat lite wlih, parents. Apply, to McAUea A Ilclioniictl. 0PERATOH8 on power mschlnea; no experience .required. -Apply lloom A. 113 Ash St. GIKI3 to ta burnt work. Wholesale souvenir houss. 102 N. Fifth et.; npataira. . WANTED A woman to aaalat In a tailoring . snd repair-shop. -231 Vn Alder st, bctWexsvi WANTKD tllrla. experienced paper hox-makera, American Chicle Co 31 North Proat St. WANTED Olrla. experience! paperbox-makere. -Amerlcaa Chicle t o., 81 North Front et FINIHHEKSI snd operators on psnts. 2o7 Ceav monweelth bldg.. Sixth nnd Anheny sts. WANTBD Experienced girt for gonerni house work et Mount Talior. Phone ksst 243. . WANTED Experienced girl to new mattress tl.ka. Apply SK Clay st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. UK LP wanted snd supplied, mete er female. R. O. Drake. SOSU Washington st. Psoitis 1S70. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. VOl; NO mnn. bookkeeper, wanta a email net ef books to keep evenings. Address H 48, cere Journal. - . . AN experienced collector wanrea ateady posi tion with a reliable firm; best ef references. - Address 2 41, cars Journal. GENERAL bouse cleaning asd all klnda ef janitor work. 1'boDa Pacific 731, Mr. Thomp son. ". .. . EXPERIENCED general merchandise sslesmsn would like some poslttaa with vholeaa Is bouse ' with chance fur promotion. B 45. Journal. WANTED by aa allaround machinist, stactHHas snd stesm snd gasoline engineer. Addreaa II 72, care Journal. .- . . T0CNO man, -24, wsnta altoattaa for 3 weeks. sny kind; persons desiring extra work for ' Chrletmas address B 75, esre Journst. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WAN'TKD Position ss nurse: ara dilate Amerl- ctn -Trlntg -lfcqnl,.ChlcagoL confinement . spwlally. XT T. HouckrlSlm tnioa Bra., room 87. I DBBSsMAkKR, cuts by tailor ajlttm. deilgna fancy snd tsltar suits and coats, wanta few mora engagements br day. 418 Mala at Msln S4&4. ' WANTED A GENTS. AGENTS, ptddlen, rinru-verai aad itiwt wnrk- 4r, rl your mtrpiM tram K. M. t'lttmimr. two 'intra flaw gaoa wrua piriecnB. AOENTS-ftBTflsvMrm, mlxtrs, rtltMv, oUrl torm, mall order paoplc, atc tHmld liny Kranwr'a Book of Trad 8eret; rogntar nrica t(L but balaaca of last rdttiom fr tl.20 aa Orvua a ua. w. t mm usra inuu. iww AGKnVs WANTED to ssll ear complete line of high-grade nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Ad. tress Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Oregon. AGENTS wanted to eell album for Chrtatmae; make from 83 to $10 a day. 62V If. Sixth at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging ramp aud farm help a specialty. 30 North Second at. phone Mela S2H8. Be pay all telegraph charges. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB - , POa MEN. 38 North Second et Phone Main 1338. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 306H Morrlaon at. ....... ...Phone Pacific 138 27 North Second st I. Phone Pacific lsoo ALPINB Employment Co.. 211314 Morrison at Male and CemMe help. Phone Mela 101T. