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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 14. 1908. 13 SEATTLE TRA G FOR A. A: C. Sound City Eleven It Strength ; ined by Presence of Place, ' ; ,.' Berry and Abbot cuttswill'be:in I w. CHRISTMAS MATCH X. From the List; of Players That Hss , Been Issued by Manager Inglis, the S. A. C. Team Will Be Composed of , Men Who Have Made Good. , That the Multnomah football players will ao ud against a hard proposition on Chriatraae day, when they meet he all-star aggregation or tne oaiu letlo club at Seattle, la admitted In the Seattle carrara. In fact the mere men tion of the names of tha players wm;. nosing the Seattle sauad la sufficient without any further explanations to sump the team aa-one of the beet tnat could be gathered together. The loss of Norcross and Gregory, two famous stars, will not be felt In the least, as Managev-IngUs has more good men on his staff than-any other manager m the country. . - v Of course no one In Portland believes for a second that Seattle will not have a great team In the Christmas game, and If the local club men do not get real busy they will have plenty of cause to go into mourning for a long period. Here Is the way that a Seattle correHpondent looks at It: I "Tha football aauad of the ' Seattle Athletic club will practice outdoors to night and about three ntghta a week from now until tho big game with Multnomah here Christmas day. Mana ger Inglis has had lights strung on what Is left of the old Dugdale park, back of the Jamea street power house, and the gridiron athletes will work, out there. - "The game last - Saturday developed the weakness ot the Seattle team. It proved to be the back field, and aver since that time efforta have been made to gt out some speedy backs. A 19 strike was made last night when Berry, formerly of. Brown, turned out. Place and Frost of Dartmouth played against Berry in the east, and they -Induced fclra to turn out .' . Berry Is printer. ' "Berr7 is built like a sprinter and the way he handled the ball in the irirnii- stu mlast nl ghtrhelprng tha runtffTa through and darting around t lie la going to- prove just what Seattle i has needed all along, . a fast-dodging, sure-catching back. "It is the Intention to develop two ' sets of backs. One set - now looks to . be Cole at quarter. Kern and Berry at halvea and Tom McDonald at fullback. Tom should be able to do good work in leading tha interference and give Kern and Berry a chance to get around the ends. As Place and Cutts probably will play tha tackle positions, Tom can be spared frbm tho line and developed into a valuable man la, tne back neia. "ijong-lcgged-AbboU showed up- gymneaium last night, and says there is no douni aDout nia oeinav on nana fnr -ttie-game- Ctrrtetmas.- Hm watched ' the boys' running signals for a while - and then, getting restless, ha put on a pair of gym shoes and got into the practice himself,. Abbott was feeling pretty aore that ha waa not here Sat urday. The rest of ths boys firmly believe that had. Abbott been in tho line. Spokane would not have kept possession ' of the ball three times after klcka were blocked, for recovering tha ball on fumbleaorln.- a. scramble JsAb bott's long suit. -"Enough men are now turning out for two teams - and Berimtnago-work - will be Indulged In two or three tlmea a I jprurk. in order to toughen tha players up for a real game. "Even If 'Baldy Cola la able to start a game It Is almost certain that he will -not be able to finish it. so Bag ahaw la being worked out at quarter to help out Cola. About three years ago on the university eampua Cole was trotting across tha field to take part In a baeebnll gem. Botne of the big tellowa wars tossing1 a l-pound shot, and 'Baldy' butted Into on of tha tosses. The heavy iron ball atruck the little fellow on tha left shoulder and caved in the bones. There la a hole be tween hts shoulder and his neck now as big as a man's Ast, He got that lame shoulder hurt ln Spokane, and that is lhe reason irfs doubtful IT he win be able to play any more football." Sovtnara tVeagwe afeaUag. (Journal Special Service.! - Birmingham, Ala., Deo, H. Tha an CHRISTMAS WINES and LIQUORS AT ALTERATION PRICES Pure Pdrt, per gallon'. ....... k ..... I .'