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, . eottagee. flats, stores, offices, rooming houasa, ate. . Land tarda will do well to call en - - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OIIEOON. Phone Ex. 73. a. E. Cor. 84 snd Oak. BY twe eletere. connecting la private family; references exchsnged. J 77, Journal. WANTED Fornlahed . cottags with bath sad gas; two In family. W 48, . cere atoarual. WANTED To buy high-grade furniture of a --0-room .cottage ana prlruegs oc. renting cot- tage. west side preferred, or close la eai eaat Bids sse ns st ence. 802 Lumber Ex-1 ehsugs bldg, Msln 3007. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU PROPERTY YOH WANT TO SELL AT TUB MAHKET PB1CH THAT THERE IS A GOODi CLEAN PKOF1T IV IT FOB YOU? IP VOH HAVE. WB WILL SPEND Ot'R MONEY, Oflt TIME AND GO A MILE TO LIST IT; BEST OF ALL, WB WILL) SELL IT FOtt YOU. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY,' SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. MAIN CAO. MAIN 860. Payne & VanTyne 210 Allaky bldg. Real Estate, Farms, Investments, Mortgagee, loans. ' WE ran aell your home In country or city; if yoa are .willing to give et leaat a 30 day contract: we fan get the buyer; owners only need epply. Address II 43, JoumaL CITY PROPERTY Small suburban home, fruit . farm, dairy or stork farm, or a large tract .of cheap land that haa good aoll; location of latter must be la wevtem.-Oregon or Waahlngton. Address W 40. esre , Journal. I WANT n hnase on esst side: will pay $noo eaah. balance monthly Inetallmenta; If roar price Is right snd location suits will bay. - Address M 7I, cars-Journal. . WILL invest hi city property at snap prices; :lvs full deacrlpttaa and lowest price In first etter; residences for rent preferred; . ne sgents. Addreaa N 28, care Journal. WANTED To buy 6-room modern cottage an east side, aouth of Waahlngton at., alee some vacant Iota; will deal with owners only; give , full description lu first letter and price. Ad-L ureas a on, rare souruai. .... ADVERTISER wtahol to Invest 820 OOO la Portland residence property; only high-grade real eetaes eooaidereiU give terms snd full particulars; owners only aeed .spply. Ad dress B 78. csia JourimL . 1 OR 2 good timber claims oa Crarkamss, Mo la Ha or Kantian; .cheap for eaah., Addreaa Z 00, care eJumal. 8 MA LI, pertly Improved farm with buildings. r!M over. 8 miles from some town around Portland; mnat be cheap; give full particulars to B be. care Journal. t WANT a building tat. la Irvlngfon. er win trade my equity la a new modern 8-reraa hmiee. Vi blotk from Williams sve. ; give loeatloa of lot and price; owners only need answer. Address Z 87, rare Journal. WANTED At once. 8 to 8 -mora modern bones en west Bids; hlgh-clsss truant. Phone Mala 1070. WANTIrM- or-T-rrwtrr honsa." good locality; have from -VX to 600 eaah foe Bret pay ment; give full particulars; owners only. ,', Addreaa B 74, rare Journal. . A HOME WANTED Ctase In, near rSr. either side ef river; or tat to build; If you'll sell. lihon ill J iiiione Main 3430, et see the Hcmec Laed. Co., li 1 lrat SU WANTED FINANCIAL.' WANTED Man with small capital to taka . half Interest In new printing plant; ons who Madamlantla "llassg i Address S 6. -are Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AhVERTISINO MATTER TrrffW"T!yTrdrxi Tif"c.i;fjrro. TnrravrTBe- only staaalflsd list of Barnes ef Oregon and wsaningion. SOU, STABKBT-.TORTLAND, 0." WE WILL BOY. BEIX OR TRAPS ANX OLD THING. WEflTKUN 8ALVAUR to.. ' 0 WABHINUTON. PAC1PIO 188. feHUHEMT csah pries psld for all kinds see - band goads. -Phoos Mala Sill. 83 M, Third. EXCAVATING and grading. C. E. Pot tags, 4t Commercial st f'hous East Sit. 1 PAY. - cash for household goods. W. W, ' Savage, 843-84T Plrat at. Phons Farias Sod, MAIN 6Ml. ' ' . ' CASH AN II LOTS OF IT , j. POR PITRNITl RB. - " rORTLA.ND AI'CTION BOOMS, in rirst at. . MAIM 50o5. MAIN 6855. WANTED Pew pieces ef good furniture, cheap; dresser, chiffonier, conch, etc.; giro fall par : tlrulara; csah. , Address W 43, cars Journal. WANTED Large horee for hiniber yard. Ore. gon i A Waahlngton Lumber Co., foot ef Hamilton eve. GET your dolls dressed for Chrlstmsa at C0 Front at., upper bell. DREftSMAKINO er sewtng ef sny kind by ths pii-ee, st my home. 821 rltth St.; terma wry reasons bis. - - ' SKCOND HAND lumher, snltsbls tor sheeting, r.aat Clay, corner Mnm st. FURNISHELT ROOMS FOR RENT Nit ELY furniahed suite; slso single roome for rent, reaaoasble; t btack from Hotel Pert- Isud; hsth, gas. furnace heat. - lav Seventh st. Phons Main 417A TUB BICHELiEt). 8SV -North- Sixth 'et. - gantly furnished: steam kaat and faiths. FCBNI8HED reoms and furnished koneekeeplag rooms .far rent st 103 Vancouver eve. IHB GRAND. 43A North Third at. - gentlemen 81.23 par week end ap. BOOM with all modsra conveniences, from 12.23 to 83 a week. . SuO Jefferson St.- NICELY furnished roome, alngle or en suite, ,. with, bath. 470 Bumalds st, , rboas Msln 8 OR 4 furnished reoms on flrat Boor; suitable for bousrkscpuig. 10S 12th st NEWLY furnished rooms, privets house. 83 per . week sad up. 243 Second St., Mala. Phone PaciSe 3670. FOB one or two gentlemen, fnrniabed rooms, todern conveniences, prtvata tsmily. 133 11th snd Alder. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 3 OR 8 unfurnished honaekeeplng -rooms, sleefrtc lights snd gas. - Phone Pacific 3484. . 4W7 .Columbia at. 1 11.35 WEEK UP, clean, rurvtshed hoevekee. , Ing room at parlor, bath, laaadry. hast yard. 3Vi Stsatoa. 0 ear. 1 50 WEFK ap, large; clean, airnlahed hooaa keeplng rooms, laundry and aathv- 184 Shag. man aouth, Portland. THE MITCHELL Heaeihaeplng end traasleat rooms, reasonable. Bevesth snd Fuudera. 3 H0f8EKEEPING-ROOMS, furnlahed or ' SO furnlahed. 208 Hall et. POR RENT 8 nnfnrnlshsd honsekseplinr-reoaui st Soft Esst Morrison, none Kaat juis. FURNISHED bouse k re pi ng rooms. 838 Wllllaa Fl'RNISHED boaaekeeplng-rooms. tow rest: furnlahed waterproof, comfortable . tenia 86 per month.. Phone East 41 IS. - newly furnished. 407 Market aad 14th ROOMS AND BOARD. A FIRST-CLAM salts ef rooms for gentlei .call at aaa lata at. in one aiaia ltue. RICE front room for twe. with hoard, reason able price. 161 Lownadale. NICELY furnished sunny uknve room, with board, suitable msn snd wife, two. three , gentlemen; furnace beet, bstb, gss, strictly modern. Phoaa Psrioe 504. "FOR RENT HOUSES." TO LET 5-room boasa, 810; 4 rooms, sale, nrooro nouns, Si-. ix. I . Phone L'ntaa 4143. , ' ' T-ROOM owner. carllne. 