. . .09a Pure Sherry, per gallon. ........... . . . . .09e Pure Sweet Wine in all flavors, gallon... Oe Pure Whiskey and Brandy, gallon...,. $ 3.00 DelivcrxJ to AH Parts of the City Phone -Yoht Order THE QUALITY STORE y east Corner Fifth'and Stark Streets PHONE MAIM 6499 nual meeting of the Southern associa tion of baseball clubs, which waa to have been held here today, has been postponed for one week to ault tha con veniences of soma of tha membere.. The board of directors will meet here next Friday and the regular annual meeting wtll ' be held the following day. The meeting will elect officers for tha com. Ing aeaaon and will transact consider ably other business of Importance. FIRST BASKETBALL GAL'.E AT .tlTOHB CL03 Winged M. Five Will Begin Seat ' son Tomorrow Evening In Match With Salem. . kA large crowd la expected to- attend1 tha opening .of tho Oregon State Basket Ball league at the Multnomah gymna sium Saturday evening at, S:S0 pv in between the M. A. A. C and tha Salem T." M. C A. teams. The plub team under tha careful coaching of Physical In structor Krohn wlU turn out tha best team. In lta history "and will, make a strong bid for the atate championship. C. C. Cats of HUlsboro. who Is one of tha best informed basket ball man in the atate and who la a former Oregon Agricultural college player, haa been se lected by the league committee to of ficiate. - - The Salem team will play the Paclfla college team at Newberg Friday even ing and will arrive In Portland Satur day morning- They are considered a strong aggregation and . will b heard from before tha aeaaon closes. The Multnomah team will probably Una up aa follows: Dent (captain), forward; Baach, forward; Bellinger and A. Allen, center; Livingston, guard; - B. Allen guard. , , .. YESTERDAY'S RACING ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Joarnal Special Service.) San Francisco, Deo. 14. Yesterday's race results at Oakland track: First race Pickaway first, Monaoo Maid second, Dorao third; time, 1:41 J-l. Second race Cloche IVOr "first. Clan destine second;1 El Chihuahua third; timev-lUeV-. Third raoe Mrs. Matthews first. Peerless Lass second, Peacadera third; time. 1:01 4-. Fourth race Dollnda first, . Orchan second, Inflamable third; time, I:0 t-t Fifth race Lord Nelson first, Alma Boy second. Cocksure third; time. l:lt S-. Sixth ree Nealon first, Boloman sec ond. Sir Russell third; time, ,1:11 4-1. .At Ascot Track. os Anceles. Dec. 14. Yesterday's races at Aacot: Flrat raca -Toller first. X.lsbla sec ond, Verltaa Vlnce third; time, 1:11H. Second race Holton first. Lady Kitty second, Domlnus third; time, 1:01. Third race Reservation ' flrat. Ora tor lan second. Cicely third; time, 1:41 tt. Fourth race Blackmate flrat. Colonel Jack second, Jersey Lady third; time, 1:014. - .. ' ' Fifth race Betsy flrat, Bauble second. Prince Chtng third; time, l;ltu Sixth race Salens flrat, Loa Angelea second, Vsnbopa third; time, 1:0. COMMERCIAL BOWLERS : DEFEAT WILLAMETTES Tne Downng match last night was between tha Commercial No. J and Will, amette teama. Tha latter team have held tha ton or the cercentaae column for aoma time, but the taking of two games ny tha bnalneaa men have placed them In a tie with Commercial No. 1 team for first honors. Tha hla-hest game of last night's aeries waa tSS, made by Davidson. Sumption rolled tha ateadieat game, averaging 117. The scores - . v. . COMMERCIAL. NO. 1 (I) Ar. 141 171 1S4 117 .lit Keea .........117 . 171 , stein ..... ....! 