813. C. R. Plggett, room 4 Mulhey bldg. lawyer. BENT a plane and later nay It; all rent ap- Slled on purcheee. Shsrman, Clay A Caw ixth A Morrison St. $20 A NEW madam T-room 184 Burnstde st. ta Alblna. tl SAO FOR saw T-room . 1065 Montana ave earner of Webeter st, FOR RENT Furnished Phone Esst 673. 5 room cottage, 18. FOR RENT d-naom cottage; bath snd gas. Inquire 828 Esst First St., corner Halsey. FOR RENT FLATS. . - . mm.m. i ' - BtS. Sbermsn, Clay A Co., Sixth and Morrlaon sts. -ROOM Sit modern, ateam keat. Washing, ton. between 10th and, 17th.- ' Phone Kaat 8M.. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOR BALE Furniture ef A room modern house, nearly all new; rent reaaonabls; twe stacks from Don tof flee; good tranalant boose; will eell at a barrels If taksa by ths first of December. 08 Fifth at , WB aeed furniture at any price. Portland Ana. ttou Booms. 211 First at. Mala 6068. BIOMINO-HOI HE. Sns location, I00 monthly above slh-einenses. Address W 61, Joursai. FOR' RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, nnfarnlsbed rooms and aasv ple-roome for rsntr fleodaeogh bldg. Apply " f levator. DK8IRABI.B offices. Including electric lights, hot and cold water. Janitor and elevator service, la the new, airy Commonsrealth bldg., old poe tof flee sits. Sixth aad Baraaide ate. AgeaJ room 411. , 4-STORY brick building. Couch and Front, now vacant aad can be rented for term ef years. ParUcalara Fred Bickel, T61 Park are. A FEW 0 rat-class office -rooms left at northeast corner Third and Madison ate. , Apply No. 8. 1 FOR RENT Store Flfth-et elde Ctaodaeugb ' bldg. Inquire at elevator la Vulldlng. DKCK ROOM for rent la Urge well-fn rata bed otnee en Seventh Boor Chamber of Com merce: private, free phone. Addreaa R 67, care Journal. . FOR RENT. . 'Twe atorea ea Union are. aad East Bel mont fit; reaaonable terma. HARTMAN THOMPSON, v 8 Chamber of Commerce. "' ' "' ' 0 I FOR RENT FARMS. A GOOD farm for rent; give fall parties la re. Address. B 07, cars Journsl. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separata er together! aea snd with sll conveniences, phone Mala toe. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTHOfSB FOR BENT OB SAT.E; HOT WATBfcV PIPES. -ABOPT . PKET flfcASA- J. H. NOl.TA. 120 KILLING WORTH AVE. ST. JOHNS OR L CAB. TKU EAST 67s. FOR SALE Grocery store, good tacatloa, fine trade. Addreaa VV 88. rare Journal. CONPECTIONEBY etore. 8 living-rooms, rent , 810; ne ressosabls offer refussd, 242 tlsdl. VV. BUSINESS CHANCES. Fortune.. WHO WANTS TO MAKE A FORTVNf! Bf 1 Rrvixn- nitr-TrrtrirKTifi- PAiktNfv.o RAILROAD DEVICE. 1 HtBOi:HI.t I'll 4VU iiiiivi'II HV HAII.HOAD OF HCIAI H IN HMtTI.AND; 84 K I N V t:l E IS THIS PATENT WILL MAkE.XOV A4OJ0 v v t'U a v i? i u il ' WILL tsell or trade for diamond, cigar and candy etore, -fixtures new; in rotes VSMi eiut . sell by intli; cheap; larsatlgsts. L'matllls aveaos, Kellwood car. : v ' CORNER GROCERY IN ElOENB. If yoa want to engage la the grocery -buai. seas asd nieee. busluoaa, 1 baas a iroosltlon .L . . . . . . . . . . . . ft I k U. . V loll will ini.r.,1 .tin. auuiwi . . v. itua, Kngsae, Oregon. - - BEST eqnlpped collection bsalnea In city, leas than half Its . value It takro at e.rfs. 23114 Aider at. STOCK companies tncorporaled. If you have - stocks or- bnails for ssls. let me try to aell them for yon. ' tieorge M. Koltogg, broker. 540 Ell loot t Square, Buffalo. ( . SAVB MONEY Anything la printing tw RiM dee. Odd rellowe' Tauipla. awai au ats.; npstslrs. ' . -s ISfIR flAI.R Prnaoeeooa srocerv store St lnts. . or .would exchange lor esst aids residence property. Tsl. Hcolt 3284. .. 4M BIIVS (roome. well furnlahed ta good lo cality, weat aide: taw rent. Bagcataua Blaachsrd, 01 Plftk st FOB P ALB Half Interest ta 8.000 atock ef hardware doing (33,0Ot Imslnsss. N S3, Journal. - - 8900 BCYS 13 rooms furnlahed.- honaekeeplng: rent 82I.OO; leaas; roome full: clearing 8jU - month; no agent. 387 Eaat Oak at. nriNTtn U.a with avnall eanltat to take half Interest In new printing plant; one who nnder- - BTssus eoaiaess prcrerreo. saanw cere Journsl. - A BARGAIN Good psying shirt snd waist hnat neasi up to date outfit; moderate capital. 123 10th street, city. - FOR BALK Oyater and -chop house; aplendld location for one und-ratandlng buaJncm, Phone Main 3.180. . 20 Third at. WANTED A partner for manufacturing bual- the only one ef IIS kind In ths weal. V 83, rare Journal. BARBER SHOP for ssls. west side. '3 chairs. 2 tubs: most aell imaiedlA,tely. Pkoae Ps . dfte 833. - -- .,'. ' - - SMALL grocers' for asle; laveetlgate. H 44, cere Journal. . - Addreaa THE BEST BABGA1N is Portland tor reaua. rant; good bualaosa, fins tacatloa. Apply at 1S4 Bumalds St. 11.000 FOR new T-room house. Bee owner 1003 Montana are., corner ef Webster st. FOR SAI.R Buttermilk rests. - houss, wagon - aad rana; gaud business. 1 A54 Else at-, Port land Heights. - LOTS IN DIANA PARK!!! WANTED A reliable msn who eea Invent SM la sn old-sstabllrbed legitimate enterprise; ,' clears $120 month; parte tuuet be koaeet and furnish suitable references; no experience can rsurtn st. CIGAR, fruit snd randy A-t tacatloa, X 78, Journal. good eaah trade; better hurry, FOR SALE Newly furnished Srat-claae room ing bouae, 23 ronma, beat tacattao, electric sud gas Tlghf. sxceTlent Irsder Ttoma -full, lease, rent 810: 61.430. cash 8760. 421 It Eighth at., Hoqatem, Waahlngton. 800) BUYS IB-rooi ixs . bones, does la. lease. 243 Madtanq St. 24 ROOM hotel doing gnod nnelnessr must go; tme qul.-k; make offer. 842 Madison at 80S BUYS chop house, gnod location, rent 81X50; cause ef sale Is sickness. 243 Madl aoa at.. - I WANT, partner with 83.000: gi . propontttao; no risk; If yoa want vesllgsts. B 84, care Journal. mining An. BOOMINO-HOUSE. 10 rooms, furnlahed com plete. 1-year less, close in; siuo oown, s J' to Mtnnespolls. Alexssder lnd Co., Hlxth. near nne. rnone rarinc sn. FOR SALE REAL ESTATES. Lenox;; . A NEW ADDITION. , , v - " B. 0ATMAN 'HOMESTEAD. " THE H, - TOO HAVE HEARD OF IT. , , WB HAVb" SECURED IT. THE MOST RIGHTLY PR0PERTT ON THE EAST SIDE. ' .ALL THE MOUNTAINS IN VIEW. AND CITT PRICES LOW TERMS 10 PER MONTH. i Ci ChurcHIll & Co., Inc 110 SECOND ST. PHONE MAIN 1743. "" ' . .(:. Portland Realty and Inr. Co. Ws have aome of the beet" saapa ta tbe city. If yea waat a building let see as. Apple land, acreage, business corners and . In raiment property. 