1(0 Davidson ....iJS MS Sumption . ..0 '171 Kllllngsworth.l4 ...174 Total ..SIS 4S SOI WILLAMETTE. ...lit 1 ....171 1(7 171 - A v. 15( 1(0 1SS us -131 Raymond Dolphin . Newatead Smith ... Moser . . Total ......141 77 itlJ Tonight there will be two 'match games: Claaa "A" teama are Port land vs. Schlllers; Class "B" teama are Beavers vs. Happy Dales. Hundreds of Gilliam eountr horses have been ahlpped lately to Alberta. WINE CO.' SPORTI 1G CHATTER OF TODAY Seattle and Multnomah to Hold Boxing' and WrettfihgCbnT' tests on New Year's Eve. , BEST MEN OE. EACH-CLUB WILL BE IN ACTION Only One Match at the M. A. A.C. Handball Courts Last Night Hunt Club Members Will. Ride Tomor row Over a Long Course. . Chairman Edgar Frank of tha Mult-' nomah club's boxing and wrestling com mittee, haa offlclariy announced the boxers and wrestlers that will compete In tha inter-club meet in this city be tween Seattle and Multnomah on New Tear'a eve. From tha class of tha men that will go up against tha Puget sound lada It la safe to Infer that soma mighty clever bouts will be aeen on that even ing. . . - ' .... i .. . e . e , .- ; ; - - Boxing enthualasts recall with pleas ure tne fine bouts that ware pulled off by the Multnomah club on, Thanksgiving eve, and now that tha locals will have K chance to go up against those Seattle fellows there will be feathers flying on the occasion. The men and weights are: . Boxing, 110 pounds, Dranga, M. A. A. C-. vsr HoperB. ifcyO.' - " Boxing, 160 pounds, Henderson. M. A. A. C, vs. Brown, 8. A. C Wrestling, 140 pounds, Dennis. M. A. 1VA. C vs. Vance, 8. A. C. Wrestling, 110 pounds, TlUy, li.C, , e e t.--. -: , There will be two eorklng prelimi naries on the program. Nlcken and Hope will go at each other at ISO pounds. Thf other will be by two sur prises. , . e e . . . There waa but one handball match last evening at the Multnomah club. Patteraon engaged Boland. and defeated bira by tta acorea of 11-13 and Jl-14. . Tha Atkinson school football team waa defeated yesterday afternoon by the score of ( to 0. The game waa a very faat one. Vat the Nob Hill football team played a little faater game than tho Atkinsons. This game waa played on the Multnomah field, and waa only a practice game for tha Atkinson team, aa It will play lta first lesgua game with tha Alnsworth ' football team on the- Multnomah fteid tornorro According4 to Master Cf Hounds Down Ing. about 40 members 01 tha Portland Hunt club will participate In torn or row'a paper chase over tha Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Wood course. The big field la due principally to tha desire of the riders to get into good condition for the open cbsse that will be run on New Year's day for tho Thomaa Scott Brooke cup. The start wtll be made on tha Baae .Line road, near West avenue at ):4S p. n.' a . e ' On Sunday morning tho flrat and sac- end -teama -of -the MaltnmnaHcTub wOTT hold their last scrlmmaga before play ing Christmas games with the Seattle Athletlo club .and Tha Dalles Athletic club teama. - Although tha aeaaon la drawing to a close, tha club "varsity does not go through plays with tha pro- cialon that It ehould, considering the number of games and the number of practices that have been held. It will also be announced on Sunday what men will make tha Seattle trip, and also what team . will go up against The Dalles aggregation. e e. ' 1 ' Aa an evidence of their appreciation for the good work, that ha did for tha football team, during tha aeaaon Just closed. Coach Noroross will be presented with a beautiful loving cup by the stu dents of the Agricultural college. Flll'er up, Norky. Seattle aocfety la out In force attend ing tha flrat horse show aver held In that classic city.. The show opened! yes terday morning and- from tha number and Quality of tha entries, the exhibi tion promlaaa to be one of the blggeat ever held in the west. Hera are the qualifications governing the ahow: - First The