813V WASHINGTON ST., ROOM 13. West Slle Corner tat with 3 good boo ace, all la good condition, choice location oa Mont gomery at. t a good investment. - , - Henkle & Harrison - :r - 31T Ablngtoa bldg. "- ' 84,500 ROOM honse, esst side. 6.000 -room hiaiee,- west aide. 250 and' up Lots In Charleston and Etia awrmaa additions, joining Irrrogtoaj easy ' terms. . ' INTERSTATE REALTY CO., -.Phone Pacific 823. 307 Allaky bldg. SIX-ROOM modern cottage, $2,400: - $kO $20 monthly, live-rones, modern cottars, $1,8001 $J0V $18 monthly. Phone kaat 873. FOR SALE Beautiful modem T-room house, nearly completed, oa Vancouver are., near Walnut Park. Phone Main 0203. $350, IF Invested this week, will buy- 2 tats In hesrt ef thriving suburb center. , Phone Msln -2145. ... WEST SIDB HOMB 4J.2SO will hoy aa np - to-date tome of 8 roome on tth st: eaay walking! d lata ace; good terms rsn he given. Hsgemsnn Blaachard. 81 8th St. TURNER A WALKER. Real Exists. Parma and Stock RaacheB. t Exchanges. ' 803 H. Waahlngton at 88,000 B-ROOM modern home ; fireplace, fur. f naee, gss, electric light, cement Boor In baes- ment, fruit cellar; bandy In every detail; carpets snd furniture ran be bought reason able; also quarter block adjoining. If deairsd; 1 btack Esst Ankeny csr; nice location; a good buy. J. J. Oeder, 1 Grand avan north, Al INVESTMENT. 10 per cent, 320.000. down tows apartment. The Continental Co., 241 Stark at. - . FOR SALE T-room bouae; none Wietter la Sunnyalde; eaay terms; If you meat bua)nesa , sse owarr st ones. 803 Belmont st. MODERN Aeoom rrstdesce, nicely furnished, fractional tat. One location, west side, soma aplendld cherry trees in ford; all for $4,600. 84 Park at., roots I. - I TO S-roera honsea, large lota, Improved street, en carllne. eeay terms; will tabs piano, vacant tat or chattels aa part payment. Phone owner, Esst 4100. Al'IBJT (. 0 room bouae, 40x170 tat. weat elds; $760 down, bain nee month.-- Krasar, Main 84n. Room 16 Cambridge bldg. JUST THINK) 8 tata for 3-10 at $8 per month; near Bslem motor line and not aa far ss St. .'Johnv with quite a few hemes already sstah tialied. t - WtlMAVf REIDT. ' '' Wuhlnxtoa bldg., 370t4 Wathlnxtea gt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Sixth aud Waahlngton Sts. ' SOME CH01CS INVESTMENTS. '3WerVToTrT10 - SMO-A; BARGAIN Corner tat ' 40x133."' rB Alnaworth avs. StreeU improved; good tacatloa. t, - , ' .". $1.500 8 room house snd lot. 3 blocks frets - srbinl on First street South; $wio cash; this In sadrr ths msrhet st leaat $200. , $1 VO Vanccflrer sverme, near Bmadwsy. lot 60x100; 8o63 csah. balance 8 Jeara 3 per , ' .c,' -' ,i ; r- v , .. , 31,760 House ssdtaT SOxflA. FlfUt etreet, .. near Arthur; rsuiaU lucoms $18; this Is a bsrgsln. ; '';... ....... . , . '' $2.000 On Grand avenue, Just aorth of v Broadway. 6 -room -liiHise and lo) 2.1x73; cemcDt foundation, gaa. hath, modern plumb ' Ing; oclv $l.gta esaa, bslancs caay terma; ' this Is VOIR chance; a perfect anap; call , , early if yoa want thia. V ' $3.000 On Fremont etreet. neaKUntaa ave, A room bouae and tat. lOOxlOO: gss, bath, ' tnoilera plumbing, porch on twe etdea; In. . enrance paid 8 years la advance: If yon '; want that furnished It's yours for $3.6(10: ' will aell slther way; $2,000 cash; a splendid ' buy. , ....j . ... ,-, ... v .... , 8-1.000 Fine, modern, T-room bonne and tat AOiltio, on Ellsworth, eaat of 2oth street; ,, furnace, pressed larch fluleh. colonial hall, chicken yard; only one-half eaah. balance In 3 ' years, per cent; don't fell to see this. , $3.130 On Rodney svenne. south of Russell street, 3-rooai houss ssd tat 60xl); bsth X ' tollst. gas. two porches, nice lawn, rose buahee and fruit treea; 6l.d0 csah. belance eaay terms; this place la worth 83,600; doa't fsll to took this up. - $.1 noo 6 room house-ea East Aktar, esst of 13th,' tat 41m 100, bona only 3 years eld, , cement foundation, eamlera la every parties- lsr; good terma ea tbla. $4,000 A choice buy oa Cotbett street, .splendid 10 room houaeand tat, fine view -of river end mountains; right la tine ef , ' com tag greet activity la Hoota Pertlnnd; . $l.bon rean will awing this, balance on easy . ' terms: don't think shout this too tang, st - ' this nrVw it won't last long; this hi YOUR OPPORTUNITY., v - $4.300 Don't albs tlilst Special bsrgsln aa ' ; t iscksmns streets pasuiiiui e-room honse. tat 60x100, modern la every particular. weathered flnlab; $z.TOO eaah. balance eeay " terma; this Is the cheapest buy In thh vt Tiuiir ,na ii r-w we,,, vf w,u nsve is hurry. It will go ulck. . , c-h...' $7,000 A safs 10 per rent investment; four S-room eottagee, lot 1 00x100. on Eaat Sher , man atreet, built 8 yea re; ce stent etdewelh: 83.000 eaah, balance eaay terms; eottagee have rental value ef $720; sse this, It's a aplendld buy. , . ... , $1.96 Portland Heights, a tat tttxftO. oat V Elisabeth St., rasgnlftrsat view of the three Mountains. 3 blocks from school, car passea. gas ssd sewer to. elso retaining wall, fine . residences ell around; tata altnated es this',: ons Is are a scares article; $000 cash, bsl snre good terms; see this beauty. ...... , . - $2. t'A Portland Heights, corner Milk and Elisabeth streets, lrregulsr tat containing a lout 6,000 square feet. 3 Mocks from car line; nmet magnificent view oa heights, rsn st toaarro ta'! wiwrt""ew,atasp$ jwfiirtaiisws walk, all street Improvements: l.ora) eaah will handle this choice tat; only a few asjs . at this snap price. ..... "ST. ' ft . 000 Comer. lOOxloO, 6-roona hnnae, city water, front porch, rental value, $13; com ing bualneaa tacatloa; 3 b kicks from car line; - good terms. , f . . . .' , : w ; .. , $2.8IX Unimproved comer, IraVxlOO, taial- . ness all around, sewer snd mslns In. half block from car line and Main street: only $1.00 rash, belance eaay terms: thia is a I reals aad located Just tight for big ad- We have (ha exrhtslva sale aa the above r. TJ. W. LEMCKE COalPANT, .Blxth and Washlngtoa' ui.' .'J j- Entire Second Floor. $H ACRES, 6H miles aat on O. W. p.. a bargain, $760; terma. J. J. Be Id, 82 Baraaide. . 