adaptability of the horse fnr tha claaa In which '- h ia being shown. Second Way of going. Third Oeneral appearance. ' Fourth -Manners.: Fifth Physical condition. Sixth A horse, to win in any class. must be practically eound. which means that ha ahail not be blind or lama, or have any unsightly blemishes; Horses will be measured before entering the ring. Apropos of the alxth clanae might be mentioned the old yarn: Hobson Didn't you say air. that thta horse had no faults? Dobson That la exaetly what I aald. - Hobson Well It appears to me that be la bund in hla right eye. Dobson Oh, that a not his fault; that's hla misfortune. : - s Unless all signs fail, the next .battle for the so-called heavyweight champion ship of the world will be between Tom my Burns, who recently fought Jack O'Brien to a to-round draw, and Jack Johnson, the big colored pugilist, who haa beet) trying for some time to ar range a match with one of the btc fet lowa. Two offers have been made for a meeting between Burns and Johnson. One of them calls for a 10-round bout and a f 20.000 purae wkh a Ja.000 aide bet. at Los Angeles, wh Irh ia aaosptahfre to Burns snd msy be regarded favorably by tha colored boxer'a managerwv ...... ' The other offer la a S2S.000 purse for a finish fight at Ely, Nevada, under the management of the promoter who brought Nelaon and Oana together at Ooldfleld recently. Burns, who still In sists that ha la the heavyweight cham pion because of hla easy victory over Marvin Hart.' to whom Jeffries handed the title after the latter had put it all ever Jack Boot. Is only ( feet 7 Inches tall and weighs ITS pounds. Johnson Is more then 4 feet In height and tips the scale. In condition, at about 219 pound a Ho la aald to be both a scien tific and a hard puncher, and haa re pea ted ly tried to get a mateh with Jef fries. O'Briens victory over Robert Fltsalmmons and Al Kaufmann made him stand out for awhile aa a poaalble cham pion, but hla surprisingly poor showing egalnst Burns hss served to boom the latter a stock until sporting men have coma to regard the latter as tha real possessor of the title. - with Jeffries barred. ' fee Johnaon hae been ready . to meet Burns la a six-round bout In Philadel phia, but with tho chance for a longer ancnantai' tht iirrjpoattirm wmi-rob-tot? be passed up. As it would be I m possi ble to pull eff a finish fight in Nevada before next summer, It looks aa if Barns and Johneoa will toe the aerates .,..;) C ( " --FM and SliiH Soft 1NALL THE LATE SHAPES AND COLORS, INCLUDING COLLEGE STYLES. REGULAR $2.50 GRADES. SPECIAL 87 THIRD at Loa Angelee the latter part of Feb ruary. There la little cnance lor an other go between O'Brien and Burns, as tha former, from all accounta, doea net mean business, altbougb tnera ia a re port that F, Clarke Skinner of Rbyallte, Nevada, la willing io posi. purse for a match. OREGON STUDENTS GO IN FOR BASKET-BALL (Special Dbpitch te The Joersil.l TT4.rit v of Oreson. Eugene, Dee. ii TBuket bail haa aelaed the inter-J eata of about 10 students in mo unmr. slty and Phyelcal wrecior ttesuea or. f nuttlna- out a good team, dames are being arranged with varloua north waat collegeev- Owing to the basket ball league In Oregon, teama In Washington will have to oe pye formerly. rh... 'f last vear'e team are here thia year aa well aa all the euba. Be rldea these thsra la plenty of good ma ...i.i nf which have played on all northweat fivea In the past. Besdek also knows tha game jwrncn his men hard. BO that the out look-waa never better for a winning basket ball team. aJhihedalad fo Tonight.. Dave TJeahler vs. Tommy Quill, at Thornton, Rhode tsiana. . Rudolph unnois vb. turMM -"S"-". at Milwaukee. LIST OF WALLOWA'S ASSESSED PROPERTY (Rpedel Dhoateh te The -JwrnaL) rni.mrlsa. or.. Deo. 14. A summary of tha Wallowa county assessment roll for 1I0S shows there are I.J31 horses, valued at tlOi.m; IM7t cattle, valued