8T. JOHNS. .3 tata. frsms lionaa12i24..rsf. 100 feet from house. A'100 If sold st once; terms. Owner. N. J. Brlatow. Milwaukle, Or. . . FOR SALE Sunoyetde. close In, just- finishing. T rooms, modern, built for my borne, hut ' must tell, cheap. If sold this wsek. See 'agents, 805 Belmont. THE great eele ef those $00 tata Is still going oa; $3 down, $3 par month. J. J. Osder, 1 Grand sve., aorta. : . ... PAYMENTS JUST LIKE BENT. Will buy a new T-room. modern house aad 100 feet frontage on ths Wlllsmetts honlevard. situated 3 blocks carllne; heeutl fully located, overlooking the Willamette river snd surronndtng country; a emell pay ment down aad $20 per month: price $2,150. , J. FRANK PORTER. - , 323 Washington, cor nerd First, upstairs. $1.800 BARGAIN New modern 4-roora cot tage, heat plumbing, gaa fixtures, sll sewer ' and street Improvements In; Morris st, nesr : A4blna shop.. Gordon. 2nd Tourth st Phone Pacific 3125; rssldrnce. Mala ihWO. $l,aro" FOR new T-room bouse. " See owner,. HWS Montana are., corner ot Webeter et. FOR SALE OR LEASE Neat home: 4-room . house, herd finUh. bath, hot and cold water, . patent toilet, basement tat 60x100, nice yard, fruit, woodhouse, on carllne; good lo cation; pries 31,3SO, oa eeay terms, or will lease foe 613.50 per mouth. Owner,- address W 60, csre Journsl. . - -. Looking: for a Homd? . . v See Tllton Addition before buying. - Strictly Inside residence lot at very taw prices, . - Splendid car Berries. Mot far frog new esst side high school. . Branch office on ground, corner ef Bel mont and Esst 36th at, Phone Eaat 4.'t00. --- Also some Sns tats for homes oa and near the L carllne. near the Piedmont carbarns; eaah or 'terms. " f v Thompson & Ofden ; B4S Mississippi svs. Phone Woodlaws 303. .v Sellwood Morahooie A French. 1870 S. fltta. ' Phons Sellwood 74, -City View Park tats, $378 sad ap; Rosa Addltioa lots. 8100 and ap; $3 down and $.1 n mouth. Homes from $500 re 85,000. Lota 6300 . and np. In aU porta of Sellwood. List year property with us; we will ssll It 300 FARMS, small tracts and tata; bargslna ea V O. W. P. electric line. O. R. addition; LsBts, Oregon.1' Take Mount Scott esr, 6s. 1-ACRS, close In, with nsw S-room plaatered brswe: tau are worth $200; tnnet Bell; $1,400. Iilamond Realty Co.. 263 Alder at. ' A PRETTY home ssorlfioed; new hendennse . cottage of 8 moms, on 3 fine cultivated fenced , tata; woodhouse, with winter's wood; chicken. house and -corral; mnat sell; sll gneae for '$1,060; $000 down, $15 monthly; discount for all cash. - Home Land Co., 146 it Flrat St. A LOVELY tnodcn bums near new high eebool, walking dial a nee;- 8 extra-large roome and basement 6oxl0; tf sll cash, $4,400; as agenta, R 40, ear Journsl, Snap- - -y. : 6-roorm cottags, full tat, 'Sns fnilt fnrat., sU for $1,600. 84, 827 Vi Washing ton st. ,, . -ROOM nottara. barn. rOOvino, fruit, aear car. 83,300. 803 Lamber Exchange. 84.500 WILL bay 6 etore buildings oa-Moaat j Scott csrllns; these pay $73 psr month rsatsl. Phone Msln 3143. - , , - - . R(H)M oo Mags, saa Rafael et., tat 80x146. frloe $t.Hoo; chosp home; ctase la. Apply 16 Cherry, corner Eaat First . MODERN room boose, $1,000; $Va), $18, , vnoothly. Modern T-room bouse, $2 600; 3U0, $J0 monthly. Owner, phone Eset 876. A FINB new house es Sflth snd Esst Clinton; hones Is new and coat gt.Sno; hi Is worth - , ' V owner la leaving the city and will sail a - for $2,260 oa eaay terms. B 86. JonraaL FOR SALE OR RENT 4-room house on cornet 11 Cllntoa and Milwaukle ats.', fit 8 bargain, ' Inquire 47W Aaat iota th ' - V ! 1 a - 4 ' V ! V V