at 1430,170: 171.SBS sneep, vsiueu ISlf.tSO: S.I0 hogs, valued at izi.ijo. Tha value of the tillable land in tha county Is I1.4ie.4o: improvements thereon, t2.i?S. There are 44 H miles of telephone, valued at SMa The to tal value of all taxable property la SS.17,00. Milwaukr Country plub. .. astern and Callfurnla lauea. Take Sallwood and Oregon City care at First and Alder. For a mild, easy action of tha bowels. a elngle doss or uoan s neguieis is enouprh. Treatment cures habitual con stipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your drnssiet for them. siusr NEVER FAILS to REMOVE DAN DRUFF and KILL the GERM. "My head waa for ten, yea re envered with dandruff. Have used Xalr Mealta about tea daya and have no dandruff on any part of my sralp. Hair ia thicker and much healthier looking." f ,,,., , P.J -D A w i-m " 111 llrpdrtx St., Brooklyn, N. T. 50c at All Druggists You would hardly expect to buy anything for LESS , than the regular price right in the height of the holi day season, would you? That's exactly what every person who buys one of these hats or shirts tomor row will do though; not only for LESS, but just about ONE HALF LESS. ' Hats SEE. DISPLAY STRLLT DOME'S FAVORITE DEACONS GO INTO BUSINESS Wilhite and Lewis Leave The- reracyontorokeir- age Office In Chicago. Uoarssl Speelal Serrlee.) Chicago. Dec. 14. Fielding Wilhite and John A. Lewis, until recently dea cons under John Alexander Dowle of Zton City, have left the north ahore theocracy and are engaged in Bailing stocks and bonds In La Balls street. Both men were associated prominently with tha financial end of the former apostle's plane and thsy were hla agenta In the Mexican enterprises which would have ended in a large community In that country had It not been for difficulties, physical and monetary, which their old Mch HOLIDAY GOODS I Shlrt$ . NOW IN SIurt$ $1.00 NUWIN j.,30 , '" -, WcHcrve Jmt Received ' i ..;: For the (mt Holiday Season New Shapes ' of 3 Standard Hats " iLm Quality Hats $2.50 d CS -SOe BaTed- CaQ . MaIIorysCravenette$3 S agssW "Rainproof ; jjjjjj John B; Stetson $4.00 p f J N. Bv Buy him one of our J , m Gift Cards for sny amoimt and '0" he can , select hi own Hat, T QMiy TOPand BOTTOM Mis$ion Hats SHOP" " "Shoos- CO K( 591 Washington St., Just West of Fifth Kf aVeU Mala neeatrnlabiaa-s r)-a-VI Golf Shirts : ...... , ... .'. FANCY " COLORED " EFFECTS IN GREAT VARIETY. SIZES 14 TO 16. REGULAR $1.00 AND $1.50 GRADES. SPECIAL (50 IN WINDOWS The Open leader encountered. t'p to a year ago. Deacon Lewis was widely known throughout the south aa vice president of the Mississippi Cotton Oil company, a position which brought him a salary of f 10,000 a year. - Ha lived in a villa at Meridian, Miss., In the fash ion of tha old southern planters, and waa one of the best known men from Memphis to New Orleana. Tha rest na tion at his position jandL Jilau tlon with the Zlon City community a tracted wide attention. SHARKEY A BURGLAR NOT A HORSETHIEF ' (Sseelel DMeateb te The JearssLt Enterprise, Or.. Dee. 14- Jamea Shar key, who waa arrested a few days ago at Portland for stealing a horse in Wal lowa county, and who was brought back last week, peladed guilty to an Informa tion charging him with larceny from a dwelling, and was sentenced to . two years In tha atate penitentiary. . The charge of horse stealing waa not filed against him. Window Store mm i: 1 !l-'il;l CCHII CI5l!lZ (i ls:e:i YOUR GLASSE5 BO TTTIT mi If they're not X. ACTLY rlsht. let ae Bake tkm h Hbs we St yes. we St yee EXACTLY. Lena eitwrteee. ererv seoeimr srtea tier aprrtw ss4 tae mqnired haew lll ena t)il tier t eeeroetiy see 'he Mate, ear va eniselete wnrtuhes vita every faetlltr eves te the s'tsdlns t apeelal lrawe are etl ai yon ai posal re. aaaurtns s alee nmt sna. athle elt vtkere bee fnrtuaat-l eiiuipnet. Afals. ae yuer glaaaia III. HI MOnsell Optical fa l-.tinr.k.- TIK? ,' - A i .